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September 6, 2019

Luke 5:33-39

A skeptic mind never runs out of questions.

In our gospel for today, Jesus is being asked by the Pharisees with regards to their neglect to
observe fasting. Prior to this ‘moral problem’ which they tried to impose on Jesus, the Pharisees and
their scribes also questioned his act of eating with Levi, the tax collector. And a few verses after that, we
could see again that Jesus is being questioned regarding the ‘sacrilegious act’ of his disciples of picking
head grains during Sabbath. Yet Jesus, in every question that is asked from him, answered them.

In so many instances in our life, we too questioned Jesus. We tend to ask him questions and yet
doubt his answers. We tend to doubt his blessings and even reduce them to human geniuses. We tend to
question his morality and tried to impose to him the never-ending question on the problem of evil. And
yet in so many instances that we doubted, Jesus gave his answer in different forms. Only that we can’t
accept them.

Today we are being reminded to put our trust in him, to never question his goodness and to put
our faith in him.

October 5, 2019

Luke 10: 17-24

Behold, your presence is a miracle. You may not believe it, but it’s true. You may not have
showed great power just like what the seventy-seven disciples did, but it doesn’t mean you’ve not
shared Jesus’ miracles with others. Then try to think of those instances wherein you have eased the
burden of a neighbor through a simple smile, a tap on a shoulder, or even a good laugh with him/ her.

The gospel for today shows what God can do if only we could let him be God of our life. No evil
can overpower us. No demon can encumber us. We shall be walking, leaping and praising God for
bestowed on us the grace to trample our enemy. Rejoice, then, for you have been Jesus’ instrument to

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