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Dear Claire,

How are you? I heard that you have not been feeling well so i am here to share with u
about the importance of eating right. Eating healthy is important. Healthy eating is easier
than ever. That’s because we know so much more about what a healthy diet looks like
than we ever have before. Choosing healthy foods based on the best known way to
reduce your chances of developing heart disease and diabetes and other.

One of the important way to stay healthy is we need to stick to a balanced diet
habitually and persistently. You must follow the portions in the food pyramid. The Food
Pyramid is designed to make healthy eating easier. Healthy eating is about getting the
correct amount of nutrients which includes protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and
minerals that you need to take in. Foods that contain the same type of nutrients are
grouped together on each of the shelves of the Food Pyramid. This gives you a choice of
different foods from which to choose a healthy.The bottom of the pyramid is the
carbohydrate group such as rice and bread. On the next level up, we have the
vegetables and the fruits group. The penultimate level consists of the dairy and the
protein group like fish ,eggs and anchovies. All the way up top is the fat group, which
you're supposed to avoid whenever possible. Following the Food Pyramid as a guide
will help you get the right balance of nutritious foods.

It is also a good practice to have a good breakfast. Breakfast means ‘break the
fast’, as the previous meal is typically 8–10 hours before waking up in the morning.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps to refuel your body,
gives you energy and is a great opportunity start your daily activities with a boost of
nutrients. Breakfast gives you a chance to start each day with a healthy and nutritious
meal. You can have a banana ,two pieces of whole-grain bread and a cup of milk.Banana
is a healthy carbohydrate that keeps you feeling fuller longer.Whole-grain bread high in
fibre that can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and some cancers, and
can also improve digestive health. Milk offers a rich source of calcium, a mineral
essential for healthy bones and teeth.

Then you have to prepare your own snacks .Many commercials prepare food
which is high in fat, salt and sugar.When we prepare our own snacks, we can control
sugar and salt intake.You can make yourself a salad .Eat Salads for the Fiber can help
lower cholesterol levels. If you want a salad with extra protein, You can add meat.After
that, you need to limit consumption of sugar and salt.As we know, many Malaysians
having diabetes and high blood pleasure.These can cause obsession for those who have
diabetes and high blood pleasure.Processed food and carbonated drinks such as fast
food and coca cola also are the reason to get diseases.

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