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INTRODUCTION   • Awarded  Nobel  Prize  1979  
• Radiology   has   undergone   enormous   technologic    
advancements   and   ever   broadening   clinical   WHEN  IS  CT  SCAN  INDICATED?  
applications  since  Roentgen  discovered  the  x-­‐ray   • CT  scan  is  a  fast  diagnostic  procedure  and  is  often  
in  1895.   indispensable,   for   example   after   VA   involving  
• The  progressive  refinement  of  conventional  x-­‐ray   head   injuries,   stroke   to   detect   any   internal  
and   the   development   of   more   sophisticated   injuries  or  bleeding.  
imaging   modalities   such   as   ultrasound,   CT   and   • Better   than   all   other   procedures   at   recognizing  
MRI  have  allowed  radiology  to  emerge  as  one  of   recent  bleeding.  
the   most   exciting   and   challenging   fields   in    
  • Rapid  scan  acquisition  
RADIOGRAPHY  (X-­‐RAY)   • Superior  bone  detail  
• is  an  electromagnetic  radiation  that  is  capable  of   • Demonstration  of  calcification  
causing   ionization   in   matter   due   to   its   high    
energy  content.   MRI  
• Wilhelm  Conrad  Roentgen  –  German  physicist   • Strong   magnetic   field   is   used   to   create   images  
• November   8,   1895   –   x-­‐ray   was   discovered   by   from  the  human  body  
accident   • Tesla  =  unit  of  measurement  of  a  magnetic  field  
• December   28,   1895   –   thoroughly   investigated   the   • Signal  intensity  
properties  of  x-­‐ray   • T1   and   T2   refer   to   the   physical   properties   of   the  
• 1901   –   first   Nobel   Prize   for   Physics   was   awarded   tissues  
due  to  his  outstanding  contribution  to  science   • MRA  
  • DWI  
1. Radiographic   examination   with   fixed   employs   x-­‐ • No  ionizing  radiation  
ray  film  and  x-­‐ray  tube   • Multiplanar   imaging   capability   (axial,   coronal,  
2. Fluoroscopic   examinations   –   provides   radiologist   sagittal,  oblique)  
with   moving/dynamic   images   portrayed   on   a   • Better  anatomic  detail  
fluoroscopic  screen  or  television  monitor   • More   sensitive   in   detecting   subtle   pathologic  
  tissue  alterations  
• Ability   to   characterize   specific   types   of   tissue  
• Is   a   technology   that   uses   an   x-­‐ray   to   generate   based  on  signal  intensity  
cross-­‐sectional  (axial)  images.    
• Any  portion  of  the  human  body  can  be  imaged  by   DISADVANTAGE  OF  MRI  VERSUS  CT  
• Inability   to   demonstrate   dense   bone   detail   or  
• Current   CT   scanners   can   obtain   an   image   of   a   calcification  
transverse  section  of  the  body  in  1-­‐second  or  less.  
• Long  imaging  time  
• Allows   radiologist   to   look   at   the   inside   of   the   • Limited  spatial  resolution  
• Inavailability  and  expense  
• Doctors  can  look  right  at  the  area  of  interest  
• Contraindicated   in   patients   with   electrically,  
• Takes  pictures  of  mm-­‐thin  layers  tissue.   magnetically  or  mechanically  active  implants  
• Allows  doctors  to  see  diseases  in  the  past  are  only    
found  in  autopsy  and  surgery    
• Non-­‐invasive,  safe  and  well-­‐tolerated    
• Provides  detailed  look  at  many  different  parts  of    
the  body    
• 1974  –  CT  scan  was  first  installed    
• Sir  Godfrey  Hounsfield    
• Dr.  Alan  Cormack    
  x-­‐ray   CT  scan   MRI   Scout   view.   Magnified   view   of   the   2"d   box,   1,1   row   of  
Images   Appears   as   Cross     Cross   fig.9-­‐2.   The   Scout   view   of   a   CT   scan   looks   like   a   plain  
if   looking   sectional   sectional   radiograph   of   the   patient   in   profile.   6   lines   are   drawn   on  
through  the   images   images   the  diagram  to  indicate  the  levels  at  which  the  6  essential  
body   CT  images  are  taken  (PICTURE  BELOW)  
Method   Radiation   Radiation   (x-­‐ Magnetic   field    
(x-­‐ray)   ray)   and   radio    
Cost   Inexpensive   Expensive   Most    
Duration   Few   few  seconds   10-­‐30  minutes    
of   minutes      
Indication   Accurate   in   Better   Much   better    
diagnosing   evaluate   soft   detailed    
pneumonia tissue   (brain,   tissue    
,   arthritis   liver,   differentiatio  
and   abdominal   n    
fracture   organs)   The  X.  1st  basic  slice  taken  near  the  base  of  the  skull.  
Evaluates   A.  Diagram  of  normal  anatomy.    
s  that  are  not    
apparaent   on    
  B.  CT  image  of  normal  anatomy.  
CT   of   the   head:   Usual  location  of  the  patient's  I.D.  Scout    
view,   and   the   6   essential   CT   images.   The   other   boxes    
represent   images   taken   between   the   essential   images.    
(PICTURE  BELOW)   C.  MRI  of  the  author's  head  (Hopefully  normal).  
The  Star  2nd  basic  slice.      
A.  Diagram  of  normal  anatomy.     B.  CT  image  of  normal  anatomy.    
B.  CT  image  of  normal  anatomy.      
  C.  MRI  of  the  author's  head.  
C.  MRI  of  the  author's  head.   Mr.  Sad  4th  basic  slice.  
  A.  Diagram  of  normal  anatomy.  
Mr.  Happy  3rd  basic  slice.      
A.  Diagram  of  normal  anatomy.    
  B.  CT  image  of  normal  anatomy.    
C.  MRI  of  the  author's  head.   The  Coffee  Bean  6th  basic  slice.    
  A.  Diagram  of  normal  anatomy.    
  B.  CT  image  of  normal  anatomy.    
The  Worms  5th  basic  slice.      
A.  Diagram  of  normal  anatomy.      
  C.  MRI  image  of  the  author's  head.  
B.  CT  image  of  normal  anatomy.      
C.  MRI  image  of  the  author's  head.    
Vascular  territories   b.   vasospasm   due   to   nontraumatic   subarachnoid  
A.   The   anterior,   middle   and   posterior   cerebral   arteries   hemorrhage  (4%)    
grossly   supply   the   anterior,   middle   and   posterior   part   of   c.  veno-­‐occlusive  disease  (1%)  –  sinus  thrombosis  
the  brain  from  the  X  to  the  Mr.  Sad  levels.      
  • Stroke   may   be   preceded   by   transient   ischemic  
  attack  (TIA)  
  • 10-­‐14%  of  all  strokes  are  preceded  by  TIA  
  • 60%   of   all   stroke   ascribed   to   carotid   disease   are  
  preceded  by  TIA  
  • brain  cell  death  leading  to  coagulation  necrosis    
  • Imaging   modality   is   CT   and   MRI   (DWI   –   most  
  • Causes  
  -­‐   large   vessel   occlusionof   ICA/MCA/PCA   (50%)  
  due  to  emboli  from  atherosclerotic  stenosis  
    -­‐  small-­‐vessel  lacunes  (25%)  
B.   From   the   Worms   to   the   Coffee   Bean   level,   the   anterior     -­‐  blood  disorder  (5%)  
cerebral  arteries  supply  most  of  the  midline.     -­‐  non-­‐atherosclerotic  (5%)  
  • Differential  diagnosis  
  -­‐   ICH,   subdural   hematoma,   cerebritis,   AV  
  malformation,   hemiplegic/hemisensory   migraine,  
  • Location:  cerebrum  :  cerebellum  =  19:1  
    a.  supratentorial      
  -­‐   cerebral   mantle   (70%),   in   territory   of   MCA  
  (50%),   PCA   (10%),   watershed   between   MCA   +  
  ACA  (70%),  ACA  (4%)  
    -­‐  basal  ganglia  +  internal  capsule  (20%)  
    b.  infratentorial  (10%)  
  -­‐   upper   cerebellum   (5%),   lower   cerebellum   (3%)  
  pons  +  medulla  (2%)    
  • Detection  rate  by  CT:  
    -­‐  80%  for  cortex  +  mantle  
    -­‐  55%  for  basal  ganglia  
INTRACRANIAL  INSULT/INJURY     -­‐  54%  for  posterior  fossa  
• CT  sensitivity  
  on  the  day  of  ictus  –  48%  
• Generic   term   designating   a   heterogeneous   group     1-­‐2  days  later  –  59%  
of  cerebrovascular  disorder     7-­‐10  days  later  66%  
• Etiology:     10-­‐11  days  later  74%  
            A.  Nonvascular  (5%)  
• Stages  :  
          B.  Vascular  (95%)     1.  hyperacute  ischemic  infarction  
1.  Brain  infarction  –  ischemic  stroke  (80%)     -­‐  <12  hours  
a.  occlusive  atheromatous  disease  of  extracranial     -­‐  CT  is  relatively  insensitive  and  non  specific  
(35%)  /intracranial  (10%)     -­‐  insular  ribbon  sign  
  b.  small  vessel  disease  penetrating  arteries     -­‐  hyperdense  middle  cerebral  artery  sign  
  c.  cardiogenic  emboli    
  d.  nonatheromatous  disease     2.  acute  ischemic  infarction  
  e.  overactive  coagulation     a.  early  acute  ischemic  infarction  
    -­‐  12-­‐24  hours  
  2.  Hemorrhagic  stroke  (20%)     -­‐  insular  ribbon  sign  
  a.  primary  intacerebral  hemorrhage  (15%)  
b.  late  acute  ischemic  infarction   • pure  motor/pure  sensory  stroke  
  -­‐  1-­‐3-­‐7  days   • ataxia  hemiparesis    
-­‐“bland   infarct”   may   be   transformed   into     • vascular  dementia    
hemorrhagic  infarct  after  2-­‐4  days   • small   discrete   foci   of   hypodensity   between   3-­‐15  
    mm  in  size      (most  <  1  cm  diameter)  
3.    subacute  ischemic  infarction   • may  enhance  in  late  acute/early  subacute  stage  
  -­‐  7-­‐30  days     • unilateral   pontine   infarcts   are   sharply   marginated  
-­‐   paradoxical   phase   with   resolution   of                                                                        at  
edema  +  onset  of  coagulation  necrosis   • higher   in   signal   intensity   than   CSF   (due   to  
  -­‐  “fogging  phenomenon”   marginal  gliosis)  
    • Causes:  
4.  chronic  ischemic  infarction   -­‐occlusion   of   small   penetrating   end   arteries   at  
  -­‐  months  to  years  (>30  days)   base  of  brain  due  to  fibrinoid  degeneration  
  -­‐  cerebral  atrophy  +  encephalomalcia  +  gliosis    
• Pathophysiology:  
  -­‐lacunae   =   small   hole   of   encephalomalacia  
Hemorrhagic  Infarction   traversed  by  cobweb  fibrous  strands  
• Etiology:   • Location:  
-­‐   lysis   of   thrombus   /   opening   of   -­‐   upper   2/3   of   putamen   >   caudate   >   thalamus   >  
collaterals/restoration   of   normal   blood   pressure   pons  >  internal  capsule  
following   hypotension   /   hypertension   /    
anticoagulation   causes   extravasation   in    HEMATOMA/HEMORRHAGE  
reperfused  ischemic  brain  
• Bleed  secondary  to  a  ruptured  vessel.  
• Incidence:  
• Imaging   modality   is   CT   (most   sensitive)   and   MRI  
  -­‐  6%  of  clinically  diagnosed  brain  infarcts  
  -­‐  20%  of  autopsied  brain  infarct  
• Pathophysiology:   INTRACEREBRAL  
-­‐   petechial   hemorrhages   in   various   degrees   of   1. hematoma  
coalescence   -­‐   blood   separating   relatively   normal   neurons/  
• Location:   frequently  no  LOC  
-­‐ corticomedullary  junction   -­‐  well  defined  homogeneously  increased  density  
  a.  shear  –strain  injury  (most  common)  
Basal  Ganglia  Infarct   b.  blunt  /penetrating  trauma  
• occlusion  of  small  penetrating  arteries  at  base  of    
brain   (lenticulostriate   /thalamoperforating   2. cortical  contusion    
arteries)     –  blood  mixed  with  edematous  brain  
• dense   homogeneous   enhancement   outlining   -­‐   poorly   defined   area   of   mixed   high   and   low  
caudate   nucleus,   putamen,   globus   pallidus,   densities  
• dense   round   nodular   enhancement/peripheral   3. intraventricular  hemorrhage  
ring  enhancement    –   potential   complication   of   intracranial  
• Causes:   hemorrhage  
  -­‐  embolism    
  -­‐  hypoperfusion   Hematoma  of  the  Brain  
  -­‐  carbon  monoxide  poisoning   • intracerebral  hematoma  
  -­‐  drowning   • Etiology:  
-­‐vasculopathy   (hypertension,   microvasculopathy,    
aging)   a.  very  common    
  1.   chronic   hypertension   (50%)   –   external   capsule  
Lacunar  Infarction   and   basal   ganglia   (putamen   65%)/thalamus  
• small   deep   infarcts   in   the   distal   distribution   of   (25%),  pons  (5%),  +  brainstem  (10%),  cerebellum  
penetrating   vessels   (5%),  cerebral  hemisphere  (5%)  
(lentiulostriate,thalamoperforating,   pontine   2.  trauma  
perforating  arteries,  recurrent  artery  of  Heubner)     3.  aneurysm  
4.   vascular   malformation   –   AVM,   cavernous   •  Risk  factors:  
hemangioma,   venous   angioma,   capillary   1.  hypertension  
telangiectasia   2.  cardiac  disorders  
  3.  diabetes  mellitus  
b.  common   4.  cigarette  smoking  
1.   hemorrhagic   infarction   –   hemorrhage    
transformation   TYPES:  
  2.  amyloid  angiopathy  (20%)  –  elderly   1.  Carotid  Transitory  Ischemic  Attack  
  3.  coagulopathy  (5%)     -­‐  carotid  attacks  <  6  hours  in  90%  
  4.  drug  abuse(5%)   -­‐   transient   weakness/sensory   dysfunction  
  5.  bleeding  into  tumor   classically  in:  
a.   primary   –   GBM,   ependymoma,   a.  hand/face  with  embolic  event  
pituitary  adenoma,  oligodendroglioma   b.   proximal   arm   +   lower   extremity   with
    b.  metastatic  –  melanoma,     hemodynamic  event  (watershed  area)  
    choriocarcinoma,   renal   cell   CA,   throid  
    CA,  adenoCA    2.  Vertebrobasilar  Transient  Ischemic  Attack  
c.   uncommon   –   venous   infarction,   eclampsia,     -­‐  vertebrobasilar  events  <2  hours  in  90%  
Table septic    emboli,  vasculitis  (fungal),  encephalitis   -­‐   drop  attack   –   sudden   fall   to   the   ground   without  
Stages  of  Cerebral  Hematoma    
  Appearance Accelerating/Cresendo  TIA  
  • repeated   periodic   events   of   neurologic  
  T1-Weighted T2-Weighted dysfunction   with   complete   recovery   to  
  Phase Time Hemoglobin, Location MRI MRI normal  in  interphase    
Hyperacute   <24 h Oxyhemoglobin, Isointense or Hyperintense  SUBARACHNOID  HEMORRHAGE  
  intracellular hypointense • Bleeding   into   the   subarachnoid   space,   between  
  the  pia  mater  and  the  arachnoid  
 Acute 1-3 d Deoxyhemoglobin, Hypointense Hypointense • Most  commonly  occurs  between  ages  of  25  to  65,  
  intracellular increasing  in  frequency  with  age  
  • Most   common   causes   are   rupture   of   an  
 Early >3 d Methemoglobin, Hyperintense Hypointense intracranial  aneurysm  or  head  trauma  
 subacute intracellular • Causes  of  SAH  
  o Head  trauma  
 Late subacute >7 d Methemoglobin, Hyperintense Hyperintense o Intracranial  aneurysms  
  extracellular -­‐   Cause   of   approximately   80%   of  
  nontraumatic  subarachnoid  hemorrhage  
 Chronic >14 d Ferritin and hemosiderin, Hypointense Hypointense -­‐   Most   occur   around   the   circle   of   Willis  
extracellular (berry  aneurysm)  
• Middle   cerebral   artery  
 ISCHEMIC  ATTACK   • Anterior  communicating  artery  
• Posterior  communicating  artery  
Transient  Ischemic  Attack  
• Ophthalmic  arteries  
• brief   episode   of   transient   focal   neurologic  
• Vertebral  and  basilar  arteries  
deficit   owing     to   ischemia   of   <   24   hours  
• Benign  perimesencephalic  hemorrhage  
duration  with  return  to  pre  attack  status.  
-­‐  Blood  limited  to  midbrain  
• Cause:  
• Less  Frequent  Causes  of  SAH  
1.  embolic  –  from  ulcerative  plaque  at  carotid  
o Arteriovenous  malformation  (AVM)    
o Extension   from   intracerebral  
2.   hemodynamic   –   fall   in   perfusion   pressure  
distal  to  high  grade  stenosis/occlusion  
o Arteriovenous  fistulae  
o Meningitis    High-­‐attenuation   blood   in   the   Sylvian  
o Neoplasm   fissures   (blue   arrows)   and   the  
• Risk  Factors:   interhemispheric  fissure  (red  arrow)    
o Vasculitis      Normal,  physiologic  calcifications  (white  
o Fibromuscular  dysplasia  (FMD)     and  black  arrows).  
o Hypertension      
o History  of  polycystic  kidney  disease      
o Smoking      
 Clinical  findings    
 Headache  is  most  common  symptom    
 Frequently   reported   as   severe   (“worst    
headache   of   life"),   of   abrupt   onset,    
reaches   maximum   intensity   within    
seconds  (“thunderclap  headache”)    
 Nausea  and  Vomiting    Treatment  
 Change  in  mental  status  -­‐-­‐  confusion    Relief  of  associated  vasospasm  (occurs  in  
 Decreased  level  of  consciousness  -­‐  coma   as   many   as   50%   of   patients   with   SAH)   -­‐  
 Spinal  fluid  may  be  bloody     calcium  channel  blockers  
   Urgent  surgical  removal  of  blood  
 Imaging  findings    Early   surgical   clipping   to   prevent  
 Unenhanced  CT  of  the  brain  is  the  study   rebleeding  
of   choice   for   establishing   presence   of    Endovascular  management  
SAH    Coiling  
 Acute   hemorrhage   is   most   evident   2-­‐3    Prognosis  
days  after  the  acute  bleed    About   10   to   30%   die   before   reaching  
 CT   angiography     have   replaced   medical  help  with  first  bleed  
conventional   angiography   in   most    Nontraumatic  subarachnoid  hemorrhage  
institutions   for   the   identification   and   in   patients   who   reach   the   hospital   still  
location  of  the  aneurysm  itself   has  a  mortality  rate  of  30  to  60%  
 Aneurysm   size   and   shape   can    SAH   from   an   arteriovenous  
help  determine  which  aneurysm   malformation   has   a   better   prognosis  
has  bled   than  SAH  from  a  ruptured  aneurysm  
 Still   considered   the   “gold”    
standard   for   diagnosis   of   Trauma-­‐related  TYPE  
intracranial  aneurysm    
 Acute   hemorrhage   high-­‐attenuation   Layers  of  The  Meninges  
(white)   material   that   fills   the   normally    Dura  Mater  
black   subarachnoid   spaces,   which    Arachnoid  Membrane  
include    Pia  Mater  
 The  basilar  cisterns    
-­‐   Especially   the   suprasellar   I.  Dura  Mater  
cistern    Outer  (Periosteal)  Layer  
 The  sulci    Consists  of  ELONGATED  FIBROBLASTS  
-­‐  Especially  the  Sylvian  fissures    Contains   large   extracellulars   spaces,  
 Over   the   convexities   of   the   brain,   SAH   meningeal  blood  vessels  
produces   white,   branching   densities    Tightly   applied   to   the   inner   calvarial  
representing   the   normally   black   sulci   vault;  similar  to  periosteum  
filled  with  blood    Terminates  at  the  FORAMEN  MAGNUM  
 In   MRI,   FLAIR   sequence   best    
demonstrates  SAH.    
 Inner  (Meningeal)  Layer   Virchow-­‐Robin  Spaces  
 Composed  of  EPITHELIAL  CELLS    Invaginations   of   pia   and   CSF   along   cortical  
 Continuous  with  the  SPINAL  DURA   arteries  that  penetrate  the  brain  parenchyma  
 Epidural  Space    
 Potential   space   between   the    
outer   (periosteal)   dura   and    
inner  table  of  the  skull    
 OUTER    
 Aka:Periosteal    
 Comp:  Fibroblasts    
 Terminates  at  Foramen  magnum    
 INNER    
 Aka:  Menigeal    
 Comp:  Epithelial  Cells    
 Continuous  with  Spinal  dura    
II.  Arachnoid    
 Closely  applied  to  the  inner  dura   Acute  Neurologic  Conditions  
 Subdural  space    Extracerebral  Hemorrhage  
   Epidural  Hematoma  
 Potential   space   between   inner   dura   and    Subdural  Hematoma  
arachnoid    Subarachnoid  Hemorrhage  
 Traversed  by  scattered  trabeculae    Intraaxial  Lesions  
 Where   cortical   veins   cross   as   they   course    Diffuse  Axonal  Injury  
from  brain  surface  toward  a  dural  sinus    
III.  Pia  Mater    collection   of   blood   which   forms   between   the  
 Innermost  cranial  meningeal  layer   inner  surface  of  the  skull  and  outer  layer  of  dura  
 Closely  applied  to  the  cortex    torn  meningeal  artery,  usually  middle   meningeal  
 Invaginates  into  the  underlying  sulci   artery.    
 Composition    Associated   skull   fracture   is   present   in   80%   of  
 External:  Collagen  Fibers   cases    
 Internal:  Vermicular  and  Elastic  Fibers    5  -­‐  10%  of  patients  the  EDH  is  posterior  fossa  
   Occasionally   an   EDH   can   form   due   to   venous  
LEPTOMENINGES  =  Arachnoid  +  Pia   blood,   typically   a   torn   sinus   with   associated  
Subarachnoid  space    Essentially   a   subperiosteal   hematoma   (between  
 Space  between  arachnoid  and  pia  mater   bone  and  outer  layer  of  the  dura)  
 Occupied   by   delicate   connective   tissue    Limited  by  the  sutures  
trabeculae   and   intercommunicating   channels    Can   cross   and   elevate   venous   sinuses   as   long   as  
containing  CSF.   there  is  no  suture    
 Small  in  the  normal  brain    Prognosis   and   Treatment:   good   for   immediate  
 Over   the   gyri,   the   arachnoid   membrane   evacuation  of  clot  
and  pia  mater  are  in  close  contact.      Smaller   hematomas   treated   consevatively     
 In   the   sulci,   triangular   spaces   develop   dural  calcifications  
because   the   pia   mater   is   closely   applied    COMPLICATIONS  
to  the  cerebral  cortex  and  the  arachnoid   • Pseudoaneurysm  
membrane   bridges   the   gap   between   • Arteriovenous  fistula  
adjacent   gyri   without   descending   into    
each  sulci    
  • concomitant  to  cerebral  contusion  
            1.  Injury  to  leptomeningeal  vessels  at  the  vertex  
  2.   rupture   of   major   intracerebral   vessels   (less  
  •  location:  
            a.  focal,  overlying  site  of  contussion/subdural    
            b.  interhemispheric  fissure,  paralleling  falx  cerebri  
  c.   spread   diffusely   throughout   subarachnoid  
  space   (rare   in   trauma):   convexity   sulci>basal  
SUBDURAL  HEMORRHAGE    Result  of  deceleration  injuries,  especially  in  high-­‐
 Collection   of   blood   between   the   dura   and   speed  motor  vehicle  collisions  
arachnoid   mater   of   the   meninges   around   the    Also   a   major   cause   of   morbidity   in  
brain   “Shaken  Baby  Syndrome”  
 Seen   in   10   to   20%   of   all   head   trauma   cases   and    Most   frequent   cause   of   persistent   vegetative  
occur  in  up  to  30%  of  fatal  injuries   state  following  trauma  
 Common  in  elderly  people  and  they  tend  to  occur    Result   of   rotational   shear   injuries   that   most   often  
following  trivial  head  trauma   occur  at  the  gray-­‐white  matter  junction  
 Stretching   and   tearing   of   bridging   cortical   veins    Extent   of   injury   is   usually   worse   than  
as  they  cross  the  subdural  space  to  drain  into  an   that  depicted  by  imaging  
adjacent  dural  sinus    Shearing   leads   to   edema,   axoplasmic   leakage,  
 Sudden  change  of  velocity  of  the  head  shearing   retraction   ball   formation   and   wallerian  
forces    RUPTURE  OF  CORTICAL  VEINS   degeneration    
 Arachnoid   may   also   be   torn      mixture   of   blood    Brainstem  function  is  typically  unaffected  
and  CSF  in  the  subdural  space    Damage   occurs   at   time   of   injury   and   then   when  
 10   to   30%   of   chronic   SDHs   show   evidence   of   secondary  swelling  occurs  
repeated  hemorrhage.    Immediate  loss  of  consciousness  
 SDHs   are   interposed   between   the   dura   and    Most,   but   not   all,   have   no   period   of  
arachnoid.     lucidity  
 Typically  crescent-­‐shaped      
 Usually  more  extensive  than  EDHs    Imaging  Findings  
 Not   limited   by   sutures   but   are   limited   by   dural    Diffuse  
reflections   (   e.g.   falx   cerebri,   tentorium,   falx    Bilateral  
cerebelli)    Majority  of  lesions  (80%)  are  multiple  
 Common  sites:    Occur  at  the  gray-­‐white  matter  junction  
 Fronto-­‐parietal  convexities    Lesions  are  most  frequently  ovoid,  larger  
 Middle  cranial  fossa     centrally  than  peripherally  
 -­‐  85%  are  unilateral    
   Frequently  involved  sites:  
SUBDURAL   HEMATOMA   -­‐   CRESCENT-­‐SHAPED    Frontal  and  temporal  lobes  
homogeneously  hyperdense  extraaxial  collection    Posterior   body   and   splenium   of   the  
  corpus  callosum  
   Caudate  nuclei  
   Thalamus  
   Tegmentum  
   Internal  capsule  
 On  CT    Hemorrhagic   lesions   appear  
 50-­‐89%  normal  CT  scan  on  presentation   hyperintense  on  T1-­‐weighted  images  
 Small   petechial   hemorrhages   located   at    Non-­‐hemorrhagic   lesions   appear  
gray-­‐white   matter   junction   and    corpus   hyperintense  on  T2-­‐weighted  sequences  
callosum   are   characteristic   but   occur   in    
only  about  20%    Differential  Diagnosis  
 There   may   also   be   small.   Focal   areas   of    Multiple  sclerosis  
decreased   attenuation   secondary   to    Embolic  or  hemorrhagic  stroke  
edema    Prognosis  
   Over   90%   remain   in   persistent  
DIFFUSE   AXONAL   INJURY   -­‐   Petechial   hemorrhages   at   vegetative  state  
the   gary-­‐white   matter   junction,   the   caudate   nucleus   and    Chances   of   this   occurring   are   greater  
the  corpus  callosum   with   lesions   that   are   supratentorial,  
  involve   the   corpus   callosum   or   corona  
   Prognosis   worsens   with   multiplicity   of  
   Cerebrovascular   malformation   (CVM)   of   the  
  brain  are  a  heterogeneous  group  of  disorders  that  
  represent   morphogenetic   errors   affecting  
  arteries,  capillaries,  veins  or  various  combinations  
  of  vessels  
   FOUR  Basic  Types:  
  1.   Arteriovenous   malformations   –   most   common  
 On  MRI   type   (brain   prenchyma[pial],   dural   and   mixed  
 Gradient-­‐echo  sequences  are  very  useful   pial-­‐dural)  
in   demonstrating   paramagnetic   effects     2.  Capillary  telangiectasias  
of  petechial  hemorrhages     3.  Cavernous  angiomas  
 Most  common  MRI  finding     4.  Venous  malformations  
 Presence  of  multiple  focal  areas    
of   abnormally   bright   signal   on   ANGIOGRAPHY  (CT/MRI)  
T2-­‐weighted   images   in   the    
white   matter   of   the   temporal   or    
parietal   corticomedullary    
junction   or   in   splenium   of    
corpus  callosum.    

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