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AKUT agreement with the complainant with respect to the handling of the latter's complainant's case and subsequently failing to render such services is a clear
case except for the "special appearance" that he entered for the violation of Canon 18 of the CPR which provides that a lawyer shall serve his
Facts: The complainants were charged with committing a crime punishable complainant, in view of the non-availability of the complainant's lawyers on client with competence and diligence. WHEREFORE, respondent Atty.
under RPcode (Other Deceits) and the respondent was their legal counsel. said dates. Jeremias R. Vitan is hereby declared guilty of violation of Canon 18 of the
Respondent received a copy of the MTCC¶s Decision convicting the Code of Professional Responsibility and is SUSPENDED from the practice of law
complainants of Other Deceits and sentencing to pay penalties. The Decision HELD: The judgment by default rendered against the complainant cannot be for a period of six (6) months effective upon notice of this Decision. He is
was promulgated in the absence of the complainants who were accorded attributed to the respondent attorney. The blame lies with the complainant ordered to return to complainant within five (5) days from notice the sum of
with due notice. And received a copy via registered mail and has 15days to for having engaged the services of several lawyers to handle his case without P17,000.00 with interest of 12% per annum from the date of the promulgation
file an appeal or a petition for probation in behalf of the complainants, but formally withdrawing the authority he had given to them to appear in his of this Decision until the full amount shall have been returned.
the respondent failed to file a Petition for Probation alleging he was out of behalf as to place the responsibility upon the respondent. It appeared that
town for more important hearings and his attention for his wife¶s developing there have been three changes made of the attorneys for the complainant Santiago vs Fojas
tumor. A warrant of arrest was served waited for his lawyer and raised the in the forcible entry case. However, no formalities whatever were observed
amount needed to pay the civil indemnity. Claiming (atty) that the in those changes such that the respondent entered a "special appearance" FACTS: An expulsion case was faced by the complainants contending that
complainants had only themselves to blame for failing to file the timely for the complainant in order that he could ask for the dismissal of the case for they have illegally removed from the union (FEUFA) membership Mr. Paulino
petition, they failed to meet him seasonably for signing and verification of the the failure of the adverse party to prosecute. No substitution of attorneys will Salvador. The lower court resolved in favor of Salvador and ordered the
petition for probation. be allowed unless there be filed: (1) a written application for such substitution; complainants to pay, jointly and severally, Mr. Salvador. The case was then
(2) the written consent of the client; (3) the written consent of the attorney elevated to the Court of Appeals. The complainants lost in their petition at
Held: CPR mandates that a lawyer shall serve his client with competence and substituted; and (4) in case such written consent can not be secured, there the Court of Appeals due to abandonment, failure to act accordingly, or
diligence. He shall not handle any legal matter without adequate must be filed with the application proof of service of notice of such motion serious neglect of their counsel, Atty. Fojas to answer the civil complaint on
preparation. Nor shall he neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, his upon the attorney to be substituted, in the manner prescribed by the rules. an expulsion case. Atty. Fojas assured them that everything was in order and
negligence in connection shall render him liable. In the case at bar, despite Besides, the respondent honestly believed that he had appeared for the he had already answered the complaint. However, the appellants soon
a receipt of a copy of the decision the consequent 15day running pd for the complainant only for a special purpose and that the complainant had discovered that he never answered it after all because, according to him, he
filing of the Petition for Probation respondent went out of town without agreed to contact his attorney of record to handle his case after the hearing, was a very busy man. Atty. Fojas admitted his “mistake” in failing to file an
contacting complainants for advise. The availability of mobile phones or so that he did nothing more about it. WHEREFORE, the present administrative answer for the expulsion case, but he alleges that it was cured by his filing of
emails was not attended. A lawyer must also give his full attention, skill and complaint is hereby DISMISSED a motion for reconsideration. However, such motion for reconsideration was
competence regardless of his impression that one case or hearing is more denied. Atty. Fojas defended his negligence with the reason that the case
important than the other. His failure to file an appeal in a timely manner fir CARLOS B. REYES vs. ATTY. JEREMIAS R. VITAN was a losing cause after all. Atty. Fojas also asserts that he was about to
motion for reconsideration renders him liable for negligence. Suspended. appeal the said decision to this Court, but his services as counsel for the
6mos. Carlos Reyes hired the services of respondent Atty. Jeremias Vitan for the complainants and for the union were illegally and unilaterally terminated by
purpose of filing the appropriate complaint or charge against his sister-in-law complainant. Complainants then filed for a disbarment case.
CESARIO ADARNE vs. ATTY. DAMIAN V. ALDABA and her niece for refusing to abide with the Decision of the RTC ordering the
partition of the properties left by Reyes s brother; and that Atty. Vitan, after ISSUE: Whether the respondent committed culpable negligence, as would
Sps. Cumpio filed an action for forcible entry against herein complaint receiving the amount of P17,000.00, did not take any action on complainant's warrant disciplinary action, in failing to file for the complainants an answer
Cesario Adarne, Aning Arante, and Miguel Inokando. Atty. Isauro Marmita case. From the IBP investigation, it was found that: It was complainant who
represented the defendants. The case was dismissed by the Justice of the submitted the supposed letters of the respondent Estelita Reyes and Juliet HELD: Yes. The Supreme Court upheld Canon 14 of the Code of Professional
Peace for lack of jurisdiction and was appealed to the CFI of Carigara. The Alegonza but there were no proofs when they sent and when the same were Responsibility. Once he agrees to take up the cause of a client, the lawyer
CFI returned the case to the lower court finding that it had jurisdiction. After received by the addressee. Likewise, the complaint submitted by Atty. Vitan owes fidelity to such cause and must always be mindful of the trust and
trial, JOP again dismissed the case and it was again appealed to the CFI. was only a format in the sense that it was not signed by the respondent; the confidence reposed in him. This means that his client is entitled to the benefit
Attys. Arturo Mirales and Generoso Casimpan filed the answer for the RTC Branch No. was left blank; there was no Civil Case No. and there was no of any and every remedy and defense that is authorized by the law of the
defendants. At the hearing, Adarne, noting that his attorneys had not yet proof that said pleading was filed which amounts only to a mere scrap of land and he may expect his lawyer to assert every such remedy or defense.
arrived, prevailed upon Atty. Aldaba, who was then present in court, to paper and not a pleading or authenticated document in the legal parlance. In his motion for reconsideration of the default order, the respondent
appear as counsel for them and ask for the Postponement of the trial. Atty. As it is, nothing had been done by the respondent for the complainant as his explained his non-filing of the required answer by impliedly invoking
Aldaba, who is his third degree cousin, agreed, and entered a special client for the legal fees he collected which was paid by the complainant as forgetfulness occasioned by a large volume and pressure of legal work, while
appearance. Upon noticing that the plaintiffs and their counsel were not also reflected in the receipts issued by the respondent in handwritten forms and in his Comment in this case he attributes it to honest mistake and excusable
present in court, Aldaba, instead of asking for a postponement, moved for signed by him. Atty. Vitan not only violated Cannon 18 of the Code of neglect due to his overzealousness to question the denial order of the trial
the dismissal of the case, which was granted. The plaintiffs then appealed. At Professional Responsibility for having neglected a legal matter entrusted to court. Whether it be the first or the second ground, the fact remains that the
the hearing, Atty. Aldaba was again prevailed upon by Adarne to appear in him and did not inform complainant the status of his case but also respondent did not comply with his duty to file an answer.
his behalf. The respondent entered a "special appearance" for the disregarded the orders of the Commission without reasons, which amounted
complainant and thereafter argued that the interest of justice would best be Pressure and large volume of legal work provide no excuse for the
to utter disrespect of authority and unethical conduct in the practice of his
served of the defendants were allowed to file an action for quieting of title respondent’s inability to exercise due diligence in the performance of his duty
profession, thus, should be sanctioned.
and the case heard jointly with the pending action for forcible entry. Finding to file an answer. Every case a lawyer accepts deserves his full attention,
merit, the court ordered Adarne to file an action for quieting of title within 1 HELD: When respondent accepted the amount of P17,000.00 from Reyes, it diligence, skill, and competence, regardless of its importance and whether
week, after which both cases would be tried jointly. Thereafter, the court was understood that he agreed to take up the latter's case and that an he accepts it for a fee or for free. Furthermore, a breach of Canon 18 of the
declared the defendants in default for their failure to appeal at the hearing attorney-client relationship between them was established. From then on, it Code of Professional Responsibility which requires him to serve his clients, the
set for that day and directed the plaintiffs to present evidence to support was expected of him to serve his client, herein complainant, with complainants herein, with diligence and, more specifically, Rule 18.03 thereof
their claim. Because of this, Cesario Adarne filed the present complaint competence and attend to his cause with fidelity, care and devotion. The which provides: “A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him,
against Atty. Aldaba. The respondent denied that he ever had any act of receiving money as acceptance fee for legal services in handling and his negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable.”
Atty. Fojas’s negligence is not excused by his claim that Civil Case No. 3526- In the case at bar, respondent did exactly what Canon 19 and its Rule performance of a legal duty is not actionable. The privileged nature of the
V-91 was in fact a “losing cause”. The Supreme Court held that he should proscribe. Through his letter, he threatened complainant that should the letter was removed when respondent used it to blackmail complainant and
have seasonably informed the complainants thereof. Rule 15.05, Canon 15 latter fail to pay the amounts they propose as settlement, he would file and extort from the latter compliance with the demands of his client.
of the Code of Professional Responsibility expressly provides: A lawyer, when claim bigger amounts including moral damages, as well as multiple charges
advising his client, shall give a candid and honest opinion on the merits and such as tax evasion, falsification of documents, and cancellation of business However, while the writing of the letter went beyond ethical standards, we
probable results of the client’s case, neither overstating nor understanding license to operate due to violations of laws. The threats are not only unethical hold that disbarment is too severe a penalty to be imposed on respondent,
the prospects of the case.REPRIMANDED AND ADMONISHED for violating Canon 19, but they also amount to blackmail. considering that he wrote the same out of his overzealousness to protect his
client’s interests. Accordingly, the more appropriate penalty is reprimand.
NEBREJA vs REONAL- Annulment of marriage Blackmail is “the extortion of money from a person by threats of accusation
or exposure or opposition in the public prints,…obtaining of value from a Leviste vs CA
Gonzales vs sabacajan-unreturned transfer certificate of title person as a condition of refraining from making an accusation against him,
On September 7, 1963, Leviste, a practicing attorney, entered into a written
or disclosing some secret calculated to operate to his prejudice.” In common
Pena Vs Aparicio agreement with the Rosa del Rosario to appear as her counsel in a petition
parlance and in general acceptation, it is equivalent to and synonymous with
for probate of the holographic will of the late Maxima C. Reselva. It was
In the case of FERNANDO MARTIN O. PENA vs. ATTY. LOLITO G. APARICIO, A.C. extortion, the exaction of money either for the performance of a duty, the
agreed that the contigent fee would be 35% of the property Rosa will receive
No. 7298 [Formerly CBD Case No. 05-1565], June 25, 2007, the Supreme Court prevention of an injury, or the exercise of an influence. Not infrequently, it is
upon the probate of the will. On August 20, 1965, Leviste received a letter
found the respondent lawyer liable for violation of Rule 19.01 of Canon 19 of extorted by threats, or by operating on the fears or the credulity, or by
from Ms. Del Rosario, informing him that she was terminating his services as
the Code of Professional Responsibility, and was meted out the penalty of promises to conceal or offers to expose the weaknesses, the follies, or the
her counsel due to “conflicting interest.” On September 20, 1965, petitioner
reprimand with the stern warning that a repetition of the same or similar act crime of the victim.
filed a motion to Intervene to Protect His Rights to Fees for Professional
would be dealt with more severely.Let me digest the case below for legal Services but was soon denied since he had not filed a claim for attorney’s
In Sps. Boyboy v. Atty. Yabut, Jr., we held that “[a]n accusation for blackmail
research purposes of the visitors of this blog. fees nor recorded his attorney’s lien. On November 23, 1965, petitioner filed
and extortion is a very serious one which, if properly substantiated, would
entail not only respondent’s disbarment from the practice of law, but also a a formal statement of Claim for Attorney’s Fees and Recording of Attorney’s
In this administrative complaint, the respondent lawyer is charged with
possible criminal prosecution.” While the respondent in Boyboy was Lien. Despite the denial of his motion to intervene, Atty. LEviste kept on
violation of Rule 19.01 of Canon 19 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
exonerated for lack of evidence, the same may not be said of respondent in receiving copies of the court’s orders, as well the pleadings of the other
for writing a demand letter the contents of which threatened complainant
the present case for he admits to writing the offensive letter. parties in the case. He also continued to file pleadings. On November 23,
with the filing of criminal cases for tax evasion and falsification of documents.
1966, Del Rosario and Rita Banu, the special administratrix-legatee, filed a
The salient parts of the demand letter are as follows: In fact, respondent does not find anything wrong with what he wrote, motion To Withdraw Petition for Probate. They alleging that Del Rosario
dismissing the same as merely an act of pointing out massive violations of the waived her rights to the devise and agreed that the De Guzman brothers and
“BUT if these are not paid on August 10, 2005, we will be constrained to file law by the other party, and, with boldness, asserting that “a lawyer is under sisters who opposed her petition for probate, shall inherit all the properties left
and claim bigger amounts including moral damages to the tune of millions obligation to tell the truth, to report to the government commission of offenses by the decedent. The trial court denied the motion to withdraw the petition
under established precedence of cases and laws. In addition to other punishable by the State.” He further asserts that the writing of demand letters for being contrary to public policy. The court disallowed the will, holding that
multiple charges like: is a standard practice and tradition and that our laws allow and encourage the legal requirements for its validity were not satisfied as only two witnesses.
the settlement of disputes. Atty. Leviste filed an appeal bond, notice of appeal, and record on appeal.
1. Tax evasion by the millions of pesos of income not reported to the The private respondents filed a motion to dismiss the appeal on the ground
government. Respondent’s assertions, however, are misleading, for it is quite obvious that that petitioner was not a party in interest. Atty. Leviste opposed the motion
respondent’s threat to file the cases against complainant was designed to claiming that he has a direct and material interest in the decision sought to
2. Criminal Charges for Tax Evasion secure some leverage to compel the latter to give in to his client’s demands. be reviewed. He also asked that he be substituted as party-petitioner but was
It was not respondent’s intention to point out complainant’s violations of the denied. Upon appeal to the Court of Appeals, he suffered the same fate.
3. Criminal Charges for Falsification of Documents
law as he so gallantly claims. Far from it, the letter even contains an implied Leviste brought this case to the Supreme Court asserting Art. 1052 of the Civil
4. Cancellation of business license to operate due to violations of laws. promise to “keep silent” about the said violations if payment of the claim is Code: ART. 1052: If the heir repudiates the inheritance to the prejudice of his
made on the date indicated. own creditors, the latter may petition the court to authorize them to accept
These are reserved for future actions in case of failure to pay the above it in the name of the heir. The acceptance shall benefit the creditors only to
amounts as settlements in the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC).” Indeed, the writing of demand letters is a standard practice and tradition in
an extent sufficient to cover the amount of their credits. The excess, should
this jurisdiction. It is usually done by a lawyer pursuant to the principal-agent
there be any, shall in no case pertain to the renouncer, but shall be
Canon 19 of the Code of Professional Responsibility states that “a lawyer shall relationship that he has with his client, the principal. Thus, in the performance
adjudicated to the persons to whom, in accordance with the rules
represent his client with zeal within the bounds of the law,” reminding legal of his role as agent, the lawyer may be tasked to enforce his client’s claim
established in this Code, it may belong. Thus, Leviste asserts he has a right to
practitioners that a lawyer’s duty is not to his client but to the administration and to take all the steps necessary to collect it, such as writing a letter of
accept for his client Del Rosario to the extent of 35% thereof the devise in her
of justice; to that end, his client’s success is wholly subordinate; and his demand requiring payment within a specified period. However, the letter in
favor (which she in effect repudiated) to protect his contigent attorney’s
conduct ought to and must always be scrupulously observant of law and this case contains more than just a simple demand to pay. It even contains a
ethics. In particular, Rule 19.01 commands that a “lawyer shall employ only threat to file retaliatory charges against complainant which have nothing to
fair and honest means to attain the lawful objectives of his client and shall do with his client’s claim for separation pay. The letter was obviously designed ISSUE:Whether or not an attorney who was engaged on a contingent fee
not present, participate in presenting or threaten to present unfounded to secure leverage to compel complainant to yield to their claims. Indeed, basis may, in order to collect his fees, prosecute an appeal despite his client’s
criminal charges to obtain an improper advantage in any case or letters of this nature are definitely proscribed by the Code of Professional refusal to appeal the decision of the trial court.
proceeding.” Under this Rule, a lawyer should not file or threaten to file any Responsibility.
unfounded or baseless criminal case or cases against the adversaries of his HELD:No. The Supreme Court held Article 1052 of the Civil Code does not
client designed to secure a leverage to compel the adversaries to yield or Respondent cannot claim the sanctuary provided by the privileged apply to this case. That legal provision protects the creditor of a repudiating
withdraw their own cases against the lawyer’s client. communication rule under which a private communication executed in the heir. Petitioner is not a creditor of Rosa del Rosario. The payment of his fees is
contingent and dependent upon the successful probate of the holographic to order complainant to amend his complaint by making his charges more
will. Since the petition for probate was dismissed by the lower court, the definite. In a resolution the Court granted respondent’s motion and required
contingency did not occur. Attorney Leviste is not entitled to his fee. Also, complainant to file an amended complaint. Complainant submitted an
Article 1052 presupposes that the obligor is an heir. Rosa del Rosario is not a amended complaint for disbarment, alleging that respondent committed
legal heir of the late Maxima C. Reselva. The contract for contingent the following acts:
attorney’s fees neither gives, nor purports to give, to the lawyer any right
whatsoever, personal or real, in his client’s share of the properties. The amount 1. Accepting a case wherein he agreed with his clients, namely, Alfaro
thereof is simply a basis for the computation of said fees. SC claimed that the Fortunado, Nestor Fortunado and Editha Fortunado [hereinafter referred to
lower court did not err in holding that notice of an attorney’s lien did not as the Fortunados] to pay all expenses, including court fees, for a contingent
entitle the attorney-appellant to subrogate himself in lieu of his client. It only fee of fifty percent (50%) of the value of the property in litigation
gives him the right to collect a certain amount for his services in case his client
4. Inducing complainant, who was his former client, to enter into a contract
is awarded a certain sum by the court. DENIED for lack of merit
with him on August 30, 1971 for the development into a residential subdivision
LICUDAN vs CA- none of the land involved in Civil Case No. Q-15143, covered by TCT No. T-1929,
claiming that he acquired fifty percent (50%) interest thereof as attorney’s
Licudan vs. Court of Appeals (G.R. No. 91958 January 24, 1991) Facts: The fees from the Fortunados, while knowing fully well that the said property was
petitioners fault the respondent Court for its failure to exercise its inherent already sold at a public auction on June 30, 1971, by the Provincial Sheriff of
power to review and determine the propriety of the stipulated attorney's fees Lanao del Norte and registered with the Register of Deeds of Iligan City;
in favor of the respondent lawyer and accuse the respondent lawyer of
having committed an unfair advantage or legal fraud by virtue of the Pertinent to No. 4 above, the contract, in No. 1 above, reads:
Contract for Professional Services devised by him after the trial court awarded
We the [Fortunados] agree on the 50% contingent fee, provided, you
him attorney's fees for P1,000.00 only instead of respecting the trust and
[respondent Ramon Gonzales] defray all expenses, for the suit, including
confidence of the highest level reposed on him considering the close blood
court fees.
and affinal relationship between him and his clients. The petitioners contend
that under the award for professional services, they may have won the case ISSUE: Whether or not respondent committed serious misconduct involving a
but would lose the entire property won in litigation to their uncle-lawyer. They champertous contract.
would be totally deprived of their house and lot and the recovered damages
considering that of the 271.5 square meters of the subject lot, the respondent HELD: YES. Respondent was suspended from practice of law for six (6) months.
lawyer is claiming 121.5 square meters and the remaining portion of 150
square meters would also go to attorney's fees since the said portion pertains RATIO: The Court finds that the agreement between the respondent and the
to the lawyer's son by way of usufruct for ten (10) years. Issue: Whether or not Fortunados contrary to Canon 42 of the Canons of Professional Ethics which
the award of attorney's fees in this case is reasonable, being in the nature of provides that a lawyer may not properly agree with a client to pay or bear
contingent fees? Held: The instant petition is GRANTED. The Court of Appeals' the expenses of litigation. [See also Rule 16.04, Code of Professional
decision of September 12, 1989 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Atty. Responsibility]. Although a lawyer may in good faith, advance the expenses
Domalanta is awarded reasonable attorney's fees in the amount of of litigation, the same should be subject to reimbursement. The agreement
P20,000.00. Ratio Decidendi: The practice of law is a profession rather than between respondent and the Fortunados, however, does not provide for
trade. Courts must guard against the charging of unconscionable and reimbursement to respondent of litigation expenses paid by him. An
excessive fees by lawyers for their services when engaged as counsel. Under agreement whereby an attorney agrees to pay expenses of proceedings to
Canon 20 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, a lawyer shall charge enforce the client’s rights is champertous [citation omitted]. Such
only fair and reasonable fees. In determining whether or not the lawyer fees agreements are against public policy especially where, as in this case, the
are fair and reasonable, Rule 2001 of the same Code enumerates the factors attorney has agreed to carry on the action at his own expense in
to be considered in resolving the said issue. A similar provision is contained consideration of some bargain to have part of the thing in dispute [citation
under Section 24, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court which partly states omitted]. The execution of these contracts violates the fiduciary relationship
that: Sec. 24. Compensation of attorneys; agreement as to fees. — An between the lawyer and his client, for which the former must incur
attorney shall be entitled to have and recover from his client no more than a administrative sanctions.
reasonable compensation for his services, with a view to the importance of
the subject matter of the controversy, the extent of the services rendered, and
the professional standing of the attorney. . . . A written contract for services
shall control the amount to be paid therefor unless found by the court to be
unconscionable or unreasonable.

Bautista vs Gonzales

FACTS: In a verified complaint filed by Angel L. Bautista, respondent Ramon

A. Gonzales was charged with malpractice, deceit, gross misconduct and
violation of lawyer’s oath. Required by this Court to answer the charges
against him, respondent filed a motion for a bill of particulars asking this Court

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