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Effect of jaw-thrust and continuous positive airway

pressure on tidal breathing in deeply sedated infants

Jürg Hammer, MD, Adrian Reber, MD, Daniel Trachsel, MD, and Franz J. Frei, MD
thrust technique (Esmarch maneuver)
Objectives: To examine the physiologic impact of the jaw-thrust maneuver can re-open the obstructed airway by
or the administration of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on lifting the base of the tongue and the
tidal breathing in deeply sedated infants. epiglottis in anesthetized patients. 1
The jaw-thrust maneuver can reverse
Study design: Prospective, non-randomized study of infants undergoing
the collapse of the laryngeal inlet,
elective fiberoptic bronchoscopy while sedated with intermittent doses of
which has occurred in patients during
general anesthesia2; hence, this is an
Methods: Spontaneous tidal breathing was measured in the supine position established method for effective mask
by means of a spirometer attached to a bronchoscopy face mask. Tidal ventilation during resuscitation or
breaths were recorded under the following conditions: (1) neutral sniffing anesthesia.
position, (2) jaw-thrust, (3) neutral sniffing position, and (4) CPAP of 5 cm The application of continuous posi-
H2O. Improvement was defined as a change of more than twice the coeffi- tive airway pressure by face mask may
cient of variation of repeated measurements of tidal volume and flows from prevent upper airway structures from
baseline. collapsing during inspiration in sedat-
ed infants and is a treatment for ob-
Results: Jaw-thrust increased tidal volume, minute ventilation, and peak
structive sleep apnea in all age groups.
tidal inspiratory and expiratory flows significantly in all 13 infants studied
Although the anatomic effects of these
(mean ± SEM age = 8 ± 2 months). CPAP increased peak tidal inspiratory
interventions on upper airway patency
and expiratory flows by more than twice the coefficient of variation of base- have been widely investigated with
line measurements in 6 patients and tidal volume and minute ventilation in 5 various imaging techniques, no study
of 10 patients studied. has measured their physiologic impact
Conclusion: Jaw-thrust and CPAP are effective techniques to improve on spontaneous respiration. We as-
ventilation of sedated infants undergoing interventions that compromise sessed the physiologic effect of jaw-
upper airway patency. (J Pediatr 2001;138:826-30) thrust and CPAP on tidal breathing
parameters in deeply sedated infants
undergoing fiberoptic endoscopy of
the upper and lower airways.
The pharynx is composed entirely of passive posterior displacement of the
soft tissues and is kept patent during tongue cause soft tissue obstruction of
CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure
inspiration by the dilating actions of the upper airway. Maintenance of a
PTEF Peak tidal expiratory flow
local pharyngeal muscles. In the un- patent airway is of critical importance PTIF Peak tidal inspiratory flow
conscious or deeply sedated infant, during sedation or anesthesia of spon- tI/tTOT Inspiratory time over total breathing
cycle time
loss of pharyngeal muscle tone and taneously breathing infants. The jaw-
VT Tidal volume
V’E Minute ventilation

From the Division of Pediatric Intensive Care and Pulmonology and the Division of Pediatric Anesthesia, University
Children’s Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
Supported by a grant from the Swiss Society of Pulmonology METHODS
Submitted for publication Aug 16, 2000; revision received Jan 2, 2001; accepted Jan 18, 2001.
Reprint requests: Jürg Hammer, MD, Division of Pediatric Intensive Care and Pulmonology,
University Children’s Hospital Basel, Postfach, 4005 Basel, Switzerland. We studied 13 infants <2 years of age
Copyright © 2014 by Mosby, Inc. ([mean ± SEM] = 8 ± 2 months;
0022-3476/2001/$35.00 + 0 9/21/114478 weight, 7.2 ± 0.9 kg) undergoing elec-
doi:10.1067/mpd.2014.114478 tive fiberoptic bronchoscopy. The clin-

JUNE 2014

ical indications for fiberoptic bron- ftable. Effect of jaw-thrust and CPAP on tidal breathing pattern
choscopy evaluation were stridor (n =
7), chronic or unexplained cough (n = Tidal breathing
4), cystic hygroma of the neck (n = 1), indices Baseline Jaw-thrust Baseline CPAP 5 cm H2O
and bronchoalveolar lavage (n = 1). RR (min–1) 37 ± 2 38 ± 3 36 ± 2 40 ± 3
The study was approved by the local V’E (L/min) 0.83 ± 0.19 1.34 ± 0.26* 0.86 ± 0.21 1.11 ± 0.27
ethics committee, and informed con- PTIF (mL/s) 58 ± 14 98 ± 17* 58 ± 14 81 ± 17*
sent was obtained. Patients received no tI/tTOT 0.39 ± 0.02 0.36 ± 0.01 0.40 ± 0.02 0.38 ± 0.02
solid food or breast milk for 4 hours PTEF (mL/s) 42 ± 7 62 ± 9* 41 ± 8 58 ± 10*
and no liquids for 2 hours before the
Data = means ± SEM of 13 infants for the jaw-thrust data and of 10 infants for the CPAP data.
procedure. The patients were studied CPAP, Continuous positive airway pressure; RR, respiratory rate; V’E, minute ventilation; PTIF,
during spontaneous breathing while peak tidal inspiratory flow; tI/tTOT, inspiratory time over total breathing cycle time; PTEF, peak
tidal expiratory flow.
deeply sedated with intermittent doses *P < .05.
of propofol (1-2 mg/kg). Topical 0.05%
xylometazoline and 2.5 mg of 1% lido-
caine were administered in the right
nostril before the study. All procedures jaw-thrust maneuver.5 The person con- controlling the airway was unable to
were performed in the pulmonary in- trolling the airway and performing the see the display of the flow tracings.
tervention laboratory according to cur- different airway maneuvers was a fully
rent routine institutional practice. trained anesthesiologist. Subsequently, Statistical Analysis
Routine monitoring included 3-lead the baseline position was resumed, and Data are presented as means ± SEM.
continuous electrocardiogram, pulse measurements of tidal breathing were For paired data analysis, the Wilcoxon
oximetry, and noninvasive blood pres- repeated. Finally, a CPAP of 5 cm signed-rank test and the paired 2-tailed
sure measurements. H2O was applied without changing the t test were used to determine a signifi-
Tidal breathing was measured with head or neck position, and measure- cant difference between the means of
an ultrasonic flowmeter (Spiroson, Eco ments were repeated. At least 20 to 30 the tidal breathing indices at baseline
Medics AG, Dürnten, Switzerland) at- consecutive, spontaneous tidal breaths and during jaw-thrust or CPAP. P val-
tached to a specially designed face were recorded and analyzed for each ues <.05 were considered to indicate
mask (model 30-40-001, VBM Medi- maneuver. The order in which the statistical significance. We used the
zintechnik GmbH, Sulz am Neckar, measurements were performed was recommendations of Sly et al7 to define
Germany). The flowmeter’s accuracy not randomized, but meticulous atten- a significant change in tidal breathing
was validated previously in ventilated tion was given to a constant head posi- indices in the individual patient as a
infants.3 The endoscopy mask was de- tion and to demonstrating that tidal change of more than twice the coeffi-
scribed previously and consists of a breathing measurements returned to cient of variation for repeated baseline
regular face mask in which the original baseline values after each maneuver. measurements.
adapter for the fresh gas flow was re- The total duration of the study was
placed with a disposable silicon mem- about 5 to 8 minutes. The short dura-
brane to allow the leak-free passage tion of the study was chosen to ensure RESULTS
of a 3.5-mm flexible bronchoscope stable conditions in terms of anesthetic
(Olympus BF3C20), which was used depth because this is known to affect Breathing patterns of all infants
for all procedures.4 The flexible bron- ventilatory variables in children.6 All studied before and during the jaw-
choscope, passed though the right nos- physiologic measurements were per- thrust maneuver and before and after
tril, was used to visualize the pharyn- formed with the bronchoscope insert- the administration of CPAP of 5 cm
geal space and the laryngeal opening ed in the upper airway to visualize the H2O are shown in Table I. CPAP data
during the different maneuvers and to laryngeal opening. for 3 infants were excluded because of
provide suction. An anesthesia circle The technique required the presence doubts that leak-free conditions were
system was used to administer 100% of two investigators—one to control reliably achieved. The infants tolerated
oxygen and CPAP of 5 cm H 2O. the bronchoscope, provide suction, the different maneuvers well and did
Measurements were first performed and record the readings of the flowme- not demonstrate changes in heart rate,
with the infants in the supine position ter and the other to maintain the posi- desaturations, or apnea during the
and the head in a neutral, sniffing posi- tion of the baby’s head and to control study period.
tion (baseline). Then, measurements the face mask and the application of Opening the airway by the jaw-thrust
were repeated while performing the jaw-thrust and CPAP. The operator technique resulted in a significant in-


We had no means to measure objec-

tively the effect of the different maneu-
vers on upper airway dimensions.
Nevertheless, visualization by bron-
choscopy revealed remarkable differ-
ences in upper airway dimensions be-
tween the different maneuvers in all
infants. As shown in Fig 4, jaw-thrust
resulted in an anterior displacement of
the epiglottis and an enlargement of
the whole oropharynx, thereby pre-
venting any inward movement of the
lateral pharyngeal structures that oc-
curred during inspiration in the neu-
tral position. CPAP reduced the inspi-
ratory inward movement of the lateral
pharyngeal structures, but its visual ef-
fect on upper airway dimension was
less impressive than the effect of jaw-
thrust. Improvement of airway visual-
Fig 1. Individual changes in VT after jaw-thrust in deeply sedated infants. Individual data points rep-
resent the mean of at least 20 consecutive breaths.
ization as shown in Fig 4 occurred in
every infant, and the improvements
were also clinically evident.

The jaw-thrust technique and the ap-
plication of CPAP caused a significant
improvement in spontaneous tidal
breathing in deeply sedated infants.
Overall, the jaw-thrust technique
seemed more effective in improving
ventilation than the application of
Fig 2. Representative flow-time tracing demonstrating effect of jaw-thrust on tidal breathing in a CPAP.
sedated infant. The jaw-thrust technique is taught
world-wide in life support courses,
anesthesia, and critical care medicine to
crease in tidal volume, minute ventila- tTOT, and 15% ± 4% for tI/tTOT. In all achieve airway control in comatose or
tion, peak tidal inspiratory flow, and our patients the increase in VT, V’E, anesthetized patients. Its physiologic
peak tidal expiratory flow compared PTIF, and PTEF after jaw-thrust was impact, however, has never been for-
with baseline measurements (P < .05). greater than 2 times the coefficients of mally measured. Previous studies on
There was no significant change in in- variation of the baseline measurements. airway-clearing maneuvers have usual-
spiratory time over total breathing cycle CPAP significantly increased PTIF and ly assessed the effect of jaw-thrust or
time or respiratory rate as a result of PTEF (P < .05). Individual changes in chin lift by measuring the upper airway
jaw-thrust. Individual changes in VT VT are displayed in Fig 3. The increase cross-sectional area with various imag-
after jaw-thrust are displayed in Fig 1. in VT and V’E did not reach statistical ing techniques.8-10 Guildner11 com-
Fig 2 shows a representative flow trac- significance for the whole group (P = pared the effect of different airway
ing. The mean ± SEM intra-individual .06). Nevertheless, there was a change opening techniques by spirometry
coefficients of variation for repeated in VT and V’E of more than twice the co- in unconscious adult patients who
measures of the baseline measurements efficients of variation of baseline mea- had complete respiratory obstruction.
were 14% ± 2% for VT, 14% ± 1% for surements in 5 of 10 infants and of PTIF Most of these patients were adequately
PTEF, 14% ± 2% for PTIF, 8% ± 2% for and PTEF in 6 of the 10 infants studied. ventilated when the jaw-thrust or the

JUNE 2014

chin lift method was used. All our pa-

tients had preserved upper airways
during propofol sedation and were able
to maintain spontaneous ventilation.
The range of transmural pressures
encountered during quiet respiration is
more than sufficient to collapse the air-
way of the living infant when airway-
maintaining muscles are inactive. 12 In
unconscious subjects, upper airway
obstruction can occur at various
anatomic levels such as the tongue, the
soft palate, and the epiglottis.13,14 The
most important mechanism, however,
is the posterior displacement of the
hyoid bone in relation to the thyroid
cartilage in the supine position. This
affects the position of the epiglottis,
which is sucked over the entrance to
the trachea and reduces the size of the
airway lumen as its rims reach the pos-
terior pharyngeal wall during inspira-
tion. In our patients, additional upper Fig 3. Individual changes in VT after CPAP of 5 cm H2O in deeply sedated infants. Individual data
airway obstruction was caused by the points represent the mean of at least 20 consecutive breaths.
passage of the bronchoscope through
the nose into the oropharynx.
Using the flexible bronchoscope, we
observed that jaw-thrust caused an an-
terior displacement of the epiglottis
and an enlargement of the whole laryn-
geal inlet (Fig 4). Reed et al8 previous-
ly demonstrated in infant cadavers that
tension applied to the hyoid bone by
the genioglossus and geniohyoid mus-
cles also stabilizes the lateral and pos-
terior pharyngeal wall, thus correcting
any inward bowing of the pharyngeal
muscles and enlarging the cross-
sectional pharyngeal area. Maximal
protrusion of the mandible or tongue Fig 4. Position of epiglottis and laryngeal inlet before (left) and during (right) the jaw-thrust maneu-
ver viewed by fiberoptic endoscopy. Jaw-thrust caused an anterior displacement of the epiglottis and
results in a twofold increase in the opened the laryngeal entry.
upper airway cross-sectional area even
during wakefulness. 10 Chin lifting
alone counteracts the downward fold observed improvement reflects the also be partly explained by the facilita-
of the epiglottis and increases the an- physiologic consequences of an in- tion of mouth breathing.
teroposterior and transverse diameters crease in the pharyngeal airway cross- The benefit of CPAP is well docu-
of the upper airway in sedated infants, sectional area. However, another mented for the treatment of obstruc-
most significantly at the level of the mechanism worth mentioning is that tive sleep apnea.15-18 The physiology of
epiglottis.9 Therefore it is not surpris- applying jaw-thrust always opens the the upper airway during sleep mimics
ing that interventions that displace the mouth. Because the passage of the the behavior of a collapsible tube. Wil-
hyoid bone anteriorly, such as the jaw- bronchoscope through the nose caused son et al19 have demonstrated in infant
thrust maneuver, improve spontaneous partial upper airway obstruction, the cadavers that in the natural resting po-
tidal breathing in sedated infants. The improvement in tidal breathing may sition, the airway was closed at trans-


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