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June 2017 SHAC Meeting

June 7, 2017

AISD Board Room

Present: Barri Rosenbluth, Nelson Nekosi, Leticia Caballero, Tracy Spinner, Caryl Ayala, Jennifer Delgado,
Amanda Hyde, Cecilia Vichier-Guerre, Ronda Rutledge, Kathy Green, Vivian Ballard, Lauren Nottingham,
Sarah Bentley, Toni Rayner, Becky Morales, Ryan Cengel, Alda Santana, Lesa Walker, Pamela Martin,
Sharon Armke, K’Andrea Bickerstaff, Dolly Lambdin, Michelle Smith, Stacy Demetri, Katy Heisterman,
Melissa Pardue

Minutes: May minutes were approved with modification.

Presentation: Facilities Master Plan, Leticia Caballero, Tri-Chair, Austin ISD Facilities and Bond Planning
Advisory Committee

This group was charged with creating a 25 year roadmap for facilities that addresses technology needs,
growth and other issues. They looked at each building to prioritize modernization. For years 1-6, they
identified the schools that need updates to include in a bond proposal should the Trustees decide to call
for a bond election in November. Leticia was asked if there was a plan to inspect schools on a schedule
to identify the next round of schools that need work. Trustee Teich wasn’t sure and said she would
check on that.

Leticia presented a Powerpoint to explain the process of developing the FMP. Schools were assessed on
several factors. Budget constraints are due to State Recapture. Bond money is not subject to recapture;
all funds are invested locally to support all students. US News voted Austin the best place to live in the
US, increasing the need to invest in AISD. The intent is not to raise the tax rate.

52 schools scored a poor or very poor on the FCA. The committee identified 3.9 Billion in facility needs.
We have 133 facilities and 83,500 students. FABPAC is submitting a recommendation to the Board on
June 12th, a decision will be made on June 19th-26th. There are 4 project types, comprehensive (new
building) targeted (gym) departmental reinvention (new features), and Bond Carry (administrative
costs). All data is available at

SHAC Officer Nominations: Kathy announced that Vivian and Lauren are being considered as Co-chairs.
Alda will be considered for Secretary. Kathy encouraged all visitors to apply to be on the SHAC by
completing an application online. We would love to have parents from all areas of town.

Board Report: Trustee Teich described the decision-making process that Trustees are going through for
the Bond. The Board is looking at the wellness policy, replacing District 6 Trustee for the remaining year.
Kathy added that the District Wellness policy is a federal requirement. The TX Dept. of Agriculture does
an audit of this. We have been updating the policy to be compliant with federal standards and to go
above on nutrition standards as we have done historically. A wellness plan will be developed over the
next year to provide more detail. The policy and plan will become part of the district’s standards.
Michelle asked for the wellness plan to be brought to the SHAC for input.

District Reports:

PE and Health: No report

SEL: Pam reported that planning is underway for the second annual SEL symposium on June 15th, 2017.
She invited all SHAC members to attend and but to please RSVP so that lunch can be provided. Barri will
email out the invitation. In the Fall we will be rolling out SEL 2.0 which Pam will share in August.

Student Health Services: We are conducting a Telehealth summer pilot at Crockett, McCallum, Webb,
Casey and Bedichek where families can receive care at no cost. We screened 41,000 students with a
team of 3 ft and 6 pt employees. Tracy presented to the St. David’s Foundation and requested funding,
$300,000 for one year for updates to the student health information system. They offered $30,000 for
preliminary planning with nurses. Phase 0 is from now until December—to speak with technology
department and determine feasibility. We can submit a full grant proposal on July 1st. Waiting to hear
from Governor’s office to expand school-based mental health centers to 22 elementary schools. Seton
submitted a budget request to increase their contract to continue 1115 Waiver project—funding 16
school-based mental health centers. We are negotiating with Seton on various initiatives to meet
students’ needs on all campuses. There may be cuts to certain student health services and programs
coming in the future. Michelle and Kathy affirmed that SHAC members can submit a letters referencing
membership in SHAC, but not as representatives of SHAC.

Nutrition and Food Services-60 sites are providing breakfast and lunch during summer, almost double
last year and the most we’ve ever had. Next year 14 new schools including two high schools will add
Breakfast in the Classroom bringing our total to 44 schools. Just finished a Chopped Competition at
Lamar and Burnet middle schools and did a final smoothie competition at Whole Foods. Culinary
competitions increase collaboration and opportunities for students to do internships.

Employee Wellness: No report.

Committee Reports:

SEB: Hugh Simmons and Eric Metcalf met with SHAC representatives from surrounding districts to build
a collective voice for SHACs. There was unanimous support for ongoing communication to promote best
practices in SEL, behavioral health, and related programs and services.

Pam, Lesa, Sarah, Barri and other partners are coordinating a session with youth leaders at the AISD SEL
symposium in June to educate administrators on what students they need to feel safe, supported and
successful at school. This session will feature 15 youth leaders from various initiatives including PALS,
Eastside HS, SAFE Alliance and Creative Action’s Changing Lives Youth Theatre Ensemble, LASA’s Health
Through Science volunteers, the City of Austin Public Health Department’s Peer to Peer sexual health
educators, Anderson High School’s SEL Squad, Ann Richards STARS and others.

Barri announced the publication of an evaluation of Expect Respect support groups in the Journal of
Preventive Medicine Expect
Respect provides school-based support groups in K-12 schools for students who have been exposed to
any form of violence or abuse. These students are at increased risk for negative health outcomes, poor
school performance and dropping out, unwanted pregnancy and STI’s, substance use and other health
consequences. The findings of this study show that participants reduced perpetration of dating violence,
physical, sexual and psychological and victimization as well as other forms of youth violence.

Kathy announced that there is no meeting in July. Next meeting is in August.

Community Comments:

A parent from Bowie-- If parents want a copy of the fitness gram they currently have to email the PE
teacher. Can this data be accessible to parents? Tracy discussed putting the data on the parent cloud
and said options were being discussed.

Lesa Walker—invited participants to create an Open/IDEO Austin Chapter. This is an online platform
where people can join in to improve the social good ranging from health, to poverty, to climate and
other issues. There are 40 chapters around the world. Its built around “design thinking,” which is about
creating solutions through iterative learning, improvement, and implementation cycles.

Parent—Noticed in our notes that we will stop using Health Teacher and wonders what the 3 R’s
provides in its place. What is the impact of this? Are we open to considering other resources. Kathy
described the process of reviewing the 3 R’s. Tracy explained that we are at the end of the 5 years of
Health Teacher—it is ending as a resource. It had been gifted to us by Seton. In regard to the K-5
sexuality and health education program—Tracy offered to connect the parent with Michele Rusnak for
more information. She explained that 3R’s will be used as a resource in addition to other resources.
Vivian explained that parents will have the opportunity to opt out of individual lessons.

Another parent-Expressed concern about wanting to be notified before new sex ed content is rolled out
in K-4 classrooms. Tracy will connect her with Michele for more detail about timeline and content.

Dr. Lambdin is a national expert and representative of SHAPE America, she’s interested in promoting
increased physical activity for all students.

Sarah Bentley is looking for parents to share thoughts about improving child health, please contact her.
She is also looking for applications for the rising star award for Texan youth leaders in obesity

A parent asked about Welcoming Schools and our SHAC involvement. Why didn’t this resource come
before the SHAC. Pam explained that it was Board- approved, 6-sessions of professional development
for teachers. It’s voluntary for campuses. Another parent explained that the program was created by the
Human Rights Campaign and has lesson plans on the website for the classroom pre-K through 5th grade
on its website.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

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