June 2018 Parish News, ST Giles Church, Oxford

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St Giles’ Church, Oxford

Parish News

June 2018 Free

Vicar: Canon Andrew Bunch, 01865 510460
The Vicarage, Church Walk, Oxford OX2 6LY vicar@churchwalk.eclipse.co.uk
Associate Priest: Revd Tom Albinson 01865 515409 or 07426 948251
Lay Minister: David Longrigg, 9 Hawkswell Gardens, Oxford OX2 7EX (576638)
Benefice Manager: Meg Peacock
10 Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HT beneficemanager@st-giles-church.org
Maureen Chu 01865 726011 maureenchu1@gmail.com
Joanne Russell 01865 760788 joannerussell1@me.com
Acting Treasurer: Rod Nixon treasurer@st-giles-church.org
Organist: Andrew Patterson andrew.patterson@finemusic.co.uk
Choir Director: Nicholas Prozzillo choir@st-giles-church.org
PCC Secretary: Sarah-Jane White sarah-jane.white@ihs.ox.ac.uk
Captain of the Bells: John Pusey bellringers@st-giles-church.org
Church Flowers: Mary Whitlock stgilesflowers@gmail.com
Benefice Secretary: Anne Dutton secretary@st-giles-church.org
Twitter @StGilesOxford
Instagram stgileschurch
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ChurchStGilesOxford
Website www.st-giles-church.org
Sunday: 8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30 am Holy Communion
6:30 pm Evensong (BCP)
Monday: 5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Tuesday: 5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Wednesday: 12:30 pm Eucharist
5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Thursday: 5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Friday: 1:15 pm Taizé Worship
5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Saturday: 5:30 pm Evening Prayer

The newsletter is free, but if you wish to contribute towards production costs
this would be much appreciated. Please put your donation in the wall safe,
and mark your envelope Parish News. Items for inclusion in the July 2018
magazine should be sent to secretary@st-giles-church.org by 20th June.

Contents – June 2018

St Giles’ Parish Magazine, 100 Years Ago Page 3
Bankeryd Kyrkokör Concert – Magnus Lönnberg Page 4
Minutes of Oxford Deanery Synod – 21 February 2018 Page 7
Bellringing (1): Music played in a Band – Fukiné Minai Page 8
APCM, 29th April 2018 - Vicar’s Report Page 10
Baptism of Arwen Myatt at St Giles’ – 13 May 2018 Page 13
Bellringing News (2) – John Pusey Page 14
Musical Banquet Review – Maureen Chu Page 15
From the Parish Registers Page 17
St Giles’ Roof Renovation – May 2018 Page 18
St Giles’ Music List – June 2018 Page 19
Dates for your Diary Page 20

100 Years Ago – Parish Magazine, June 1918

Parochial Church Council – The condition of the roll of Honour in the
Church Porch was discussed, and it was decided to renew it in a more
satisfactory form, and also to make a separate list of those who have
given their lives for their country, to be framed and placed inside the
Special Preachers – On June 23rd the preacher will be the Rev H E C
Lewis MA, Fellow of the Royal College of Organists, who will plead the
cause of the National Institute for the Blind, to which the collection at
the service will be given. Mr Lewis has himself been blind all his life.
He is a member of St John’s College, where he graduated with honours
in 1910, and has since proved himself an efficient Clergyman, as well as
a skilled musician. The way he has triumphed over his own affliction
will add power to his appeal for those in like case. Charles C Inge, Vicar

 Bankeryd Kyrkokör gave a concert at St Giles’ last month, and the
following is the introduction which was given by Magnus Lönnberg.



O N behalf of the Bankeryd Church Choir I will take the opportunity

to express our happiness of being able to sing for you here in this
wonderful medieval church of St Giles.
In June 2016 we visited Oxford and your parish and this church
and were very well received as guests. It was an unforgettable
moment! At that occasion we were a group of church workers from
Bankeryd parish.
Last year we received Prof Siân Grønlie and her two children and
Pastor Tom Albinson in our parish in Bankeryd. We listened to the
beautiful voice of Siân’s son Benjamin singing and Pastor Tom delivered
a good sermon for us in the High Mass in our church.
Sweden is a big choir country. Nearly 600,000 people in our
country sing in a choir – about 7% of the population of Sweden. Over
80,000 of these people sing in a local church choir. For many of them
there is a standard Swedish repertoire where different choirs can join
together and sing the same song without actually needing to look down
at the music, since both the words and vocal parts are known by heart.
Now it is our church choir who will sing for you with our
conductors Mrs Ann Rudåker Thorell and Mrs Gunilla Hammarlund.
It will be a mixture of Swedish sacred and folk music,
international choir music from different ages and countries of Europe.
I will give you further presentation during our performance.
Alta Trinita Beata We have listened to the famous 15th century
hymn, praising the Holy Trinity.
And now we will sing Hela jorden grönskar. (All the earth is
flourishing in bloom. Look at everything around you, listen to the birds
and be thankful for everything the Lord gives you.) This is a part of
Mozart’s “Exultate jubilate” for soprano and orchestra and by
arrangement of Jay Daniels, a song of joy and happiness over God’s
creation and the arrival of spring and summertime.

Vårens stilla väntan (The Spring slowly adorning the nature) and
En skapares händer (The hands of Our Creator, the dawning spring, the
miracle of our Lord´s grace that warms our frozen hearts) (this last one
is based on our folk music tradition) are two more modern songs by the
renewer of church choir music in Sweden, Jan-Olof Kulander.
One of our most beloved folk music songs is Uti vår hage där
translated into English and recorded in 1954 then called Out in the
Garden. This song is from the late 19th century describing beautiful
flowers and meadows as a meeting place. The arrival of spring is
celebrated on 30th April, the “Valpurgisnight”. Male student choirs at
Lund and Uppsala universities always sing this song outside the
university buildings dressed in their white students’ caps.
Gud vår fader (God Our Father). You listened to a modern
version of Our Lord’s Prayer based on a text from Martin Luther and his
catechism. Last year the Lutheran Church celebrated 500 years since
the beginning of the Lutheran Reformation.
From Germany we return to Sweden again and our own
municipality of Jönköping where Bankeryd is a suburb with 9,000
inhabitants. The main Cathedral is in Jönköping and Mrs Nina
Åkerblom Nielsen from Jönköping wrote this music for a celebration in
the Sofia Cathedral in 2010, Missa nova Sofiae. We will sing the Gloria
From France was this meditative Cantique de Jean Racine,
Op.11, (1864-65), a Christian song where God’s people praise him. The
lyrics were written by the 17th century French poet Jean Racine, and
music by the famous French composer Gabriel Fauré.
From Italy we will sing Ave Maria, the prayer to the Holy Virgin
Mary, by Giulio Caccini (1551-1618), Italian composer, teacher, singer,
instrumentalist and writer of the very late Renaissance and early
Baroque eras. He was one of the founders of the genre opera.
Back home to our country again and now to one of the “four
famous members of the ABBA group”, the composer Benny Andersson.
But you will not hear Waterloo, Dancing Queen or Money, Money,
Money. Vilar glad I din famn (Happy in your arms, calm and trusting) is
a song written for the royal wedding on 19th June 2010 of our Crown
Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel.

Så skimrande var aldrig havet (Never was the sea so shimmering
as when you were walking by my side and everything around us so
beautiful…) by Evert Taube (1890-1976). He was a Swedish author,
artist, composer and singer. He is widely regarded as one of Sweden’s
most respected musicians and the foremost troubadour of the Swedish
ballad tradition in the 20th century.
Sommarpsalm (The Earth Adorned) was written for Midsummer
Day – this can be sensed as the song positively exudes the green of
spring, accompanied by numbingly beautiful birdsong. We Swedes are
definitely at home in the feeling expressed here, especially since
summer is so short in Sweden’s climate. Wirsén, who wrote the text,
reminds us of this when he borrows the prophet Isaiah´s words (40:6-
8): “All flesh is grass, the flowers fade, and time is fleeting ever.” In the
fickle climate, he asks, what endures? Wirsén´s words become a
reminder of the only thing that matters: “God’s word remains forever.”
You have the English translation of the hymn so let us sing together.
Our last two songs need no presentation as they are from your
own country.
Magnus Lönnberg

Bankeryd Kyrkokör in Oxford, 14th May 2018

Minutes of Synod on 21st Feb 2018 at St Michael at the North Gate
Refreshments were kindly served at St Michael at the North Gate before
the Synod met at 7:45 pm.
Lay Chairman Prudence Dailey welcomed all and especially those
new to the Synod. Area Dean the Revd Will Donaldson led an opening
act of worship.
The minutes of the Synod on 27 September 2017 were approved
and signed.
Treasurer Alan McCullough introduced the 2016 Accounts,
copies of which were available. The main transactions related to the
parish share account. The Deanery accepted the accounts as
presented. The 2017 Accounts are ready in draft form and will be
presented shortly. The Diocese requested a 3.9% increase in the parish
share for 2018. The Deanery Standing Committee proposed to accept
the offers made by parishes, but does not expect to obtain a rebate on
this year’s parish share.
There was a presentation on the Oxford Winter Night Shelter
and much praise for the initiative.
Prudence Dailey reported on recent meeting of the General
Ben Drury spoke about the forthcoming Deanery visit on 10-20
April to Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem.
The Synod closed with prayers and the meeting finished at 9.00
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 5 June at 7.30 pm for 7.45 pm at
St John’s Church Kidlington.

F OLLOWING the 10:30 am service, there will be a presentation on

Project 900 to the congregation. After the presentation there will
be a shared Parish Lunch in the Vicarage garden (in church, if wet):
Welcome from 12:30 pm and Grace being said at 1:00 pm. Suggested
food contributions include: cold meat or fish, quiche, vegetarian dishes
or substantial salads; alternatively, a pudding or some cheese would be
welcome. Soft drinks will be provided, but adults may like to bring
something stronger!

 The following essay was written in March 2018 by Fukiné Minai from
Tokyo, aged 14, who had been attending Cheney School, Oxford, and
had been learning to ring the bells at St Giles’ Church, Oxford for about
five months. I have made some minor changes in her English in places
where the meaning didn’t seem to be clear enough. I asked her mother
whether she had also written a version in Japanese, but she told me
that it had appeared too difficult to find the right Japanese words to
translate the technical terms used. John Pusey

Fukiné Minai, with her mother (Namiko) and the rest of the band
who rang a quarter peal at Horspath on 9th March 2018
(back row, L to R: John Pusey, Steve Everett, Dana Josephson, Andrew Freer, Paul Lucas)


C AN you imagine a little girl moving a 700 kg bell? It is possible if

you have a rope and skill to do so. No electricity nor petrol is
necessary for me to do so. In the 17th century, English people
invented a special mechanism and so now I can ring heavy bells up and
down. The heaviest bell I have tried is 712 kg [the St Giles’ tenor - 14
cwt]. It is almost the same weight as a huge bull.

Ringing is not easy. It is not too difficult when I am ringing just
by myself, but when I started to ring in rounds, which means playing as
a music with other people, I need to wait, and control the bell. I was
surprised when I was told that the bell goes slowly, when I catch at a
lower point on the rope that I am holding. I didn’t know why but when
I place my hands like that, it really goes slowly. When I hold the sally (a
name of the part of rope that you pull) a little higher, the bell goes a
little faster than I expected. And so, obviously I could control my bell.
These are some examples how the ringers control the bells when they
play. It depends on our skill rather than strength, because they are
sensitive. I learned to find good point to make the bell move how I
There are so many methods in the bell ringing world and
officially methods take three hours to ring one method called a peal.
Everyone knows it is very long, so they do have 45 minutes methods
called quarter peal. On 9th March 2018 I have done the quarter peal on
six bells, as a tenor, ringing last all the time. Very kind bell ringers
helped me to find a place where I would be able to ring the bells long
time because they were not very heavy bells, and helped to arrange
permission and collect people who are able to ring on that day. Since
last October to middle of March, such a short time, I can ring bells. I
DO think that I have learnt to ring bells because the kind and warm
people let me practice and give lots of help. John, Tower Captain of
the church I belong, guided me to many churches to teach and show
me even when it is holiday. Literally I practised three times in a week.
Also we had a private lesson with him on New Year’s Day! He used
many days for us. He acquainted us Canterbury cathedral ringers as
well as for us to see the inside of their tower. I really feel that I was
helped by amazing kindnesses of England’s ringers - and there were
some from other countries. They do know that I am leaving soon but
they kept teaching me. I absolutely thank them.
Bell ringing is one of the oldest cultural activities in England, but
you can use application on your mobile phone to practise. Simulator
connected to computer is used to make it more effectively to practise
without making sounds outside the tower. It was amazing to know bell
ringing practice is supported by modern technology. It is not only
technology that make people practise. It is all by deep relationship

between ringers. They support each other to learn and develop their
skills. A church tower is also a place to build new relationships and
place of communication. Culture of bell ringing is welcoming new
people. Culture of bell ringing is based on strong relationship and
It was a little boring to ring in the beginning. It was just pulling
rope, no sound, simple, not skilled. I liked to listen more than ringing.
But when I was able to ring just by myself, it became more and more
interesting, because it was not just pulling rope all the time. I could
achieve a quarter peal, because I did not give up to practise. There
were so many times that I did not want to join the practice after
school, in cold winter evening. But keeping practising gave me skill to
achieve quarter peal.
I could prepare myself for the challenge of a quarter peal by
having a chance of many practices in short period with support of
kindness. And I could learn how ringers trust and support each other
to develop and keep its culture, by keep practising and talking to
ringers. I now know that it depends what you have done all the time,
and keeping on learning gives me not only skills but also something
very important for my future. I will not be able to ring in Japan, but
what I learned through bell ringing will remain inside myself with good
memory of ringing. Fukiné Minai
SUNDAY 29th APRIL 2018

W HEN I was training for ordination I read a book called “The Use
of Praying” by Neville Ward. It was one of the classic texts on
prayer, and the book emphasised that any healthy prayer life should
start with thanksgiving – for it sets us in the right relationship with God.
Having lived through 2017 and read the Annual report, I can
honestly say a huge Thank You to all who have been part of and
contributed to the life of this church.
It has been a good year on so many different fronts, from the
Sunday worship to occasional offices, from the life of the choir to the
Jazz concerts, the exhibitions to the Thursday talks, and even the

finances, considering the efforts made to secure funding for the roof
Everyone has contributed to this and hence I would like to say a
huge thank you to you all – I am very pleased to have been part of this
past year with you – it has been a very good time.
I can’t say that it was plain sailing throughout the year. There
were a number of challenging times – the flow of general finances was
not as promising as the year before, and a deficit opened up. But to
have achieved sufficient funding for the roof repair in such a limited
period was very good and this is due to the generosity of members of
this congregation, the skill of our advisor with Project 900, Robin
Harland, and the work of Catherine Hilliard with grant applications.
The work on the roof starts on Monday, by putting protective
sheeting over the organ prior to the work on the roof’s Stonesfield
slates beginning the following week. So, with this part of the building
works associated with Project 900 to be initiated, we will soon be ready
to share with the congregation the preparatory work and thinking on
the next tasks, e.g.
1) the works on the West end,
2) the replacement of the organ, and
3) the necessary fundraising.
The intention is to present our current ideas and seek your
comments. We want to make sure that the whole of the developments
associated with Project 900 are owned by all of our church.
The other aspects of the Project 900 proposals have also been
making progress with visits to:
1) our partner church in Sweden and also St Giles’ Estevan
happening in the past year; and
2) a visit being made to Littlemore to become more aware of
the life of the church there.
On 12th May, we will be hosting a return visit of the choir from
the parish in Sweden; and they will be with us to share in the joy of the
baptism of baby Arwen Myatt, the daughter of Tim and Becky, on 13 th
Some progress has been made with developing our interaction
with the Gatehouse but we are still waiting for the breakthrough with
establishing the start of the training café.

So, there is a lot to be thankful for. This church is looking
forward to the future, but what I have learnt is that the life of a church
doesn’t thrive if it becomes self-satisfied.
There is a long way to go if we are to achieve the goal of
replacing the organ and improving the interior facilities and
appearance of this church – we can’t take this potential progress for
What I can say is that the challenge has created a greater sense
of community in the life of this church. It is great to see the teamwork
going on sorting out the choir library, flower arranging, enabling the art
exhibitions, keeping the churchyard tidy and attractive, and hosting
It feels good to be here, and it is lovely to see people both
visiting the church and churchyard and getting a sense of peace and
refreshment from what is being offered.
The question for me is: “Can we keep this up?” Well, I think if we
try to do it by ourselves – the answer will be No, because we will have
missed the central message of being a church! The purpose of the
church is much more than the activities and achievement of its life: the
primary purpose is to be a living witness to the faith that we profess.
So, my hope is that with all this activity going on, we dig deeper
into our lives of faith – that we become more dependent on a life of
prayer and worship and we let our faith challenge us to see how we can
make this place and the life of this community become a more
compelling witness to the meaning and purpose faith gives to our lives.
I don’t know what this might mean, but I hope the intangible
atmosphere of welcome and fun in something as ordinary as saying
Evening Prayer on a weekday becomes more widespread. I want people
to know St Giles’ as a church in which God’s love is known so much that
there is an obvious sense of generosity in the way we behave to all
I remember being told of an incident of a film crew observing
the life of a monastery and two cameramen talking to one another and
realising there was something remarkable. They commented on how it
was so obvious these men loved one another.
I think that our society will rediscover the importance of faith
when such communities become a living witness throughout our land

and this is what my desire is for St Giles’. I believe that this can only
come about through an active life of prayer – when we sincerely reach
out to God and really mean “Thy will be done”, and give thanks for all
that is happening for us and the tide of love in which we dwell.
So, may I give you a huge Thank You for the last year, and let us
pray and work together and hope that God will enable us to continue
this way of living together in the coming year. Andrew Bunch

ON Saturday 12 May 2018, our Deputy Captain of Bells, Andrew Freer,
was married here at St Giles’ to Alison Pickford. After the service, the
following members of the Oxford University Society of Change Ringers
rang what listeners confirmed was an excellent full peal of Grandsire
Triples, with their congratulations and best wishes to the couple.
At St Giles’ Church, Oxford, on Saturday, 12th May 2018,
in 2 hours 55 minutes.
5040 Grandsire Triples
1 Adam D Rebick
2 Cameron A Waters
3 Isobel L Fray
4 David S Phillips
5 Craig M Robertson
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Simon A Bond (Conductor)
8 Wilfred J M Lewis

Andrew and Ali outside St Giles’


O N 28th April the Spring/Summer 2018 series of concerts began

with a flourish and the return of the accomplished Early Music
trio, MUSICAL BANQUET. We have been fortunate in being entertained
by the ensemble in previous series, and this year were honoured to
host their 100th concert.
Adrian Boorman - Countertenor, Tricia Warhurst - Viola da
Gamba and Baroque Guitar, and Malcolm Pearce - Harpsichord,
performed music ranging from the Italian Renaissance composer
Giovanni Ferretti to a selection of Spanish 17th Century delights, and a
wonderful collection of English songs from the likes of John Dowland,
Orlando Gibbons, Francis Pilkington, and our own English Orpheus,
Henry Purcell.
The Concert was presented as a fantastical Musical Banquet,
during which the inimitable, and erudite Adrian guided us through the
programme with his knowledgeable and palpable enthusiasm (not to
mention a keen sense of humour!) in collaboration with his colleagues,
the talented instrumentalists Tricia and Malcolm. The enthusiastic
applause from the audience spared him from having to ask the

ubiquitous restaurant query: ‘Is everything all right for you

The Musical Banquet was supplemented with a delicious edible

spread provided by our faithful team of Concert Helper regulars.
The intimate weaving of music with witty and entertaining
repartee made for a relaxed yet inspiring experience - all that was
missing were a few of the pictures from the recent exhibition at the
Royal Academy of the collection of Charles l. There was a distinct
atmosphere of that compelling court as the music played. It should be
noted that the modern Samba encore was particularly enjoyed by a
Latin American member of the audience!
Back in 2006, after a series of chance but happy coincidental meetings
between individual members of the group, Tricia, Malcolm and Adrian
realized that they shared a common love for and interest in Early
Music, and a passion for performing. This led them to start to meet
regularly, playing and singing just for enjoyment, and these sessions
invariably concluded with a hearty meal (their rehearsals often still do!)
giving rise to the idea of a musical ʻbanquetʼ which the group were
later to adopt as their concert theme. After an enthusiastic response
to a performance at a private event the following year, the trio began
to develop an extensive repertoire and were invited to take their

unique offering out to a wider audience. Thus Musical Banquet was
born! The group has come a long way from its public debut in January
2008. Now in their tenth year and passing their milestone 100 th
concert, the group has performed in diverse venues such as Brodie and
Drum Castles in North East Scotland, on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne,
in the cities of Oxford (Harris Manchester College Chapel and St
Michael at The North Gate), Birmingham (St Martin in The Bull Ring),
Cambridge (Little St Mary’s), and at the Jacobean House ‘King of
Hearts’ in Norwich. The group has also given concerts in Winchester
College; several appearances at Dorchester Abbey, Oxford; The Unicorn
Theatre, Abingdon; Quay Theatre, Sudbury; St George’s Church,
Bloomsbury; the Foundling Museum in central London; and
Christchurch Priory.
The trio has made many friends along the way and has received
coaching and mentoring from Robert Hollingworth, founder and
director of I Fagiolini, as well as the distinguished Early Music specialist,
Andrew King. With an exciting forthcoming programme of concerts
there will be plenty more excuses for the gastronomic trio to indulge!
Many thanks to the team who stewarded and hosted the concert
on the evening; especially Jill, Tom and Eve Bentley who manned the
door and mastered the digital technology; Susie, Jane, Cheryl for
pouring and hostessing; and most of all to Jean Darke, who keeps us all
on the right track, and without whom, none of this would happen.
Please do consider coming to future concerts. Whether you are
a helper or audience member, I can promise you an entertaining and
enhancing experience. Maureen Chu


13 May 2018 Arwen Iris Alexandra Myatt

12 May 2018 Andrew Freer and Alison Pickard
19th May 2018 Chris Gribble and Rachel Turner


Sunday 3rd June – Corpus Christi
10:30 am Holy Communion 6:30 pm Evensong
Couperin, O Domine quia (Choir holiday)
Couperin, O Mysterium Ineffabile

Sunday 10th - The Second Sunday after Trinity

10:30 am Holy Communion 6:30 pm Choral Evensong
Tallis, If Ye Love Me (St Giles’ Singers)
Mozart, Gloria (Coronation Mass) Murrill in E
Handel, Zadok the Priest Purcell, I was Glad
Mendelssohn, Then shall the Responses: Reading
Righteous Shine Forth
Byrd, O Lord make thy servant
Elizabeth our Queen

Sunday 17th – The Third Sunday after Trinity

10:30 am Holy Communion 6:30 pm Evensong
Vaughan Williams, O How (St Giles’ Girls’ Choir)
Amiable Stanford, Magnificat in B flat
Greene, Thou Visitest the Earth Batten, O Sing Joyfully
Tomkins, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes

Saturday 23rd – St Etheldreda
4:00 pm Choral Evensong in Coventry Cathedral
Palestrina, Fuit Homo Missus a Deo
Leighton, Collegium Magdalenae Oxoniense
Vaughan Williams, O How Aimiable
Responses: Reading

Sunday 24th – The Birth of St John the Baptist

10:30 am Holy Communion 6:30 pm Choral Evensong
(St Giles’ Singers)
Palestrina, Fuit Homo Missus a Deo Palestrina, Fuit Homo Missus a Deo
Byrd, Agnus Dei (Mass for Three Responses: Reading
Bullock, Give Us the Wings of Faith
Rev Turner, Sanctus (Mass of St
John the Baptist)
7:30 pm Priest and Pints at The Royal Oak
Chorister Concert after the 10:30 am service
Saturday 16th St Richard of Chichester, Bishop, 1253
7:30 pm Akino Kitahara and Philip Shirtcliff concert
Saturday 23rd St Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely, c 678
4:00 pm SG Choir Choral Evensong in Coventry Cathedral
Thursday 28th St Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, Teacher, c 200
6:15 pm Friendship Walk of Faiths departs Richmond Road
Saturday 30th Ember Day
7:30 pm Jacqui Miles and Bethe Levvy Concert
Project 900 Presentation after 10:30 am service
12:30 pm Shared Parish Lunch in Vicarage Garden

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