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Acute Coronary

Syndromes Algorithm
Syndroms Suggestive of Ischemia or Infarction
EMS assessment and care and hospital prepartion*

Aspirin (If O sat< 94% Activate Cardiac Pain
12–Lead ECG Control
160–325 mg or O Sat>90%
Cath Lab
with COPD)

Concurrent ED assessment Immediate ED general

(<10 minutes) treatment

Aspirin Nitroglycerin
Check Vital Physical If O2 sat<94% Pain
IV Access 160–325 mg Sublingual or
Signs Exam Start Oxygen (If not already taken) Control spray

Activate Cardiac Cardiac Marker Chest X-ray

Cath Lab 12–Lead ECG
Levels (<30 mins)

ECG Interpretation**

ST-elevation MI (STEMI) High-risk unstable angina/non-ST-elevation Low-/Intermediate-risk ACS

Start adjunctive therapies
Consider admission to ED chest pain unit
as indicated or to appropriate bed and follow:
Do not delay reperfusion Serial cardiac markers (including troponin)
Troponin elevated or high-risk patient Repeat ECG/continuous ST-segment monitoring
Consider early invasive strategy if: Consider noninvasive diagnostic test
Refractory ischemic chest discomfort
Time from onset Recument/persistent ST deviation
of symptoms
>12 Ventricular tachycardia
hours Develops 1 or more:
≤ 12 hours? Hemodynamic instability
Signs of heart failure Clinical high-risk features
Dynamic ECG chages
consistent with ischemia
Troponin elevated
Start adjunctive treatments as indicated
≤12 Nitroglycerin
hours Heparin (UFH or LMWH)
Consider: PO β-blockers
Consider: Clopidogrel Abnormal diagnostic
Consider: Glycoprotein llb/llla inhibitor noninvasive imaging or
physiologic testing?

Reperfusion goals:
Door-to-balloon inflation (PCI)*** Admit to monitored bed Assess risk status Continue
goal of 90 minutes ASA heparin, and other therapies as indicated If no evidence of ischemia or
Door-to-needle (fibrinolysis) ACE inhibitor/ARB; HMG CoA reductase inhibitor (statin therapy) infarction by testing, can
goal of 30 minutes Not at high risk: cardiology to risk stratity discharge with follow-up

* O’Connor RE, Brady W, Brooks SC, Diercks D, Egan J, Ghaemmaghami C, Menon V, O’Neil BJ, Travers AH, Yannopoulos D. “Part 10: acute coronary syndromes: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care”. Circulation. 2010;122(suppl 3):S787-S817.
**Afolabi BA, Novaro GM, Pinski SL, Fromkin KR, Bush HS. Use of the prehoapital ECG improves door to balloon times in ST segment elevation myocardial infarction irrespective of time of day or day of week. Emerg Med J. 2007;24:588-591
*** O’Connor, RE AL, Ali, brady , WJ, Ghaemmaghami CA, Menon V, Welsford M, shuster M. . Part 9: acute coronary syndromes: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 2015;132(suppl2):S483-S500

Version control: This document is current with respect to 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC. These guidelines are current until they are replaced on October 2020.
If you are reading this page after October 2020, please contact ACLS Training Center at for an updated document. Version 2018.02.a

© ACLS Training Center 877-560-2940

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