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Fee nee: UbaLIS POETRY MEDITATIONS ee te fe ee ee fe ee fe ell fc fee fe ee by Richard Merrell Pee PEeeePeeeeeeeeeeePee eee eee eee) TUUBBUEPee UIUC OOOOOE Dedicated to TIMOTHY and JOY Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord. PSALM 127:33 INTRODUCTION In presenting this book, it is my desire that these poems will bea blessing to all that read them. They have been born out of my walk with the Lord Jesus over the past decade, for which I dearly thank him. Many were written for teaching: Let’s Understand, Three are One, and The Bible. Some for encouragement; Love, The Holy City, We Need, and Just Ask God. Others are of revelation; For Me, Being There, and, It’s True. And some controversial; The Folly Of Christmas, The Two Babylons, and The Paperback. I would like to thank the Editor and Staff of Mountain Press, my father for his valuable help and all those that prayed for this work and were an encouragement to me. I pray that as you read them, you will receive edification, and exhortation, and comfort. 1 Corinthians 14:3. This I ask in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, God bless you. RM. Wentworth Falls, NSW Australia 1985 POEM FOR ME MY TESTIMONY THAT PLAGUE INSTRUCTIONS BAPTISM THREE IN ONE VICTORIOUS OBEDIENCE ‘THE PAPERBACK BIGOT BE SAVED SIMPLE MIND I HEARD WHAT I MUST DO MAD QUIRK ONLY BY THE SPIRIT BE CAREFUL MY HIGH PRIEST THE HOLY CITY THE FOLLY OF CHRISTMAS, A FOOL FILLED WAITING THREE ARE ONE REVELATION DO YOU KNOW THE SON? IT'S TRUE THE BIBLE NO WORDS, FABLE? BECAUSE OF ME FALSE DOCTRINE WASHED HAVE YOU? KNOWING INDEX 70 poems PAGE, WOOCPMHBANNMDOAOAAE RE RHWHDE POEM NEW BIRTH LOVE MY PRAYER THE NUMBER NINE SAY SOMETHING FOR JESUS MY PHONE SATAN’S LIE NO JOKE REPENT LET'S UNDERSTAND MYSTERY THE PREACHER DECEPTION JUST ASK GOD OUR CORNER ‘TREASURE JESUS SAID BEING THERE SPIRIT AND LIFE PRAYER WHEN? WHY? SEE DISPENSABLE WHO? WE NEED ALWAYS QUESTIONS, DO YOU EVER? THE TWO BABYLONS IT IS FINISHED KEPT FOREVER CHILDREN IT LOVE YOU LORD THE SUFFERING CHURCH THE OVERCOMER PAGE 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 RRRERER 26 26 27 27 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 33 33. GES FOR ME I was standing in a crowd one day And there was such a din, For everyone was crying out Away, and crucify Him. I asked of one standing near What means this they’re screaming? He told me that the one on trial Is guilty of blaspheming. How, I asked is this, What is it He has done? The other one replied Said, He and God were one. And as I then beheld this Man Who had been scourged and blamed, I could not tell just what it was, But I felt so ashamed. For I could see within His eyes As He looked back at me One who is a loving friend He was no enemy. And on the hill called Calvary, Outside that city gate They nailed Him to His heavy cross Then they reviled with hate. Now as I neared His dying form I saw the blood-soaked ground, I cried, I fell down at His feet My saviour I had found. For into His eyes again I'd looked And this time I did see He had no need to say one word *Cause, he was there for me. MY TESTIMONY Before I knew Christ I was dead. On my sins I daily fed. A real great person in my sight Was myself, mine own delight. Abominations I did do In the sight of God ‘tis true, A medium I did become I really thought that it was fun. ‘To speak to spirits in the dark While holding hands, a real great lark, But Satan grabbed me by my soul And took me down into that hole. That hole that is the place of fear Of terror, horror and nightmare, A place where I was held in chains A place of bondage and great pains. In the dark I was afraid Of things that walked unseen, Things that touched me while I slept And during day behind me crept. My mind was filled with awful sights oF things that kept me awake at night, Of filth, death and graveyard too I just did not know what to do. But then one day I came to know About how God loved me so, And how that if I came to Him He would forgive me for my sin. I learnt how Jesus died for me On the tree at Calvary And how, that Jesus lives today To wash the sin of men away. The Bible also showed me That from Satan I was free I left the hole he had me in For in Christ I had no sin. My life God changed — I took Christ’s hand He leads me now and it is grand To know that I shall never die Because on Jesus, I rely. ‘Thankyou God for saving me I know that it is true, And I will tell other men About how Jesus loves them too. 2 Corinthians 3:18 THAT PLAGUE The clouds move fast as the sky grows dark The wind blows greatly at the cry of the lark, All colour is gone, everything’s turned black The heat is tremendous as men’s skin starts to crack. Men’s eyes are falling out, and their tongues shrivel up As they stand upon their feet, it’s a terrible cup, I stand in the midst and watch as the tide Of this horrible plague kills ten thousand at my side. The screams of the people pierce the darkened gloom As I walk in the midst their blood finds no room Then behold, I see the sign of the lion, My Lord comes forth from His Holy hill of Zion. Zechariah 14:12 INSTRUCTIONS I am a Christian The Bible I read To get the instructions From God that I need. The Bible says, do this But I am dismayed, To see that my brethren Have not obeyed. My brethren say that, The church is not strong And always ask, Whatever is wrong? The answer I fear And am sorry to say Is that from God’s Scripture We have gone astray. Just ask now and hear, What some Christians say About God’s teaching And then their own way. Yes, I think it’s time To look and see, What are God’s instructions For you and for me. John 15 BAPTISM Baptism is the Christian right To be immersed in water, It is a thing that we should do Besides Paul said, we oughta. He said, that by this action Like Jesus Christ we die And also just like Jesus, Should also live righteously. An outward sign of inward grace, Baptism is said to be I know that this is true That’s what it was to me. A sharing also too With my Lord and Saviour I died with him on that day, Now I have a new behaviour. I have changed in my way The new man I’ve put on The man that lives in Jesus Christ The man that does go on. Now, if you believe in Jesus And be not one that’s candid, Come along and be baptized For Peter did command it. Romans 6:1-8 3 THREE IN ONE When I thought, one God in three How confused I used to be, Because I'd tried real hard to know How it is that this was so. And over years I racked my brain, For I was taught that it was plain, But I refused and would not see Because I knew it could not be. So in the Word of truth I sought Because man’s teaching, came to nought And when the Spirit of truth did come I saw that God was THREE IN ONE. This truth I know, and this through He The Word does not say, one in three Now in Christ ’'ve overcome To know that God is THREE IN ONE. Matthew 28:19 VICTORIOUS God is my strength, my shield, My comforter and my trust, He always gives me victory For to stand in Him, I must. God never lets me down Nor surrenders me to the foe, He ever keeps me for His own My victory is Calvary’s woe. For in Calvary’s pain and anguish It pleased God to bruise His Son, To put Him to the utmost shame For in the cross, salvation’s won. Isaiah 53:4-10 OBEDIENCE When Jesus Christ was baptised It was during day And the Word was showing us, Christ the Lord obeys. Because in Christ’s baptism God will have us see One of the important truths Of Jesus’ ministry. And this is what it is That we see on that day, It is a truth in Jesus That God, we must obey. For Jesus was obedient To God with every breath He was so obedient, Even unto death. Truth, the Word will tell us Because the Word does say, “T do not want your sacrifice, TI want you to obey.” 1 Samuel 15:22 Philippians 2:5-8 THE PAPERBACK Jam sorely amazed That the Word of God is read In conjunction with the paperback, The outcome is what I dread. For many read the Word of God Not understanding what is said So they prefer the paperback And hope to get ahead. This morning I was offered it Five dollars was the cost, But I prefer the living Word In the paperback you’re lost. Now here is a mystery And this I share with you More precious than the paperback This is what you must do. read the living Word what it does say Then you'll have no trouble About the Christian way. Jesus said, “Abide in me, My words abide in you”, Then you'll be a living letter Read by all men too. So abide in Jesus’ words His promise is not slack Walk in the Holy Ghost And forget the paperback. Psalm 40:7, 8 Lake 2444 BIGOT I know I am a bigot That’s how I want to be, And I will be a bigot For all eternity. The reason I’m a bigot And dogmatic too Is because I will not change, In my point of view. My point of view is this From it I cannot sway, Only Jesus leads to God There is no other way, Jesus also said this I know it does cause strife But, I have claimed his promise, I am the way, the truth, the life. So, I may seem a bigot Because I'll always say No man can come to God, Without Christ as the way. Now, in my dogmatism I can be very brave Because I know that Jesus Is no longer in the grave. Now this does make a difference Because in Christ I’m free I no longer listen to, This world’s philosophy. So, I may be dogmatic With this point of view And I may seem a bigot But I love Christ, do you? Upon second thought however, Now, please do not faint I'm not really a bigot, Just a plain old Saint. John 14:6 BE SAVED If I say, I have no sin, I make myself a liar T also have deceived myself JT end up in the fire. For it is fire and brimstone For liars in accord With what the Word of God does say This is their just reward. For liars they are sinners Every man as well They cannot enter heaven So they must enter hell. Of course, there is a way To be a sinner saved, The way is Jesus Christ In Him your sin is waived. Because, as the Lamb of God The Word became to be A sacrifice for sin On the cross at Calvary. T am still a sinner Worthy of all hell But, I now have faith in Jesus Of Him I love to tell. To tell of all God’s love When he took my sin from me, And placed it on His Son Through the blood of victory. It’s in the blood of Jesus That the price of sin is paid It cleanses every sinner So do not be afraid. Because this love of God Is very, very dear The perfect love of Jesus, This love casts out all fear. So, please believe in Jesus It is the truth I tell Oh, please believe in Jesus Like me, be saved from hell. SIMPLE MIND Iam not a scholar Aman of simple mind, Because I live by faith The simple truth I find. I trust what God has said And would have you know, God said it, I believe it, And that is why it’s so. Galatians 3:11 T HEARD Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Saviour, Lord and King Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Thankyou for everything. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus High Priest, Prince and Friend Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Til love you till the end. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Shepherd, Light and Word Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Your precious voice I heard. Matthew 13:3, 8, 9, 23. WHAT I MUST DO Iam not to be a preacher God has told me so, But what I am to do Is tell of Jesus though. About how the Lord has saved me And taken away my sin About how he loves all men And wants them all for Him. He wants them to accept The sacrifice He made, On their behalf for their sin And into heaven, then be bade. A witness I must be, To tell all that I know About the love of God, *Tis Jesus, that I'll show. This is what the Lord requires Of my life I do believe, To simply speak of Jesus And of what he did for me. 2 Corinthians 4, MAD QUIRK We are to pray in Jesus’ name Those words he spoke to us So, why do people say, “not so” And make a lot of fuss? For now, I have a spanner To throw into the works When I pray, I lift my hands It’s one of my mad quirks. T know that I’m peculiar And pray in the Lord’s name I also lift up holy hands That’s God’s word, I’m not to blame. 1 Timothy 28 ONLY BY THE SPIRIT It is only by God’s Spirit That we can ever know What happened in that stable So very long ago. The Word becoming flesh That as Jesus God might be A sacrifice for sin, On the cross at Calvary. Because before the world began God had decided to Become the man called Jesus And die for me and you. It was planned before creation God predestined him to die, The Word to be in flesh In time’s fullness, bye and bye. For this is a great mystery And angels cannot tell But praise the Lord for Jesus God’s fullness in Him dwells. Before the Word was flesh In heaven he did dwell, With the Holy Spirit They are God, and this I tell. In the beginning, God created By the Spirit and the Word, These two are one together And Jesus made the third. So in the word called God To describe the deity I believe, that we have lost A truth that we must see. And that truth is this That Jesus is the Man Who is the Word and Spirit, His name is the, I AM. Ephesians 1:17-23 BE CAREFUL God so loved the world He has no enmities He sent His only Son He did not send committees. God so loved the world His light He shed abroad Through His Son called Jesus Not through any board. Church Committees are good, So is the Church Board But both will come to nothing Without Jesus as their Lord. Colossians 3:17 MY HIGH PRIEST My High Priest is Christ Jesus He sits at God's right-hand He is the Mediator, For every Christian man. Satan is there too, Standing before God's throne Accusing all the Saints, Those that Jesus owns. But Christ the mediator Intercedes for you and me, Drowns Satan’s accusations In his blood, the new Red Sea. The old Red Sea was water Between bondage and release ‘The new Red Sea, the blood of Christ Between fear and God's peace. And all the sin I have That rages against God’s will, Drowns in the sea, of Christ’s dear blood ‘As he commands, “Peace, be still”. Hebrews 7:22-28 THE HOLY CITY The Holy City The Christians’ domain Where there'll be no tears And there’ll be no pain. No hunger or thirst, Or terrible strife I'll eat from God’s tree, The tree of life. There'll be no Sun Or Moon any more The light of the world Christ, I shall adore. His light will shine In Jerusalem new The City of peace Has a King of peace too. Revelation 21:1-7 Revelation 22:1-5 THE FOLLY OF CHRISTMAS When did the Winter Solstice Become a church day, Was it commanded in the Scripture That we keep this Roman way? The carnality of Christmas Amazes me two-fold, Firstly it’s a pagan feast And, rejects the truth of old. The only greater folly Than Christmas I can see, Is the keeping of Astarte Easter, to you and me. For both of these traditions I pray, be dead and gone Let us follow Christ of heaven Not nrod of Babylon. For it rends the heart of Jesus As he watches from above, To see what the church has done And is doing with His love. T know what I have said, Will, to my brethren cause offence So in Christ I ask forgiveness, But I won’t sit on the fence. Colossians 2:8-10 A FOOL I am a fool for Christ, Far as this world’s concerned But at the cross of Calvary Is where true wisdom is learned. lam a fool for Christ, When judged by other men But I know my judge’s name He said it is, “I AM”. Tam a fool for Christ, You may think so too So could I ask one question, Just whose fool are you? 1 Corinthians 1:18 FILLED I praise Jesus Christ For that wonderful day The day that his Spirit Taught me how to pray. To pray in the Spirit By God’s word I have won, Believed in the truth I can pray in a tongue. Released by the Spirit From my limitations I pray in the spirit Make my supplications. I pray for the saints As the scripture commissions I pray in the spirit Make my petitions. I pray with the spirit I pray with the mind Because I love Jesus This treasure I find. The gifts of the Spirit That God gives to men All come through Christ Jesus So I say, AMEN. 1 Corinthians 14:14-16 WAITING I am waiting for my Lord. Who is coming in the sky To redeem me from the Earth Safe from God’s wrath am I. For the time will come And it may be soon When the Day of the Lord, Will evil ones consume. This is a day of terror For lovers of sin and vice, But to those who love the Lord Tt is the Day of Christ. The day of our redemption From those that laugh and swear Because we will not have, The number that they bear. It is the number of a man This number I will tell, It is the number which is, 9 A passport straight to hell. But for those that have not Received this 9 at all These ones shall be redeemed As the numbered fall. Because the Word of God, the Christ. From heaven will appear Will resurrect those dead in Him And those alive will hear. The voice of the archangel When these dead shall rise, And will then depart this world To be in paradise. But for the evil that are left Upon the Earth that day It shall be the wrath of God And this is their just pay. Because the Word does tell us This by the Spirits breath, “That the gift of faith is life, But wages of sin is death.” Now I have faith in Jesus Much love he does afford God saved me for the Day of Christ, But not for the Day of the Lord. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 10 THREE ARE ONE Father, Son, Spirit Spirit, Father, Son Son, Spirit, Father Now these three are one. The Scripture says, ask Seek and ye shall find When you are born again You have another mind. With this mind ye shall know How your sin was priced, Because the mind you now have Is the mind of Christ. The Spirit is within you Understanding now will come, How God is in three persons And these three are one. Genesis 1:1, 2 John 1:1, 2

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