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Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Career & Education: University Planning

Part 1: General Program Information
Faculty: UBC Sauder School of Business
Degree: Bachelor of Commerce
Program Name: Commerce
Years to complete: 4 years with co-op option
YEAR ONE Course List

Course Code Course Name Course Description

COMM 101 Business The different disciplines of business and their
Fundamentals combination in management planning and decision-
COMM 291 Application of Methods and applications of statistics in business;
Statistics in data analysis, descriptive regression; data
Business generation; sampling distributions; hypothesis
testing; confidence intervals; two sample problems;
inference in regression.
COMM 292 Management and Behaviour in organizations as it affects people as
Organizational individuals, their relationships with others, their
Behaviour performance in groups and their effectiveness at
ECON 101 Principles of Elements of theory and of Canadian policy and
Microeconomics institutions concerning the economics of markets
and market behaviour, prices and costs, exchange
and trade, competition and monopoly, distribution
of income.
MATH 104 Differential Derivatives and rates of change, exponential and
Calculus with trigonometric functions, Newton's method, Taylor
Applications to polynomials, maxima and minima, and graphing.
Commerce and
Social Sciences
Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Part 2: Course Information

Course Code & Name: COMM 101 103 (Lecture) Credits: 3

Withdraw Date without a W Standing: September 19, 2017
Withdraw Date with a W Standing: October 13, 2017
Seats Summary: None were available:;jsessionid=pnr5n8cjh712?pname=subjarea&tname=
Time of Travel from Bus Loop: 11min

Term Day Start Time End Time Building Room

1 Tue Thu 11:00 12:30 Henry Angus 492

Book Summary:

Title Reqd/Opt/Rel Author ISB Price

No Text

Alternative Credit from Other Schools

UBC Course: UBC COMM 101 UBC COMM 101 UBC COMM 101
UBC Credit : 3 3 3
Transfer Credit: 3 3 3
Valid Date: Jan/11 to now Jan/11 to now Jan/11 to now
Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Course Code & Name: COMM 101 T17 (Tutorial) Credits: n/a
Withdraw Date without a W Standing: September 19, 2017
Withdraw Date with a W Standing: October 13, 2017
Seats Summary: None were available:;jsessionid=pnr5n8cjh712?pname=subjarea&tname=su
Time of Travel from Bus Loop: 11 min

Term Day Start Time End Time Building Room

1 Fri 13:00 14:00 Henry Angus 039

Book Summary:

Title Reqd/Opt/Rel Author ISB Price

No Text

Alternative Credit from Other Schools

UBC Course: UBC COMM 101 UBC COMM 101 UBC COMM 101
UBC Credit : n/a n/a n/a
Transfer Credit: 3 3 3
Valid Date: Jan/11 to now Jan/11 to now Jan/11 to now
Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Course Code & Name: COMM 291 101 (Lecture) Credits: 3

Withdraw Date without a W Standing: September 19, 2017
Withdraw Date with a W Standing: October 13, 2017
Seats Summary:
Total Seats Remaining: 2
Currently Registered: 68
General Seats Remaining: 0
Restricted Seats Remaining*: 2
Time of Travel from Bus Loop: 11 min

Term Day Start Time End Time Building Room

1 Mon Wed 14:30 16:00 Henry Angus 241

Book Summary:

Title Reqd/Opt/Rel Author ISB Price

Etext + Ac : Optional SHARPE / CEB / 9780133890044 $95.00
Business 174 172
Statistics: First
Course 1/Cdn
Ed W/
Pkg Business Required SHARPE / 9780133893748 $171.30
Statistics : First DEVEAUX /
Course 1/Cdn
Ed + Mystatlab
W/ Etext

Alternative Credit from Other Schools

UBC Course: UBC COMM 291 UBC COMM 291 UBC COMM 291
UBC Credit : 3 3 3
Transfer School: ALEX COMM AU MGSC 301 CAMO BUS
Transfer Credit: 3 3 3
Valid Date: Jan/07 to now Sep/09 to now Sep/09 to Aug/02
Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Course Code & Name: COMM 292 103 (Lecture) Credits: 3

Withdraw Date without a W Standing: September 19, 2017
Withdraw Date with a W Standing: October 13, 2017
Seats Summary:
Total Seats Remaining: 1
Currently Registered: 53
General Seats Remaining: 1
Restricted Seats Remaining*: 0
Time of Travel from Bus Loop: 11 min

Term Day Start Time End Time Building Room

1 Mon Wed 11:30 13:00 Henry Angus 291

Book Summary:

Title Reqd/Opt/Rel Author ISB Price

Etext + Ac : Optional LANGTON / 9780134048970 $159.95
Organizational CEB / 181 174
Behaviour 7/Cdn Ed +
Pkg Organizational Required LANGTON 9780134275697 $165.00
Behaviour 7/Cdn Ed
+ Etext A

Alternative Credit from Other Schools

UBC Course: UBC COMM 292 UBC COMM 292 UBC COMM 292
UBC Credit : 3 3 3
Transfer School: ALEX COMM AU ORGB 364 CAMO BUS 220
Transfer Credit: 3 3 3
Valid Date: Jan/07 to now Sep/13 to now Sep/09 to now
Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Course Code & Name: ECON 101 002 (Lecture) Credits: 3

Withdraw Date without a W Standing: September 19, 2017
Withdraw Date with a W Standing: October 13, 2017
Seats Summary:
Total Seats Remaining: 5
Currently Registered: 103
General Seats Remaining: 5
Restricted Seats Remaining*: 0
Time of Travel from Bus Loop: 9 min

Term Day Start Time End Time Building Room

1 Mon Wed Fri 9:00 10:00 Buchanan A202

Book Summary:

Title Reqd/Opt/Rel Author ISB Price

++ Pkg Required MANKIW ++ 9780176818302 155.95
Principles of
Micro 7/ Cdn Ed
+ Aplia Pac (12

Alternative Credit from Other Schools

UBC Course: UBC ECON 101 UBC ECON 101 UBC ECON 101
UBC Credit : 3 3 3
Transfer School: ALEX ECON 103 BCIT ECON 2100 CAMO ECON 103
Transfer Credit: 3 3 3
Valid Date: Jan/07 to now Sep/96 to now Sep/01 to now
Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Course Code & Name: ECON 101 L5F (Discussion) Credits: n/a
Withdraw Date without a W Standing: September 19, 2017
Withdraw Date with a W Standing: October 13, 2017
Seats Summary:
Total Seats Remaining: 2
Currently Registered: 250
General Seats Remaining: 2
Restricted Seats Remaining*: 0
Time of Travel from Bus Loop: 9 min

Term Day Start Time End Time Building Room

1 Fri 16:00 17:00 Buchanan D219

Book Summary:

Title Reqd/Opt/Rel Author ISB Price

No text

Alternative Credit from Other Schools

UBC Course: UBC ECON 101 UBC ECON 101 UBC ECON 101
UBC Credit : n/a n/a n/a
Transfer School: ALEX ECON 103 BCIT ECON 2100 CAMO ECON 103
Transfer Credit: 3 3 3
Valid Date: Jan/07 to now Sep/96 to now Sep/01 to now
Name: _____Kevin_Zhou__________________

Course Code & Name: MATH 104 104 (Lecture) Credits:3

Withdraw Date without a W Standing: September 19, 2017
Withdraw Date with a W Standing: October 13, 2017
Seats Summary:
Total Seats Remaining: 17
Currently Registered: 108
General Seats Remaining: 17
Restricted Seats Remaining*: 0
Time of Travel from Bus Loop: 11 min

Term Day Start Time End Time Building Room

1 Tue Thu 8:00 9:00 Leonard 200

Book Summary:

Title Reqd/Opt/Rel Author ISB Price

No Text Required NO TEXT 281000028734 N/A

Alternative Credit from Other Schools

UBC Course: UBC MATH 104 UBC MATH 104 UBC MATH 104
UBC Credit : 3 3 3
Transfer School: ALEX MATH 104 CAMO MATH 108 CAPU MATH 108
Transfer Credit: 3 4 3
Valid Date: Jan/07 to - now Sep/95 to - now Sep/07 to - now

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