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Cryptic #18 - by Symptomatic

Across 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Eccentric brat
9 10
degenerates in
European city
11 12
9 Concede to spill
10 Drogo, perhaps, 13 14 15 16
for city name?
18 19
11 He wrote part of
The Supernatural 20
Eight (7)
21 22 23 24
12 Complaint:
posties dropping
off their first
25 26
letter on time?
13 The condensed 27
version of Wild
Inferno (8)
15 It's loud in
Christian 26 Body parts that 4 From nothing, of leaders of
(perhaps) block put Eric off one phoenix France, England,
(6) somewhat (5) burned - not Norway,
softly (2,6) Ukraine, and one
18 Auditor offers 27 Dwarf behind the
from another
plant for food (6) Spanish "stink 5 Low grade prawn
European nation
list" lynched (15) cooked and put
19 JFK was one to (9)
in plastic perhaps
give nothing (6) 17 He arranged
right back in the Down
Roman Festivals
middle of a brew 1 Crystal jewellery 6 Sharp-tipped
for Swine in
(8) given to fastener Mr.
Cook Shire (8)
significant other Neeson put
21 Rebuild broken backwards into 20 Relationships
caliper (7) - one you fight
with (8,7) old post (5,4) degrade over ten
23 Promises pretty seconds? (6)
2 Tom emails 7 Release topless
top shelf to come woman (5) 22 When uprising
with third about lights (9)
by royal head
restoration (7) 3 Everyone, 8 Snipers agreed to
foiled male
musically, gets it corrupt and crash
25 Reading out loud informant's
wrong after old (5,10)
periodically initial plot?! (5)
unfair to the king appears (5) 14 Retreat from that
24 Lifted real model
class (9) woman's feral pig
to eject (5)
- tame, but it's
lost its head (9)
16 Annual meeting


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