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Tarot Liza’s


of 800+ Keywords
Wands Cups

Spring, speed, growth, action, forward Summer, relationships, joy, love,

movement, career matters, spirituality happiness, contentment, relating

Swords Pentacles

Fall, communication, mental activity, Winter, money, possessions, work,

strife, control and power struggles values, systems, health
Major Arcana Keywords

The Fool: New beginnings, opportunities, carefree, naiveté, innocent, a journey

The Fool Rev: Foolishness, risky behavior, not time for something new

The Magician: Initiation, raw power, manifestation, action, communication, travel

The Magician Rev: False start, re-doing things, miscommunication, blocked energy, trickster

The High Priestess: Secrets, intuition, mystery, feminine independence, spiritual wisdom

The High Priestess Rev: Secrets exposed, blocked intuition, not listening to gut

The Empress: Abundance, fertility, creativity, mothering, pregnancy, growth, expansion, beauty, luxury

The Empress Rev: Difficulty with/as mother, pregnancy complications, blocked creativity or growth

The Emperor: Authority, father figure, structure, order, stability, rules, routine, boss, government

The Emperor: Domineering, overbearing, abuse of power, controlling, dictatorship

The Hierophant: Conformity, tradition, institutions, orthodox beliefs, church, marriage

The Hierophant Rev: Breaking tradition, unorthodox views, rejecting traditional norms

The Lovers: Soulmate, relationship, meaningful love, choice, duality, decisions

The Lovers Rev: Difficulty in relationship, a fight or rift, inability to make a decision

The Chariot: Victory, progress, will, determination, surmounting obstacles, reconciling opposites

The Chariot Rev: No direction, lost confidence, unmotivated, spinning your wheels

Strength: Inner strength, fortitude, animal desires, power, confidence, passion

Strength Rev: Weakness, feeling powerless, no confidence, cowardly

The Hermit: Solitude, introspection, time, sage, wisdom, guru, prudence

The Hermit Rev: False guru, too long alone, hiding, rejecting solitude, perfectionist

Wheel of Fortune: Luck, fate, destiny, fortune, chance, positive turn of events

Wheel of Fortune Rev: Poor luck, misfortune, don't take chances, difficult turn of events

Justice: Fairness, equality, the law or legal system, writing, judge or lawyer

Justice Rev: Unfair outcome, unjust, difficulty writing, delay, corruption

The Hanged Man: New perspectives, contemplating, suspension, surrender, sacrificing materialism

The Hanged Man Rev: Thinking outside-the-box, selfish, resentful, holier-than-thou attitude

Death: Transformation, rebirth, letting something go, endings, fresh start

Death Rev: Refusing change, stagnation, can't let go, contacting the dead

Tarot Liza’s Big Book of 800+ Keywords

Major Arcana Keywords

Temperance:Moderation, blending, balance, homeostasis, tempering extremes, utilizing patience,healer

Temperance Rev: Out of balance, extremes, no moderation, no patience, healing blocked

The Devil: Materialism, addictions, slave to something, pleasure and desires, overindulgence

The Devil Rev: Recovering from or releasing addictions, breaking bad habits, removing chains that bind

The Tower: Crisis, sudden change, natural disaster, explosive situation

The Tower Rev: Narrowly averted disaster, managing crisis, warning sign

The Star: Hope, optimism, faith, astrology, spotlight, healing

The Star Rev: Lack of faith, despair, denying your gifts, hopelessness

The Moon: Lack of clarity, illusions, delusion, moon cycles, messages and signs

The Moon Rev: Irrational, "lunatic", hidden things exposed, blocked messages

The Sun: Creativity, joy, happiness, optimism, success, confidence, vitality, warmth, clarity

The Sun Rev: Pessimism, lack of vitality or health, rainy, cloudy, sunburn, burnout

Judgement: Awakening, true calling, call to action, powerful, near end of cycle

Judgement Rev: Not heeding the call, rejecting the call from within

The World: Completion, success, reaching the pinnacle, achieving goals, the summit

The World Rev: Goals delayed, cycle not yet complete, travel delayed, barriers

Tarot Liza’s Big Book of 800+ Keywords

Suit of Wands Keywords

Ace of Wands: New beginnings, opportunities, creative ideas, seed or spark

Ace of Wands Rev: Thumbs down, not now, stalled energy, slow start

Two of Wands: Choice, stay or go, contemplating new options

Two of Wands Rev: Difficulty in choice, waffling, unexpected turnaround

Three of Wands: New enterprise, international, travel over water, foresight, planning

Three of Wands Rev: Delays, setbacks, no travel, need more planning

Four of Wands: Celebrations, homecoming, harmony, marriage, engagement, harvest

Four of Wands Rev: Rites of passage, leaving home, internal celebrations

Five of Wands: Conflict, competing ideas, strife, power struggle, contest, banter

Five of Wands Rev: Resolving conflict, synthesis of ideas, working together

Six of Wands: Victory, leader, confidence, triumph, conquering hero, advancement

Six of Wands Rev: Fall from grace, no support or recognition, corruption, treachery

Seven of Wands: Hold your ground, defending yourself, take a stand, don't give up

Seven of Wands Rev: Embarrassment, paranoid, losing your footing, vacillating

Eight of Wands: Swiftness, messages, travel, falling in love, streamlined

Eight of Wands Rev: Delay, mixed messages, hasty, miscommunication, no direction

Nine of Wands: Defensiveness, protection, strength, wariness, old wounds, exhaustion

Nine of Wands Rev: Broken down, psychological wounding, isolation, delusional

Ten of Wands: Burdens, overwhelmed, overworked, burnout, pushing too hard

Ten of Wands Rev: Delegating responsibilities, laying down of burdens, proliferation

Page of Wands: Exciting news, messages, new projects, young energetic person

Page of Wands Rev: Rash behavior, temperamental, childish, feisty, bad news

Knight of Wands: Fast moving, risk taker, enthusiastic, moving forward

Knight of Wands Rev: Rash behavior, reckless, thrill seeker, hot-headed

Queen of Wands: Confident, powerful, generous, fun-loving, energetic, sexy

Queen of Wands Rev: Vengeful, self-righteous, irrational, temperamental

King of Wands: A benevolent leader, generous, lead by example, compassionate

King of Wands Rev: Arrogant, domineering, controlling, bossy, dictator

Tarot Liza’s Big Book of 800+ Keywords

Suit of Cups Keywords

Ace of Cups: New love, pregnancy, emotional or spiritual opportunities, beginnings

Ace of Cups Rev: Emotional block, pregnancy difficulties, rejecting spirit, no take-off

Two of Cups: Union, balanced partnership, teamwork, loving couple, healing

Two of Cups Rev: Disagreement, breakup, power struggle, relationship difficulty

Three of Cups: Women's groups, girlfriends, friendships, parties, merriment, new baby

Three of Cups Rev: Difficulties with friends, three's a crowd, hungover, sobering up, party's over

Four of Cups: Apathy, feeling bored or unfulfilled, dissatisfied, opportunity ignored, meditate

Four of Cups Rev: Taking action, recognizing opportunity, re-engagement

Five of Cups: Sadness, grief, heartache, deep pain or loss, separation

Five of Cups Rev: Moving beyond sadness, recognizing what you have, recovery

Six of Cups: Nostalgia, childhood memories, soulmates, past-life, children

Six of Cups Rev: Bad memories, stuck in the past, imbalance, healing old wounds

Seven of Cups: Fantasy, too many choices, illusion, delusion, temptations, escapism

Seven of Cups Rev: Re-focusing, making choices, extreme escapism, alcohol or substance abuse

Eight of Cups: Walking away voluntarily, something missing, disappointment

Eight of Cups Rev: Not time to walk away, staying when you should go

Nine of Cups: Wish card, indulgence, pleasure, enjoyment, happiness

Nine of Cups Rev: Overindulgence, smug, boasting, gluttony, disappointment

Ten of Cups: Family harmony, complete happiness, deep fulfillment

Ten of Cups Rev: Disharmony, blocked happiness, discord, separation, family difficulties

Page of Cups: Sensitive, creative start, messages, love letters, good news

Page of Cups Rev: Emotionally immature, naive, creative difficulty or block

Knight of Cups: Romantic, white knight, spiritual quest, dreamer, artistic

Knight of Cups Rev: Escapist, unrealistic, blocked emotions, difficult love relations

Queen of Cups: Nurturing, empathetic, emotional, intuitive, psychic, compassionate, mothering

Queen of Cups Rev: Emotional blocks, boundary issues, insecurities or moodiness

King of Cups: Emotionally mature, loving, generous, father, counselor

King of Cups: Emotionally manipulative, negative, hardened or blocked, alcohol abuse

Tarot Liza’s Big Book of 800+ Keywords

Suit of Swords Keywords

Ace of Swords: New ideas, intellect, clear logical thought, truth, power

Ace of Swords Rev: Confusion, lies, delay, difficult communications, lack of clarity

Two of Swords: Indecision, difficult choice, contemplation, peace, mediator

Two of Swords Rev: Impossible choice, can’t decide rationally, over-thinking, pressured

Three of Swords: Sorrow, Heartbreak, sadness, betrayal, pain, rupture, separation, loss

Three of Swords Rev: Moving on, recovering from heartache, or stuck in sorrow

Four of Swords: Rest, recovery, retreat, relax, recuperation, review, incarceration, vacation, withdrawal

Four of Swords Rev: Retreating too long, or not taking a needed break

Five of Swords: Defeat, self-defeat, arguments, no winners, smug attitude

Five of Swords Rev: Laying down weapons, reconciliation, resolutions, apologizing, reflection

Six of Swords: Moving on, transition, starting over, leaving difficulties behind, travel over water

Six of Swords Rev: Not moving on, difficulty leaving the past behind, travel difficulties

Seven of Swords: Lies, cheating, stealing, manipulation, deception, stealth, strategy, research

Seven of Swords Rev: Coming clean, ‘fessing up, facing consequences, guilt, regret

Eight of Swords: Entrapment, feeling helpless, self-constraint, mental fog, victim mentality

Eight of Swords Rev: Removing limiting beliefs, reclaiming personal power, not a victim

Nine of Swords: Worry, anxiety, bad dreams, mental stress, insomnia, psychological fears

Nine of Swords Rev: Extreme anxiety, nightmares, depression, paranoia, phobias, shadow work

Ten of Swords: Hitting rock bottom, the end, ruin, destruction, closure, finality

Ten of Swords Rev: Nowhere to go but up, hope, recovery, fresh start, resisting ending

Page of Swords: Fresh ideas, messages, writing, student, immature expression, curious

Page of Swords Rev: Trouble with words, difficult messages, misunderstandings, lying, gossip

Knight of Swords: Quick-witted, sharp mind, problem solver, quick-tempered, impatient, rushing

Knight of Swords Rev: Aggressive, cutting, fanatical, reckless with words, closed minded, slander

Queen of Swords: Intelligent, clear communicator, rational woman, truth, independent, mature, fair

Queen of Swords Rev: Cold, demanding, harsh cutting words, calculating, unjust, critical, gossip

King of Swords: Authoritative, logical, fair, just, unemotional, lawyer, judge, level-headed, direct

King of Swords Rev: Cold-hearted, controlling, absolute power, unfair, cruel words, harsh, manipulation

Tarot Liza’s Big Book of 800+ Keywords

Suit of Pentacles Keywords

Ace of Pentacles: Financial or business opportunity, windfall luck, resources available, creating systems

Ace of Pentacles Rev: Dropping the ball, missed or lost opportunity, lack of systems, financial difficulty

Two of Pentacles: Juggling, balance, time management, prioritizing, decisions, money coming and going

Two of Pentacles Rev: Red tape, mismanaged time or money, lack of prioritizing well, can’t keep up

Three of Pentacles:Collaboration, teamwork, attention to details, meaningful work, structured creativity

Three of Pentacles Rev: Lack of teamwork, sloppy or unfulfilling work, criticism of work, no input taken

Four of Pentacles: Conservation, restriction, control and security, protecting resources, stability

Four of Pentacles Rev: Greed, miserly, lack of stability, hoarding, losing money or resources

Five of Pentacles: Hopelessness, destitute, poverty, loss, material trouble, hardship, isolation

Five of Pentacles Rev: Financial upswing, recovering from difficulty, finding help or sanctuary

Six of Pentacles: Unequal partnerships, generosity, giving and receiving, balance, stability, dominance

Six of Pentacles Rev: Financial instability, unpaid/denied loan or debt, get rich quick scheme, dominance

Seven of Pentacles: Contemplation, hard work beginning to payoff, pruning, pressing on, refining plans

Seven of Pentacles Rev: Letting go, moving on too quickly, no long-range vision, little yield for work

Eight of Pentacles: Prudence, repetition, apprentice work, specialist, commitment, vocational work

Eight of Pentacles Rev: Unfulfilling work, dead-end job, lack of skills necessary, career change

Nine of Pentacles: Abundance, luxury, affluence, independence, discipline, fruition, prosperity, solidarity

Nine of Pentacles Rev: Lack of discipline, goals not met, desire for freedom, feeling trapped, overwork

Ten of Pentacles: Legacy, inheritance, family name, values and traditions, wealth, prosperity, property

Ten of Pentacles Rev: Financial loss, poor investments, lost property, rejecting traditions, gambling

Page of Pentacles: Financial news, student, learning, study, earth sign children, starting something new

Page of Pentacles Rev: Lack of focus, difficulty with studies, difficulty with children, undesirable news

Knight of Pentacles: Dependable, practical, fastidious, reliable, hard worker, slow moving, detailed

Knight of Pentacles Rev: Stubborn, stuck-in-the-mud, no movement, laziness, boring, stagnation

Queen of Pentacles: Motherly, caretaker, gardener, practical, provider, nurturing, cook, warm home

Queen of Pentacles Rev: Messy home, disorganized, lack of care given, does not cook or provide well

King of Pentacles: Excellent provider, affluent, benevolent, generous, abundance, financial stability

King of Pentacles Rev: Greedy, financially controlling, miserly, corrupt/failing in business, poor provider

Tarot Liza’s Big Book of 800+ Keywords

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