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DOCUMENT NO 383 May 2018

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon


Torfaen County Borough Council

Planning Application No: 17/P/0704/FUL

Initial preparation: MR A.O. PHILLIPS

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18


APAC Ltd was contacted by the client in order to undertake a Level III building recording
survey of an existing church, Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon.

Works proposed on the church comprise of internal alterations, new side and rear
extensions and a new vehicular access.

As part of the planning process, Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT) advised
Torfaen County Borough Council (TCBC) planning department that the proposed work at
the site could likely impact on archaeological resources.

APAC Ltd produced a Written Scheme of Investigation, which was approved, and the
survey was undertaken.

This document comprises the Level III building recording survey as required.

The surveys conducted and documentary research on the buildings history, and its historic
place within the environment, suggest the building was built in the Late 19 th century,
(1885), with modifications in the early 20th century (1920), and extensions added in the
latter half of the 20th century.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains otherwise
with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Plate: DSCN3017, Cover photo, western elevation, southern gable front façade.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18


Summary ..............................................................................................................................................1
Contents ...............................................................................................................................................2
Figures .................................................................................................................................................2
Survey photo cards ..............................................................................................................................3
Appendix .............................................................................................................................................5
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................6
Location of the Site..............................................................................................................................6
Geology & Topography .......................................................................................................................7
Brief archaeological and historical background ..................................................................................7
Aims and Objectives ............................................................................................................................9
Methodology ........................................................................................................................................9
Archive ..............................................................................................................................................15
Copyright ...........................................................................................................................................16
Health & Safety: ................................................................................................................................16
Bibliography and References:............................................................................................................16


01 Site Location map

02 HER Core/Event search map
03 Historic photographs of church, 03a, 03b
04 Map progressions:
a. 1840 Tithe map
b. Monmouthshire XII.SW. Published 1902
c. Brecknockshire XLVIII. Published 1922
d. Magic map 2016
05 Plans:
a. Ground floor plan
b. First floor plans
06 Southern façade elevation
07 Detail:
a. Truss beam, roof structure.
b. Joist plan
08. Phasing:
a. Ground floor
b. First floor
c. Front façade elevation.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

Survey photo cards

01. Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch
frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door frame is a rounded stucco dome, painted in cream. Either side of
door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have wooden frames and
stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and iron fencing encompasses church
02. Southern gable, eastern elevation corner. Tower addition. Coursed stone build with two sets of windows in
southern and eastern wall. Windows decorated with cream painted brick band above and below. Top of stack
features a brick stilted arch window frame, also painted in cream paint. This window has now been blocked in.
Top of tower is currently flat, though decorative stone surrounds it.
03. Southern gable, apex of slate tile roof. Apex topped with decorative ceramic ridge tiles. Gable roof also fitted
with a timber bargeboard. Under the apex of the roof is the possible remains of the original date stone area.
04. Southern gable façade, central flower shaped stain glassed window. Window is set in ashlar.
05. Southern gable façade. Decorative central porch. Porch made of coursed stone. Porch holds stilted archway
with skewbacks and a rounded dome stone frame, (painted cream). Timber panelled double door topped with
transom and fanlight. Above door ashlar date stones “1885” and “1920”. Either side of porch holds a domed
window with a stilted brick arch lintel. Either side of window are straight buttresses.
06. Stucco arch around porch entrance. Timber transom and fanlight above door to narthex entrance.
07. Date stones set above porch doorway, “1885” probable year built. “1920” possibly after modifications made.
08. Timber framed arch topped window, left of porch. Window lintel made of brick in a stilted arch. Brick
painted in cream paint.
09. Join between eastern elevation and south eastern tower.
10. South gable, western elevation and wing. Eastern elevation feature two sets of 5 windows, (upper and lower).
All windows feature dome bricked lintels and stone/ashlar water tables. Build to north western extension.
11. Front façade, western wing. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Splayed slit vent
window. Bottom of wall features a plinth course also coursed stone with pointed cement that surrounds the
south of build and partial eastern and western elevations to the points where walls change direction. Front
façade and wings also feature an ashlar string course roughly 2.5 meters from ground level.
12. Front façade, eastern wing. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Splayed slit vent
window. Bottom of wall features a plinth course also coursed stone with pointed cement that surrounds the
south of build and partial eastern and western elevations to the points where walls change direction. Front
façade and wings also feature ashlar string course roughly 2.5 meters from ground level.
13. Front façade. Eastern wing. Right of buttress. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Two
timber framed windows. Above and below window features ashlar stucco painted cream. Top of windows
hold decorative “chevron” cut ashlar dripstones, bottom of windows holds ashlar water table.
14. Tower window southern gable façade, eastern wing. Window is made up of three descending brick stilted
arches. With the smallest acting as a decorative ashlar “chevroned” dripstone lintel. The outer arch and (inner)
window arch also feature ashlar water table sills. The window has a slight splay and is currently blocked in.
15. Wall divide between south gable western wing and western elevation. Coursed plinth continuation. String
course of ashlar ends. One of five ground floor windows. Ashlar water table and lintel with timber framed
window and frosted glass. Floor change from tarmac to south of church to gravel and dirt composite.
16. Front façade. western wing. Left of buttress. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct with a
plinth coursed base. Two timber framed windows. Above and below window features ashlar stucco painted
cream. Top of windows hold decorative “chevroned” ashlar dripstones, bottom of windows have an ashlar
water table.
17. Western elevation to north western extension. Elevation features two sets of five windows, Ground and first
floor. Each window features ashlar lintel and water table sill. Also, each window has a surround of ashlar
can’t bricks. Windows feature timber frames with frosted glass. Note, coursed plinth stone begins to disappear
then ends at north eastern extension. It begins to disappear due to the incline of the ground level as it raises
from the south to the north.
18. Area where plinth course stone of buildings western elevation begins to disappear with rising of ground level.
19. Eastern wing features plinth course of stone at base of building that disappears at extension point. Plinth
course begins to disappear on eastern elevation with the rising of ground level, south to north.
20. Eastern elevation point where coursed stone plinth disappears due to raising ground level.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

21. Western elevation, Detail, timber framed window with vertical cast iron strips and frosted glass. Window
features ashlar water table sill can’t ashlar brick surrounds and decorative “Chevroned” lintel. One of five
western elevation ground floor windows.
22. Point where eastern elevation meets north eastern wing. Entrance into build, through timber panelled door,
topped with decorated “chevroned” ashlar arch. Wing construct on coursed stone and quoins.
23. Window above door in north eastern wing. Timber framed sash window with frosted glass. Window has stone
sill and Decorated “chevroned” lintel.
24. Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. One of two lower windows with arch
brick lintel and stone sill. Window surround of can’t brick. Window is timber framed sash with frosted glass.
25. Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, second of two lower windows (see above). Window is timber framed with
stone sill and brick arch lintel, window holds frosted glass partially boarded up.
26. Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. Point of intersection between the
building phases with stretcher brick formation keyed into quoin stones of earlier builds eastern elevation. Ply
wood board to left covers window hole.
27. Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. Point of intersection between the
building phases with stretcher brick formation keyed into quoin stones of earlier build. To roof.
28. South wall of north western extension. Construct made of quoined random coursed stone. Entrance into
Vestry, timber panel door with brick arch above. Window to left support arched brick lintel and stone sill.
Modern window with frosted glass. Window above has stone sill with brick arch lintel. Window has wooden
frame and frosted glass.
29. North western wing addition, northern join to main builds western elevation. Quoined and random coursed
stone construct to brick construction of northern extension. Wing addition holds a modern PVC window with
frosted glass. Window topped with brick arch lintel and stone sill.
30. Western elevation to northern extension lean to. Western elevation from the point of the north western wing
change in course structure. The wing is made up of random coursed quoined stone. Then changes to stretcher
brick formation of northern lean too extension. Also, of note is that the opposite side on the eastern elevation
features the same brickwork of the north extension up to the roof, however in the western elevation the
brickwork lean too starts much lower down. The brick lean to slate roof features a decorative bargeboard.
31. North gable. Coursed stone with centre foil stain glassed window with painted ashlar frame and brick
surround. Two stain glassed window are situated either side surrounded with segmental brick arch lintels and
surrounds. Windows have stone lintels. Roof structure fitted with timber bargeboard.
32. North gable. Point where northern extension joins main builds northern gable.
33. Northern extension, later addition lean to, coursed stretcher brick formation with five wooden framed sash
windows. Windows are topped with brick arch lintels and have stone sill. Window are spaced symmetrically
with the exception of the fifth window on the eastern side which appears smaller but is however now boarded
34. Southern gables eastern wing to eastern elevation to northern extension. Ground to east tarmacked. Boundary
wall coursed stone with crenulated top. Eastern elevation features two sets of five windows, five on the
ground floor, five on the first floor.
35. Boundary wall to east of building. Construct of random coursed stone with pointed cement. Topped with
crenulation. Doorway and step cut through for access is now currently bricked up and cemented on exterior
leaving a brick quoined recess in the interior. Interior frame of door possibly cast in place.
36. Boundary wall to east of building. Reveal is a possible cast coal chute, now bricked over externally and
cemented. The chute is probably cast due to the iron frame that surrounds the reveal.
37. Ground floor narthex, walls surrounded with timber panel skirting and dado rail. Flooring made of tiled
parquet. Modern refurbishment
38. General. Narthex from eastern wing tower stair.
39. Northern wall of eastern wing stairwell, first floor, access to gallery through wooden door. Timber panelling
and dado rail encompass stairwell down to ground floor and into narthex.
40. Detail, eastern tower wing windows, cast in place with cast iron surrounds. Set in stone that has been
plastered and cut for stone effect.
41. From “choir” gallery. General ground and first floor.
42. Ground floor near narthex. Both eastern and western elevations hold five windows. Windows alternate
between being hopper casement or fixed. Windows have timber frames with frosted glass.
43. North gable, internal. Ground floor with timber pews. First floor “choir” gallery above pulpit. Church organ
above blocks view of northern gables stain glass windows.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

44. Cast iron support pillar under first floor balcony. Pillar is finished with modified Corinthian order with super
imposed four diagonally set Ionic volutes on a bell of Corinthian acanthus leaves. The timber of the balcony is
partially chamfered in places with cut stop ends.
45. General, chancel and pulpit, ground floor.
46. Pulpit stairs made up of turned timber balustrades and balusters. Stair also fitted with decorative cast iron
twisted balusters painted blue and gold. The Pulpit box itself has heavily decorative timber surrounds with cut
chevron cornices and crenulations. Pulpit also surrounded with timber panels with cut gothic style decoration.
47. Ground floor, small room between north eastern wing corridor, nave and northern store rooms. Room fitted
with panel skirting and dado rail, room currently used to house buildings electrics.
48. Ground floor, from small room to north eastern wing corridor. Room flooring fitted with tiled parquet.
49. North eastern wing. Timber half turn staircase to first floor choir balcony. Stairs fitted with turned balusters.
Parquet flooring.
50. Half turn staircase from first to ground floor of north eastern wing. Stairwell is partitioned with a timber
framed door. Door is panelled and glass. Above door features transom and transom windows.
51. Southern gable access to eastern tower wings staircase down to narthex. Timber panel door with timber
decorative architrave frame. All balcony walls have timber panelled skirting and dado rail.
52. Southern gable access to western tower wings staircase down to narthex. (inaccessible). Timber panel door
with timber decorative architrave frame. All balcony walls have timber panelled skirting and dado rail.
53. General. Upper choir balcony to balcony pew placement and general layout.
54. South gable. Internal view of central stain glass window set in ashlar frame.
55. South gable. Area to the east and under central stain glass window. Due to repair work part of timber
panelling and dado rail has been removed and now expose the coursed and cement stone of the southern
56. First floor balcony. Both eastern and western elevation hold five windows. Windows alternate between being
hopper casement or fixed. Windows have timber frames with frosted glass.
57. General, balcony first floor east and west, choir balcony and organ to north. Ground floor Nave, Chancel and
Pulpit. Decorative steps lead to the raised Pulpit. Made with timber railings and balustrades with decorative
iron banisters. Above pulpit and choir balcony is the church organ.
58. Timber panel work surround of church organ with decorative relief.
59. North gable, west elevation. Roof structure consists of a decorative double arched truss with trenched purlins
and a central ridge plate with a chamfered cut stop end. Note: central purlin probably decorate as apex of
ceiling structure is not visible. Decorative arch braces sit under trusses.
60. Detail, ornately carved timber arch braces and trusses.
61. Detail, ornately carved timber arch braces. Arched braces are further supported with decorative timber wall
plate with ovolo carving.
62. Stained glass window positioned behind church organ.
63. Note due to placement of church organ south stain glassed window were barely visible and inaccessible.
64. Detail (above) doorway is set below that of choir balcony’s upper levels. This would suggest the timber panel
floor of the choir balcony has been at some point raised. Step are taken down into the room however this
wouldn’t excuse the fact the door is underneath that of the floor level.
65. First floor, West elevation of north western extension. Central to wall is a now blocked in fireplace and
chimney. Fireplace stile retains mantle. Room filled with partial detritus.
66. First floor, South gable of north western extension, (slight) splayed window with PVC window frame and
frosted glass.
67. First floor, South gable of north eastern wing, fitted timber framed sash window with frosted glass.


HER Core index, Appendix I

HER Event index, Appendix II
HER Monuments index, Appendix III
Complete photograph list & contact sheet. Appendix IV

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18


This building recording survey has been composed by Mr. A Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd in response to RE: Proposed side
and rear extension, new vehicular access, internal alteration to convert ground floor to funeral home together with new
first floor to accommodate Methodist church. Park Street Methodist Church, Park Street, Blaenavon, Pontypool,
Torfaen, NP4 9AA, Pl.App.No: 17/P/0704/FUL.

A planning application for the work was applied for by ASQUITH DESIGN SERVICES acting as agents for Mr C,
Brown client.

The proposed alteration, construction and renovation work will involve changes to the standing fabric of the existing
building, all of which may impact on any archaeological resources present.

Torfaen County Borough Council (TCBC) were advised on this planning request by Glamorgan Gwent
Archaeological Trust (GGAT) Archaeological Planning Services (APS), who suggested that the planning approval
should include a condition requiring a program of archaeological work.

GGAT expressed concern in that the nature of the proposed works will alter the standing fabric of a church situated
within the “Blaenavon Industrial Landscape, a World Heritage Site, (CADW ref: 984.)”, and “Additionally is also
located in the Blaenavon Registered Historic Landscape, Specifically the Blaenavon Urban Core Character Area

As a result of this, and to preserve, through recording, the original layout and design of the church, a condition has been
imposed for a level III building recording survey.

GGAT suggested the wording of the condition should be similar to that set out in condition Welsh Government
Circular 016/2014:

No works to which this consent relates shall commence until an appropriate programme of
historic building recording and analysis has been secured and implemented in accordance
with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted in writing by the local
planning authority.

Reason: As the building is of architectural and cultural significance the specified records are
required to mitigate impact.


APAC Ltd, was contracted to produce the Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) for a programme of archaeological
work which was compiled; (WSI:BS/BMC/18)), based on information provided by the client’s agent and TCBC
Planning portal, Planning Application 17/P/0704/FUL

The WSI was approved as “fit for purpose” and the subsequent building survey took place on 18/04/18

This document composed by Mr. A. O Phillips, and edited by Dr N Phillips, APAC Ltd, is the report of the building
survey undertaken.

Location of the Site

The location of the site is central to the town of Blaenavon, Monmouthshire, on Park Street, NGR 325122, 208883,
fig 01.

Travelling south east from Abergavenny along the A40, take the third turn off the Hardwick roundabout onto the
A4042 Heads of the Valleys Road.

Take the first left along the slip road and 2nd left towards Llanfoist and continue towards Gilwern until passing under
a skewed masonry bridge, after which is a left turn towards Blaenavon.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

Upon reaching Blaenavon take the first turn at the roundabout onto the A4043, then the third turn at the second
roundabout onto the B4246.

Take the right turn onto “High street” then the first left followed by the second right turn onto Park Street; the
Methodist Church is on the left.
Geology & Topography

The building occupies an Urban site on a south slope of the town, some 324m OD

The underlying geology is interbedded grey mudstone, siltstone and pale grey sandstone. (ibid).

Brief archaeological and historical background

Blaenavon, a town built on the back of the industrial revolution, was once owned by Lord Abergavenny. It occupies
an area of land known as Lord Abergavenny’s hills; previously a moorland marked as the upland wastes of the
medieval Marcher lordship of Abergavenny.

Lord Abergavenny had leased the land to Hanbury ironmasters, who dug the land for ironstone to be used in the
Pontypool furnaces. However; in 1787 three English businessmen Thomas hill, Benjamin Pratt, and Isaac Pratt,
negotiated the lease for 18 square kilometres of the land.

Upon this land they erected the Blaenavon ironworks.

Word spread of work opportunities and people begin turning up from welsh speaking west Wales, poor communities
surrounding the west of Herefordshire, north of England, Forest of Dean, Midlands and later on, Ireland.

In the years between 1800 and 1810 the town had doubled its population and rose a further 70% in the following two

Due to the influx of people, the town quickly grew, and the new communities of people brought with them different
needs and services. Over time many new places of worship were constructed to accommodate the different faiths and
languages spoken by the people occupying and working in Blaenavon

Park Street’s Wesleyan Methodist church was one of them; built in 1885 in order to accommodate an ever-growing
number of Wesleyan Methodist worshipers in Blaenavon:

“The growing congregation meant that by the 1830s a more convenient place of worship was
required and in 1837 Wesley Chapel was built on Chapel Row. In 1871 the Wesleyans
constructed a day school in Park Street, (just to the north east of the 1885 Chapel) for the
benefit of Blaenavon’s nonconformist children and during the 1880s the Wesleyans decided to
build a new chapel next to the schoolrooms. Park Street Methodist Chapel was designed by a
Derbyshire architect named John Wills and was built in 1885 on land leased to the Wesleyan
Methodists by the Blaenavon Company” - (

An earlier Wesleyan chapel in Chapel row, was demolished in the 1960s.

The above information is corroborated in the design and access statement for the Pre-app consultation:
17/PE/0239/PREAPP, written by B.S. Technical services, in 2017, suggesting:

The building is a Wesleyan/Non-conformist chapel dating from 1885. It was designed by John
Wills of Derby in the Lombardic Romanesque style. The foundation stone was laid on 11 th
August 1885 and the chapel opened on 4th June 1885. “Blaenavon Industrial Landscape
World Heritage Site. (BILWHS)”

It is worth noting that originally, the building was a chapel and was referred to as such, however the present
front façade now carries the relief cut inscription Wesleyan Methodist Church above the remodelled 1920 door

The door way itself carries two date stones 1885 and 1920.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

During the historical research for the Wesleyan chapel, two earlier photographs were found of the building:

In fig 03a the chapel is shown with the caption. “A photograph of pre-1894 taken during the
construction of The Workmen’s Hall with Park Street Wesleyan Chapel and Vipond House in
the background.” (taken from 1960 Blaenavon anniversary brochure, thankfully donated by a
local from Blaenavon).

In fig 03b, the chapel is shown on the front of a postcard dated and stamped “1905”.
(incidentally the postcard was found listed on eBay, by a Californian seller).

Of particular interest in both images is the earlier existence of the tower topped with a roof and spire, (the tower is now
flat) and the façade to have more detailed decoration around the porch, roof apex, and batters.

Further information discovered notes “a severe fire in 1922 which destroyed the Vestry, choir galley and
organ.” (Ibid). Which would strongly suggest some of the internal structure of the church to be early 20 th
century reconstruction.

Park Street Methodist church is located within the archaeologically sensitive area of the Blaenavon Industrial
Landscape, World heritage site (CADW 984), and Blaenavon Registered Historic Landscape (HLW (GT) 1),
specifically the Blaenavon Urban Core Character Area, (HLCA001).

The HER report 5075 lists 79 CORE, 5 EVENT and 402 NMR (National Monument records) within a 500km diameter
search area of the property, fig 02.

(Not mentioned within the Event results is a level II building recording survey conducted by APAC.LTD in 2016, PRN
no: E005753. That provided Bethlehem congregational Church Blaenavon with a firm early 19th century build date).

Due to what is known of the history of Blaenavon, a few CORE points in the vicinity of the church where more closely


03406g Blaenavon Evangelical PM
Church, Schoolroom
04807g Blaenavon Evangelical PM 1888
03424g Horeb Baptist Church PM 1862
03425g Bethlehem PM
Congregational Church
04815g St Peters Church Tomb PM
04816g St Peters Church Tomb PM
04817g St Peters Church Tomb PM
04818g St Peters Church Tomb PM
04819g St Peters Church PM 1804
04809g War Memorial Modern

*All building dates taken from listed building records.

The CORE numbers mentioned are related to four other, 19th century churches in the vicinity. These include Blaenavon
Evangelical Church, and school room. Bethlehem Congregational church. Horeb Baptist church, and St Peters church.

St Peters church is dated as the earliest, built in 1804 (listed Buildings), as a grade II listed building CADW ref: 15273.
It also has Listed building status on a group of 5 Rectangular tombs.

The tombs, made of heavily tooled stone and topped with cast iron, contain the remains of the founders of the church.

Further information was gleaned for the use of map progressions.

The 1840 tithe map, fig 04a, of the surrounding area where the church now stands, shows the area to be empty fields
with a few discernible boundary lines.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

The apportionment number, 128, states that the land at this point is Arable and goes under the name “The Wayn”.
It also states the land at this point is both occupied and owned by the “Blaenavon Iron Company”.

The 1902 map, fig 04b is the first instance of the church appearing on the map. Situated to the south of the Wesleyan
school, (built in 1871, above.) to the left of the church is “Vipond house”, (

The 1922 map fig 04c shows nothing much of change except for an area highlighted by the buildings south gable.

The first major changes show up in the current map. Fig 04d. looking between this and the 1922 map, shows the
building to have been extended north eastwards to the school. (

The map would also suggest an extension to the western elevation.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the level III survey was to preserve by record the structure of the buildings, prior to renovation and
conversion and in so doing, provide a facility for understanding the building’s historic development.

The record produced can then be used to guide the determination of the planning condition as to the final design of


The building survey followed the methodology defined in 5.2, Understanding Historic Buildings: a guide to good
recording practise (English heritage 2006). The methodology employed was also guided by the: Standards and
Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures (IFA 1996, revised
edition 2013).

All photographs were taken using tripod mounted digital cameras: a Sony DSC F828, Canon EOS 6D MkII and a
Nikkon AW130 with data recorded in both RAW and Jpeg format.

The photographic record of the site includes general views of the exterior, the overall appearance of principle structure
and circulation areas, external and internal detail relevant to the properties design and development.

All photographs include a scale rod where possible or practical.

Photographs illustrative of the survey are produced as annotated “photo cards” in the report.

All photographs from the survey are included as a contact sheet in appendix VI.

The plans and elevations were drawn from 3D scan data collected with a Faro M70 which was processed in Scene 7,
Recap Pro, Pointsense Heritage and AutoCad 18 before being prepared in Adobe Illustrator for publication.

This report also comprises a written element as defined in 4.5, Understanding Historic Buildings, A Guide to Good
Recording Practise (English Heritage 2006).

Data Presentation

Data referred to within the text is included in the Figures (fig##), Plates. (PL##).

The building survey below was conducted on 18th April 2018 in favourable conditions however some of the external
photographs were compromised by bright sunlight.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18


The south western gable of the church is the building’s main entrance and features a decorative façade. PL01, fig 06.

The façade is constructed of quoined, random coursed stoned with pointed cement. Either side of the central front
entrance are quoined, coursed stone buttress with sloped ashlar dripstones.

The roof is open gabled, made of slate topped with ceramic ridge tiles. The roofs southern gable features a timber
bargeboard, PL02.

Central to the apex, is a timber board that once held coursed stone decoration, with a decorative ashlar string course
across its base, PL03, fig 03a.

The upper centre of the build features a stilted arch ashlar frame that holds a decorative “floral” art nouveau style stain
glass window, PL04.

As well as the central main window, the frame also contains five stain glass windows underneath, at the base of the
frame., PL04.

Below the stain glassed window is an ashlar course of stone, (between buttresses), inscribed “WESLEYAN

This section of ashlar course has been modified adding the name of the church. The course used to be decorated with a
cut pattern, Fig 03a.

The lower half of the central façade features the main entrance/exit into the building. There is a large stone construct
porch with roof. The porch features a stone stilted arch with skewbacks followed by an internal stucco rendered, stilted
arch, PL05.

The main doorway is timber framed with a timber transom and fanlight with frosted glass, PL06. The door way is fitted
with double doors.

Sitting within the apex of the porch roof are large ashlar blocks with two date stones. “1885” the year the church was
built, and “1920”, PL07. Which would be assumed to be the date for some later additional modifications to the
building. (possibly the changes to the façade and removal of tower).

At one point the porch apex contained a course of decorative stone which has now been replaced with the date stones
mentioned above, Fig 03a.

Either side of the porch are timber framed arched, fixed windows, PL05, PL08. The windows have stilted brick arch
lintels and canted stone surrounds. The brick lintels appear to have been painted to resemble the other stucco
stonework within the façade.

The south gable also features two additional wings. Both the eastern wing (tower), PL09, and western wing, PL10
extend past the buildings main elevations.

There are also symmetrical similarities to both wings. The western wing holds two ground floor splayed slit vent
windows, PL10. These windows have stucco rendered stone lintels and sills and are surrounded with canted stones,

The eastern wing (tower) also features these same windows, PL12.

On the first floor, both wings feature two sets of two windows. On the west wing there’s one set on the west and one
on the south, PL10. On the east wing (tower) there’s one on the east wall and one on the south, PL13.

All windows are timber framed and feature ashlar with stucco rendered chevroned lintels and water tables, PL13.

The western wing is topped with a slate lean-to roof. Separate of the main builds gable end roof.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

The eastern wings tower windows, on the southern gable and eastern wall, are made up of three descending brick
stilted arches. With the smallest arch, also a decorative ashlar chevroned lintel, PL14.

The outer arch and (inner) central window arch also feature ashlar water table sills. The windows have a slight splay
and are currently blocked in, PL14.

The tower is currently flat topped however, old photographic evidence; fig 03a and b, suggest it once held a pointed
roof and spire. The tower currently retains its string course of decorative ashlar much as that of the earlier main roof
and underneath of the central window, PL14.

There is also a continuous ashlar string course that starts at the western elevation; south western wing, PL15,
continuing across the front façade, PL01, to complete at the eastern elevation of the east tower, PL09.

An ashlar plinth stone is also present, PL16 running the same course as the string course but extending along both
elevations until it is discontinued due to the rise in ground upon which the building is situated; PL17, PL18, PL19,

The drop-in ground level has been compensated for in the front of the building by raising the foreground; which
currently provides a tarmacked surface area accessed by steps, through a double iron gate.

The eastern and western elevations feature five ground floor windows and five first floor windows; PL17, PL19. Each
window is timber framed with a top arch and frosted glass. Each window is fitted with a chevron decorated brick arch
lintel and stone water table and all windows are also surrounded with canted ashlar, PL21.

On the eastern elevation there is a north eastern wing made of quoined random coursed stone. On the southern wall of
this wing is a timber framed door with chevron decorated brick arched lintel. The door way leads to a corridor in the
main church’s eastern elevation, PL22.

Above the doorway is a timber framed sash window with stone sill and chevron cut brick arch lintel, PL23.

The lean-to roof above the north eastern wing is pitched and features a decorative, chevron cut timber barge board,

The north eastern wings, eastern elevation features one timber framed sash window, PL24 and one smaller partially
boarded up casement/fixed window, PL25. Both with stone sills and brick arched lintels.

The eastern elevation then extends into the coursed stretcher brick formation of the 20 th c northern lean-too extension,

Note* eastern extension, northern brick lean-to extends just under roof of main builds northern gable, PL27.

The western elevation also features a northern wing, made up of quoined random coursed stone fitted with modern
PVC hung windows with frosted double-glazed glass. The lintels are made of brick and the sills are stone. There is also
a timber panelled access door into the wing. Also, with a brick lintel painted white/cream, PL28.

Note* the north western wing addition doesn’t extend all the way to the north gable un-like its eastern counterpart.
Instead it comes back in on itself into the western elevation, PL29.

Note* due to the above, the western elevation extends to the brick lean-to. However, whereas the eastern elevation/
northern brick extension starts under the north gable roof, on the western elevation, the brick lean to starts three
quarters up the height of the wall, PL30.

The north gable is constructed with random coursed stone. The first-floor centre holds an ashlar framed trefoil, stain
glassed window with a brick surround, PL31.

Either side of the trefoil are brick stilted arch framed stain glass windows with stone sills. The lower half (ground
floor) features a 20th century lean-to extension, constructed of red brick in stretcher formation, PL32.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

The roof is made of pitched slate with a decorative bargeboard on either gable. The elevation features five timber
framed sash windows with stone sill and brick domed lintel. The most easterly window is boarded up, PL33.

The eastern and southern grounds of the church are surrounded with coursed stone walls. The southern wall and main
entrance are topped with cast iron railings, PL01.

The eastern wall is topped with crenulated stone formation, PL34. The north of the wall also features a cast iron lined
doorway, now blocked in with concrete, PL35, and a cast iron lined coal chute, also now blocked in with cement and
bricks, PL36.


Plans 05a ground floor, 05b first floor.

Internally the church consists of nine ground floor rooms and two corridors. The ground floor is entered through the
Narthex, PL37, which leads through doors in the east and west into the main body of the church Nave.

The Narthex opens from the decorative central porch. To the west is a now inaccessible stair that leads to the first-floor
balconies, PL38.

The room also accesses the first-floor balconies via a half turn staircase fitted with turned balusters in the south eastern
wing/tower, PL39.

The Narthex and staircases are fitted with panel skirting, dado rail and parquet tiled flooring. The room also features
some modern fixtures and fittings as well as some modern repairs to the blocked off staircase, PL37.

From the first-floor staircase, before entering the balcony area on the first floor, two sets of the tower windows can be
seen, all made of cast iron and built within the structured course of the wall. The walls are then plastered and cut to
create a stone style effect, PL40.

The main body of the church, the nave, is structured with three tier sets of pews. The pew alignment is set from the
pulpit with a right, central and left seating formation with two isle separations, PL41.

The pews have been built on flooring with a slight rise from north to south, the floor has been raised in this way to give
people better view of the pulpit from the back benches.

The windows on the ground floor of the nave are timber framed, fixed and hopper style windows that alternate. Above
the hopper windows only, are cast iron curtain brackets, PL42.

Above the Nave is the first-floor balconies, PL43, made with decorative timber panelling and supported by timber
beams with decorative chamfers and cut stops. PL44.

These beams are also supported by cast iron pillars finished with modified Corinthian order tops with super imposed
four diagonally set Ionic volutes on a bell of Corinthian acanthus leaves. PL44.

The main worship area of the church features a small carpeted chancel the leads to the pulpit via two sets of steps,

The raised pulpit is hexagonal in shape and fitted with Victorian gothik decorative timber panelling, with decorative
timber surrounds and chevroned cornices and crenulations, PL46.

The stairs leading to the pulpit and the first floor choir balcony above are fitted with turned timber balustrades and
balusters, with decorative cast iron twisted balusters painted blue and gold in a Nouveau style, PL46.

At the northern western end of the Nave is a corridor leading into a vestry with toilet area. The north of this corridor
leads to a lecture hall, small kitchen and further small toilet.

Directly behind the pulpit area of the Nave is a store room accessible via the lecture hall or the eastern ground floor
A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

(All information on areas mentioned above, apart from the narthex, nave, and eastern corridor, are taken from existing
plans of the buildings ground floor. These rooms were inaccessible during the survey due to the areas holding bodies at

The eastern corridor leads to a small electrics room, back into the Nave, outside via the north eastern wing and upstairs
to the first-floor choir balcony, PL47.

The eastern corridor and the small electrics store are fitted with timber panel skirting and dado rails. All doors are
timber with some decorative architrave around the frame. The floor of the rooms is tiled with parquet flooring, PL48.

The timber half turn staircase to first floor choir balcony is fitted with turned balusters, PL49. The stairs are split
halfway up by a timber frame door with transom and frosted transom window, PL50.

The stairs also lead north easterly to a small store cupboard, PL49.

The first-floor balcony and choir balconies are accessed via the eastern staircase in the south eastern wing/tower from
the ground floor Narthex, or from the north eastern corridor.

From the Narthex the room is entered via a doorway from the top of the stair. The door is timber panelled with some
decorative timber architrave frame, PL39.

The doorway opens into the south eastern corner of the first-floor balcony, PL51. There is a door symmetrically west
that would have also been used as an access before the western stairwell was decommissioned, PL52.

The first-floor balconies are setup with raised rows of pews set like the ground floor with left, central and right
sections in a semi-circular design, PL53.

The room features panel skirting and dado rails that encompass the first floor.

The central row of pews is situated behind the large circular stain glassed window, PL54. At the top row of pews, a
section of the panel skirting has fallen away exposing the random stone coursed wall of the southern gable, PL55.

The eastern and western elevations feature the same style windows, placement, and cast-iron curtain rails as the ground
floor, with alternating fixed and hopper timber framed windows with frosted glass, PL53, PL56.

The northern end of the first floor leads from both the left, and right balcony pews, into the choir balconies and raised
area where the church organ is placed, PL57.

The choir balcony also features three sets of raised pews, with the central set positioned between the raised pulpit on
the ground floor and the church organ behind, PL57.

The church organ is decorated much in the same way as the church pulpit, with Victorian gothik style panelled timber,
decorative cornices etc, PL58.

The ceiling structure is exposed above the Nave and balconies. The ceiling is a construction of timbers, highly
decorative, with double arched trusses, trenched purlins and a central ridge plate that has a cut stop end. The central
ridge plate however is likely to be only decorative as the apex of the ceiling structure is behind lowered plasterboard,
PL59, fig 07a, fig 07b.

The trusses are also supported by decorative arch braces, PL60, that sit atop of a decoratively carved ovolo wall plates,

Situated behind the organ are the three stain glassed windows of the northern gable. Though they are almost
completely blocked out of sight by the organ, PL62, PL63. Note, see phasing.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

Either side of the organ are two small rooms, that are entered through timber panelled doors via steps. Each doorway
falls below that of the level of the timber panel floor, suggesting that this section of flooring has been raised for some
reason after the doors where placed, PL64. Note see phasing.

The room to the west is part of the north western wing extension. Its heavily modernised but does retain a now blocked
in fireplace, mantle and internal chimney stack, PL65.

There is also a slightly splayed window with a modern PVC frame and frosted double glazed glass, PL66.

The small room on the eastern side is used for storage with timber shelving. There is also a timber framed sash window
in its southern end, PL67.


Plans, fig 08a ground plans, fig 08b and fig 08c façade elevations.

From information gleaned through investigation into the buildings history, survey, and its date stone, it can be fair to
say the building was constructed in 1885, PL07.

The south gable façade and wings are much the same as they originally were, however from what can be seen in the
early photographs it would appear that some of the porch frames/arch decoration has been modified, fig 08c.

In fig 03a The porch arch has been decorated with ashlar stucco chevrons, like most of the windows on the earlier parts
of the church are, however the decorative chevrons have now been replaced with a rounded dome effect. PL13, fig 08c.

The apex of the porch was also once built with decorative coursed stone, this has now been replaced with rendered
ashlar block date stones, fig 08c.

Other changes to the façade visible by looking at the documentary photographs, Fig 03a and b. suggest the earlier roof
apex to once have held a course of decorative stone, (like the porch) that held a string of decorative ashlar at its base,
fig 08c.

The ashlar string below the main art nouveau floral stain glass window has also been modified. Where it now holds the
inscribed name of the church, it once held a string course of decorative ashlar much like that of the roof apex. The only
visible reminder of these decorative ashlar strings is the one that surrounds the top of the tower.

The most overt change however, appears to be the removal of the church tower’s spire shown in both fig 03a, fig 03b
and fig 08c.

Unfortunately, no information could be found to why it was removed.

The eastern and western elevations of the main building appear to be as original with all windows present and correct
without being modified and still holding their original symmetry.

The north eastern wing, PL34, appears to be part of the earlier phase coursed together with the main body of the
church, that being noted, the wing has had the addition of ground and first floor sash windows added at a later date.
Further evidenced by the first-floor southern window not being in the 1894 Photo, fig 03a.

The photo also shows the eastern wing to have once been a single-story construct, its roof, once a lot lower down, has
been raised at a later date to that of the main church’s’.

The north western wing, PL28, however could possibly be of a later phase, fig 08a and 08b The wing’s roof sits on top
of that of the main building and the coursed stone is not tied in as well as its eastern counterpart. Add to this this later
sash and later still PVC hung windows that feature on this wing, and it could suggest it being a later addition.

The old photographs don’t show this side of the building, so there is still the possibility of it being part of the original

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

The northern extension lean too, PL32, has been added in a later phase, fig 08a. The lean-to is made of red brick in
stretcher formation and tied into the eastern elevation of the main building underneath the north gable’s roof, PL27.

On the western elevation the extension has been built against the edge of the northern gable rather than been tied into
it, PL30.

The extension lean-to would appear to have been added sometime after 1922, evidenced for which is clearly visible in
the map progressions. Fig, 04c and 04d.

Internally the church appears to have lots of modern redecoration and refurbishments that would come in through the
passing of time.

One major change mentioned in the historical documentation, appears in 1922, The north/north west of the church
suffered a large fire that destroyed the vestry, choir gallery and organ. (see above).

This adds to the possibility that the north western wing was originally symmetrical to its eastern counterpart; as a
single story, before the fire.

Also, notable whilst conducting the survey was the raised floor where the new organ is now placed. This raised section
features two store rooms in its eastern and western elevation. Both rooms are accessed via a door that is placed lower
than that of the raised section flooring, PL64.

Adding to this is the seemingly ill designed placement of the church organ blocking the view of the north gables stain
glass windows, and it could be suggested that this section of build has been vastly refurbished due to the damage
caused by the fire mentioned above, PL62.

The information above suggests the building was built in 1885, had some modifications in 1920, suffered a fire leading
to both structural and superficial repairs and replacements.

The last addition appears to be the brick northern extension added at some point after 1922.


A digital archive consisting of all original records, photographs and all documentation that relates to the survey will be
deposited with the Royal Commission on Historical and Antient Monuments Wales whilst the original will be kept by

The completed copy of the report will be deposited in the Gwent Records Office and a further copy deposited with the

Copies of the Design Brief and any relevant correspondence will be included.

The archives will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, Second
Edition, (1991) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed.

The archive will comply with the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation (Archaeology Section) Guidelines for the
Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term Storage (1990) the Society of Museum Archaeologists Towards An
Accessible Archive (1995) and to the reasonable requirements of the designated Museum.

The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the survey and with the agreement of the

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Wales.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby grants permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the
project as described in this Project Design.

Health & Safety:

The Project Team operated in accordance with the health and safety procedures as set out in:-

▪ The Health and Safety Work Act (1974) and related legislation.
▪ The Standing Conference of Archaeology Unit Managers Health and Safety Manual 2002).
▪ The Council for British Archaeology Handbook no. 6, Safety in Archaeological Fieldwork (1989).
▪ In accordance with the CDM Regulation, The Project Team will prepare a Risk Assessment in relation to the
archaeological works prior to the commencement of the evaluation.

All necessary protective clothing and equipment was used.

A First-Aid kit and Accident Book were kept on site at all times, with a Health and Safety file.

Bibliography and References:

APAC.Ltd WSI:BS/BMC/18, written scheme of investigation for a programme of

archaeological work, Park Street, Methodist church. Blaenavon

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

Understanding Historic Buildings, A guide to good Recording Practice. 2006

Chartered Institute of
Archaeologists. Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2014.

Standards and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and

research of archaeological materials. 2014.

Standards and Guidance for the archaeological investigation and recording

of standing buildings and structures, 2014

GGAT Re: Proposed side and rear extension, new vehicular access, internal alterations to
convert ground floor to funeral home together with new first floor to accommodate
Methodist church. Park Street, Methodist Church, Park Street, Blaenavon,
Pontypool, Torfaen Np4 9AA. Pl.App.No,: 17/P/0704/Ful. TOR0171/HB

Torfaen County
Borough Council Re: Proposed side and rear extension, new vehicular access, internal alterations to
convert ground floor to funeral home together with new first floor to accommodate
Methodist church. Park Street, Methodist Church, Park Street, Blaenavon, Pontypool,
Torfaen Np4 9AA. Pl.App.No,: 17/P/0704/Ful.

The Society of Museum

Archaeologists Towards An Accessible Archive (1995)

A.P.A.C. Ltd Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon BS/BMC/18

United Kingdom Institute

for Conservation.
(Archaeology Section) Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term
Storage (1990)

Design and Access statement B.S. Technical Services, 17/PE/0239/PREAPP.

Online sources consulted

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.
Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons). Cert Ed/FE. MCIFA

Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Adapted from Magic maps

Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd /BS/BMC/18

Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon

FIG 02a: Area search North

FIG 02b: Area search South A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/BMC/18

Park Street Church, Blaenavon.

Fig 03a: plate taken from 1960 Blaenavon anniversary brochure, plate reads : “A photograph
of pre 1894 taken during the construction of The Workmens Hall with Park Street
Wesleyan Chapel and Vipond House in the background.”

Fig 03b: postcard found on ebay stamped 1905. A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/BMC/18
Park Street Church, Blaenavon

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 04a: Tithe map, 1840 Fig 04b: Monmouthshire XII.SW. Surveyed 1899
Published 1902


Fig 04c: Brecknockshire XLVIII, Revised 1916 - 1917, Fig 04d: Magic map 2016
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/BMC/18
Published 1922
Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon


0 5 10
0 5 10

Fig 05a: Ground floor plan Fig 05b: first floor plan A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/BMC/18
Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon


0 10

fig 06: Front facade A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/BMC/18

Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon

0 5

Fig 07a: Detail: Truss beam, roof layout.

0 5 10

Fig 07b: Joist plan A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/BMC/18

Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon


After 1922 After 1905

After 1922

0 5 10
0 5 10

Fig 08a: Ground floor phasing Fig 05b: first floor phasing A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/BMC/18
Park Street Methodist Church, Blaenavon

Areas of phase change after 1905.

Front porch and roof has been modified.

Apex of roof has been modified.

Tower window has been blocked in.


Approximation of how tower once stood. The tower was

removed some time after 1905.
No documentary information could be pertained to the
date or why it was removed.

0 10

Fig 08c, front facade elevation phasing. A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/BMC/18

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I BS/BMC/18

HER Report 5231. Core Record

PRN Site Name Period Type NGR

04618g AARON BRUTE’S IRON BRIDGE Post-Medieval Bridge SO24810881
03319g AARON BRUTES LEVEL Post-Medieval Adit SO24810881
03333G Afon Llwyd Bridge Post-Medieval Bridge SO24830884
03276.2g AR9 LNWR RAILWAY Post-Medieval Railway SO1917011491
03456g Bethal Baptist Church Post-Medieval Church SO25320911
03425g BETHLEHEM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Post-Medieval Church SO25250886
03454g Bible Christian Church Post-Medieval Church SO252091
03406g BLAENAVON EVANGELICAL CHURCH Post-Medieval Chapel SO25300886
04807g BLAENAVON EVANGELICAL CHURCH SCHOOL ROOM Post-Medieval School room SO25300886
02221g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS Post-Medieval Ironworks SO24990928
04873g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS, BALANCE TOWER Post-Medieval Tower SO2499709295
04842g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS, CHAIN STORE (1 OF 2) Post-Medieval Storehouse SO25020927
04843g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS, CHAIN STORE (2 OF 2) Post-Medieval Storehouse SO25020927
04852g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS, STORAGE SHED Post-Medieval Shed SO24930924
04853g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS, STORAGE SHED, AND Post-Medieval Shed SO24930924
04858g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS, GILCREST MEMORIAL Unknown Commemorative SO24870915
04854g BLAENAVON IRON WORKS, PAY OFFICE Post-medieval Pay office SO24940920
04856g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS, STACK SQUARE, NORTH Post-medieval House SO25000923
04885g BLAENAVON IRONWORKS, STACK SQUARE, SOUTH Post-medieval House SO25000923
03461g Blaenavon Secondary School Unknown School SO25170901
03195.0g BLAENAVON-NEWPORT RAILWAY Post-medieval Railway SO25270850
03417g Bridge Street Bridge Post-medieval Bridge SO25250858
03457g Broad Street Methodist Church Post-medieval Church SO25330903
04802g BROAD STREET, NO 15 (WATKINS and CO SOLICITORS) Post-medieval Legal Office SO2523508760
04803g BROAD STREET NO 16 (WJ WALLABY and SONS) Post-medieval Shop SO2523608764
04804g BROAD STREET NO 17 (P PHILIPS) Post-medieval Shop SO2523808768
04805g BROAD STREET NO 18 (HOLLYWOOD) Post-medieval Shop SO2524008772
04806g BROAD STREET NO 19 (ROBINSONS DRUG STORE) Post-medieval Chemist Shop SO2524308778
03327g Brutes Row and Lambs Row Post-Medieval Shop SO24770897
03276.0g BRYNMAWR-PONTYPOOL RAILWAY Post-medieval Railway SO19290957
03399g Caddicks Workshop Post-medieval Shop SO24840914
03463g CAE WHITE POWDER HOUSE Post-medieval Magazine SO25080923
04824g COUNCIL OFFICES Unknown Local SO25240897
03407g Curwood Housing Post-medieval House SO25110862
10785g Dismantled Railway, Pontypool Post Medieval Railway SO25270850
10662g Drill Hall, Cae White Street, Pontypool Modern Drill Hall SO2514409116
10734g Drill Hall, Upper Waun Street, Blaenavon Modern Drill Hall SO2514409116
10661g Drill Hall Waun Street, Pontypool Modern Drill Hall SO2514409116
03426g Ebenezer Baptist Church Post-medieval Church SO25300877
09197g Field System, New Road Farm Medieval Field system SO253083
02076g Findspot, Blaenavon Roman Findspot SO24850863
03404g Fitting shop Post-medieval Fitters workshop SO24870914
03325g Glantorfaen House Vicarage Post-medieval Vicarage SO24810869
03415g Herbert Place Post-medieval House SO25060853
03424g HOREB BAPTIST CHURCH Post-medieval Church SO25170879
03332g Iron Bridge near Brutes Level Post-medieval Bridge SO24850882
03421g Lion Street Congregation Church Post-medieval Church SO25250898
0355g METHODIST CHURCH Post-medieval Church SO252091
03395g North Street no 29-38 (Park Cottage) Post-medieval House SO24970918
03368g North Street, Staffordshire Row Post-medieval House SO24910913
03423g Park Street Methodist Church Post-medieval Church SO25120887
03420g Prince Street Tramroad Bridge Post-medieval Bridge SO25190861
03418g Railway Inn Post-medieval Inn SO25250860
03458g Sacred Heart: St Felix Post-medieval Church SO25360917
02321g SHEPARDS SQUARE Post-medieval House SO249091
03448g SITE NAME NOT KNOWN Post-medieval Brickworks SO25270933
03460g St Felix Primary School Post-medieval School SO25380920
03453g St James’ Church Post-medieval Church SO25230936
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I BS/BMC/18

PRN Site Name Period Type NGR

03422g St Paul’s Church Post-medieval Church SO25610889
04821g ST PETER’S BOY’S SCHOOL (FORMER) Post-medieval School SO25000886
03419g ST PETER’S CHURCH Post-medieval Church SO25130878
04818g ST PETER’S CHURCH, ANN GRIFFITHS’ TOMB Post-medieval Tomb SO25130877
04816g ST PETER’S CHURCH, SAMUEL HOPKIN’S TOMB Post-medieval Tomb SO25130877
04817g ST PETER’S CHURCH, SARAH BISSEL’S TOMB Post-medieval Tomb SO25130877
04815g ST PETER’S CHURCH, THOMAS DEAKIN’S TOMB Post-medieval Tomb SO25130877
04819g ST PETER’S CHURCH, TOMB Post-medieval Tomb SO25130877
04820g ST PETER’S INFANT SCHOOL (FORMER) Post-medieval School SO25040884
03416g ST PETER’S SCHOOL (FORMER) Post-medieval School SO25070883
03459g Stable and Granary, Blaenavon Post-medieval Building SO25150932
03452g Stable Row Post-medieval House SO25060921
02320g STACK SQUARE and ENGINE ROW Post-medieval House SO250092
03393g Stack Square: Engine Row Post-medieval House SO25000923
04814g THE BEECHES NURSING HOME (FORMERLY TY MAWR) Post-medieval Country House SO24960897
03463g Ty Fry Post-medieval House SO25530911
04809g WAR MEMORIAL Modern War Memorial S02515308801
04822g WORKMENS HALL AND INSTITUTE Post-medieval Institute SO25150883
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II BS/BMC/18

HER Report 5231. Event Record

PRN Site Name Type Contractor Year NGR

E000954 Southeast wales industrial Project GGAT 2005-2010 SO0965205462
E002356 Abersychan Regeneration Desk Based Assesment GGAT 1996 SO25800350
E004146 Aaron Brute’s Bridge, Blaenavon Desk Based Assesment AW 2013 SO24810881
E004147 Aaron Brute’s Bridge, Blaenavon WATCHING BRIEF AW 2012 SO24810881
E004148 Aaron Brute’s Bridge, Blaenavon EVALUATION AW 2012 SO24810881


AW Archaeology of wales
GGAT Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III BS/BMC/16

HER Report 5231. National Monuments Record


304584 TON MAWR STREET, BLAENAVON Post Medieval ROAD SO2543608652
302184 MECHANIC’S ROW Post Medieval TERRACE SO250091
417020 COLISEUM (CINEMA), BLAENAVON 20th Century CINEMA SO2529208971
306372 CHURCH ROAD, FORMER VICARAGE, Post Medieval DWELLING SO2503108897
67570 BRYN VILLA Post Medieval HOUSE SO25250845
67569 OAKFEILD TERRACE Post Medieval HOUSE SO25280842
304924 PRINCES STREET, QUEEN VICTORIA P.H., Post Medieval INN SO2518108695
304929 BROAD STREET, NO 26 BLAENAVON Post Medieval SHOP SO2528408861
304721 GEORGE STREET, NOS,1 & 2, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2532108860
304722 GEORGE STREET, NO 3, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2532608856
304694 ASHFIELD HOUSES, NOS. 1-4, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2536908870
304935 BROAD STREET, NO. 25, BLAENAVON Post Medieval SHOP SO2528008854
305062 PARK STREET, NO. 20, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2517408953
305064 PARK STREET, NOS. 21 & 22, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2517608960
304723 GEORGE STREET, NOS. 4 & 5, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2533108852
304724 GEORGE STREET, NOS. 6 & 7 (OXFORD HOUSE) Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2534408845
305074 PARK STREET, NOS. 39 & 40, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2520709043
304698 ANNE STREET, NOS. 2-4, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2534408881
304626 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 6 & 7, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2539309025
305144 CHARLES STREET, NOS 5-7, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2551708769
304627 QUEEN STREET, NO. 12, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2542209003
304628 QUEEN STREET, NO. 13-16, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2543408992
304638 QUEEN STREET, NO. 17-18, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2544408987
304885 HIGH STREET, NO 11 & 12, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2521008840
304886 HIGH STREET, NO. 13-15, BLAENAFON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2521308849
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III BS/BMC/16

305066 PARK STREET, NOS. 23-26, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2518108974
305067 PARK STREET, NOS. 27 & 28, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2518608987
305075 PARK STREET, NOS. 41 & 42, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2521009050
305070 PARK STREET, NOS. 31 & 32, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2519409005
305071 PARK STREET, NOS. 33 & 34, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2519809014
305072 PARK STREET, NOS. 35 & 36, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2520009024
305129 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 15-19, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2546008740
304729 CROSS STREET, NOS. 23-24, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2537608843
304730 HILL STREET, NO. 33, BLAENAVON Post Medieval SHOP SO2545708890
305076 PARK STREET, NO. 43 BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2519409052
305077 PARK STREET, NO 44-49, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2518909037
305078 BURFORD STREET, NO, 5, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2527608908
305079 BURFORD STREET, NOS, 2A & 4 (REAR WINGS Post Medieval TERRACE SO2527408896
305130 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 20 & 21, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2547508734
305133 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 25 & 26, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2548208718
305134 BROOKSIDE, NO. 7, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2562008911
305136 SUNNYBANK, NOS. 1-5, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2558908935


305145 CHARLES STREET, NOS. 9-15, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2552808793
305146 PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 2-6, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2527509173
305147 PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 7-10, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2528209200
305137 BROOKSIDE, NOS, 1 & 2, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2558708901
304639 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 19-27, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2546608969
304640 QUEEN STREET, NO. 28, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2548508955
304664 HILL, STREET, NOS 56-58, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2544208858
305148 PHILLIPS STREET, NOS, 26-29, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2532109230
305149 UPPER PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 15-16 Post Medieval TERRACE SO2533109289
304665 HILL STREET, 59-61, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2543408848
304666 HILL STREET, NOS 62-64, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2542808837
304684 HILL STREET, NOS. 74-77, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2540408793
304687 RHYDYNOS STREET, NOS. 12-15, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2541708927
305073 PARK STREET, NOS. 37-38, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2520409034
304731 HILL STREET, NOS 34-37, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2546608899
304832 HILL STREET, NO. 38, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO25470890
305082 BURFORD STREET, NOS. 6 & 7, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2527008910
305083 BURFORD STREET, NOS. 8 & 9, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2526008913
305084 BURFORD STREET, NOS. 10-13, BLEANAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2524808918
305085 BURFORD STREET, NO. 14, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2523608922
305138 CHARLES STREET, NOS. 25 & 26, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2557208885
305139 CHARLES STREET, NOS. 23 & 24, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2555708860
304733 HILL STREET, N0, 39, BLAENAVON Post Medieval DWELLING SO2548208918
304734 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 2 & 3, Post Medieval TERRACE SO2534708680
305086 LOWER HILL STREET, NOS. 92-94, Post Medieval TERRACE SO2530708670
305140 CHARLES STREET, NOS. 18-22, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2554908833
305141 CHARLES STREET, NOS. 17A, 17B, & 17C, Post Medieval DWELLING SO2552608821
305142 CHARLES STREET, TY’R GODWITH (N0: 16), Post Medieval DWELLING SO2550508817
305143 CHARLES STREET, NOS. 1 & 2, BLAENAVON Post Medieval TERRACE SO2550708747
304667 HILL STREET, NOS. 65 & 66, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2542308828
304669 HILL STREET, NOS. 67-69, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2541808819
304668 HILL STREET, NOS. 70 & 71, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2541408810
304681 HILL STREET, NOS. 72 & 73, BLAENAVON Post Medieval COTTAGE SO2540908803
305087 LOWER HILL STREET, N0S, 94A, 94B, & 95, Post Medieval TERRACE SO2529408660
305087 LOWER HILL STREET, NOS. 94A, 94B & 95, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2529408660
305088 LOWER HILL STREET, NOS. 96 & 97, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2528508655
304850 BROAD STREET, NOS. 9-11, BLAENAVON OFFICE Post Medieval SO2522008721
304608 JAMES STREET, NOS. 38-41, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2539008708
304851 BROAD STREET, NO. 20, BLAENAVON RESTAURANT Post Medieval SO2524708785
304852 BROAD STREET, NOS. 12-14, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2523108745
304853 COMMERCIAL STREET, NOS. 2-4, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2521908741
304854 BROAD STREET, NOS. 103 & 104, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2523108717
304906 BROAD STREET, NO. 32, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2530208912
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III BS/BMC/16

304907 BROAD STREET, NOS. 33-35, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2530608919
304908 BROAD STREET, NOS. 36-39, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2531008934
304909 BROAD STREET, NOS. 29A, 30 & 31, SHOP Post Medieval SO2529808894
305096 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 36-39, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2541508748
305098 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 40-42, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2540608753
305099 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 22-25, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2548908728
304887 HIGH STREET, NO. 16, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2519708858
304902 HIGH STREET, NOS. 17-22, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2520308877
304903 HIGH STREET, NOS. 23 & 24, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2523008877
305102 CHARLES STREET, NO. 1A, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2550108728
305103 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 26-30, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2546208728
304706 QUEEN STREET, SE. WING OF CROSS KEYS INN Post Medieval SO2550408943
304707 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 37 & 38, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2548408943
304708 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 39-42, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2547208952
304709 LLANOVER ROAD, NO. 82 (THE CAMBRIAN INN Post Medieval SO2550908922
304703 MARKET STREET, NOS. 7-9, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2534108777
304735 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 4 & 5, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2535408675
305126 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 8-11, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2542608755
305127 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 12-14, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2544208748
304616 HILL STREET, NOS. 44-46, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2547808891
304770 WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 28 & 29, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2526708709
304772 WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 30 & 31, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2525708714


304736 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 6-8, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2535908670
304737 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 9 & 10, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2537008663
305108 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 31-35, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2544108736
304617 HILL STREET, NOS. 47-50, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2546708880
304618 HILL STREET, NOS. 51-53, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2545608871
304619 HILL STREET, NOS. 54 & 55, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2544908864
304625 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 3-5, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2538209039
304785 RHYDYNOS STREET, NOS. 28-31, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2537808941
304788 RHYDYNOS STREET, NOS. 27, 27A 27B, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2540908912
304839 HSBC BANK, BROAD STREET, BLAENAVON BANK Post Medieval SO2530608948
304840 BROAD STREET, NOS. 42, 43 (ROLLING MILL INN Post Medieval SO2532108980
305118 TON MAWR STREET, NOS. 1-4, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2542908661
305121 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 1-3, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2539508770
305123 JAMES STREET, NO. 24, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2545508707
305124 MORGAN STREET, NOS. 4-7, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2541008762
304712 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 43-46, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2545108965
304714 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 49 & 50, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2543408980
304715 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 51-54, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2542208988
304716 QUEEN STREET, BELLE VUE GARAGE, STABLE Post Medieval SO2532909045
304843 BROAD STREET, NO. 46, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2532609007
304844 BROAD STREET, NOS. 54 & 55, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2536009051
304849 BROAD STREET, NOS. 6-8, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2521508709
304704 MARKET STREET, NOS. 11-12, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2536708763
304705 QUEEN STREET, NOS. 29-30 & NW. WING OF TERRACE Post Medieval SO2549108951
304609 KING STREET, NOS. 11-16, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2528209120
304610 KING STREET, NOS. 17 & 18 (FOUNTAIN INN), INN Post Medieval SO2526409124
304612 KING STREET, NOS. 19-22, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2524209133
304613 HILL STREET, NOS. 40 & 41, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2549208905
304739 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 11-13, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2538308653
304740 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 14 & 15, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2539308646
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III BS/BMC/16

304615 HILL STREET, NOS. 42 & 43, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2548608900
304741 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 29-32, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2537608642
304904 HIGH STREET, NOS. 31-33, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2521208901
304905 BROAD STREET, NOS. 109-110, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2521808685
304823 BROAD STREET, NOS. 97, 97A & 98, SHOP Post Medieval SO2524908756
304824 BROAD STREET, NO. 99, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2524508745
304825 BROAD STREET, NO. 100, BLAENAVON CLUBHOUSE Post Medieval SO2524108737
304814 BROAD STREET, NOS. 81-84, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2530908887
304826 BANK, 101 BROAD STREET, BLAENAVON BANK Post Medieval SO2523908733
304791 RHYDYNOS STREET, NO. 24A, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2542408900
304795 HILL STREET, NO. 8, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2537808777
304817 BROAD STREET, NOS. 79-80, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2531308901
304803 BROAD STREET, NOS. 56 & 57, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2534909028
304805 BROAD STREET, NOS. 60 & 61, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2533909001
304806 BROAD STREET, NOS. 62-64, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2533708990
304856 BROAD STREET, NOS. 107-108, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2522108692
304601 PARK STREET, NOS. 15-16, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2516308924
304603 HIGH STREET, NO. 85, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2520008912
304604 HIGH STREET, NOS. 86-99, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2518708876
304605 HIGH STREET, NO. 100, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2517408845
304807 BROAD STREET, NOS. 65 & 66, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2533408976
304808 BROAD STREET, NOS. 67-70, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2533008964
304809 BROAD STREET, NOS. 71-72, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2532708948
304810 BROAD STREET, NOS. 73-74, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2532008929
304811 BROAD STREET, NO. 75, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2531808920
304606 JAMES STREET, NOS. 27-32, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2543208691
304818 BROAD STREET, NOS. 87 & 88, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2529008842
304819 BROAD STREET, NO. 89 (MARKET TAVERN INN Post Medieval SO2528208826
304820 CROSS STREET, NO. 2, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2529308828
304821 BROAD STREET, NO. 94 (CASTLE HOTEL), INN Post Medieval SO2526308779
304873 HIGH STREET, NOS. 2 & 3, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2518008816
304875 HIGH STREET, NOS. 4 & 5, HIGH STREET TERRACE Post Medieval SO2518308823
304880 HIGH STREET, NOS. 6 -8, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2518708835
304607 JAMES STREET, NOS. 33-37, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2541008701


304742 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 33-36, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2536108654
304743 SOUTHVIEW TERRACE, NO. 1A, 1-3, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2532908640
304744 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 37-38, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2534508665
304822 BROAD STREET, NOS. 95 & 96, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2525508768
304882 HIGH STREET, NOS. 9 & 10, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2519108845
304790 RHYDYNOS STREET, NOS. 25 & 26, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2541808906
305068 PARK STREET, NOS. 29 & 30, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2519108996
304726 CROSS STREET, NO. 16, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2540708853
304727 CROSS STREET, NOS. 17 & 18, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2540108851
304728 CROSS STREET, NOS. 19-22, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2538708847
304911 MONMOUTH HOUSE; 27-29 BROAD STREET DWELLING Post Medieval SO2529008871
304920 LION HOTEL AND 41 BROAD STREET, HOTEL Post Medieval SO2531408966
304699 DUKE STREET, NOS. 22-27, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2538308887
304700 DUKE STREET, NOS. 28 & 29, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2536508900
304702 DUKE STREET, NO. 9, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2537408911
304815 BROAD STREET, NOS. 85-86, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2530808876
304748 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 39 & 40, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2533708671
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III BS/BMC/16

304749 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 41-42, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2532908676
304600 PARK STREET, NOS. 12-14, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2515808911
304812 BROAD STREET, NOS. 76-78, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2531708914
304813 WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 3 & 4, BLAENAVON CLUBHOUSE Post Medieval SO2525208727
304588 PARK STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2515808932
304589 QUEEN STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2543808984
304755 MARY STREET, NOS. 20 & 21, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2525008682
304761 WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 18-20, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2530308694
304762 WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 21-23, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2529108700
304764 WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 24-25, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2528108704
304768 WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 26-27, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2527608706
304750 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NO. 43 TERRACE Post Medieval SO2532108680
304753 MARY STREET, NOS. 16-18, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2526708676
304754 MARY STREET, NO. 19, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2525808678
10491 HOREB WELSH BAPTIST CHAPEL CHAPEL Post Medieval SO2518008795
10495 SALVATION ARMY HALL CHAPEL Post Medieval SO2542808892
304511 KING STREET, NOS. 81 & 82, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2536309092
304512 KING STREET, NOS. 83 & 84, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2536709082
304513 KING STREET, NO. 85, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2536909073
304514 KING STREET, NO. 88, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2537009062
303812 JAMES STREET, NOS. 16, 17 & 18, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2541708712
303813 JAMES STREET, NOS. 19 & 20, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2542908707
303814 JAMES STREET, NOS. 21, 22 & 23, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2544108702
304585 WILLIAM STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2528508708
304586 MARY STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2525608686
304587 BROAD STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2529208861
304751 MARY STREET, NO. 13, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2528408668
304531 KING STREET, NO. 87, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2536909067
304448 KING STREET, NO. 49 (PEN CEFYL), BUILDING Post Medieval SO2518709168
304459 KING STREET, NOS. 61-63, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2525909150
304462 KING STREET, NOS. 68-71, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2529909140
96484 ST PETER'S CHURCH, CHURCH ROAD, CHURCH Post Medieval SO2512508778
305150 UPPER PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 20-25, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2532809260
305151 CASTLE STREET, NOS. 1-5, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2525409189
305152 CASTLE STREET, NOS. 6-13, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2522809197
97111 HOREB (1) BAPTIST CHAPEL, JAMES STREET, CHAPEL Post Medieval SO2538408728
306182 IVOR STREET, CO-OPERATIVE STORE, SHOP Post Medieval SO2519008764
32002 ST PETER'S SCHOOL;BLAENAVON SCHOOL Post Medieval SO2506408826
31951 BLAENAVON WORKMENS' HALL AND CINEMA, 19th Century SO2514208824
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III BS/BMC/16


304576 HILL STREET, NOS. 78-82, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2537608753
304579 HILL STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2538208771
302447 LLANOVER ROAD, BRYN TERRACE, NOS. 1-7, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2553208927
304596 PARK STREET, NOS. 4 & 5, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2514408873
304597 PARK STREET, NO. 6, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2514608880
304598 PARK STREET, NOS. 7-8, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2514908887
304599 PARK STREET, NOS. 9, 10 & 11, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2515308899
302481 RHYDYNOS SREET, NOS. 16-19, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2543308909
302550 RHYDYNOS STREET, NO. 20, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2544508899
303810 JAMES STREET, NOS. 13, 14 & 14A, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2539608720
303811 JAMES STREET, NOS 15 & 15A, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2540708716
304559 HIGH STREET, NOS. 60-63, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2524009021
302438 ALMA STREET, NO. 2, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2533509243
302439 ALMA STREET, NOS. 3-8, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2534509233
302441 BROAD STREET, NOS. 23 & 24, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2526808829
302442 LLANOVER ROAD, NOS. 69-72, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2555808901
302443 LLANOVER ROAD, NOS. 73-80, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2553308912
304580 MORGAN STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2543408745
304560 HIGH STREET, NOS. 64-66, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2523609006
304561 HIGH STREET, NOS. 67 AND 68, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2523108996
304562 PARK STREET, NOS. 17-19, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2517008944
305153 PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 11-14, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2528709217
305155 CHARLES STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2553808797
304507 KING STREET, NO. 78 (KING STREET POST SHOP Post Medieval SO2535409111
304510 KING STREET, NO. 79, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2535609108
305157 CHARLES STREET, NOS. 3 & 4, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2551108758
305163 UPPER PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 17-20, TERRACE Post Medieval SO2533009278
305166 UPPER HILL STREET, NOS. 1-3, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2554208955
306075 BOOT LANE, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2530908902
304341 ELLICK STREET, 18 & 19, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2539009226
304347 ALMA STREET, NOS. 12 & 13, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2535209213
304348 ALMA STREET, NOS. 14-16, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2534509220
304370 ALMA STREET, NOS. 17-19, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2533509228
305167 UPPER HILL STREET, NOS. 4-7, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2555008965
306219 TY MAWR OR GREAT HOUSE, BLAENAVON VILLA Post Medieval SO2495208960
306433 MARKET STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2531908783
306439 CHURCH ROAD, POLICE STATION, BUILDING Post Medieval SO2510508838
305168 UPPER HILL STREET, NOS. 8-10, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2556108976
305169 UPPER HILL STREET, NOS. 11-16, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2557408991
305170 UPPER HILL STREET, NOS. 17-23, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2559109010
305172 NEW WILLIAM STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2536908648
305173 ALMA STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2534509226
307044 AARON BRUTE'S LEVEL, BLAENAVON LEVEL Post Medieval SO2481908801
305174 BURFORD STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2526408918
305177 ELLICK STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2534909170
306078 PARK STREET, PARK STREET SCHOOL, SCHOOL Post Medieval SO2516109012
304465 KING STREET, RISING SUN HOUSE, BUILDING Post Medieval SO2531609130
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12885 ST JAMES'S CHURCH, RIFLE GREEN, CHURCH 20th Century SO2523609355
12887 SACRED HEART & ST FELIX CATHOLIC CHURCH Post Medieval SO2536109167
12889 ST PAUL'S CHURCH, BLAENAVON CHURCH 19th Century SO2561608887
304590 CROSS STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2535508840


304591 ANNE STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2533708864
304592 GEORGE STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2534708835
304593 DUKE STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2537308902
304595 PARK STREET, NOS. 1-3, BLAENAVON DWELLING Post Medieval SO2514008863
304479 KING STREET, NOS. 73 & 74, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2533809128
304328 WAUN VILLAS, NOS. 1 & 2, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2527709057
304329 VINCENT STREET, NO. 7, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2529509003
306596 HIGH STREET, SITE OF 25-30, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2523408890
304330 VINCENT STREET, NOS. 5 & 6, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2528809006
304331 VINCENT STREET, NOS. 2-4 (CONSEC.), COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2527609010
304339 ELLICK STREET, NOS. 15-17, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2538109213
309679 BRUTE'S ROW, NOS. 1 (LAMB COTTAGE)-6, TERRACED Post Medieval SO2477408789
306222 BEECHES' NURSING HOME (TY MAWR), HOSPITAL Post Medieval SO2495208960
265939 GROUNDS AND GARDENS OF TY MAWR, NOW GARDEN Post Medieval SO2495208960
34134 BLAENAVON IRONWORKS IRON WORKS Post Medieval SO2496909253
304437 PARK, THE, ALPHA, BRAESIDE AND BUILDING Post Medieval SO2494509091
304439 PARK, THE, TY FRAEN, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2497609131
302436 LOWER WAUN STREET, NOS. 3-26, BUILDING Post Medieval SO2519809074
302437 LOWER WAUN STREET, NOS. 1-2, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2524909053
303051 KING STREET, NO. 23, AND NOS. 1-3 WHITE BUILDING Post Medieval SO2521809130
303052 KING STREET, NOS. 79A & 80, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2536009103
304503 KING STREET, NOS. 75 & 76, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2534809124
304506 KING STREET, NO. 77, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2535209116
304532 HIGH STREET, NOS. 41-44, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2523008952
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304543 UPPER WAUN STREET, NOS. 1 & 2, BUILDING Post Medieval SO2526109083
305176 NORTH STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2495309193
300901 BROAD STREET NOS 15-19, BLAENAVON SHOP Post Medieval SO2524008768
302433 KING STREET, NOS. 50-54, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2520109162
302434 PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 33-36, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2529309183
302435 NEW WILLIAM STREET, NOS. 16-21, BUILDING Post Medieval SO2540908634
304582 JAMES STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2535508732
304371 ELLICK STREET, NOS. 7-8, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2534609180
304372 ELLICK STREET, NOS. 9-11, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2535209188
304373 ELLICK STREET, NO. 12, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2535609196
304402 ELLICK STREET, NO. 14, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2535009161
304404 ELLICK STREET, WALL ON SW, BELOW NO. 7, BOUNDARY WALL Post Medieval SO2533909163
304407 PARK, THE, HAZELMERE & FAIRBANKS, BUILDING Post Medieval SO2491009061
304418 HIGH STREET, NOS. 71-74, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2522408976
304421 HIGH STREET, NOS. 75-77, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2521708959
304423 HIGH STREET, NOS. 78-81, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2521108942
304426 HIGH STREET, NOS. 82 & 83, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2520608930
304428 HIGH STREET, NO. 40 (HIGH STREET SOCIAL ASSEMBLY Post Medieval SO2522808939
304405 LOWER ELLICK STREET, NOS. 3-8, COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2531909162
304545 UPPER WAUN STREET, NOS. 3-24, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2520909104
304552 PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 37-41, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2528709165
304555 PHILLIPS STREET, NOS. 42 & 43, BLAENAVON COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2528409150
304556 LOWER WAUN STREET, NO. 27, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2523809041
304557 HIGH STREET, NOS 58 & 59, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2524609034
303213 RHYDYNOS STREET, NOS. 1-8, BLAENAVON TERRACE Post Medieval SO2538008958
303214 NEW QUEEN STREET, NOS. 1-3, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2536709002
303215 RHYDYNOS STREET, NO. 39, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2537208986
303216 RHYDYNOS STREET, NOS. 9-11, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2540208939
303247 NEW QUEEN STREET, NO. 4, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2537508993


304327 HIGH STREET, NO. 55 [NANT LLECHAN], BUILDING Post Medieval SO2528209038
304417 HIGH STREET, NOS 69 & 70, BLAENAVON BUILDING Post Medieval SO2522808987
304441 NORTH STREET, PARK VIEW, NOS. 1 & 2, & BUILDING Post Medieval SO2503509233
304409 PARK, THE, PARK COTTAGES, NOS. 1-3, COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2491009045
304443 NORTH STREET, UPLAND HOUSE, COTTAGE Post Medieval SO2505809241
304498 HIGH STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2522808964
304499 KING STREET, BLAENAVON ROAD Post Medieval SO2525509134
33165 BLAENAVON; BLAENAFON TOWN General SO25180893
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Digital photograph list

Photo no Date Camera L/P View Description Plate

IMG_0030 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L N Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door
frame is a rounded mould dome, painted in cream. Either side of door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have
wooden frames and stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and iron fencing encompasses church grounds.
IMG_0031 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L NW Southern gable, eastern elevation corner. Tower addition. Coursed stone build with two sets of windows in southern and eastern wall. Windows PL02
decorated with cream painted brick band above and below. Top of stack features a brick stilted arch window frame, also painted in cream paint. This
window has now been blocked in. Top of tower is currently flat, though decorative stone surrounds it.
IMG_0032 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L E Southern grounds of church. Ground level has been raised and tarmacked. Entrance to church through stone and iron fenced wall to south of build.
IMG_0033 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L S South elevation internal. Centre of build holds large stain glassed window. First floor timber gallery on top of cast iron supports.
IMG_0034 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L N/NE North gable, internal. Ground floor with timber pews. First floor “choir” gallery above pulpit. Church organ above blocks view of northern gables stain PL43
glass windows.
IMG_0035 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L NW North gable, west elevation. Roof structure consists of a decorative double arched truss with trenched purlins and a central ridge plate with a chamfered PL59
cut stop end. Note: central purlin probably decorate as apex of ceiling structure is not visible. Decorative arch braces sit under trusses
IMG_0036 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L NE North gable, east elevation. Roof structure consists of a decorative double arched truss with trenched purlins and a central ridge plate with a chamfered
cut stop ends. Note: central purlin probably decorate as apex of ceiling structure is not visible. Decorative arch braces sit under truss timbers.
IMG_0037 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L NE Dark image. First floor. Church organ blocks access of three stained glass windows in north elevation. Right and left window domed with central
circular window.
IMG_0038 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L N First floor. Church organ blocks access of three stained glass windows in north elevation. Right and left window domed with central circular window.
IMG_0039 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L S First floor gallery. Central stained-glass window in south gable. Front of building
IMG_0040 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L S Ground floor from first floor gallery. Position of pews in the nave. Upper gallery supported with cast iron pillars.
IMG_0041 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L S/SW Ground floor from first floor gallery. Position of pews in the nave. Upper gallery supported with cast iron pillars. Door in background enters narthex.
IMG_0042 18/04/18 Cannon EOS 6D L S/SW From “choir” gallery. General ground and first floor. PL41

DSCN3017 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Cover photo, western elevation, southern gable front façade.
DSCN3018 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door PL01
frame is a rounded stucco dome, painted in cream. Either side of door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have
wooden frames and stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and iron fencing encompasses church grounds.
DSCN3019 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door
frame is a rounded mould dome, painted in cream. Either side of door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have
wooden frames and stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and fencing encompasses church grounds.
DSCN3020 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door
frame is a rounded mould dome, painted in cream. Either side of door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have
wooden frames and stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and iron fencing encompasses church grounds.
DSCN3021 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Southern gable façade. Decorative central porch. Porch made of coursed stone. Porch holds stilted archway with ashlar skewbacks and a rounded dome
stone frame, (painted cream). Timber panelled double door topped with transom and fanlight. Above door ashlar date stones “1885” and “1920”. Either
side of porch holds a domed window with a stilted brick arch lintel. Either side of window are straight buttresses.
DSCN3022 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Southern gable façade. Decorative central porch. Porch made of coursed stone. Porch holds stilted archway with skewbacks and a rounded dome stone
frame, (painted cream). Timber panelled double door topped with transom and fanlight. Above door ashlar date stones “1885” and “1920”. Either side
of porch holds a domed window with a stilted brick arch lintel. Either side of window are straight buttresses.
DSCN3023 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Southern gable façade, central flower shaped stain glassed window. Window is set in ashlar. PL04
DSCN3024 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Southern gable façade. Decorative central porch. Porch made of coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement. Porch holds stilted archway with ashlar
skewbacks and a rounded dome stone frame, (painted cream). Timber panelled double door topped with transom and fanlight. Above door ashlar date
stones “1885” and “1920”. Either side of porch holds a domed window with a stilted brick arch lintel. Either side of window are straight buttresses.
DSCN3025 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Decorative cut ashlar stones set either side of stilted arch of porch
DSCN3026 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Date stones set above porch doorway, “1885” probable year built. “1920” possibly after modifications made. PL07
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Digital photograph list

DSCN3027 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Timber framed arch topped window, left of porch. Window lintel made of brick in a stilted arch. Brick painted in cream paint. PL08
DSCN3028 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Front façade. western wing. Left of buttress. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Two timber framed windows. Above and below
window features ashlar stucco painted cream. Top of windows hold decorative toothed ashlar dripstones, bottom of windows hold ashlar water table.
DSCN3029 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Front façade, western wing. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Splayed slit vent window. Bottom of wall features a plinth course PL11
also coursed stone with pointed cement that surrounds the south of build and partial eastern and western elevations to the points where walls change
direction. Front façade and wings also feature an ashlar string course roughly 2.5 meters from ground level.
DSCN3030 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Front façade, western wing. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Splayed slit vent window. Bottom of wall features a plinth course
also coursed stone with pointed cement that surrounds the south of build and partial eastern and western elevations to the points where walls change
direction. Front façade and wings also feature an ashlar string course roughly 2.5 meters from ground level.
DSCN3031 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE South gable, western elevation and wing. Eastern elevation feature two sets of 5 windows, (upper and lower). All windows feature dome bricked lintels PL10
and stone/ashlar water tables. Build to north western extension.
DSCN3032 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L E South gable, eastern elevation and wing
DSCN3033 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Southern gable, detail, buttress extends outwards at a width of .509mm
DSCN3034 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P E Detail, construction of wall between west buttress and southern gable, coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement.
DSCN3035 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P E Detail, construction of wall between south gable and porch, coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement.
DSCN3036 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Detail, left ashlar skewback under coursed stone stilted arch.
DSCN3037 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Detail, right ashlar skewback under coursed stone stilted arch. Coursed stone and pointed cement of porch.
DSCN3038 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Detail, construction of wall between south gable and porch, coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement.
DSCN3039 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P W Southern gable, detail, buttress extends outwards at a width of .509mm
DSCN3040 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Front façade, eastern wing. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Splayed slit vent window. Bottom of wall features a plinth course PL12
also coursed stone with pointed cement that surrounds the south of build and partial eastern and western elevations to the points where walls change
direction. Front façade and wings also feature ashlar string course roughly 2.5 meters from ground level.
DSCN3041 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Front façade, eastern wing tower. Top of tower capped flat. Top of tower also feature string course of decorative ashlar. Top of tower also features a
brick stilted arch with a water table ashlar sill. Inside of arch is a smaller stilted brick arch window with ashlar water table. The window is now blocked
DSCN3042 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE/V Tower window southern gable façade, eastern wing. Window is made up of three descending brick stilted arches. With the smallest acting as a PL14
decorative ashlar “chevroned” dripstone lintel. The outer arch and (inner) window arch also feature ashlar water table sills. The window has a slight
splay and is currently blocked in.
DSCN3043 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Front façade. Eastern wing. Right of buttress. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Two timber framed windows. Above and below PL13
window features ashlar stucco painted cream. Top of windows hold decorative “chevron” cut ashlar dripstones, bottom of windows holds ashlar water
DSCN3044 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Stucco arch around porch entrance. Timber transom and fanlight above door to narthex entrance. PL06
DSCN3045 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Western elevation of south western wing. Splayed slit vent with ashlar lintel and sill. Window surround of cant ashlar bricks. Window set in coursed
stone with pointed cement
DSCN3046 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE western elevation of south western wing. Splayed slit vent with ashlar lintel and sill. Window surround of cant ashlar bricks. Window set in coursed
stone with pointed cement. Base of wall features a plinth course. Above window features string course of ashlar.
DSCN3047 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Wall divide between south gable western wing and western elevation. Coursed plinth continuation. One of five ground floor windows. Ashlar water table
and lintel with timber framed window and frosted glass. Floor change from tarmac to south of church to gravel and dirt composite.
DSCN3048 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Wall divide between south gable western wing and western elevation. Coursed plinth continuation. String course of ashlar ends. One of five ground floor PL15
windows. Ashlar water table and lintel with timber framed window and frosted glass. Floor change from tarmac to south of church to gravel and dirt
DSCN3049 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Western elevation to north western extension. Elevation features two sets of five windows, Ground and first floor. Each window features ashlar lintel and PL17
water table sill. Also, each window has a surround of ashlar cant bricks. Windows feature timber frames with frosted glass. Note, coursed plinth stone
begins to disappear then ends at north eastern extension. It begins to disappear due to the incline of the ground level as it raises from the south to the
DSCN3050 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE South wall of north western extension. Construct made of quoined random coursed stone. Entrance into Vestry, timber panel door with brick arch above.
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Digital photograph list

Window to left support arched brick lintel and stone sill. Modern window with frosted glass.
DSCN3051 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE South wall of north western extension. Construct made of quoined random coursed stone. Entrance into Vestry, timber panel door with brick arch above. PL28
Window to left support arched brick lintel and stone sill. Modern window with frosted glass. Window above has stone sill with brick arch lintel. Window
has wooden frame and frosted glass.
DSCN3052 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Western elevation to south western wing. Elevation features two sets of five windows, Ground and first floor. Each window features ashlar lintel and
water table sill. Also, each window has a surround of ashlar cant bricks. Windows feature timber frames with frosted glass. Note, coursed plinth stone
begins to disappear then ends at north eastern extension. It begins to disappear due to the incline of the ground level as it raises from the south to the
DSCN3053 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P E Western elevation, Detail, timber framed window with vertical cast iron strips and frosted glass. Window features ashlar water table sill, cant ashlar
brick surrounds and decorative “chevroned” lintel. One of five western elevation ground floor windows.
DSCN3054 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Western elevation to south western wing. Elevation features two sets of five windows, Ground and first floor. Each window features ashlar lintel and
water table sill. Also, each window has a surround of ashlar cant bricks. Windows feature timber frames with frosted glass. Note, coursed plinth stone
begins to disappear then ends at north eastern extension. It begins to disappear due to the incline of the ground level as it raises from the south to the
DSCN3055 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Area where plinth course stone of buildings western elevation begins to disappear with rising of ground level.
DSCN3056 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P VNE Area where plinth course stone of buildings western elevation begins to disappear with rising of ground level. PL18
DSCN3057 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Western elevation, Detail, timber framed window with vertical cast iron strips and frosted glass. Window features ashlar water table sill, cant ashlar PL21
brick surrounds and decorative “Chevroned” lintel. One of five western elevation ground floor windows.
DSCN3058 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L S Ashlar coping stones on top of coursed stone boundary wall near grounds entrance. Iron fencing. Grounds floor tarmacked.
DSCN3059 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P E Ashlar coping stones on top of coursed stone boundary wall near grounds entrance. Iron fencing with decoration. Grounds floor tarmacked.
DSCN3060 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Southern gables eastern wing to eastern elevation to northern extension. Ground to east tarmacked. Boundary wall coursed stone with crenulated top. PL34
Eastern elevation features two sets of five windows, five on the ground floor, five on the first floor.
DSCN3061 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Eastern wing features plinth course of stone at base of building that disappears at extension point. Plinth course begins to disappear on eastern elevation PL19
with the rising of ground level, south to north.
DSCN3062 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Eastern tower wing. East elevation. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct. Two timber framed windows. Above and below window
features ashlar stucco painted cream. Top of windows hold decorative toothed ashlar dripstones, bottom of windows holds ashlar water table.
DSCN3063 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW General, setting out of Farro equipment.
DSCN3064 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Eastern elevation, Detail, timber framed window with vertical cast iron strips and frosted glass. Window features ashlar water table sill, cant ashlar brick
surrounds and decorative brick “chevroned” lintel. One of five western elevation ground floor windows.
DSCN3065 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Detail. Decorative brick “chevroned” lintel, (above)
DSCN3066 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Join between eastern elevation and south eastern tower. PL09
DSCN3067 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Join between eastern elevation and south eastern tower. Towers eastern top window same as its southern window.
DSCN3068 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Join between eastern elevation and south eastern tower. Towers eastern wall extends .465mm same as the western wing on the south western extension.
DSCN3069 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N Southern wall of south eastern tower. Splayed slit vent with ashlar lintel and sill. Window surround of cant ashlar bricks. Window set in coursed stone
with pointed cement. Coursed ashlar string above vent ends at join to main builds eastern elevation.
DSCN3070 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Southern wall of south eastern tower. Splayed slit vent with ashlar lintel and sill. Window surround of cant ashlar bricks. Window set in coursed stone
with pointed cement.
DSCN3071 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N Point where eastern elevation meets north eastern wing. Entrance into build, through timber panelled door, topped with decorated “chevroned” ashlar PL22
arch. Wing construct on coursed stone and quoins.
DSCN3072 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Point where eastern elevation meets north eastern wing. Entrance into build, through timber panelled door, topped with decorated “chevroned” ashlar
arch. Wing construct on coursed stone and quoins.
DSCN3073 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Detail (above) timber panelled door, topped with decorated “chevroned” ashlar arch. Wing construct on coursed stone and quoins.
DSCN3074 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Window above door in north eastern wing. Timber framed sash window with frosted glass. Window has stone sill and Decorated “chevroned” lintel. PL23
DSCN3075 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Detail (above) profile of Decorated “chevroned” lintel above door.
DSCN3076 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Point where eastern elevation meets north eastern wing. Entrance into build, through timber panelled door, topped with decorated “chevroned” ashlar
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Digital photograph list

arch. Wing construct on coursed stone and quoins.

DSCN3077 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Eastern elevation point where coursed stone plinth disappears due to raising ground level. PL20
DSCN3078 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. One of two lower windows with arch brick lintel and stone sill. Window PL24
surround of cant brick. Window is timber framed sash with frosted glass.
DSCN3079 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. To left is coursed stone crenulated boundary wall.
DSCN3080 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. To left is coursed stone crenulated boundary wall. Brick lean to composed of a
stretcher bond formation.
DSCN3081 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. Point of intersection between the building phases with stretcher brick formation
keyed into quoin stones of earlier builds eastern elevation.
DSCN3082 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. Point of intersection between the building phases with stretcher brick formation PL26
keyed into quoin stones of earlier builds eastern elevation. Ply wood board to left covers window hole.
DSCN3083 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. Point of intersection between the building phases with stretcher brick formation PL27
keyed into quoin stones of earlier build. To roof.
DSCN3084 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, second of two lower windows (see above). Window is timber framed with stone sill and brick arch lintel, window holds PL25
frosted glass partially boarded up.
DSCN3085 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, second of two lower windows (see above). Window is timber framed with stone sill and brick arch lintel, window holds
frosted glass partially boarded up.
DSCN3086 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P W Northern addition lean to. Comprises of stretcher brick formation with five timber framed sash windows. Windows have brick arch lintels and stone sill.
One window currently boarded up with plywood. Ground behind addition, boggy with vegetation and standing water.
DSCN3087 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Northern addition lean to. Comprises of stretcher brick formation with five timber framed sash windows. Windows have brick arch lintels and stone sill.
One window currently boarded up with plywood. Ground behind addition, boggy with vegetation and standing water.
DSCN3088 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P W Northern addition lean to. Comprises of stretcher brick formation with five timber framed sash windows. Windows have brick arch lintels and stone sill.
One window currently boarded up with plywood. Ground behind addition, boggy with vegetation and standing water.
DSCN3089 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Boundary wall to east of building. Construct of random coursed stone with pointed cement. Topped with crenulation. Doorway and step cut through for PL35
access is now currently bricked up and cemented on exterior leaving a brick quoined recess in the interior. Interior frame of door possibly cast in place.
DSCN3090 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Boundary wall to east of building. Construct of random coursed stone with pointed cement. Topped with crenulation. Doorway and step cut through for
access is now currently bricked up and cemented on exterior leaving a brick quoined recess in the interior. Interior frame of door possibly cast in place.
DSCN3091 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Boundary wall to east of building. Reveal is a possible cast coal chute, now bricked over externally and cemented. The chute is probably cast due to the PL36
iron frame that surrounds the reveal.
DSCN3092 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L S Boundary wall to east of building. General, placement of reveal coal chute and previous doorway.
DSCN3093 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Southern gable façade, central flower shaped stain glassed window. Window is set in ashlar with smaller ashlar decorated brick either side. Beneath
window and above entrance is a string coursed of ashlar with the name of the church cut into it. “WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH”
DSCN3094 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Detail, additional ashlar decoration to central stain glass window, (left).
DSCN3095 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Detail, additional ashlar decoration to central stain glass window, (right).
DSCN3096 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Southern gable, apex of slate tile roof. Apex topped with decorative ceramic ridge tiles. Gable roof also fitted with a timber bargeboard. Under the apex PL03
of the roof is the possible remains of the original date stone area.
DSCN3097 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE North western wing addition, western elevation. Quoined and random coursed stone construct.
DSCN3098 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L S North western wing addition, northern join to main builds western elevation. Quoined and random coursed stone construct to brick construction of
northern extension. Wing addition holds a modern PVC window with frosted glass. Window topped with brick arch lintel and stone sill.
DSCN3099 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P S/SW North western wing addition, northern join to main builds western elevation. Quoined and random coursed stone construct to brick construction of PL29
northern extension. Wing addition holds a modern PVC window with frosted glass. Window topped with brick arch lintel and stone sill.
DSCN3100 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P S North western wing addition, holds a modern PVC window with frosted glass. Window topped with brick arch lintel and stone sill.
DSCN3101 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P E Western elevation of building join between elevation and northern extension. Evidenced by change from coursed stone formation to stretcher brick
formation of northern extension. Window in coursed stone formation has a stone sill however is boarded up.
DSCN3102 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Western side of northern extension brick lean to. Lean to features single timber framed sash window with brick arch lintel and stone sill.
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DSCN3103 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Northern addition lean to. Comprises of stretcher brick formation with five timber framed sash windows. Windows have brick arch lintels and stone sill.
One window currently boarded up with plywood. Ground behind addition, boggy with vegetation and standing water.
DSCN3104 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Inside Narthex, window to upper left of porch. Window recess is set with cast iron frame, window frame is timber with frosted glass. Internal wall
plastered with cut stone effect.
DSCN3105 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Inside narthex, ground floor. South west wing stairwell up to first floor blocked off with modern timber panel partition.
DSCN3106 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Inside narthex. Transom and frosted glass fanlight above porch door.
DSCN3107 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Inside eastern tower wing first floor. Eastern windows cast iron frame splayed recess. Windows are timber with iron strips on frosted glass. Wall
construction covered in plaster with cut stone effect.
DSCN3108 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L S Inside eastern tower wing first floor. southern windows cast iron frame splayed recess. Windows are timber with iron strips on frosted glass. Wall
construction covered in plaster with cut stone effect.
DSCN3109 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L S Wall structure of southern wall in eastern tower wing. Wall construction covered in plaster with cut stone effect. Western wall internal paint has begun to
fall away exposing plaster underneath. Roof, (possibly lowered) feature small framed timber door into tower, (no access). Eastern wall holds timber wall
plate the extends into nave along the eastern elevation.
DSCN3110 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Wall structure of eastern wall in eastern tower wing. Wall construction covered in plaster with cut stone effect, slope of ceiling to timber wall plate.
Northern wall plastered and painted.
DSCN3111 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N Northern wall of eastern wing stairwell, first floor, access to gallery through wooden door. Timber panelling and dado rail encompass stairwell down to PL39
ground floor and into narthex.
DSCN3112 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Wall and ceiling structure in eastern tower wing. Wall construction covered in plaster with cut stone effect. Western wall internal paint has begun to fall
away exposing plaster underneath. Roof, (possibly lowered) feature small timber framed door into tower, (no access).
DSCN3113 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Detail, eastern tower wing windows, cast in place with cast iron surrounds. Set in stone that has been plastered and cut for stone effect.
DSCN3114 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Detail, eastern tower wing windows, cast in place with cast iron surrounds. Set in stone that has been plastered and cut for stone effect. PL40
DSCN3115 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L S/SW South gable. Area to the east and under central stain glass window. Due to repair work part of timber panelling and dado rail has been removed and now PL55
expose the coursed and cement stone of the southern gable.
DSCN3116 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW South gable. Internal view of central stain glass window set in ashlar frame. PL54
DSCN3117 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Southern gable access to eastern tower wings staircase down to narthex. Timber panel door with timber decorative architrave frame. All balcony walls PL51
have timber panelled skirting and dado rail.
DSCN3118 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Decorative timber arch brace under truss
DSCN3119 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N First floor balcony, Roof structure consists of a decorative double arched truss with trenched purlins and a central ridge plate with a chamfered cut stop
ends. Note: central purlin probably decorative as apex of ceiling structure is not visible. Decorative arch braces sit under truss timbers.
DSCN3120 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Detail, ornately carved timber arch braces and trusses. PL60
DSCN3121 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE/V Detail, ornately carved timber arch braces. Arched braces are further supported with decorative timber wall plate with ovolo carving. PL61
DSCN3122 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW First floor balcony, Roof structure consists of a decorative double arched truss with trenched purlins and a central ridge plate with a chamfered cut stop
ends. Note: central purlin probably decorative as apex of ceiling structure is not visible. Decorative arch braces sit under truss timbers. Modern lighting
has been fixed to roof trusses. Lowered ceiling holds multiple timber framed accesses to roof.
DSCN3123 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE First floor balcony. Both eastern and western elevation hold five windows. Windows alternate between being hopper casement or fixed. Windows have PL56
timber frames with frosted glass.
DSCN3124 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW First floor balcony, central set of ascending pews. Pew profile
DSCN3125 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE General, balcony first floor east and west, choir balcony and organ to north. Ground floor Nave, Chancel and Pulpit. Decorative steps lead to the raised PL57
Pulpit. Made with timber railings and balustrades with decorative iron banisters. Above pulpit and choir balcony is the church organ.
DSCN3126 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Southern gable access to western tower wings staircase down to narthex. (inaccessible). Timber panel door with timber decorative architrave frame. All PL52
balcony walls have timber panelled skirting and dado rail.
DSCN3127 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Detail, ornately carved timber arch braces and trusses. Arched braces are further supported with decorative timber wall plate with ovolo carving.
DSCN3128 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L E General, first floor balcony south east corner.
DSCN3129 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L E First floor balcony. Eastern elevation holds five windows. Windows alternate between being hopper casement or fixed. Windows have timber frames
with frosted glass and are possibly cast.
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DSCN3130 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE First floor balcony. North east corner. Entrance to small storage room through the white door. Stairwell downstairs to ground floor through the brown
DSCN3131 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW/V 20th century Light fixture
DSCN3132 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NW Note due to placement of church organ south stain glassed window were barely visible and inaccessible.
DSCN3133 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NW Note due to placement of church organ south stain glassed window were barely visible and inaccessible. PL63
DSCN3134 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW General. Upper choir balcony to balcony pew placement and general layout. PL53
DSCN3135 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Timber panel work surround of church organ with decorative relief. PL58
DSCN3136 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Doorway from choir balcony area first floor into eastern wing store room. Doorway fitted with timber panel door and decorative architrave frame.
DSCN3137 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE/V Detail (above) doorway is set below that of choir balcony’s upper levels. This would suggest the timber panel floor of the choir balcony has been at some PL64
point raised. Step are taken down into the room however this wouldn’t excuse the fact the door is underneath that of the floor level.
DSCN3138 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N First floor north east corner. Timber stairwell down to north eastern wing addition ground floor. Stairwell fitted with timber balustrades and turned
DSCN3139 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Half turn staircase from first to ground floor of north eastern wing. Stairwell is partitioned with a timber framed door. Door is panelled and glass. Above PL50
door features transom and transom windows.
DSCN3140 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Detail (above) transom and transom window.
DSCN3141 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE General, chancel and pulpit, ground floor. PL45
DSCN3142 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Cast iron support pillar under first floor balcony. Pillar is finished with modified Corinthian order with super imposed four diagonally set Ionic volutes
on a bell of Corinthian acanthus leaves. The timber of the balcony is partially chamfered in places with cut stop ends.
DSCN3143 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Underneath of timber first floor balcony is decorated with sequenced chamfering with cut stops.
DSCN3144 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NW Blurred image. Cast iron curtain brackets above all hopper casement windows on ground and first floor.
DSCN3145 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Pulpit stairs made up of turned timber balustrades and balusters. Stair also fitted with decorative cast iron twisted balusters painted blue and gold. The PL46
Pulpit box itself has heavily decorative timber surrounds with cut chevron cornices and crenulations. Pulpit also surrounded with timber panels with cut
gothic style decoration.
DSCN3146 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW/V Cast iron support pillar under first floor balcony. Pillar is finished with modified Corinthian order with super imposed four diagonally set Ionic volutes PL44
on a bell of Corinthian acanthus leaves. The timber of the balcony is partially chamfered in places with cut stop ends.
DSCN3147 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Ground floor, eastern tier pew profile.
DSCN3148 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Ground floor and first floor pew and balcony placements. Pews set out in three tiers, eastern, central, and western. Ground floor inclines from north to
south to give better viewing from pews. Balcony fronted with decorative timber panels.
DSCN3149 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N Pulpit stairs made up of turned timber balustrades and balusters. Stair also fitted with decorative cast iron twisted balusters painted blue and gold. The
Pulpit box itself has heavily decorative timber surrounds with cut chevron cornices and crenulations. Pulpit also surrounded with timber panels with cut
gothic style decoration.
DSCN3150 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Ground floor near narthex. Both eastern and western elevations hold five windows. Windows alternate between being hopper casement or fixed. PL42
Windows have timber frames with frosted glass.
DSCN3151 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE/V Timber decoration above ionic topped cast iron pillar and under timber balcony.
DSCN3152 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Ground floor narthex, south western wing. Half turn timber stair up to first floor balcony, currently inaccessible.
DSCN3153 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Ground floor narthex, walls surrounded with timber panel skirting and dado rail. Flooring made of tiled parquet. Modern refurbishment PL37
DSCN3154 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Ground floor, south eastern wing tower, half turn timber staircase with turned balusters painted blue. Staircase has timber panel surround and dado rail.
Detail, section of panelling removed due to slight bulge in plastered wall.
DSCN3155 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW General. Narthex from eastern wing tower stair. PL38
DSCN3156 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V First floor, eastern elevation. Internal timber window sill has square cut opening leading to ventilation shaft in stone wall.
DSCN3157 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V First floor, eastern elevation. Internal timber window sill has square cut opening leading to ventilation shaft in stone wall.
DSCN3158 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Cast iron curtain bracket positioned only above hopper windows on ground and first floor.
DSCN3159 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L E Cast iron curtain bracket positioned only above hopper windows on ground and first floor.
DSCN3160 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE First floor, eastern elevation balcony. Pew placement in three-tiered ascending order for better viewing.
DSCN3161 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE First floor to ground floor, north eastern stairwell. Timber panelled door fitted with brass handle.
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DSCN3162 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Ground floor to first floor north eastern corner. Small store room to north top of stair. Fitted with timber panelled door.
DSCN3163 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Ground floor north eastern wing. Corridor from entrance in wing. To first floor half turn staircase and rooms behind nave. Doorway timber framed with
DSCN3164 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Ground floor north eastern wing. Corridor from entrance in wing. Entrance fitted with timber framed arch topped door. Timber frame is decorated with
DSCN3165 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Ground floor north eastern wing. Entrance in western wall into store rooms behind nave. Doorway timber framed with panel door. All rooms behind
inaccessible at time of survey due to funeral works.
DSCN3166 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE Ground floor north eastern wing. Entrance in western wall into store rooms behind nave. Doorway timber framed with panel door. All rooms behind
inaccessible at time of survey due to funeral works.
DSCN3167 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N North eastern wing. Timber half turn staircase to first floor choir balcony. Stairs fitted with turned balusters. Tiled parquet flooring.
DSCN3168 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Ground floor, small room between north eastern wing corridor, nave and northern store rooms. Room fitted with panel skirting and dado rail, room
currently used to house buildings electrics.
DSCN3169 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Ground floor, small room between north eastern wing corridor, nave and northern store rooms. Room fitted with panel skirting and dado rail, room
currently used to house buildings electrics.
DSCN3170 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N Ground floor, small room between north eastern wing corridor, nave and northern store rooms. Room fitted with panel skirting and dado rail, room PL47
currently used to house buildings electrics.
DSCN3171 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Ground floor, small room between north eastern wing corridor, nave and northern store rooms. Room fitted with panel skirting and dado rail, room
currently used to house buildings electrics. Timber panel door with timber frame into northern store rooms.
DSCN3172 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Ground floor, small room between north eastern wing corridor, nave and northern store rooms. Room fitted with panel skirting and dado rail, room
currently used to house buildings electrics. Southern door way into nave fitted with timber panel door and frosted glass.
DSCN3173 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Ground floor, small room between north eastern wing corridor, nave and northern store rooms. Room fitted with panel skirting and dado rail, room
currently used to house buildings electrics. Flooring half stone half tiled parquet flooring.
DSCN3174 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Ground floor, from small room to north eastern wing corridor. Room flooring fitted with tiled parquet. PL48
DSCN3175 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V Ground floor, from small room to north eastern wing corridor. Room flooring fitted with tiled parquet.
DSCN3176 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE North eastern wing. Timber half turn staircase to first floor choir balcony. Stairs fitted with turned balusters. Tiled parquet flooring. PL49
DSCN3177 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Stained glass window positioned behind church organ. PL62
DSCN3178 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE General from first floor balcony to nave, chancel and pulpit.
DSCN3179 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Western elevation to northern extension lean to. Western elevation from the point of the north western wing change in course structure. The wing is PL30
made up of random coursed quoined stone. Then changes to stretcher brick formation of northern lean too extension. Also, of note is that the opposite
side on the eastern elevation features the same brickwork of the north extension up to the roof, however in the western elevation the brickwork lean too
starts much lower down. The brick lean to slate roof features a decorative bargeboard.
DSCN3180 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L S North gable. Coursed stone with centre foil stain glassed window with painted ashlar frame and brick surround. Two stain glassed window are situated PL31
either side surrounded with segmental brick arch lintels and surrounds. Windows have stone lintels. Roof structure fitted with timber bargeboard.
DSCN3181 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE North gable. Point where northern extension joins main builds northern gable. PL32
DSCN3182 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Northern extension, later addition lean to, coursed stretcher brick formation with five wooden framed sash windows. Windows are topped with brick PL33
arch lintels and have stone sill. Window are spaced symmetrically with the exception of the fifth window on the eastern side which appears smaller but is
however now boarded up.
DSCN3183 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V South eastern wing. Ceiling above half turn stairwell. Section of ceiling lower possibly earlier phase or boxed in timbers.
DSCN3184 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L V ERROR IMAGE BLUR.
DSCN3185 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE First floor, north western extension. Room currently used for storage. Room is entered through a timber framed panel door in main builds west elevation.
Steps from choir balcony to room. Door is built under the level of the choir balconies timber floor, suggesting choir balcony floor has been raised.
DSCN3186 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW First floor, West elevation of north western extension. Central to wall is a now blocked in fireplace and chimney. Fireplace stile retains mantle. Room
filled with partial detritus and coffin.
DSCN3187 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW First floor, South gable of north western extension, (slight) splayed window with PVC window frame and frosted glass. PL66
DSCN3188 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW First floor, West elevation of north western extension. Central to wall is a now blocked in fireplace and chimney. Fireplace stile retains mantle. Room PL65
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Digital photograph list

filled with partial detritus.

DSCN3189 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N First floor, north eastern wing, Room is entered through a timber framed panel door in main builds east elevation. Steps from choir balcony to room.
Door is built under the level of the choir balconies timber floor, suggesting choir balcony floor has been raised.
DSCN3190 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NW First floor, north eastern wing, Room is entered through a timber framed panel door in main builds east elevation. Steps from choir balcony to room.
Door is built under the level of the choir balconies timber floor, suggesting choir balcony floor has been raised.
DSCN3191 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW First floor, South gable of north eastern wing, fitted timber framed sash window with frosted glass. PL67
DSCN3192 18/04/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE First floor, eastern wing. store room.

DSC01443 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L NE Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door
frame is a rounded mould dome, painted in cream. Either side of door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have
wooden frames and stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and iron fencing encompasses church grounds.
DSC01444 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L NE Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door
frame is a rounded mould dome, painted in cream. Either side of door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have
wooden frames and stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and fencing encompasses church grounds.
DSC01445 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L N Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door
frame is a rounded mould dome, painted in cream. Either side of door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have
wooden frames and stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and iron fencing encompasses church grounds.
DSC01446 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L NW Southern gable façade of church. Central façade holds decorative stained-glass window in ashlar stilted arch frame. Central door with ashlar porch. Door
frame is a rounded mould dome, painted in cream. Either side of door are brick, dome capped windows. (brick also painted cream/yellow) windows have
wooden frames and stone lintel with the glass fitted with iron strip. A coursed stone wall and iron fencing encompasses church grounds.
DSC01447 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L N Southern gable façade. Decorative central porch. Porch made of coursed stone. Porch holds stilted archway with skewbacks and a rounded dome stone PL05
frame, (painted cream). Timber panelled double door topped with transom and fanlight. Above door ashlar date stones “1885” and “1920”. Either side
of porch holds a domed window with a stilted brick arch lintel. Either side of window are straight buttresses.
DSC01448 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L NE Front façade. western wing. Left of buttress. Coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement construct with a plinth coursed base. Two timber framed PL16
windows. Above and below window features ashlar stucco painted cream. Top of windows hold decorative chevroned ashlar dripstones, bottom of
windows hold ashlar water table.
DSC01449 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L NE Detail, construction of wall between west buttress and southern gable, coursed stone and quoins with pointed cement.
DSC01450 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L N Southern gables eastern wing to eastern elevation to northern extension. Ground to east tarmacked. Boundary wall coursed stone with crenulated top.
Eastern elevation features two sets of five windows, five on the ground floor, five on the first floor.
DSC01451 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L NW Eastern elevation, Detail, timber framed window with vertical cast iron strips and frosted glass. Window features ashlar water table sill, cant ashlar brick
surrounds and decorative brick “chevroned” lintel. One of five western elevation ground floor windows.
DSC01452 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L SW Join between eastern elevation and south eastern tower. Towers eastern wall extends .465mm same as the western wing on the south western extension.
DSC01453 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L N Point where eastern elevation meets north eastern wing. Entrance into build, through timber panelled door, topped with decorated “chevroned” ashlar
arch. Wing construct on coursed stone and quoins.
DSC01454 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L NE Point where eastern elevation meets north eastern wing. Entrance into build, through timber panelled door, topped with decorated “chevroned” ashlar
arch. Wing construct on coursed stone and quoins.
DSC01455 18/04/18 Sony DSC- F828 L N Eastern elevation. Eastern wing, to later addition northern brick lean-to. To left is coursed stone crenulated boundary wall. Brick lean to composed of a
stretcher bond formation.

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