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Exemplary Teacher Observation Reflection Form

(Teacher can be from same or different grade band)

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: Reginald Tahet

Exemplary Teacher Initials: KJ

School: Sawyer Road Grade: 5th

Lesson Topic: Harmful and Helpful Bacteria

Write a brief summary of your experiences observing this lesson, addressing the
following questions:

 In your opinion, what went well? What could be tweaked or improved? (Cite
specific examples. You can note specific things such as differentiation if it
occurred, use of technology, inquiry-based, etc.).

Mrs. Janz is our STEAM teacher I had a chance to observe during a fifth grade lesson. The
lesson was called Bacteria: “Mystery Bags”. After she finished frontloading
microorganisms, she performed “Glo Germs”, an activity that involved using lotion and
UV light so the kids can see stimulated germs on their hands. She incorporated
differentiation with a group of SPED students she was working by the question she
developed for the” ticket out the door”. The ES student had 2 questions to focus on,
“What can you do to prevent the spread of germs?” and “How else can germs be
transferred?” Her Intermediate group had 5 question to reply to, and they had to come
with way to prevent passing germs on to others. The only way she could have tweaked
her lesson was to establish classroom management. Many of the students were more
interested with playing around with the materials.
 How well were the lesson’s student performance objectives attained?
The lesson was great. I was able to get involved with executing the activity and enjoyed
it. The students performed the task well except for the horsing around part. The ticket
out the door was a great idea because everyone had to reflect on the activity. This
allowed the students to gain focus on the tasks at hand. The students really gained an
understanding of the concept of why it’s important to wash their hands with soap and
water. They were able to witness how fast and easy germs can travel.
 Other reflections about the lesson? Overall, this was a great lesson and age
appropriate. Great strategies were displayed throughout the activity.

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