189: Trewaelod Farm, Llantillio Crossenny, Monmouthshire. Building Recording

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DOCUMENT NO 367 October 2017

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny


Monmouthshire County Council

Planning Application No: DC/2013/00109.


A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17


A planning application was submitted to Monmouthshire County Council

(MCCC) and as part of the planning process, Glamorgan Gwent
Archaeological Trust (GGAT) advised the planning department that the
proposed work at the site could likely impact on archaeological resources.

The conditions, originally required a level III Building recording survey and
watching brief but was subsequently amended to a level II building recording
survey only, email J Bailey (GGAT) 24/10/00109 15:01).

APAC Ltd was contacted by the client in order to undertake the program of
archaeological work.

APAC Ltd produced a project design for the work, which was approved, and the
survey was undertaken.

This document is the result of a programme of archaeological work, undertaken

prior to the barn conversion, Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crossenny.

The survey resulted in a photographic and descriptive record of the building

which, when used in conjunction with documentary evidence, was able to suggest
an early 19th century build; probably single-story dwelling with loft.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph DSCN2956, Cover photo, southern elevation, eastern gable with chimney stack.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Site location ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Geology & Topography .................................................................................................................. 4
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 5
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 6
Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 6
Data Presentation............................................................................................................................. 6
External description......................................................................................................................... 6
Archive ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Acknowledgements: ........................................................................................................................ 9
Copyright ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography and References: ....................................................................................................... 10


01. Site Location Map.

02. Map progressions
a. Vision of Britain, first series, sheet 43, 1831
b. Tithe map 1843
c. Monmouthshire VII, 1886
d. Monmouthshire VII, 1922
e. Monmouthshire VII, 1952
03. Surveyed plans
04. Floor plans, phasing

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17

Survey Photo cards 1-21

01 North elevation, general appearance

02 Cover photo, southern elevation, eastern gable with chimney stack
03 Northern elevation. Block in window with wooden lintel, just of centre of wall.
04 Northern elevation, slight visible scarring can be seen in left of coursed, faced, stone. Possibly an
earlier window.
05 Western gable, southern corner has been repointed.
06 Southern elevation. Most of elevation has been removed for the placement of large opening,
probably due to structures disuse as a dwelling later being turned into a barn.
07 Eastern gable exposed remains of earlier stone built bread oven in bottom left, next to central
chimney stack.
08 Eastern gable, later edition brick chimney built upon earlier stone chimney stack. parts of which
have begun to fall away.
09 External remains of stone bread oven, with stone lintel. Partially bricked up at a later date possibly
upon instalment of range fireplace.
10 Circular foundation remains of external bread oven, eastern gable. southern corner
11 Eastern gable, hole in lower left was placement of earlier edition bread oven, later brick
surrounded range and first floor fire place built within earlier chimney recess.
12 Western gable, northern elevation join. Partially rendered wall possibly marks earlier height of
structure. Western gable has been structurally repaired at roof with breeze block. and brick.
Roofing currently consists of corrugated metal sheeting.
13 North eastern corner. Render remains to certain height. Visible scar/later build can be seen across
elevation possible marking an earlier roof height.
14 Northern elevation. 14 timber post holes with approximately 350/400ml length spacing marks
early edition second floor.
15 Eastern elevation, ground floor range with hand-made brick chamber and slate surrounds. built
within earlier chimney position.
16 Eastern gable. Coursed faced stone, with partial remaining render. Timber brace upper left. Upper
right stone plate possibly marks where earlier edition roof was, later edition second floor brick
fireplace location. Lower left shows scar in wall left from previous cross timber.
17 Earlier addition bread oven for structure, built in south eastern corner. Remains of which carry on
externally. Efforts have been made to brick up probably after the installation of range, (left)
18 Internal view of bread oven flue
19 Detail eastern gable. Possible roof stone plate remnant
20 Northern elevation, Small blocked in window with timber lintel, just off centre of wall. Marks
only known window in entire structure, albeit without knowing what southern elevation once
21 North eastern corner. Render remains to certain height. Visible scar/later build can be seen across
elevation possible marking an earlier roof height.
22 North western corner, west gable, northern elevation join.
23 South western corner, modern breeze block replacement of western side of southern elevation
continuing into coursed, faced stone of western gable.
24 Angle of western gable internal batter, 12 degrees at base before straightening at 1m
25 Western gable, coursed, faced stone with partial render remains. Gable top has had modern breeze
block replacement supporting a pitched corrugated sheet metal roof
26 South western corner, modern breeze block replacement of western side of southern elevation
continuing into coursed, faced stone of western gable.


I. Complete photograph list with contact sheet

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17


The building survey report has been prepared by Adam Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in response to: RE: Proposed Barn
Conversion: Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crossenny, Monmouthshire Pl.App. No.: DC/2013/00109.

Applications for planning approval for the proposed work were applied for by for Mr D, Heath, client.

Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) were advised in this instance by Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust
(GGAT) Archaeological Planning Services (APS) who suggested that the planning approval should include
conditions requiring a programme of archaeological work.

GGAT suggested the following conditions should be attached to the planning approval.

No site works shall be undertaken until the implementation of an appropriate programme of

building recording and analysis has been agreed with the local planning authority and in
accordance with an agreed written brief and specification

Reason: As the building is of architectural and cultural significance the specified records are
required to mitigate impact.

No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has
secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a
written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved in
writing by the local planning authority

Reason: to identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during the
works, in order to mitigate the impact, the works on the archaeological resource.

APAC Ltd was contracted by the client, to undertake the programme of archaeological recording work and in
accordance with the suggested model drew up a Written Scheme of Investigation, WSI:BS/LCT/17
The written scheme of investigation was approved as ‘fit for purpose’ allowing the survey work to proceed.

This document is the report of the level II building recording survey.

Site location

The location of the site is at NGR 340815 216888 and can be reached from Abergavenny along the B4223 from
Abergavenny to Monmouth.

Llantilio Crossenny is approximately five miles from Abergavenny; continue north along the B4223 and turn left
alongside the, The Warwick’ public house and then proceed for approximately 2 Km.

The building is on the left at a long bend just before Tump Cottage; to the right, Fig 01.

Geology & Topography

The solid geology of the area is Raglan Mudstone Formation - Siltstone and Mudstone, Interbedded. Sedimentary
Bedrock formed approximately 419 to 424 million years ago in the Silurian Period,

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17
Over the bedrock is a varied drift geology of silt and clay deposits; currently turned to pasture land.

The placement of the structure is on the flat, northernmost edge of an undulating field and its rear elevation backs
onto the road.

Brief archaeological and historical background

A 500m radius HER, (Historic Environment Record) search, centred on the NGR 340815 216888 was requested,
however, it yielded no results.

Therefore, as a general background, the village of Llantilio Crossenny has firm roots in the medieval period, with a
wealth of medieval structures found within the landscape.

One of which is the church of St Telio, “An unusually grand cruciform church” with an early English tower crossed
by a Decorated Chancel.

St Telio was bishop of Llandaff in 580 A.D and is thought to be buried there. (wyedeantourism.co.uk).

The church’s earliest surviving feature is the 12th century Norman font, and it has later 13th and 14th century editions
as well as an early 18th century spire that supports a ring of six bells, (ibid.).

Other ties to the medieval period consist of the 11th century castle, known as “White castle” and is one of
three castles that triangulate the area that were originally built to defend the newly won lands during the
start of the Norman occupation in Wales. CADW Ref: 2079

The area is also home to nearby Hen Gwrt, a well preserved moated site previously used as the manor house for the
bishops of Llandaff.

“Excavation in 1957 demonstrated a sequence of occupation starting in the thirteenth century, the moat
being the work of the fourteenth century. After a hiatus in occupation during the fifteenth century
substantial buildings were constructed/adapted in the sixteenth century when the site was used as a park
lodge, occupation ceasing in the seventeenth century.” Cofflien.

A bit closer to site, in Tal-y-Coed is a small rendered farmhouse, the structure was identified by Fox and Raglan as
“in origin a one bay c16th, timber framed house. The rest of the first half of the c17, with two three-light upper
windows to the front and stairs in a square tower at the back”. (in Newman p 352, 2000).

Information gleaned from cartographic sources, show a structure at the location as early as 1831, fig 02a

The Tithe map of the area, fig 02b 1843, shows the layout configuration of the building with an extra north-eastern
section; however, later maps as well as the current structure today show no evidence of this.

The apportionment lists the building as a “Cottage and Garden”, occupied by a “Mr John Prichard” in field no:
876/877. www.places.library.wales

In the 1886 map, fig 02c, the building can be viewed situated next to an orchard within its plot; presumably that of
the owners at the time.

On the 1922 map, fig 02d and the later 1952 map, fig 02e a building to the east of the property has been erected,
whilst the orchard was no longer recorded after 1922.

The current maps no longer show either structure, so at some time after 1952, the once dwelling probably fell into
disuse, being later converted for use as a barn.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the level II survey is to preserve by record the structure of the building, prior to demolition and in so
doing’ provide a facility for understanding the building’s historic development.

The record produced can then be used to guide the determination of the planning condition as to the final design of


The building recording survey followed the methodology defined in 5.2, Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide
to Good Recording Practice (English Heritage 2006). The methodology employed was also guided by the Standard
and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures (CIFA

Photographs were taking using tripod mounted, digital camera: Sony DSC F828 these were backed up with hi-
resolution smart phone cameras.

Images were recorded in both high resolution Jpeg & RAW formats.

The photographic record of the site includes general views of the exterior, the overall appearance of principle
structure and circulation areas, external and internal detail relevant to the property’s design and development.

All photographs include a scale rod where possible or practical.

Photographs illustrative of the survey are produced as annotated ‘photo cards’ in the report.

All photographs from the survey are included as a list with contact sheets in appendix I.

This report comprises a written element as defined in 4.5 Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to Good
Recording Practice (English Heritage 2006).

In order to provide a brief background to the property the following sources of information were used:

Ebbw Vale county archive
Various online sources.
Local knowledge.

Data Presentation

A.P.A.C LTD took measurements of the building using a Lecia Disto 510 in order to draw up a working plan for
illustration purposes:

Plans showing floor layout, fig 03.

Plans showing building plan phasing, fig 04

External description.

The structure presents as a two-story stone barn with a gable roof covered with corrugated tin; PL01 (north elevation
and western gable) and PL02 (east elevation and northern gable).

The north elevation; situated closest to the roadside, has one blocked central window with wood lintel, PL03

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17

Constructional anomalies: vertical joints, could suggest the presence of a second window or door to the left, PL04,
but no evidence could be found internally to support this interpretation and so the vertical line to the right of the
ranging rod remains unexplained.

The western gable has undergone some modification/repair work on its south-western corner; noticeable from the
cement re-pointing, which differs from the earlier pink lime mortar, PL05.

The southern elevation has been considerably modified; loosing probably the original entrance and fenestration of a
dwelling; obvious from the chimney stack, replaced by two full height swing doors converting the building to a
barn, PL06.

The barn doors are currently of ply wood sheets with a padlocked, cut door to allow access.

The eastern gable of the structure has an externally added, rough coursed, masonry, central chimney, which has been
extended vertically and capped with a brick stack, PL07 & PL08.

To the left of the chimney stack are the remains of an external bread oven chamber that joins via flue to the chimney
stack, and to the gable wall, PL09.

The current opening has brick facing internally but the external structure would have been stone built as can be seen
from the remailing foundations, PL10.


There are no internal divisions to this building; it is currently two storey shell, covered with corrugated sheeting for
a roof PL11 & PL12.

Access is provided by large makeshift doors to the south, PL02, PL11 & PL12; there is no fenestration, PL01 &
Pl02, and no features to suggest access to the upper floor PL11 & PL12.

The only surviving evidence for an upper floor being the joist holes in the southern elevation, PL13 & PL14 and the
1st floor fireplace at the eastern gable, PL11.

On the ground floor at the eastern gable are the remains of a small cast iron, Edwardian combination range with
oven and two hobs, PL15.

The range has been fitted within an earlier, open, stone fireplace, the original depth infilled with mixture of brick
types, some of which have been arranged to form main and secondary flue systems.

There are some fragments of a slate grate surround, PL15 left, a wooden mantle upright to the right, whilst the flat
brick arch and side infills probably replace a sturdy lintel, which could explain why the chimney breast has failed.

Above and to the left of the ground floor fireplace, is a later 1 st floor fireplace constructed mostly in brick and set
into the side of the chimney stack. PL16.

The two wall slots at the base of the fireplace, PL16, presumably carried support joists for the hearth stone.

Remains of an earlier bread oven can be seen to have been partially bricked up to the right of the fireplace, PL17.

Constructed within the masonry wall space, with its stone flue connected to the main chimney stack, PL18, all that
remains internally is some later brick facing/blocking PL17; however, the external curved footing discussed above,
clearly identifies its original purpose, PL10.

Above the ground floor fire place; running from the northern elevation left and across the eastern gable, is a clear
scar to which the above wall plaster was butted, delineating the previous placement of a timber ceiling beam, PL16.

Positioned above and to the right of the fireplace on the first-floor, is a single slab of stone, PL16 & PL19, at an
angle which offers little structural potential but is reminiscent of a roof pitch; discussed below.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17
The photograph also identifies a difference in construction to the uppermost apex of the gable end, above the timber
spreaders, although arguably, this could also be the result of a lack of internal render.

The northern elevation was difficult to record due to lighting and vegetation, however, it was possible to identify the
single ground floor window PL20 and the north south aligned holes for the ceiling joists; of which there were 14 at
350-400mm spacings.

Another feature that stood out can be seen in the upper part of PL13 & PL21 as a lack of white wall cover some
950mm above the ceiling/1st floor.

This height of wall cover is continued along the south elevation, PL22 but not the north PL11.

Above this is a 500mm, uncovered, wall extension to the current wall plate; which slightly overhangs the lower
wall; discussed below.

The western gable has had a lot of repair work, already discussed above, PL05; with most of the western return
rebuilt in brick, PL23, however the base still retains an internal batter of about 12º, PL24.

Plate 12 shows that the ground floor had a rough white wash whilst the 1st floor had a smooth lime wash over brown
render but only to the height of the cover finish mentioned above on the northern elevation.

The top apex of the gable has been rebuilt with concrete block and the right-hand spreader is a re used beam with
tenon slots, PL25.

The southern elevation has been affected the most, with any original features; indeed, the entire wall having been
replaced by a pair of makeshift barn doors, PL26.

Interpretation and phasing

Current knowledge of the building is of a barn conversion from an earlier two-story dwelling; detail recording
would suggest otherwise.

The initial use of the building as a dwelling is confirmed by the fireplace and chimney stack as well as the bread
oven at the eastern gable.

Given the modification and fitment of the ‘Edwardian period’ cast iron range, it can be assumed that the dwelling
was modified in the early part of the 20th century.

This modification included the blocking of the flue from the bread oven with the construction of the fireplace on the
first floor.

On the east gable is a slab of stone set at a pitch similar to that of the roof and it was pointed out above that there
seemed to be no structural reason for such a setting, PL16 & PL19.

The apex of the west gable has been completely rebuilt above re-used wooden spreaders at current wall plate height.

Although less noticeable, the same is possible at the east gable end apex, again linking it to the current wall plate.

However, the northern elevation has a defined top at around 950mm above the ceiling joists, on to which has been
added a thinner section of wall, extending the height by a further 500mm, PL22.

Arguably, this shows the heightening of the original wall plate on the northern elevation from 950mm to 1.4m;
effectively room height, and changing a loft to a 1st floor room, which would then explain the need for a 1st floor

Unfortunately, nothing remains of the southern elevation to corroborate the interpretation of a raised wall plate but
then there is no internal scar to suggest a fixed stair, which would be consistent with a one and a half storey house
with a loft.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17
Corroboration may however be sought in the unexplained angled slab on the east elevation which could mark an
earlier lower roof pitch.


The original archive will be retained by APAC. Ltd

Secondary archives consisting of a hard copy of the report with a digital copy of the complete data and photographs
be deposited with the County Records Office in Ebbw Vale and with The Royal Commission on Ancient and
Historical Monuments Aberystwyth.

Digital copies of the report will be forwarded to the client, planning and the HER, held by Glamorgan Gwent
Archaeological Trust.


I would like to thank the client Mr Cavanagh for access to the site and his contractor for the assistance offered.


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the
project as described in this Project Design.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny BS/LCT/17

Bibliography and References:

A.P.A.C. Ltd: WSI:BS/LCT/17

Historic England Understanding Historic Buildings, A guide to good Recording Practice. 2016

Chartered Institute of
Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the
regulation of Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2014.

Standards and Guidance for the collection, documentation,

conservation and research of archaeological materials. 2014.

Standards and Guidance for the archaeological investigation and

recording of standing buildings and structures, 2014

GGAT MON2034/GP, RE: Proposed Barn Conversion: Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio

Crossenny, Monmouthshire Pl.App. No.: DC/2013/00109.

CADW Ref: 2079 – White castle

Newman, J., 2000. The Buildings Of Wales, Gwent/Monmouthshire, Penguin Books,

The Society of Museum

Archaeologists Towards An Accessible Archive (1995)

United Kingdom
Institute for
(Archaeology Section) Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term
Storage (1990)

Online Sources consulted:


A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Buisness Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth. NP25 3SR
Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email: apac.philips@btinternet.com
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil.BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. AIFA.

Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd WSI: BSWB/LCT/17
Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 02a: Vision of Britain, sheet 43 Fig 02b: Tithe map 1843

Fig 02c: Monmouthshire VII Fig 02d: Monmouthshire VII

Surveyed 1882 Revised 1916-1918
Published 1886 Published 1922

Fig 02e: Monmouthshire VII

Revised 1944
Published 1952

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LCT/17

Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny

Ground floor First floor

0 5 10

FIG 03: Floor plan A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LCT/17

Land at Trewaelod farm, Llantilio Crossenny

19th century

point of change

20th century phase

Ground floor First floor

0 5 10

FIG 04: Phasing A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LCT/17

Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2905 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

0 5 10

Reason for image Northern elevation. General appearance.

Plate No: 01

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2956 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

0 5 10

Reason for image Cover photo, southern elevation, eastern gable with chimney stack

Plate No: 02

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2908 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

0 5 10

Reason for image Northern elevation. Block in window with wooden lintel, just of centre of wall.

Plate No: 03

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2909 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image Northern elevation, slight visible scarring can be seen in left of coursed, faced,
stone. Possibly an earlier window.

0 5 10

Plate No: 04

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2921 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

0 5 10

Reason for image Western gable, southern corner has been repointed.

Plate No: 05

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2919 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

0 5 10

Reason for image Southern elevation. Most of elevation has been removed for the placement
of large opening, probably due to structures disuse as a dwelling later being
turned into a barn.

Plate No: 06

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2916 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Eastern gable exposed remains of earlier stone built bread oven in bottom left,
next to central chimney stack.

Plate No: 07

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2917 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Eastern gable, later edition brick chimney built upon earlier stone chimney
stack. parts of which have begun to fall away.

Plate No: 08

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC00165 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image
North west External remains of stone bread oven, with stone lintel. Partially bricked up at
a later date possibly upon instalment of range fireplace

0 5 10

Plate No: 09

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC00166 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/North west

0 5 10

Reason for image Circular foundation remains of external bread oven, eastern gable. Southern

Plate No: 10

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSCN2922 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Eastern gable, hole in lower left was placement of earlier bread oven, later
addition brick surrounded range and first floor fire place built within earlier
chimney recess.

Plate No: 11

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSCN00178 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Western gable, northern elevation join. Partially rendered wall possibly marks earlier
height of structure. Western gable has been structurally repaired at roof with breeze
block. and brick. Roofing currently consists of corrugated metal sheeting.

Plate No: 12

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSCN2935 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

0 5 10

Reason for image North eastern corner. Render remains to certain height. Visible scar/later build
can be seen across elevation possible marking an earlier roof height.

Plate No: 13

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSCN2932 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

0 5 10

Reason for image North eastern corner. Render remains to certain height. Visible scar/later build
can be seen across elevation possible marking an earlier roof height.

Plate No: 14

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2927 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Eastern elevation, ground floor range in brick chamber and slate
surrounds. Modified addition to earlier fireplace.

Plate No: 15

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2954 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

0 5 10

Reason for image Eastern gable. Coursed faced stone, with partial remaining render. Timber
brace upper left. Upper right stone plate possibly marks where earlier edition
roof was, later edition second floor brick fireplace location. Lower left shows
scar in wall left from previous cross timber.

Plate No: 16

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2926 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

0 5 10

Reason for image Earlier addition bread oven for structure, built in south eastern corner. Remains
of which carry on externally. Efforts have been made to brick up probably after t
he installation of range, (left)

Plate No: 17

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2944 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Internal view of bread oven flue.

Plate No: 18

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2953 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Detail eastern gable. Possible roof stone plate remnant.

Plate No: 19

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2938 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Northern elevation, Small blocked in window with timber lintel, just off centre of
wall. Marks only known window in entire structure, albeit without knowing what
southern elevation once contained.

Plate No: 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2934 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

0 5 10

Reason for image North eastern corner. Render remains to certain height. Visible scar/later build
can be seen across elevation possible marking an earlier roof height.

Plate No: 21

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2931 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

0 5 10

Reason for image North western corner, west gable, northern elevation join.

Plate No: 22

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2942 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

0 5 10

Reason for image South western corner, modern breeze block replacement of western side of
southern elevation continuing into coursed, faced stone of western gable.

Plate No: 23

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2941 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image Angle of western gable internal batter, 12 degrees at base before straightening
at 1m

0 5 10

Plate No: 24

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2933 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

0 5 10

Reason for image Western gable, coursed, faced stone with partial render remains. Gable top has
had modern breeze block replacement supporting a pitched corrugated sheet
metal roof

Plate No: 25

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Land at Trewaelod Farm, Llantilio Crosseny BS/LCT/17 340815 216888 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN2936 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

0 5 10

Reason for image Angle of western gable internal batter, 12 degrees at base before straightening
at 1m

Plate No: 26

A.P.A.C. Ltd
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/LCT/17

Photo no Date Camera L or P View Area Description Plate

DSC00162 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L S E Northern elevation. General appearance.
DSC00163 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L SW E North elevation, east gable with central chimney stack.
DSC00164 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 P W E External remains of stone bread oven, with stone lintel. Partially bricked up at a later date possibly upon instalment of range fireplace
DSC00165 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 P NW E External remains of stone bread oven, with stone lintel. Partially bricked up at a later date possibly upon instalment of range fireplace PL09
DSC00166 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L V E Circular foundation remains of external bread oven, eastern gable. Southern corner PL10
DSC00167 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L NW E Eastern gable, later edition brick chimney built upon earlier stone chimney stack. parts of which have begun to fall away.
DSC00168 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L N E Southern elevation. Most of elevation has been removed for the placement of large opening, probably due to structures disuse as a
dwelling later being turned into a barn.
DSC00169 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L N E Building survey works
DSC00170 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L E E Western gable, coursed, faced, stone, sections of southern corner have been repointed
DSC00171 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L E/SE I Eastern gable, hole in lower left was placement of earlier edition bread oven, later edition brick surrounded range and first floor fire place
built within earlier chimney recess.
DSC00172 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 P E/SE I Eastern gable, hole in lower left was placement of earlier edition bread oven, later edition brick surrounded range and first floor fire place
built within earlier chimney recess.
DSC00173 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L E/SE I Eastern gable. Wall shows evidence of scarring from timber beam that ran across it. Remains of timber beam still in place within northern
elevation. Later edition brick surround fire placement in first floor.
DSC00174 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L NW I Northern elevation, eastern gable join. Coursed, faced and rendered stone work construct.
DSC00175 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L NW I North elevation, Coursed, faced, and rendered stone work construct. Render stops under visible stone level, across elevation. Partially
obscured by vegetation. Scar possibly indicates an earlier roof level, before being extended vertically at later date.
DSC00176 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L NE I Northern elevation, eastern gable join. Coursed, faced and rendered stone work construct.
DSC00177 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 P SW I Angle of internal wall batter on western gable
DSC00178 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L W/NW I Western gable, northern elevation join. Partially rendered wall possibly marks earlier height of structure. Western gable has been PL12
structurally repaired at roof with breeze block. and brick. Roofing currently consists of corrugated metal sheeting.
DSC00179 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L NW I Western gable, northern elevation join. Partially rendered elevation wall possibly marks earlier height of structure
DSC00180 26/10/17 Sony DSC-F828 L NW I Western gable, northern elevation join. Partially rendered wall possibly marks earlier height of structure. Western gable has been
structurally repaired at roof with breeze block. and brick. Roofing currently consists of corrugated metal sheeting.

DSCN2905 26/10/17 AW130 L SE E Northern elevation. General appearance. PL01

DSCN2906 26/10/17 AW130 P SW E North elevation, north west corner quoin stones. Timber being used as fence possibly reused from built as it has joint holes.
DSCN2907 26/10/17 AW130 L W E North elevation, east gable.
DSCN2908 26/10/17 AW130 L SW E Northern elevation. Block in window with wooden lintel, just of centre of wall. PL03
DSCN2909 26/10/17 AW130 P S E Northern elevation, slight visible scarring can be seen in left of coursed, faced, stone. Possibly an earlier window. PL04
DSCN2910 26/10/17 AW130 L SW E Northern elevation, slight visible scarring can be seen in left of coursed, faced, stone. Possibly an earlier window.
DSCN2911 26/10/17 AW130 L NW E External remains of stone bread oven, with stone lintel. Partially bricked up at a later date possibly upon instalment of range fireplace
DSCN2912 26/10/17 AW130 L V E Circular foundation remains of external bread oven, eastern gable. southern corner
DSCN2913 26/10/17 AW130 L V E Circular foundation remains of external bread oven, eastern gable. southern corner
DSCN2914 26/10/17 AW130 L V E Circular foundation remains of external bread oven, eastern gable. southern corner
DSCN2915 26/10/17 AW130 L NW E Southern elevation, western gable placement.
DSCN2916 26/10/17 AW130 L W E Eastern gable exposed remains of earlier stone built bread oven in bottom left, next to central chimney stack. PL07
DSCN2917 26/10/17 AW130 L W E Eastern gable, later edition brick chimney built upon earlier stone chimney stack. parts of which have begun to fall away. PL08
DSCN2918 26/10/17 AW130 L W E Eastern gable, later edition brick chimney built upon earlier stone chimney stack. parts of which have begun to fall away.
DSCN2919 26/10/17 AW130 L NE E Southern elevation. Most of elevation has been removed for the placement of large opening, probably due to structures disuse as a PL06
dwelling later being turned into a barn.
DSCN2920 26/10/17 AW130 L E E Western gable, coursed, faced, stone, sections of southern corner have been repointed
DSCN2921 26/10/17 AW130 L SE E Western gable, southern corner has been repointed. PL05
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/LCT/17

DSCN2922 26/10/17 AW130 L SE I Eastern gable, hole in lower left was placement of earlier edition bread oven, later brick surrounded range and first floor fire place built PL11
within earlier chimney recess.
DSCN2923 26/10/17 AW130 P SE I Eastern gable, hole in lower left was placement of earlier addition bread oven, later addition brick surrounded range and first floor fire
place built within earlier chimney recess.
DSCN2924 26/10/17 AW130 P E I Eastern gable, hole in lower left was placement of earlier addition bread oven, later addition brick surrounded range and first floor fire
place built within earlier chimney recess.
DSCN2925 26/10/17 AW130 P E I Later addition, brick surround first floor fireplace, built in earlier stone chimney stack. with stone hearth.
DSCN2926 26/10/17 AW130 L SE I Earlier addition bread oven for structure, built in south eastern corner. Remains of which carry on externally. Efforts have been made to PL17
brick up probably after the installation of range, (left)
DSCN2927 26/10/17 AW130 L E I Eastern elevation, ground floor range with hand-made brick chamber and slate surrounds. built within earlier chimney position. PL15
DSCN2928 26/10/17 AW130 L E I Later edition, brick surround first floor fireplace, built in earlier stone chimney stack.
DSCN2929 26/10/17 AW130 L E I North eastern corner. Eastern gable. Wall shows evidence of scarring from timber beam that ran across it. Remains of timber beam still in
place within northern elevation.
DSCN2930 26/10/17 AW130 P E I North eastern corner. Eastern gable. Wall shows evidence of scarring from timber beam that ran across it. Remains of timber beam still in
place within northern elevation.
DSCN2931 26/10/17 AW130 L NW I North western corner, west gable, northern elevation join. PL22
DSCN2932 26/10/17 AW130 L N I Northern elevation. 14 timber post holes with approximately 350/400ml length spacing marks early edition second floor. PL14
DSCN2933 26/10/17 AW130 L W I Western gable, coursed, faced stone with partial render remains. Gable top has had modern breeze block replacement supporting a PL25
pitched corrugated sheet metal roof
DSCN2934 26/10/17 AW130 L N/NW I North eastern corner. Render remains to certain height. Visible scar/later build can be seen across elevation possible marking an earlier PL21
roof height.
DSCN2935 26/10/17 AW130 L NE I North eastern corner. Render remains to certain height. Visible scar/later build can be seen across elevation possible marking an earlier PL13
roof height.
DSCN2936 26/10/17 AW130 L SW I South western corner, modern breeze block replacement of western side of southern elevation continuing into coursed, faced stone of PL26
western gable.
DSCN2937 26/10/17 AW130 P SW I Remains of southern elevation after instalment of large opening.
DSCN2938 26/10/17 AW130 L N I Northern elevation, Small blocked in window with timber lintel, just off centre of wall. Marks only known window in entire structure, PL20
albeit without knowing what southern elevation once contained.
DSCN2939 26/10/17 AW130 L NE I Northern elevation. Coursed, faced stone with partial remaining internal render. Small blocked in window just off centre of wall. 14
timber post holes with approximately 350/400ml length spacing marks early edition second floor.
DSCN2940 26/10/17 AW130 P SW I Angle of western gable internal batter, 12 degrees at base before straightening at 1m
DSCN2941 26/10/17 AW130 P SW I Angle of western gable internal batter, 12 degrees at base before straightening at 1m PL24
DSCN2942 26/10/17 AW130 L W I South western corner, modern breeze block replacement of western side of southern elevation continuing into coursed, faced stone of PL23
western gable.
DSCN2943 26/10/17 AW130 L NE I North eastern corner, partial remaining render. Partial remains of timber beam.
DSCN2944 26/10/17 AW130 L V I Internal view of bread oven flue PL18
DSCN2945 26/10/17 AW130 L V I Error
DSCN2946 26/10/17 AW130 L V I Internal view of bread oven flue
DSCN2947 26/10/17 AW130 P S I Error see below
DSCN2948 26/10/17 AW130 P S I Later edition range stove. With surviving slate surrounds and hand-made brick chamber
DSCN2949 26/10/17 AW130 L SE I Later edition range stove, in early edition chimney bottom. Hand-made brick surround
DSCN2950 26/10/17 AW130 L V I Internal view of chimney stack.
DSCN2951 26/10/17 AW130 L V I Internal view of chimney stack, and where bread oven flue joins.
DSCN2952 26/10/17 AW130 L V I Internal view of chimney stack.
DSCN2953 26/10/17 AW130 L E I Detail eastern gable. Possible roof stone plate remnant. PL19
DSCN2954 26/10/17 AW130 L SE I Eastern gable. Coursed faced stone, with partial remaining render. Timber brace upper left. Upper right stone plate possibly marks where PL16
earlier edition roof was, later edition second floor brick fireplace location. Lower left shows scar in wall left from previous cross timber.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/LCT/17

DSCN2955 26/10/17 AW130 L N E Modified Southern elevation. Majority of earlier wall removed to make way for large entrance, currently boarded up.
DSCN2956 26/10/17 AW130 L NW E Cover photo, southern elevation, eastern gable with chimney stack PL02

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