MSD Testing & Commissioning of LPG System PDF

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Braue WW tamer | ‘n Sa tamer sen ACC ee ee Sarr Be NW. a pea mer ACC ‘State Name: Sona Ear ec Eager naa at Oa = Bm reine [Ep fecroneteanner aw ee_2324-1 Loin ole ‘COMMENTS ON SUBMITTAL TAR-V.MW-SUB.ACC-I6576 Rev ‘A. METHOD STATEMENT FOR TRC OF 16 SYSTEM With reference to section 4.3 of method statement, contractor to attathlates edition of related NFPA & OCD standard nd compliance tothe same. 2. With reference to section 6.1.4 in method statement, include fishing pacer in deta 3. With reference to section 6.1.12 & 6.1.15 attach back up for test pressures for testing of pipes and the duration for which the test pressure shoud hol. 4. Include procedure fr leak test of containment pipe, 5. Refer section 6.2.3. include demonstration of pressures before and after soch PRS and include ‘heck ist for same 6. Include sequence ef operation wit drawings to demonstrate how and wich part of system wil shut off in case of gos leak detection by detectors in following locations ‘ing main in basement + Risers + Flats 7. Include sequence of operation of main gas contr panel and athe gas control panels Ince the folowing in check et ‘+ Asthe g3s pipe isbehind hitchen cabinets in apartments, avalbity of adequate free spaces for gas to escape and reach upto detector to be checked Attach check for *+ Provision ofventiation of as risers rom bottom of shafts othe aus tach ‘heck st with risers number with corresponding bung floor levelf bottom of ‘+ Inspection & Testing of ia fleble connection with kitchen appliances in ats Attach checklist for same. 4 check vel of Gas detectors rom FF, Attach ftwise/Area-wise check ist 9. Include Specialist contractor under column for “Inspection Parties in 10. Chek ad ince interface with BMS ete, 11. Contractor to include the tage a which DCD wil be elle fr inspection end approval of Instaltion an Testing/commissoning 12, Submit separate method statement formal PRS station, LPG SYSTEM — REV. 00 PReaxlts 76 pees SVZ Tuer rwesoonessresnencerouranvens (il==- /\ ACC er A PROJECT MANAGER ‘CONSULTANT conreacron AACC a METHOD STATEMENT: Testing nd Commissioning of PG stam. REFER TO SECTION: Dion 23 Sexton 290001 pat § FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ae Wroa of Use: Tower FVI &FV2 NW Fountan Vow Tuner Ee con = Emaar] AACE Propertios Method Statement Title Sree seer Tosti CoaninngotL8CSyuem | yandSumma a EV-DSE-MCMS-MF-0049 REV. 00 Fountain View Project Manager: TURNER: Lead Con: DEWAN MEP Consultant WME Main Contractor ‘ACC MEP Contractor DSE ose | rages Reviewed By | Aoproed By | Saue [eT || Emaar Propertios ‘Method Statement Title Testing and Commissioning of LPG System | send Statement No. EV-DSE-MC-MS-ME-0049 REV. 00 INDEX 4. wrmoouen.. a —s 2 PREREQUSITE TO PROCEDURE nnn a emcees 4 RereRence DocuMENTSIDRUMNCS. sn 5 Pat Stat ChtexsPREcoMMssIoNne.. (© ComestiohNafTEST PRCEDURE nnn 61 Osstesuron Pew 2 17 wreneace PaoceDone ae 7 8 DOC WENTATION nnn DEMONSTRATION PROCEDURES nnn 10 Commssionne FLOW CART nnmn ° 1 NS TRUETTION nn se $2 STAN oo ee | Soe 0 ao 2 a 1 NW Fountain Viow Tuner J Ee Client Emaar 2ACC Properties Testing and Commissioning of LPG System | emo Statoment No. ‘Method Statement Title EV-DSE-MC-MS-ME-0069 REY. 0 | Introduction “This method of statement covers the minimum requirements / condstions tobe folowed during testing and commissioning of the liquefied petroleum 95 (LPG) systems. Prerequisites to Procedure 2.1. The installation ofthe system needs to be completed 22. Theinstallation pressure testing is to be completed 23 The installation of the LPG leak detection and its commissioning ‘and interfacing should be compat, 2.4 All Electial pre-commissioning o be completed witnessed and approved. Design Parameters 3.1 General Specification Secton:230001 Part §: LPG Reference Documents/Dra 9s 4.1. Approved Shop Drawings/Materal Submittal schedule 4.2. Schematic Drawings 43° Relevant Local Authority Regulations & NFPA Standards 4a Relevant ASME/ASTMVANSI /APUBS/DINIISO 4437 Stand Good Enginceing Practice tom the Gus Spsilis, NW Fountain View FitevS cie emaar) Properties . | ‘Method Statement Title ‘Testing and Commissioning of LPG System | jyeriod Statement No. E-DSE-MIC-MS-MF-009 REV. 00 5 6 Pre Start Checks/Precommissioning 5a 52 55 56 87 Installation Is inspected, approved and accepted by Engineer ‘Acceptance of final pressure test forthe system by ine Engineer. ‘Acceptance of N2 purging for the piping system by the Engineer. Completion of Pressure regulating to be dane as per the ‘approved load forthe tested circu Ensure that maln control pane! interface is completed with fire alarm main panel ‘Confirm that safety links & accessories related to the fre ‘alarm system is tested and approved by the Engineer CCable testing forthe Gas detectors and solenoid valves. approval by the Enginoer. Commissioning/Test Procedures 641 Distribution Piping Carbon Stes! Pipe (0.S) Testing Procedure with Nitrogen N2 6.1.1 btn te necessary work permit o cary out the presse test {the tm of eration, people shoul he kept aay rm the pipe or Prton of pipe are ion of pipe sl be isolated 4 Fountain View ‘Turner d cet = Emaar] AACE Properties Method Statement Tie Tesingand ConmiutonngefLPGSytem —[yrateSummew Fo EV-DSE-MC-MS-MF-0049 REV. 00 61s 6140 out oun 613 614 Pipe or potion of pipe shal be Mashed pir 1 connection an sting. Ena tha ll the pressure sensitive components ke gus regular, scleaoid valve ete. te discontinued before staring the prsura te. Connect nitrogen eylinders at one end wit the help of equiv fisings Align the valves onthe faityacoetingly preparatory to teste Insal pressure gauges atone side ofthe ine. Nitrogen shal be injeted at a contol and stay condition, ‘The pressure shall be gradually increased until the presse is th lesser of 170 Ps 25 psi or ofthe Test Pressure. Ar this time the preininary hock shall be made, Iles re ietfed the syste shall be ‘leprewured and reputs made to coret the decency rie to proceed “Tholeak teat cared out at diferent pressure (Leak test shal be ‘niin times of working presi) ©. 2her-Senive Line © 37 mBar— lside Flats Incase ny dop in presse noted al the joints shouldbe chek with ‘he soap enon to deny the reason for drop -Rectfy the leak and repeat ste the pressure test. Irn leaks detaced andthe pressure snug indicates no op inthe pres fra period of ne hour Un the stem il be provento be Fountain View ‘Tuner d Clot = Emaar] = ACE Properties Method Statement Title ‘Testing and Commissioning of LPG System | sro Statement No. | Commissioning 6.1.1 Prior the commissioning of the gas piping systom, the folowing ‘checks shall be ensured in the supply pipe work: 6.1.2. The installation and related pressure tests of all gas surply ines ‘are completed and approved by the consultant & third party author 6.1.3 Confirm the completion ofthe final connections tothe pibes, valves, fitngs, etc 61.4 Confirm thet the safety links & accessories are tested, approved ‘and pul under operation 6.1.8 Confirm thet the complete piping line Is free from hazarcous | Toreign particles and from debris. 6.1.8 Ensure thatthe entire above are approved by the third arty 6.2 Gas Meter Assembly. e241 622 EV-DSE-MC-MS-MF-0049 REV. 00 | ‘authores fr start of Inspection authority, the consulta ‘commissioning checks. (Obtain the necessary work permit to carry out the commissioning Ensure al valves, pressure regulator, prossure gauge and Gas ‘meter for each flat / Retail are in working condltlon and deniee from any defects. neue that pressure gauges are provided on the upstream & downstream ofthe regulator assemély Ensure that pressure gauges are working and incate presst (on the upstream of the regulator. | NZ Fountain View Gin Emaar Properties ‘Method Statement Title ameaee Testing and Commissioning of LPG System | eto Statement Nox V-DSE-MC-MS-ME-D09 REV. 00 6.2.8 Ensure that Emergency / electrical solenoid valve Is switched 6.2.7 Ensure all valves are fited in operational positions and carry clear indication forthe direction of operation required to open ‘and closed the valve 6.3 Gas Detection System ‘Testing and Commissioning > Suitch onthe power tothe Gas control panel and check the following functions. Normal Operation ofthe Gas Control Pane! > During normal operation, the LED for “POWER” on the luminous band and “GAS VALVE ON" indication on the main paral wil shown and the gas solenoid valve in the related Pressure Reducing Station (PRS) willbe energized and willbe inopen position Operation of he Fault Indication > Disconnect the main power supply (240V AC) tothe gas control ‘panel & confirm thatthe "AC-FAIL" indication and the panel wil ‘work on backup battery > Disconnect the battery back up (24V/ DC) & confirm thatthe “DC-FAIL" indication glow and the panel will work on main power. > Greate an open circult in any of the detector cabling anc confi the operation of faut LED onthe indication cards, to very the manitoring ofthe feed lines and the power tothe gas éetector. In Case of shor crut the safely fuse wl blow of NW Fountan View Tuner d Ee Emaar 2. ACC lent 2Sce Properties Method Statement Title Testing and Commissioning of LPG System | yyeod Statement No EV-DSE-MC:MS-ME.0009 REY. 00 Operation Of the Gas System Shut down > Push the “EMERGENCY STOP" key swatch and confirm that sounder strobe operates, indication forthe "GAS VALVE OFF* and the gas solenoid valve wll get de-enerpized le willbe ‘closed. > Press “RESET button o acknowledge the above alarm and ‘mute the sounder strobe. > Release the “EMERGENCY KEY SWITCH" by using manual key and confirm the incication for the "GAS VALVE ON' and the 985 solenoid valve wil get energized ie will be open. 7 Interface Procedure 7A. Fire Alarm Interface 71. Simulate the fre alarm panel and confi thatthe gas solenoid valve is de-anergized and indication for "GAS VALVE OFF” and FIRE" glows on the Gas Control Panel 7.2. Restore the Gas Control panel by restoring the FAP to Normal ‘operation 8 — Documentation 181 Pee- commissioning check sheet 82 Commissioning check sheet 9 Demonstration Procedures Aller successful completion of testing and commissioning, an inspection request willbe raised to witness the consultant and ned off Upon completion of the testing and commissioning, NW Fountain View | Tuner d : Ee lent Emaar AACS Properties Method Statement Title ‘Testing and Commissioning of LPG System | syrhod Statement Nox EV-DSE-MC-MS-ME-0049 REY. 00 supper wil provide the training to the maintenance team about the operation and maintenance of the LPG System. NZ Fountain View ‘Tuner d Bw Cc. Emaer| A ACC Pre Method Statement Title ~ EV-DSE-MIC-MS.ME-0009 REV. 00 10 Commissioning Flow Chart Risk Assessment, Method ‘Statement & “Test Shoet LPG cistibution & | [ Areas complete Installation ‘rom main ‘Complete & Signed |, | construction offby The ‘works Consultant ———F = LPs. distribution pressure testing complete oben eee re-Commissioning ‘Commences — LPG System Commissioning ee LPG System Commissioning report System test winess | NZ a aa Method Statement Title ‘Testing and Commissioning of LPG System [synod Statement Nox EY-DSEMC-MS-ME.0049 REY, 00 11 Instrumentation 41.4 Genera tool box 11.2 High-pressure hoses 11.3. Calibration Pressure Gauge 11.4 Pressure testing kt 41.5 Measuring Tape 12. Staffing 121 Project Manager wil ave the overall esponsibity of the Prjet for 122 execution, quality and stety. 123 The Project Commissioning Manager wil maintain the planning progress and coordination of works. 124 Commissioning supensor wil be responsible for he day to ay 125 activites on ste 126 Tecan ibe woking uate sypersornstucton a paste 127 Specialist Rapessntatve- il provide he star-up and commissioning services under the supervision of DSE TAG team. 13. Safety 3.1 As perthe site safety guidetines 132 IGS safely procedure lon maa ACC Properties Method Statement Title cone Testing and Commisioning o LPG System [aoa Sutomonr No EV-DSE-MIC-MS-ME00#9 REV. 00 138 134 135 138 437 138 Alltesting or commissioning work willbe undertaken in accordance. with Site Safety Procedure & Local authority regulations Work permit (f needed) wil be obtained prior to any testing or ‘commissioning work being carried out. Work will commence in accordance with speciic measures itemized on the permit. ‘All necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) wil be provided ‘and wom in accordance with the site procedure and IGS Safety Procedure. ‘Smoking is strictly prohibited in the restricted Site areas. Fire Extinguishers & Blankets should be used wherever required 2s per the site safety procedures. During the testing ofthe system, the area of expected danger should be Kientifed with barrier waming tapes, warning boards or lights, whichever necessary. 14 Attachments 14.1 Risk Assessment 142 Test sheets 143° TP CHECKLIST FOR TESTING AND CONIWISSIONING OF LPG SYSTEM a =e _1 | Ensure al components are nat damage. a a a - 2 _| Ensure the LPG pipe lines are pressure tested. 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