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How can I get it across to him that I don´t want to see him anymore?

Parents claim it will result in chaos if the teacher´s strike goes ahead.

Police had no difficulty in catching the pickpockets.

If you insist on making noise could you go outside to play.

They might have reached the wrong conclusion that the party was next week.

I should have made a point of writing down the telephone number.

Plans are being made to reroute the traffic to reduce congestion.

I would appreciate it if you could get the work to me as soon as possible.

In the field of second language acquisition.

Do not be deceived into (engatusado para) thinking that the most expensive courses are the

Shop around to get the best possible value for money. (comparar precios).

By enrolling on a crash course = curso intensivo

To make progress.

Three years on she remembers very little.

She feels her biggest mistake was not to build on her previous studies.

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