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December 2015

Vol. 35, No. 1


Who’s Behind Ferguson?

The Violent Legacy of the
Black/Jewish Alliance
The main problem facing the Church in our time
is not abortion; it is not homosexuality; it has
nothing to do with the sexual issues which have all
been settled theologically. The main issue facing the
Church is conversion. Is baptism necessary for salva-
tion? Is it necessary for everyone? Is it necessary for
the Jews? John Beaumont’s compendium of Catholic
of American Catholic converts, The Mississippi Flows
into the Tiber, presents an exhaustive list of conver-
sion stories which show that nothing has changed in
God’s eyes. The same call that Elizabeth Ann Seton
answered over two hundred years ago is still being
answered in our day by people who know that there
is only one effective response to the question, “What
must I do to be saved?”
“Fascinating, Illuminative, and inspiring compilation
of the continuious stream of American men and women
whom God has drawn home to the Catholic Church.
The Mississippi Flows into the Tiber is far more than a
mere encyclopedic list of biographical data; it is full of
inspiring reflections on their struggles and victories in
living out the Catholic faith in their work and home
Marcus Grodi
Host of The Journey Home on EWTN
“Year by year from the country’s founding, there With a foreword and afterword by Fr. C. John McCloskey III

has been growth in the Catholic Church and not only

through birth, but also by conversion. I know, I am one
of them. This book will surprise you in many cases and
also gives in brief snippets what brought them to the Ro-
man Church.” had a reason for joining the faith, and in my case, at
-Newt Gingrich least, it was something I did not take lightly. John Beau-
former Speaker of the US House of Representatives mont’s collection of conversion stories will be a delight
“This book captures the journey so many have taken to converts, to cradle Catholics, and especially to all
towards embracing the Catholic Faith. A must-read for those who are somewhere in the process, for whom these
Catholics and Non-Catholics alike as it captures the spir- wonderful accounts will no doubt be a ray of light and
itual quest toward beauty and truth that defines the hu- an inspiration.”
man condition.” -Alfred S. Regnery
- Larry Kudlow lawyer, author and former publisher
Host of CNBC’s The Kudlow Report
“Converts make the best Catholics, it is often said.
That may or may not be true, but at least every convert
The Mississipp Flows into the Tiber:
A Guide to Notable American Converts to the Catholic Church
Hardcover, 1014 pp. $69, plus $8 shipping. ISBN: 978-0-929891-13-2
Mail checks payable to Fidelity Press:
206 Marquette Ave, South Bend, IN, 46617 USA
For VISA and MC orders, call Norma at Fidelity Press
today at 574-289-9786 to place your order.
“No social progress outside the moral order.”

Table of Contents
E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. Letters p. 4
Business Manager
Ruth P. Jones Bullets
Typesetting and Layout
Ultramontane Associates, Inc.
James G. Bruen, Jr. p. 48

Culture of Death Watch

Desperately Seeking Catholicism:

Laura Evans p. 6

Soros or Cyrus:
© Copyright Ultramontane Associates,
December 2015 (Volume 35 No. 1) Culture
The Violent Legacy of the Black/Jewish Alliance
Wars Magazine (ISSN 1080-9058) is published
monthly, except for a combined July/August E. Michael Jones p. 14
issue, by Ultramontane Associates, Inc. Post-
master: Send address changes to Culture Wars
Magazine, Subscription Dept., 206 Marquette The End of Americanism: A Layman’s View
Ave., South Bend, IN  46617.
Subscription price in U.S. is $49 per year;
$59 per year outside U.S. Single copy price: Robert Cavanaugh, Jr. p. 32
$5.00. We accept Visa and Mastercard.
Address all subscription requests and chang-
es of address to Culture Wars Magazine,
206 Marquette Ave., South Bend, IN  46617;

phone 574-289-9786; editorial mail and
nonreturnable manuscripts to Culture Wars
Magazine, 206 Marquette Ave., South Bend,
IN  46617. Letters to the Editor may also be
sent by Fax to (574)  289-1461 or by elec-
tronic mail to State Secrets

reviewed by E. Michael Jones p. 44

Letters assure you, we know little.  Perhaps
Thompson would indulge us read-
against the priests was essentially
that by performing exorcisms they
The Real Lord of the ers with a deeper historical piece prevented Anneliese from getting
that more precisely lays out the the help she really needed, which
various events of the novels with was to be had from prescription
Thank you for publishing Blaise events in history.  I would greatly drugs, even if administered against
Thompson’s October 2015 article look forward to reading such an ar- her will.
about the real Lord of the Rings.  ticle. The author develops three main
I never felt fully convinced by the points about prescription drugs
Anthony Santelli II, Ph.D. in this case. First, Anneliese com-
various other interpretations of
what the Trilogy was really about plied with medical advice to take
and Thompson’s analogy to the his- prescription drugs (especially the
torical period of the battles between anti-epileptic Tegretol), but after
Christendom and Islam (the Ot- Prescription Drugs and giving them a fair shot decided
toman Empire) seems to fit more the Catholic Church they were useless in combatting her
clearly.  Orcs as Turks, Sauron as symptoms. Second, the detailed
In recent articles, E.M. Jones
Islam, Gandalf as representing the has alluded to the role of prescrip- medical history of the case -- drug
Pope, and a different Pope when tion drugs in undermining mental treatments and exorcisms dated
he changes colors, middle earth as health, enriching the pharmaceuti- and described in sequence as they
Medieval Christendom (not sim- cal industry and fueling animosity occurred -- bears the interpretation
ply peasant England), and the ten- against the moral order as correctly that prescription drugs were actual-
sion between Gondor and Rohan defined by the Catholic Church. ly interfering with the effectiveness
as representative of the tension For example, in “Encyclopedia of of the exorcisms, which otherwise
between Byzantium and Western Grievance” (October, pp. 8-11), would have brought relief. Third,
Europe all seem to fit much better Jones notes that some utterances of the six demons who had identi-
than other explanations.  Even the the admittedly confused murderer- fied themselves during the course
bread as representing the Eucharist suicide Vester Flanagan suggest of the exorcisms eventually started
seems most accurate. to leave; in other words, they re-
that, in his view, prescription drugs
It is an interesting coincidence pushed him to the breaking point. sponded to the exorcisms in the
that after having watched the desired manner. However, at the
Readers interested in the impact
Lord of the Rings Trilogy with my of prescription drugs on Catho- end there is one demon who wants
young son, I explained to him that lic spirituality will find instructive to leave but is unable to do so. This
although none of the monsters of material in the 1981 book The demon appears to be impeded by
the film are real, the real world is Exorcism of Anneliese Michel by other evil entities even worse than
nonetheless a lot like the film: we anthropologist Felicitas Good- himself and whom he has trouble
live in the shire, and the Orcs are man. (This book was the basis of recognizing. The author is of the
like ISIS killing any good person the movie “The Exorcism of Em- opinion that these “new and un-
that lives in Mordor, which is the ily Rose.”) Anneliese Michel died named demons” were the anti-ep-
middle east today.  How little did I at the age of 23 in Bavaria from ileptic drugs that had accumulated
know that the analogy to Islam was severe battery and starvation after in the body of the victim.
what was meant by Tolkien. having undergone exorcisms for Lise Anglin
I only wish that Thompson’s ar- what she and her family believed to
Toronto Ontario
ticle was about four times as long, be true demonic possession. After
because the history of that period, her death, the priests involved in
particularly the details in the con- her exorcisms were taken to court.
flicts with the Ottomans, was The trial ended up being more or Strong Feelings, Strong
passed through very quickly in the less a confrontation between the Language
article, as if the readers all know Catholic Church and the pharma- Christine Mohn and I have some-
about those details of which, I can ceutical industry. The accusation thing extremely important to argue
4  /  Culture Wars
about. So here goes. I hope we can and Paul and having witnessed part under some other combina-
argue with same civility. But strong their martyrdoms”. Any of the five tion of patriarchal and Imperial au-
convictions involve strong feelings patriarchates could offer “solutions thorities, never existed.
and strong language. She has not to various church issues”. “[O]ne The central organization of
shied from stating what she thinks of them would come forth with Christianity was first called “cath-
is true. I won’t either. great wisdom” which was presum- olic” by St. Ignatius writing just
Mrs. Mohn’s letter can be rough- ably recognized and accepted by all after 100 A.D. By the time of the
ly divided into (1) history and (2) the others. This idyllic picture was Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.,
theology. She says many things, ruined in “the 9th century with the this word ICatholich1 had become
historical and theological, which I domination of the Franks upon the a formal title: Christ’s Church ac-
might reply to. But this “Letters” popes of old Rome”. tually named itself “Catholic”, al-
column only has so much space. By the end of this year, I hope though of course “orthodoxy” was
So I will now address only certain to have finished a book which will one of its attributes. The Greek
assertions by Mrs. Mohn which discuss such matters in detail. For word katholike means both “uni-
might be labeled historical. Next now, a short summary, plus a few versal” and “complete”; it was used
month, editor permitting, I will of the most important details, must as the title of the Church precisely
address other assertions by Mrs. suffice. to emphasize the overarching unity
Mohn which might be labeled Mrs. Mohn’s “Roman Orthodox of the organization.
theological. Church”, its western part under
Mrs. Mohn tells me “with all em- the Bishop of Rome and its eastern Roderic L. Notzon
phasis ... that the first two centuries Tulsa, Oklahoma
of the Church of Christ were, are,
and remain the Orthodox Church
of today”. She claims that, for up
to “eight centuries” after its found-
Culture Wars welcomes letters to the editor.
ing, the Christian Church “was Preference will be given to letters which deal
known as Roman Orthodoxy”, al-
though for some reason its “people
with topics discussed in the magazine. Letters
[were] called Catholics”. This “Ro- should ideally be limited to one single-spaced
man Orthodoxy” consisted of a
“western rite of Orthodoxy” and an
page, but we know how difficult it is to follow
“eastern rite of Orthodoxy” which ideals in this world. Letters can be sent by mail
“existed side by side” under the
leadership of “five patriarchates of to Culture Wars, 206 Marquette Ave., South
the Orthodox Church” plus same Bend, IN  46617; by fax to 574-289-1461; or by
unclear degree of input from “[t]
he capital of the Roman Empire electronic mail to
[at] Constantinople”. One of these
five patriarchs was “the pope in
old Rome presiding as bishop of
this western patriarchate”. “[T]
he five patriarchates were equal to
each other” and “[t]here was no
primacy of place or primacy of any
bishop”. However, the four eastern
patriarchates felt a special “love”
for the western patriarchate head-
quartered in Rome, the latter City
“having been the sees of Sts. Peter
December 2015  /  5
Culture of Death Watch

Desperately Seeking Catholicism:

A Jewish Convert’s Long and
Winding Road into the Catholic Church
A year into my interminable jour- no answer. I wake up from the and others become “born again.”
ney to try to become a Catholic, I dream sobbing. It didn’t matter if the church were
had this nightmare: I am trapped I desperately wanted to become closing for the day or if the hungry
on the roof of a high rise building. a Catholic until I tried to join the churchgoers were hankering for ba-
Several people are stuck there with Catholic Church. There I found con and eggs. When a lost soul
me. They are being rescued one by endless bureaucracy and red tape wanders into a church, business as
one until I am all alone. My ter- that would make a day at the De- usual comes to a screeching halt. If
ror grows as day turns into night. partment of Motor Vehicles look the building caught on fire, Prot-
With no help in sight, I decide to like a walk in the park. Rather estants would still be evangelizing,
take matters into my own hands. than the enthusiastic support I en- despite the firefighters and flames.
My only hope is to climb down countered at Protestant churches, But Catholics? I found a starkly
the side of the building. It is a in Catholicism, I found a sluggish- different universe, one in which
treacherous descent, but somehow ness that paid little heed to Christ’s rigid rules prevailed (even those
I make it to the bottom. I see the proclamation that we swiftly make that appeared to violate Canon
people who could have saved me. I disciples of all nations. Law) and receiving people into the
walk over to them and, with tears In evangelical Protestantism, Church seemed to be at the bot-
in my eyes, ask plaintively, “Why where I unexpectedly found my- tom of most people’s to-do list.
didn’t you come to rescue me?” self in my early 50s, people would How did I even get into this
They look at me blank faced, with move heaven and earth to help me strange, new world, me being the

6  /  Culture Wars
least likely person on the planet to I wasn’t changing deep inside, as run for my life as fast as I could
want to become Catholic? My much as I was trying. back to the Protestants. I discov-
story begins in late 2009, when, I searched for this ephemeral ered Catholics who didn’t know
after a lifetime of Jewish/Buddhist/ thing from one Protestant church much about the basic religious
paganism, I somehow felt moved to to church, from the Baptists to the doctrines of the Church, and oth-
go to church. When people ask me Pentecostals, until, one day, out of ers who openly defied the moral
why I became one of the rare Jews the blue, in late November 2013 teachings. I heard strange new
who converted to Christianity, I (it turned out to be the first day terms, such as “cafeteria Catho-
always say the same thing, “God of Advent), the thought suddenly lics.” I discovered a multitude of
only knows.” I haven’t the slight- appeared in my brain that maybe people who didn’t read the Bible
est idea why; it’s all God working I should become a Catholic. This and who practiced indifferentism.
inside of me. was a novel idea, one that I had I can’t tell you how many times
Like many Jews, I absorbed since never before considered, perhaps people told me that I didn’t need to
infancy an aversion towards Chris- because nondenominational Prot- become a Catholic because being a
tianity. I didn’t have any Chris- estants are so openly hostile to the baptized Protestant (or a Jew) was
tian friends; I detested Christmas; Catholic Church. good enough. In short, I encoun-
and I’d never been to a church in It happened when I was reading tered today’s Catholic Church.
my life. But somehow, for reasons the chapter on Martin Luther in Despite my shock at the state
only known to Him, God planted a book by Mike Jones, Degenerate of the Church, I started doing in-
a deep hunger in my heart a few Moderns. When Jones described tensive research on the theology of
years ago to know Him and to do Martin Luther’s womanizing and Catholicism, which clarified and
so in a Christian church. I started boozing and his terrible manipu- corrected many doctrines that
out in Protestantism, where I re- lation of nuns and priests, a light concerned me in Protestantism. I
mained for several years. This was went on in my head. Protestantism also researched why the Catho-
a lucky move. Had I encountered comes from the word, “protest” -- I lic Church had become so disor-
the same roadblocks I later found hadn’t put the two together before. derly and chaotic, that is, about
in the Catholic world, I might nev- I didn’t like one bit the idea of the infiltration by many nefarious
er have become a Christian.
In Protestantism, I met friendly
Presbyterians and welcoming Lu-
therans. I was particularly in-
trigued by the evangelicals and
Like most Jews, I absorbed from infancy
Pentecostals, who warmly invited the typical aversion towards Christianity.
me into their flock and spent hours
teaching me information that I
didn’t know, such as, who was Je-
sus Christ? What did a Bible look
like and what did it say? I accepted
Jesus Christ as my personal savior being part of some radical, insur- forces. But even more importantly,
in early 2010, was baptized at a Bi- rectionary movement. Having by I became enchanted by the Mass
ble-believing church a few months then rejected my own rebellious and the Blessed Sacrament, which
later, and never looked back. youth, I realized with horror that I moved me to tears more than once.
But as wonderful as it all was, I had somehow found my way into My relationship with Jesus grew
felt a restlessness and hunger in- yet another revolutionary move- by leaps and bounds, and I start-
side for something more, though I ment -- Protestantism. I resolved ed making needed changes in my
didn’t know what it was. Although to start attending Catholic Masses behavior. I had found what I was
I was having lots of good experi- and to learn as much as I could searching for all along, and it was
ences at church, my relationship about Catholicism. Jesus in His one true Church, the
with Jesus wasn’t growing. And What I found made me want to Catholic one.
December 2015  /  7
But after I had made my deci- ing with him a few times and then anointed time, once a year, when
sion to join the Church, I came baptizing him soon thereafter. The he is allowed into the Church, the
upon the biggest shock of all: that priest would have understood that Easter Vigil Mass (that is, if he
it would be a Herculean task to be Joe’s eternal soul depended on his makes it that far).
allowed into the place. And what being absolved of his sins and re- Although there are supposed to
was the biggest hurdle standing in ceiving Christ’s Body and Blood be exceptions made for people who
the way of me and eternity? The asap. And the priest would have can’t or won’t do RCIA, locating a
bane of my existence and so many also recognized that to fail to do priest willing to do this is, I found,
others. I encountered RCIA. his duty would put his own salva- like finding the proverbial needle
tion at risk. in the haystack. The priests are too
All of this changed in the 1980s busy doing other, more important
Initiation for Adults
as the accessible approach to be- tasks. One priest told me bluntly
RCIA stands for Rites of Chris- coming a Catholic morphed into that if he made an exception for
tian Initiation for Adults. It was the monstrosity we have today: me, then he’d have to do the same
conjured up post-Vatican II, that RCIA. Now someone like me, ea- for others. Which invites the ques-
free wheeling time of wild experi- ger to join the Church, is told to tion: if a priest’s biggest problem
mentation: altar girls, liturgical be patient and wait. Now there are is a stampede of people clamoring
dancers, witches on the altar, cou- countless hoops to jump through, to get into the Catholic Church, is
ples locking lips during the Kiss of rules to abide by, and feel-good that really such a bad thing?
Peace, and Eucharistic Ministers. bonding experiences to suffer Anyway, these days, priests are
A few of the novelties have been through. only peripherally involved in the
jettisoned, such as the witches And if a person balks -- if he pivotal task of bringing people into
and the dancers (though one local doesn’t want to wait for months the Catholic Church. The crucial
church still showcases the latter). on end, and if he abhors a psy- responsibility for conversion has,
But, unfortunately, many of them chology-laden group experience in most parishes, been outsourced,
have stuck, including the smooch- with a bunch of strangers, and delegated to laypeople. A small
ing and RCIA. if he doesn’t want to stand up on number are paid staffers, whose
While RCIA was first introduced the altar and undergo various Rites livelihood depends on the perpetu-
at a small number of parishes in the and rituals -- well, then, he’s out of ation of the system. But more of-
70s and early 80s, it became omni- luck. That’s just the way it is, and ten, volunteers run the show, usu-
present in every diocese starting in
1986. Even though anecdotal evi-
dence and a comprehensive study
by a Bishops’ group have uncovered
widespread problems with RCIA, And what was the biggest hurdle stand-
it is still the norm for all adults, a ing in the way of me and eternity? RCIA.
gauntlet that everyone must walk
to get to the Blessed Sacrament
and to eternity.
The system prior to Vatican II
was a relaxed, though efficient,
one. Suppose a man, let’s call
him, “Joe,” wanted to become a no one has any interest in changing ally retirees and empty nesters with
Catholic. Joe would have found a things. Even though a 7-year-old time on their hands and the need
priest and told him of his desire to who is still nose picking and bed- for meaning and camaraderie.
join the Church. The priest would wetting can receive First Commu- A few of the teachers know their
have taken pity on the poor, hell- nion, today’s adult has to navigate stuff. Many others are well-mean-
bound sinner, and would have re- a complicated labyrinth, a Catho- ing but theologically misinformed.
lieved Joe of his suffering by meet- lic version of boot camp, until the And then there are those with a

8  /  Culture Wars
does a potential new Catholic feel
a part of the church if he is made
to depart?
And here’s a relevant question:
does RCIA actually work? Is it
worth the many months of waiting
and preparation, as well as the ex-
pense? Is the new system any bet-
ter than the old one?
RCIA proponents say yes, and
insist that the program leads to
improved retention of the newly
converted. They remind us that
Catholics were fleeing the Church
in droves prior to the introduction
of RCIA.
While it is true that there was
a mass exodus of Catholics in the
progressive agenda to promote on that he wasn’t a spy. Public Rites 60s and 70s, it wasn’t because of
the hapless participants, who are were conducted in front of the the absence of RCIA; it was due to
suspended in spiritual outer space church to make sure that the com- the seductive lure of sex, drugs, and
for months on end, with the car- munity knew and trusted the new- rock and roll during that rebellious
rot of salvation dangled in front of comer. And the neophyte had to time. Prior to the 60s, however,
them. leave prior to the Liturgy of the churches were overflowing with the
Proponents of RCIA describe it Eucharist to protect the Body and faithful.
as a meaningful, evocative experi- the Blood from harm. Anecdotally, all over the Internet,
ence for both the potential Catho- Today, the need for a sponsor and survivors of RCIA gripe about a
lics and the whole parish, one that elaborate public Rites feels archaic. rigid system of poor catechesis and
harks back to the rituals of the early But advocates for RCIA assert that liberal agendas. But what does the
Church. Centuries ago, prospec- the rituals are not only good for the research say?
tive Christians had to have a spon- participants but a breath of fresh The most extensive, nationwide
sor, as they do today, and they had air for long-term parishioners, who study of RCIA, conducted in 2000
to undergo various public Rites. can get a bit misty-eyed watching by the National Council of Catho-
Then, like now, potential converts RCIA members stand up on the lic Bishops, paints a gloomy pic-
had to exit Mass prior to the Lit- altar. But, to me, if parishioners’ ture. They unearthed widespread
urgy of the Eucharist. passion for the faith has grown so problems, such as a high drop out
But there were valid reasons for cold that they need wannabe Cath- rate, poorly trained teachers dis-
the sponsorship and the exiting olics paraded in front of them like seminating erroneous doctrine, and
hundreds of years ago. The new circus monkeys, that is a sad com- a promotion of unorthodox ideas,
Church was under severe attack by mentary on today’s Church. such as married and female priests.
a variety of enemies who were try- As for the practice of dismissing And what about the claim that
ing to infiltrate and destroy it. The potential converts before the Litur- more newly minted Catholics are
Church instituted various com- gy of the Eucharist (to participate retained? Sadly, one to five years
plicated procedures to protect the in -- guess what? -- more classes): after becoming Catholics, about
church and especially the Blessed How would an RCIA member 40% of new Catholics are no lon-
Sacrament. learn about the Liturgy and expe- ger attending weekly Mass. My
A prospective member had to rience the Real Presence if he has opinion why is that the classes have
have a sponsor to vouch for his to exit before the centerpiece of the sheltered the newbies and made
character, to ensure, for instance, Roman Catholic Mass? And how them dependent on their little
December 2015  /  9
to two hour weekly class, meet
regularly with a sponsor, and en-
dure public Rites for seven to nine
As for the other pernicious influ-
ence on the Church, many Catho-
lics have become enamored with
psychology and groups. Turn on
Catholic radio most times of the
day, and there will be an emotional
Catholic spilling his guts out to a
psychologist about family prob-
lems. Rather than turn to Jesus in
prayer, receive the Sacraments, and
crack open a Bible, many Catho-
lics, like seculars, prefer psycho-
logical solutions to their personal
RCIA is a classic example of the
clique. Shorn of the feel-good ex- If RCIA were scrapped, paid staff- psychologizing of the Church,
periences, hand holding, and pot- ers would quickly lose their jobs, with its group format, interperson-
lucks, they confront the disarray and retirees would be deprived of al sharing, and feel-good exercises.
and confusion that is today’s Cath- a feeling of purpose. RCIA is also Participants disclose their joys and
olic Church, and many can’t deal. a cash cow for the many companies sorrows along the way. Hurdles
Given the plethora of problems that sell the videos, books, and in the road are confessed and dis-
found, did the Bishops suggest curriculum. But along with being sected. The RCIA participant has
chucking the whole, misguided self-serving, RCIA reflects some his own counselor-type person in
mess? No. Instead their solution pernicious forces that have entered his sponsor. Just like the sick ad-
was. . .more classes, post-conver- the Church post-Vatican II. dict who needs a sponsor and an
sion, something called mystagogy. One is a false worship of knowl- AA group to keep him afloat, the
With mystagogy, the new Catho- edge that is disturbingly reminis- coddled RCIA member requires a
lics are cajoled back into the par- cent of the Pharisees. Rather than group and a sponsor to spoon feed
ish hall for another round of classes evangelizing based on the Gospel, him into the Church.
and group sharing. the Church starts resembling an And yet, hasn’t the Church dis-
If there are so many problems elitist club, where only some may cerned how damaging psychology
with RCIA, why isn’t the program join, but only after months of class- and groups can be? Weren’t hun-
disbanded once and for all? My es and accumulating vast amounts dreds of nuns, priests, and seminar-
guess is that there are several rea- of knowledge. ians corrupted by encounter groups
sons why. This university-style approach during the 60s and 70s, and didn’t
The first reasons are more benign, leaves many out in the cold, for many lose their faith and renounce
having mostly to do with human instance, those with limited intel- their Holy Orders? Groups can be
nature. People don’t like change. ligence; people who travel exten- dangerous; they can lead to social
It’s just easier to do the same thing sively and can’t attend classes for control via group indoctrination
over and over again, whether it’s months on end; parents with kids and group think.
useful or deleterious. There is a, to attend to; the chronically ill; In my view, the main architect
“We’ve always done it. Therefore, the socially anxious; and anyone of RCIA and other misadventures
we have to do it,” attitude about else who has limited physical or post-Vatican II isn’t in human
RCIA. Plus, there are turf issues intellectual resources or who sim- form; it’s not the often well-mean-
and personal fiefdoms to maintain. ply doesn’t want to attend a 1-1/2 ing people who design and run the

10  /  Culture Wars

programs. The mastermind is that Catholic Church. I experienced much about it. I spoke to both
old devil himself, Lucifer, because nothing like it in the Protestant the priest and pastor at my regu-
it is he who benefits when potential world, where the Enemy barely lar church, but neither one of
converts never make it to the finish reared his head, much less his them were willing to do one-on-
line and are deprived of The True teeth. But as soon as I started go- one catechesis. So, trying to be a
Presence of Jesus -- and perhaps ing Catholic, there was an army of good sport, in July I attended the
even of salvation itself. Unfortu- dark spirits tormenting me, which first RCIA group at my regular
nately, I got to know the tactics of I think had a lot to do with my Church.
the Evil One well as I tried for over Jewish background. The experience was as untenable
a year to make my way into the I was mocked: “You’ll never fit as I had thought. It was late at
Catholic Church without RCIA. in there as a Jew. You’re too dif- night, when I was already exhaust-
ferent;” taunted: “See--they don’t ed. While the group members
want you there; you’re not wel- were pleasant, none were devout
November 2013
come;” discouraged: “You’re wast- Christians, and I worried about
As you may recall, God put it in ing your time. You can’t trust any my fairly new faith being shaken
my heart in November of 2013 that of them.” But the Evil One went by spending months with mostly
I should perhaps become a Catho- further, terrorizing me with fears nonbelievers. Looking at the cur-
lic. I spent several months immers- that I was betraying my ancestors. riculum (which, like most courses,
ing myself in Catholic teachings, I had petrifying thoughts of God began at the lowest common de-
attending Mass, and meeting with punishing me with an eternity in nominator) depressed me. After
priests and devout Catholics. Eight hell. It was like the whole demon much prayer, I realized that I had
months later, I was convinced world was launching a full frontal to find an alternative way into the
that the Catholic Church was the attack. Church.
true Church of Jesus Christ. I felt The Enemy knew my weak I composed a heartfelt email to
ready, willing, and able to become points, the fears that had been the priest in charge of catechism at
a Catholic. But the problem was planted in me from childhood my church. I movingly shared my
love for Christ and His Church. I
reminded the priest of my faithful
churchgoing, that after months of
And yet hasn’t the Church discerned how regular attendance, I had become
a church regular. I explained that
damaging psychology and groups can be? the uncertainty was targeting me
for fierce spiritual attack, and that
it would help greatly to have a plan
for entering the Church, hopefully
sometime soon. I waited anxiously
that RCIA hadn’t even started yet. about Christianity. There aren’t a for his reply. A week later, I heard
I wanted to enter the Church whole lot of sins in modern Juda- nothing.
quickly because I was convinced ism: abortion, promiscuity, drug I tried to approach him at
that it was the only path to salva- experimentation -- none of this is church, but he appeared to be
tion. While I wasn’t planning to encouraged, but it’s not the worst avoiding me. A voice mail message
die anytime soon, the truth is, I’m thing in the world. The worst wasn’t returned. I wasn’t above peer
no spring chicken. But there was thing? Becoming a Catholic. So, pressure so I wrote him again, but
another reason for my desperation: between my childhood program- this time copied the two RCIA lay
I was being dogged by demon spir- ming and the demons that bedev- coordinators. The priest did reply
its working overtime to ensure that iled me, I knew that I couldn’t tol- this time, though he was noncom-
I’d never become a Catholic. erate nine more months of waiting mittal.
They planted continual doubt and uncertainty. Going nowhere fast at my regu-
and mistrust in my mind about the I sensed this but couldn’t do lar church, which I’ll call Church
December 2015  /  11
1, I decided to contact some of me. A shy and private person by There was no reply. A few days
the other local parishes. I called nature, she attended one RCIA later, feeling badly that I had un-
another church, Church 2, and class and never came back, deem- loaded my indignation on him, I
got the priest on the line. Again, ing it “like a cruel fraternity haz- sent off an apologetic email. He
I shared my deep passion for the ing.” She resigned herself to go- gracefully accepted my apology,
Church and my desire to join as ing to Mass but never coming though there was still no offer to
soon as possible. The priest told into a full Communion with the help.
me that there was nothing he could Church. Seeing the distress in my Fresh out of ideas, I was at the
do; that I must speak to the pastor, dear friend’s face made me more lowest point of an already stressful
but he had just left on an extended determined to find my way into journey. I did not know what to
vacation. the Church -- and to help Mary be do. I was now filled with constant
Not ready to throw in the tow- received as well. doubt and mistrust of Catholics
el yet, I contacted another local I had one final idea: I would and the Church. I didn’t know if
church, Church 3. I went straight email an affable priest from Church this was due to spiritual warfare
to the top, and made an appoint- 1, who occasionally celebrates Mass or the Holy Spirit beseeching me
ment with the pastor. At this point, there, though he mostly teaches for to return to my old, Protestant
I became armed with some power- the Diocese. Again, I told him of church.I got down on my knees
ful new information -- a dirty little my love for Christ and His true and did the most fervent pray-
secret about RCIA, which is that Church and my suffering in wait- ing of my life. While sobbing, I
how it is run may violate Canon ing. Can he help me become a begged Christ to reveal to me what
Law. According to Canon Law, Catholic? He wanted me to do. After sev-
RCIA is only for the unbaptized. The priest wrote back quickly, eral minutes of pleading, a blessed
Baptized Catholics and Protestants and he enthusiastically congratu- calm swept over me. For the first
are supposed to be brought into the lated me for pursuing Catholicism. time since pursuing becoming a
Church quickly and without un- But, alas, he sent his regrets that his Catholic, I felt at peace. I sensed
due duress. And yet this isn’t being teaching schedule was so demand- Jesus saying to me, “You are my be-
done, and, in fact, most of people ing that he could find no time to loved daughter. Don’t worry; you
nationwide in RCIA are baptized meet with me this year, though will spend eternity with me.” I felt
Catholics and Protestants. he wished me well. Another rejec- enormously grateful for this mo-
The pastor at Church 3 was tion was more than I could take; I ment of grace.
sympathetic to my plight. He ac- was by now suffering from vulner-
knowledged that people like my- ability burn out. It wasn’t easy to
Ten Months
self, devout, baptized Protestants, keep pleading for help only to be
were supposed to be received into continually rebuffed. Regrettably, It was now September, 10
the Church without RCIA. How- I unleashed my frustration on him. months since I first started my ex-
ever, he wasn’t willing to get in- I told him that I was taken aback ploration of Catholicism. I made
volved since I had already started at that everyone is too busy doing a good friend at Church 1, who
Church 1. He offered to call them something else to help a struggling was determined to help me be-
to exert pressure on the priest. But and desperate Protestant become a come a Catholic. On my behalf,
given that I was already on the Catholic. I challenged him: either she took the priest aside and shared
priest’s last nerve, I thought that the Catholic Church is the true her grave concern about leaving me
this would be an unwise political source of salvation, and priests alone during this process. At Mass
move. should move heaven and earth to the next Sunday, the priest sur-
There was another local church: shepherd the lost into it. Or -- it’s prised me by offering to meet with
Church 4, but I decided not to try not the only vehicle for salvation, me one-on-one. But there was
that one. My friend, Mary, was at in which case, there is no rush for one condition: I would have to go
the same time trying to become a me to enter or for anyone to help through the first Rite, the Rite of
Catholic there without RCIA, and me. It couldn’t be both. Which was Welcoming, in a couple of weeks.
was facing the same roadblocks as it? Reluctantly, I agreed.

12  /  Culture Wars

My intuition was that standing doors. At the end of our meeting, Him in His true Church. But
up there with my sponsor in front I apologized for my outburst; he now I was at risk of losing Him all
of the entire parish, while being apologized to me as well. We part- over again.
crossed all over my body from head ed on an amicable basis, though I realized that I had to make a
to toe, would subject me to fierce I declined his offer to continue choice: Protestant or Catholic. I
spiritual attacks. I was right. I lost meeting. couldn’t have both. But I was no
sleep before it; I felt weak in my longer a Protestant. I had left this
knees during it and close to pass- behind some time ago. Despite
November 2014
ing out. That level of public ex- my status within the Church, I was
posure, with still no plan for when It was now November 2014, now at my very core a Catholic.
or how I was going to be received, the beginning of Advent. It also Before the service was over, I
gave the Enemy free reign to tor- marked a year since God had put gathered my belongings and stood
ment me unmercifully. But I had it into my heart to perhaps become up. I waved goodbye to a couple
adhered to my end of the bargain, a Catholic. I was worn out and of people. And then I quietly left,
and then had my first meeting with worn down by it all. Although I sadly, like a young adult leaving a
the priest. had tried not to take the rejections family that he has since outgrown.
I’d like to report that the meet- personally, I felt emotionally brittle I knew that I would probably never
ing went well, and that he happily and wounded. And I was lonely; see these people again.
shepherded me into the Church I missed the fellowship and sense At Mass the following Sunday, I
soon thereafter. But, unfortunately, of belonging at my old, Protestant thought of one final option. If this
that wasn’t the case. His plan was church. didn’t work then I resigned myself
my following the exact same cur- It was then that I made the sad- to continuing to attend Mass, but
riculum as the RCIA participants dest decision of my life. It was time never becoming a Catholic. (And
for the next seven months, starting to return to the Protestant world. I hoped that the Catholic teach-
at the beginning, with a video en- For the first time in a year of ing on Baptism of Desire would be
titled, “Who was Jesus?” I’d also Masses, I didn’t drive over to a enough to get me into heaven.)
have to participate in the rest of the Catholic church that Sunday. In- My idea? Contact Church 2, and
Rites and rituals. stead, I headed over to my former see if the pastor who had been on
At this point, the months of church. The churchgoers were an extended vacation had returned.
strain unraveled me, and I lost my happy to see me, though very sur- I called over there and found that
cool. Angrily, I told him that I did prised. And I saw something else he had.
not need to start at the beginning; in their faces: hurt, a sense of being I met with the pastor soon there-
that I had intensively researched abandoned because I had eschewed after. This is when the heavens
the Church for almost a year and their kindness and friendship by opened up for me. For the ump-
attended more Masses than I could leaving them. Clearly, I wasn’t the teenth time, I recounted my in-
count. I bluntly told him that I only one who had been wounded tense, heartfelt desire to receive
had never been treated more like in this process. the Sacraments in Christ’s true
an idiot than my year in the Cath- I sat in a pew and looked around Church. The pastor listened, riv-
olic world; that no one seemed to my former church, which I once eted. Finally he said, “I have never
believe that I knew what was best knew so well. The environs felt un- seen anyone hungrier for our Sac-
for me -- which was to become a familiar, foreign. What struck me raments than you. I have heard of
Catholic, as soon as possible. most was the lack: the lack of the people like you. But I have never
The priest got angry back. Clear- Crucifix, the Procession, the priests seen it.” And, for the first time, he
ly, the months of stress had taken a -- but most of all, the absence of said it like it was a good thing.
toll on us both: him, dealing with the Blessed Sacrament. I felt a He would consider bringing me
a parishioner who wouldn’t play wrenching pain in my gut of ut- into the Church prior to April. But
by the RCIA rules, and me, ready, ter emptiness. I had spent my en- there was a caveat: I would need
willing, and able to become a tire life looking for Something, for to attend the RCIA classes at his
Catholic but not finding any open Someone, and I had finally found church. I agreed. cont’d on p. 43
December 2015  /  13
Soros or Cyrus?
The Violent Legacy of the
Black/Jewish Alliance
E. Michael Jones

On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown, an 18-year-old tests. On November 24, Michael Brown’s stepfather
black male, was shot to death by Darren Wilson, a incited a riot which led to 61 arrests and 25 buildings
28-year-old white police officer from Ferguson, Mis- burning down, largely because the fire department
souri. Brown was suspected of committing a robbery could not deploy, for fear of being shot by snipers.
minutes earlier. A security camera video released later The fears of the firemen were solidly grounded in
showed Brown attacking the store clerk before leaving the reality of the situation. A wave of killings followed
the store with merchandise he had not paid for.1 Word as the rioting spread across the country. On Novem-
of Brown’s murder led to a demonstration, which ber 25, the body of 20-year-old DeAndre Joshua was
quickly led to a riot, and what some termed heavy- found inside a parked car less than a mile from where
handed response on the part of police. Publicity fueled Brown was killed. On the same day, 90 people were
the fire and soon the unrest at Ferguson was known arrested for arson, looting, and vandalism in Oakland,
throughout the world. On August 11, the police used California. A number of people were killed in con-
tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse a crowd that frontations with the police. On October 8, Vonderrit
had gathered at the QuikTrip con-
venience store, which the rioters
had set on fire the night before.
Before long the police’s response In April of 2015, I took part in a debate
came under sharp criticism. On on racial unrest in America in the studios
August 14, US Senator Claire
McCaskill (D-MO) claimed that of PressTV in Tehran.
the “militarization” of the police
escalated the protesters’ response.
St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson
reinforced McCaskill’s charge, claiming “My gut told Myers, Jr. was shot and killed after he opened fire on
me what I was seeing were not tactics that I would use an off-duty policeman in St. Louis,
in the city, and I would never put officers in situations The rioting continued into 2015, and violence es-
that I would not do myself.” calated to the point were the police were being shot.
Instead of bringing a measure of calm to the situa- On March 12, two officers from the St. Louis Police
tion, McCaskill’s comments seemed to beget further Department were shot by a sniper. On March 14,
violence, drawing people with scores to settle from Jeffrey L. Williams, a black, 20-year-old male was ar-
elsewhere. On November 21, two members of the rested in connection with the shooting. On December
New Black Panther Party were arrested for buying ex- 24, 18-year-old Antonio Martin was shot and killed
plosives which they planned to detonate during pro- after pulling a gun on the officer who was questioning

14  /  Culture Wars

Riot in Ferguson after Darren Wilson was acquitted

murder rate for the first time

since the 1990s. On Octo-
ber 23, James Comey, direc-
tor of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, announced in
a speech he gave at the uni-
versity of Chicago that the
publicity surrounding the
Ferguson riots, as well as or-
ganizations like Black Lives
Matter was leading to a rise
in crime rates, in particular
in murder rates throughout
the country. The New York
Times in August reported
“a startling rise in murders
after years of decline.” Since
this time last year, murders
him, leading to further rioting. On the first anniver-
are up 76 percent in Milwaukee, 60 percent in St. Lou-
sary of Brown’s death, 18-year-old Tyrone Harris, Jr.
is, 56 percent in Baltimore, 44 percent in the District
was killed by police during a gunfight between looters.
of Columbia, 22 percent in New Orleans; 20 percent
“Despite video evidence, Harris’ father denied that his
in Chicago, and 9 percent in New York City. Comey
son had a gun. Others in Ferguson said that Harris
claimed this was the case “in part because police of-
might not have known he was firing at an unmarked
ficers have pulled back from doing their jobs, wary of
police car.”
the scrutiny that might come from a viral video.”2
In April of 2015, I took part in a debate on racial
“I don’t know whether that explains it entirely,”
unrest in America in the studios of PressTV in Tehran.
Comey said, “but I do have a strong sense that some
During that debate I said that there were two issues in-
part of the explanation is a chill wind that has blown
volved: 1) the militarization of America’s police force,
through American law enforcement over the last year.”
which encouraged local police forces in America to ac-
The race issue had become so polarizing once again
quire military style weapons and adopt military style
that it divided officials in the Obama administration.
tactics and 2) the spread of the Jewish Revolutionary
One day after Comey made his remarks in Chicago,
Spirit among the black population as a result of the
Attorney General Eric Holder, compared the Black
Black/Jewish alliance.
Lives Matter movement to the Civil Rights movement
Jews were important in both instances. What some
of the 1960s and echoed the criticism of Comey say-
people were calling the militarization of American po-
ing: “I don’t agree with the comments that he’s made
lice forces could also be termed the Israelicization of
about, or the connection he’s drawn, between the so-
American police forces, many of whom were being
called ‘Ferguson effect’ and this rise in crime.”
trained by Israelis, sometimes in Israel, to treat local
populations as Israelis treat Palestinians. If white po-
licemen were at fault for over-reacting because of their Racial Unrest
training at the hands of the Israelis, the blacks were at
fault because of their disproportionate involvement in Following my appearance debating racial unrest, I
crime and their unwitting internalization of the Jew- spent the summer of 2015 with Reza Montazami on a
ish Revolutionary Spirit, something which came about conference to be held in Tehran on Jews and the moral
because of the Black/Jewish Alliance. subversion of the West. As part of our preparations
The result was a situation which created publicity I wrote a book with the same title which was to be
reminiscent of the civil rights movement of the ‘50s translated into Farsi. Then, in the early Fall of 2015, I
and ‘60s throughout the world, increasingly violent learned that the focus of the conference had now been
demonstrations across the United States and rise in the changed. It was now going to deal with racial conflict
December 2015  /  15
Martin Luther King, right, Stanley Levison, left

to kill came at the end of a long his-

tory—a history I am going to call the
Black-Jewish alliance. For 60 years—
from 1909 with the founding of the
NAACP to 1969, when the FBI shut
down the Black Panthers—influential
Jews in organizations as diverse as the
NAACP and the Communist Party tried
to turn the Negro into a revolutionary.
They created a monster instead. This is
precisely what Tom Watson predicted in
the aftermath of the Leo Frank trial:
The National Pencil Factory, owned by
Frank’s people, fought our Child Labor
bill fiercely and helped to kill it—and in
God’s mysterious way, it cost the Super-
in the United States, and I was asked to give a pa- intendent his life.”3 In closing ranks be-
per on that topic instead. During the discussion that hind Frank, the nation’s wealthy Jews had “blown
preceded the conference, I told conference organizer the breath of life into the Monster of Race Hatred;
Nader Talebzade that no one could understand racial and this Frankenstein, whom you created at such
enormous expense, WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!”4
conflict in the United States if he accepted the prem-
ises of the conventional black/white narrative. The
In the aftermath of Ferguson, it looked as if Tom
key to understanding what was really going on was
Watson’s warning was coming true. As a result of the
the Black/Jewish Alliance. I had begun my research
Frank case, the Jews declared war on the South. The
into the Black/Jewish alliance after getting a phone
same influential Jews who had taken up the banner
call from Gloria Hardy, a black lady from the south
of Leo Frank went on to create the Anti-Defamation
side of Chicago who had been kind enough to take me
League. But more importantly for our purposes, they
on a tour of the Robert Taylor homes in what must
infected the Negro with the virus of revolution. The
have been 1990 or 1991 when I was doing a book on
Negroes of the South Side of Chicago now act the way
Bauhaus architecture. During the course of our time
they do because of an idea that was planted in their
together then, Gloria, who was a social worker for
mind by Jewish revolutionaries. The rap music which
Cook County, explained how a crack-addicted woman
inspired Ivori to get pregnant and Caroline to kill a
who was pregnant with twins came to her to ask for
number of her customers was one more manifestation
money for an abortion. Instead of giving that woman
of the behavior which goes along with the Jewish revo-
the money, Gloria adopted her two children. When I
lutionary spirit that took over the Black mind during
got Gloria’s call in November 2006, the girl she had
the course of the 20th century.
adopted was 18 years old, pregnant, and living with a
The main vehicle for this transformation in the black
man who, from her description of him, sounded a lot
mind (from rural sharecropper to urban revolutionary)
like a pimp. When she was smaller, Ivori used to call
was the civil rights movement, which was the most
me “Dad.” In the fall of 2006 I was walking beside her
successful part of the Black-Jewish Alliance, which was
down Ellis Avenue on the south side, trying to make
the 60-year-long attempt on the part of Jews at orga-
up for lost time by being the father she never had.
nizations like the NAACP and the Communist Party
Gloria later introduced me to a serial killer by the
to turn Negroes into revolutionaries.
name of Caroline Peoples. Caroline is now serving five
In his book on the Black-Jewish Alliance, What
consecutive life sentences at the Dwight Correctional
Went Wrong?, Murray Friedman explains how “Jewish
Institution for Women in Dwight, Illinois after being
science” was the basis for the Supreme Court’s Brown
convicted of killing five men she met while working as
V. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas decision. The
a prostitute out of the Sky Box gentleman’s club.
Jews at the NAACP were intimately involved in the
Ivori’s decision to have sex and Caroline’s decision

16  /  Culture Wars

Brown decision. According to Murray Friedman, cial pillar of the Communist Party and other radical
Felix Frankfurter, Chief Justice on the Court which causes.”9 Levison would go on to become “enormously
handed down Brown, was a German-speaking Jew influential behind the scenes and throughout King’s
from Vienna who had served on the NAACP’s legal career.”10 Friedman claims that Levison became “King’s
committee. Jack Greenberg of the NAACP, Fried- closest white friend and most reliable colleague for the
man tells us, “drew the assignment to find experts remainder of his life” and “would epitomize the black-
in the Midwest for the landmark case Brown V. Jewish alliance’s new look.”11 Stanley Levison was the
Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.” Kenneth B. man who “labored behind the scenes in New York” to
Clark, the black psychologist whose study of black provide the $200,000 a year the SCLC needed for its
and white dolls indicated that students were harmed operations in the South.12 Eventually, Rustin and Le-
by segregated classrooms was cited in Brown, had
vison were joined by two more members of the black-
been funded by the AJC [American Jewish Com-
mittee]. Clark’s study led the court to conclude that Jewish alliance--Jack O’Dell, a black communist, and
“the average black American had been scarred by Harry Wachtel. Together they came up with a list of
self-hatred,” and that “segregation . . . inflicted vast 9,000 donors who were willing to make semiannual
psychic damage on both white and black children.” 6 contributions to the SCLC to fund its operations.13
In the spring of 1961, Farmer and CORE called for
AJC-sponsored studies provided the theoretical un- a series of interracial “freedom rides” on public buses
derpinning of Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka, throughout the South, and the Jewish Freedom Rid-
Kansas. In fact, AJC-sponsored psychological studies ers headed South to spread revolution. Friedman esti-
festoon the decision from one footnote to another. mates that “Jews probably made up two thirds of the
Friedman concludes after the fact that “Clark’s re- white Freedom Riders into the South in the summer
search . . . was flawed,”7 but 50 years after the fact the of 1961 and about one third to one half of the Missis-
point was moot. Flawed or not, the Jewish-sponsored sippi Summer volunteers three years later.”14
research that made up the theoretical underpinning for “Eventually,” Friedman concludes, “virtually every
the Brown decision had gotten the job done. Brown segment of the Jewish community enlisted in the civil
rights struggle. . . . Noth-
ing would be the same
again in the South, but a
The nation’s wealthy Jews had “blown the breath true revolution was under
way”15 (my emphasis).
of life into the Monster of Race Hatred; and this Before long, the tail be-
Frankenstein, whom you created at such enor- gan to wag the dog. In
order to keep the money
mous expense, WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!”4 coming in, Martin Luther
King had to take his revo-
lutionary movement to
the cities of the north. In a
created both an atmosphere conducive to revolution move that would mark the beginning of the end of the
and a weapon that could be used against the South for civil rights movement, Martin Luther King launched
what it had done to Leo Frank. “The Court’s May 17, his ill-fated campaign to reform “segregated” housing
1954 decision,” as Friedman put it, “would spur the in Chicago.
civil rights revolution that followed [my emphasis].”8 After months of preliminary work, Martin Luther
Murray Friedman always uses the word “revolution” in King arrived in Chicago to kick off his housing drive
describing the civil rights movement. in June 1966. Chicago had been a racial battlefield
During the summer of 1956 Bayard Rustin, a black since the Chicago Housing Authority, the Quakers,
homosexual and a Communist, introduced Martin B’nai B’rith/ADL, and Louis Wirth redoubled their
Luther King, Jr. to Stanley Levison, a “political radical efforts to complete the social engineering of Chicago’s
who had worked on behalf of the convicted atom spies ethnic neighborhoods that had begun during World
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg” who was also “a finan- War II.
December 2015  /  17
But things started to go wrong from the beginning, years before he did.
and they never ended up going right. When King
stepped out of his car to lead a march through “seg- Gloria joins the Black Panthers
regated” Marquette Park, he was greeted by a hail of
rocks and bottles, one of which hit him on the head Caroline Peoples was too young to remember any-
and staggered him to his knees. The Lithuanians who thing associated with the civil rights movement in Chi-
would later set fire to the marchers’ cars and chase Jes- cago, but Gloria Hardy remembers meeting Martin
se Jackson down 63rd St. were outraged by the fact that Luther King when he came to Chicago in 1966. Glo-
people from another part of the country would come ria was 17 years old at the time. Gloria Hardy joined
into their neighborhood and tell them to sell their the Black Panthers after Martin Luther King was assas-
homes. That wasn’t precisely King’s message, but the sinated in 1968. The regime had promoted revolution
simple fact of the matter was that no one, not even the when it suited them. In 1967 Sargent Shriver, as head
Chicago Tribune, knew exactly what King’s message of the Office of Economic Opportunity, had given the
was. According to an editorial in the Chicago Tribune, Blackstone Rangers, a Chicago gang which was one
the message of the “paid professional agitators” who of the predecessors of the Gangster Disciples, a grant
made up the march was “give up your homes and get for over $900,000 to engage in, well, gang-related ac-
out so that we can take over.”16 tivity, which is to say criminal behavior, which at the
King was befuddled, as Mayor Daley indicated, be- time was a convenient way of driving Catholics out of
cause he didn’t understand Chicago. Dorothy Tillman, the ethnic neighborhoods they had established on the
one of King’s lieutenants, only strengthened this sus- South Side of Chicago.
picion when she said, in effect, Chicago was differ- When the regime realized that the civil rights move-
ent than what they had expected. “Down South,” the ment had morphed into a monster, the FBI was sent in
SCLC’s Dorothy Tillman opined, “you were black or to kill the Black Panthers. They created a COINTEL-
white. You wasn’t Irish or Polish or all of this.”17 PRO operation to take out the Chicago branch, then
When Daley suggested in April 1966 that King go headed by Fred Hampton. The image that succeeded
home to Georgia, seven Negro commit-
teemen seconded his suggestion. King’s
Jewish backers had a sense of foreboding
about Chicago as well. Both Bayard Rus- When the regime realized that the
tin and Stanley Levison “sensed disaster.” 18
civil rights movement had morphed
Friedman claims that “Levison sought to
restrain his friend but failed to do so.”19 into a monster, the FBI was sent in
The main problem was King’s unfamiliar- to kill the Black Panthers.
ity with the situation in Chicago. King’s
knowledge of the housing situation in
Chicago was based largely on his read-
ing of Lorraine Hansberry’s play A Raisin in the Sun. the Black Panther as revolutionary in the Negro mind
When King vowed that “he would lead a rent strike was the pimp. In his article “The Myth of the Great
unless the city’s landlords improved their properties Black Pimp,” (8/21/01) Adissa Banjoko sees a connec-
immediately”20 he failed to understand that many of tion between the revolutionary Black Panthers of the
the landlords were black, and that Hansberry Enter- ‘60s and the pimps of the ‘70s. The latter succeeded
prises, run by Lorraine Hansberry’s father and then the former as ghetto role model. When the Negro
her brothers, was one of the biggest slum landlords in got scared, he became a pimp, or, as Banjoko put it,
Chicago. King was caught up in a world he did not
understand, and his ill-fated Chicago campaign soon
Black America was tired of fighting with their white
turned into the disaster that Levison and Rustin feared oppressors and on top of that were SCARED to
it would become. The “beloved community” that fight back. The F.B.I.’s COINTELPRO orchestrated
King and others in the black-Jewish alliance had tried assassination and imprisonment of our most coura-
to create during the ‘50s and early ‘60s had died two geous soldiers like Bobby Hutton, Fred Hampton,

18  /  Culture Wars

Huey Newton

young blacks, the romantic appeal of their bold im-

age was becoming irresistible. The Panthers had dared
to use the word “revolution” because they wanted the
system destroyed, not repaired. And they had lost faith
in the ability of the system to repair itself.21
In 1970 Gordon Parks left Life to become the direc-
tor of Shaft. In his memoir, Parks hints that his ac-
cess to Hollywood was dependent on his article on the
Black Panthers: “Before I could pursue my newfound
interest in the movies, I was called back by Life to cov-
er the Black Panthers.”22 Betray the Black Panthers is
what Parks meant to say.
The creation of the pimp as black cultural hero co-
incided with the eradication of the Black Panthers in
late ’69 early ’70. The real change came in 1971 when
Parks launched the film genre known as Blaxpoitation.
Parks was a photographer with Life Magazine, who
had worked for the OWI during the war. After the
war, Time/Life became a CIA front. The CIA liaison
Geronimo Pratt and others left us “shook” as a peo- at Time/Life was a man by the name of C.D. Jackson.
ple. Gordon Parks was the man Time/Life and the CIA
used to “penetrate” black organizations which the re-
The pimp is a classic example of one of the groups gime considered subversive, something he brings up in
which make up what Karl Marx termed the Lumpen- his memoir A Hungry Heart:
proletariat, a group of people who are good for noth-
ing but making trouble. The Lumpenproletariat was Life magazine had tried to penetrate the Black Mus-
lim world for three years, but without any success.
incapable of becoming what Marx considered true
The mosque’s doors remained closed to its White re-
revolutionaries because they lacked the necessary dis- porters and photographers. Occasionally they were
cipline. By the late ‘60s, when the Jews had backed allowed into the large New York and Chicago ral-
out of the Black-Jewish alliance and when the threat lies after being ruthlessly searched from head to toe.
of Black Revolution had become too real for the re- Since I was Black, my objectivity toward such an
gime which had promoted it to destroy the South and assignment must have been questioned by the edi-
Catholic neighborhoods in places like Chicago, the tors. I did not push for an assignment for an oppo-
FBI was called in to destroy the Black Panthers. After site reason. The Muslims and Panthers regarded the
that, Hollywood was called in to ratchet the revolu- magazine as an enemy, and I was working inside the
tion back to its Lumpenproletariat origins and promote enemy’s camp. Nonetheless, all else having failed,
Life asked me if I would like to try. I was unsure of
the pimp as the ideal Negro.
myself, but I agreed to try.23
When the pimp as a cultural phenomenon appeared
in the ‘70s it was a tacit, if cryptic, admission that the Shortly after leaving Time/Life, Parks met with Jim
revolution had failed. When the Black Panthers got Aubrey whom he describes as “the tough inflexible
shut down in 1969, Gordon Parks noted their demise boss at MGM Studio,” who “handed me my second
from his vantage point as a famous Negro photogra- Hollywood film. Titled Shaft, it was the story of a vir-
pher and reporter for Time/Life on Black issues. ile, suave, black Harlem detective.” GeneYoung, Parks’
In Chicago, before dawn, came the most celebrated third wife, sums up Parks’ career as a Hollywood direc-
shoot-up of the ongoing warfare. In December 1969, tor by saying, “He did what people paid him to do.”
14 cops shot up a Black Panther’s apartment. When When I mention Jim Aubrey’s name, Gene Young
the melee ended, the Chicago’s party leader, Fred blurts out that he was probably a CIA agent. Parks
Hampton, and Mark Clark had been gunned to death. makes clear in his memoir that the point of the film
Hampton, asleep when the attack came, never got out was to provide Black youth with a role model: “It was
of his blood drenched bed. . . . To more and more
December 2015  /  19
a film that could give black youth their first cinematic baton to his son, Gordon Parks, Jr. “I was on a week’s
hero comparable to James Cagney or Humphrey Bog- leave from Hollywood when he [Aubrey] handed me
art, but not the least of the persuasion was the salary I a screenplay titled ‘Superfly.’” For some reason Parks
was to receive.” could not bring himself to direct this film, but for
Parks leaves unmentioned the type of behavior some reason he couldn’t quite pass up the opportunity
which Shaft and Superfly were to inspire as the new either. So, rather than turn down the film project alto-
role models for “black youth.” He also never mentions gether, Parks “took a deep breath” and “wrote out a big
the disruption this behavior was to cause in the black check and thrust it into his [son’s] pocket.”26 Superfly
community by further weakening the already weak became the Blaxpoitation hit of 1972. Before Shaft
black family. He also never mentions the effect that and Superfly, the ideal Negro was a revolutionary, of
emulation of these cinematic heroes is going to have the sort symbolized best by the Black Panthers. After
on the black women, who were on the receiving end Blaxploitation, the ideal Negro was a pimp.
of the pimp culture he was paid to promote. If Parks Blaxploitation was Jewish revenge against the anti-
were willing to betray black organizations like the Jewish resentment which had spread throughout the
Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam, why not the civil rights movement during the late ‘60s and found
black community as a whole? Why not steer it down its culmination when Stokely Carmichael expelled the
the path of self-destruction, as long as he was paid well Jews from SNCC. Harold Cruse’s book The Crisis of
to do it? the Negro Intellectual and the Ocean Hill-Brownsville
Shaft was a big success. According to Parks’ account, teacher strike, which broke out in 1967, were two
it more reasons for Jewish resentment against the un-
opened on July 2, 1971, to lines around the block grateful shvartzas who had received so much Jewish
and audiences who stood up screaming at its con- money when Martin Luther King had been running
clusion. It was a particular hit with young Blacks, the civil rights movement. In many respects, the rise of
who for the first time, had a Black hero to identify the Black Panther as the premier black power organi-
with. On reviewer called Shaft, “the ultimate in zation came about because the Panthers were willing,
suave Black detectives.”24 if not avid, to accept Jewish/Hollywood money. One
of their biggest sources of funds, as David Horowitz
Shaft was breaking attendance records all over the has pointed out, was Bert Schneider, the producer of
country, but it was especially popular in Chicago, Easy Rider.
where one theater, the Roosevelt, took in a million The success of Blaxploitation films meant that Hol-
dollars during its run there. Needless to say, the Hol- lywood had reasserted its control over the black mind
lywood moguls were pleased that social engineer-
ing was proving to be so lucrative.
“Joel,” Parks tells us, was “all happi-
ness” when he “came to my office.
. . . Now Hollywood had the green “He did what people paid him to do.”
light for black suspense films. . . .”25
Jim Aubrey was happy too. Parks
went on to collaborate with Aubrey
on two more films—The Super Cops
and Shaft’s Big Score—but for some
reason not on the other Ernest Tidyman novel in the after the anti-Jewish uprising at the end of the civil
Shaft series, Shaft among the Jews. rights movement. Blaxploitation meant the end of
Aubrey then upped the ante by handing Parks the whatever black solidarity the civil rights and black
screenplay for Superfly, a film in which the new role power movements created. It also took everyone’s
model for young blacks is the pimp, not the detec- mind off the fact that up until Blaxploitation, pimp-
tive. In the end, Parks did not direct Superfly. Dur- ing, like pornography, was largely a Jewish business. By
ing the summer of 1971, when Shaft was becoming a glamorizing the pimp, Hollywood created an internal
box office hit throughout the world, Parks passed the front in the black community that has perdured until

20  /  Culture Wars

Gordon Parks

Nineteen Seventy-Seven is the year

that Caroline Peoples was born. When
I mention the effect that the Superfly
movies and Deep Throat had on Glo-
ria’s husband. Gloria, who has been
dozing off and on during my conver-
sation, wakes up and begins talking
about the effect that pimp/Blaxploita-
tion culture had on her life.
“The movies and the music definitely
influenced his behavior,” said Gloria.
“He went out and got oral sex when-
ever he wanted.”
Caroline concurs, claiming that lis-
tening to rap music made her want
to go out and shoot members of rival
gangs. Caroline Peoples was a typical
the present. The valorization of the pimp meant that it
product of the pathology of the South Side of Chi-
was perfectly acceptable for black men to exploit the
weaker elements of their community in a way congru-
Caroline Peoples was born in Chicago on August
ent with Capitalism, but at the same time, it prohibit-
11, 1977, the youngest of three children of a couple
ed criticism of the Jewish financial exploitation of the
who had migrated to Chicago from Marion, Alabama.
Black community that had been a staple of black na-
Caroline’s mother was born in 1951, her father in
tionalist critique from Marcus Garvey up to Minister
1948. Caroline remembers her father Archie as a diffi-
Farrakhan. Blaxploitation allowed Hollywood to exact
cult father. Her earliest memory is of her father “beat-
revenge on uppity niggas like Stokely Carmichael and
ing the hell out of my mother.” Caroline also remem-
make money in the process. No wonder Joel was “all
bers her father coming home in the dead of winter and
happiness.” That paradigm shift would also have se-
breaking all of the windows in their apartment. He
rious implications for black women, as Gloria Hardy
then took all of the children’s blankets and ran wa-
was to find out.
ter on them, making it impossible for them to keep
Gloria’s involvement with the Black Panthers ended
when the Chicago Police attacked Black Panther head-
Caroline’s father walked out when Caroline was
quarters in Chicago and murdered Fred Hampton in
three years old. After he left, Caroline’s mother moved
December 1969. Feeling that her life was in danger,
in with a series of men, all of whom abused her, one
Gloria left the Black Panthers and got married. Before
of whom sexually molested her. Fed up with the abuse
long she noticed that her husband began wearing the
she was receiving at the hands of her mother’s boy-
pimp clothes that Ron Neal made popular in Super-
friends, Caroline ran away from home when she was
fly, clothes which have since been satirized in movies
13 and began hanging out with the Gangster Disci-
like Undercover Brother and I’m Gonna Get You, Sucka.
He also began asking her to engage in the sexual ac-
After Caroline became a member of the Gangster
tivity he was seeing in the movies. Since Deep Throat
Disciples, she felt that she had made the big time,
came out around this time, he began pestering her for
which is to say she became involved in selling drugs,
oral sex. He wanted oral sex from Gloria and when
robbery, and murder. Caroline was never paid for what
she wouldn’t give it to him, he went out and paid for
she did, but in exchange for her services she was pro-
it. This change in behavior eventually led to Gloria’s
vided with a place to stay and lots of expensive jewelry
divorcing her husband in 1977.
and clothes. She eventually went to work for a Gang-
ster Disciple by the name of Stephen Pink, who was
1977 known on the street as Chi-Chi. Her first assignment
was cooking up drugs, which is to say, mixing cocaine
December 2015  /  21
with baking soda, to make the drug known as crack, To support herself and her soon-to-be born child, Car-
which could be smoked and led to a less expensive and oline took a job working at two south side Amoco gas
more intense high because the cocaine was absorbed stations owned by the same man. She would work al-
through the lungs and not nasal membranes. ternate night shifts at the Amoco stations at 71st and
One of Caroline’s other duties was counting Chi- Halsted and 115th and Halsted. One of Caroline’s
Chi’s money. The amount he took in from the sale regular customers was a pimp who went by the name
of crack varied, but Caroline remembers one day’s of The Godfather. Before long Caroline, who was 19
take amounting to $65,000. For her pains, Chi-Chi at the time, noticed that The Godfather, whose name
raped Caroline twice. She remembers him as a really bespoke a conscious intention to prey on the father
strange dude, incredibly cruel, but a man who trusted deprivation rampant among ghetto girls, was showing
her nonetheless with cooking up his drugs and count- an interest in her. He would drive up in his limousine
ing his money, a job she held from 1990 until 1994. full of girls and give Caroline $100 after he filled up
By the time Caroline turned 17 she was considered an and tell her to keep the change.
important member of the Gangster Disciples, a posi- “I knew he was a pimp,” she said, but during all of
tion which allowed her to meet “important people,” the times the Godfather took Caroline to breakfast,
which is to say other drug dealers and pimps, the other “he never propositioned me.” During one of their
male role model for the South Side of Chicago. In re- breakfast meetings, however, the Godfather started
turn, she got to wear expensive leather suits, fur coats, talking about his girls and the high life they were liv-
designer jeans, and lots of gold chains. Compared to ing in his mansion down in the 100s.
her mother’s boyfriends, the Gangster Disciples were, “He told me that he could help me, and that a good
as Caroline put it, “really nice to me,” the rapes not- looking woman like me didn’t need to be working in
withstanding. And “that’s how I got sucked in.” no gas station.”
Even more than the bling, Caroline loved the rap It didn’t take Caroline long to think over the Godfa-
music which got played at GD parties, because, as she ther’s proposition.
put it, “that music got you all hopped up.” “I said that I wouldn’t make a good prostitute be-
Sometimes the GDs would sponsor live concerts cause as soon as I started working I would keep all the
with artists like Ice Cube and other rappers, all of money for myself.”
whom were part of the gang lifestyle. Caroline or The Godfather was taken aback by Caroline’s can-
Gloria mentions the story of Mr. Big, as another big dor.
draw, who ended up dead. The gang lifestyle generated “Whorin’ ain’t for everybody,” was his philosophical
so much cash that they needed fronts like concerts, response.
hair salons and barbers shops to launder the money. After turning him down, Caroline found that the
According to Caroline, 97 percent of those kind of Godfather stopped coming around the Amoco station
businesses on the south side were run on drug money. and dropping big tips.
The drugs and the music were two sides of the same Caroline then moved in with a used car salesman by
cultural coin. The music extolled the drugs, and the the name of Chuck Barbee. After the birth of Sierra,
drug money paid for the music. But from a metaphys- their second child together, Barbee made it clear that
ical point of view, the music was the cultural prime he didn’t want any more children. When Caroline be-
mover which propelled, explicated, and extolled gang came pregnant again, he “acted like it was my fault,”
life. “When I listened to that music,” Caroline said, and told her to have an abortion “because he didn’t
“I was ready to fight. To this day I can’t listen to it want children to ruin his life.” Caroline would go on
without getting the same violent feelings.” to have two abortions at Barbee’s insistence. “You lose
a part of yourself when you have an abortion. It de-
sensitized me. I was really fucked up after I had those
The Godfather
Caroline’s high life with the Gangster Disciples came The abortion also took Caroline one major step clos-
to an abrupt end in 1994, when the leadership of the er to her career as a serial killer. The logic was simple
gang were all arrested. At this point, Caroline found enough. If she could kill two of her own children, why
herself unemployed and pregnant with Chi-Chi’s baby. should she balk at killing strangers, especially the type

22  /  Culture Wars

of johns who, from her point of view, deserved to die have turned on her local NPR station and listen to
because of how they treated her? Professor Dyson explain how pimping is more meta-
It was at this point in her life that Caroline started to phorical than anything else. “It’s metaphoric intensity
frequent the strip bars that are euphemistically known is basic, Tavis, but it’s literal application is quite lim-
as “gentlemen’s clubs.” Eventually, after checking out ited.” Dyson went on to concede that pimping “might
the local strip bar scene, she settled in as a dancer at a have influence on young people, who might take the
place known as the Sky Box. literal dimensions of pimping as opposed to the play-
“It was the worst experience of my life. It was totally ful ones,” but his basic thrust was that pimping is an
humiliating having them touching you and groping “analogy for how men who are on the underside of so-
you while all the time you’ve got to talk sexy to them, ciety get on, get over. . . . pimpin is a metaphor for
because the more you demean yourself, the more how you get down, how you convince the larger soci-
money you make.” ety to take you seriously and how you rebel against it
The point of the dancing was to arouse the regular by doing your thing. . . . Pimping becomes a metaphor
customers to the point where they would ask Caro- for how young black men make a space for themselves
line to accompany them to the “VIP room,” where in society.”
they would engage in sexual acts. It was at this point, Dyson is bright enough to trace “this fascination
through engaging in prostitution, that the real money with pimping . . . back to the ‘70s with the fascina-
was made. Caroline claimed that she could earn any- tion with Iceberg Slim and his book about pimping
where from $50 to $5,000 on a typical night. Week- [and] about Blaxploitation culture which produced
ends were better than weekdays. After a while, Caro- The Mack, Superfly, and other films,” but not smart
line got to know her regular customers, as well as their enough to understand that “The pimp” was created by
sexual proclivities, on a personal level, something she racial double agents like Gordon Parks to cripple the
found “scary.” black population by creating an internal front of black
predators, who would prey on the weaker members of
that society, i.e, women, while all the while conveying
the illusion that they were putting something over on
Eventually the sense that men were stalking her “the man.”
turned out to be something more than drug and alco- By April 2004 Caroline was back dancing at the Sky
hol fueled paranoia. Four months after starting at the Box. By this point in her life, Caroline had distilled 27
Sky Box, two men jumped her after work, beat and years of bad experiences with the opposite sex into a
raped her and stole that’s evenings earnings from her. generalized hatred of all men.
Caroline didn’t go to the hospital, nor did she report It was out of this haze of rage at the rape and the sex-
the rape and robbery to the police. She went home ual abuse of her past and ongoing sexual abuse of her
instead, where she discovered that her face was really job, combined with post-pregnancy hormones, and
“messed up,” something that kept her from dancing the intoxicating delusions that come from drug and
and reduced her earnings correspondingly. Eventually, alchohol consumption that Caroline began to come
Caroline discovered that she was pregnant from the up with what an MBA graduate might call a new busi-
rape as well, and once the pregnancy began to show, ness plan. Instead of turning down the propositions
Caroline’s dancing days were over. that poured in every night from strangers and “regular
On October 2, 2003, which is to say, six months af- customers,” who wanted to engage in some form of
ter Caroline had been raped and three months before sexual activity which the VIP room, full of copulating
she would give birth to the child conceived by that strangers, couldn’t accommodate, why not take these
rape, Michael Eric Dyson, who is the Avalon Founda- potential johns up on their numerous offers and meet
tion Professor in the Humanities at the University of them at some hotel room in the area, and accept not
Pennsylvania appeared on The Tavis Smiley show on what they consented to give as remuneration, but take
NPR, to discuss the black fascination with pimping. their wallet and everything in it as well as their clothes,
Right around the time that Caroline was beginning their car keys, their cars, and whatever else wasn’t
her career as a serial killer by plotting how to kill the nailed down, at gunpoint?
johns who propositioned her at the Sky Box, she could Why not?
December 2015  /  23
George Soros

shooting guys even though she

had their money. To this day
she is not sure how many men
she shot during this phase of
her criminal career or whether
they survived. At this point
Caroline and Angela conceived
a plan to rob and murder Jose,
a man under Angela’s medical
When they arrived at Jose’s
apartment, Angela introduced
Caroline to him for the first
time. Caroline then put on
music and engaged in some
chit-chat while Angela made
a pot of coffee. At a certain
point, probably 20 to 25 min-
utes after they had arrived,
Angela concluded that Caro-
Before long, Caroline was telling her admirers to line was stalling too much.
meet her at the Stony Island Motel, because she knew Angela gave Caroline a look as if to say, “Bitch, what
the neighborhood and was at home in that part of you waitin’ on?” At that point, she went to Caroline’s
town. She would meet her admirer in a motel room purse, pulled out her 32. revolver and, while Jose was
for drinks, and then she would put music on and be- still engaged in conversation with Caroline, walked up
gin to dance for him taking off her clothes and making behind him and shot him in the back of his head. “Ex-
sure that he took off his too. After waiting “until he’s ecution-style,” is how she described it. After Jose fell
fucked up” by lust and alchohol, she would then reach dead onto the couch, Angela went into the bedroom,
into her purse, as if to get a cigarette, and pull out her where she knew he hid his money. They netted $8,000
32 cal. revolver instead and relieve her admirer of his from his murder.
clothes, his money, and his car keys in one dramatic Caroline felt no remorse. “I felt good [about killing
gesture of revenge for all of the sexual humiliation she these men]. They got what they deserved. I felt pow-
had suffered at the hands of these “niggas.” erful. Ain’t no nigga ever gonna give me no shit. Ain’t
Caroline’s new business plan worked so well the first gonna take no shit from no nigga. I felt good. I was
time she tried it out, that she used the same modus ope- emotionally disinvolved. Everything in my life had led
randi on five different men, all of whom she picked up to this point. My time had come. Things were get-
up at the Sky Box. It was at this point that Caroline ting better.” Caroline claims that her relations with her
reconnected with her second cousin Angela Wright. children also improved after each murder. She had the
During the course of their post-reunion hanging out sense that she was putting her life back together after
sessions, Angela became aware of Caroline’s new line so many years of humiliation and powerlessness. Caro-
of work, and before long they were both planning line is now serving five consecutive life sentences for
new robberies together. “If you want to keep robbing five of the murders she committed.
niggas, you need niggas to rob” became their motto For over 60 years, the Jews in this country, through
and business plan. organizations and institutions like the NAACP, the
With each robbery, the drinking and the marijuana Communist Party, the Civil Rights Movement, and
increased, and the more men they robbed, the more the entertainment industry, have tried to turn blacks
out of control Caroline and Angela became. Each into revolutionaries. In order to do that, they had to
successive robbery became simultaneously bolder in undermine their faith and corrupt their morals. When
conception and sloppier in execution. Caroline began the revolution failed and the black-Jewish alliance fell

24  /  Culture Wars

apart in the late ‘60s, those revolutionaries eventually and his Open Society Institute managed $685.9 mil-
turned into the “gangstas” celebrated by rap music, lion in 2012.”27
thugs who prey on their own people because they are According to the records of Soros’s not-for-profit
still carrying the revolutionary image they acquired, at Open Society Foundation, Soros gave $33 million in
the feet of the Jews, around in their minds. the most recent filing year to promoting racial tur-
moil. Soros-funded groups have “transformed a one-
The Encyclopedia of Grievance day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day
national cause celebre.”28 What began as “spontaneous
No one can hope to understand the anomalous na- protests” on a local level, soon got instrumentalized
ture of the disturbances in Ferguson and Baltimore as revolutionary uprisings, with street demonstrations
without an understanding of the Black/Jewish alliance swollen by nearby recipients of Soros money:
as a psy op gone bad. The Jews did to the blacks what Buses of activists from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor
the Americans and the Saudis did to the mujahideen Conference in Chicago; from the Drug Policy Al-
in Afghanistan during the ‘80s. They turned them into liance, Make the Road New York and Equal Justice
proxy warriors who, like the mujahideen, then got to- USA from New York; from Sojourners, the Advance-
tally out of control and, as Tom Watson predicted at ment Project and Center for Community Change
the time of the Leo Frank case, the black proxy war- in Washington; and networks from the Gamaliel
riors became a Frankenstein monster. The untold story Foundation — all funded in part by Mr. Soros—
behind Ferguson involves what one reporter described descended on Ferguson starting in August and later
organized protests and gatherings in the city until
as the “encyclopedia of grievance” which these Jewish
late last month.29
campaigns have created in the minds of this nation’s
black population. The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit has The same pattern replicated itself based on other lo-
created a nation full of psychic time bombs, which can cal incidents, including the killing of Trayvon Martin
go off at any moment, like the unexploded ordinance in Florida. Kassandra Frederique “went to Ferguson in
in the fields of Europe left behind by the bombing a quest to be in solidarity and stand with the young
campaigns of World War II. organizers and affirm their leadership. Frederique is
Ever since John Brown, someone in this country has
been paging through the “encyclope-
dia of grievances” trying to stir up a
slave rebellion. Ever since Leo Frank
got lynched, the Jews have been the Now we have George Soros and his
main party involved in promoting Open Society Foundation promoting a
slave rebellions under their various
guises, whether it was the NAACP, slave rebellion in Ferguson.
which set out to destroy Marcus
Garvey; the Communist Party, who
tried to use the Scottsboro Boys as
the pretext for their uprising; the Southern Christian policy manager for the Drug Policy Alliance which
Leadership Conference, which, according to Murray was created by Soros and receives $4 million annually
Friedman, succeeded in launching a “true revolution” from his foundation. Frederique traveled to Ferguson
in the South; or David Horowitz and Burt Schneider, because “we recognized this movement is similar to the
who created the Black Panthers. work we’re doing at DPA.” Frederique also works with
Now we have George Soros and his Open Society Opal Tometi, co-creator of #BlackLivesMatter, who
Foundation promoting a slave rebellion in Ferguson. runs the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, which
According to an article in the Washington Times, “Mr. received $100,000 in Soros funding in 2011. Color-
Soros’ two largest foundations manage almost $3 bil- lines, which has been heavily involved in promoting
lion in assets per year, according to their most recent #Blacklivesmatter and demonstrations at Ferguson,
respective tax returns. The Foundation to Promote received $200,000 from Soros in 2011. At the end of
Open Society managed $2.2 billion in assets in 2011, the #BlackLivesMatter march, organizers met with the
December 2015  /  25
Organization for Black Struggle and Missourians Or- When Cynthia went to Washington for the first
ganizing for Reform, two groups which were also re- time, before she had even been sworn in as the rep-
ceiving money from Soros. OBE and MORE collabo- resentative from the fourth district in Georgia, a fax
rated with the Dream Defenders to create the “Hands arrived in her office. It was from AIPAC, and it asked
Up Coalition.” The Defenders were created “to rally her to pledge her support for the state of Israel and its
support and awareness for the Trayvon Martin case continuing oppression of the Palestinian people. If she
and were funded by the Tides Foundation, another re- never did another thing in her life, Cynthia would be
cipient of Soros cash.”30 a heroine in my eyes simply because she refused to sign
In 2014 there were 432 homicides in the city of Chi- that pledge. The only reason she is not in office now is
cago. During the week beginning October 18, 2015, because at that time AIPAC had total control of the
four people were shot and killed in the city of Chicago political process in America. The fact that they do not
and 34 people were shot and wounded. During the have that total control now, the fact that AIPAC was
month of October 2015, as of October 24, 21 people unable to stop the nuclear deal with Iran this summer,
have been shot and killed and 136 people have been in spite of the $150 million the Israel lobby budgeted
shot and wounded. In 1974, two years after blacks on for that purpose is, in some measure, due to Cynthia’s
the south side of Chicago lined up around the block courage then.
to see Superfly, Hollywood’s glorification of the black That being said, there is another question that still
pimp, there were 970 homicides in the city of Chica- needs to be asked: if it was wrong to take AIPAC mon-
go, an all-time record. Eighty percent of those victims ey then, why is it right to take Soros money now? The
were black. If “black lives matter,” why aren’t we talk- Ferguson phenomenon is inexplicable without a dis-
ing about these murders? The answer to that question cussion of the role which Soros money is now playing
is very simple. It’s because George Soros isn’t paying in the perpetuation of race conflict in the United States
anyone to talk about them, and even if some other rich and the role which Jewish money played in aggravat-
Jew were to come up with the money, the Jewish con- ing race conflict in the past. When I mention Soros
trolled media wouldn’t run the
story because they would prefer
that we remain in ignorance of
the Black/Jewish alliance.
George Soros is to Ferguson
If it was wrong to take AIPAC money then,
what the Spingarn brothers why is it right to take Soros money now?
were to the NAACP, what the
Communist Party was to the
Scottsboro Boys, what Stanley
Levinson was to Martin Luther
King, and what Burt Schneider and David Horowitz a cloud passes over Nader’s face. If I say that Soros
were to the Black Panthers. He is one more rich Jew money is behind Ferguson, he fears that it will upset
who is trying to turn a local incident into a slave rebel- the black attendees at the conference. The situation is
lion by turning Blacks into Jewish revolutionaries. still more complicated by the fact that if Nader doesn’t
One of the scheduled conference speakers who did mention Soros’s involvement in Ferguson, he runs the
not show up was Cynthia McKinney, the heroic three- risk of getting into bed with one of the main forces
time representative from a poor black district in Geor- behind the destabilization of Iran. Is there a way out of
gia. Why is she heroic? First of all, because she is will- this bind? Yes, but only if we are all willing to address
ing to tell the truth in a culture built on lies, false flag the role which Jewish money plays in creating fifth
operations, and covert warfare. Secondly, because she columns or internal fronts in the groups which they
was willing to stand up to the most powerful people in want to control and destroy. The Jews did the same
Washington. I’m not talking about Donald Rumsfeld thing to the Catholics during the 1990s when people
or Dick Cheney; I’m talking about the people who like Midge Dector and Norman Podhoretz created
control them; I’m talking about the American Israel fostered the fifth column known as neoconservatism
Political Action Committee or AIPAC. by funding the creation of journals like First Things.

26  /  Culture Wars

Cynthia McKinney

everything else failed was the children she bore during

her short and unhappy life on the streets of Chicago’s
south side.
The children were fathered by a number of different
men; at least two were fathered by rapists. They were
not wanted in any conventional sense of the term, and
yet wanted or not, they are the only thing that held
Caroline’s life together. The regime’s plan in dealing
with people like Caroline was to deprive her of the last
thread that connected her to the human race by co-
ercing her into contracepting or aborting her children
out of existence. Barack Obama is, of course, in total
agreement with the eugenic annihilation of his most
ardent supporters, denizens of the South Side like Car-
oline and Gloria.
The Black/Jewish alliance turned Negroes into revo-
lutionaries when they internalized the Jewish Revo-
lutionary Spirit, and that spirit found fertile ground
in the disordered sexual lives of the Black population
of America. I don’t want to minimize the role which
things like the Israelization of police forces play in cre-
At this point we need to ask ourselves: Do we want ating racial unrest in places like Ferguson, MO and
another Jewish-led slave rebellion? Is there an alterna- Baltimore, MD., but irregular marriages, coupled with
tive to the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit as the engine the internalization of the Jewish revolutionary spirit
pulling the train of human history? The trajectory play a more important role, if for no other reason than
which Iran followed after the revolution of 1979 is it goes unrecognized.
similar to the trajectory American Blacks followed af- Again, we need to ask: do we need another Jewish-
ter their liberation from segregation following the civil led Revolution? Or is there an alternative? In his en-
rights movement of the 1960s. After being released cyclical Spe Salvi, Pope Benedict XVI indicates that
from bondage, they too involved themselves in what revolution is not the Christian way:
Cardinal John called “irregular marriages.” Christianity did not bring a message of social revo-
When the federal government turned its back on the lution like that of the ill-fated Spartacus, whose
recommendations of the Moynihan report in 1965, struggle led to so much bloodshed. Jesus was not
when it chose the contraceptive as the solution to the Spartacus; he was not engaged in a fight for politi-
race problem, it condemned the black family to a slow cal liberation, like Barabbas or Bar-Kochba. Jesus
and painful death. During the mid-‘90s I discussed himself, who died on the Cross, brought something
“How Contraceptives Cause Drive-by Shootings” on totally different: an encounter with a hope stronger
National Public Radio. At around the same time, I than the suffering of slavery, a hope which therefore
gave a talk at Harvard on “Spade Kicks: Modernity transformed life and the world from within.
and the Negro as a Paradigm of Sexual Liberation.”
Gloria Hardy was there when I gave the talk. After- It was Cyrus, King of Persia, who set captive Is-
ward, the black students who attended complained rael free. It was the three Persians whom we call the
about her airing dirty racial laundry in public with a Magi who showed us that Logos, not revolution, is the
white guy. source of our liberation. It is to these three Iranians
The only thing that allowed Caroline Peoples to that we should turn to find an alternative to the Jewish
maintain contact, no matter how tenuous, with reality, Revolutionary Spirit which has caused so much havoc
the only thing that pulled her back from the brink of in the world. Our model in this regard should be these
total self-annihilation, the only thing that prompted three Persians, whom we call wise, because they stud-
her to fall on her knees and call on God for help when ied the Logos that God has made apparent in the sky.
The three Magi from the East were different than the
December 2015  /  27
decadent philosophers from the West, who, St. Paul a dream not to go back to Herod, they “returned to
tells us, have been schooled to “keep truth imprisoned their own country by a different way” (Matt 2:12).
in their wickedness.” Like Michel Foucault, who was Like the Magi, we are being called to return to our
raised a Catholic and can stand as a symbol of the dec- own country by a different way. We are being called to
adent state of philosophy in the West, “they knew God avoid Herod and not become accomplices in his plans
and yet refused to honor him as God or to thank him; to slaughter the innocent. We are being called to aban-
instead they made nonsense out of logic and their emp- don Herod’s obsolete political categories, which have
ty minds were darkened. The more they called them- caused so much mayhem in the world. We are being
selves philosophers,” St. Paul continues, “the more stu- called not only to eschew the Jewish Revolutionary
pid they grew.” With the homosexual Foucault as their Spirit but to oppose it openly and actively.
guide, the West has “turned from natural intercourse The alternative to becoming a wise man is now clear.
to unnatural practices. . . . their menfolk have given As one of the bishops at the recently held synod on the
up natural intercourse to be consumed with passion family in Rome made clear, it is the two beasts of the
for each other, men doing shameless things with men Apocalypse: the homosexual agenda of the Great Sa-
and getting an appropriate reward for their perver- tan and the Takfiri in Syria and Iraq, otherwise known
sion.” Michel Foucault, most of you may know, died as DAESH or Isis. What do homosexual revolution-
of AIDS in 1984, after a decade of degrading himself aries like Michel Foucault have in common with the
in the bathhouses of San Francisco. liver-eating Takfiri? They believe that will is superior
By succumbing to the increasingly insistent pull of to reason. We are wise men because we believe in the
his own homosexual compulsions, Foucault, accord- opposite; We believe in subordinating our will to the
ing to Miller made “a kind of Faustian pact with the Logos. We believe in following the Star which sym-
death-instinct and the hecatombs of the fascist adven- bolizes the Logos which is God. As the Gospel of St.
ture.” Foucault is less oblique in describing his own John reminds us: “Verbum erat Deus.” With the Magi
personal deal with the devil: as our role models in mind, we ask for the courage to
The Faustian pact, whose temptation has been in- follow that star wherever it leads us.
stilled in us by the deployment of sexuality, is now as That’s how I planned to end my talk. But I never got
follows: to exchange life in its entirety for sex itself, to the end of my talk because I never got the chance to
for the truth and sovereignty of sex. Sex is worth dy- begin it. When the On the Brink conference ended, I
ing for. It is in this (strictly historical) sense that sex still hadn’t given my talk. After consulting the sched-
is indeed imbued with the death

Michel Foucault is the patron

saint of the decadent West. That
Virtually the only thing that Shamika learns
is why “The West,” as Denethor by going to public school now is that she is a
said in The Lord of the Rings, has
failed. We have come to modern
spiritual descendent of Rosa Parks,
day Persia with different saints
in mind. We take as our model
the three Persians who followed ule, I learned that I had 15 minutes on the third day
a star. Why are they our model? 1) Because of their of the conference. When the time arrived Zeina Me-
Intellect. They were able to discern logos in the sky hanna spoke in my place. By that evening the Blacks
by studying God’s creation. 2) Because of their will. had taken over the conference. One of Louis Farra-
The magi are worthy of imitation because when the khan’s lieutenants from Chicago gave an interminable
star appeared in the sky they had the courage to follow speech, and afterward started handing out awards as if
it wherever it led them. Do we have the same cour- it were his conference. The Afrocentric boilerplate had
age? If we don’t, we will achieve nothing. And finally, become intolerable at this point to both the confer-
3) Because of their cunning. They were smart enough ence participants who weren’t black and to the Iranian
to understand that they could not accept political dis- students who served as staff and translators.
course and political categories. After being warned in
28  /  Culture Wars
Martin Luther King, left, and Rosa Parks

ly—“Get your hands off me, you white

Motherfucker”—and physically. I was
bleeding when I left the classroom after
another teacher came in and literally took
Shamika off my hands.
Now, some 40 years later, police are a
regular fixture in public schools because,
during that time, the violence I witnessed
got out of hand and teachers got tired of
being assaulted every time they had a dis-
cipline problem.
No one was willing to explicate the
South Carolina incident other than
through the lens of white racism, which
is part of the dialectic of black/white vio-
lence that Jews like George Soros want to
During the course of the conference, Marziah Hash- perpetuate. The militarization of Ameri-
emi showed the by then viral clip of a student in South ca’s police forces, which that dialectic of violence has
Carolina being dragged out of her classroom by a caused, is a symptom, not a cause, even if it is a symp-
white policeman. This clip, combined with the “en- tom that makes the situation worse. Virtually the only
cyclopedia of grievance” and the obsolete categories thing that Shamika learns by going to public school
which it imposed on discourse, confirmed the black now is that she is a spiritual descendent of Rosa Parks,
participants at the conference that white racism was and, as such, she does not have to stop talking on her
the radix malorum and that people like me were the cell phone after class begins and she is asked to do so
carriers of this disease. Commenting on the same clip, by her teacher. Nor does she have to stop talking on
Black columnist Leonard Pitts wrote: her cell phone when the white policemen who has
been assigned to contain the mayhem that is public
A violent arrest of . . . a white deputy named Ben
Fields of a black female student at Spring Valley,
education asks her to do so.
High in Richland County, SC. Fields, a school re- Leonard Pitts, as the defender of the racial status quo
source officer, was a called in when the girl report- in America, only makes matters worse when he writes:
edly ignored a teacher’s request to stop using her Let’s be very clear here. It doesn’t matter if she was
cellphone and leave the classroom. He ended up disruptive. It doesn’t matter if she were disobedi-
overturning her desk and slinging her across the ent. It doesn’t matter if she was disrespectful. Those
floor like a sandbag or a sack of dog food.32 things justify discipline, but they emphatically do
not justify this child being lifted and flung by a
No one at the conference asked why the police are grown man as if she were an inanimate object. If
now regularly assigned to America’s public schools. she were white, that would likely go without saying.
If someone had I could have talked about my experi-
ences as a substitute teacher in the Philadelphia school Pitts fails to see how his attitude is part of the prob-
system in the 1970s. Because there were no police in lem. Because of black lackeys on the Jewish media
the school, the teachers had to break up the fights plantation like Pitts, Shamika thinks she is Rosa Parks.
that routinely broke out in the classrooms. I remem- Shamika’s mind has been colonized by the Jewish Rev-
ber entering one junior high classroom which was in olutionary Spirit, and the only way the cops can deal
a state of total chaos. Surveying the situation, I no- with that spirit now is physical force—which is, well,
ticed that one girl was lying of the floor being kicked physical—and makes for shocking cell phone videos
in the head by another girl, whose name I forget, but when it gets carried out.
let’s call her Shamika. When I grabbed Shamika by the On Friday, October 30, after lunch, Marziah Hash-
shoulders and dragged her away from the girl she was emi announced that we were going to discuss the is-
assaulting, Shamika started attacking me both verbal- sues which had been raised during the conference.
December 2015  /  29
were white might be debatable in another context, but
it was not debatable here, yet none of the conference
organizers raised any objection to one of the speakers
imposing this flagrant form of racial bigotry on the rest
of us, Iranians included. Are Iranians white? When I
once asked Hilda, one of the young ladies doing the
translating at another conference if her mother were
German, she replied, “Of course not. I’m an Aryan.”
So the real question is whether we Aryans are going
to stick together. No, let me rephrase that. The real
question is whether we Aryans are going to take the
magi as our model or whether we are going to follow
one of the many Jewish-sponsored black revolutionar-
ies that have caused so much mayhem both inside and
outside the black community, waving our spears as we
charge the machine gun nest.
As of now, the issue is still undecided. By not re-
pudiating Musa Dan Fodio’s racism, Marziah plunged
the New Horizons organization into a state of crisis by
condoning his racial bigotry. But more importantly,
they cast doubt on the goals of their own organization.
In the short speech I gave at the beginning of the con-
ference, after receiving the Farsi edition of my book on
the Jews and the Moral subversion of the West, I said
that this conference allowed a discussion that couldn’t
At this point Musa Dan Fodio objected, saying “We take place in America or anywhere else in the world.
don’t want to discuss this outside the family.” White I said that, assuming that I was going to give the pa-
people, in other words, were to be excluded from the per I had been asked to give. Needless to say, being
discussion. Musa Dan Fodio, it is worth noting at this prevented from giving my paper changed my view of
point, took his name from the Fulani war lord who the conference. Instead of a real discussion of the is-
conquered Gobir, Kano, and other Hausa city states sues, what ensued was a replication of the American
in what is now Nigeria in 1808 on his way to estab- black/white dynamic which exists to keep everyone
lishing the Sokoto Caliphate in 1815. In the end the in the dark about the real purpose of racial conflict in
insurrection came to nothing because he who lives by America.
the sword also dies by it, something the Englishman Are the Iranians interested in the truth or ephemeral
Lord Lugard made clear after he subdued the Sokoto political alliances with dubious allies? Just how dubi-
rebellion in 1902: “The Fulani under Dan Fodio,” Lu- ous these allies are became apparent when Musa dan-
gard told the sultans and their chiefs, “conquered this Fodio followed up his request to have white people ex-
country. They took the right to rule over it, to levy tax- cluded from the discussion at the conference by send-
es, to depose kings, and to create kings. They in turn ing all of its participants an article by Garikai Chengu,
have by defeat lost their rule, which has come into the “a scholar at Harvard University.” Chengu’s article
hands of the British. All these things, which I have said purported to show that Africans had discovered
the Fulani by conquest took the right to do now pass America, and had contributed “immensely to early
to the British” (Meyer, Brysac, Kingmakers, p. 88). American civilization by importing the art of pyramid
Before being asked to leave, I got up and walked building, political systems, and religious practices as
out. Shortly, thereafter, Declan Hayes left, followed by well as mathematics, writing, and a sophisticated cal-
Manuel Galiana Ros, who told me that when he left, endar.” Proof of this claim is that “Columbus noted
the conference participants were talking about wheth- in his journal that Native Americans had confirmed
er to obtain guns. Whether the Irish or the Spanish that ‘black skinned people had come from the south-

30  /  Culture Wars

east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears.’” Far be it endorse mumbo jumbo that is taken seriously only
from me to challenge a scholar like Mr. Chengu, but in the African studies departments of the Great Sa-
Montezuma recounted a legend to Cortez that white tan’s universities? At the beginning of the New Ho-
skinned people would come to Mexico, which is what rizons conference on racial conflict in the United
in fact happened. States, I was presented with the Farsi edition of
As we have come to expect, Afrocentrism is a farrago my book on Jews and the Moral Subversion of the
of tendentious history and bad anthropology which West. During the short speech I gave thanking my
dragoons the achievements of other cultures to shore publisher, I mentioned the radio show I did with
up the massive black inferiority complex which arises Nader Talebzade in which I announced that Iran
from other sources closer to home. So Chengu tells us was the leader of the free world.
that: After I complained to Nader about not being al-
One of the first documented instances of Africans lowed to give the talk I traveled half way around to
sailing and settling in the Americas were black give, he agreed to have me on his TV show, which
Egyptians led by King Ramses III, during the 19th reaches 11 million Iranian viewers. So, God once
dynasty in 1292 BC. In fact, in 445 BC, the Greek again showed his ability to turn evil into good. The
historian Herodotus wrote of the Ancient Egyptian crisis with New Horizons remains, however. Who
pharaohs’ great seafaring and navigational skills. is their role model? Is it the Magi, who subordi-
Further concrete evidence, noted by Dr. Imhotep nate will to the Logos and follow the star wherever
and largely ignored by Euro-centric archaeologists, it leads them? Or is it Jewish creations like Huey
includes “Egyptian artifacts found across North
Newton, or Eldridge Cleaver, or the black folk who
America from the Algonquin writings on the East
Coast to the artifacts and Egyptian place names
are their spiritual descendents and now currently
in the Grand Canyon.” In 1311 AD, another ma- feeding at the trough of George Soros money?
jor wave of African exploration to the New World Rather than get into a debate on the merits of
was led by King Abubakari II, the ruler of the four- Afrocentrism 101, it might be more productive
teenth century Mali Empire, which was larger than to ask what purpose it serves. The answer is that
the Holy Roman Empire. The king sent out
200 ships of men, and 200 ships of trade mate-
rial, crops, animals, cloth, and, crucially, African
knowledge of astronomy, religion, and the arts.
Are the Iranians interested in the
Unfortunately, the Africans who lived after
King Abubakari II seem to have forgotten his
truth or ephemeral political alli-
knowledge of “astronomy, religion, and the ances with dubious allies?
arts.” When the Europeans arrived in sub-Saha-
ran Africa, they discovered a people who hadn’t
discovered the wheel.
As if recognizing that he is straining the credulity of this sort of mumbo-jumbo, like the George Soros’
his reader, Chengu admits: sponsored racial unrest in Ferguson, distracts ev-
African explorers crossing the vast Atlantic waters in eryone, both black and white, from the real issue,
primitive boats may seem unlikely, or perhaps, far which is the use of proxy warriors to control the
fetched to some. Such incredible nautical achieve- cultures of subjugated peoples. Where this leads
ments are not as daunting as they seem, given that can be gleaned from the refugee crisis which Hilary
numerous successful modern attempts have illus-
Clinton inaugurated when she killed Khaddafi, but
trated that, without an oar, rudder, or sail, ancient
African boats, including the “dug-out,” would cer-
also, and more the point of our discussion, in the
tainly have been able to cross the vast ocean in a wrecked lives of the black diaspora on the south
matter of weeks. side of Chicago.

Do the Iranians, who actually do have a culture Notes Available upon request
that is more than 2,500 years old, really want to
December 2015  /  31
The End of Americanism:
A Layman’s view
Robert Cavanaugh, Jr.

A fundamental problem one encounters when dis- of indifference encourages us to essentially indulge our
cussing World Meeting of Family events with fallen- every appetite or desire, where the ultimate goal is to
away friends and family members is that the mere “be yourself ” and to “express yourself.” But do we
mention of “the Catholic Church” or “Church teach- adopt this logic with anything we take seriously? The
ing” sends chills down their spine, elicits the predict- freedom of excellence is what we instinctively seek out
able blank stare, and conjures up in their mind the au- when the subject is something we really care about.
thoritarian, rules-obsessed, institution of “no” they left Whether it be trying to learn a musical instrument,
in their mental rear-view mirror decades ago. Would or how to play golf, or pursuing a field of academic
that all these fine people, highly intelligent and often study.
quite accomplished, could have access to the positively According to Bishop Barron, following the teach-
stirring Opening Keynote Address of Tuesday after- ings of the Church will lead us to the promised land of
noon (9/22), given by the newly appointed Auxiliary freedom and fulfillment. When we view the moral law
Bishop of the Los Angeles archdiocese, Bishop Robert and the theology of the body through the lens of the
Barron. There are many of us - fallen away and be- modern idea of freedom, it makes us the Church of
lievers – who have also adopted the prevailing wisdom “no.” But when we look deeper into the actual teach-
that it is what we do that matters most, more so than ing, past the modern propaganda about the teaching,
what we believe. This is the philosophy of “trying to we find that what appears to be an initial “no” is al-
be a good person”, while professing to have no enthu- ways in the service of a more abiding “yes.” The im-
siasm for “organized” religion.
In this reading of freedom, “law” is always
an imposition. Something we accept as a nec-
essary evil, like the traffic code. Law is an af- “Catholic anthropology is at odds
front to freedom as self-determination, where
there should be no compulsion - from within
with American culture.”
or from without.
But there is another, richer tradition that
holds a completely different view of what con-
stitutes true freedom, and how we can best attain it. plications of our failure as Christians to live out our
In this tradition, law is not the enemy of freedom, it calling as priest-prophet-king are, or should be, quite
is the condition for the possibility of freedom. Bish- obvious. But Bishop Barron’s style is to allow those
op Barron contrasted the “freedom of indifference” implications to hover in the air, rather than hammer
with the “freedom of excellence”, terms he borrowed anything home. I suppose he is counting on our being
from The Sources of Christian Ethics, by Servais Pin- able to pick up on his very strong and articulate hint.
kaers (University Press Fribourg, 1985). The freedom Professor Teresa Stanton Collett, who teaches law
32  /  Culture Wars
Bishop Robert Barron addressing the World Meeting of Families

tant message to be gleaned from the

perceptive observations of Bishop
Robert Barron, Professor Teresa
Stanton Collet, and other speakers
at the WMOF is this: The Ameri-
can regime as we know it - our
government, economy, and culture
- is inimical to Catholic teach-
ing. The Enlightenment-inspired
separation of reason and faith at
the heart of the American Propo-
sition has resulted in an emphasis
on materialism, and a denial of
the spiritual dimension to human

and bio-ethics at the University of St. Thomas in Min- StaRtling Conclusion

neapolis, Minnesota got more specific in one of the This startling conclusion may prove to be a tough
break-out sessions when she said: “Catholic anthro- pill to swallow for many of our Catholic friends and
pology is at odds with American culture.” Collett neighbors, to borrow a phrase my Italian mother was
then referenced the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. fond of using. To begin with, we all naturally love
Hodges decision of this past June, legalizing gay mar- the place of our birth. Patriotism may indeed be the
riage in all fifty states, and observed how Justice An- last refuge of scoundrels in public affairs. But in our
thony Kennedy grounded the majority opinion in the private lives, patriotism is the most automatic and
modern sense of dignity as something that is granted, heartfelt of emotions. We tend to think of America’s
rather than innate. She contrasted this with a phrase critics as ungrateful. We repudiate out of hand such
in our Declaration of Independence that famously rec- left-wing bomb-throwers as William Ayers and Saul
ognizes certain inalienable rights given to us by our Alinsky, unsavory characters said to be among Presi-
Creator. She praised the analysis of Justice Clarence dent Obama’s early mentors. Nevertheless, it’s time to
Thomas in his dissent, and believes the Obergefell rul- acknowledge the obvious: The American regime wor-
ing represents “a fundamental error in interpreting our ships money instead of God. Our free market system
Constitution.” pursues profit above all else, to the detriment of what
“Now that the concept (of human dignity) has en- used to be referred to in the pre-computer age as the
tered into the political dialogue, it creates both an op- “common good”. We deploy a perverse version of “re-
portunity and a danger, because the redefinition of it ligious liberty” so as to prevent moral considerations
will result in practices and the use of the law’s coercive from impinging on “self-expression”, and on what is
power to make us say things that are false are true.” wrongly understood to be the “science” of the modern
Professor Collett ended her talk by giving the audi- economy.
ence three assignments: study Church documents on Standing in the way of objectivity in this matter is a
dignity, engage in the political process, and show love long history of leading American Catholic prelates as-
and respect for the dignity of people close to us. As to suring us at various intervals that the American Creed
that third assignment, in what struck me as a beautiful in no way contradicts any important teaching of the
coda to her appearance in Philadelphia, the professor Church. Adding to the contemporary confusion are
said it is possible for people “to become so intent on the conservative Catholic intellectuals of recent vin-
saving the world that we neglect the very unique, ful- tage who have devoted themselves to reconciling our
some duties God places on us in the families we are wayward culture with what they maintain are the es-
born into or that we create through our marriages.” sentially religious underpinnings - or to be more pre-
In the opinion of this attendee, the most impor-
December 2015  /  33
Liberty Bell logo for WMOF

eth century has not altered Professor Collett’s belief in

the underlying goodness of the American system. The
irony here is that, as previously noted, Collett was re-
sponsible for one of the best sound-bite thunderbolts
of the entire week: Catholic anthropology is at odds
with American culture. Apparently the good profes-
sor is not quite ready to acknowledge that Catholic
anthropology is also at odds with American jurispru-
dence, and with the American economic system.
When, one might ask, will the notion that our Dec-
laration and Constitution are aligned with Catholic
teaching finally wither and die? When will we ad-
mit these founding documents cannot be reconciled
with the Magisterium of the Church? To take the
most glaring example, when will we acknowledge that
the founders’ famous reference to “Nature’s God” is
strictly an Enlightenment invocation, and has nothing
whatsoever to do with Catholic anthropology?
cise, the religiously-compatible underpinnings - of the History really is written by the winners, and in case
American Experiment. you need to be reminded, Catholics were not among
We are all familiar with this accepted wisdom. But the winners when our country’s history was written.
it simply does not comport with what was dissemi- The rebellion against Protestant England that led to
nated from the podiums in Philadelphia this past our nation’s founding was instigated by two groups of
September. Or with the printed material describing people. Those with means wanted a say in the House
the many other talks I was unable to attend, available of Commons, if they were to help pay for the defense
in the Family Guidebook. The theme was repeated of the colonies. This was a thoroughly unrealistic ex-
over-and-over again: Promoting Church teaching on pectation, requiring a six-month, roundtrip boat ride
marriage and the family brings us into direct con- to register a single vote. The other group used the “tax-
flict with the prevailing culture. The organizers who ation without representation” issue as a mere pre-text.
assigned topics, and lined up speakers to address those They were derided as “infidels” and “atheists,” even in
topics, seem to have no trouble identifying root causes their own time. The intellectual radicals responsible
when it comes to other countries: Turning away from for agitating the general populace (chief among them
God and adopting a secular political model condemns Franklin, Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Thomas Young,
their efforts towards justice and human dignity to in- and yes, Ethan Allen) “set their sights on a revolution
effectiveness, or outright failure. But when it comes to of the mind. They wanted to liberate us not just from
the United States, the problem in the organizers’ eyes one king, but from what they saw as the tyranny of
is not fundamental or foundational. It is relegated religion.” As quoted from Nature’s God: The Heretical
to merely being the work of certain liberal thinkers, Origins of the American Republic by Matthew Stewart,
a certain political party, or to a “misinterpretation” of which was up for a 2014 National Book Award in His-
our Constitution. tory. There are many other historical sources to sup-
In this vein, we have the estimable Professor Teresa port this argument, several of which are to be found in
Stanton Collett duly noting the recent anti-God legal Stewart’s bibliography.
rulings around the world, and rightly analyzing the When raising the issue of our Enlightenment-in-
source of their miscalculation. Namely, the adoption spired beginnings with conservative Catholic speak-
of a secular model in both politics and science. When ers, one is invariably told how our founders “built
it comes to this country, however, she chalks the dire better than they knew.” This rose-colored revisionist
trend up to little more than judicial overreach. That view of history is descended from Orestes Brownson
the Church has lost every single legal battle since the (1803-1876). For those not already familiar, Mr.
downward spiral began in the middle of the twenti- Brownson is a fascinating character. His livelong

34  /  Culture Wars

wayfaring took him in many different ideological di- Experiment - based on the work of Orestes Brown-
rections, eventually culminating in his conversion to son.
Catholicism. His big book is The American Republic, The average Catholic in the pews has no trouble pin-
published in 1866. In the aftermath of the Civil War, pointing socialism and communism as enemies of the
Brownson attempted a grand reconciliation between Church. Even those unfamiliar with Pope Pius XI and
his new-found faith and the rebel thought at the heart his 1931 effort, Quadragesimo Anno (known in Eng-
of our nation’s founding. lish as “In the 40th Year”, and issued on the anniversary
His major contribution was to observe that in de- of Pope Leo XIII’s 1891 Rerum Novarum, known in
veloping their political philosophy, the rebels made English as “Rights and Duties of Capital and Labor”),
reference to reason and the natural law tradition. In would heartily agree with the quote most frequently
Brownson’s opinion, this made their ruminations cited from that encyclical: “No one can be at the same
compatible with Aquinas, and therefore hospitable to time a sincere Catholic and a true socialist.”
Catholic anthropology. After attending the WMOF in Philadelphia, it
Quite a sweeping conclusion, considering the back- would seem the time has come to amend that quote,
ground of the original authors who, as casualties of the and acknowledge that in 2015: No one can be at the
Protestant Revolution, were adrift theologically. The same time a sincere Catholic and a true American.
leading lights (a young Jefferson, and an elderly Frank- This remained an unspoken subtext at the Adult Con-
lin) were undeniably swept up in the anti-religious gress, since no single presenter was prepared to syn-
excitement of the white-hot intellectual movement of thesize the pieces into a coherent whole, which would
the day known as The Enlightenment. have resulted in this obvious take-away conclusion.
Brownson did not deny that ours was an essentially The message behind the amended quote being, of
Enlightenment political project, with a little Protestantcourse, that unfettered capitalism, grounded in En-
window dressing applied to appease the Calvinists and lightenment thought, is every bit as suspect from a
the Puritans. He simply believed our founders inad- Catholic perspective as are the other “isms.” Bringing
vertently built a better nation than even they realized this buried fact to our attention is one of Pope Fran-
at the time. The non-denominational democracy that cis’ recurring themes, as he never seems to miss an op-
emerged from the deliberations of this disparate group portunity to challenge the economic hegemony of the
was a brand-new concoction on the world stage, and West. Note the strong pushback he receives on this
one that - per Mr. Brownson, looking back some one score from political conservatives here in the States.
No less a certified cultural warrior than
Patrick Buchanan has accused Francis of
“not understanding the free enterprise
History really is written by the winners, system.” On the eve of the pope’s his-
toric visit to America, which included
and in case you need to be reminded, a two-day stop in Philadelphia to help
Catholics were not among the winners mark the end of the WMOF, Mr. Bu-
channan wondered if the pope “…will
when our country’s history was written avoid America’s moral crisis to chatter
on about income equality…” The Wall
Street Journal, among many other media
outlets, points to an upbringing in the
hundred years after the fact - even Catholics could get Argentina of Eva and Juan Peron as preventing Pope
behind. Francis from appreciating the many splendors of “eco-
If harkening back to 1866 strikes you as a hopelessly nomic freedom.” These two simple words - economic
arcane reference, consider this: Every conservative freedom - enjoy an exalted place in the minds of those
Catholic intellectual of the last couple of generations who are forever reminding us that the free market and
has attempted a similar reconciliation - of our deterio- the free enterprise system at the heart of capitalism
rating culture with what they doggedly claim are the “has produced more widespread prosperity than any
essentially religious underpinnings of the American other economic system.”
December 2015  /  35
This train of thought is the legacy of Ludwig Von Fredrick Hayek into the discussion. Mr. Hayek was
Mises (1881-1973), an eminent social philosopher a disciple of Von Mises, and went on to win the No-
and the godfather of the Austrian (libertarian) school bel Prize in Economics in 1974. Hayek reiterates Von
of economics. He held that economic freedom ad- Mises’ belief that free enterprise is both a necessary
vances the other freedoms we hold dear, and is there- condition for, and a natural consequence of, personal
fore a prerequisite for all other freedoms. freedom. But Hayek introduces some important dis-
Allan Brownfield, in a recent op-ed entitled Pope tinctions:
Francis’ Introspection about Capitalism, published on- Free enterprise has developed the only kind of soci-
line by the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, tells us that, ety which, while it provides us with ample means,
for Von Mises, the essence of economic freedom is al- if that is what we mainly want, still leaves the in-
lowing the individual to choose the way in which he dividual free to choose between material and non-
wants to integrate himself into the totality of society. material reward. . . . When we defend the free enter-
The individual should be free to choose his career, and prise system we must always remember that it deals
free to do what he wants to do. Brownfield quotes only with ‘means’. What we make of our freedom is
Von Mises as follows: up to us. We must not confuse efficiency in provid-
ing means with the purposes with which they serve.
The real bosses are the consumers. And if the con- … It is the glory of the free enterprise system that it
sumers stop patronizing a branch of business, these makes it at least possible that each individual, while
business men are either forced to abandon their emi- serving his fellows, can do so for his own ends. But
nent position or to adjust their actions to the wishes the system is itself only a means, and its infinite pos-
and to the order of the consumers. The sovereign is sibilities must be used in the service of ends which
not the state, it is the people. In the market econ- exists apart.
omy, everyone serves his fellow citizens by serving
himself. This is what the liberal authors of the 18th These distinctions are not lost on Allan Brownfield,
century had in mind when they spoke of the harmo- who notes that “whether or not Pope Francis’ under-
ny of the rightly understood interests of all groups
standing of free enterprise is imperfect, he is posing a
and of all individuals of the population. And it was
this doctrine of harmony of interests that the social- larger question for us to consider. The purpose of life
ists opposed. They spoke of the ‘irrevocable conflict is not the amassing of material goods, and the purpose
of interests’ between various groups. of society is not simply to provide the atmosphere in
which greed is given full sway.”
Consumers as the real bosses? This takes us back
to de Tocqueville, who analyzed our economic be- Cheerleaders of Free Enterprise
havior in the heady days when we were still a nation
of small business people, being kept in line by the Yes, just as the cheerleaders of free enterprise claim,
watchful eye of our neighbors. A lovely theory, but “our own society has provided its citizens with the
one which hardly describes our present circumstance. most advanced standard of living in the world… yet
What would Von Mises make of modern advertising our families are in decline, crime and drug use pro-
and big media, to say nothing of currency manipula- liferate, our educational system is often failing, and
tion, insider trading, and leveraged buy-outs that now the middle class has seen its wages stagnate, while the
dominant the landscape? These days his “consumer number in poverty is growing.”
bosses” are little more than hapless by-standers, being “At the same time, those with the highest incomes,
manipulated from on high. Wall Street bankers among them, seek to use the po-
Interesting how the Catholic intelligentsia in litical process to immunize themselves from the cost
this country all but ignores Leo XIII, dismissing his of failure. Conservatives, in particular, have often be-
thought as having no application to a modern econ- trayed their own larger calling by embracing crass ma-
omy while joining their non-Catholic comrades in terialism, which, in the end, is not radically different
continuing to revere Von Mises’ constructs as the only from that which Marxists embrace. To the extent that
legitimate framework in which to evaluate the impor- one believes man is simply a material being and his
tant economic questions. purpose in this world is to increase his material wealth,
To help balance the scales, Mr. Brownfield brings the twin philosophies of Marxism and the libertarian-

36  /  Culture Wars

ism of Ayn Rand tend to merge.” SJPII’s first encyclical, Redemptor Hominis (“The
One of the most visceral moments of Bishop Bar- Redeemer of the World”), promulgated on March 4,
ron’s Opening Keynote Session was recalling Saint 1979, let everyone know just where his pontificate
Pope John Paul II’s visit to his native Poland in June would be coming from: “Jesus Christ is the center of
1979, a mere eight months after his election as pope. the universe and of history.” Each person has dignity,
This visit has since been identified as the opening act and our nature is not simply material but also spiritual
in the Fall of Communism. When he got off the plane and moral. Real freedom is founded upon truth. And
in Warsaw, he kissed the ground and “incited a spiritu- God, who is love, has perfectly revealed this truth in
al earthquake.” He traveled to Victory Square in Old our savior, Jesus Christ.
Warsaw to say Mass, where the communist officials
who had reluctantly agreed to the papal visit watched The Marxist Solution has failed
from hotels that ringed the square. He preached about
human dignity, worship of God, and of salvation. His Pointing out that communism and socialism proved
election as pope, he told the 300,000 who had assem- to be abject failures will not elicit much disagree-
bled, was an indication the Polish people who suffered ment. But less recognized is how these “isms” were at-
for centuries had now been chosen for a great role, as a tempts to address the excesses of the dominant system,
special witness to our Savior’s cross and His salvation. namely capitalism. In singing the theoretical praises
When the pope asked if they accepted the obliga- of free enterprise, conservatives ignore how capitalism
tions of such a role in history, the crowd responded as practiced in the West is defined by its excesses: an
“We Want God”, “We Want God” over and over, overwhelming emphasis on materialism, and com-
drowning him out. “We want God in the family, we plete denial of a spiritual dimension to human exis-
want God in the schools, we want God in books”, tence. Saint John Paul II’s 1991 encyclical Centesimus
they called out. Barron described this as SJPII fulfill- Annus (“In the Hundredth Year”, promulgated on the
ing his role as “priest”, calling forth “right praise” from anniversary of Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum), had as its
his people. He also noted this drama took place be- major theme just this point. After the fall of commu-
fore “government officials who had been involved in nism, should capitalism be the goal of countries now
the systematic suppression of right praise.” And so making efforts to rebuild their economy and society?
it needs to be asked: From a cultural and legislative SJPII answers as follows:
perspective of the last fifty or sixty years, how has our
If by “capitalism” is meant an economic system
government been any different from the old commu- which recognizes the fundamental and positive role
nists we once despised? Hasn’t our own government of business, the market, private property, and the re-
been involved in what can only be described as the sys- sulting responsibility for the means of production,
tematic suppression of “right praise” for the last half as well as free human creativity in the economic sec-
century or so? tor, then the answer is certainly in the affirmative,
SJPII’s death in April 2005 was the occasion of even though it would perhaps be more appropriate
much reminiscing concerning his role in overturning to speak of a “business economy,” “market econo-
communist rule in the Eastern Bloc. Of that time, my,” or simply “free economy.” But, if by “capital-
historian Paul Johnson has written: “Ronald Reagan, ism” is meant a system in which freedom in the eco-
nomic sector is not circumscribed within a strong
Margaret Thatcher, and John Paul II were the trio who
judicial framework which places it at the service of
destroyed Soviet communism and its evil empire.” human freedom in its totality, and which sees it as a
But the pope’s ultimate message has actually been particular aspect of that freedom, the core of which
undermined by this association with “the lions of the is ethical and religious, then the reply is certainly
1980s.” Political conservatives here in the States have negative.
been too quick to mistake the pope’s critique of the
communist curtailment of religious freedom to mean He continues in the same encyclical:
unqualified support for the version of religious liberty The Marxist solution has failed, but the realities
promoted on these shores, while SPJII’s criticism of of marginalization and exploitation remain in the
Marxist economic principles was quickly misinterpret- world, especially in the Third World, as does the re-
ed to be a flat-out endorsement of capitalism. ality of human alienation, especially in the more ad-
December 2015  /  37
vanced countries…. Vast multitudes are still living audience, thanking them for their service on behalf
in conditions of great material and moral poverty. of the Church. My lunch companion also didn’t like
The collapse of the Communist system in so many the way all the nuns in that audience were dressed in
countries certainly removes an obstacle to facing their habits. Together these things struck her as a pro-
these problems in an appropriate and realistic way,
nounced example of that dread disease infecting the
but it is not enough to bring about their solution.
Indeed, there is a risk that a radical capitalistic ide-
Church known as “clericalism.” I cited Bishop Robert
ology could spread which refuses even to consider Barron’s reference that “the City must conform itself
these problems, in the a priori belief that any at- to God”, and she of course immediately recognized it
tempt to solve them is doomed to failure, and which as coming from Augustine, since Villanova is run by
blindly trusts their solution to the free development the Augustinian order. Then, on the heels of that ref-
of market forces. erence, she said: “John Courtney Murray at the time
of the Second Vatican Council had a very important
In our post Vatican II era, there has been what might idea, to separate the Church from any sort of author-
be charitably described as a fascination on the part of itative role in the public life of Catholics, including
conservative Catholic commentators in this country university life. Prior to that the Church had a say in
with non-Catholic perspectives on key subjects, such everything, and that was not a good situation. Think
as religious freedom and economics. This fascina- of Spain…”
tion has led our Catholic establishment to overlook There was a distinct trend among the reference mate-
the finer points of what Saint John Paul II was broad- rials being used at the WMOF. Everything seemed to
casting in 1979, and the all-important distinctions he come from the documents of Vatican II (1962-1965),
went out of his way to detail in 1991. Say what you with all papal references coming from the post-Vatican
will about the perceived shortcomings of Pope Francis’ II popes, consisting mainly of the magnificent trio of
off-the-cuff style, he deserves props for attempting to SJPII (1978-2005), Benedict XVI (2005-2013), and
resurrect the ultimate message and the all-important Francis (2013- ). With a little Paul VI (1965-1977)
distinctions, much to the chagrin of many a conserva- thrown in for good measure. All of which was fine by
tive Catholic stalwart. me. But after a while I started to detect a certain bias
That “there are good things happening in the Church against anything that came before Vatican II, as if the
today” was a popular theme sounded by the handful stellar popes from, say, the one hundred years immedi-
of attendees I had an opportunity to interact with. ately prior to the council were just a mediocre collec-
And, as a group, we were complimented several times tion of stodgy old Italian dudes, of whom we are now
throughout the week by different speakers that our more than a little embarrassed.
large numbers indicate just how “vibrant” the Church
is today. But the definition of what constitutes “good”
or “vibrant” is a matter of opinion. I shared a spot Litmus Test
at lunch one day next to a woman who is now near- There is no denying that one’s opinion of the Second
ing retirement, after spending decades working in the Vatican Council is something of litmus test. Today’s
Development Office at Villanova University. The two under-siege headlines may have pushed this old debate
of us are approximately the same age, and we enjoyed to the back burner, but it hasn’t gone away. One camp
a very pleasant, wide-ranging chat. She was quite fervently believes Vatican II renewed the Church, and
proud of the strong presence Villanova was having at made it relevant for the modern world. The other
the WMOF, including the appearance of three sepa- camp, one could say, believes the Council rendered the
rate presenters from the ranks of the faculty, providing Church a shell of its former self, and thoroughly ir-
some 500 volunteer foot soldiers, and hosting or co- relevant.
hosting a string of events in the month leading up to In his Keynote Address, Bishop Barron reminded
the Adult Congress, all inspired by the WMOF. us of the Second Vatican Council’s primary objec-
It turned out this woman had attended the same tive: Opening up the Catholic Church to the modern
Digging into Dignity presentation that I had. But she world, and bringing more people into communion
took umbrage at the way Professor Collett had com- with it. If the likes of Henri de Lubac, Romano Guar-
plimented the number of priests and religious in the dini, Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), and

38  /  Culture Wars

Hans Urs von Balthasar - some of the important theo- tempts to reconcile Catholicism with a pluralistic soci-
logians who brainstormed many of the council docu- ety. Taking his cue from the work of Orestes Brown-
ments - could see the state of the Church in 2015, Bar- son, Murray developed his viewpoint in a series of
ron speculated they would have recognized their proj- essays written during the 1950s. Traditional Church
ect as a failure. He was referring to the massive attri- teaching on church/state relations was “inadequate
tion of our own people, those who have been baptized, to the moral functioning of contemporary peoples”,
confirmed, catechized, and educated - and who have wrote Father Murray. He believed a democratically
subsequently decided to leave. He cited this attrition structured modern state (i.e. The United States of
as a “tragedy”. The Vatican II decision to elevate the America), promoting religious freedom, represented
vernacular Novus Ordo, and “retire” the ancient Latin a “new dictate of natural law philosophy,” and creat-
Rite, was intended to revive our worship, and bring ed with it a new moral paradigm. Murray essentially
more people to the Mass. Instead, 75% of Catholics brought the idea of American Exceptionalism to bear
don’t even bother to show up on Sunday. Faced with on matters of faith and morals. The Magisterium of
these statistics, how can the Second Vatican Council the Church was no longer the final authority.
be seen as anything but a failure? This challenge to Church teaching expressed itself
It’s not as though the council documents themselves immediatelyin the Land O’ Lakes conference of 1967,
are in any way suspect or subversive. The (4) Consti- with Notre Dame’s President Father Theodore Hes-
tutions, (3) Declarations, and the (9) Decrees coming burgh leading a group of other Catholic universities
out of the council did not change Church teaching. in declaring their academic freedom from the Church’s
True, the council fathers didn’t do themselves any Magisterium. There was also an immediate assault on
favors by dismissing the extensive preparatory work the moral teaching, with widespread American dissent
done by Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani (1890-1979) in from Humana Vitae (“Of Human Life”), the 1968 en-
the years leading up to the council, or by switching off cyclical in which Paul VI had the audacity to ignore
Ottaviani’s microphone when he exceeded the allotted the advice of John D. Rockefeller III and other promi-
time for speakers, during the October 30, 1962 ses- nent opinion-makers, to reaffirm Church teaching on
sion concerning proposed changes to the Mass. Nor the conjugal act as being intended by God as both
did they help their cause by inviting the American Je- unitive and procreative.
suit John Courtney Murray of We Hold These Truths
fame into the proceedings, during the second session Challenge to social teaching
in 1963. In attempting an intellectual response to a
Western modernism no longer well-disposed to Chris- It continued as a challenge to the social teaching.
tianity, some doctrine - while intended to be faithful Starting with Michael Novak’s The Spirit of Demo-
- may have been “developed” in such a way as to leave cratic Capitalism (1982), we have been told by a series
a little too much of it open to interpretation. of self-described official American Catholic spokes-
Perhaps the only real problem with the Second Vati- people, such as Novak and George Weigel and Father
can Council is that its interpretation was allowed to be Robert Sirico, that “the free market is inherently
dominated by American Catholics. moral.” Just as we were told by the late Father John
Nowhere did the American emphasis make itself felt Neuhaus, and are currently being told by Princeton’s
more readily than in the council’s ground-breaking Robert George and all the other serious academics
“Declaration on Religious Liberty” (Dignitatis Huma- who get their stuff published in the prestigious journal
nae). Ottaviani’s fear was that a “democratic” version First Things, that “religious freedom allows the prac-
of religious liberty would result in religious indiffer- tice our faith.”
ence and then a collapse of religious conviction, which By liberating our universities to “pursue truth” out-
would in turn lead to state hostility toward religious side the Magisterium (an oxymoron if ever there was
believers and religious institutions. His theological one), and by adopting the “free market” and “religious
argument against this sense of religious freedom was freedom” as our economic and social benchmarks, we
simply that “error has no rights.” have painted ourselves into a corner.
Cardinal Ottaviani lost out to those at the council These popular interpretations run counter to what
who were influenced by John Courtney Murray’s at- the documents of the Second Vatican Council actually
December 2015  /  39
Comcast tower dwarfing Philadelphia’s City Hall

tice our faith without interference from the secular

state, amounts to just that: “let us do our thing, and
we’ll let you do yours.” How does this mesh with the
teaching Bishop Barron unpacked so well for us at the
Also implicit in everything Barron said in Philadel-
phia is that the teaching on supersessionism still ap-
plies. Since the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration
on Religious Liberty, “pluralism” and “religious free-
dom” have been mistakenly interpreted to mean the
Mosaic Covenant remains valid for Jews, instead of
having been replaced or superseded by the New Cov-
enant, as the Church has always taught. This tacit sus-
pension of supersessionism has further watered down
our prophetic voice, as we have been misled into be-
lieving we no longer have an obligation to convert all
nations. Which leaves some of us scratching our heads
over the “New Evangelization” we are always hearing
so much about.

As inspirational as the WMOF in Philadelphia was,
it would have benefited from a capstone, a sort of
bookend to Bishop Barron’s Opening Keynote Address,
had anyone been able to provide one. (Readers of this
journal may be forgiven for thinking they know just
the person who could have provided such a capstone.)
As it is, we are left to grapple with a major contradic-
tion: The Imago Dei is compromised when we stop
trying to convert the culture, and instead adapt our
say, according to Bishop Robert Barron. The “Call of faith to the secular contours of that culture. But since
the Laity” at the heart of Vatican II is a call to holi- it has not been openly repudiated, America is still to
ness. In rediscovering the Imago Dei, we are “to teach be thought of as the “city on a hill” and a light to the
our culture how to worship aright.” We must not be world, per that old Protestant formulation. Which
cowed into prophetic silence, but must engage in pro- forces Catholics into awkwardly maintaining that the
phetic speech for the sake of the world. This includes offending culture in need of conversion is somehow
speaking of the moral law in a clear and unambiguous not an accurate representation of our nation’s soul.
manner. The Church uses the phrase “intrinsic evil”, Quas Primas (“On the Kingship of Christ”) was pro-
because some things are wrong in themselves, against mulgated by Pope Pius XI on December 11, 1925,
the order of creation. Our belief cannot remain a per- six years prior to his previously referred to encyclical
sonal hobby. The goal of our kingly mission is to or- Quadragesimo Anno. Yes, he is another in a long line
der the City to God, until the city itself has become a of stodgy old Italian dudes we don’t like to think about
temple. If we keep our religion to ourselves we are not anymore. This encyclical is very short, and could be
fulfilling that mission. easily read in a single sitting. Thoroughly digesting
Doesn’t the American version of “religious freedom”, what the pope has to say, however, will take a little
the one our scholars and churchmen are so committed longer. He claims the manifold evils in the world are
to, force us to keep religion to ourselves? Petitioning due to the fact that the majority of men and women
the courts and the Congress for the freedom to prac- have thrust Jesus Christ and his holy laws out of their

40  /  Culture Wars

lives, and that these holy laws no longer have any place head, how many of the 18,000 people reported to
in either private affairs or politics. have been in attendance at the MWOF in Philadel-
When once men recognize, both in private and phia would you say view the subject of television in
public life, that Christ is King, society will at last re- a positive light? Who see the boob tube as having an
ceive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered endearing role to play in the formation of their fami-
discipline, peace and harmony… If princes and lies? Not many, one would venture to guess. Why
magistrates duly elected are filled with the persua- then is it that the single biggest financial supporter of the
sion that they rule, not by their own right, but by WMOF is a television company? Comcast NBC/Uni-
the mandate and in place of the Divine King, they versal is a media conglomerate that began as a humble
will exercise their authority piously and wisely, and provider of cable services several decades ago, and has
they will make laws and administer them, having in since grown through a series of aggressive mergers and
view the common good and also the human dignity
acquisitions to become a major provider of broadband
of their subjects. The result will be a stable peace
and tranquility, for there will be no longer any cause access, as well as the owner of a powerful television
for discontent. network, and an equally powerful movie studio.
These guys are the quintessential Philadelphia suc-
Again we see how Catholic thinking runs exactly cess story. Comcast’s decision to stay put after their
counter to the idea of a pluralistic society at the heart meteoric rise, rather than relocate the heart of their
of our founding. Put in even blunter terms, Pius XI operation to the likes of Los Angeles or Manhattan,
is boldly proclaiming that our revered “separation of was greeted with hosannas by local civic leaders across
church and state” is irrevocably flawed. From the the political spectrum. Their first high-rise headquar-
standpoint of modernity, it’s hard to imagine a more ters building opened in 2008; when construction be-
outrageous statement, isn’t it? Or one more likely to gan on a companion tower in the summer of 2014, it
plunge most of our acquaintances, Catholic and non- signaled the end of the recession here in town. The
Catholic alike, into a state of apoplexy. Before anyone owners are well-known to be philanthropists of the
rushes to begin reciting the historical record of so- first order. Any local charity or good cause in need of
called Church abominations against humanity, under- funds has Comcast on speed dial.
stood as having inspired the doctrine of separation in
the first place, let us consider the words of G.K. Ches- Not Alone
Comcast is certainly not alone in em-
bodying the unfortunate dichotomy that
exists in today’s business world. They just
Comcast is certainly not alone in em- happen to be a local example of a species
bodying the unfortunate dichotomy that proliferates everywhere. As long as you
are wildly successful, nobody asks too many
that exists in today’s business world. questions. There is no reason to think the
owners and upper management of Comcast
are anything but the finest of human beings
in their private lives. The problem is with
terton: “Christianity has not been tried and found some of the products they peddle. One can imagine
wanting, it has been found difficult and left untried.” their own loved ones being shielded from the harsher
Let us wash the scales from our eyes, and loosen the aspects of their programming. But in a situation anal-
chains that bind us. Let us begin the process of setting ogous to the heroin dealer selling to kids in the neigh-
aside the Americanism of which we are so proud, that borhood, Comcast is not too worried about any sort of
our hearts and minds may become receptive to a truly deleterious effect on the moral fiber of the nation that
Catholic anthropology. may result from viewing the “entertainment” they pro-
As an example of the American Catholic inability to duce and/or transmit. After all, people are download-
see the forest for the trees, we submit for your consid- ing and viewing of their own free will, right? Who are
eration the subject of television. Off the top of your we to tell the public what they should or should not
December 2015  /  41
do? Our job is to run a profitable business. not truly serve.” Of course, implementing Catholic
That Comcast would still be profitable if they took a teaching on subsidiarity would go a long way to elimi-
stand in the interest of the common good, and chose nating this narrow focus. Our commercial enterprises
not to produce or transmit the worst stuff of their own are now so large and complex, there is no longer any
volition, is an argument that has no purchase. Be- connection between the movers and shakers at the
cause, for one thing, the worst stuff is frequently the top, and those at the bottom who are being manipu-
most profitable stuff of all. A state of affairs directly lated. It’s all just numbers on a spreadsheet. Estab-
attributable to our fallen nature. Which explains the lishing a relationship between the decision makers and
imperative to shape our desires to conform with God’s those most affected by their decisions is the essence
will for us, in order to achieve virtue and excellence of subsidiarity. The objective is to create, apart from
in our lives, and find true happiness. Why would any elaborate regulatory or enforcement mechanism, a
Comcast, or any corporation for that matter, willingly Charles Dickens-like, Ghost of Christmas Future effect.
“leave money on the table?” Subsidiarity can serve as a reliable formula for helping
The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, in col- our investment/ownership class behave less like high-
laboration with the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic end heroin dealers, and more like the finest of human
Social Thought at the University of St. Thomas in Min- beings they consider themselves to be in their private
neapolis, Minnesota, conducted a seminar in February lives.
2011 entitled: Caritas in Veritate: The Logic of Gift and We are left with the image of the Archbishop of
the Meaning of Business. Underlying the meeting was Philadelphia, after accepting Pope Benedict’s 2012
the Church’s firm conviction that all Christians are offer to host the WMOF, faced with the daunting
called to practice charity in a manner corresponding task of having to raise some $40M to make it all hap-
to their vocation, and according to the degree of influ- pen. He and his extensive staff understandably had to
ence they wield in the polis. Out of this seminar came knock on a lot of doors around town, and solicit many
a handbook, a small volume designed to be utilized by a corporate sponsor. The biggest donors no doubt got
professors in formative moments and for instruction an audience with the archbishop, and may have also
in schools and universities. The name of that hand- enjoyed something of an open line of communication
book is Vocation of the Business Leader. What follows with him over the course of years it took to pull this
is a brief excerpt: thing together.
Businesses certainly have the potential to be a force The non-stop fundraising naturally extended to co-
for great good in any society, and many do live up zying up to a media conglomerate that is the biggest
to their moral and economic promise. Numerous game in town, with the fattest wallet, but that also
obstacles, however, may stand in the way of realizing happens to defy everything the event is supposed to
this potential. Some of these obstacles are external stand for. A most unsavory prospect, to say the least.
to the business - and its leaders usually have a lim- And talk about finding oneself in a compromising po-
ited capacity to influence them - such as the absence sition. How can Archbishop Charles Chaput be ex-
of the rule of law or international regulations, cor- pected to lead Philadelphians in “right praise”, the way
ruption, destructive competition, crony capitalism, Saint John Paul II did for the Polish people of Warsaw
excessive state intervention, or a culture hostile to
in June of 1979, when he is forced to go hat-in-hand
entrepreneurship in one or more of its forms. Oth-
ers are internal, such as treating employees as mere to the very ones who are enslaving us? When the ones
“resources”, treating the business itself as no more most in need of conversion are providing the make-or-
than a commodity, rejecting a proper role for gov- break funding so necessary to our recently concluded
ernment regulation of the market place, making World Meeting of Families? My father was forever
money from products that are not truly good or ser- admonishing us that when you are in debt, you don’t
vices that do not truly serve, or exploiting natural own your own soul. The corporate fundraising cam-
resources in a destructive way. paign the archdiocese was forced to undertake as host
of the WMOF is a variation of what he meant. The
Comcast is no different than many other successful American regime undermines our belief and practice
corporations. As long as there is money to be made, at every turn. That’s what the stodgy old Italian dudes
its vocabulary does not extend to concepts such as have been trying to tell us, for quite a long time now.
“products that are not truly good” or “services that do
42  /  Culture Wars
rament. Not only would I be finally absolved of the
RCIA, cont’d from p. 13
sins I’d carried around with me for years. But once I
had my first Sacrament, “they” couldn’t keep me out:
whether it was the bureaucratic rules that hindered me
The classes were much less rigorous than the other
or the demons that plagued me.
program -- just an hour after Mass, no evenings, no
I was received into the Catholic Church in early
field visits, or homework assignments. Most of the
2015, which was the most exquisite experience of my
group members were faithful Catholics who attended
life. The pastor personalized it, talking about my love
for the sense of community; and they inspired me with
for Jesus and the Church. He celebrated a full Mass,
their love of the faith.
although there were just a few people there.
A few weeks into my new RCIA program, I was en-
Sadly, none of my Protestant friends whom I in-
joying the fellowship. But it struck me one day that I
vited came. I knew that it wasn’t personal but that
was no closer to becoming a Catholic than I was a year
because of their misconceptions about Catholicism,
ago. Now relegated to a spiritual no man’s land -- no
they couldn’t support my conversion. They made their
longer Protestant but not yet Catholic -- the dark spir-
choice; and I made mine.
its were having a field day harassing me. It was the
As I write this, another round of RCIA classes is
morning of an RCIA class when I had that nightmare
starting in churches around the country. My joy at
about being trapped on a roof with no one rescuing
having finally become a Catholic is tinged with sad-
me, and I woke up sobbing.
ness at what I had to go through, at what the Church
At class that day, the floodgates opened, and I started
puts people through to come into full Communion
crying uncontrollably. I told them about the dream,
with our Lord.
and about my 13 months of trying to find someone to
Like so many post-Vatican II debacles, RCIA needs
help me enter the Church. I explained my desperation
to go. The Church must return to its obligation to
to have my sins forgiven through Confession and to
swiftly make disciples of all nations.
receive the Blessed Sacrament. When I was through,
If it doesn’t, the Body of Christ will continue to
they stared at me in stunned silence.
shrink, and many people who need Jesus and our faith
After the group was over, the RCIA coordinator
will fall between the cracks. This will be bad news for
took me aside. He told me that it was his opinion that
the Catholic Church. But it will be good news for
I was ready to become a Catholic, and that he would
the user-friendly evangelical and Pentecostal church-
write to the pastor and recommend that I be received
es, which are growing like wildfire all over the world.
into the Church as soon as possible. I gave him a
What those Protestants know -- and which, tragically,
grateful hug. God had sent someone to rescue me.
many Catholics have forgotten -- is that bringing peo-
A few days later, I met with the pastor, who asked
ple to Christ is what we are here to do. And the Prot-
something that floored me, “When would you like to
estants understand that, by doing so, the eternal soul
be received into the Church?” He even offered to hold
they are saving is also their own.
a private Mass for me. We picked a date (although
the pastor needed the permission of the Bishop, an-
other bureaucratic hurdle that kept me on pins and Laura Evans
needles for several more weeks). The pastor and I also
Laura Evans is a pen name. Laura was received into
scheduled a time for my first Confession.
the Catholic Church in early 2015. Shortly thereaf-
ter, Laura helped her friend, Mary, be received into
The Night Before the Church as well, without RCIA. Both are devout
and faithful Catholic women, who attend Mass every
The night before my Confession, I lay in bed, eyes
Sunday. Laura would like to express her heartfelt ap-
wide open and unable to sleep. I felt something that
preciation to Mike Jones for his invaluable support
I never felt before, not happiness or joy-- but way be-
during her long and winding road into the Catholic
yond that. I felt bliss. My body tingled blissfully at
Church. “Thanks, Mike. I couldn’t have done it
the prospect of receiving my very first Catholic Sac-
without you.”

December 2015  /  43
REVIEWS the Ukraine ten years later. In each
instance, world Jewry in conjunc-
tion with the Jewish Revolutionary
Spirit, commandeered American

Germania Delenda Est

foreign policy and launched the
United States of America into a war
whose sole beneficiary was Israel.
Those who navigate by political la-
bels may find this claim bewilder-
ing because the Jews who comman-
deered American foreign policy
during World War II were not only
   comte Leon de Poncins, State Secrets (Reconquista
committed Marxists; in the case of
Press, 2015) 287 pp, ISBN: 978-0-9933993-0-5 Harry Dexter White, the real au-
thor of the Carthaginian Morgen-
thau Plan for a defeated Germany,
At the beginning of his book The word missing from this quote
they were agents of the Soviet
State Secrets, the Comte Leon de was France, and the war to which
Union as well. The Jews who got us
Poncins presents us with a quote, it referred to was the First World
into the disastrous 2003 invasion
which I have altered by removing War. The fact that the contempo-
of Iraq were, paradoxically, notori-
one word: rary reader could have substituted
ously anti-Communist. Known as
It is only when we realize that Iraq or, now, the Ukraine into that
Neoconservatives, they purported
[country X] was invaded by passage without changing either its
to represent the opposite end of
hundreds of thousands of in- relevance or accuracy is just one
the political spectrum. The results,
habitants from Massachusetts, indication of the timeless value of
however, were the same. What Paul
Pennsylvania, Florida, Ilhnois, Poncins’ book State Secrets.
Wyoming, California, Loui- Wolfowitz and Leo Trotsky shared
The thesis of Poncins’ book is
siana, and subsequently from was not just their penchant for per-
blindingly clear and breathtakingly
Ontario, Manitoba, Rhode- petual war; the crucial trait they
sia, and New South Wales, shared was being Jewish, which in-
whose only possible motive At a crucial period in history, volved a permanent commitment
was to hasten the triumph of the fact is that a group of Jews to revolutionary change as well an
democracy, that we begin to in political circles succeeded in irrevocable commitment to imple-
understand something of the secretly orientating the foreign
menting the Jewish Revolutionary
power of Israel. The power to policy of the United States
and thereby played a role of Spirit during their respective peri-
stir up a whole nation of solid,
the utmost importance in de- ods of world history.
egoistical, and utilitarian indi-
viduals, and to persuade them termining the turn of events If Catholics know the name
that their greatest privilege is in Europe. In other words, as Comte Leon de Poncins at all, it is
to set out and get themselves a result of their activities, the as one of the great unsung heroes
killed at the uttermost ends whole strength of the United of the Second Vatican Council.
of the earth, with no hope of States at the height of the war Poncins was the man who exposed
gain for themselves or their was placed at the service of the Jewish plot to overturn Church
children and almost without Israel’s revolutionary interests teaching on the Jews, and he did
their understanding against and ideology.2
this, unaware of the activity of dou-
or for whom they are fighting, ble agents like the Jesuit Malachi
or why, is a simply incredible What Poncins had to say about
Martin, just by citing in extenso the
phenomenon which makes World War I and World War II is a
one afraid when one comes to hatred for Christ and His Church
fortiori true of America’s disastrous
think about it.1 which the main architects of this
invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the
plot had already expressed in their
even more disastrous coup d’etat in

44  /  Culture Wars

Krefeld, Hungerwinter, March 1947

Jewish people,
and their efforts
met with suc-
cess since 1951
bishops, cardi-
nals, archbish-
ops and council
fathers voted to
reform Catho-
lic teaching ac-
cording to the
desires of Jules
Isaac, the B’nai
B’rith, and the
World Jewish

Missing from
the discussion
at the Council
were passages like
Memmi’s diatribe
In October 1965, Poncins Convinced that the Council Fa- against Catholi-
showed up at the Council with thers who passed the schema on the cism: “Your religion is a blasphemy
thousands of copies of his pam- Jewish Question had not read their and a subversion in the eyes of the
phlet Le Probleme Juif face au Con- writings, Poncins had the novel Jews. Your God is to us the Devil,
cile, which “contained a brief his- idea of reprinting what Jews like that is to say, the symbol and es-
tory of the role of Jules Isaac in the Isaac, Jehouda, and Memmi had sence of all evil on earth.”
preparation of the conciliar schema written about the Catholic Faith, It was figures like Memmi who
on the Jewish Question, and a because Poncins was certain that: were guiding the Catholic Church
summary of the theses.” In an ar- When Jules Isaac and his as- toward a new era of ecumenical
ticle in Le Figaro in October 1965, sociates went to Rome, they dialogue, and the Council Fathers
Rene Laurentin, later the foremost were careful not to mention found themselves sleepwalking into
promoter of the phoney Medjugor-
je apparitions, cited Poncins’ tract
as a “vigorously anti-Semitic docu-
ment,” which “had been liberally What Poncins had to say about World War I
distributed to the [Council] Fa-
thers.” The message of Laurentin’s
and World War II is a fortiori true of Ameri-
attack was obvious: as Poncins put ca’s disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003.
it, “these ‘anti-Semites,’ who use
a formidable weapon, the texts of
Jewish authors themselves, must
at all costs be silenced.” Poncins a catastrophe until Poncins brought
was indignant. Jules Isaac, the au- these passages in their books; texts like this to their attention.
thor of the plot to subvert Church they spoke of Christian char- Jules Isaac was only slightly less
teaching at the Council, could call ity, of ecumenical unity, of
intemperate than Memmi in at-
the Evangelists liars, but “because I common biblical filiations, of
Judeo-Christian friendship, tacking the Church he purported
simply quote Jules Isaac, Johsua Je- to reform. After making one un-
of the struggle against rac-
houda, and others, I am described supported claim after another—
ism, of the martyrdom of the
as a despicable anti-Semite.”
December 2015  /  45
Abandoned Packard Plant, Detroit, Michigan

of thought, and acts against innocent

even for the Christians. . . Not only had
most docile sons the Jews of Rome been forced
of the Church— to live in a ghetto until a pope
a tradition no longer governed that city
which, more- . . . but almost everywhere in
over, is infinitely Europe Jews had been made
noxious and to seem strange, sinister, and
murderous, and repulsive. A long road of dis-
which, as I have graceful preaching was one
said and shall of the paths across the centu-
repeat, leads to ries which to the Nazis’ death
Auschwitz— camps and in the end, not
Auschwitz and Judaism but Christianity, was
other places. discredited.
Some six mil-
lion Jews were In State Secrets, Poncins applies
liquidated solely the same rigorous devotion to pri-
because they mary sources he used in exposing
were Jews and the machinations of the Jews at
thus brought
the Vatican Council to the occult
shame not only
upon the Ger- history of geopolitics in the 20th
man people but century and comes to the same
upon the whole conclusion. In order to understand
of Christianity, what is really going on, the student
because, with- of history has to pay attention not
out centuries of to the main characters who strut
“No, Pilate did not protest his in- Christian teach- the stage of world history, people
nocence. . . . No, the Jewish crowd ing, preaching, and vitupera- like Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
tion, Hitler’s teaching, propa- but rather the Jews who served as
did not cry out: ‘His blood be
ganda, and vituperation would
upon us and upon our children’”— their advisors, people like Hans
have been impossible.
Isaac had the effrontery to call the Morgenthau, who hijacked Ameri-
Gospel of St. Matthew “obviously Forty years later, rabbis were re- can foreign policy and directed it
tendentious.” After claims based peating Isaac’s unsubstantiated to one disastrous outcome after
on nothing more than his ipse dix- claims almost verbatim at celebra- another during his time as Sec-
it, Isaac appended a “therefore” to tions of Nostra Aetate, Vatican II’s retary of the Treasury. With the
his non-conclusion: statement on the Jews and other help of his Jewish advisors as well
non-Christian religions. In the fall as financiers like Bernard Baruch
Therefore, the total responsi-
bility of the Jewish people, of of 2005, Israel’s chief rabbi Yona and Communist spies like Harry
the Jewish nation, and of Israel Metzger wrote in the pages of Dexter White, Morgenthau “took
for condemning Jesus to death America, the US Jesuit magazine, control of American foreign policy
is a matter of legendary belief that: during the years 1934-1945.” At
and not based on solid histori- this crucial epoch in world history,
cal foundation. . . . To main- Not only ignorant peasants or
monks but also eminent theo- a group of Jews in political
tain the opposite viewpoint,
logians and spiritual teachers circles succeeded in secretly
one would have to be intracta-
had attacked the Jews as the orientating the foreign policy
bly and fanatically prejudiced,
“killers of Christ,” as a people of the United States, and they
or have a blind belief in a tra-
now abandoned by God, a played a major role in the de-
dition which, as we know, is
race deserving not its envied velopment of events in Europe.
not “normal” and thus ought
wealth but revenge for plots It is not stating it too strongly
not to be laid down as a rule

46  /  Culture Wars

to say that it was a question of diet for its people. Hopkins even ident’s son-in-law, the Morgenthau
Secretary of the Treasury Mor- argued against ‘any steel mills at all’ Plan was worth “thirty divisions to
genthau, surrounded by exclu- in postwar Germany.” the Germans.” The Morgenthau
sively Jewish collaborators and Based on the testimony of Hull Plan was taken as proof that every-
advisers, pursuing a policy
and Stimson, Poncins claims that: thing that Germans ever said about
which was dictated purely by
Jewish concerns and without The most immediate and ob- the Jews was true. Goebbels, who
for one moment caring about vious result of this extrava- “was having a field day,” writing
American interests.4 gant plan would have been headlines like “Morgenthau sur-
the deaths of thirty million passes Clemenceau” and “Roosevelt
Morgenthau and his assistant inhabitants from starvation in and Churchill agree at Quebec to
Harry Dexter White were the au- Western Germany alone. This the Jewish Murder Plan,” used the
thors of the now largely forgotten is precisely what the Ameri- Morgenthau Plan “as a rallying cry
can War Minister, Stimson, to the German people to put up a
Morgenthau Plan, the discredited
promptly remarked as soon last-ditch resistance.”
predecessor of the Marshall Plan,
as he heard about this mad
which sought to turn conquered The White/Morgenthau plan
scheme, to which Roosevelt
Germany into an agricultural na- and Churchill had given their wasn’t the only plan for Jewish
tion which would have been inca- assent at Quebec. Morgen- vengeance circulating at the time,
pable of feeding its own people: thau and his assistants were nor was it the most radical. Ber-
completely indifferent to this nard Baruch criticized its author as
Stated in its simplest terms,
the objective of the Morgen-
possibility. If they were pushed a “sissy.” In Germany Must Perish,
thau Plan was to de-industrial-
to the limits, Morgenthau was another Jew, Theodore N. Kauf-
prepared to concede that the man “advocated the total destruc-
ize Germany and diminish its
excess Germans should be de- tion of the German population by
people to a pastoral existence
ported to Africa. a very simple means: the massive
once the war was won. If this
could be accomplished, the sterilization of all men and women
militaristic Germans would Because Morgenthau and his
never rise again to threaten
the peace of the world. This
was the justification for all the
planning, but another motive
lurked behind the obvious
Roosevelt’s cabinet—hardly composed
one. of Nazi sympathizers—was appalled at
Roosevelt’s cabinet—hardly the Morgenthau Plan.
composed of Nazi sympathizers—
was appalled at the Morgenthau
Plan. Both Secretary of War Stim-
son and Secretary of State Hull re-
acted with horror at Morgenthau’s of German nationality between the
Jewish advisors had Roosevelt’s ear
insistence that “the German pop- age of puberty and 60 years.”
and Stimson and Hull did not, a
ulation be placed on a starvation “This modern method,” Kauf-
series of draconian, punitive mea-
diet.” Stimson insisted that “The man continued, “known to science
sures, based on Jewish notions of
way to meet the Germans . . .was as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once
vengeance, got implemented as
through ‘principles of Christian- practical, humane, and thorough
America policy, with disastrous re-
ity and kindness,’” remarks which . . . .The consequent gradual dis-
sults. The first disastrous result was
“aroused the wrath of Morgenthau appearance of the Germans from
a prolongation of the war leading
and Hopkins, both of whom in- Europe will leave no more negative
to the unnecessary deaths of more
sisted upon the total elimination of effect upon that continent than did
than 100,000 American soldiers
Germany as a European economic the gradual disappearance of the
and countless Germans. According
factor and a less than subsistence Indians upon this.”
to Lt.-Col. John Boettiger, the Pres-
December 2015  /  47
Roosevelt and Morgenthau

best way for

the German
people to be
driven into
the arms of the
Soviet Union,”
it was pointed
out, “was for
the United
States to stand
forth as the
champion of
nate and harsh
misery in Ger-

Poncins neatly
summarizes the
dual purpose of
the Morgenthau
plan as well as its
Jewish nature:
Poncins feels that the combined Conference that the defeat of Ger- There were two
facets to this policy, which was
efforts of White, Morgenthau, Ba- many would herald the destruction
worked out between Morgen-
ruch, and Kauffman led directly to of the country, the whole German thau and Roosevelt. In the first
the death camps: people fought to the last with a place, it was a policy of impla-
It is very important to notice desperate energy.” cable Jewish vengeance direct-
that Kaufman’s book was pub- ed against not only the Ger-
lished in the United States in man Government but against
real rationale
1941, at a time when the Jews the whole German people who
had not yet been assembled in But the real rationale behind were held collectively respon-
the death camps. It is permis- White’s Morgenthau plan was to sible for the crimes and errors
sible to suppose that Hitler of Hitler. And it was a policy
make America so odious in the eyes
was inspired by it when he of revolution which favoured
of the Germans that they would the Soviet Government, with
took the decision to do away
willingly embrace Stalin’s Soviet a view to implanting Marxism
with the Jews who were in
his control and who served as Communism as a more humane throughout Europe. On many
hostages to him in some way alternative: occasions throughout history
or other. Thus he used against The hidden motive was un- the Jews have been accused of
them the very measures of an- masked in a syndicated col- constituting an alien minor-
nihilation which Kaufman umn in the New York Herald ity which cannot be assimi-
and then Morgenthau and Tribune in September 1946, lated, a State within a State in
Baruch advocated against the more than a year after the col- the heart of the nations. The
German people. lapse of the Germans. The real Morgenthau documents re-
goal of the proposed condem- veal that this is precisely the
It certainly led to a prolongation nation of “all of Germany to case and they prove, with the
of the war: “Convinced by Kauf- a permanent diet of potatoes” most striking evidence, that
this charge is well-founded.
man’s book, by the Morgenthau was the Communization of
the defeated nation. “The On many an occasion, in
documents and by the Casablanca the course of the last half-

48  /  Culture Wars

century, Jews in finance and Poncins book State Secrets ap- to break it, but, as the coup d’etat
revolutionary Jews—the gold peared in 1975, and, unlike Le which Victorian Nuland, wife of
international and the blood Probleme Juif face au Concile, which neocon luminary Robert Kagan
international—have been ac- rallied the bishops at the council to showed, the Jews were still call-
cused of working secretly
reassert the traditional teaching on ing the shots, every bit as much as
together in pursuit of a com-
mon Jewish ideal to conquer
the Jews, it was roundly ignored Hans Morgenthau, Harry Dexter
the world by means of disin- by the Catholic world, which was White, and Bernard Baruch had
tegrating western Christian determined to see the Jews, not as done during the Roosevelt admin-
societies. Pro-Jewish liberals “the people who killed Christ” and istration.
have poured scorn on this fear. “enemies of the entire human race” If the world had heeded Poncins
But it is a fact that, through- (I Thess 2:15 ), but as their “elder in 1975, it would have been spared
out the Morgenthau docu- brothers in the faith.” This self- the disastrous series of wars for Is-
ments, we learn how Jewish imposed willful blindness on the rael in the Middle East that have
barons of high finance, such part of the Catholic Church has been the mainstay of American
as Morgenthau, Harry Dexter
had catastrophic geopolitical con- foreign policy since before the So-
White, and Bernard Baruch,
used their positions to put the
sequences. viet invasion of Afghanistan in
whole resources of America at April 1979 when Zbig Brzezinski
the disposal of Soviet Russia’s neoconservative cabal convinced Jimmy Carter to come
interests in central Europe. to the aid of Mujahideen drug
In 1975 the neoconservative ca- lords like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.
The Morgenthau Plan was well bal which would turn America into George H. W. Bush and his cabal
on its way to leading to Soviet a police state in the wake of the of CIA “cowboys” eventually drove
domination of all of Europe when 9/11 attacks, and which would go Carter from office by bribing the
Ayatollah Khomeini to prolong the
hostage crisis. What followed was
an even more precipitous decline
into criminality, whose end is now
The Morgenthau Plan was well on its nowhere in sight.
way to leading to Soviet domination of That’s the bad news. The good
news is that Poncins’ book is back
all of Europe when Franklin Roosevelt in print. We greet its publication
died in April 1945. with the hope that this time around
people may pay closer attention to
what he had to say in 1975.

E. Michael Jones
Franklin Roosevelt died in April on to become responsible for the
1945. In July of that year, Mor- 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and (Endnotes)
genthau threatened to resign as the 2003 invasion of Iraq, gained 1 Comte Leon De Poncins,
Treasury Secretary if he were not a political foothold in Washington State Secrets: A Documentation of
included in the American delega- when George H. W. Bush, Dick the Secret Revolutionary Mainspring
tion at the Potsdam conference. Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Rich- Governing Anglo-American Politics
Seeing his moment of opportunity, ard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz got (Devon: Britons Publishing Com-
Harry Truman, who had objected positions in the short-lived and pany, 1975), p. 11.
to Morgenthau’s plan when he was ill-fated Ford Administration. By 2 Poncins, p. 138.
a senator from Missouri, accepted 2008, when George W. Bush left 3 E. Michael Jones, The
Morgenthau’s resignation and even- office, that foothold had become a Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (South
tually scrapped his plan in favor of strangle-hold on American foreign Bend, IN: Fidelity Pres
the more humane Marshall Plan. policy. Barack Obama was elected
December 2015  /  49
Bullets James G. Bruen, Jr.

* Infallibility does not guarantee to girls’ locker rooms or lose federal

wisdom. funding. “The district’s policy stig-
* The University of Toronto is matized me, often making me feel
temporarily changing its policy like I was not a ‘normal person,’”
on gender-neutral bathrooms after the student said in a statement re-
male students in its Whitney Hall leased by the ACLU. Dare we sug-
student residence held cellphones gest it’s not the policy that makes
over female students’ shower stalls him feel abnormal?
and filmed them as they showered. * Scary. For Halloween, Walmart
Who could have foreseen this? sold an Israeli Soldier Costume
The change is limited to Whitney for Kids. If the neighbors refused
Hall; “there has been no change to to surrender all of their candy, the
the designation of gender-neutral little IDF soldier could claim anti-
washrooms in the other University Semitism and seize it.
College Residences or elsewhere * The Blame Game. Israeli PM
on campus as a result of these inci- Benjamin Netanyahu retracted his
dents.” What could go wrong? statement that the mufti of Jerusa-
* Playboy will no longer run pho- to help them move forward and to lem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, gave
tos of naked women as the imma- respect that. The conscience is in- Hitler the idea of annihilating Eu-
ture and immoral are getting their violable and we have to respect that rope’s Jews. “Hitler didn’t want to
jollies much more explicitly on- when they make decisions, and I’ve exterminate the Jews at the time —
line. always done that,” adding, “I think he wanted to expel the Jews,” he’d
* Queer Logic at the Vatican. that gay people are human beings said, quoting the mufti as telling
Msgr. Krzysztof Charamsa, the gay too and they have a conscience. Hitler, “If you expel them, they’ll
priest fired from the Congrega- And my role as a pastor is to help all come here [Palestine],” who
tion for the Doctrine of the Faith, them to discern what the will of then asked, “So what should I do
says he’s honored his vow of celi- God is by looking at the objective with them?” to which the mufti
bacy because he’s “never touched a moral teaching of the Church and replied, “Burn them.” Netanyahu
woman.” yet, at the same time, helping them had been criticized for abetting
* “You with your Church have through a period of discernment Holocaust denial.
succeeded in making our lives as to understand what God is calling * “Sea ice surrounding Antarc-
homosexuals and lesbians noth- them to at that point.” tica reached a new record high ex-
ing but a Hell,”Charamsa lec- * Does Cupich believe some tent this year, covering more of the
tured Pope Francis by letter. “Your people think gay people aren’t hu- southern oceans than it has since
Church should only apologize and man beings and don’t have con- scientists began a long-term satel-
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Capitalism is State-Sponsored Usury

The carnival atmosphere at Zuccotti park in October
of 2011 was deceptive. The naked woman having her
body painted red and the drum circle, like the patently
false reports in the main-stream media, were sideshows
that distracted the intent observer from the real mean-
ing of the Occupy Wall Street protest, which could only
be deciphered by reading the small, hand-made signs of
the protestors. The city block that encompassed Zuccotti
Park was lined with people holding home-made signs,
most of which dealt with economic issues. “Debt is slav-
ery” was a common theme, with special emphasis on stu-
dent debt. “F**k unpaid internships” was another. After
a while it became apparent that there was focus after all,
even if no one could articulate it. This protest was about
the conflict between usury and labor. Barren Metal is an
attempt to return the science of economics back to where
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tions, back to its proper matrix in moral philosophy.
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Mail checks payable to Fidelity Press:
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206 Marquette Ave, South Bend, IN, 46617 USA

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