Attack Me

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Speaking: Anecdote.

dangerous situation: attacked by a dog

the situation was when a dog attacked me. this was about 4 years ago.
He had already left school and was on his way to my house.
I was accompanied by my older brother. I was walking with my brother
toward our house, because we had recently left school, but suddenly
appeared an enormous dog that attacked me.
I felt sore from the bite and passed out almost instantly. Then I woke up
in the hospital, there were already taking care of me my parents, my
brother was concerned above all very scared. I was also very scared, but
the doctor made me feel good to say that thanks to the help of my
brother, who first took me to the hospital fast non wound became
infected and he would be well soon.
I spent two days in the hospital internship, then I was discharged. my
wound looked just a simple scratch. that's what happened when I was a
sophomore in high school. It did not exceed what is fear that I have
towards dogs. so far I have panic him to the dogs.

Course: English Intermediate I

Miss: Medalit Holyaok
Student: Marcos Guzman Espinola
Date: 14/01/2016

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