Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services Board Meeting Agenda

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Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services

Board Meeting Agenda

June 14, 2018 9:00AM

Conference Room – Cottonwood County Law Enforcement Center –

902 5th Ave. Windom, MN
The Mission of Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services is to promote, protect and preserve the health and
well-being of individuals, families and communities throughout Cottonwood and Jackson Counties.

I. Call to Order / Establish Quorum

II. Public Hearings (none)

III. Approval of Agenda

IV. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the DVHHS Board and will be
enacted by one motion and an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present. There will be no separate discussion
of these items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item(s) will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered separately by the Board under Other below.

a. Approve May 2018 Auditor Warrants

b. Approve DVHHS Board Minutes May 10, 2018

c. RBA – Approval to Declare One Agency Vehicle as Surplus for Disposal or Sale (2007 Dodge Van)

d. RBA – Approval of Evaluation Status to Regular Status for Lori Kruger, Office Support Specialist

e. RBA – Approval of Evaluation Status to Regular Status for Bridgit Preston, Home Health Aide

f. RBA – Approval of Evaluation Status to Regular Status for Katie Tusa, Home Health Aide

V. Other

VI. Staff Programming

a. Samantha Nelson, Executive Director - Center for Community Health Improvement

b. Susan Miller, Social Services Supervisor and Stacey Tweedt - Chemical Dependency

VII. Employee Introductions

VIII. Executive Director

a. Overtime Report

b. Director’s Report

IX. Human Services

a. Director’s Report

X. Public Health

a. RBA – Approval of Amended Community Health Board Grant Project Agreement – Additional Funding CWG

b. Directors Report
XI. Fiscal

a. RBA – Approval of Service Agreement with Nyhart for Actuarial Services for 2017 and 2018

b. Fiscal Reports

c. Director’s Report

XII. Operations – Shared Services / Human Resources

a. Director’s Report

XIII. Adjourn

Note: The next scheduled DVHHS Board meeting is Thursday, July 12, 2018 at the Jackson County Government East Cafeteria.

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