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Created by :
Arga Yudha Anggara

Language and Science Faculty

Wijaya Kusuma University of Surabaya

School name : Hang Tuah 4 Senior High School

Subjects : English

Class/ Semester : X IPA 1/ 1

Time Allocation : 2x45 minutes (1x meeting)

Learning Topics : Introducing Myself

Skills : Speaking

Meeting of : 1st

A. Competency Standards
Understanding the meaning of a transactional conversation text and interpersonal formal
and continuing in the context of everyday life.

B. Basic Competence
Responding to the meaning in the text using variety of oral language accurately, fluently
and acceptable in the context of everyday life in text form.

C. Competency Achievement Indicators

Indicators of Competence Achievement Culture and Values National Character

1) Students are able to understand the Religious, honest, tolerance, discipline,

function of Introduces Myself. hard work, independent, democratic,
2) Students are able to Introduces curious, the spirit of nationalism,
themselves using English. patriotism, recognize excellence,
friendship, love peace, love reading,
environmental care, social care,
responsibility, self.

Entrepreneurship/ Creative Economy:

 Confident (perseverance, optimistic).
 Task oriented (motivated, diligent, determined, energetic).
 Risk takers (like challenges, able to lead).
 Orientation to the future (have a perspective to the future).
D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson:
Students are able to Introduces themselves using English.

E. Materials: Introducing Myself

F. Learning Methods:
Grammar Translation Method

G. Learning Activities

1) Pre-Activity (10 minutes)

 Cordial greetings to the students when entering the classroom (embedded value:
polite, caring).
 Check for the presence of the students (grades invested: disciplined, diligent).
 Associating material/ competencies that will be studied with character.
 With reference to the syllabus, lesson plans and teaching materials, delivering
grain to be developed character than those associated with SC/ BC students
discuss the questions listed in the text books.

2) Core Activities (70 minutes)

a) Exploration
 The teacher explains about the definition, function, and language features of
the materials.
 The teacher gives some oral examples how to introducing in English.
 The teacher provides the opportunity for students to ask all about the
materials that have given.

b) Elaboration
 The teacher asks the students to introducing themselves in front of the class.

c) Confirmation
 The teacher provides feedback to the students.
 Confirm the results of the task.
 The teacher facilitates student reflection to gain a learning experience that has
been done.
 The teacher gives a motivation to students who are not and have not been
able to follow the materials and instructions correctly.
d) End activity
 The teacher and students reflect on the materials that have been implemented.
H. Learning Media:

 Book

I. Assessment

 Indicators, Techniques, Forms, and Examples.

No. Indicator Technique Form Example

1. Students are able to Oral test Answering The teacher

understand the function of the questions give an orally
Introduces Myself. that have questions, then
given. the students
answer the

2. Students are able to Oral test The students

Introduces themselves using introduce
English. themselves in
front of the

 Assessment Instrument

Hi guys, my name’s Andre. I’m 15 years old. I was born on Surabaya, August 1 st
2002. I live on Perak Timur street. I’m a student at Hang Tuah 4 Senior High
My hobby is go swimming. I go swimming twice a week, on Friday and Monday.
One day, I want to be an athlete. I’m going to make Indonesia be a champion in
Olympic. I will get it.

 Assessment Guidelines

If the If the If the If the

response is response is response is response is
correct, right correct, right correct, right not quite
speech, right speech, right speech, wrong correct, wrong
Criteria intonation and intonation and intonation and speech, wrong
pronunciation pronunciation pronunciation intonation and
smoothly. is not smooth. smoothly. pronunciation
is not smooth.

Score 91-100 81-90 71-80 61-70

Principal Teacher

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