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VISION IAS VISION TAS. |: 22 SUBJECT: ESSAY | Name of Candidate | A\CGHA ARORA Medium Hindi/Eng. GLISH Registration Number it S | Center Date [2]2 Test Code: Page| Maximum | Marks | Do furnish the appropriate details in the answer sheet (viz. Name, Registration Number and Test Code). All questions are compulsory. The number of mark led by 2 question/part is indicated Answers must be written In the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate, which must be stated clearly on the cover ofthis Questor nswer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in | dium other thatthe authorieed one. Word limit in questions, if specified, should be adhered to. | Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question- | Cuuanswe ooklet must be early stuck of | | Total Marks Obtained: Eat] EVALUATION INDICATORS Alignment Competence Context Competence | Content Competence | Language Competence Introduction Competence Structure - Presentation Competence Conclusion Competence | Overall Macro Comments / feedback / suggestions on Answer Booklet: All the Best VISION IAS" CENSORSHIP REFLECTS A SoviETYS LACK OF CONFIDENCE \N ITSELF. Bndvan, history is puplite swith dnatomes and events avisrs pesple drome not been apaid te think Aifpyreneey OF tenant ABUL &H Rnduom opt power a J Bre tack Anor Undar alike and dvilisabin hos tubracid LFLURALISM amd. DIVERSITY i ee pte a bruitiol propaganda Ye porte: Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : wivw.visionias in Blog : www visionias. . Email: Page Lof 30 VISION IAS" WHAT iS CENSORSHIP? Cano mhip kos Aucpprriucrn Oh dae otluse Agate be poe =. a ia Lotion - hocinaidy 7 Hee getiens We wn Mote, and souctal. rg een Oo Who td thate belie Hat dain «ae ib Lwin scuicky | puniilen amd displ todsky manent Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : Blog : www visionias ay Email: Page 3 of 30 VISION IAS” Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : Blog : www visionias. s, Email: Page 4 of 30 HINDUTVA- a wu domenta Of wel You dy Avene ben Urocked by ts Liyorre ettumpe fe cunkat jacks Dh pinion went toot plore os yiber UTA PUNTA that Cagis ay in eben dae go, polis awd pottierame Callus : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : won visionias in log : www visionias. ay Email: Page § of 30 VISION IAS" Rute tities who Hrsg arkeed the ry te delete the word “PUNTA” "ox Kae Arort o Mee Areote ou Bai Rilotienetip Lebwen Mae diate And wrdividual. 7 . THE CONSTITUTION — Hy Hae Cowan — Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : wwww.visionias in Blog : www.visionias . Email: Page 6 of 30 VISION IAS* ate pie bea morol value wr “ppg Common « HeeBae oe usilitemoun porspeckwe, Hae Ok Saray 6 grees ow ie pat moady Ape pLaeliuny a petite equities ho way Puak CeRLoArs dA am iterse sorte « Ue alec SS Got us : 9650617807, o968020009 Visit us : www. Blog : www. visioni 1S. WOr 28S.cOm. Email : ajay.visionis il. Press oO page 7 of 30 Mal VISION IAS" Minera pate Oru wrdivicrals by COMPARISON OF CHINA, CHINA AND INDIA Thi Dos ond enema o% Qudrain democracy hus m™ Abs Aaa ty od aceomodation ot AAL wow points - La Ma wou dae Burban Wank tnesunti tai, Hi Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : www. visionias in Blog : wow visionias Email: ejay.vsionias@gmail com “9 Page 8 of 30 wi ao VISION IAS" an Atoke tuuntirdyy. He Was aentonced er yeas Oh Augosious Unaginnonennak for qublishing Uiaater-08 — % £01 Yer deme arabic, Ayouens uA Cama errno eer and Hae broads % Qndine Jai sar tthe Leo, a DELIBERATIVE De MOCRACY- Ye to Hae mol’, a eovpident Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 sit us : www-visionias in log : www. visionias. - Email : Page 9 of 30 VISION IAS" A tty sence won cumoneip tr pannitilele whine s.. . 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Evonomacabty Cucation vwotts a Coumbuys Kaman capital which tie giuhivgs for mmatonad [respi Edarcatiom th dae engle- Mok Leek - pecture untemnention thok Te state Lan malu to RUA arkelucms serie Liman dhorebepmind - Yeo eaaiily pa Dank gtbraliie SRD Only Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : Blog : www.visionias, sag, Email: Page 12 of 30 VISION IAS" truly edirceed mind tin, uibewnct THE IND TAN EDucATION MODéL + Us indian tAuealien ayetion di, ui Poe Berets Of a dnowge — fpaneden. 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EDUCATION - 2 5 Ba dus de tha sharing ite a andiom y ¢ ayes Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : a, Emal jaysionias(@gmail com iii ee base 17 of 30 ae aod VISION IAS" x , Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : Blog : www.visionias,, ay __ Email: ajay visionias@gmai com Page 18 of 30 VISION IAS” = Weld anh Oo 4 A of volowint | Haat aa a gop ben Pandi mubims dnd bdylioh median dirdonti um bored op Omnploryadbi lity. Ls qos pasaliied oot Auk Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : Blog : www visionias,, wag Email : Page 19 of 30 VISION IAS” heir Wh what Hat Uyctenn fory uacee, Toneg wally to bey not yournung pir bho Maral yay ond Wrrurpiien mf, Welirse Lae Ye educate ces Pepe LLBSS., GENDER. | % ‘ LA people Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : Blog : ww. vsionias Email: ajay.vsionias@gmall. com 7 . Page 20 of 30 a oe _ VISION IAS" SMANT) NEKETAN Urhick wa amass ie 7, prveartiga den, Eames manny mae fut hay Enna) cian pain ee x Call us 9650617807, 9968029039 Visitus : ox Blog : www vsionias., Email: | Page 21 of 30 VISION IAS" Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Biog : wwwvisionias., Visit us : www. visionias in Email : Derk snjing ts “nan amet pate Don't wie VISION IAS" eee eg afiea) Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : Blog: wi vsionias ag Email: ajy.vsioniasé@gmall com s . 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Praumenkarve Tndiam LT wistory Cxamples rn ae wert Cencowrp —> ho Lrifoumity slong voiu [dissent Lentovurr 9 anne . montis , tu , articles ( journalism) Kmow lenge, pORtMation 4 “oN TROL eae Jeg act sovi €THL lus, row oe aes b “gasaplre mn Wrdenions pong? wade aka Be amie Verees manners ss Peotiems wl ee ae anaes janaeral vie HOOT (Mons WP) pum utoatan > oA Ler) Educate F * ddan bake, utiyvs BE oe wo > Potemat 6 amd ane A oe kh a you Pas oe ae WAlgnrnrei> THE Beauty oF TNDIAN Denocency . bieceketene. vjs CHINA, Re ST ea BALANCE: (LONTEMPORARY CCENRRIO Ae + Public movatty . Call us : 9650617807, 9968029039 Visit us : Blog : www visionias, Email : Page 29 of 30 VISION IAS" Educocion aypkinn pa a a Porwlin wy © Lount 9, eg tno: BEARS. Cacatren ? v 5 developrrert . fooling 29 Chaseadurt [Moral ene se WSS Leal to, Foes / wewreTion. No WokAt Rote - - STIONS 1 RAW ERS noe . Pitticoenre virrceenice. 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Blog : www.visionias., Email: Page 30 of 30 Dont wie anying this mary (gama guetta VISIONIAS INSPIRING-INNOVATION. | Overall Macro comments / Feedback Suggestions on Answer Booklet Dees Met ~ Yous overal( perlewene & ¥- Good . ark ved Susbres he empire second estoy { by Joceorry om Yiu ercdited af every pemt co best casey be ch preicedia tin, Leceahn weeds, Seen fare, Canteud wyseye ef Furtuey ou heed over bavure, ob ectnity end Selevarf eneemples & ; CommenLables Yr \eve sled, of be he avd od ane phere l cLasity | Hewever fey ye ernty ale above anf pele Apralety coed Perm} coo ery : Ms seard sopiy Tey fo CWPLOre Geet cs ef Seemed ey eaca Jom ky te puvike mote SPecofe pends All The Best Yeu carr srece cvcelterd mreths. 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