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11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 • Phone (858) 642-8320 • Fax (858) 642-8724 •

Lesson Plan Design

Subject: English Grade: 5 Lesson Topic: writing a narrative

Candidate’s Name: Arrianna Rosario-Eberhart ID # 023035020

Site Support Provider: Daniel Mendez NU Site Support Provider: Lillian Walker

1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale,

focus learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
Write narratives to develop real or imagined
experiences or events using effective
technique, descriptive details, and clear event Students have been reading sources,
planning, and writing their first draft
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.3.A of a narrative. Yesterday, students
Orient the reader by establishing a situation
and introducing a narrator and/or characters; read three passages and began to
organize an event sequence that unfolds plan. The purpose for this is for
students to refresh how to write a
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.3.B narrative. Students have already
Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue,
description, and pacing, to develop mastered this standard based on data
experiences and events or show the responses on a teacher created rubric.
of characters to situations.

Use a variety of transitional words, phrases,
and clauses to manage the sequence of events.

Use concrete words and phrases and sensory

details to convey experiences and events


Provide a conclusion that follows from the
narrated experiences or events.
Students took an interim last week,
which was a released SBAC exam.
BRIDGES FROM PAST LEARNING Students who are green, scored an
We are reviewing and prepping for the SBAC, 80% or higher on the exam. Yellow
students completed their Interim 4, which was a students scored a 70%-79.5%,
mock SBAC test last week and all lessons, until orange 60%-69% and red are below
the SBAC are to reteach or review. Students 59%. The rational for creating
will finish their narrative on Thursday with an lesson that review the SBAC is to
additional 45 minutes. move all “yellow” students, who are
in the C range to the green, or
mastery, so that they are better
prepared for the SBAC in a few
weeks and have additional at bats to
master the content they struggled
with on the interim.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How
will you measure mastery of the outcome?)

Objective 1
Students will be able to read three sources Objective 1-2
online, that will be used to write a narrative, Summative assessment that is an
based on a prompt. SBAC narrative.

Objective 2
Students will be able to plan, write, and revise a Students are familiar with the SBAC
narrative. Scoring a 3 or higher on the SBAC released rubric, which is out of 4
narrative rubric points. This allows students to go

through the rubric and self regulate
For the narrative, mastery will be measured on themselves to make sure that they
the SBAC released rubric. are mastery the standard.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students’ abilities to achieve the Learner

Outcome and prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background,
academic language abilities, content knowledge, cultural and health considerations,
interests and aspirations, physical development, social development, emotional
development. )

Use school behavior plan and incentives to
target on task behavior, urgency. Pre-assessment which was the
interim, a SBAC released test has
Positively praise students urgently working, determined students abilities with
revising their work, and students with strong the writing a narrative.
annotations on the passages
School wide behavior plan allows
for positive classroom
Students on 504 plans will be allowed to take environment and for consistency
a movement break since this is a block in class.
Movement break allows for these
students to get energy out, and
allow for them to come back to
class focused on the classwork

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-

assessments, modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the
needs of ELL & special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving

ELL- ELL student will be allowed to create a Rationale:

story board/comic strip depicting two animals
that encounter each other. The story board ELL students will still be meeting
should still have dialogue bubbles. Student will the standard by drawing pictures
be given and English/Spanish translator of the story and writing dialogue.
Dialogue can be in both English
and Spanish. Will also be paired

Highly achieving students will be able to type with a dual language student who
their essay on the computer due to their can assist in translating
urgency in writing.

Adaptation: VR student will be allowed to Highly achieving students will be

write and draw a story board based on the allowed to type their response on
prompt. The prompt and passages was already the computer because they are
read to him and he will not be required to write farther along with the planning
a narrative. process and have already begun

Adaptation: He will write and

draw a story board which will still
answer the narrative question. It
will meet his IEP goals since he is
at a 2nd grade level

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees
of skill level)

Do now
Lined paper Students will take their annotations
Google classroom link on lined paper rather than the actual
pencils handout. The rationale for this is for
Computer additional SBAC practice. SBAC
Rubric will all be done on line and students
should practice annotating on paper,
since they will not be allowed to
annotate on the computer.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate,

Check for Understanding)
Teacher will review do now the first
By having the teacher model how to
punctuation as a whole class.
do the correct dialogue tag, it allows

where to do the quotes go? students to have a model example of
Does the punctuation go inside or outside the
the correct way to do punctuation.
What goes at the end of the dialogue tag?

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for

understanding and provide feedback and re-teaching)

1. Teacher will review Do now answers by
cold calling on students. 1. by reviewing the Do now, any
misconceptions will be cleared up
2. TW say, “Turn to the next page and see and all students will have the
other ways to say said. You want to m opportunity to fix their answers.
Feedback will be given to students
3. Students will take out their annotations on based off of aggressive monitoring
the narrative that was completed yesterday. and only answers that have a low
mastery rate will be addressed in
4. Teacher will ask CFU questions by cold whole group to keep the pacing
calling on students using popsicle sticks. moving urgently.

 What point of view are you Before releasing to independent

writing? practice, the purpose of the CFU
 What is the prompt? questions is to make sure that
 What must you incorporate to students are getting key details
get a 3 or 4? about the prompt, and they are set
 Where does punctuation go up for success immediately. Based
with dialogue? on yesterdays, aggressive
monitoring, students are struggling
with their punctuation in their

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note:
Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well
enough to work on their own.)

Students will start of class doing a do now
The purpose for the Do now is so
about dialogue. Yesterday, based off of
aggressive monitoring students are not putting students get additional practice

the correct punctuation in the dialogue of the with correct punctuation in their
narratives. Teacher will walk around
dialogue. Students will be able to
aggressively monitoring and checking for
correct answers. use this example as a resource
when they go to revising their
Narrative lesson
Students will plan and write their narrative
based on a released SBAC. Teacher will The rational for writing the
monitor for correct annotations based on the
narrative independently is for
three passages.
additional practice for the SBAC.
Students last completed a
narrative in December, so this is a
review for them. Students are also

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the
students’ learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL,
special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)


Narrative lesson
The assessment will be the final draft of the Narrative lesson
narrative. Students will be graded based on the
This will be a formal summative
SBAC rubric. Feedback will also be provided
to them. assessment. All students will be
graded on the SBAC released rubric.

Highly achieving students will be graded on

ELL and IEP students, creating a
their typed response sent via google
comic strip, will be graded on the
classroom. They will still be graded on the
sequence of events of their images
SBAC created rubric.
and dialogue. Their comic strip
should include a beginning, middle,
and end

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

After submitting their rough draft, students will Students will be able to self grade
reflect on what they have learned by grading themselves allowing them to
themselves based on the SBAC released rubric. identify what they are successful
Students will then write their strengths and at and an area they need to
weaknesses on a reflection. improve, first. This is important
because then they are able to
internalize they areas of growth
and success, rather than just the
teacher telling them what they
should improve or are successful
with. However, teacher will still
provide feedback based on the


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