Choosing Calibration Intervals PDF

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Choosing a Calibration Interval

By John Ulrich
Director of Metrology

Calibration, Certification & Repair from every angle

Calibration Intermission
Contents In a perfect world where someone had
unlimited resources, every piece of
Calibration Intermission 2 equipment would be calibrated once a day.
Calibration is Insurance 2 All functions, all ranges would be checked
Reliability 3
and you would be able to see if a gage was
drifting before it failed. Anyone who works
Check it Out 3 in quality knows that a failed gage can mean
hours and hours of paperwork doing a
reverse traceability analysis to see what
products and processes could have been
adversely affected. This slows down current
processes and creates extra work, both of
which are undesirable in an already busy

While you can’t prevent a gage from failing

calibration, you can however change the
interval you apply to each gage. On one
hand you don’t want to pay for excessive
unnecessary calibrations, but on the other
you don’t want to let your interval get
stretched to the point where your gage can
possibly fail. The balance you find can
sometimes take a while to surface. The word
used in metrology to get the most out of
each calibration is called calibration interval
“optimization”…In other words, choosing
the longest possible interval without fear of
a failed calibration.

Calibration is Insurance
If we ask most people who deal with
calibration what the typical interval for
gages should be, you’ll probably hear them
say ‘1 year’. Although this is a very popular
calibration interval, there is absolutely no
good reason for it. It becomes a typical
interval because most facilities only want to
pay for calibration once a year and it’s easy
to include it as part of a budget proposal.
After all, calibration is simply a form of
periodic insurance that a gage is operating
within specified tolerances. If you have
enough calibration history with a gage, it
can also be a true characterization of the
actual performance not just based on probably isn’t going to change over a period
manufacturer’s tolerances. If of some years. However, the scale uses
manufacturers of these instruments mechanical and electrical components that
were interested in helping you wear down and can change over time. Same
achieve maximum optimization, they goes for any gage that depends on the end
would provide you with far more user, the climate it’s kept in, the leads used,
published intervals and accuracies. and how the unit is handled. These are all
Usually the accuracy published isn’t things that affect the reliability. Even in the
even associated with a specified dimensional world things like gage blocks,
interval. So how are you to choose plugs, rings, squares, surface plates all get
what interval to apply? The answer used in sometimes less than optimal
lies in another word used frequently environments or for excessive testing which
in metrology, ‘reliability’. lends them to become less reliable over
time. You have to choose an interval that
Reliability takes this into account. Sometimes
NCSL’s RP-1 document defines calibrating a gage more frequently in the
reliability as the probability that the beginning is the best way to prove its
unit under test and measurement reliability. With more data and history, you
standard will remain in-tolerance can show through a statistical analysis how
throughout the established interval. the gage is trending and make the argument
There are many detailed scientific for longer intervals. Without that data, it’s
methods to evaluate reliability. Here kind of up in the air as to how you arrived at
we will look at the basics. your number. As probability trends
downward due to longer intervals, the cost
In any manufacturing or process risk associated with a future failed condition
analysis, there is always a battle of trends upward. One way to combat this is
two goals…one goal is that quality through periodic ‘in-service’ checks.
doesn’t suffer, and the other goal is
to minimize calibration and testing Check it Out
costs. These are seemingly direct A great way to help provide assurance and
conflict with one another. If your reliability during a long calibration interval
client specifies how often they want is to perform these checks regularly. While
your equipment calibrated and it is it’s not an A2LA accredited calibration, an
part of the contract you devise, then in-service check can simply be weighing a
there is no analysis needed. But for couple of masses on a scale right before it’s
the majority of quality and used. Anything you can use to check an
metrology people, they have to rely instrument on a schedule between
on their knowledge of each of their calibrations is acceptable. The goal is to
gages and how they typically keep record of the checks and when you
perform to choose an interval. For start to see a drifting trend, you can catch it
instance, you probably don’t have before it becomes an out of tolerance
the same interval for your scales as condition. When drift is seen, the unit
you do your mass sets. Why? should be immediately sent in for
Because as long as the mass is calibration. This prevents its use on products
handled with gloves and is cleaned and processes that can lead to unintended
and kept in a tempered climate, it loss of time and money.

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