NYU Press: NYU Press The Truth About Freud's Technique

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NYU Press

Chapter Title: Freud’s Last Word

Book Title: The Truth About Freud's Technique

Book Subtitle: The Encounter With the Real
Book Author(s): M. Guy Thompson
Published by: NYU Press. (1994)
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qfvqq.22

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About Freud's Technique

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Freud's Las t Wor d

Freud's handlin g o f Dora' s terminatio n arouse d n o les s controversy tha n

his interpretatio n o f he r dreams . Wha t migh t h e hav e don e t o sav e th e
analysis? What was Freud's actua l goal in her treatment: t o further scienc e
or hel p Dor a ge t ove r he r illness ? Thes e question s ar e hinte d a t i n th e
postscript, whic h ha d t o hav e bee n writte n a t leas t fiftee n month s afte r
their fina l session , thoug h th e dat e o f it s compositio n i s unknown . It s
final edition might even have been drafted jus t prior to publication, abou t
four year s afte r th e analysi s was terminated . Eve n a t that lat e date there' s
no denyin g tha t Dora' s departur e wa s stil l a sourc e o f considerabl e an -
guish for Freud .
Some hav e cas t Freu d a s self-servin g i n hi s treatmen t o f Dora , sug -
gesting tha t h e merel y use d he r t o suppor t hi s theories . Freu d subse -
quently wrestle d wit h wha t alternat e action s h e migh t hav e take n whe n
Dora announce d o n tha t fatefu l sessio n i t woul d b e thei r last . H e ques -
tioned th e wisdo m o f "actin g a part, " o f implorin g he r t o continu e th e
treatment. Ha d h e adopte d tha t ploy , h e fel t h e woul d hav e playe d to o
great a part i n wha t ha d t o b e her decision , no t his . Any encouragemen t
on hi s par t migh t hav e le d he r t o misunderstan d hi s motives . Freu d
decided tha t "ther e mus t b e som e limit s se t t o th e exten t t o whic h
psychological influenc e ma y b e used , an d I respec t a s one o f thes e limit s
the patient' s ow n wil l an d understanding " (1953a , 109) . H e conclude d
that whatever Dora's reasons for leaving , however neurotic they may have
been, the y wer e stil l hers. Eve n i f her decisio n wa s ill-advised , i t wa s he r
choice to make and she should feel free t o make it.
Dora's decisio n t o qui t he r analysi s undoubtedl y dismaye d Freud ,
which i s implied i n his statement, "N o on e who, like me, conjures u p th e


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n6 Freud's Last Word

most vil e of those half-tame d demon s tha t inhabi t th e human breast , an d

seeks t o wrestl e wit h them , ca n expec t t o com e throug h th e struggl e
unscathed" (109) . Great though hi s pain was, Freud believed her decisio n
to leav e was her responsibilit y an d hers alone . In turn , sh e would hav e t o
live wit h it—a s woul d he . When , i n hindsight , h e wondere d wha t h e
might hav e don e differendy , Freu d acknowledge d tha t h e hadn' t realize d
the exten t t o whic h Dora' s transferenc e ha d prompte d he r termination ,
which wa s nevertheless hinte d a t in her firs t dream . Ha d h e thought o f i t
in time , h e migh t hav e helpe d he r t o se e ho w sh e wa s transferrin g he r
erotic feeling s fo r Mr . K ont o him . O n th e othe r hand , give n he r unwa -
vering suppressio n o f thos e feelings , it' s unlikel y suc h a n interpretatio n
would hav e swaye d her . Besides , an y suc h interpretation , eve n ha d h e
thought o f it when Dor a announce d he r termination, woul d hav e prove d
futile fo r th e reason s h e alread y explained . An y effor t h e migh t hav e
made t o dissuad e he r fro m leavin g woul d hav e ha d th e sam e effect , th e
presumption h e was imploring her to stay .
The terminatio n o f a psychoanalysis ultimatel y depend s o n a decision,
a choic e tha t analysand s alon e mus t com e t o term s with . Eve n whe n
analysts impose th e termination , patient s choos e how t o conten d wit h it ,
and ho w t o resolv e i t i n thei r mind . Freud' s closin g comment s t o Dora' s
treatment epitomiz e al l analyti c patients ' struggl e t o distinguis h betwee n
what i s reall y happenin g an d wha t the y imagine—wha t the y prefer —
should happen . Eve n i f the y ar e abl e t o determin e th e unconsciou s mo -
tives tha t inclin e the m awa y fro m realit y an d towar d phantasy , the y stil l
have to choose—in a n existential sense—what t o make of their situation .
There isn' t anythin g analyst s can do that will sway their patien f s decision
one way or the other. That is why Freud believe d that "it is never possibl e
to calculat e towards whic h sid e the decision will incline in suc h a conflic t
of motives: whether toward s th e remova l of the repressio n o r toward s it s
reinforcement" (110) . Paradoxically , neurotics , mistrustin g thei r uncon -
scious drives, almost always prefer th e fantastic solutio n over the real one:

Incapacity fo r meetin g a real eroti c deman d i s one o f th e mos t essentia l

features of a neurosis. Neurotics are dominated b y the opposition betwee n
reality an d phantasy . I f wha t the y lon g fo r th e mos t intensel y i n thei r
phantasies i s presented t o the m i n reality , they none the les s flee from it ;
and the y abando n themselve s t o thei r phantasie s th e mos t readil y wher e
they need no longer fear to see them realized. (110)

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Freud^s Last Word 11 7

That doesn't necessarily mean ifs hopeless . Many manage to free them -
selves from thei r neuroses . Som e eventually opt fo r th e reward s o f realit y
over phantasy , submissio n ove r obstinance , lov e over repression . N o on e
can predict th e cours e particular patient s wil l take, but tha t course, what -
ever i t is , will b e their s t o assume , whethe r the y accep t tha t fac t o r not .
All analysis can do is to bring those inclinations to light .
Freud believe d h e understood th e motive s behin d Dora' s termination .
Still, h e wishe d h e coul d mak e i t mor e intelligibl e t o hi s readers . H e
apologized fo r no t havin g writte n th e "technica l manual 55 hi s audienc e
might hav e hope d h e woul d giv e them . Suc h a work "woul d hav e t o b e
illustrated b y numerous examples chosen from a very great variety of cases
and which woul d no t hop e t o tak e the result s obtained i n each particula r
case int o account 55 (112) . Suc h a wor k woul d b e a marve l t o see , bu t
Freud neve r wrot e it . Thoug h othe r case s woul d follow , Freu d neve r
wrote anythin g lik e a manual tha t explaine d how analysis shoul d b e con -
ducted. Dora 5s analysis is as exhaustive an exposition of analytic techniqu e
as he eve r composed . Thi s i s becaus e th e efficac y o f psychoanalysi s can' t
be demonstrated , a s i n science , b y th e outcom e o f thi s o r tha t case . It s
value can onl y b e determined b y first principles. That i s what "rules 55 are.
They ar e no t mean t t o instruc t bu t t o guide . Analysi s i s rooted i n truth ,
thus its "first principles 55 are concerned with the means by which truth ha s
its say. Due to the nature of resistance, the emergence of this or that trut h
could jus t a s easil y resul t i n a prematur e terminatio n a s a permanen t
remission of symptoms .
Freud5s postscrip t t o Dora 5s analysi s wa s probabl y writte n i n stages ,
commencing som e time afte r he r termination . Th e surprisin g additio n o f
her unexpecte d retur n visi t fifteen months afte r sh e brok e of f he r analysi s
throws the treatment into momentary temporal confusion, a deja-vu expe-
rience. W e ar e struc k b y th e realizatio n tha t eve n whe n th e treatmen t
seems t o hav e ended , w e ma y discove r there 5s mor e t o come , somethin g
that throw s u s ont o a n unforeseen , eve n transformative , path . Th e epi -
logue is , withou t a doubt , Freu d a t hi s best . It s ton e i s deliberatel y
didactic. Yet , Freu d i s mor e inten t o n explorin g th e natur e o f hysteri a
than explainin g ho w t o trea t hysterics . I f his emphasis ha d bee n reverse d
would th e analysi s hav e bee n successful ? Probabl y not . Freud' s experi -
mental an d unwaveringl y theoretica l ton e i s reprise d tim e afte r tim e i n
all hi s subsequen t cas e histories . Instea d o f advocatin g a predetermine d

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n8 Freutfs Last Word

technique, h e suggest s tha t w e liste n t o wha t eac h analyti c cas e ha s t o

teach us . I n fact , th e proces s o f observation , discovery , an d learnin g i s
fundamental t o wha t psychoanalyti c treatmen t is , in it s essence . In othe r
words, analyti c treatmen t shouldn' t b e conceive d a s a n applicatio n o f
theory, bu t rathe r a relationshi p throug h whic h knowledg e abou t a per -
son's unconscious i s discerned.
What o f Dora' s sexua l symptomotolog y an d it s relevanc e t o th e case ?
After all , it was Freud' s vie w tha t "sexualit y i s the ke y to th e proble m o f
the psychoneuroses an d of the neuroses in general" (115). And, "neurose s
have a n organi c basis " (113) . An d again , "N o one , probably , wil l b e
inclined t o den y th e sexua l functio n th e characte r o f a n organi c factor ,
and it is the sexual function tha t I look upon a s the foundation o f hysteria
and o f th e psychoneurose s i n general " (113) . Th e lin k betwee n sexua l
repression an d neuroti c symptom s wa s remarkabl y eviden t throughou t
Dora's analysis . Tha t th e tw o ar e connecte d ha d bee n establishe d earlie r
in Freud' s thinking , datin g fro m hi s collaboratio n wit h Breue r (Freu d
and Breuer 1955) . Psychoanalysts everywher e concu r tha t this link exists.
But Freu d wen t eve n further . H e maintaine d tha t th e abatemen t o f
normal sexua l functioning— a biologica l functio n becaus e i t pertain s t o
an aspec t of our physica l being—cause s pathologica l symptom s t o occur .
This wa s assume d t o b e especiall y pronounce d i n hysteria . Thi s i s th e
argument fro m whic h al l the psychoanalytic schools diverge, each in some
form o f disagreement with Freud' s radica l position .
Due t o hi s presumptio n o f thi s connection , Freu d too k car e t o estab -
lish a link betwee n th e sexua l functio n an d matter s o f th e heart . I n fact ,
he wa s convince d tha t Dora' s neurosi s wa s th e consequenc e o f a broke n
heart. Th e apparen t disappointmen t o f her eroti c infatuatio n wit h Mr . K
was th e catalys t fo r he r revenge . Freu d wondere d wh y sh e woul d den y
her feelings an d sacrifice th e burgeoning of youthful sexualit y had she no t
had a reaso n fo r doin g so ? Tha t reaso n wa s obviousl y he r frustrate d
attempts a t love , beginnin g wit h he r mother , the n th e jealous y arouse d
by her father' s affai r wit h Mrs . K , Mr . K' s clums y attempt s a t seduction ,
and finally th e betraya l o f Mrs . K herself , who m Freu d suspecte d tha t
Dora stil l loved , perhap s lik e a mother. Ironically , n o ostensibl e "cause "
for Dora' s chroni c hysteri a wa s eve r established , no t eve n i n th e post -
script. Perhap s i t i s even unanalyti c t o thin k o f hysteria i n terms o f caus e
and effect , i n th e empirica l sense . Instead , Freu d emphasize s th e numer -
ous circumstance s tha t revolve d aroun d an d intersecte d wit h a neurosi s

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FreucPs Last Word 11 9

that wa s alway s already in motion . Al l th e thing s tha t happene d aroun d

her, to her, insid e her, historically an d existentially, psychologically, emo -
tionally, an d physicall y obviousl y exacerbate d he r symptom s an d gav e
them mor e meaning. No t on e o f them, no r al l of them combined , ca n b e
claimed to have caused her pathological condition to manifest .
In th e sam e wa y tha t a neurosis i s abl e t o seiz e on a n alread y existin g
physiological illnes s an d transfor m i t int o a conversion sympto m (i n th e
form o f somati c compliance) , i t i s als o capable o f seizin g o n th e circum -
stances tha t occasio n one' s existence—lik e th e intrigue s tha t surrounde d
Dora—to pla y ou t it s secretiv e drama . Th e mor e on e look s fo r th e
ultimate cause s o f neurosis , th e mor e likel y on e wil l b e t o encounte r
"predispositions" tha t wer e ther e already , inclinin g tha t perso n furthe r
along a path previously chosen. This discovery even led Freud to hypothe-
size "constitutional " factor s i n hi s effor t t o determin e th e bedroc k o f
neurotic complexe s (se e Part Six) . A specifi c caus e could neve r b e found ,
no matte r ho w muc h h e looked fo r one . Another wa y of conceptualizin g
this point—more philosophically , perhaps—i s t o attribut e th e formatio n
of neurose s t o a person' s existentia l inclinations . A t th e hear t o f ever y
neurosis ar e subd e ye t discernabl e choices . Freu d himsel f kep t comin g
back to thi s conclusion i n roundabou t ways . Nothing necessaril y causes a
person t o choos e this or that path , bu t th e choices we make subsequend y
lead to consequences tha t we later forget helpe d to determine our curren t
situation. Eve n when we choose compulsively, the choice is ours. Perhap s
our choice s caus e u s t o becom e wh o w e ar e rathe r tha n th e othe r wa y
Whereas n o on e ca n sa y wit h an y certaint y tha t arreste d sexualit y
caused th e intractabl e symptom s tha t characterize d Dora' s neurosis , nei -
ther ca n anyon e den y tha t he r sexualit y was a t least a n accomplic e t o he r
symptoms. Ou r eroti c inclination s inevitabl y visi t thei r claim s o n th e
morbid thought s an d emotion s w e attribut e t o a person's "psychopathol -
ogy." To wha t exten t lov e depends o n sexualit y an d sexualit y on lov e is a
riddle n o on e ha s solved . Th e primac y o f sexualit y ha s alway s bee n a
cornerstone o f Freud' s theory , bu t thi s unwaverin g bias—eve n i f w e
don't accep t it—needn' t compromis e th e les s speculativ e argument s o f
his case . Nor shoul d it s dogmati c presentatio n deflec t ou r suspicio n tha t
this bia s get s "tacke d on " her e an d ther e i n way s tha t ar e occasionall y
dubious and , sometimes , even forced. Whe n h e turns hi s eyes to transfer -
ence, however, Freu d enlist s the allegianc e of all. Due t o th e passion tha t

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120 Freud^s Last Word

drives transference phenomena , Freu d allowed it is the most difficult issu e

one encounter s i n analysis . H e believe d thi s wa s becaus e "transferenc e i s
the on e thin g th e presenc e o f whic h ha s t o b e detecte d almos t withou t
assistance an d wit h onl y th e slightes t clue s t o g o upon 55 (116) . I t i s als o
that aspec t o f treatmen t tha t occasion s th e mos t persisten t expressio n o f
feelings abou t one' s analyst . Whil e th e transferenc e alert s u s t o a variet y
of idealizations concerning <c who55 it is the analyst supposedly is, the person
of th e analys t mus t eventuall y materializ e fro m th e debri s o f shattere d
illusions and deal with th e consequences o f the treatment, whatever thos e
consequences are . Freu d admit s h e hadn' t recognize d th e intens e natur e
of Dora's transference, which, had he seen it, might have been interprete d
as a new editio n o f he r feeling s fo r Mr . K (a s we note d earlier) . Bu t h e
argues that eve n had h e made this interpretation, n o on e can say whether
it woul d hav e altere d th e cours e o f he r analysis . I n thi s par t o f th e
postscript, i t i s Dor a wh o i s teachin g rathe r tha n Freud . I t wa s Dora ,
after all , wh o taugh t Freu d th e mos t importan t lesson s h e wa s t o lear n
about th e pernicious nature of transference an d its unpredictable course .
In his final comments t o the postscript, Freud saves the best for last. I n
a scan t tw o pages , h e startle s u s wit h th e announcemen t tha t Dor a ha d
returned t o se e hi m som e fifteen month s afte r sh e terminate d th e treat -
ment. Somethin g tol d Freu d when h e saw her that whatever Dor a had i n
mind, nothin g ha d reall y change d sinc e th e las t tim e the y met . Sh e tol d
him th e followin g story : Nearl y si x month s afte r he r termination , Dor a
had visite d th e K 5s t o expres s he r condolence s fo r th e deat h o f on e o f
their tw o children . Yet , sh e seize d o n thi s unlikel y opportunit y t o con -
front them . Sh e got the m t o acknowledg e that , indeed , Mrs . K ha d bee n
carrying on with her father and , yes, the scene by the lake wasn't imagine d
but happene d th e way she said it had. Dor a fel t vindicated . Sh e then tol d
her fathe r o f he r encounte r wit h th e K 5s, a victor y o f sort s agains t hi m
too. Sh e hadn't talke d to any of them since. The matter she had ostensibl y
consulted Freu d for wa s a bout of painful facia l neuralgia that had broke n
out jus t two weeks earlier. Sh e sai d tha t si x month s befor e tha t sh e ha d
again los t he r voice , bu t i t returne d abou t si x weeks later . Freu d trace d
each of these symptoms t o incidents that had arouse d her familiar patter n
of sexua l excitemen t followe d b y repressiv e anxiety , incident s tha t in -
volved Mr. K an d eve n Freud himself . The los s of her voice had followe d
a chanc e encounte r wit h Mr . K o n th e stree t (fiv e month s afte r he r final
meeting wit h Mr . K an d hi s wife) . Th e facia l pai n aros e followin g a n

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Freud^s Last Word 12 1

article in the newspapers announcin g Freud's appointmen t t o a professor -

ship, which Dor a confirme d sh e had read .
Freud's synopsi s o f Dora' s unexpecte d retur n give s u s hi s dries t an d
most inscrutabl e side . He doesn' t interpre t he r performance , allowin g u s
to dra w ou r ow n conclusions . H e di d no t offe r he r a resumptio n o f
treatment. W e ca n appreciate , nevertheless, how very much h e must hav e
wanted to . He suspect s that Dora's visit was not prompte d b y an urge fo r
reconciliation. He r decisio n to confront th e K's on th e occasion of having
lost thei r chil d wa s a deliberately callous—bu t effective—ac t o f revenge .
Though sh e cu t the m of f afterward s sh e tol d Freu d tha t sh e fel t "n o
further concern " about them . Sh e was hardly being candid about her tru e
feelings i n th e matter . I n fact , sh e stil l wanted t o hur t the m an y way sh e
could. Freu d attribute d th e bou t of neuralgia to her unconscious guil t fo r
the vindictiveness she continued to harbor agains t himself and Mr. K .
The rea l reaso n fo r he r retur n visi t wa s shroude d i n mystery . Freu d
couldn't believ e tha t sh e cam e t o se e hi m simpl y fo r "he r allege d facia l
neuralgia" (122) . I n a poignan t ye t movin g conclusion , Freu d admitte d
that h e "di d no t kno w wha t kin d o f hel p sh e wante d fro m me , bu t I
promised t o forgiv e he r fo r havin g deprive d m e o f th e satisfactio n o f
affording he r a fa r mor e radica l cur e fo r he r troubles " (122) . Perhaps ,
feeling alone , Dora wanted th e attention tha t further analysi s could offer .
Perhaps sh e wante d t o to y wit h Freud' s unfulfille d wis h fo r a cure , t o
punish hi m eve n more . Whateve r he r motivation , howeve r unconsciou s
or concealed , he r lac k o f cando r mitigate d agains t an y hope o f resumin g
the analysis . Freu d ha d n o alternativ e bu t t o sa y good-by e t o on e las t
chance for success .

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