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Roldan M.

Ormilla May 16, 2018

Climate change is the greatest environmental issue of the present. Employing the 'Ridge to Reef'
approach, systematically discuss how climate change affects/influences/aggravates/drives other
environmental issues, specifically those discussed in class. Incorporate as many as you can. 35pts.

Commoner’s first law of ecology states that, “everything is connected to everything else”. We are
living in a close system and what affects one it affects all.

Climate change is one of the major problems that humanities are facing nowadays. It considers as
a root of all environmental issues that we are suffering today. Climate change refers to the increasement
in average earth temperature, we know that even a small increase in earth’s temperature can have severe
effects and lead to some major environmental consequences. Environmental consequences include
increased temperature, excess precipitation in some areas and droughts in others, extreme weather events,
and increased sea level due to melting of the ice caps. These consequences greatly affect agricultural
production, access to safe water, and worker productivity, and, by inundating land or making land
uninhabitable and uncultivatable, will force many people to become environmental refugees. Adverse
health effects caused by climate change include heat-related disorders, vector-borne diseases, foodborne
and waterborne diseases, respiratory and allergic disorders, malnutrition, collective violence, and mental
health problems. Climate change is happening and is caused by human activity, it is a serious problem
that needs a major focus of every human.

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