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Theme 2: Caribbean Economy and Slavery

‘The Sugar Revolution greatly impacted the British west Indies during the 17th
century.’ How did the Sugar Revolution have an impact on the society, Political
structure and Economics of the British West Indies?

 Define the term ‘Sugar Revolution’
 Explain the reasons for the change from tobacco to sugar and from logwood
to mahogany
 Assess the social, Political and Economic Effects of the changes in the
objective above.
 Describe the organization of a typical sugar plantation.

A revolution is a fundamental change in a society. During the 17th century, the

colonies changed the chief crop they produced in order to get a market. This was
because the previously cultivated crop was produced at a higher quality and
quantity in Virginia, thus the need for a change. This change was so immediate and
widespread, that it was seen as revolutionary.
This topic was chosen because it is intriguing to know what the Sugar revolution
resulted in the British West Indies. I believe some of the Effects of the Sugar
revolution may still be in effect today. For example, the Sugar revolution caused a
great increase in the number of Africans in the Caribbean and results in what the
ethnicity is of a majority of Caribbean people is today. Objectives that will be met
in the topic will include: what is the sugar revolution? An explanation of the
reasons for the change from tobacco to sugar and from logwood to mahogany, an
assessment of the social, political and economic effects these changes and a
description of the organization of a typical sugar plantation.

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