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Mathematics :: Revision :: Class IV

A) What is the number (after)? B) What is the number (before)?

1) 4 after 116 1) 7 before 163
2) 7 after 372 2) 4 before 475
3) 11 after 291 3) 68 before 475
4) 98 after 530 4) 45 before 385
5) 111 after 666 5) 21 before 198
6) 23 after 323 6) 39 before 786
7) 100 after 874 7) 52 before 856
8) 56 after 75 8) 99 before 470
9) 83 after 198 9) 12 before 342
10) 101 after 674 10) 23 before 336

C) Use the greater (>) or smaller (<) sign between the given numbers.
1) 4321 3421 6) 1143 1123
2) 5632 5643 7) 2008 2800
3) 8765 8756 8) 2314 8769
4) 5090 5097 9) 5678 5646
5) 6798 4567 10) 2747 2774

D) Read the instructions carefully and write the answer.

1) The greatest 4-digit number =
2) The smallest 2-digit number =
3) The greatest 3-digit number =
4) The smallest 4-digit number =
5) The total of smallest 2-digit number and greatest 3-digit number =
6) The difference between the greatest 4-digit number
and the smallest single digit number =
7) The greatest 2-digit number =
8) The greatest single digit number =
9) The sum of the smallest 2-digit number
and the smallest 3-digit number =
10) The difference between the greatest 2-digit number
and the greatest single digit number =
E) Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.
87502 87250 78052 70825 70528 78025 70258

99765 96579 57996 56979 79965 75669 77659

34521 23412 45321 54123 34123 23214 52341

F) Arrange the following numbers in descending order.

10032 12030 13002 12300 30012 20013 32100

54378 57634 63475 63574 57436 75654 65437

32672 33762 73326 26733 27363 62373 62337

G) Expand the following numbers.

i) 5,08,792 ______________________________________________
ii) 7,05,080 ______________________________________________
iii) 2,00,670 ______________________________________________
iv) 4,67,897 ______________________________________________
v) 3,17,654 ______________________________________________

H) Write the standard numeral.

i) Five crores Three Thousands and Sixteen
ii) Eight Lakhs Nine thousands Six Hundred and Twenty One
iii) Forty One Thousands One Hundred and Thirty Five
iv) Seven Crores Eighty Four Lakhs One Thousand and Eleven
v) Seven Lakhs Six Thousands and Thirty Three
I) Put commas according to the Hindu Arabic System.
a) 2 4 7 0 9 2 b) 8 9 0 c) 9 0 0 5 4 4 4 d) 5 0 2 1 8 5 8

J) Write the place value in the top row of the boxes

Write the number in the bottom row of the boxes
Hindu Arabic System
Forty Five Crores twenty seven lakhs two thousands and sixty five

Six Crores ninety six thousands and six

K) Represent the following numbers on a abacus.

C T.L L T.Th Th H T O C T.L L T.Th Th H T O C T.L L T.Th Th H T O

56850204 69085722 1685934

L) Write the place value in the top row of the boxes

Write the number in the bottom row of the boxes
The International System
Twenty-Two Million Five Thousand and Sixteen

Seven Million Six hundred and sixty six thousand two hundred and five
P) Numbers in Operation - Addition by Rearranging
Rearrange and add the following.

(I) 65+11+89+35 (II) 99+123+1+77 (III) 106+42+64+8

(IV) 8+166+102+34 (V) 55+105+100+80 (VI) 18+27+13+32

Q) Numbers in Operation - Substracting with renaming and borrowing.

Sustract the following.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
7593581 2683291 6090158 9623112 5634827
- 6820549 - 5606917 - 3692463 - 1069931 - 4110997
------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------

R) Numbers in Operation - Substracting with renaming and borrowing.

Copy Vertically and subtract.

A) 586131 - 650 B) 56910 - 26 C) 963555 - 35659

S) Numbers in Operation - Substracting from a number with zeroes

Sustract the following.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
5000000 9000000 3000000 8000000 7000000
- 1346210 - 7310328 - 2265203 - 5167153 - 1895370
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
M) Put Commas and write the number names for the following numbers.
Hindu Arabic System The International system

(A) 506573649 _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

(B) 90640355 _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

(C) 1065098 _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

N) Numbers in Operation - Addition

Add without renaming and carry Over

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

8442761 6634571 9200593 6832801 56015092
+ 1346210 + 1310328 + 265203 + 2161153 + 21053701
------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------------------
------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------------------

O) Numbers in Operation - Addition

Add by renaming and carry Over

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

8542738 5634871 8245593 1867760 45956096
+7646519 + 9380326 + 5965668 + 6161659 + 56153721
------------------ ----------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------------
------------------ ----------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------------
T) Fill the empty boxes.
(A) 68 x = 52 x 68 (B) 76 x 99 = 99 x

(C) x 12 = 12 x 27 (D) 10 x 60 = x 10

U) Multiply the following

(A) 76 x 12 x 12 (B) 15 x 66 x 29 (C) 45 x 11 x 28

U) Solve the following by using the distributive property.

(A) 63 x 122 (B) 15 x 166 (C) 45 x 113

(D) 34 x 89 (E) 15 x 77 (F) 45 x 99

V) Solve the following.

(A) 0 x 7809 = (B) x 1900 = 0 (C) 0 x 9800 =

W) Multiply the following.

(A) 1 x 5678 = (B) x 1922 = 1922 (C) 1 x 9800 =

X) Multiply the following.

6 6 2 3 7 7 7 6 2 0 0 1
x 9 x 4 x 5
------------- ------------- -------------
------------- ------------- -------------

5 5 9 6 9 0 5 5 1 6 8 2
x 5 3 x 1 1 x 5 5
------------- ------------- -------------

------------- ------------- -------------

------------- ------------- -------------

4 3 2 1 5 3 2 3 5 9 6 8
x 3 2 7 x 2 0 5 x 1 2 3
------------- ------------- -------------

------------- ------------- -------------

------------- ------------- -------------

Y) Round the following to the nearest 10, 100, 1000.

(I) 55 (II) 87 (III) 63 (IV) 24 (V) 56

(I) 455 (II) 377 (III) 342 (IV) 666 (V) 554

(I)1064 (II) 2687 (III) 5605 (IV) 4005 (V) 5971

Z) Divide the following.
— — — —
(A) 23) 34572 (B) 46) 60988 (C) 74) 65593 (D) 56) 67890

— — — —
(E) 17)95596 (F) 87 )90058 (G) 42) 64866 (H) 34) 67880

A1) Match the following. Show by colouring the two boxes that match alike.

The sum of the smallest 2-digit number and the biggest 3-digit number 98901
The difference between the biggest 4-digit number and the smallest 4-digit number 10018
The product of the biggest 2-digit number and the biggest 3-digit number 11111
The difference between the smallest 3-digit number and the smallest 5-digit number 1009
The total of the greatest 1-digit number, smallest 2-digit number and the greatest 4-digit number 999000
The quotient of the greatest 5-digit number divided by the greatest 1-digit number 8999
The product of the smallest 4-digit number and the biggest 3-digit number 9900
B1) Rewrite the following sentences by changing the Roman Numerals
to Hindu Arabic Numerals.
A) There are XIV students in class VII in our school.


B) I was born IX years ago.


C) Ruchika”s birthday is on the XVII of October.


D) XIV children from class V went to Cinema.


C1) Change the following to Roman Numerals.

A) 6 B) 20 C) 19 D) 12 E) 11 F) 13

G) 17 H) 5 I) 15 J) 7 K) 9 L) 14

D1) Change the following to Hindu Arabic Numerals.



E1) Colour the boxes that match across the three columns alike.
5 eighteen XX
9 seven IX
13 nineteen VII
18 twelve II
7 twenty IV
19 four XII
12 two V
4 nine XVIII
20 five XIII
2 thirteen XIX
F1) Complete the crossword with Hindu Arabic Numerals.
Across Down

3 4 5 2. L 1. XV
3. XVI 3. XIV
6 4. XII 5. XX
7 8. XIX 7. XI

G1) Test of Divisibility.

Numbers 2 3 4 5 6 9 10

H1) What digit will you add at the end to make these numbers divisible.

a) by 2?
(i) 2351 _______ (ii) 4352 _______ (iii) 7869 _______ (iv) 7863 _______

b) by 3?
(i) 4401 _______ (ii) 7090 _______ (iii) 3124 _______ (iv) 4531 _______
c) by 4?
(i) 9084 _______ (ii) 3122 _______ (iii) 3531 _______ (iv) 7677 _______

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