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DYNOmite test "40 on 2018-06-04 @ 18-35-31" by Pro Dyno Systems

Peak Torque* and Hp* vs. RPM

700.0 16.00

AFR 2 MAP1 x 10
Torque 601.8
600.0 13.71

Hp 520.0
500.0 11.3 11.43
Torque and HP

All Other Lines

400.0 9.14

300.0 6.86

200.0 4.57

100.0 2.29

0 0
2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500

* Correction Method: Standard

Engine RPM (RPM)
Notes: Type any notes about your test here. Peak Power: 520.0 Hp @ 6150 RPM

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