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Barát jellemzése

I have known my best friend for 3 years. Our boyfriends played in the
same football team. We always cheered for the boys together. My
girlfriend is medium height and slim. She has long blond hair and brown
eyes. We talk a lot and laugh a lot, because there is always something
funny about us. She takes a lot of trips. We rarely meet each other,
because we do not live close to each other. We see each other once or
twice a month, but then we are together all day. We go shopping, eat and
laugh all day.

Dolgok, amiket szeretek csinálni

I am a confectioner. I like baking and try new things. I love to ride a

motorbike with my boyfriend in the forest. I like the fresh smell of the
forest and the birds’ tweet. In my free time I like riding a bike and walking
along the stream. At weekends I love to eat pizza in a pizzeria with my
friends and have fun talking.

How do you keep up-to date?

I usually listen to the news on the radio in the car when I drive. But also in
the evenings I sometimes watch the news on commercial channels for
example RTL Klub, TV2, etc. After the news I watch the weather forecast,
because I want to now what the weather will be like the next day. I also
like to check the news on the internet. I often visit new websites such as, News on the internet are more up-to date then
newspapers. I’m interested in sport especially handball, because I like the
Hungarian handball teams. I’m not interested int he arts, because it’s not
my cup of tea.

Healthy food

Most people in Hungary eat more than necessary. People eat a lot of
carbo-hydrates in food like bread, cakes and sugar, which are very
fattening. I think we also eat more meat and protein than necessary,
especially fatty meats are favoured by most Hungarians. It should also
contain the major nutrients, such as vitamins, protein, calories or iron. I
would say : eat when you are hungry. I get very upset when I see people
wasting food. I have never been on a slimming diet because I’m on the
skinny side. I drink a lot mineral water, milk and juice howewer, I eat a lot
fruits and vegetables for example: apple, banana, water melon, tomato,

In a restaurant

W: Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam.

G: Good evening. We’d like a table for two, please.
W: Certainly. Is this table all right?
G: That’s fine. Could we have the menu, please?
W: Certainly.

W: Are you ready to order?

G: Yes. I’d like the first páté.
L: And for me the egg mayonnaise.
W: Yes, madam.
G: And then I’D like for the main course the chicken.
L: And I’d like the tuna.
W: Certainly, madam. What vegetables would you like:
L: Potatoes and peas, please.
W: Would you like to order some wine?
L: Yes, we’d like a bottle of French red.
G: And some mineral water, please.
W: Fizzy or still mineral water?
G: still, please.

G: That was delicious!

W: Thank you very much. Would you like some coffee?
L: yes. Black, please.
G: And can we have the bill?
W: Of course.
G: Service is included?
W: No, it isn’t, sir.
G: Can I pay by credit card?
W: Yes, that’s fine.

Terveim a jövőre

My name’s Brigitta – Brigi for short. I’m 26 years old. This year I want to
go on a longer vacation with my boyfriend. I would like to walk on the
coast of Lake Balaton, and spend a little more time with him. Because I
am a confectioner I want to have my own confectionery. I would like to
show people more of myself. I’m planning to see the Croatian coast. In 2-
3 years I would like to have my own home and family, with a large garden
and with a small dog.

Város leírása

I come from the western part of Hungary. I come from a village called
Horvátlövő. My village is in an agricultural area where people work on the
land, raise animals for example pigs, chicken, goat and sheep. People also
grow plants and crops, for example potato, tomato, corn, wheat and
pumpkin. It’s a nice but busy places, because the Austrian-Hungarian
border is near. The population of my village is about 200. Everybody
knows everybody. They always help each other and like going to the pub.
People here are friendlier than people in town. We are close to nature
and we can walk a long the Stream Pinka. I’m happy to live in Horvátlövő
because I enjoy being in the country.

Közös program

B: Hy. What are you doing on Friday afternoon?

R: Oh, I’m seeing my aunt, we’re having dinner together. What are you
doing on Saturday afternoon? Are you free?
B: Well, on Saturday afternoon I’m free. Shall we go to the cinema?
R: Sounds good. What are we going to see?
B: The new Bruce Willis movie.
R: Okay. Where shall we meet?
B: Let’s meet in front of the cinema at 7.45
R: It’s a deal. I’ll be there. Can’t wait!
B: See you then. Have a nice day!

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