Difficult Process For The Disabled To Get Driving Licence

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Difficult process for the disabled to get driving licence

KUALA LUMPUR: Disabled Malaysians who wish to learn driving face numerous obstacles getting a
driving licence.

This is because most driving schools in the country lack disabled-friendly facilities and the process for
the disabled to learn driving is often complicated.

Unlike the able-bodied who learn to drive with the schools’ cars, the disabled are required to bring
their own Puspakom-certified vehicles for training and tests.

To further add to their problems, the locations for the computerised theory examinations are often
not wheelchair-friendly.

There is also a lack of experienced instructors that can teach disabled learner drivers.

Aveena Devi Krishna Kumar, 23, recently got her driving licence, but says the process was a difficult

“It may sound basic, but most of these locations do not even have ramps (for wheelchair access).

“People had to lift me in my wheelchair at certain spots to get to the location.

“I managed to get to a centre in Bangi for the theory exam and even that place was not wheelchair-
friendly,” she said.

“The upfront cost for a disabled person to learn driving is higher compared to an ordinary person.

“The disabled would either have to buy a vehicle or find one and modify it. They would need a lot of
help to get all the required documentation and approvals,” she added.

Senator Bathmavathi Krishnan said it was about time the Road Transport Department (JPJ) and other
relevant authorities made it mandatory for driving schools to be disabled- friendly and have trainers
for the disabled.

“The authorities should provide incentives for at least one driving school in major cities and districts
to have trainers for the disabled,” said Bath­mavathi, who is founder of the Association of Women
With Disabilities Malay-sia.

The management of driving schools said it would be costly for them to provide specially-modified
vehicles because disabilities differ from one individual to another.

JPJ director-general Datuk Seri Nadzri Siron said JPJ does in fact want to encourage more driving
schools to provide disabled-friendly amenities and to make the exam process accessible.

He added that some of the driving schools were located in shoplots and it may be difficult for them
to make it disabled-friendly.

“But we can at least identify a few to be made disabled-friendly,” he added.

Based on JPJ’s latest records, Malaysia has 84,927 registered disabled drivers with licen­ce.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/06/19/difficult-process-for-the-


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