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A Rickshaw originally denoted a two or three-wheeled passenger cart, now known as a pulled rickshaw, which is generally pulled by one man carrying one passenger. The first
known use of the term was in 1879.[1] Over time, cycle rickshaws (also known as pedicabs or trishaws), auto rickshaws, and electric rickshaws were invented, and have replaced
the original pulled rickshaws, with a few exceptions for their use in tourism.

Pulled rickshaws created a popular form of transportation, and a source of employment for male laborers, within Asian cities in the 19th century. Their appearance was related to
newly acquired knowledge of ball-bearing systems. Their popularity declined as cars, trains and other forms of transportation became widely available.

Auto rickshaws are becoming more popular in some cities in the 21st century as an alternative to taxis because of their low cost.

Late 19th century
20th century
North America
21st century

See also
References Pulled, cycle, and auto rickshaws
Additional reading

Rickshaw originates from the Japanese word jinrikisha (人力車, 人 jin = human, 力 riki = power or force, 車 sha = vehicle),
which literally means "human-powered vehicle".[2]

Pulled rickshaw, Japan, about 1897


Rickshaws were invented in Japan about 1869,[3][4] after the lifting of a ban on wheeled vehicles from the Tokugawa period
(1603–1868),[5] and at the beginning of a rapid period of technical advancement in Japan.[4][6]

There are lots of theories about the inventor, with the most likely and widely accepted theory describing the Rickshaw as having
been invented in Japan in 1869,[4] by Izumi Yosuke,[7][8] who formed a partnership with Suzuki Tokujiro and Takayama Kosuke
to build the vehicles,[9] having been "inspired by the horse carriages that had been introduced to the streets of Tokyo a few years

Other theories about the inventor of the Rickshaw include: Cycle rickshaw Bangladeshi style
Rickshaw in Sweden.
Jonathan Scobie (or Jonathan Goble), an American missionary to Japan, is said to have invented the rickshaw around 1869
to transport his invalid wife through the streets of Yokohama.[6][11][12]
An American blacksmith named Albert Tolman is said to have invented the rickshaw, or "man drawn lorry", in 1846 in
Worcester, Massachusetts, for a South American bound missionary.[13]
In New Jersey, the Burlington County Historical Society claims an 1867 invention by carriage maker James Birch, and
exhibits a Birch rickshaw in its museum.[14]
Japan historian Seidensticker wrote of the theories:

Though the origins of the rickshaw are not entirely clear, they seem to be Japanese, and of Tokyo specifically. The
most widely accepted theory offers the name of three inventors, and gives 1869 as the date of invention.[3]
An auto rickshaw (tuk-tuk) in Nairobi

The vehicle had a wooden carriage that rode on "superior Western wheels" and was a dramatic improvement over earlier modes of transportation. Whereas the earlier sedan
chairs required two people, the rickshaw generally only required one. More than one person was required for hilly or mountainous areas. It also provided a smoother ride for the
passenger. Other forms of vehicles at the time were drawn by animals or were wheelbarrows.[4]

The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Australia, has had a rickshaw in its collection for over 120 years. It was made about 1880
and is described as:

A rickshaw, or Jinrikisha, is a light, two-wheeled cart consisting of a doorless, chairlike body, mounted on springs
with a collapsible hood and two shafts. Finished in black lacquer-ware over timber, it was drawn by a single
rickshaw runner.[15]
(video) Various rickshaws for tourists in
Asakusa, Japan (2015)

Late 19th century

In the Late 19th century, hand-pulled Rickshaws became an inexpensive, popular mode of transportation across Asia.[4] Peasants who migrated to large Asian cities often worked
first as a rickshaw runner.[16][17] It was "the deadliest occupation in the East, [and] the most degrading for human beings to pursue."[17][nb 1]

Starting in 1870, the Tokyo government issued a permit to build and sell ⼈⼒⾞ (jinrikisha : rickshaws in Japanese) to the trio that are believed in Asia to be the rickshaw's
inventors: Izumi Yosuke, Takayama Kosuke, and Suzuki Tokujiro. In order to operate a rickshaw in Tokyo, a seal was required from these men.[10] By 1872, they replaced the kago
and norimono, becoming the main mode of transportation in Japan, with about 40,000 rickshaws in service. At that time man-power was much cheaper than horse-power;
horses were generally only used by the military. Some of the rickshaws were artistically decorated with paintings and rear elevations. In this time, the more exuberant styles of
decorations were banned.[18] If the families were well-off financially they might have their own rickshaw runner. Generally, runners covered 32 to 48 kilometres (20 to 30 mi) in a
day, at an average traveling speed of 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) per hour.[9][15]

Japanese rickshaw manufacturers produced and exported rickshaws to Asian countries and South Africa.[9]

Singapore received its first rickshaws in 1880 and soon after they were prolific, making a "noticeable change in the traffic on Singapore's streets."[4] Bullock carts and gharries
were used before rickshaws were introduced.[17]

Many of the poorest individuals in Singapore in the late nineteenth century were poverty-stricken, unskilled people of Chinese ancestry. Sometimes called coolies, the
hardworking men found that pulling a rickshaw was a new opportunity for employment.[19]

In 1897, martial law was declared to end a four-day rickshaw workers' strike.[20]

In China, the rickshaw was first seen in 1873 and was used for public transportation the following year. Within a year there were 10,000 rickshaws in operation.[21] Around 1880
rickshaws appeared in India, first introduced in Simla by Reverend J. Fordyce.[22] At the turn of the century they were introduced in Calcutta, India, and by 1914 were a
conveyance for hire.[4] The rickshaw was also introduced to Korea in the late 19th century.[23]
20th century
After World War II, there was a major shift in the use of man-powered rickshaws:

Hand-pulled rickshaws became an embarrassment to modernizing urban elites in the Third World, and were widely
banned, in part because they were symbolic, not of modernity, but of a feudal world of openly marked class distinctions.
Perhaps the seated rickshaw passenger is too close to the back of the laboring driver, who, besides, is metaphorically a
draught animal harnessed between shafts.[20]

19th century rickshaw in Hanoi.

The cycle rickshaw was built in the 1880s and was first used with regularity starting in 1929 in Singapore. They were found in every
south and east Asian country by 1950. By the late 1980s there were estimated 4 million cycle rickshaws in the world.[24]

Rickshaws were introduced to Durban, South Africa, and by 1904 there were about 2,000 registered rickshaw pullers.[4][25] [26]
Rickshaws operated in Nairobi in the beginning of the 20th century; pullers went on strike there in 1908.[27] In the 1920s, they were
used in Bagamoyo, Tanga, Tanzania and other areas of East Africa for short distances.[28][29]

Edward, Prince of Wales, and his
The rickshaw's popularity in Japan had declined by the 1930s with the advent of automated forms of transportation like automobiles
staff disguised as rickshaw men
and trains. After World War II, when gasoline and automobiles were scarce, they made a temporary come-back. The rickshaw tradition during his visit to Japan in 1922. He
has stayed alive in Kyoto and Tokyo's geisha districts.[15][16] In the 1990s, German-made cycle rickshaws called "velotaxis" were bought the clothes himself in Kyoto.
introduced in Japanese cities, including Kobe.[16]

In China, the rickshaw's popularity began to decline in the 1920s[16] and particularly as a mode of passenger transportation by the 1950s. A rough form of a rickshaw is sometimes
used for hauling coal, building materials or other material. Both motorized and pedal-power cycle rickshaws, or pedicabs, were used for short distance passenger travel.[30] There
are still many rickshaws in many cities for either touring purposes (in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, with traditional Chinese rickshaws) or short range transportation in
some counties.

In Singapore, the rickshaw's popularity increased into the 20th century. There were approximately 50,000 rickshaws in 1920 and that number had doubled by 1930.[3] Cycle
rickshaws were used in Singapore beginning in 1929. Within six years pulled rickshaws were outnumbered by cycle rickshaws,[24] which were also used by sightseeing tourists.
[31][nb 2]

In the 1930s, cycle rickshaws were used in Kolkata, India; Jakarta, Indonesia; and Dhaka, Bangladesh. By 1950 they could be found in many South and East Asian countries.[24]
By the end of the 20th century, there were 300,000 such vehicles in Dhaka.[32] By the end of 2013, there were about 100,000 electric rickshaws in Delhi.[33]

North America
Pedicabs were introduced in North America in 1962, where they were a means of transportation at the Seattle World's Fair in the state of Washington.[34]
21st century
The 21st century has seen a resurgence in rickshaws, particularly in motorized rickshaws and cycle rickshaws. Auto rickshaws, also
called velotaxis, have resurged as they are about 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of regular taxis. German velotaxis are three-wheeled, powered
vehicles with a space for a driver and, behind the driver, space for two passengers.[35] Cycle rickshaws are used in many North
American, European, and Asian cities.[12] They are increasingly being used as an eco-friendly way of short-range transportation,
particularly in urban areas. Along with auto rickshaws, they are also used (particularly by Asian cities) for tourism, because of their
"novelty value as an entertaining form of transportation". [12]

In Madagascar, pulled cycle and auto rickshaws are a common form of transportation in a number of cities, especially Antsirabe. They
are known as pousse-pousse, meaning push-push.[36][37]

Macau - Still uses tri-wheels bicycle rickshaw, or Riquexó in Portuguese, as Macau was a Portuguese colony in the past, and this kind Traditional Chinese touring cycle
rickshaw in Beijing
of transportation were very famous till late 20th century, due to the fact of being a small city and few cars, not so much motorcycle,
very bad public transport and none other transport such as train or subway. You can go around Macau peninsula and the two island on
rickshaw, and visit the Riquexó Museum and see the evolution of rickshaw since 18th till nowadays.

Automated cycle rickshaws, called velotaxis, are popular in Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan. Their use is growing at a rate of about 20-30% a year in
Japanese cities. The traditional rickshaws are still alive for travelers in some tourist places in Japan. Rickshaws are found in Hong Kong.[35] In
China, automated and pedal-power cycle rickshaws, or pedicabs, are used for short distance passenger travel in large cities and many medium-
sized cities.[30] Most Indian cities offer auto rickshaw service; Hand-pulled rickshaws do exist in some areas, such as Kolkata (Calcutta) as a
part of their transport system which also includes cycle rickshaws.[38]

In Australia, Cycle rickshaws or trishaws (3 wheels) are used in Melbourne and St Kilda. They are also seen in Cowaramup, Western Australia
at Bakehouse '38.

Auto rickshaw located in

Europe Brighton Marina.

Cycle rickshaws or trishaws (3 wheels) are used in most large continental European cities,[39] such as:

Austria: Vienna
Denmark: Copenhagen and Odense[40][41]
France: Paris and Nantes[41]
Germany: Lake Constance, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover and other cities.[39][41]
Hungary: Budapest[41]
Ireland: Cork and Dublin.
Italy: Florence, Milan,[41] and Rome
The Netherlands: Amsterdam and in the Caribbean, Willemstad[41][42]
Norway: Oslo[41]
Poland: Kraków and Łódź
Russia: Saint Petersburg[43]
Spain: Barcelona and Valencia[41]

Within the United Kingdom, pedicabs operate in:

London, mostly in Soho and other areas of central London. Their activity is not regulated by Transport for London, so there are no
limits of the fees they can charge.[24][41][nb 3] Velotaxis in Nagoya, Japan, 2005.
Edinburgh, where vendors are hired like taxis and provide tours.[44]


In Canada there are pedicabs in operation in Victoria[45] and Vancouver. They are regulated in Toronto and Vancouver.[46][47] Pulled rickshaw rides are available in downtown
Ottawa, with tours of historical Byward Market.[48][49]

In the United States, San Diego and New York City each host hundreds of pedicabs; dozens of other North American cities also have pedicab services.[50] In New York,
human powered transport is used primarily by tourists due to its cost.[51][52][nb 4] In New Orleans, pedicabs have been utilized to transport French Quarter tourists since the
summer of 2012.[55]
In Mexico are thousands of pedicaps. All drivers are in informal circumstances, they have precarious working conditions, long hours (11.3 hours a day), low wages
(US$59.18 per week), and no social protections or benefits. 6.3% reported suffering from a disease, 49.5% corresponded to musculoskeletal conditions and only 11.6% were
affiliated to any health system. 53.8% are owners of the vehicle and, although it does not seem to influence physical illness (P=0.03), it is related to the psychosocial ones
Spain: Barcelona and Valencia

Types of rickshaws include:

a pulled rickshaw; a two-wheeled passenger cart pulled by a human runner

a cycle rickshaw, also called a pedicab
an auto rickshaw, also called a tuk-tuk, auto, mototaxi, or baby taxi
an electric rickshaw, also called e-rickshaw.
Pulled rickshaw, Madagascar Cycle rickshaws, Nepal Auto rickshaw, San Francisco, Pulled Rickshaw in Kolkata

FRP,GEM e-rickshaw Haryana, Cycle rickshaw in Jakarta,

India Indonesia known as "Bechak"

See also
Rickshaws Other human powered transport

Auto rickshaw Human-powered transport

Cycle rickshaw Boda-boda (bicycle taxi)
Electric rickshaw Bicycle trailer
Pulled rickshaw Freight bicycle
Rickshaw art Quadracycle
Designer Utility cycling
George Bliss (pedicab designer)

1. In China, coolies performed rickshaw pulling. Other hard or demeaning jobs included being night soil cleaners and dock workers.[17]
2. Other means of transportation in Singapore are buses, lorries and trams.[31]
3. Rickshaws or Pedicabs as they are also known, have been operating on the streets of London for over 7 years in and around the West End, Soho, Covent Garden and
Leicester Square areas.
4. At a rate of $5 plus $1 per block per person, a 20-block (one mile) pedicab ride for two people will cost $50.[51][52] In a taxicab, the same ride would cost under $10.[53]
According to Peter Meitzler of New York's Manhattan Rickshaw Company, a passenger has an entirely different urban experience when one rides in a rickshaw.[54]

1. "Rickshaw" ( Merriam- 13. William E. Lewis. Through the Heartland on U.S. 20: Massachusetts: Volume I: A
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28. Werner Voigt (1995). 60 Years in East Africa: The Life of a Settler. General Store
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Additional reading
Bandyopadhyay, Subir (1990). Calcutta cycle-rickshaw pullers: a sociological study. Minerva Associates Publications. ISBN 8185195277.
Fung, Chi Ming (2005). Reluctant Heroes: Richshaw Pullers in Hong Kong And Canton, 1874-1954. Hong Kong University Press. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and
Ireland. ISBN 9622097340.
Indian Institute of Economics (1962). A socio-economic survey of rickshaw drivers in Hyderabad City area. A.P.
Mulhall, Priscilla (2010). Solar-assisted Electric Auto Rickshaw Three Wheeler. Illinois Institute of Technology.
Warren, James Francis. Rickshaw Coolie: A People's History of Singapore, 1880-1940. NUS Press. ISBN 997169266X.

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