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PLEASE NOTE: For this assignment, you will be providing the text for your blog article, NOT

a link to your
actual post. If you’d like to share your blog article once you’ve posted it online, you can do so in the
Discussions area.

As part of this MOOC, you will be writing a post/article for either a new filter & focus blog or for an
existing blog through your organization. For the purposes of this peer-graded assignment, we will ask
that you submit and evaluate the written content for your blog. But in order to fully participate in the
remaining MOOC Specialization activities, you will need to create your actual blog and post your article.

Creating Your First Blog Article

As part of this MOOC, you will be writing a post/article for either a new filter & focus blog or for an
existing blog through your organization.

The videos in this MOOC provide a great deal of insight into what makes a great blog, as well as tips for
writing engaging and effective blog articles. Additionally, we provide tutorials in creating a blog and
drafting and posting your articles. If you haven’t watched these yet, it is highly recommended that you
do so before completing this assignment.

For the purposes of this peer-graded assignment, we will ask that you submit and evaluate the written
content for your blog. But in order to fully participate in the remaining MOOC Specialization activities,
you will need to create your actual blog and post your article.

Developing Your Filter & Focus Blog Article

People in your target market are searching through a sea of material every day, looking for trusted
experts they can rely on for credible, relevant, and timely information. This is where you and your blog
come in. You will filter through all of the noise and focus your readers on the important findings. This
blog will be a great way for you to establish your expertise with content that is highly relevant to your
target market.

Articles on your filter & focus blog should follow a simple formula. Your posts should:

• Immediately engage your target audience.

• Give them information from the experts.

• Give them relevant and actionable recommendations (keep it simple).

• Give them a way to contact you.

First, identify a topic of interest to your market. You’ve been using social monitoring to see what the
influencers are discussing right now. Pick a trend and support it. You’ll be offering action items and
advice. Consider:

• What is important to their careers?

• What is a trend they need to know about?

• What is an annoying problem they’ve been facing?

Next, identify 2 articles from top influencers or community experts in this market. The articles can
represent opposing points of view or different aspects of the same perspective.

After identifying your topic and selecting 2 articles from experts and influencers, develop 3
recommended actions your readers should take. These can be things they could do tomorrow.

Once you have completed these preparations, you can create and complete the actual assignment.


Part 1: Blog Site Title

Give the blog site a relevant name. Either name it after your target market or after yourself. I generally
like to use the title of the reader I desire or the subject I am discussing as it tends to relate to the
individual. In the example, I called mine “Social Marketing Insider.” Make it have impact. Remember,
this isn’t your blog article…it is your blog. Make the title resonate with those you are trying to engage.

Part 2: Blog Mission

Before you start your blog, it is important to know your blog’s mission. This will make it easier to focus
on the content and recommendations most important to your target market. Everything you do as a
brand should speak to this mission. For this assignment, you can follow this equation to generate your

“My blog will speak to X (target audience) where they will get Y (information you provide) for Z (benefit
this information will provide to the target audience).”

Part 3: Blog Article

Writing Your Blog Article

I. Write a relevant, high-impact title.

Your title is what will influence your audience to read your blog. A popular formula is to start with the
title of your audience, add a colon, add a number (i.e., 3), and then add high-impact recommendations
or action words. An example would be: “CMOs: 3 Ways Big Data Can Help You Beat the Competition!”

II. Write a short 2-sentence introduction.

• Sentence 1 uses the title of your target market to tell them about a problem or issue you know
they are discussing in social. Make it relevant to them and speak directly to them.

• Sentence 2 establishes who you are, including your interest in the topic or industry, along with
your company (if applicable).

III. Write a 3- to 4-sentence unbiased synopsis of your first expert article.

• In the first sentence, write a summary of your first expert article.

• Be sure to add links to the article and the publication where you found it ( would also be

• Keep the summary positive and not judgmental. Just state the facts.

At this point, in your actual blog, you will want to include a great graphic with an attribution. This is to
separate your 2 articles. You do not need to include your graphic for your MOOC submission.

IV. Write a 3- to 4-sentence unbiased synopsis of your second expert article.

V. Write a 1-sentence lead-in to your 3 action items.

VI. Action Items

You should have 3 action items, each compacted into a 2- to 3-word bullet point with an accompanying
1- to 2-sentence explanation.

VII. Summary

Wrap up your post with a 1-sentence summary encouraging the reader to take action. Keep it simple to
maintain focus on your recommendations.

VIII. Vitae

This can be a short 3- to 4-sentence description (all italics) of your background, your organization,
and/or your blog (feel free to use a different name and/or organization if you wish). In your actual blog,
you’ll want to include a reference to taking this Social Marketing Specialization with a link to it and
Coursera, as well as a link to your social media profiles (use to track this). In your actual blog, you’ll
want to include your picture, but that is not required for this assignment.

Part 4: Future Blog Posts

As we’ve learned already, two great tips for ensuring success with your blog are to create a 52-week
editorial calendar and to have your first 10 posts in the can. For the purposes of this assignment, please
include a placeholder title and a brief 1-sentence description for 5 future posts.


The peer review process gives you the opportunity to see a number of submissions from your peers and
to be inspired by their creativity and insights. It also gives you a chance to evaluate their work against
the grading rubric and provide your MOOC-mates some suggestions on how to make their work even

You will be asked to provide feedback to your peers in the following areas:

• Blog Site Title, Mission, and Future Posts

• Blog Article

Part 1 – Blog Site Title (3 points)

Did the submission include a relevant blog site title?

3 - Yes, a blog site title relating to either the target market or author was included.

2 - Somewhat, the title is included but is not specific to the blogger or target market.

0 - No, the blog site title is not included, or the task was not completed.

Part 2 – Blog Mission (2 points)

Did the submission include a mission for the blog site?

2 - Yes, a mission statement was included that identified the target market, information provided, and
benefit to the reader.

1 – Somewhat, a blog mission statement is included, but it does identify all three areas.

0 - No, the blog mission is not included, or the task was not completed.

Part 3 – Blog Article (20 points)

High-impact title – 2

Does the blog article have a high-impact title?

2 – Yes, the blog article included a high-impact title.

1 - Somewhat, a title is included, but it is not relevant to the market or doesn’t function well as a title.

0 – No, a high-impact title is not included, or the task was not completed.

Short 2-sentence introduction – 5

Does the submission include a short 2-sentence introduction establishing the problem facing the target
market and the blogger’s own interest in the topic?

5 – Yes, the submission includes an introduction that cites the problem and the author’s interest in the

3 – Somewhat, an introduction is included, but the problem or the author is not clearly identified.

0 – No, an introduction is not included, or the task was not completed.

3- to 4-sentence synopsis of 2 expert articles – 5

Are short, non-judgmental summaries of 2 expert articles included in the submission?

5 – Yes, 2 short, non-judgmental summaries are included.

3 – Somewhat, only 1 of the 2 summaries is included, or the summaries are negative.

0 – No, the summaries are not included, or the task was not completed.

Action Items – 5

Does the submission include 3 action items, including short descriptions?

5 – Yes, the submission includes 3 action items with short descriptions

3 – Somewhat, fewer than 3 are included, or either the action item names or their descriptions are not

0 – No, the action items are not included, or the task was not completed.

Summary – 2

Does the submission include a short summary encouraging the reader to take action?

2 – Yes, an encouraging summary is included.

1 – Somewhat, a summary is included, but it does not provide a recommendation.

0 – No, a summary is not included, or the task was not completed.

Vitae – 1

Does the submission include a short 3- to 4-sentence vitae providing background information on the
author, their organization, and their blog subject?

1 – Yes, a vitae is included.

0 – No, a vitae is not included, or the task was not completed.

Part 4 – Future Blog Posts (5 points)

Does the submission include titles and brief 1-sentence summaries for 5 future blog posts?

5 – Yes, the submission includes titles and short summaries for 5 future posts.

3 – Somewhat, either the titles or summaries are included, but not both, or fewer than 5 titles and
summaries are included.

0 – No, the titles and summaries are not included, or the task was not completed.

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