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Ph.D. Research Scholar



A wild animal is one that lives entirely without the help and care of man. It dose not

depend on man either for food, shelter or protection. When we talk about wild

animals, we mean wild mammals, for example bears, monkeys, elephants, tiger, lion

etc. According to ecologists, both naturally occurring animals (fauna) as well as

plants (flora) are included in wildlife. Some wild animals are so characteristic that

they become symbols of their home countries. Thus tiger and Peacock are

associated with India, Kangaroo with Australia, White Beer with Russia, kiwi with

Newzeland, Springbok with South Africa and Giant panda with china.

India is unique in having immense natural beauty in its different biomes and in

possessing a rich and diverse wild life fauna. India wild life is incomparable in its

variety. For example, the tiger, the lion and the leopard roam about in the same

country. Elephants and the one horned rhinoceros are found here in abundance.

India has more types of the graceful deer and cats than any other country in the

world. In fact, India includes more than 120 families of terrestrial vertebrates. It has

been established that there are more than 400 species of mammals, 1200 species of

birds , more than 350 species of reptiles and more than 29,70,000 species of insects

in India . The animals like black buck , Nilgiri tahr, pigmy hog , golden langur , lion –

tailed macaque etc . are unique wild animals of India . India is gifted whit a wide

variety of deers such as musk deer (Kastura), barking deer , spotted deer (cheetal),

hog deer , mouse deer , swamp deer (barasingha) , and dancing deer

(sambhar).The typical wild indian bird include peafowl ,jungle fowl, quail, great Indian

reptiles include crocodiles , lizards, gharials and more than 125 varieties of snakes.

Many wild animals become extinct due to various human and natural activities.

For example, over the past 2000 years about 106 species of animals and about 140

species of birds have become extinct because of climatic and geographic changes

and also by over hunting by man for food , fur and many other reasons . According to

ecologists more than 600 species of animals and birds are expected to be extinct, if

not protected by wildlife management.


Wild animals as well as plants have evolved like man over millions of year s.

Together they from the complex web of life on the planet Earth. Wildlife has a great

importance to man. For example:-

a) Cultural Importance:- knowledge of animals is a part of our culture . wild

life play s an important as well as vital role in unraveling many mysteries of nature ,

especially forests and its environment.

b) Economic Importance: - There are four important ways in which wildlife

can be utilized for economic gains. These are:-


i) Food - Indian tribal population mainly makes use of game animals and

birds and also fishes as the main source of their protein food.

ii) Shooting and Fishing - These are useful source of income to the people

because of the money realized from the sale of shooter licenses and an import of

sporting arms.

iii) Collection of Animals - Live or dead for zoological gardens and museums

of the world, the wild animals is a profitable business. Industries supported by

animals products lick skin, horn, fur, hide etc. are valuable economic assets.

iv) Wildlife Sanctuary Tourism - It can become a major source of foreign

exchange. Internal tourism can also become an equally strong factor for

improving economic activities in various states.

v) Maintenance of Nature’s Balance - Wildlife is the soul of man and it

renders him a healthy environment. This is due to his valued activities as

they maintain nature’s balance very effectively and that too at no cost.

For example, the predatory animals control over population of species on

which they live. If such species are allowed to grow unchecked, they are

expected to affect the interest of man adversely. Similarly, when a

species is wiped out, it can never be created and with its extinction the

nature’s balance would be disturbed. The consequences of this are felt

by man and animals alike.



This depends on the source of danger to the threatened species. In many

cases, wildlife can be helped by ensuring that their environment is favorable with

regards to availability of food, water and shelter. This method is called Habitat

Management. It involves such action as soil conservation, good forestry practices

and wildlife management

Several species have been threatened with extinction due to destruction of

habitat by human activities like deforestation for farming, pollution of air, water, land

plants and animals etc. People must set aside separate areas like sanctuaries,

wildlife reserves, parks etc. In which wildlife can survive. Hunting is another major

cause for the dwindle in the wildlife and this can be prevented by enforcement of

strict laws that forbid or regulate such killings.

Excessive increase in the number of one species in a given area threatens

not only its own endurance but also that of the other species by consuming major

portion of the available food. Such numbers must be reduced by controlled hunting

or by restoring its natural enemies where they have become scarce.

Sometimes species find it’s extremely difficult to survive in their own once

favorable environment. Such species can be protected by breeding in captivity and

releasing in a protected area that satisfies the conditions favorable for survival.

A species threatened with disease can be protected by sanitation measures in

a habitat.

The success of wildlife conservation depends on the knowledge of the

ECOLOGY of the species which involves an understanding of the way of life of the

species and its relationship with its biotic and biotic environment.

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