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ar Unitt 1
1 Complete
C the
e email with
h have to, do
on’t have to 3 Complete the text wit h can / can’’t, could /
or mustn’t an
nd the verbs
s. couldn’t, or
o will / won
n’t be able to
ge do eat go jog sw
chang wim I came to live in Francee with my parents about two t
years ago. I couldn’t unnderstand much French at a
first and I (1) ______________ only say a few wo ords.
D Aidan, This was a big problem m because I started
s going
g to a
T very m
much for youur email! Yes s, I’ve made a bilingual Frrench schoo l. I had French lessons at a
N Year’s re
esolution too
o – to get fit! school, butt I also starteed other clas
sses like Maths in
French imm mediately, soo I had to lea
arn really fastt!
Y know myy brother is a sports teachher? Well, he
w out a training prog
gramme for me
m and a new w Things are much betterr now. I (2) ___________
_ ____
diet! understand d most of whhat my teache ers say but I still
(3) ______ __________ always expla ain my ideass very
F of all, I (1
1) ________ _______ for 20
2 minutes
well in clas
ss. That’s reaally frustrating!
every weekda ay before sch hool around the
t park nexxt
o our flat. The en I (2) ____ ___________ _ 20 lengths of I hope thatt one day I (44) _________ _______ spe
m local swim mming pool on o Tuesday and
a Thursdayy French totaally fluently. I know that I probably
evenings. And d, finally, I (3
3) _______________ to a (5) ________________ sound exacttly like a Fren nch
oga class on n Saturday mornings.
m person, but I’m going too work hard on my accen nt.

Luckily he’s n
not too strict and
a I (4) ___
___________ __
4 Put the wo
ords in B in the correct order.
anything on SSundays, whiich is great! I
5) ________________ my dietd because e I eat quite A: I donn’t understannd this question.
B: ask / Mrs / shouldd / help / you u / for / York
w but he sa ays I (6) ____ ____________ any
chocolate or ccakes. That’ss hard becau
use you know wI B: You should ask M Mrs York for help.
ove sweet thiings! 1 A: Why is David stilll working?
B: his / to / he / tonigght / homew work / has / fin nish
I’m going to trry for 3 montths. You’ll see a new me!! B: ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
Love, ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
K 2 A: Why were you soo cross yeste erday?
B: to / I / wasn’t / to / go / party / allowed / the
2 Complete
C thee second se entence so that
t it means s B: ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
he same as the first. Us
se mustn’t, don’t
d have tto ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
or shouldn’t / ought not to.
3 A: You speak Italiann very well.
Cars are n not allowed too go into the town centre e. B: at / speak
s / last / couldn’t / I / year / all / it
Cars musttn’t go into th he town centrre. B: ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
1 It isn’t necessary to use the stairs. There’s a liftt. ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
You _____ __________ __________ . There’s a l ift. 4 A: Why do you lookk so unhappy y?
2 It’s importaant that Tanyya doesn’t ea at nuts. If she
e B: go / won’t
w / Amerrica / able / I / to / be / year /
does, she will have a bad b allergic reaction.
r to / next
Tanya ___ __________ ___________ ___________ _. B: ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
If she doess, she will ha ave a bad allergic reactio on. ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
3 It isn’t a go
ood idea to swim
s after a big
b meal. 5 A: Is it necessary
n too draw picture es for our
You _____ __________ ___________ ___________ _. projeect?
4 There’s no o need for Mu um to go to work
w today B: to / pictures
p / youu / your / havve / draw /
because itt’s a public ho oliday. projeect / for / donn’t
Mum ____ __________ ___________ ___________ __ B: ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
because itt’s a public ho oliday. ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
5 It’s rude too talk loudly on
o a mobile phone
p in a 6 A: How do I get a sccholarship to o the universiity?
restaurant. B: form / to / you / fi ll in / need / application / an
People __ __________ ___________ ___________ __ B: ____ _____________________ ___________ ____
________ __________ ___________ ___________ _. ____ _____________________ ___________ ____

ocabulary Unit 1
1 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with the wo
ords. s. There are two
4 Complete the text wit h the words
words that you do no
ot need.
career co
onfident creative degre
ee direct
indirect miss protectio
on status voluntary artistic baadly-behavedd common curious direct
hard--working maathematical organized
1 Her _____ ___________ _ in the comp pany gives h
a special importance. I met my frriend Naomi at primary sc chool. I liked her
2 You’re too o __________ ______ . You say what because sh he was so (11) _________ _____ – she was
you think, even if it hurrts someone.
always askking questionns. She’s also very
3 _________ _____ preve ents harm or damage. (2) ______________ . S She’s never afraid
a to say what
4 He’s so __ ___________ ____ and alw ways has lotss she thinks!! I’m much m
more (3) ____ __________ than
of new ideeas.
Naomi. I keeep my thinggs tidy so I kn
now where th hey
5 A _______ _________ iss a job or pro ofession thatt are, but she can never find anything!
you do for a long time, often all you ur working liffe.
6 He doesn’t say what he e means in an
a obvious We change ed to a new sschool this year.
y All the
way. He’s always so __ __________ _____ . teachers are happy witth us becaus se we’re both h
7 What ____ _________ didd you do att university? (4) ______ ________ , bbut we’re goo od at differennt
8 To ______ _________ someone
s is when
w you feeel things. I’ve
e got quite a ((5) ______________ mind d and
sad becau use you don’tt see them any more. I find solvin
ng problems quite easy. Naomi is mu uch
9 _________ _______ work is when yo ou choose to o more (6) __ _____________ than me. She does
do someth hing that you want to do but
b you don’tt amazing paintings and her maps an nd diagrams are
get any mo oney. better thann mine too!
10 If you’re __
__________ _____ , you know
k that you u
will do well. 5 Are the se
entences tru
ue or false?
It is quitte difficult to remove a ta
attoo. T
2 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with the wo
ords in 1 The gia ant panda is a very rare animal.
a __
2 To win a Nobel Prizze is a great achievement
a t. __
1 Scientists are worried about
a the __
_________ o of 3 Wearing g a seatbelt in a car is noot compulsorry in
some rainfforest _____ _____ becaus se the areass most co ountries in Euurope. __
where theyy _________ _ are getting smaller. 4 In Japan there is a sspecial tea ceremony.
c _
(tribes / huunt / survival)) 5 You nee ed to study ssciences if yoou want a ca areer
2 When we moved abroa ad, I felt ____ ______ at in medicine. __
first, but I ssoon ______ ____ into my y new school 6 A sociable person liikes to spend d a lot of timee on
and now I feel really att _________ _. their owwn. __
(home / se ettled / homeesick) 7 Writing letters to frieends is comm mon now. __ _
3 Our _____ _____ time was
w 4 p.m. bu ut our room 8 A badly y-behaved chhild will usually lose their
isn’t readyy. This is __________ . This hotel shou uld temper if they can’t have what th hey want. __ _
be more __ _________ .
(organized d / unaccepta able / arrival)) 6 Complete the words i n the dialog
4 Mum and Dad think ou ur new schoo ol was a good d A: I had
d to change sschool in Jan nuary?
_________ _ . School un
niform and homework are e B: (1) R__________
R ____ ? Why? ?
_________ _ and the stu
udents are __ ________ . A: My dad
d got a new w job so we had
h to
(well-beha aved / compu ulsory / movee) (2) m__________
m ____ house.
B: How did you (3) ff__________ ____ ?
3 Write
W the opp
A: I wass (4) a______ _________ att first. I was
1 rare _____________ worriied about haaving to make e new friendss.
2 honest __ __________
__ B: That’s (5) u______________ . So, what wa as
3 familiar _
_____________ your new school (6) l_______ _______ ?
4 strict ___
__________ A: Actually, it was (77) f________ ______ . I really
5 compulsorry _____________ like itt. I couldn’t bbe happier! In
n the end, it was
6 fair _____________ a (8) g______________ move e.


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