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 Rattling the world (chacoalhando o mundo)

 Long-range missile tests
 Has deftly seized (habilmente)
 To turn toward diplomacy with Seoul
 Statesman
 Announcement about resumption of military talks
 Missile launches
 To cast a pall over (to create an unpleasant situation)
 Solely
 To throw a wrench
 Sanctions that are beginning to bite
 Pointedly
 In the loop
 Claimed credit for the new tone
 To threaten
 Derailing the economic growth
 Our cutting-edge weapons
 Ballistic missiles
 To fuel shortages (aumentar escassez)
 To break ranks (intervalos
 Diruption
 The Pentagon has drawn up plans
 Retaliation
 Denuclearization
 Undermine the international effort
 Pull back on the pressure]
 Tactical move
 If his intent was to divide
 Major fator in its politics
 Longstanding enmity
 Resurfaced over the decades
 Deadlier – mais mortal
 Shipwreck (naufrágio)
 Rubber (borracha)
 Disembarkation
 Pinch yourself (se beliscar)
 He is portrayed as
 Monstrously selfish
 Toddler-emperor (criança-imperador)
 Unfit for office (inadequado para o escritório)
 America is caught up in a debate
 Sanity
 Seemingly unable
 Guiltily
 Is outstripping the restof the economy (está superando o resto...)
 Synchronised
 Upswing (retoma)
 Disillusioned
 Iminente threat
 He branded NATO as obsolete
 Was not strikingly (contundentemente) diferente
 Was unfunded
 Antipathy
 Has invigorated
 Hardly beyond the pale (… além da pálida)
 His predecessors
 He will rub (esfregará)
 Distracts (distrai)
 Dramatically
 Outrage (ultrajante)
 Swamp (pântano)
 Disconnection
 Raking over (riscando)
 Probe into his campaing’s dealings with Russia
 To gauge wheter his (para medir seu)
 Comatose (em coma)
 Afar (longe)
 Madder (mais louco)
 Neither his cabinet nor Congress will vote him out
 Would swerve towards (desviar para)
 Partisanship
 Ousting (expulsando)
 Hawk (falcão)
 China and Russia are leading a stealthy and increasingly successful effort at the United
Nations to weaken UN efforts
 Stealthy: secret; hidden
 UN failures in preventing or sounding the alarm over atrocities, culminating in mass
 Untenable (insustentável)
 With an emphasis on
 To roll back (reverter)
 some analysts have raised concerns over China’s increasing prominence in the region.
 utterly ludicrous – totalmente ridículo
 to debunk – desmascarar
 odds – probabilidades
 may blench at the prospect – pode encobrir a perspectiva
 marooned - desanimado
 dispiriting – desolado

 For at least a decade, a growing chorus of foreign policy experts had been pointing to
signs that the international order was coming apart.
 Authoritarian powers were flouting long-accepted rules.
 United States – the leader and guarantor of the existing order
 The post-World War II system of norms
 But the existing order is more resilient than this assessment suggests
 Yet despite these risks, rumors of the international order’s demise have been greatly
 The system is built to last through significant shifts in global politics and economics
 This more optimistic view is offered not as comfort but as a call to action.
 The present moment demands resolve and affirmative thinking from the foreign
policty community about how to sustain and reinforce the international order.
 No one knows how things will turn out. But fatalism will become a self-fulfilling
 The order can endure only if its defenders step up.
 It also needs an update to account for new realities and new challenges.
 To build a new consensus at home and abroad about needed adjustments, and to set
the stage for a better approach, before it’s too late.
 In a world where the major trends seem to spell chaos…
 The emphasis should be on protecting..
 A position of preeminent economic, political and military influence, but it can still
mobilize cooperation on shared challenges and shape consensus on key rules.
 Although Washington will not be… it will remain the most important agenda-setter.
 The Us-led order was built at a unique moment, at the end of World War II.
 Great powers were reduced to rubble
 Shape rules
 Drive outcomes
 A model to emulate
 Reinforce and extend American preeminence.
 The basic bargain would one day need to be revisited.
 Beijing has set out to construct its own parallel institutions… these institutions
supplement the existing order
 Some seek a more prominent place in institutions such as the UN Security Council.
 Brazil has taken on a leading role in defending important aspects of the order, such as
the multistakeholder system.
 Make the rules-based order less rigid, and therefore more lasting.
 The P5 +1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany)
joined together to develop a rules-based plan to address a major global proliferation
 The resulting agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
 The TransPacific Partnership
 The US-brokered version
 Which Trump withdrew from last year.
 To the contrary,
 European leaders have sought to sustain the alliance
 Similarly,
 Surprised most observers by..
 Perhaps most important,
 His contempt for the rules-based order
 To counter North Korea.
 To embrace elements,
 Effort to reinforce and update the international order and address the real threats to
its long-term viability.
 The economic openness and integration lead to greater and more widely shared
 Economic and political openness are mutually reinforcing.
 Chinese influence operations will continue seeking to destabilize democratic systems.
 These trends are now being COMPOUNDED (agravadas) by new threats to democracy.
 To alleviate the strains
 The wherewithal = onde cair
 Accompanied by debilitating corruption
 Russia has a brokering role there (Middle East)
 Given Russia’s fragile economy and unfavorable demographic trends.
 Responsabilities to take on based on a narrow cost-benefit analysis
 China will clearly seek greater influence in the operation
 Beijing succeeds in building a sphere of influence in East Asia
 Coercive economic diplomacy
 The Belt and Road Initiative.
 They have plenty of cards to play.
 Instability from North Africa to South Asia have led some observers to conclude…
 In addition to the horrific human toll, this has had the spillover effects of sending
refugees flowing to Europe and inspiring jihadist attacks across the West.
 At the same time,
 Effective statecraft can help manage, contain, and reduce regional instability over
 Americans remain committed to working closely with other nations to secure shared
interest through common action and rules.
 Pilgrimage – peregrinação
 To flaunt – se exibir
 Shantytowns - favelas
 Dished out – repartido
 Remiss – descuidado
 bloated - inchado
 bribes – subornos
 It’s a bottomless pit = é um poço sem fundo.
 bent on plunder, grumbles – empenhado em saquear, resmunga
 Disgruntlement – descontentamento
 . The rain floods their tents, watering grievances -. A chuva inunda suas barracas,
regando as queixas
 The overthrow of Saddam was botched by America - . A derrubada de Saddam foi
fracassada pelos EUA
 Respite = descanso
 Sprawling = alastrando
 Crunching = triturando
 clumps of candyfloss = aglomerados de algodão doce.
 Uncharted = inexplorado
 Taps = torneiras
 Treacherous = traiçoeiro
 Pumped = bombeado
 reaching out = estendendo a mão
 hauled = arrastou
 intertwined = entrelaçados
 painstakingly = meticulosamente
 partisan cauldron = caldeirão partidário
 dogged = obstinado
 rotten = podre
 He could have spared the world a lot of trouble. Ele poderia ter poupado o mundo de
vários problemas.
 Halted = parou
 Revved up = acelerou
 At recent meetings they have stressed the importance of fostering innovation,
cleaning up the environment and keeping a lid on debt.

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