Rural Institutions, Agricultural Development, and Pro-Poor Economic Growth

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56 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 1, No.

Rural Institutions, Agricultural Development,

and Pro-Poor Economic Growth
James Roumasset
University of Hawaii Manoa, USA

CONVENTIONAL WISDOM: Concurrently, donor support for agricultural

INVEST AND INTERVENE development has waned. Three factors may account
According to conventional wisdom, the ideal form for this. First, the interven-tionist doctrine was at
of pro-poor economic development is through odds with prevailing “neo-liberal” attitudes.
investment in agriculturally-led growth.1 Second, there was growing dissatisfaction with the
In the early stages of growth, increased performance of many of the agricultural projects
production decreases food prices and shifts out the and programs. Third, many observers concluded
demand for labor. Inasmuch as poor households that low agricultural prices signaled success and
disproportionately consume food and earn a that further efforts were unnecessary.
relatively large share of their income from labor, The following section reviews some of the
both mechanisms benefit the poor. Agricultural intellectual failures contributing to the popularity
economists typically recommend a panoply of of interventionism in agricultural development
government interventions to go along with the circles and provides specific examples of how faulty
investments in new technology and infrastructure, reasoning has led to policy failures in factor and
including price-supports and stabilization schemes, output markets. Section 3 shows how some of the
credit and input subsidies, and crop insurance. The very institutions and phenomena that have been
interventionist policy recommendations, however, used as evidence of inefficiency are in fact,
are based on a variety of misconceptions and consistent with efficiency. The review so provided
misinterpretations about farmer behavior and rural exemplifies a fundamental framework for policy
institutions. analysis, known as The New Institutional
The interventionist doctrine for agriculture Economics (NIE). Section 4 concludes.
and rural development has remained remarkably
resilient in the face of policy liberalization and INTELLECTUAL FAILURES
globalization that took place in the 1980s and 1990s. AND CHALLENGES
Agricultural economists continued to justify From the 1950s to the 1970s, the economics of
regulations and subsidies of all kinds, presumably agricultural development called for a major role
contributing to agriculture’s resistance to the of government in providing: i) essentials –
liberalization and globalization of industry. incentives, transportation and marketing, new
technology, and access to inputs; and ii) accelerators
– extension, credit, irrigation, farmer cooperatives,
“If there is not economic growth, there isn’t going to be an and development planning) (Mosher 1966).
elimination of poverty ... you cannot deal with food security,
hunger, and malnutrition unless you invest in agriculture” Johnston and Mellor (1961) and Mellor
(Natsios, in USAID 2003; see also Roumasset 1992a, 2002, (1966) emphasized the positive linkages between
2003). The neoclassical model of agriculturally-led growth agricultural growth and economic development, but
was pioneered by Jorgenson (1961). Johnston and Mellor
(1961) articulated the linkages between agricultural and continued to presume that a wide variety of
economic development. government regulations and subsidies were
James Roumasset 57

appropriate to get agriculture moving. This legacy However, these propositions are subject to the
continued even into the 1980s as agricultural Nirvana Fallacy (Demsetz 1969). The equilibrium
economists continued to argue for pushing the concept in question is a straw man in two important
agricultural sector but were somewhat respects. First, it does not admit multilateral
indiscriminate about the appropriate instruments voluntary contracting. Second, it does not admit
for so doing. private governance of moral hazard and other
For example, a major collection of readings information problems e.g. as described in Jensen
(Eicher and Statz 1984) failed to note the excess (2000).
burden and dynamic costs of agricultural protection, Even if G-S were generalized to allow for
even as these became the focal point of industry multiple distortions and even if some pervasive
and trade policies. efficiency-improving interventions were found, the
In the late 1980s to the 1990s, intellectual results would still suffer from blackboard
support for interventionism was augmented by new economics. (Note that “blackboard economics”
theories that took account of imperfect information. should not be taken as a general condemnation of
The most general interventionist doctrine is based rigor, but rather of equilibrium concepts that
on the Greenwald-Stiglitz (G-S) theorem (1986) abstract from real-world institutions which
according to which a competitive equilibrium is internalize spillovers and mitigate information
not constrained Pareto-optimal, i.e. it is not on the problems.)
feasible utility-frontier, whose limits are determined In the following sections, some of the
by feasible government actions as well as intellectual failures are reviewed in the context of
technology, factor endowments, and consumer agricultural and rural development. All of them
preferences. result from misplaced exogeneity and a failure to
This theoretical result is interpreted to mean provide a fundamental explanation for the
that government can always find a coercive phenomenon at issue.
intervention to increase economic efficiency over
that achieved by voluntary contracting and 1. Land and Labor Institutions
competitive markets. Stiglitz (1993, 2002) has Asian agriculture displays the coexistence of
often used the institution of share tenancy to disparate property, tenure, and contractual
exemplify how economic organization can be in institutions for connecting labor to land. While most
equilibrium but massively inefficient, asserting that Asian agriculture is smallholder, with the notable
a landlord’s share of 1/2 would have the same exceptions of tree crops such as oil palm and
disincentive effects as a 50% income tax. In this coconuts, there has been a recent increase of larger
“New Information Economics,” market failures are commercial farms, e.g. for the production of sugar
not limited to the usual cases of externalities, public in Indonesia (Fairhurst 2003). Instead of explaining
goods, and non-convexities, but are far more diversity, however, much of the economics of
pervasive, including failures due to moral hazard, agricultural development seeks to identify which
adverse selection, or other information problems behaviors and institutions are inefficient, much as
(Stiglitz 1993). the old industrial economics regarded market
Similarly, de Janvry et al. (1991, 2001) while structure as exogenous and proceeded to
acknowledging the role that transaction costs play characterize the conduct of different organizational
in rural organization, nonetheless conclude that forms, and proceeded to evaluate the efficiency of
“indirect sources of market failure need to be their performances.
eliminated” including access to credit and insurance For example, most agricultural economists
markets. This, together with de Janvry and Sadoulet assert that smallholder agriculture is inherently more
(2000), have been misconstrued to mean that efficient than large-scale commercial farming
government should intervene in such markets with because it economizes on hired labor.2 Utilizing
mandates and subsidies (see Weber et al. 2002).
Some investments in agriculture, notably in
agricultural research, are prematurely rejected in 2
See e.g. Binswanger and Rosenzweig (1986);
this view as mere “technofix.” Binswanger, Deininger, and Feder (1995).
58 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 1, No. 1

family labor economizes on recruiting and After reviewing the leading theories of share
supervision costs, the latter because hired labor tenancy, Hayami and Otsuka (1993) conclude that
suffers from both quality and effort shirking. the risk-aversion vs. moral hazard model indeed
These “labor market imperfections result in the “justifies the existence of share tenancy in the
productive superiority of family farms” (Deininger theoretically most consistent manner...” And, as
2003, p. 84) and to the characterization of hired noted above, Stiglitz (1993, 2002) remains
labor as inefficient (Otsuka 2002). convinced that the Marshallian effort disincentive
Using the ICRISAT village data, Frisvold is socially inefficient. The inefficiency hypothesis
(1994) finds that family labor is indeed more has been further buttressed by econometric studies,
productive than hired labor, even before deducting most notably Shaban (1987) for the case of India.
the costs of supervision. The inefficiency of hired Jacoby and Mansuri (2002) report similar results
labor is also said to be at least partially responsible for Pakistan. Bautista (1991) observes that share
for the notorious inverse relationship between small tenancy in the Philippines is both less productive
and large farms, assuming that the latter are and inequitable.3
relatively more labor-dependent (Otsuka 2002; As is the case with the literature on the
Deininger 2003). Similarly, Hayami (2003) finds inefficiency of large farms and hired labor,
that, while plantation agriculture was an efficient however, this conclusion is premature. First, the
institution for the exploitation of Western colonies canonical model does not imply, as originally
in Asia, family farms have more recently “proved claimed (Stiglitz 1974), that the optimal landlord’s
to be equally or more efficient producers of tropical share varies positively with the tenant’s degree of
export crops using the family labor of low risk aversion, because risk aversion also blunts the
supervision costs, relative to plantations based on tenant’s incentive to shirk. Second, the model is
hired labor.” incapable of explaining the empirical distributions
However, these studies fail to account for why of tenant shares, which cluster around 50%, with a
labor is hired, for which tasks, and for the smaller cluster around 2/3.4
incomplete substitutability of hired and family A more fundamental problem is that the
labor. They also fail to account entirely for the canonical theory treats share tenancy as a mere labor
role of land quality in crop choice and intensity of contract and thereby misses its essence as a typically
cultivation. It is not surprising, therefore, that one long-term contractual arrangement for bringing
can find contradictory empirical results. Indeed, management together with land that facilitates the
Benjamin (1992) finds that hired labor is tenant’s learning-by-doing about production
significantly neither more nor less productive than decisions (Reid 1976; Murrel 1983; Eswaran-
family labor. This may simply be because there Kotwal 1986; Roumasset 1995). Share tenants,
are both gains and losses involved e.g., hired labor themselves, hire substantial amounts of labor,
facilitates specialization. On the proto-typical farm especially for the more arduous and routine tasks.
in which both family and hired labor are employed, On the other hand, share contracting is a popular
rational choice implies that there will be a non- labor contract for specific tasks. Indeed, share
random division of tasks between family and hired tenants often hire casual workers on a share basis
labor and that, at the margin, the difference in their to do harvesting, weeding, and transplanting.
productivities will be equal to the difference in However, receiving a share of the harvest does not
opportunity costs. make such workers tenants.
Share tenancy is another institution that is
commonly attacked for being inefficient. The
literature has been unduly influenced by Stiglitz’s
(1974) canonical model, wherein sharecropping is
See Ray (1998) for additional examples, especially studies
of tenancy in Southeast Asia.
viewed as a pairwise-efficient means of 4
Deweaver and Roumasset (2002) show that for
incentivizing labor, relative to wage contracts, parameters representative of the Philippine case, the model
without the cost of risk-bearing that would be predicts that optimal tenant’s share declines from 1% to
80% as the tenant goes from risk neutrality to moderate
imposed under rent contracts. risk aversion, and increases back to one as risk aversion
increases further.
James Roumasset 59

The persistent fallacy in all of the inefficiency document the nature of marketing operations in
arguments is one of misplaced exogeneity. Trying Western Java and Sumatra.
to judge the inherent efficiency of particular The stylized marketing organization relies on
institutions is tantamount to the old Structure- village collectors (often farmers, themselves) inter-
Conduct-Performance paradigm whereby a market village collectors, traders, and processors. Because
structure was taken to be exogenous, its conduct the village collectors have a low opportunity cost
diagnosed, and its resulting performance judged. of time and readily adapt to the demands of
For example, the conduct of monopoly is marketing entrepreneurship, and because
characterized as increasing price by lowering institutions and dynamic relationships are
quantity below its competitive level and its developed to provide quality control and to mitigate
performance is judged to be inefficient. As the the “holdup” problem, the marketing system tends
above examples illustrate, this paradigm, while now towards efficiency.
defunct in Industrial Organization, is alive and well The main obstacle to efficiency in this view
in Development Economics. is the tendency of governments, in the alleged quest
Even leaving the identification problem aside, to limit excesses of the ubiquitous middleman, to
the tenant’s compensation is not necessarily limited actually suppress entry and the natural evolution
to his share of the harvest. Asian tenants often of appropriate institutions and entrepreneurship.
receive credit from their landlords at concessionary Rather, government policy should be focused on
rates (often zero interest) and landlords help with increasing entry and fostering market integration
tenant family needs and emergencies (Roumasset through appropriate contractual and physical
1976; Sadoulet et. al. 1997). infrastructure, as well as by providing market
information and facilitating standards and grading.
2. Credit and Marketing In the current era of globalization, the
Credit and marketing institutions are similarly efficiency of small-scale marketing systems may
castigated as exploitative and inefficient. The now be in decline, however. In traditional
stereotypical middleman charges excessive interest marketing systems, production is indirectly
rates for credit and pays the farmer pitifully low coordinated with consumption only through
prices. The following (about Pakistan) is typical: successive layers of collection and distribution.
Smoothing fluctuations in both demand and supply
...owing to the involvement of many layers is done through inventories, the law of large
of middlemen between the growers and the numbers, and through international trade. With the
consumers, every year the government has rise of supermarkets and “big box” discount stores,
to intervene in the agriculture commodity however, Reardon et al. (2003) have shown that
markets to rescue the farmers from the retailers often contract directly with producers for
clutches of the middleman by acting as a delivery of goods, processed and packaged to
second buyer (Badar 2002). specifications, at particular places and times. This
confers competitive advantages on larger producers
In Southeast Asia, such claims are often and partially displaces traditional marketing systems.
directed specifically at ethnic Chinese: “It is not The Berkeley/World-Bank mafia
unusual to hear...that farmers or consumers are acknowledges economies of scale in agricultural
exploited by ...Chinese middlemen.”5 But in general marketing but denies that these undermine their
and in Indonesia in particular, Hayami and Kawagoe conclusion that large farms are inefficient, asserting
(1993) have documented how “the stereotype has that farmer associations can exploit large-scale
not held up under empirical tests.”6 They go on to marketing opportunities.7 This is a remarkable

5 7
Mears (1981) as quoted by Hayami and Kawagoe (1993), See e.g. the review of literature and discussion in Deininger
p.10. (2003) including the list of contributors.
Ibid. p. 10. In so doing, they cite Bauer (1964), Lele (1971),
Jones (1972), Mears (1981), Unnevehr (1984), and Timmer
(1987), although Timmer left open the possibility of
monopsony profits in outlying villages.
60 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 1, No. 1

inconsistency. Small farms are said to be more First, the goals of financial sustainability and growth
efficient because they avoid the additional through profitability are not coincident with
contracting costs associated with hired labor. But maximum impact on the poorest of the poor.
the proposition that small farms can simply Moreover microfinance success stories have tended
overcome diseconomies through contracts blithely to “stretch accounting data in order to claim
ignores the requisite contracting costs. Indeed profitability” (Morduch 2000, p.627).
farmer cooperatives are notorious for broken As a result, microfinance organizations have
agreements and favoritism, both of which attempted to replicate apparent success stories,
undermine the sustainability of group contracts. albeit with disappointing results. As reported by
The “evil middleman” syndrome has similarly Morduch (2000, p. 618), “some donors believe that
led to widespread interventionism in credit markets, little more than 5% of all programs today will be
in particular the “directed credit” syndrome financially sustainable ever.” Morduch argues
whereby interest rate ceilings are combined with instead, that financial sustainability and program
concessionary lending to rural banks, which, in expansion are consistent with some degree of
turn, qualify for subsidies by targeting rural and subsidization. What is important is that the subsidy
agricultural clients. While this particular policy be a “hard budget constraint” and that sound
failure has been widely diagnosed, disagreement prudential management is maintained including
remains between intellectual supporters of selection and monitoring procedures that emphasize
interventionism and those who would trust credit repayment. If these fundamentals are maintained,
mobilization and allocation to competitive markets. the resulting diversity of program designs will
The “Ohio State School” asserts that the high contribute to the evolution of successful approaches.
rates in the informal sector are warranted by On the other hand, second-best
transaction costs and the risk of default. They note interventionists argue that market institutions are
that the low interest rates mandated by government inefficient due to problems of imperfect
regulations direct credit primarily to larger information (e.g. Stiglitz and Weiss 1981). Ray
commercial farmers and other borrowers with above (1998) reviews both the theoretical literature and
average incomes (Meyer and Nagarajan 2000; empirical studies from Asia and concludes that rural
Coleman 2002). Accordingly they advocate credit institutions display substantial inefficiency
spontaneous institutions such as micro-credit even after uncertainty and transaction costs are taken
programs and competitive market allocation of into account. Accordingly, Stiglitz and Uy (1996)
loanable funds. argue for “mild” financial repression with both
The intellectual climate regarding credit interest rate ceilings and policy discrimination across
policy may have swung too far towards the laissez types of investors.
faire extreme, however. For example, the donor What is needed to progress from this impasse
consortium, Consultative Group to Assist the is a conceptual framework that is capable of
Poorest of the Poor (CGAP), has come out with a evaluating the consequences of alternative credit
set of “best practices” based on the “win-win” policies. The theory must be able to explain the
approach to rural credit.8 In this approach (also coexistence of formal and informal institutions for
called the “new paradigm” by Meyer and Nagarajan rural credit and other patterns that characterize the
2000), rural lending institutions should attain nature of credit institutions under a variety of policy
financial sustainability by eschewing government umbrellas.
and donor assistance, and charging rates Among the many “market failures” and
commensurate with the full cost of the loan and alleged justifications for government intervention,
high enough to successfully mobilize savings. As perhaps the most misunderstood concerns
Morduch (2000) points out, this approach is stabilization policy. One of the common
mandated neither by logic nor empirical evidence. justifications of a state trading enterprise to control
domestic rice markets in Asia, for example, is that
without government control, market prices would
See Morduch (2000) for a detailed description of the win- be unacceptably volatile. It is surprising how
win approach. readily this justification is accepted without a
James Roumasset 61

compelling rationale that governments can and many Asian countries. Subsidized interest rates
should control prices. It is also rather remarkable resulted in excess demand for loans. Inasmuch as
that while the intellectual climate regarding credit the prog-rams are “directed,” there is room for
policy has largely swung to non-interventionism, rationing of loans to be done on the basis of various
the intellectual climate for stabilization (like that indicators of political loyalty, instead of potential
for intervention in land and labor markets) has investment productivity.
proved to be more resilient. In an extensive review of several Asian
The case for government stabilization of economies, Meyer and Nagarajan (2000)
prices is weak at best. If the source of domestic characterize the predominant form of bank lending
price instability is international price variability, to the rural sector in the 1960s through the 1980s
even costless stabilization would be welfare as targeted (e.g. to farmers), funded by
reducing. Consumers gain more from low prices governments and donors at subsidized rates, and
than they lose from high prices. The reverse is negligible selection and monitoring procedures.
true for producers. If domestic supply were the Borrowers correctly perceived the programs as
source of unstable domestic prices, price entitlements, not obligations, and repayment rates
stabilization via a costless buffer stocking scheme were extremely low, with the exception of
would be welfare increasing, but, of course, no economies with “strong civil and professional
such free lunch exists. Feasible acquisition and traditions” such as Korea and Taiwan. As described
release strategies are likely to be welfare-reducing above, this approach stagnated the natural evolution
when they work, due to the limited degree of of both the formal and informal sectors.
stabilization and high costs. Similarly in Pakistan, the Agricultural
Moreover, empirical evidence suggests that Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP), which
attempts to stabilize grain prices do not work provides most formal loans in rural areas, lends to
(Roumasset 2000, 2003b), and theoretical analysis large landowners much more than to small
shows that stabilization strategies involving buffer landowners (Faruqee and Khandker 2001). Large
stocks tend to be destabilizing in the long run, due borrowers with lower marginal benefits use formal
to the probability that stocks, storage capacity, or loans unproductively and have high rate of default.
available budgets will eventually be exhausted As a result, the ADBP’s operations impose a heavy
(Wright and Williams 1990). burden on the government because of large
subsidies required to sustain its operations every
3. Policy Failures: A Synthesis year. The Asian Development Bank is now
The intellectual failures reviewed above include recommending not subsidizing interest rates in rural
market failure, behavioral failure, and institutional finance operations (Asian Development Bank
failure. All of these result from misplaced exo- 2003).
geneity. A full understanding of policy failures, Rural credit programs in the formal sector
however, goes beyond diagnosing errors in have expanded substantially in most Asian
economic reasoning. Political economy instructs countries, but it has been mostly short-term credit
that bad policy results from rent-seeking as much targeted to farmers. Because of subsidized rates
as bad economics.9 and poor prudential practices, these programs have
Directed credit programs, for example, may not been financially sustainable. Rather, programs
have been justified by defunct economics but served are renewed, renamed, and revived through
as viable mechanisms for political patronage in additional tranches from international donors or
the general funds of governments. The “band-aid”
response of international donors in the 1980s was
to seek to make small farmers more creditworthy
As Blinder (1987) notes, as long as there is sufficient
diversity of economic analyses, policymakers can select by subsidizing ambitious programs of formal land
the economist who best defends their politically-determined titling, e.g. as in Northern Thailand.
positions. However, greater understanding certainly Feder et al. (1988) argue that simultaneously
contributes to greater transparency about unintended
consequences, which in turn, weakens the political subsidizing the establishment of formal land titles
sustainability of bad policy. and otherwise expanding formal lending improves
62 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 1, No. 1

welfare by funding agricultural investments with favorable inframarginal prices will be conferred
high present values that had formerly been rationed on those who have gained a political advantage or
out of the credit market. Econometric support for whose political favor is curried by iron-triangle
such claims is not founded on any viable theoretical politicians and bureaucrats.
construct, however, and remains suspect. Models The antidote to blackboard economics is
are needed that can rationalize the coexistence of methodo-logical fundamentalism (Nozick 1975).
formal and informal credit markets and that can be Economic cooperation in agriculture is more
used to examine the consequences of subsidies, complex “than is imagined in your calculus,
regulations, and changes in property rights. Horatio.”11 The principle of comparative advantage
Another area of policy failure in Asia is land implies that different characteristics of land and
reform. For example, land reform in the landowners will call for different intensities and
Philippines outlawed share tenancy. As a result, composition of inputs and organizational forms
land reform beneficiaries hired permanent workers with unlimited differences in architecture. Judging
who were paid a fixed amount for the season. the relative efficiency of different organizational
Hayami and Otsuka (1993) conclude that this has forms commits the most fundamental fallacy in
been an inferior substitute for share tenancy. economics – judging performance without
Another Philippine example concerns the understanding the nature and causes of the
failure to consider properly basing landlord phenomenon of interest.
compensation on land quality. By basing Prescribing policy reforms based on the
compensation on the principle that 25% of yield is premise that politicians, bureaucrats, and academics
a fair rent, reform confiscates value from owners can socially-engineer institutions superior to those
of good and average farms but actually over- shaped, tested, and improved in the crucible of
rewards owners of poor-quality land (Roumasset evolution is a recipe for government failure. The
and James 1979). As a result, friends and relatives New Institutional Economics provides an
of poor-quality landowners submit bogus claims alternative paradigm that encourages greater caution
that they have been working the land as tenants so in tinkering with institutions that have evolved in
that the landlord receives more than the land is the crucible of competition.
worth (and landownership remains in the family).
There is a good reason, however, why The New Institutional Economics
politicians embrace the bad analysis supporting land of Agricultural Organization
reform. The implementation of land reform has The alternative to misplaced exogeneity involves
always been very spotty. The administration in characterizing the true nature and seeking the
power can be very strict towards its enemies in the fundamental causes of behavior and organization.
implementation of reform and very lax with its In a cross section of farms, for example, which
friends. Thus land reform becomes a potent political type of land is allocated in large parcels, to which
weapon. eco-nomic actors, and why? How has the
Another persistent policy cockroach10 relates composition between family and hired labor
to the attempt to control agricultural prices through changed and why? Under what conditions do
government parastatals, who are tasked with the landlords choose to contract with tenants to manage
impossible mission of maintaining high and stable their land?
producer prices as well as low and stable consumer The central decision-making model of
prices (Roumasset 2000). Trying to distort and development microeconomics is the farm-household
stabilize prices by prohibiting private trade and model. A simple version is depicted in Figure 1,
enabling parastatal monopolies has the opposite which shows the household labor supply schedule
effect of fragmenting markets and blunting
incentives for farmers and the agribusiness sector.
Attempts to control prices will decrease the welfare
of consumers, producers, or both. Moreover the
Paul Krugman once remarked that the purpose of
economics is to flush bad ideas, but like New York
inframarginal nature of price controls that results cockroaches, they keep coming back.
from limited parastatal resources implies that 11
From Shakespeare’s Hamlet
James Roumasset 63

maximization problem, inasmuch as the labor

supply schedule is not independent of farm income.
Similarly, the household-farm produces the
shadow-profit maximizing quantity of the
agricultural commodity, where the shadow price is
bounded by the buying price and the selling price,
and coincident with the household demand schedule
in between. Again there is a limited source of non-
separability, inasmuch as household demand is
dependent on farm income. The “wedge model”
contrasts with the household-farm model of Lau et
al. (1981) and Ahn et al. (1981) wherein household
consumption is determined recursively, based on
the profit-maximizing behavior of the farm.
Nonetheless, a recursive algorithm can be employed
to solve the wedge model, albeit by guessing
Fig. 1. Quasi-Separability of Farm Labor Demand household consumption and iterating until the
and Farm Household Supply
guessed consumption level is consistent with both
the household utility function and the shadow-profit-
of a representative farm household and three maximizing farm income.
possible labor-demand schedules, depending on However, the wedge model begs the question
(quality-adjusted) farm size. regarding determination of the unit transaction-cost
For D1, the family exports its excess labor, wedge. That is provided by agency theory. Figure
and the relevant shadow price of labor is ws, the 2 illustrates agency theory in the context of
“selling wage” after deducting journey to work and alternative labor contracts. Piece rates are
other necessary expenses from the nominal wage. commonly used in situations where the product of
For D3, the farm-household imports hired labor, labor is easily observable, for example, sizing and
and the shadow wage is wh, the hiring wage after sharpening the cane stalks prior to planting, and
including the employer’s agency cost, including the planting of stalks at uniform spacing. These
recruiting and supervision costs and the residual tasks are tantamount to intermediate products
costs of labor shirking (see section Credit and delivered to the farm operator, who pays according
Marketing). If labor demand intersects household to quantity. This institution economizes on
supply in the intermediate range between wh and minimum agency cost, i.e. the minimum sum of
w s, the shadow wage rate is given by the supervision cost and minimum shirking cost. For
household’s marginal opportunity cost of labor.12 tasks that are not amenable to ex post inspection,
Accordingly, the rational farm household can be supervision is used to concurrently monitor the
said to be maximizing shadow profits, based on labor activity in question and workers are paid
the shadow-wage schedule, according to the time spent on an activity, not its
w = ws, L < L1 The four panels illustrate the comparative-
wh, L > L2 statics proposition that if tasks are sufficiently easy
SL, L1 < L < L2 to monitor through ex post inspection then the
corresponding agency cost at optimal monitoring
The profit maximization problem of the farm will be lower than the agency cost of wage
is only quasi-separable from the household utility contracts. The opposite is true for tasks that are
hard to monitor. For each task, the unit transaction
cost is given by the least of the two minimum
A similar model and circumscribed comparative statics agency costs (MAC) for the task in question.
are provided in de Janvry et al. (1991), and Sadoulet and
The wedge model can be used to explain
de Janvry (1995). An extension of the model to include
behavior under uncertainty is in Roumasset (1979). behavior of the household-farm, the basic building
64 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 1, No. 1

Piece Rate Time Rate

Task results
in an

Result of
labor not

Fig. 2. Specialization of contracts by task

block for theories of agricultural development. The of inquiry is the terms of agricultural organization,
agency-cost model can be used for explaining rural e.g. tenant’s and harvester’s shares of production,
institutions. Both are essential for understanding the first-best model, which abstracts from
the consequences of contemplated policy reforms. transaction costs, has been found to be appropriate.
The New Institutional Economics (e.g., In first-best analysis the terms of contracts are set
Roumasset 1978) also recognizes that different such that factors receive their marginal products,
levels of analysis may be appropriate for the just as if there were competitive markets.14 Third-
analysis of different problems. Models that best analysis or political economy allows for
recognize transaction costs such as the two above multilateral opportunism in the pursuit of favorable
are classified as second best.13 When the subject government treatment by special interests (Dixit

Note that while both models accommodate transaction 14
This is the implicit theoretical underpinning of Hayami and
costs, the first regards them as being exogenous while Kikuchi’s (1982) study of rural institutions in the Philippines
the second determines unit transaction costs and Indonesia. Sufficient assumptions and a theoretical
endogenously. demonstration of market and contract equivalence are
provided in Roumasset (1979).
James Roumasset 65

1996). The following three sections rely primarily this dramatic institutional change.
on the second-best level of analysis. The fourth Figure 3 represents a typical farm household
section provides a brief synthesis using all three in the province of Laguna and shows how four
levels of analysis. factors combined to increase hired labor
dramatically. First, and most importantly, the
1. Land, Labor and the Nature of the Farm intensification of production, ultimately caused by
Consider the evolution of hired labor. In Marxist increasing land scarcity and accommodated by the
view, the new rice and wheat technology that swept new rice technology, increased the demand for labor
through Asia in the 1970s disenfranchised the per hectare. This is illustrated by the shift in the
peasantry and led to falling wages and increased demand curve to the right.
unemployment. In the induced innovation view Secondly, increased farmer incomes resulted
(Binswanger and Ruttan 1978; Ruttan 2003), the in increased schooling of farm children. This,
causation was just the reverse. Population pressure combined with the increased specialization among
on limited land resources drove down wages farm workers, lowered the amount of farm-
thereby inducing land-saving technological change. household labor per hectare. These higher
In effect, this allowed “biological capital” (modern opportunity costs and lower substitutability for
varieties and chemical inputs) and labor to substitute skilled labor are illustrated by the shift in the labor
for land. The increased demand for labor had a supply curve to the left.
positive effect on wages, just not enough to offset Thirdly, the market wage went down (from
the effect of population pressure (Hayami and Wm0 to Wm1) as population growth, including in-
Kikuchi 1982). migration, increased by more than enough to supply
The induced-technological-change explanat- the increased labor demand.
ion just described is a first-best argument. However, Fourthly, the transaction cost wedge between
not only did labor per hectare increase, its the market wage and the gross hiring wage decreased
composition changed dramatically. In the 10 years due to the advent of labor contractors and other
following the adoption of the new rice varieties in new institutions of labor contracting (Roumasset
the Philippines, hired labor in weeding for example and Uy 1980). These third and fourth factors are
increased from less than 20% of total labor to more illustrated by a downward shift in the gross hiring
than 80% (Roumasset and Smith 1981). Figure 3 wage (from Wh0 to Wh1).
illustrates the use of the wedge model to explain

S1 S0

Wm0 Labor


Fig. 3. High yielding varieties and the advent of labor markets
66 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 1, No. 1

As hired labor increased, a menu of

agricultural contracts emerged for incentivizing
labor in different tasks. The previously discussed
Figure 2 shows how agency theory can be used to
explain the tendency for piece rate contracts to be
chosen when the task amounts to delivering an
observable intermediate product. Statistical analysis
of sugarcane contracts in the Philippines confirms
this tendency (Roumasset and Uy 1980). For
example, cane stalks are prepared for planting
(uniformly sized and sharpened) and laid out for
inspection. The farm operator simply inspects them
for quality and uniformity. Next the stalks are
planted, and the operator inspects for proper height
and spacing. Fig. 4. An Eclectic Theory of Share Tenancy
Gama or Ilani, as practiced in the Philippines,
is an institutional arrangement whereby the worker
contracts to weed and harvest a specified parcel
for typically 1/6 of the rice harvested for that parcel; can explain either the falling harvesters share or
ceblokan, practiced in Indonesia, typically requires the increased work required, second-best
transplanting, in addition to harvesting and considerations are required to understand why one
weeding, for the same 1/6 share (Roumasset 1978; institution was favored over the other.
Hayami and Kikuchi 1982).15 These arrangements Figure 4 provides a second-best efficiency
were preceded by hunusan in the Philippines and explanation of the institution of share tenancy. The
bawon in Indonesia, wherein only harvesting was larger the tenant share, the less the agency costs of
done for the share of the harvest, typically 1/6. labor shirking (monitoring cost plus residual
Before the new institutions of gama and bawon, shirking costs). On the other hand, the greater the
the share was sometimes lowered to 1/8 (Roumasset tenant share, the greater the tenant’s incentive to
1978). overuse or under-maintain land quality. Share
Why did the share settle at one-sixth and the tenancy (with a tenant’s share of roughly one-half)
work increase instead of the share simply declining? minimizes the agency cost of both sources
Hayami (1998) suggests that another function of combined. There is nothing inherently inefficient
gama/ceblokan was to provide an explicit selection in the contract, just explicit recognition of the
mechanism for choosing who would weed/harvest contracting costs inherent in specialization.
and to allocate a specific parcel to each group of Inasmuch as the tenant is the farm manager,
workers. In addition to selection, this provides not a worker, it is futile to classify “forms of tenure”
improved incentives over the open hunusan/bawon as share tenant, lessee, and wage worker. Rather,
systems that were open to anyone in the village. the need is to classify organizational forms by which
Under the old system, a kind of free-riding ownership, management, and labor are connected.
occurred wherein workers would harvest faster than Figure 5 illustrates a taxonomy of firms
efficiency warrants, just to be able to harvest more. classified according to degree of specialization. Note
Moreover, having workers harvest the same plot that pure owner-operator and owner-manager are
that they weeded (and sometimes transplanted) on opposite sides of the specialization spectrum,
provided additional incentives to weed/transplant even though the conventional taxonomy classifies
with greater care. Thus while first-best principles them both as owner operator. The pure owner-
operator household does all the management and
all the labor. There is no hired labor. The owner
Remarkably, a similar arrangement was documented in manager hires most of the labor, and reserves for
The Constituion of Athens almost 3,000 years ago. himself only those tasks which are bundled with
Workers contracted under a sharing arrangement in
ancient Greece were called Hectomori or “sixth partners.” managerial discretion, e.g. fertilization.
James Roumasset 67

Fig. 5. A Spectrum of Agricultural Firms

Share tenancy is characterized by an on both the formal and informal sectors from the
intermediate amount of specialization - the tenant perspective of the model just described. The natural
does most of the management, all discretionary evolution of banks will be directly jeopardized by
tasks, and some other tasks, e.g. land preparation. subsidizing banks that charge low interest and
Evidence from the Philippines and Nepal confirms compete for the same customers as banks that rely
that specialization is driven by intensity of on savings mobilization, charge borrowers higher
cultivation, which is driven in turn by favorable rates and aim for financial sustainability. Inasmuch
land quality, location, and economic environment as mobile factors such as loanable funds and skilled
(Roumasset 1995). Intensification can also be labor are drawn from the unprotected sector to the
driven by population pressure, demand growth, and protected sector, subsidizing the formal sector also
rising land values. Not only does intensification stunts the growth of the informal sector, instead of
warrant more specialized agricultural firms, but the expanding it so as to access commercial credit (Hoff
organization of hired labor itself becomes and Stiglitz 1998; Bose 1998). But instead of letting
increasingly specialized. these failed programs die a natural death, donors
have subsidized new programs, such as formalizing
2. The Evolution of Lending Institutions land titles, and justified new tranches of funds for
In applying the new institutional economics to credit directed lending, thereby inhibiting natural market
markets, the first task is to rationalize the development even longer.
coexistence of the formal and informal sectors. It Moreover the new loans are disproportion-
is natural to assume that the formal sector specializes ately given to those with previous dealings in the
in enforcement through the formal sector, e.g. formal sector and displace informal loans whose
through legal foreclosure procedures, and that the enforce-ment depends on personalized information
informal sector specializes in more personalized and repeated interactions. Thus the interventions
mechanisms such as repeated transactions, tend to shrink the informal sector and its high
reputation, and idiosyncratic bonding devices.16 shadow price of credit and expand the formal
Formal institutions such as rural banks concentrate sector, which is characterized by a low shadow price.
on production loans. The informal sector lends to Instead of artificially fragmenting credit
relatively poorer households for both production markets and penalizing the informal sector, policies
and consumption purposes and at high unsubsidized are needed that deepen credit markets by building
rates. on existing institutions. At any given level of market
The widespread policy of usury laws and development, shadow prices of credit differ across
subsidized rural banks in Asia has perverse effects both market lenders and borrowers. Institutional
development occurs when the benefits of arbitraging
across different shadow prices is greater than the
additional governance costs of the new institutions.
For example, moneylenders in Northern Thailand sometimes
hold a borrower’s land title, even though they have neither
the ability nor the inclination to possess the land in question.
But holding the title is of sufficient value to the borrower to 3. The Nature of Economic Integration:
incentivize repayment (Siamwalla et al. 1990). See Transaction Costs and Specialization
Roumasset (1986) for further discussion of the credit
model described.
In modern parlance, the classical engine of growth
68 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 1, No. 1

F Family labor P Piece rate labor
E Exchange labor P-T Piece rate with team labor

Fig. 6. Intensification and Specialization

ala Adam Smith is falling unit transaction costs, increases, piece rate workers are hired for selected
which facilitate ever-increasing transactions and tasks (those which are relatively easy to monitor)
specialization of economic organization (Yang and and undifferentiated wage labor declines.
Ng 1993). This proposition emanated from the New The third phase of stage II involves a further
Institutional Economics and was used to explain decrease in undifferentiated wage labor, a decline
the role of labor specialization in agricultural in individually-hired piece workers, and the advent
development (Roumasset and Smith 1981). In of two new contracts. In “piece-rate with team
Yang’s (2003) formalization, unit transaction costs labor,” the farm operator contracts with a labor
are driven down by the endogenous emergence of contractor who also served as team leader and
middlemen, whose specialization is warranted by supervisor. The other new form is for skilled
the extent of the (growing) potential market. For laborers who specialized in particular tasks and were
example, the institution of piece rates with teams paid in wages. These new forms come to dominate
(Roumasset and Uy 1980) economized on labor the other forms of hired labor in stage III. Piece-
recruiting and supervision costs by relying on direct rate with teams continued to replace individual
contracting between the farm operator and the team piece-rate contracts, and specialized wage labor
leader, who maintained a reputation for reliability. replaced undifferentiated wage labor and most of
Figure 6 provides a stylized evolutionary household labor.17
pattern of labor contracts. During stage I, labor is The explanation of the above dynamic pattern
provided by the farm household and exchange of labor contracts is similar to the agency theory
arrangements with residents in the same village. explanation of the spectrum of agricultural firms
During stage II, the next three rows of Figure 6,
hired labor emerges. At first labor is hired on a
wage basis, and workers are not differentiated with 17
For statisical documentation and further discussion, see
respect to task. As horizontal specialization Setboonsarng (1991) and Roumasset et al. (1995).
James Roumasset 69

(Figure 5). In both cases, the objective is to explain inefficiency in order to conclude that market
a spectrum of contracts ranked according to inefficiency exists but that government actions
specialization. In the cross-section case, the same won’t be plagued by the very transaction costs that
preconditions for production intensity (e.g. land limit markets. When donors and politicians alike
quality) also predispose a more specialized are in denial about their failures and throw more
organizational form. As the profit maximizing level money at the very problems they have exacerbated,
of inputs increases, more production management band aid and blackhole cycles of ever-greater public
is warranted, indicating an organizational form spending and worsening distortions are
wherein the manager is rewarded with a larger share promulgated.
of the residual. That is, the agency costs associated The key to avoiding misplaced exogeneity is
with shirking of non-labor inputs increase, moving to capture the essence of institutions and to provide
towards better quality land, and those costs are best fundamental explanations thereof. The new
economized by supervising labor and incentivizing institutional economics provides an explanatory
managers (Roumasset 1995). framework with three levels of analysis. First-best
As farm production intensifies, labor inputs analysis abstracts from transaction costs. Second-
increase, until the last stage wherein capital-labor best analysis incorporates transaction costs. Third-
substitution overcomes input intensification. Labor best analysis incorporates the costs of political action
contracts are increasingly specialized, eventually and other elements of public choice. For example,
with labor contracts made on a task-by-task basis. the case for land-to-the-tiller reform, which is based
Thus intensification and specialization are on the inverse correlation between farm size and
coevolutionary. The diagram also helps to resolve yield-per-hectare can be refuted at both the first
the fundamental paradox that total transaction costs and second-best levels. On the first-best level, it
increase as economic development proceeds (North can be shown that efficient organization of family
and Wallis 1982). Lower unit costs of transportation farming requires that good quality land be
and communication (unit transaction costs) are organized in larger farms than poorer quality land
falling and improved institutions lower the agency (Roumasset and James 1979) thereby revealing the
costs (supervision plus residual shirking costs) per fallacy in the inverse-relationship-implies-
unit of labor hired. But because more labor is hired inefficiency thesis. On the second-best level, the
and because specialization increases the number of wedge model can be used to show that smaller farms
contracts (even normalized by yield per hectare), face higher shadow prices of labor (Sah 1986) such
transaction expenditures increase. that second-best efficiency implies the inverse
Note, however, that economic efficiency does relationship, thereby undermining the
not imply that shadow price differences across space interventionist logic again.
and time disappear altogether. The efficiency Third-best analysis is exemplified by the
condition is rather that such differences cannot explanation of why agricultural protection increases
exceed the cost of transport and storage, respectively with a country’s per-capita income (Balisacan and
(Kratz and Roumasset 2001). Econo-metric tests Roumasset 1987). In this arena of public choice,
for market integration, using modern techniques one must explicitly consider the costs and benefits
of cointegration, appear to have failed to specify of coalitional investment in political influence in
this integration hypothesis correctly. Moreover, order to get the appropriate comparative-statics
shadow prices of inputs and outputs can vary across results.
agents in the efficient solution according to the One source of confusion regarding the NIE
household wedge model discussed above. concerns the plethora of definitions of transaction
costs. Transaction costs have been defined most
4. Summary and Implications broadly by Nobel Laureate Kenneth Arrow as costs
for Development Policy of running the economic system and are the
Policy failures result from a combination of bad economic equivalent of friction in physical systems
economics and rent-seeking behavior of politicians. (Williamson 1985). Sublevels of transaction-like
Through blackboard economics, including costs can also be distinguished. The first is unit
misplaced exogeneity, analysts unwittingly assume transaction costs, e.g. the cost of one man-hour of
70 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 1, No. 1

supervision. Another is agency cost, e.g. the unit The best stabilization program would be to
cost of supervision times the man-hours of abolish parastatals that monopolize international
supervision plus the residual shirking cost. (This trade in grains and eliminate government-imposed
concept was illustrated in the agency diagrams.) barriers to entry. This policy would not only render
These distinctions make it possible to explain the industry competitive, but it would create a
the essence of economic development as envisioned rapid-response capability to import in times of
by Adam Smith in The Nature and Causes of the unexpectedly high domestic prices by removing the
Wealth of Nations. As social capital (including elaborate contracting, procurement, bidding, and
infrastructure) increases, unit transaction costs fall, other administrative requirements that presently
thereby facilitating greater specialization. In delay government purchases. It may also be
particular, the number of both final and appropriate for governments to assure the
intermediate goods increases as does the number maintenance of a small strategic reserve for
of distinct labor tasks and opportunities for emergency purposes. But a maximum size should
learning-by-doing. Thus economic specialization be established for the strategic reserve based on
and integration are part of the same evolutionary the conceivable number of regions that could be in
process (Yang 2003). Total transaction costs, in the deficit at the same time, the availability of rice in
broadest sense, increase with efficient development, the local market, and the minimum delivery time
i.e. the income elasticity of transaction costs is of foreign-sourced grain. It is difficult to imagine
greater than one. This means that economic how such considerations could justify stocks greater
organization gets more complex, and market than 15 times the daily consumption rate.
deepening proceeds, faster than unit transaction By considering specialization and institutional
costs decline. choice as endogenous, one can understand two
However, natural market deepening is beneficial effects that are often overlooked. First,
impeded by market-distorting interventions inasmuch as institutional change is induced by
including trade restrictions, price interventions, changing factor prices (Ruttan 1978, 2003), e.g.,
shipping and other regulations, and failure to falling wages relative to rents, it allows greater
provide public infrastructure (including quality substitution of labor for land, thus partially
standards). Marketing regulations, such as ameliorating downward pressure on wages. Second,
parastatals, exemplify how government policy can to the extent that institutional change facilitates
stagnate the natural evolutionary process and specialization and the external economies associated
stagnate an industry instead. Economic integration therewith (Yang 2003), it may actually overcome
can be enhanced by removing these policy the original downward pressure on wages
distortions and by focusing on facilitating actions (Roumasset and Van Assche 2003).19
such as agricultural research and the provision of
transportation and communication infrastructure.18

Note, however, that statistical tests of “cointegration” do 19
Econometric studies showing that hired labor is less
not provide a valid measure of market integration. The productive than family labor fail to account for the
naive measures used presume that equality of shadow specialization going on and for the fact that the farm
prices across space and across economic agents is the operator’s labor is considerably more valuable than the
efficient benchmark. Even more sophisticated theory that shadow price of hired labor. In other words, the inefficiency
equates shadow price differentials with transport costs arguments ignore the principle of comparative advantage.
is correct only for location pairs between which
transportation of the good in question is non-zero.
Moreover, it is misleading to separate space from time. For
example, optimal trade and transportation of grain in the
Philippines calls for exporting from the south following
their peak harvest and importing to Manila preceding the
wet season harvest on Luzon. During periods when
efficient transportation is zero, shadow prices differentials
can be less than transport costs.
James Roumasset 71

CONCLUSION: STOP, PUSH, shadow prices that prevail, e.g. due to

AND FACILITATE communication and transport costs and limitations
There has long been a tendency among economists in the rule of law. This does not mean, however,
and others to use statistical evidence and stylized that developing countries should imitate the modern
facts to castigate behavior and organization in institutions of high-income economies, e.g. by
developing countries as sources of inefficiency and spending vast sums on modern cadastral surveys
inequity, and to propose coercive mechanisms for and court proceedings in order to confer Western-
reshaping the economy. These attempts illustrate style land titles before their benefits warrant their
that empirical analysis cannot be stronger than the costs. Rather, appropriate rules of property and
underlying theory. Unless the theory accounts for contracting should be allowed to evolve along with
the nature and causes of economic organization, the increasing specialization and intensification of
econometric analysis can only deliver statistical production.
patterns. It cannot be used as the basis of policy The economics of rural organization with
recommendations. endogenous behavior and organization is in its
In relation to this, the assertion that infancy. There is a promising body of theory
government intervention can always improve featuring specialization as the central pillar of
efficiency is based on a straw man version of the economic organization (e.g. Yang 2003) and a rich
market in which neither private governance, nor tapestry of rural institutions waiting to be described
multilateral agreements are allowed. Even if such and explained. Much remains to be done.
circum-scribed characterizations were accepted, the
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