Case-Pepsodent Charting Growth in India

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Pepsodent: Charting Growth in Indian...

The eampaign conveyed the message, .'D~hoom, Dirhooll/ 10 Pt!psodt!nl ko kaOll/

hai,') "Pepsodent is a family health brand" and, kids are central to the category.
Pepsodel1t: Charting.Growth iJllnd~an Oral 'Tbde(o~. s~c i';;;eption, we have been using kids in our advertising." explained
Care Market through
'.. Segmen~ation
..'.. '..' ..'i;"'" . ,., ,.; OJ' Madhu Noorani (Madhu), Unit Creative Director, Lintas, who was in charge of
'Pepsodent's advertising campaign. Madhu added, "There is always a connict between
Colgate-Palmolive (India) 1'\1. Ltd. (CPPL) WO1$ ~ eomPa"~ywhich'i~ttoo~ced mothers and children when it comes to eating things which are considered bad for the
toothpaste in India with thC launch of Colgate Dental Cream (CDCl in 1937~Till the teeth. In this commercial, we have linked the brand proposition, Pepsodent fights
1980s, the company faced very linle in the way of competition and enjoyed the germs hours after brushing, to a consumer's benefit. The emotional benefit is that the
position of market leader. The early 1980s saw the launch of Promise by the Balsara mothers needn't fight with their children and allow the toothpaste to do the fighting:'"
Group. In the late I980s, Hindustan Lever Limiled (HLL), the Indian arm of Unitevcr,
introduced Close-Up toothpaste, targeted at the Indian youth. The product was The company also launched another campaign that claimed that brushing teeth wilh
positioned on the freshness plank; . Pepsodent before going to sleep helped to fight gemlS all through Ihe night. This
campaign was based on research which showed Ihal germ allack increased by 25%
The real compelilion, however, came in 1993, when HLL launched Pepsodent
while one is asl~ep. The results of these campaigns indicaled Ihat the campaig~s were
toothpaste. Unlike Close-Up, which was launched on the freshness and whiteness successful.
platform, Pepsodent was aimed at oral health benefi\. The toothpaste was positioned
as a germ-fighting toothpaste. The company claimed that using the toolhpaste would In 2004, of the Rs 25 billion toothpaste market in India, Pepsodent enjoyed a 17.6%
hdp fight germs even hours after brushing. The prnduct was targeted at housewives. market share while Close-Up's share dropped to 15.3%. filL thus had 36% of the
PepsodenI became a direct competitor to CDc. MAscompared to normal toothpastes, market share, while CppL's share dropped to 50%. Pepsodent thus became a growth
hele is a productlhal fights genns longer that's the USP of the product," explained
driver for HLL in the oral care segment. The company believed thaI a large number of
Pralee\; Srivastava, Associale Director, Lintas, the advertising agency that handled the
consumers had shifted to Pepsodenl due to increasing awareness about oral health and
Pepsodenl accounll
hygiene and the health bcnefit positioning of the Pepsodenl brand.
nefere the :aunch of denial care products, Indians used neem twigs,' sail, ash, etc., 10
clean their teeth. Many of them continued to follow the same practice even after \ The success of Pepsodcnt encollraged fiLL to reposition Close-Up as a product which
subslilules in the form of branded toothpaste and tooth powder became available in \ provided stronger and whiter teeth rather than just freshness. "After all, consumers aTe
the market. f no longer looking for fresh breath and the whole contexi of oral health has changed.
IILL therefore found it necessary to create awareness about the new methods of oral There has to be a new direction to the brand," said Sanjiv Kakkar, vice-president -
care among Indians, espe{ially among children. It conducted many children-focused Oral Care, HLL' He added, "Altliough'in the past we experimented with Close-Up
programs at the school1evel and involved denlists in these programs. variants more strongly than Pepsodent, experience with other brands has shown that it
is more diffi,cultto create variants for a sensorial brand than one based on the family
By 1997, CPPL's market share had gone down to 56% from 75% in 1979. HLL was health platform such as Pepsodent, which is anchored strongly on the core benefit of
ranked No.2 with a 36% market share with its tWo toothpaste brands, Close-Up and oral health:"
Pepsoden\. Although HLL launched some other toothpaste brands like Signal and
Aim, it later decided:o discontinue them so as to focus on Close-Up and Pepsoden\.
In 1999, HLL relaunched pepsodent as Advanced pepsodent laying emphasis on the Questions for Discussion: ,
health benefits derived through the ingredients which helped it 'fight germs longer I. Close-Up was one of the earlier toothpastes 10be launched in Iodia. It also had a
and nuke teeth stronger: HLL also initiated a national dental health awareness clear positioning - olTering the freshness benefit to the consumer. Yet the markel
program in association with the Indian Medical Association (IMA) to spread oral care share of the brand came down, What are the possible reasons for the deC!i", in
and hygiene awareness among rural Indians, white simultaneously promoting the the shaLeof Close-Up over the years?
benefits of its Pepsodent brand. The company found that only 47% of the Indians used
toothpasle and 27% used toolh powder. Around 260 million Indians did not use either. 2, What were the advantages that HLL derived by having two brands targeting tWo
Meanwhile, HLL's market share increased to 37% with Close-Up'conuniriding a 21% different sections of consumers?
and Pepsodenl commanding a 16% market share.
In 2003, HLL launched ils 'dishoom-dishoom' (dishoom) campaign targeted al 10 2005, Tile ICFAI CenTerfor ManagemenT Research. All rig"'s re,.e,,'ed. This coselt!1 was
written by Ajilh Sankar R. N, ullder tile direction of San jib Dutla.
anxious molhers. The dishoom campaign showed tWo schoolboys eating ice cream.
The boy who uses Pepsodent enjoys ~s ice cream, knowing his teeth are. well
protected. The other boy, however, getr a spanking from his mother for spoiling his
teeth by eating ;ce cream.

i "HLL ready wilh media blitz to promote Pepsodent's relaunch," Financial Exprcss, July 20,
) The English translation -Jr's Pepsodent's job 10 do 'dishoom dishoom' (fight germs).
"No kidding, ads arc for kids,' The Hindu BusinessLinc; November 0 I, 200 I. .
: A}urveda describes Neem as a herbal drug. Neem twigs contain antiseptic ingredients which "Upclose and singular," The Hindu BusinessLine, June 17, 200~.
pro\.ide required denIal hygiene. . .
"Upclose and singular," The Hindu BusinessLine. June 17,2004,

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