Naskah Bahasa Inggris X

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Guru Pengajar : Ferry Setiawan, S.Pd

Kelas : X. AP 1-4 Waktu : 60 Menit

Good Luck

I Chose the correct answer by crossing a,b, c, d or e.

1 The shoes are fairly new … are in good condition.
a. They
b. Their
c. It
d. Theirs
e. them
2 Both of my brother and I refused to sign the petition, nobody could force ….
a. Him
b. Us
c. Me
d. Them
e. You
3 Mr. Ahmad : Good afternoon, sir. May I introduce myself? My name is Ahmad.
The secretary : Please sit down, what can I do for you, sir?
Mr. Ahmad : I want to see Mr Rahmat, the me¬chanic in the workshop. Is he in today?
The secretary : I am sorry, sir. But Mr Rahmat isn't in today.
Mr Ahmad : I see. Never mind, sir. Goodbye. The secretary: Good bye:

The people in the dialogue are talking about ...

a. a technician of PT AUTOMOBILA
b. a way of greeeting
c. Mr. Ahmad and the secretary
d. Mr. Rahmat’s attendance
e. Mr. Rahmat is in today
4 We use the underline words to express an....
a. greeting
b. advice
c. introduction oneself
d. complaint
e. introduction others
5 Riski : Rita. I’d like to introduce My friend Budi.
Rita : How do you do.
Budi : …………..
a. Nice to meet you
b. I’d like to visit you
c. I’d like to meet you
d. Nice to meet him
e. How do you do
The text is for number 6 - 7
Hey there ! I’m Cindy and I’m 17 years old from Nevada, the United States. I like to read and write, Mark Twain is one of my
favorites. I like poetry and I have a somewhat unhealthy
Obsession with music. I like alternative, rock, and pop. Arctic Monkeys and One Republic are two of my favorites. My
favorite color is green. I have a big family and I love eating.
I’m looking to write to anybody. I don’t care where you’re from and as long as you’re between the ages of 16 to 20 .
I tend to write a lot thought. So, if you’re interested, shoot me an email here : or you can just
send me a message in my inbox.
6 What is the purpose of the text?
a. to buy books
b. to find a writer
c. to find a friend
d. to meet relatives
e. to attract musician
7 What does the word “shoot” in paragraph 2 mean ?
a. kill
b. give
c. send
d. reject
e. creat
8 Lika : “ What is your……….. name?”
Marry : “Marry Juan Kalga”.
a. Long
b. complete
c. short
d. wide
e. full
9 A : Let me introduce my self. I am Rika, I am….
B : How do you do Rika?
a. sixteen years old
b. oh,yes
c. thank you
d. hello
e. hi
10 Nora : “Let me …………myself, my name is Nora ”
Bima : “Hi Nora, nice to meet you”
a. hello
b. good night
c. introduce
d. hi
e. goodbye
11 Arie l: Dad, can I borrow your car?I need to go to Rizky’s house to do our homework together.
Father: … please make sure that you get home before 8 p.m.
Arie : Thanks,Dad.
a. I am afraid you can't
b. I'm sorry, I need the car
c. C. Yes, you can.
d. No, thanks
e. No, problem
12 Nita : Mom look! I can make my own cake.
Mother: : … That looks delicious.
a. Good job!
b. You still need more practice
c. That's awful
d. Where's the cake?
e. Tha's too bad!
13 Dafa : Dad, I finally won photography contest.
Father :…
a. Next time you must be winner
b. I'm proud of you
c. Do you beest
d. What good photo
e. No, special for me
14 Agi : I have a present for you, Hilda. Here you are. Open it, please.
Hilda :… I love it. Thank you, Agi.
a. What a beautiful gown!
b. This gown is for you
c. The gown looks good on you
d. That sounds a nice idea
e. Really!
15 Dea : What a beautiful dress you’re wearing !
Sasa : ...
a. No,thanks
b. Thank you
c. Yes, it is
d. Sorry, it isn't
e. No, matter
The text is for number 16 - 17
The management and staff of Suara Mereka Post wish to congratulate our editor:Bimo Raharjo
on his marriage to
Ana Roihana
on August 15, 2009 in Jepara
God brings you together as husband and wife. May He bless your home and hearts with all happiness
16 The purpose of the text is to congratulate on...
a. the movement of a new house
b. the new editor of Suara Mereka Post
c. the anniversary of new year
d. the reunion of a couple of husband and wife
e. the marriage of the editor of Suara Mereka Post
17 Which statement is true according to the text?
a. Bimo Raharjo works for Suara Merdeka Post
b. Bimo Raharjo and Ana Roihana are an old couple
c. Ana Roihana is a staff of Suara Mereka Post
d. Bimo Raharjo and Ana Roihana moved to a new house
e. Bimo Raharjo get good job
18 The text is for number 18 - 20
Finally, You did it!
You have finished your study with cum laude.
Your achievement proves you’re the best!
You really deserve it, budi.
The writer sent this card because…
a. he/she completed the program of his/her school.
b. he/she got the best achievement at his/her school.
c. his/her friend won a competition at school smoothly.
d. his/her friend has graduated with the best achievement
e. he/she lose the opportunity
19 “You really deserve it”. The underlined word refers to …
a. achievement
b. study
c. congratulation
d. buddy
e. finished
20 You really deserve it, buddy. The underlined word means….
a. mother
b. sister
c. friend
d. girl
e. family
21 Anis : ....
Ayu : I think I will wear my new jacket and dark blue trousers.
a. Do you have jacket?
b. May I borrow your trousers?
c. What are you going to wear?
d. You'll be good in those clothes
e. Will you buy a new jacket?
22 Mr. Faruq: I’d like to book a flight ticket to Makassar, please?
Agent: Certainly....
Mr. Faruq: On sixth of June.
a. when would you like to fly?
b. When will you available?
c. Would you like to pay now?
d. How can I contact you, Sir?
e. What would you like to have, Sir?
23 Waitress: Would you like a cup of tea?
Costumer: .... I love tea. It’s good for our health.
a. No, thanks
b. I'm sorry
c. I don't think so
d. sure
e. It doesn't matter
The text is for number 24 - 25
Waitress: Are you ready to order?
Customer: Yes, I’ll have some salad, roasted beef and mashed potato.
Waitress: How do you want your beef? Rare, medium, or well done?
Customer: Well-done please, and easy on the salt.
Waitress: Sure, anything to drink?
Customer: Do you have coffe or tea? I’d like decaf.
Waitress: Yes, we have both. Which one would you like? Coffee or tea?
Customer: Iced tea please, and easy on the ice.
24 Where is the dialogue happened?.
a. restaurant
b. airport
c. railway station
d. post office
e. Grocery
25 What is the customer going to order?
a. soup
b. roasted beef
c. meatball
d. french fries
e. fried rice
26 Tom's got … brown hair.
a. good looking
b. beautiful
c. short
d. tall
e. fat
27 Flory is … height and a bit overweight
a. tall
b. short
c. medium
d. talkactive
e. beautiful
28 Ali is very … , he needs to lose.
a. fat
b. tall
c. slim
d. thin
e. pretty
29 Linda is … and slim.
a. overweight
b. handsome
c. thin
d. tall
e. fat
30 Do you think Rico is very … ?
a. pretty
b. beautiful
c. expensive
d. handsome
e. medium height

Read the text below to answer the question no 1-3

Good morning everyone.

Let me introduce myself here as a new student in this school. My name is Febri Dwi Cahya. I was born in Tegal,
February 9, 1994. My hobby is writing and reading. I am very grateful because now I managed to get a chance to attend this
Favorite School.
Furthermore, I have a mission to make this School to be more known and have a lot achievement through my writing
hobby. If there is a competition, I will try to take a part as long as it relates to the world of authorship. It was my first step to
achieve my goal of becoming a famous writer.
The reason why I want to go to this school from the first time is because this school has enough achievement and
spawned a lot of students who can continue their study in state universities. Hopefully I can follow them too.
Yep, that’s all that I can tell you a little about myself.
Thank you.

1.When the writer was born?

2.Why does he want school at that?
3.What is the writer hobby?

Change into correct form

no Positive Comparative Superlative Meaning (Arti)
4 Good
5 Expensive

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