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Topic:-Software Design Specification for Address Book

Team members:-
30 MANOJ G.K 4JC07CS057
Ramasesha Mudigere
Professor CS&E,SJCE
SDS for address book 2009

Table of Contents
1.Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.References ........................................................................................................................................... 3

3.Decomposition description ................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 modular decomposition ...................................................................................................................... 4

4 Dependency description. ....................................................................................................................... 5

4.1 Inter module dependency ................................................................................................................... 5

4.2 Data dependency ............................................................................................................................... 5

5. Interface description ............................................................................................................................ 6

5.1 Module interface................................................................................................................................ 6

6. Detalied design ................................................................................................................................... 7

6.1 module detailed description .............................................................................................................. 7

7 Description of detailed design ............................................................................................................ 15

7.1 Implementation ............................................................................................................. ………………..15

7.2 Use case diagram ............................................................................................................................. 16

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1.1 Objectives Writing Documents
The purpose of writing this document is to define and explain in writing design
software Address Book is a description of the global design anddetailed design
description. This document is intended for software developers as guidelines and
draft guidelines for implementing software Address Book.

1.2 Scope of Problem

The software created is an Address Book that can save all the contact information
of a person and also to retrieve the details of the contact information of the
person he wishes.

2. References
Here are the references used in compiling this SDS:


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3 Decomposition description

3.1 Module decomposition

3.1.1 Add a person

This module is used to add a person into contact list.

3.1.2 Edit a Person

This module is used to edit the contact information of a particular person.

3.1.3 Delete a Person

This module is used to delete the contact information of a specified person.

3.1.4 Sort entries by person name

This is used to sort the stored contact list based on person name.

3.1.5 Print Entries

This module is used to print the stored contact information of the user.

3.1.6 Create New Address Book

This module enables users to create their new address book.

3.1.7 Open Existing Address Book

This module is used to open an existing address book by providing the

username and password.

3.1.8 Save Address Book

This module is used to save the created address book by the user.

3.1.9 Save Address Book As……..

This module is used to save a copy of the address book with another
file name.
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3.1.10 Quit Program

This module is used to quit from address book .

4. Dependency description

4.1 Intermodule dependencies

“Save Address book as” module is dependent on save address

module ,since it calls Save Address book module to save the address book with
another filename. We have managed to reduce intermodular dependencies to
achieve low coupling.

4.2 Data dependencies

 Sort by name module uses the person names already present in

the address book .

 Delete a person’s contact by using name is dependent on name

which is already present in the address book.

 Editing the persons contact information is dependent on the

data al ready present in the address book

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5. Interface description
5.1 Module interface

This includes all modules

5.1.1 Address book GUI

When user opens the address book a window should appear
requesting his username and password,then a window should appear like
the figure shown below

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6. Detailed design
6.1Module Detailed design

6.1.1 Add a Person

The Add a Person use module is initiated when the user clicks the "Add"
button in the main window. A dialog box should appears, with title "New Person", containing
fields for the user to fill in the new person's first and last names and other information. The box
can be dismissed by clicking either "OK" or "Cancel". If the "OK" button is clicked, a new
person is added to the end of the address book, and the person's name is added to the end of the
list of names in the main window. If the "Cancel" button is clicked, no changes are made either
to the address book or to the main window.

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6.1.2 Edit a Person

The Edit a Person module is initiated when the user either highlights a
name in the list of names in the main window and then clicks the "Edit" button, or the user
double-clicks a name. In either case, a dialog box, should appear with title "Edit person's name",
appears containing current information about the person selected, (except the person's name,
which appears only in the title). The user can then edit the individual fields. The box can be
dismissed by clicking either "OK" or "Cancel". If the "OK" button is clicked, the entry in the
address book for the selected person is updated to reflect any changes made by the user. If the
"Cancel" button is clicked, no changes are made to the address book.

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6.1.3 Delete a Person

The Delete a Person module is initiated when the user highlights a name
in the list of names in the main window and then clicks the "Delete" button. A dialog box
appears, asking the user to confirm deleting this particular individual. The box can be dismissed
by clicking either "OK" or "Cancel". If the "OK" button is clicked, the entry in the address book
for the selected person is deleted, and the person's name is deleted from the list of names in the
main window. If the "Cancel" button is clicked, no changes are made either to the address book
or to the main window.

6.1.4 Sort entries by person name

The Sort Entries by Name module is initiated when the user clicks the Sort
by Name button in the main window. The entries in the address book are sorted alphabetically by
name, and the list in the main window is updated to reflect this order as well.

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6.1.5 Print Entries

The Print Entries module is initiated when the user chooses "Print" from
the File menu. A save file dialog should be displayed, and the user is allowed to choose a file to
print the labels to. (If the user cancels the file dialog, the Print operation is canceled.) The current
contents of the address book are written out to the specified file (in their current order) in
"mailing label" format. No information maintained by the program is changed.

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6.1.7 Create New Address Book

The Create a New Address Book module is initiated when the user
chooses "New" from the File menu. If the current address book contents have been changed
since the last successful New, Open, Save, or Save As ... operation was done, the Offer to Save
Changes extension is executed. Unless the user cancels the operation, a new empty address book
is then created and replaces the current address book. This results in the list of names in the main
window being cleared, the current file becoming undefined, and the title of the main window
becomes "Untitled". (NOTE: These conditions will also be in effect when the program initially
starts up.)

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6.1.8Open Existing Address Book

The Open Existing Address Book module is initiated when the user
chooses "Open" from the File menu. If the current address book contents have been changed
since the last successful New, Open, Save, or Save As ... operation was done, the Offer to Save
Changes extension is executed. Unless the user cancels the operation, a load file dialog is
displayed and the user is allowed to choose a file to open. Once the user chooses a file, the
current address book is replaced by the result of reading in the specified address book. This
results in the list of names in the main window being replaced by the names in the address book
that was read, the file that was opened becoming the current file, and its name being displayed as
the title of the main window. (If the user cancels the file dialog, or attempting to read the file
results in an error, the current address book is left unchanged. If the cancellation results from an
error reading the file, a dialog box is displayed warning the user of the error.)

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6.1.9 Save Address Book

The Save Address Book module is initiated when the user chooses "Save"
from the File menu. (The Save option is grayed out unless changes have been made to the
address book since the last New, Open, Save, or Save As ... operation was done.) If there is a
current file, the current address book is saved to this file. (If attempting to write the file results in
an error, a dialog box is displayed warning the user of the error.) If there is no current file, the
Save Address Book As .. use case is done instead. In all cases, the current address book and
window list are left unchanged.

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6.1.10 Save Address Book As……..

The Save Address Book As ... module is initiated when the user chooses "Save As ..." from the
File menu. (The Save As ... option is always available.) A save file dialog is displayed and the
user is allowed to choose the name of a file in which to save the address book. (If the user
cancels the file dialog, the Save As ... operation is canceled.) The current address book is saved
to the specified file, and the file to which it was saved becomes the current file and its name is
displayed as the title of the main window. (If attempting to write the file results in an error, a
dialog box is displayed warning the user of the error, and the current file and main window title
are unchanged.) In all cases, the current address book and window list are left unchanged.

6.1.11 Quit Program

The Quit Program module is initiated when the user chooses "Quit" from
the File menu, or clicks the close box for the main window. In either case, if the current address
book contents have been changed since the last New, Open, Save, or Save As ... operation was
done, the Offer to Save Changes extension is executed. Unless the user cancels the operation, the
program is terminated.

7. Description of the Global Design

7.1 Implementation
Programming language used is C and the software that created a web-based.

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7.2 Use Case Diagram

Address Book Application

Add a Person

Edit a Person

Delete a Person

Sort Entries by Name

Sort Entries by Pincode

Print Entries

Create New Address Book

Save Address book

Open Saved Address book Offer to Save Changes

Save Address Book as

Quit Program


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7.3 Diagram Class

CD01. Address Book

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