Related Rates

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J 11 Related Rates 235

In o~der to find d0/ dt, we differe . .

Cham Rule: ntiate both sides of this relation hip using the
y = 120 m

sec 20 d0 = _ l_ dy
dt 200 dt.
Next we solve for -d0 ·
_jQQ..._ - o.857
co O.. 233.248
d0 = dy/dt (dy/dt) • cos2 0
t.URE3.68 dt 2
200 sec 0 - 200
~ . d'
10 Example 4 1s .repone m The rate of change of the an I Of I .
T1tl \ d Where did radians come of the balloo Th' g e e evatton depends on the angle of elevation and the speed
0fr:J s. nd
120 1 T0 n. my seco safterthelaunch, theballoonhasrisen y = (4m / s)(30s) =
unit> sea radian has no physical
• (it is the ratio of an arc length th
the d~\ cobmplete e problem, we need the value of cos 0. Note that when y = 120 m,
!1J!n,1ons .
di · l no unit appears. We wnte is ance etween the observer and the balloon is
-! l r:idJUS ,
JII" Janty because dO/ dt is the rate
~ sforc
I!\! of an angle.
d = VI 202 + 2002 ""' 233.248 m.
Thelrefofre, cos _0 200 / 233.248 ""' 0.857 (Hgurc 3.68), and the rate of change of the
ang e o elevation 1s

d0 = (dy/dt) ·cos2 0 _ (4m/ s)(0.857 2)

dt 200 - 200 m = 0.0147 rad/ s.
Recall that 10 conven radians to degrees,
At thi! instant, the balloon is rising at an angular rate of 0.0 I47 rad/ s, or slightly less
than I / s, as seen by the observer. Re ore If •re •.1 1 9-<
degrees = -180 rad'1ans.
QUICK CHECK 4 In Example 4, notice that as the balloon rises (as 0 increases), the rate of
change of the angle of elevation decreases to zero. When does the maximum value of
0'(t) occur and what is it?

~ECTION 3.11 EXERCISES Suggested Section J.J I faerc•ses. 1. .5 7. 9, 10, 13. 16. .21. 23. J9, 34, 41 46
1e1Questions 6. Shrinking square The sides of a square decrease in length at a
1. Ghe an example in which one dimension of a geometric figure rate of I m/ s.
change and produces a corresponding change in the area or vol-
ume of the figu re. \, th \tde length .1 of. <.uhc change, the a. At what rate is the area of the square changing when the sides
,·c 1 c, fo ch..rncocs .is 1~cll. are 5 m long? I m' s
l faplain ho~ implicit differentiation can simplify the work in a b. At what rate are the lengths of the diagonals of the square
reilted-rates problem. changing? \ 2 rn .,

l lft"o opposite sides of a rectangle increase in length, how must 7. Expanding isosceles triangle The legs of an isosceles right tri-
the other ~o opposite sides change if the area of the rectangle is angle increase in length at a rate of 2 m/ s.
ID remain constant? T CJ h~ t c opposite s1Jcs dccrCiisC n kn,gth a. At what rate is the area of the triangle changing when the legs
are 2 m long? 4 m s
t Explain why the term related rates describes the problems of this
section. b. At what rate is the area of the triangle changing when the
hypotenuse is I m long? \, , m·' s
~ II c. At what rate is the length of the hypotenuse changing?
2\ 2 m s
i Eipanding quare The sides of a square increase in length at a 8. Shrinking isosceles triangle The hypotenuse of an isosceles right
!Jle of 2m s. triangle decreases in length at a rate of 4 m/s.
l At 11 hat rate i the area of the square changing when the sides a. At what rate is the area of the triangle changing when the legs
are 10 mlong? are 5 m long? , \ , 11
l At 11 hat rate is the area of the square changing when the sides b. At what rate are the lengths of the legs of the triangle
are 20 mlong'! changing? , ,
~ Dra11 a graph of how the rate of chanee of the area vanes· wit· h
c. At what rate is the area of the triangle changing when the area
the side length. - is 4 m2? - If 1 .,
~36 CH \PTER 3 • DERJV;\Tl\.E

Altitude of a jet A jet asc~nds ~t a l 00 angle from the

9. E ,i>anding circle The area of a circle increase at a rate . h an air peed of 550 m1/ hr (its speed a long its 1• hotii
of l cm~ s. wit . h al . d f h ine of
550 mi/ hr). How fast I t e -,tllu ·e oh t e jet inereas1nni
. llioL
.... ,
a. Ho,.., fast i the radiu changing when the radiu i 2 cm? . directly overhead. how 1ast I t e hadow of t> - lfr1._
un I the je "'
b. Ho,,., fast i the radiu changing ,..,hen the circumference on the ground? l I l 'llo\
i. 2cm?
10. E xpa nding cube The edge of a cube increa eat a rate of 2 cm s.
How fast i the volume changing when the length of each edge
21 Rate of dive of a submarine A surface shi~ i mo\ing (h _
• .
traight line at IO km/ hr. At the same lime an e
maintains a po ition directly below the ship while divi
nern} ~
i-, 50cm? . ta1 H C • ng at an
that is 20° below the,honzon . ow ast 1 the ubmanne· air~,
11. hrinking circle A circle has an initial radiu of 50 ft when the decreasing? ~
radiu begin decrea ing at a rate of 2 ft min. What is the rate of
22. Divergent paths Two boats leave a port at the same t'
change of the area at the in tant the radius i IO ft? n traveling wet at 20 mi/ hr and the othe r tra veling outihrne.~
· h d. be ai
12. brio.king cube The volume of a cube decreases at a rate of 15 mi/ hr. At what rate 1st e 1 tance tween them chan .
0.5 ft ' min. What i the rate of change of the side length when the 30 minute after they leave the po rt? .., gJng
ide length are 12 ft?
13. Balloons A pherical balloon i inflated and its volume increases
at a rate of 15 in' min. What i the rate of change of its radius
23. Ladder against the wall A 13-foot ladder i leaning ag .
vertical wall ( ee figure) when Jack begins pulling the
ladder away from the wall at a rate of 0.5 ft/ . How fast is the~
when the radiu is 10 in? of the ladder Iiding down the wal l w hen the foot of the ladder
5 ft from the wall? ,
14. Pisto n compression A pi ton i
eated at the top of a cylindrical
chamber with radius 5 cm when it
starts moving into the chamber at a
con tant speed of 3 cm, (see fig-
ure). What i the rate of change of
the volume of the cylinder when the
pi ton i 2 cm from the ba e of the
15. :\telling snowball A spherical snowball melts at a rate
proportional to its urface area. Show that the rate of change of
the radiu is constant. (H int: Surface area = 41rr2.)
16. Bug on a parabola A bug is moving along the right side of the 24. Ladder against the wall again A 12-foot ladder is leaning ~
parabola y = x2 at a rate such that its distance from the origin is a vertical wall when Jack begins pulling the foot of the ladder
increasing at I cm/ min. At what rates are thex- and y-coordinates away from the wall at a rate of 0.2 ft/s. What is the configur.llioo
of the bug increasing when the bug is at the point (2, 4)? of the ladder at the instant that the vertical speed of the top ofthl
17. Another bug on a parabola A bug is moving along the parabola ladder equals the horizontal speed of the foot of the ladder?
~ ~ ~
y = x 1. At what point on the parabola are the x- and y-coordinates 2S. Moving shadow A 5-foot-tall wo man walks at 8 ft / s lO"ard
changing at the ame rate? (Source: Calculus, Tom M. Apo tol, a street light that is 20 ft above the ground. What is the rate l,f
Vol. I, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1967.)
change of the length of her shado w when she i 15 ft from th(
. . •)
18. E xpanding rectangle A rectangle initially has dimension 2 cm street hght? At what rate is the tip of her hadow moving .
by 4 cm. All ide begin increasing in length at a rate of I cm/ s. 26. Baseball runners Runners stand at fir t and second base in .a
At what rate is the area of the rectangle increasing after 20 s?
baseball game. At the mo ment a ball is hit, the runner at Ii~ ..
19. Filling a pool A swimming pool is 50 m long and 20 m wide. Its neron )fe
runs to secon~ base at 18 ft ; simultaneously the _run t,etll"ft!I
depth decreases linearly along the length from 3 m to I m (see ond runs to third base at 20 ft/s. How fast is the di stallce i?
figure). It i initially empty and is filled at a rate of I m' min. th e runners changing 1 second after the ball is hit (SCC figllffdt
How fa tis the water le-.el rising 250 min after the filling begins? (Hint: The di tance between consecutive ba es is 90 ft and
How long will it take to fill the pool? bases lie at the comers of a quare .)
S()() 11 1,u1.. ~

lnflo..., I m 1/min
4 3m
r •
Home plate
3.11 Related Rates 237
. g andpile Sand fall s from an overhead bin and a
cro111n ·1 . h d' h . ccumu-
)7, . a conical pt e wn a ra 1us t at 1s alway three time 't 34, Observing a launch An observer stands 300 ft from the launch
Ja1e in h . h f h ·1 . sts
. suppose the e1g t o t e p1 e increases at a rate of 2 / site of a hot-air balloon. The balloon is launched vertically and
height. . h. h A h . cm s
u,e pile 1 12 cm 1g . t w at rate ts the sand leaving the maintains a con tam upward velocity of 20 ft/ s. What is the
i1he0 . tant? ' ~ 1 '
rate of change of the angle of elevation of the balloon when it
~inat that in .
is 400 ft from the ground? The angle of elevation is the angle (J
. ·ng a water heater A water heater that has the shape between the observer's line of sight to the balloon and the ground.
orain• k 'th d'
zs, of a right cylind_ricald tHan \~t ~ ra tus drof ~ ~t and a height of 3 C.024r d ~
4ft i t,eing drrune . owl aslt _1sdwater_ amrng out of the tank 5. A nother balloon story A hot-air balloon is 150 ft above the
. f 1 min) if the water eve 1s roppmg at 6 in/ min? 1T • 1 ground when a motorcycle passes directly beneath it (traveling in
(1n t . • It mm a straight line on a horizontal road) going 40 mi/ hr (58.67 ft/ s).
oraini·ng a tank An mverted. conical
. water tank with a height If the balloon is rising vertically at a rate of JO ft/ s, what is the
•19· 1, ft and a radiu of 6 ft 1s drained through a hole in the ver- rate of change of the distance between the motorcycle and the
of -t a rate of'.! ft'/ s (see figure). What is the rate of change of balloon 10 seconds later? '57.89 ft
tex a .
the water depth when the water depth ts 3 ft? (Hint: Use similar
36. Fishing story An angler hooks a trout and begins turning her cir-
triangle .) s cular reel at 1.5 rev / s. If the radius of the reel (and the fishing line
on it) is 2 in., then how fast is she reeling in her fishing line?
( .r n

37. Another fishing story An angler hooks a trout and reels in his
line at 4 in./ s. Assume the tip of the fishing rod is 12 ft above the
water and directly above the angler, and the fish is pulled horizon-
tally directly toward the angler (see figure). Find the horizontal
12 ft speed of the fish when it is 20 ft from the angler. 4.61 n ~

j Decreasing
at 4

Outflow 2 ft 3/s

JO. Drinking a soda At what rate is soda being sucked out of a cylin-
drical gla s that i 6 in. tall and has a radius of 2 in.? The depth of "
the oda decreases at a constant rate of 0.25 in./ s. 38. Flying a kite Once Kate's kite reaches a height of 50 ft (above
7T m1 s
JI. Draining a cone Water is drained out of an inverted cone, having her hands), it rises no higher but drifts due east in a wind blowing
the :une dimension as the cone depicted in Exercise 29. If the 5 ft/ s. How fast is the string running through Kate's hands at the
11J1er level drops at I ft / min. at what rate is water (in ft3 / min)
moment that she has released 120 ft of string? 4.54 fl
draimng from the tank when the water depth is 6 ft? 4'"" 1 ·1 IIllr 39. Rope on a boat A rope passing through a capstan on a dock is
ll FULing a hemispherical tank A hemispherical tank with a anached to a boat offshore. The rope is pulled in at a con tant rate
radius of 10 mis filled from an inflow pipe at a rate of 3 m3/ min of 3 ft/ sand the capstan is 5 ft verticalJy above the water. How
ste figure). Ho~ fast is the water level rising when the water
fast is the boat traveling when it is 10 ft from the dock? ~\ 1
ft/ S
te1el 1~ 5 m from the bottom of the tank? (Hint: The volume 2
Of acap of thickne Ir sliced from a sphere of radius r is
Further Explorations
;;/r' 3, - h) 3.) 40. Parabolic motion An arrow is shot into the air and moves along
the parabolic path y = x(50 - x) (see figure). The horizontal
component of velocity is always 30 ft/ s. What is the vertical
Inflow 3 m1/min
component of velocity when (i) x = IO and (ii) x = 40?
I l, '. '. J: ) fi 1




E, ce area orhemispherical tank For the situation described

er e 3~-\\hat i the rate of change of the area of the ex- 0 10 20 30 40 50 X
rf . ') '
ace Of the \\ater v. hen the v.aterts 5 m deep. ~ i.u i


. drical tank rise when the water level in th
in the cy IUl 9 l e conic
·rport at noon . 3 ? Im?
41. Time-lagged flights An airliner passes over an ai
. . A t ·00 another
. .
1s m . °'o m mm 50 m m m alt,.,
traveling 500 m1/ hr due west. t . P.M.. . d
P as e over the ame airport at the same
north at 550 mi/ hr. Assuming both rurlmers. ·
· tain their
ele"ations. how fa ti the distance between them changing at
. (equ lSm
2:30 P.M.? 2L ; m1 hr
. .
42. Disappearing triangle An equilateral tnang 1e iru 1
· 'fally has. sides
of length 20 ft when each vertex moves toward the midp?mt 0
the opposite side at a rate of 1.5 ft/ min. Assuming the tnangle
remains equilateral. what 1s. the rate o f c h ange o f the area of the
triangle at the in tant the triangle disappears? O J
43. Clock hands The hands of the clock in the tower of the ~ouses of
Parliament in London are approximately 3 m and 2.5 m 10 l~ngth ·
How fast i the distance between the tips of the bands changing at 47. Oblique tracking A_ port a nd a radar statio~ are 2 mi apan
9:00? (Hint: Use the Law of Cosines.) I I 06 m hr
a straight shore running east and west. A sh'.p leaves the l O:
oon traveling northeast at a rate of 15 m1 / hr. If the sh'
at n h . h Ip
44. Filling two pools Two cylindrical swimming pools are being maintains its speed and course, w at 1s t e rate ~f change of
filled simultaneously at the same rate (in m3 / min; see figure). The the tracking angle 0 between the shore and the hne betwee
smaller pool has a radius of 5 m, and the water level rises at ~ rate radar station and the ship at 12:30 P.M.? (Hint: Use the La:~
of 0.5 m/ min. The larger pool has a ra~us of 8 m. How fast is the
Sines.) JO 5B rc.1d h
water level rising in the larger pool? m nun dt .• .
fuflow rates Nonheast
are equal. course
e _,I
A 45° I B
Port Radars
45. Filming a race A camera is set up at the starting line of a drag
race 50 ft from a dragster at the starting line (camera 1 in the fig- 48. Oblique tracking A ship leaves port traveling southwest at alllt
ure). Two seconds after the start of the race. the dragster has trav- of 12 mi / hr. At noon. the ship reaches its closest approach toa
eled I 00 ft and the camera is turning at 0. 75 rad/ s while filming radar station, which is on the shore 1.5 mi from the port. If the
the dragster. ship maintains its speed and course, what is the rate of change
a. What is the speed of the dragster at this point? 187 .5 ft ~ of the tracking angle 0 between the radar station and the ship at
b. A second camera (camera 2 in the figure) filming the dragster l :30 P.M. (see figure)? (Hint: Use the Law of Sines.) h
is located on the starting line 100 ft away from the dragster at 0 .01< 1 r I j

the start of the race. How fas t is this camera turning 2 seconds N
after the start of the race? 0 938 ~

', 8
.... -- --
-- So uthwest course
Point of closest
to radar station

Staning line
Camera 2 Camera 1 Dragster
i...,,_______ I00 ft
49. Watching a n elevator An observer is 20 m above the ground
floor of a large hotel atrium looking at a glass-enclosed eleia~
46. Two tanks A conical tank with an upper radius of 4 m and a shaft that is 20 m horizontally from the observer (see figurtl-.,
height of 5 m drains into a cylindrical tank with a radius of 4 m ~ngle of_elevation of the elevator is the angle that the .0~~e:r~
and a height of 5 m (see figure). If the water level in the conical line of sight makes with the horizontal (it may be po5iu\e
tank drops at a rate of0.5 m/ min. at what rate does the water level tive)
. · A ssummg· that the elevator rises at a rate of 5 m/ s· \\h31or
15 th
e rate of change of the angle of elevation when the eJeiat
. io:n ""' ,e the ground? When the ele\ator i 40 3. Related Rate :!39
. l"" m abo\ e the
i the rate of change of 8? As ume the 00.)Cf\er· e}e arc le,el
Elevator v. 1th the bouom of the v. heel. o03

~ t
:!O I

-- ---
li bthouse problem A lighthou e lands 500 m off of a
~ ~nt ,h re. the focu ~ beam of its li_ght revoh ing four ti mes
minute A. hov.n m the figure. PI the point on hore clo _
.... to the lighthouse and Q i a point on the hore 200 m from p
; , the ,peed of the beam along the shore v. hen it trike th~
53. Viewing angle The boltom of a large theater screen i 3 ft abo,e
·J Q' De-cnbe hov. the peed of the beam along the hore var.
your e}e le,el and the top of the screen i 10 ft abo,e )our e)e
It' 11 "1 the di, La11ce bet~ een P and Q. ~eglect the height of the
le,el. As ume }Ou v.alk av.a} from the screen (perpendicular 10
t ·1.:xi-.e.
~e screen) at a rate of 3 ft v.hile looking at the screen. What
1 the rate of change of the ,;e..., in2 an2le 8 v. hen vou are 30 ft
from the v. all on ..., hich the screen
horizontal (see figure)?
-ban; .
assumin~ the floor i

3ft 8
_r---1- --------;--------
!L \11iga1ion A boat lea\·e a pon tra,eling due east at 12 mi hr. At
. me lime. another boat leave the ame pon traveling nonh-
ai 15 nu hr The angle 8 of the line bel\l.een the boats i mea-
j re athe tlJ due north ( ee figure). What i the rate of change
54. Searchlight- wide beam A revohing searchHghL \\hich i
, an; e 30 min after the boat lea,e the pon? 2 hr after the
lea,e thepon·1 100 m from the neare t poim on a traight high\\a}. cast:. a hori-
zontal beam along a high\\a} (see figure). The beam lea,e the
potlight at an angle of .. ' 16 rad and revohe at a rate of
.. 6 rad . Let u be the width of the beam as it v.eep along
the highwa} and 8 be the angle that the center of the beam make~
y, ith the perpendicular to the highv. a}. What i the rate of change
of w ,, hen 8 = .. 3? Xeglect the height of the earchJighL

8 is the angle bet~een

the center of the beam
and the line perpendicular
I:! ll'U/b to the high" ay.

·II! a Ferns wheel .\n obsen er tands 20 m from the

a IO.m-t.a.U Ferri v.heel on a line that i~ perpendicular
~ f the Fem v. heel. The v. heel re\ oh e at a rate of
the sen er' line of 11iht v. ith a specific seat on
e an an!!Je (J v. 1th the e~nd ( figure 1. Fon~
'.!rlhat ~at lea\e the Jo\\;~t point on the \\heel. \\hat
, nt aths Two boats leave a pon at the
~~ CH \Pl ER 3 • 0 ERIV\TIVE
56, D1Yeerli~eg w:st at 20 mi /hr and the other traveli~arngetillle
. alf tinder with length trav · the d'stan b
mi / hr. At what rate 1s t ce etween the sth~
so,, '
55, Draining a trough Atrough t ah II cyf ter when a valve i 15 rnin after they leave the port? 14 176 llll, h
30 Ill Chan .
5 mand radius 1m. The trough is fu o waf h trough at a rate of
o""ned and water flow out of the bottom o t e t· a circle of a
r . Th area of a ector o
1.5 m1/ hr (see figure). (Hmt: e , \ 1
radius nubtended by an angle 0 i ,· 0/2.) in hr QUICK CHECK ANSWERS
. vhen the water 10 2
a. Ho\\ fast i the water level changing \ 1. , 1T m2/hr, 18,000".7' m (hr 2. - 192 mi/hr
level i 0.5 mfrom the bottom of the trough? f h water 12 000
!ft/ min; decreases with height 4. f ::: 0 0
b, Whal i the rate of change of the urface area o t e 3. I. ' ::: 0 I

when the \\ ater i 0.5 mdeep? 1·n hr O'(O) == 0.02 rad/s

1.5 m1/h

Suggt'steJ (hapter 3 Redl'\1 /:ierrfaes: J. 4. 9. 10. 12, 14, 15, 16. 21 • ~JS . ~, 9,J~
, '
5,1 (>.1 6 "0 .

1. Explain why or why not Detennine whether the following state-

7. Population of the United States in the 20th century Tu
lation of the United · ~
States (in million ) by decade 1·5 g11en;
ments are true, and give an explanation or a counterexample. .
table, where 11s the number of years after 1900. These data
a. The function J(x) = I2x + I I is continuous for all x;
plotted and fitted with a smooth curve y = p(r) in the figure
therefore, it is differentiable for all x. r alsc
d d a. Compute the average rate of population growth fro l9i
b. lf ~(J(x)) = ;i_;(g(x)),then/= g. I alsc to 1960. 2 70 m1lhon people yt m·
b. Explain why the average rate of growth from 1950 to I%
c. Foranyfunctionf. !l/(x)I = lf'(x)l. ta!sc a good approximation to the (instantaneous) rate of gror
d. The v~lue of/' (a)_ fails to exist only if the curve y = J(x) has in 1955.
a vertical tangent lme at x = a. I isc c. Estimate the instantaneous rate of growth in 1985.
e. An object can have negative acceleration and increasing speed.
2--5. Tangent lines Trul Year 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940
a. Use either deji11itio11 of the derivative to determine the slope or ti 0 10 20 30
ci'.n'e Y = f(x) at the given poi/I/ P. ~ ie p(t) 76.2 1 92.23 106.02 123.2 132.16
b. Find a11 eq11atio11 of the li11e ta11ge111 to the curve ' = !( ) .
the11 graph the cun•e and the ta11gent line. ) x at P,
Year 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
2. f(x) = 4x2 - 1x + 5; P(2, 7) 60 70 80 90 100
3. J(x) = 5.r; + .r, P( 1. 6) p(t) 179.32 203.30 226.54 248.71 281.42

4· J(x) =~ - P(O 3) •
2t + \' . y

S. J(x) = 1 ' P(o ~)
2\11x+i '2 ~

6. Calculating average and . ta ~ 240

height~ of an object (in m;:~o:taneous velocities Suppose the
approximated by the function - the ground after t seconds .
S - -4 912 + IS 5
a. Make a table h . . 251 + 1. -~ 160
. owing the avera .. "5
lime I = I to I = 1 + h ~ ge veloc1t1es of the ob· Q,
0.0000 1 • or h = 0.0l O00 ~ect from 8.
. • . 1 00001 c,i 80
b. Use the table . · · , and
in pan (a) toe ti ::i
c of
U the. object at I = 1. mate the instantaneous veloc·
, se ltrnit to verify . lly
your e ttmate in pan (b). 0
20 40 60

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