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MAI 2006

I. Choose the correct answer A, B or C. (10 x 1 point)

1. Do you know…….that man standing near Tom is?

A. who B. whose C. who’s
2. “Did you play football yesterday?” “Yes, we did, ……. the snow.”
A. although B. in spite C. despite
3. She was …….tired that she fell asleep.
A. such B. so C. too
4. Would you mind …….the TV down?
A. to turn B. turn C. turning
5. The money ……. not enough to pay the bill.
A. are B. was C. were
6. I wish I ……. slimmer.
A. am B. will be C. were
7. Paul asked Sally when …….go out with him.
A. she would B. would she C. will she
8. He used to be a footballer, ……..?
A. isn’t he B. did he C. didn’t he
9. Small children depend …….their parents for survival.
A. with B. to C. on
10. If I won the lottery I ……. on an exotic holiday.
A. will go B. would go C. Went

II. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that
fits in the space. (10 x 1 point)

It may seem (0)…unbelievable.., but it is quite possible that the BELIEVE

days of the secretary are coming to an end. There is ..(1)…….to EVIDENT
suggest that professional people such as doctors, ……(2)…… LAW
and managers are dealing with …(3)……… personally rather CORRESPOND
than having a secretary do it. And the reason is simple: modern
technology. Until recently, secretaries were extremely…(4)… for USE
typing letters to …(5)……… and clients, for arranging meetings CUSTOM
and dealing with travel ………(6)……. Answering the telephone ARRANGE
was also another of their major ……(7)…… However, RESPONSIBLE
with the introduction of e – mail and mobile phones, managers
are able to do more and more of these ………(8)……. by ACTIVE
themselves. Many companies ……(9)…. have fewer secretaries CURRENT
than they did five years ago. However, ……(10)…… does not EMPLOY
seem to have increased as a result.
III. Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold.
(5 x 2 points)

1. I expect you were very pleased when you won the competition.
BEEN You…………………….very pleased when you won the competition.
2. I 'd love to come to your wedding, but I 'll be away on holiday then.
WISH I……………….. to your wedding, but I 'll be away on holiday then.
3. Alan does a full – time job and brings up two children too.
WELL Alan does a full – time job…………………………two children.
4. I do not mind driving to work because I do it all the time.
USED I………………….to work so I do not mind doing it.
5. It is possible Karen did not hear her name being called.
MIGHT Karen …………………. her name being called.

IV. Complete these sentences with one word only. (10 x 1 point)

The piano – or to give it its full name, the pianoforte – has played a central role in
European music …(1)… the early 1700s. Its development can …(2)…traced back to
an Italian harpsichord maker, Bartolomeo Cristofori. Cristofori …(3)… wanted for a
long time to combine the mechanism of two different instruments: the dulcimer,
which relies …(4)… strings and hammers to produce its sound, and the harpsichord,
…(5)… music is produced through a keyboard. In 1709 Cristofori worked …(6)…
that this could be done successfully, and the piano …(7)… born. The piano player
strikes a key on the keyboard, …(8)… forces a hammer to strike a string, producing a
note. The idea seems obvious …(9)… us today, but in 1709 it was revolutionary. The
piano quickly …(10) ... extremely popular, and improvements continued to be made
to it.

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