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TOPIC: Cyber Warfare and Cyber Crime

Sponsors: Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China
Signatories: India, Spain, Iran, Pakistan, Norway, Poland, Singapore,
Brazil, Libya, Maldives
The General Assembly,
Recalling that in the contemporary world modern information
societies depend significantly on cyberspace,
Recognizing the fact that cyber-attacks in any form have become a
serious security threat which cannot be ignored or underestimated,
Stressing that meeting the new demands of the changed security
environment is not only a challenge for those countries directly
affected by the new situation but a challenge for every single country
in the world,
Taking into account that the current Laws of Armed Conflict only
partially fulfils the criteria to govern inter-state conflicts caused by
Expressing concern on the absence of an institutional framework to
litigate against cyber terrorism,
Realizing the need to reinforce cyber defence programs of various
member states,
Considers cyber espionage on national secrets of a sovereign country
as an attempt to destabilize the country and hence is an attempt to
initiate a cyber-war,
1) Revolves the definition of cyber-terrorism as ‘An act by an
individual or group which seeks to compromise, attack, or
infect a computer system or internet service with the aims of
retrieving confidential information to which the individual or
group would normally not have access to, causing panic,
distress, terror or prevent the freedom of speech, infringing
upon rights of people or property and impending social
2) Develops a set of internationally accepted guidelines on
prevention of cyber-crime:
a) The guidelines would act as bases for all the national
3) Accepts that the results of a cyber-attack against vital state
infrastructure by another state or its actors do not differ in
nature from that of a conventional act of aggression;
4) Demands improvements in cyber security in any cyberspace by
the implementation of a global attribution system to put an
identification number to verify the identity of a user;
5) Condones the utilization of the International Criminal Police
Organization (INTERPOL) in the monitoring and tracking of
cyber warfare and terrorism activities;
6) Adopts updates into the Geneva Conventions to account for
advancement in technology and information space so that the
countries do not feel their sovereignty is being taken away;
7) Urges Governments to take a leading role in defending a free
and safe cyberspace, unequivocally condemn cyber-attacks and
seek common effective solutions to protect cyberspace from
misuse and malicious activities;
8) Calls upon states to constitute cyber-attack as armed conflict
only if it causes a substantial physical damage and loss of
human life for which the committee shall refer to the Laws of
Armed Conflict for the purpose of compensation and
9) Further requests for the formation of a committee to monitor
the cyber-space, and to lay out a set of principles to determine
the proper conduct of nation states in case of a cyber-conflict;
10 ) Urges nations to remain actively seized on the matter in case
of a cyber-conflict until the committee decides its proper
course of action.

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