ISBAMPI Studenthandbook 2018

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AMPI Student Manual 2018

Indian School of Business

North Campus I Knowledge City, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Mohali – 140 306, Punjab
South Campus I Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032, Telangana

The ISB logo is made up of the globe, metamorphosing gradually into birds in flight. The earth depicts the quality of
nurturing, fundamental to an educational institution. The combination of the seemingly opposite forms - one
anchored and stable, the other free and soaring high - symbolizes a rock-solid foundation of learning, freedom of
thought, ability to innovate, and transcend boundaries.

Our vision is to be an internationally top-ranked, research-driven, independent management institution that

grooms future leaders for India and the world.


 To create and disseminate research-based knowledge in management that influences scholarship, practice and
 To develop and enhance business leadership through innovative world-class programmes in management.
 To utilize the knowledge and expertise to engage with business, government and society, and to contribute to
the welfare and development of the community at the local, national, and global levels.
 To have distinguished faculty from India and abroad teach courses and provide a global perspective in Post
Graduate and Executive Education programmes.

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THE AMPI TEAM ............................................................................................................................................ 7
PROGRAMME STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................ 8
CONTACT HOURS/CREDITS REQUIRED ..................................................................................................... 8
ACADEMIC YEAR & LOCATION .................................................................................................................. 8
CURRICULUM ............................................................................................................................................ 8
STUDENT PROJECT GROUPS ................................................................................................................... 10
CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE ............................................................................................................................. 10
ACADEMIC POLICY ...................................................................................................................................... 11
DEFERRING FROM THE PROGRAMME .................................................................................................... 11
LEAVE OF ABSENCE ................................................................................................................................. 11
MISSING OF CLASSES .............................................................................................................................. 11
ATTENDANCE POLICY .............................................................................................................................. 12
WITHDRAWAL FROM THE PROGRAMME ............................................................................................... 12
REFUND ................................................................................................................................................... 12
SUBMISSION OF ALL ASSIGNMENTS ....................................................................................................... 12
TRANSCRIPTS .......................................................................................................................................... 12
CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................................................................ 13
BOOKS AND COURSE MATERIALS ........................................................................................................... 13
ONLINE EXAM INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................ 13
STUDENT RECORDS ..................................................................................................................................... 13
MATRICULATION/REGISTRATION NUMBER............................................................................................ 13
IDENTIFICATION CARDS .......................................................................................................................... 14
CHANGE OF PARTICULARS ...................................................................................................................... 14
GRADING POLICY......................................................................................................................................... 14
GRADE DISCLOSURE POLICY.................................................................................................................... 14
GRADING SCHEME .................................................................................................................................. 14
ISB HONOUR CODE ..................................................................................................................................... 15
PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE HONOUR CODE ............................................................................ 16
HONOUR CODE: SOME DEFENITIONS ..................................................................................................... 16

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PLAGIARISM ............................................................................................................................................ 17
INTENT AND THE REASONABLE PERSON STANDARD ............................................................................. 17
HONOUR CODE PROCEDURE AND COMPLAINT PROCEDURE................................................................. 19
COMPLAINT ............................................................................................................................................. 20
STATEMENT IN A CONTESTED CASE ....................................................................................................... 20
STATEMENT IN AN UNCONTESTED CASE ................................................................................................ 20
STATEMENT IN GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 21
IT INFRASTRUCTURE AND POLICY ............................................................................................................... 21
COMPUTING FACILITIES AND NETWORK ................................................................................................ 21
CAMPUS NETWORK ................................................................................................................................ 21
WIRED ACCESS ........................................................................................................................................ 21
ISB PROVIDED SOFTWARE ...................................................................................................................... 22
LAPTOP / APPLICATION TROUBLE-SHOOTING SERVICES ........................................................................ 22
PRINTING FACILITY .................................................................................................................................. 22
COMPUTER LAB FACILITY ........................................................................................................................ 22
E-MAILING AND INTERNET ACCESS ........................................................................................................ 23
INTERNET ACCESS (AT ISB) ...................................................................................................................... 23
HELP DESK ............................................................................................................................................... 23
LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE (LRC)........................................................................................................... 25
PHYSICAL LOCATION ............................................................................................................................... 25
RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................. 25
WORKING HOURS ................................................................................................................................... 25
OTHER RULES .......................................................................................................................................... 25
LRC CIRCULATION POLICY ........................................................................................................................... 26
ISSUE LIMIT ............................................................................................................................................. 26
ISSUE POLICY ........................................................................................................................................... 26
RESERVATION.......................................................................................................................................... 26
RETURN ................................................................................................................................................... 26

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REMINDERS ............................................................................................................................................. 27
RENEWAL ................................................................................................................................................ 27
FINE SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................................... 27
LOST/DAMAGED RESOURCES ................................................................................................................. 27
INFORMATION SERVICE .......................................................................................................................... 27

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Welcome to the Advanced Management Programme for Infrastructure at the ISB.

We recommend that you read this handbook carefully and refer to it often. It provides you with easy access to the
information you will need, for your study and stay at the School.

• This Handbook informs you about the key people who are involved in administering the programme.

• Tells you about the organization, administration, and structure of the programme and makes clear what you
have to do in order to graduate.

• Provides information on policies related to academics and to student activities on campus.

• Gives details about the facilities and services available on campus.

If you have any questions, please contact the AMPI Office. We will be glad to assist you.

We welcome you as a member of the ISB community.

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The design and delivery of the AMPI is a collaborative effort of the Indian School of Business’ Punj Lloyd Institute of
Infrastructure Management and the Centre for Executive Education.

The Punj Lloyd Institute of Infrastructure Management is established within the Indian School of Business as a
specialist Institute to support the infrastructure industry. Its objective is to create top quality management capacity;
to undertake research that would find solutions to the problems the industry faces and to become a one-stop source
for data and information on the industry. The Institute seeks to be the ‘Go To’ place for knowledge and solutions
within the infrastructure industry. In addition to the Leadership Programme, the Institute is providing capacity
building to the government on smart cities by offering an activity based learning programme.

In line with the overall approach of ISB, the Institute firmly believes in research driven teaching. In this pursuit, the
Institute has commissioned research in three broad areas- 1) Smart cities and urban management- an index of smart
cities in India is being developed, 2) Energy and Climate Change- research and collaboration with international
institutions of high repute on renewable energy, electric vehicles, and green economy, and 3) other infrastructure
sector including public private partnerships.

The Centre for Executive Education conducts programmes for working professionals that are designed to provide
timely learning interventions that help them upskill and progress in their careers, and impact the organizations they
operate in. Programmes are available across multiple business areas, for different seniority levels, in various national
and international locations.

The Centre attracts some of the finest faculty from leading business schools and has become a knowledge centre for
practical understanding on emerging economies. Participants learn from both the innovative management research
of the faculty, as well as from the wide experience of fellow-learners. Through its alumni initiatives, the Centre
reaches out to past participants and conducts knowledge events on management thought leadership. The
programme design team at the CEE identifies current business and industry challenges through extensive research
on business environment and discussion with industry experts, management thinkers and corporate leaders. This
ensures that learning solutions at the ISB remain relevant to dynamic business scenarios.

The following are the key members of the programme team.

Punj Lloyd Institute of Infrastructure Management

Dr. Chandan Chowdhury, Executive Director

Dr. Kinshuk Saurabh, Associate Director
Asis Sidhu, Manager
Ashish Mohan, Analyst
Suprotim De, Analyst cum TA
Vignesh M, Analyst cum TA
Sonia Sharma, Associate

Please direct all your programme-related queries to

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The programme comprises fifteen courses leading up to fourteen teaching credits and two credits of the Action
Learning Project. Each credit includes 20 hours of teaching, distributed generally between 14 hours of in-class
delivery during residency and 6 hours of technology assistant learning i.e. TALs. Online tutorials/additional
activities will be there for most courses to help grasp the concept.


This academic year will start in April 2018 and end in January 2019. Students will also have to complete the
prescribed pre-course tutorial(s) before the classes begin.

Classes at the ISB (Hyderabad and Mohali campuses) are held for 8-10 hours every day, during the residencies. The
schedule is as follows.


Orientation/Residency 21-29 April 2017 Mohali
Residency 2 14-22 July 2017 Mohali
Residency 3 20-28 October 2017 Mohali

Residency 4 05-13 January 2018 Hyderabad

In addition to the on-campus classes mentioned above, some of the courses will be taught online and there will be
online tutorials and webinar sessions for some of the other courses through the year.

The programme consists of 19 courses and an action learning project equivalent of two credits. The following are
the courses that will be covered in the programme, with the corresponding credits.

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No of
Courses Credits Hours
Term 1
1 Fundamentals of Economics 0.5 10
2 Managerial Statistics 0.5 10
3 Negotiations 1 20
4 Change Management 0.5 10
5 Fundamentals of Marketing 0.5 10
6 Managing Teams 0.5 10
ALP I 0.5 10
Term 2
7 Fundamentals of Finance 1 20
8 Infrastructure Project Management 0.5 10
9 Contract Management 1 20
10 Infrastructure Economics 1 20
ALP II 0.5 10
Term 3
11 Infrastructure Finance 1 20
12 Business Communication 0.5 10
13 Stakeholder Analysis 0.5 10
14 Infrastructure Regulation 0.5 10
15 Startegic Planning for Infrastructure 1 20
ALP III 0.5 10
Term 4
16 Social & Enivormental Issues In Infrastructure 1 20
17 Developing an Entrepreneurial Venture for Infrastructure 0.5 10
18 PPP 1 20
19 Leagal Issuses & Dispute Resolution 1 20
ALP IV 0.5 10
16 320

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Assessment for all courses in the programme will be based on a combination of case analyses, projects, papers,
exams etc. Weightage for class participation will be decided by faculty teaching the courses. Specific details of topics
and pedagogy will be decided by the faculty teaching the courses.


All students are expected to contribute equally to the assignments and group projects. Group peer evaluation may
be conducted for some courses.

High professional standards are expected of all the students of the LIM. Faculty are expected to be professional and
prepared to deliver value for each and every class session. Students are expected to be professional in all respects.
For enhanced classroom experience, we require you to abide by the following:

1. Arrive on Time. On time arrival ensures that classes/events are able to start and finish at the scheduled time.
On time arrival shows respect for both fellow students and faculty and it enhances learning by reducing
avoidable distractions.

2. Minimize unscheduled personal breaks. The learning environment improves when disruptions are limited.

3. Come fully prepared for each class. This programme is structured in such a way that a lot of learning in this
programme takes place during case/classroom discussions. When you are not prepared then you cannot
contribute to the overall learning process. This affects not only the individual, but also their peers.

4. Respect the views and opinions of their peers. Disagreement and debate are encouraged. Intolerance for the
views of others is unacceptable.

5. Please ensure laptops are not a distraction. When you are surfing the web, responding to e-mail, instant
messaging each other, and otherwise not devoting their full attention to the topic at hand, you are doing
yourself and your peers a major disservice. Students cannot benefit from the insights of those who are not
engaged. It is also very distracting to the faculty member.

6. Phones and wireless devices are turned off. We’ve all heard the annoying ringing in the middle of a meeting.
Not only is it not professional, it cuts off the flow of discussion

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Deferral of admission is allowed only under exceptional circumstances. The student will have to apply for deferral
before the start of the programme and will have to provide documentary evidence supporting the reason for seeking
deferral. If the programme accepts the deferral plea, the student will have to pay an additional amount (deferral
deposit) to secure her/his place in the class for the next session. This amount will be adjusted in the programme fee
when the student joins the programme. This fee is not refundable if the student fails to join the programme. Students
may be allowed to defer the admissions for only one session beyond which they will need to go through the
application process again.

In case of a deferral being granted, the programme fee and programme policies as applicable to the academic year
in which the student joins the programme, and NOT as applicable in the admission year, will be applicable.

Leave of absence is not encouraged and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. If a student wishes to
take leave from the programme, it will only be allowed if a written notice is provided to the programme office.
Students may be asked to provide documentary evidence to support their request. Students will have to rejoin and
finish the classes in the next academic session from where they have left. Certificates will be awarded only after the
full completion of the programme.

In case of a leave of absence being granted, the programme fee and programme policies as applicable to the
academic year in which the student rejoins the programme, and NOT as applicable in the admission year, will be
applicable. The adjustments of the fee will be done on a pro-rata basis for the courses/terms completed in the year
the student rejoins the programme.

Due to the short duration of the programme residencies, as well as the modular structure of the programme, missing
of classes is not allowed. In case of missing of classes due to extreme emergencies, the following policy will be
applicable to all students.

The student will be allowed to continue in the programme and complete the remaining courses in that academic
year. However, since the student would not have completed the credits required to graduate, they will have to take
leave of absence for the courses missed and take those courses in the next academic session. Once they complete
all the credits required for graduation, they will be allowed to graduate from the programme in the academic year
they complete the graduation requirement.

In case of a leave of absence being granted, the programme fee and programme policies as applicable to the
academic year in which the student rejoins the programme, and NOT as applicable in the admission year, will be
enforced. The adjustments of the fee will be done on a pro-rata basis for the courses/terms completed in the year
the student rejoins the programme.

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Attendance for all the sessions is compulsory. In case of exceptional circumstances, the decision of Programme
Office, in consultation with the concerned faculty will be final. In case a student misses two or more classes of a
course, then the grade for that course will be reduced. Quantum of reduction will be at the faculty’s discretion. If a
student attends a class session only partially, then the student will be considered as being absent for the class, and
the same will reflect in class participation grades.


A student can withdraw from the programme any time by providing appropriate notice. No certificate will be
awarded. Refund of fee will be according to the refund policies prevailing at that point of time.

In case a student has to withdraw from the programme for either academic, personal or administrative reasons, the
student will receive pro-rated refunds for only the future remaining terms, to the extent that the student has paid
for those terms in advance. No refund will be granted for the terms which have already commenced or have been
completed. The programme office reserves the right to deduct additional amounts which have been paid in advance
to vendors for boarding & lodging etc. which cannot be recovered by ISB even though the student has not attended
the terms for which these expenses were incurred in advance.


Online assignments can be submitted through the Learning Management System (LMS).

All assignments that are required to be submitted in hardcopy are to be done on A4 size paper only. Please note that
assignments submitted on paper of any other size will not be accepted. All assignments submitted in hardcopy are
to be accompanied by the attached two-sided cover page, filled in on both sides. If a student does not submit a
component/assignment, pertaining to a course, on time, they may be awarded “Fail” grade in the course.

Late submission of assignments will either not be accepted or will attract a penalty, the quantum of which will be
decided by the concerned faculty.

In case of group assignments/projects, the team size will be decided by the faculty.

Transcripts will be issued at the end of the programme containing your final grades. Additional transcripts can be
obtained at an additional cost by contacting the Programme Office.

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A certificate of completion of the programme will be awarded after successful completion of the programme.


You will be provided the list of required books as well as the soft copy of the course materials at start of the term.
All endeavors will be made to make sure that you are provided the study material before the start of the term to
enable you to prepare and complete the assignments. All the study materials as well as assignments will be uploaded
in our online learning portal. The Programme Office will not provide printed copies of the study material which
has been uploaded to the LMS in the soft copy format. The student will have to make her/his own arrangements
to print this material should they wish to.


 Minimum browser: Firefox 4, Internet Explorer 8 (IE 10 required for drag and drop of files from outside the
browser into Moodle), Google Chrome 11, Opera 9

 Ensure that you have a reliable internet connection of minimum 1 MBPS to ensure smooth loading of questions
and images during the test.

 Do not open multiple tabs or load videos in the browser while taking the exam.

 In case of any emergency, please escalate it to the TAs and immediately along with a
screen shot of the error.

 Refrain from mailing your queries/issues to entire batch/group of people during exam.

 For any technical issues please write to and also inform the TAs so that they can get in
touch with the support team for urgent resolution.


Each student will be matriculated in the programme upon completion of all admission formalities. She/he will be
allocated a unique identification number known as the matric number.

The student must also ensure not to share their metric numbers with other students to ensure confidentiality of
their personal details.

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An identification card bearing this number, photograph of the student and a few key details will be provided to each
student. This should be kept secure and produced for accessing resources of ISB. Entry to campus will be denied by
the security staff if the participant fails to produce this card at the entry gate of ISB. Therefore, all students must
ensure that they carry this card with them at all times.

In case a student wants to update her/his personal details they will have to submit their request to the Programme
Office at



The ISB follows a grade disclosure policy that allows students to reveal their grades at their own discretion. The
school does not share the grades with anyone outside, unless there is a written request from the concerned


At the end of each course, students are awarded grades based on their performance in each course. The letter
grades have a numerical equivalent called grade point. Grade points are not convertible into percentages

Grade Point

A 4.0

A- 3.5

B 3.0

B- 2.5

C 2.0

D 1.0

F 0

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Communication of the Grade Cutoffs

The decision to share the grade cut-off and distribution for each course rests with the faculty for that course. In
practice most faculty choose not to reveal this information.

Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the weighted average of all the grade points secured by a student during a
particular term.

Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is the weighted average of all the grade points secured by a student
across all terms.
Courses taken outside the ISB are not included in the GPA / CGPA computation.


The Honour Code establishes ISB's fundamental standards that govern student conduct. It requires that students
exercise honesty and integrity in their academic and related activities. They must maintain the highest ethical
standards, as demanded of good citizens, both within and outside the School. Penalties for violation of the code
could range from failure in the concerned course to expulsion, depending on the nature of the offence.

In accordance with the Honour Code, all ISB students should:

1. Refrain from offences such as copying, cheating, plagiarizing, lying and colluding with fellow students in a
manner not permitted by the concerned faculty, giving or receiving unauthorized aid, and resorting to bribery
or intimidation to obtain an advantage over others.

2. Mention appropriate citations in any academic exercise such as take home assignments, exams, project reports,
quizzes, class participation and others, as determined by the faculty member.

3. Treat fellow classmates, faculty and all staff with due respect.

Some examples of violation of the code include:

1. Plagiarism

a. Sharing oral and written information during examinations or consulting written materials not
authorized by the faculty member.

2. Unauthorized collaboration

a. Reworking a quiz or exam for re-grading, without the faculty member's approval
b. Giving or receiving aid not permitted on a take-home examination or assignment
c. Submitting another student's work as one's own

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3. Not maintaining honesty in what they claim to have achieved academically and otherwise for the purpose of
gaining any job, scholarships or any other privilege.

4. Threatening or intimidating any staff, faculty members or fellow classmates

5. Not upholding the spirit and letter of the Honour Code on their part and cooperate in reporting violations of the
Code by others.

The Honour Code represents an agreement between students and the School about their responsibilities for learning
and teaching. Faculty members are required to take reasonable precautions to prevent the violations mentioned
above, including specification of the level of interactions/exchanges of ideas/discussion allowed for each group or
individual project/assignment. This is particularly important for individual take home assignments having high
weightage and in-class quizzes. Also, important is the issue of free-riders and it is recommended that appropriate
methods be used to ensure sufficient participation by all group members. The faculty will also avoid, as far as
possible, academic procedures that may tempt students to violate the Honour Code. Only the faculty has the right
to set academic requirements, but the students and faculty will jointly establish the best conditions for honourable
academic work.


In general, there is no single form of penalty which applies to violations of the Honour Code. It depends on the
severity of the offense.

Penalties can include obtaining “Fail” grade in the course, obtaining a ‘zero’ for the component found guilty of
violating, repeating an entire term or multiple terms or full year in the future with appropriate tuition fee payment,
expulsion from the ISB ranging from one year to an indefinite period, and/or other penalties that the Honour Code
Committee may deem fit.


Jurisdiction: The Honour Code covers all students of the ISB enrolled in courses for academic matters both within
and outside the ISB and for matters involving the ISB. The Honour Code Committee constituted by the Dean of the
ISB is empowered to adjudicate on alleged offences, violations, charges, and penalties. The Dean is the final
arbitrator in all matters.

Faculty/ Instructor: Any person who is assigned to teach a course at the ISB. In this document the terms Faculty and
Instructor are used interchangeably.

Cheating: Giving or accepting unauthorized assistance from others. In exams or assignments, asking another person
to do one's work/exam and submitting that work/ exam as one's own; using the same or similar material in more
than one course without permission from the course instructors.

Fabrication: Creating false data, research or resources, or reworking a graded work without the prior consent of the
course instructor.

Facilitating Dishonesty: Helping someone else in plagiarism, cheating, or fabrication

Lying: Falsify or deceive in written or verbal information

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Bribery: Giving rewards for a better grade

Threat: Intimidating a student, staff, faculty member, or academic associate to secure a higher grade or to prevent
another person from reporting Honour Code violations.

Since plagiarism often generates the most number of questions, some discussion on this follows.

Plagiarism is the use of another's original work, such as articles, reports and presentation materials in full or part, or
codes, formulae and ideas, without acknowledging or seeking permission where necessary from the author or
source. Accordingly, verbatim reproduction of sentences in part or full without acknowledgement or permission to
do so is plagiarism.

All assignments/exam submissions will undergo a plagiarism check, and only those submissions will be accepted that
pass a minimum cut-off (usually 20%).

Please note: It remains your responsibility, when in doubt - in the context of any particular course at the ISB - about
whether something is or is not plagiarism, to ask the faculty member in charge.

Some online sources on plagiarism that can be consulted:

1. "What is Plagiarism," Turnitin Research Resources.


2. "Avoiding Plagiarism," Purdue University Online Writing Website.


3. "Strategies for Teaching with Online Tools - Plagiarism," Bedford/St. Martins.


4. "Sources: Their Use and Acknowledgement," Dartmouth College



In considering the subject of plagiarism for purposes of the ISB's Honour Code, it is also imperative to know about
intent and the reasonable person standard. Students and faculty often wonder about the issue of intent. In
particular, they usually want to know if a careless act can be considered a violation of the Honour Code. The answer
is "yes," depending on context and other circumstances, as mentioned below.

1. Even in cases where the Honour Code Committee finds that an accused student did not willfully intend to violate
the Honour Code, the student still does violate the Honour Code given that a reasonable person in his/her
situation should have been aware that his/her activities were wrong.

2. Regardless of the accused student's intent, it is his/her responsibility to follow the rules defined by the teaching
faculty member and/or the Honour Code whenever he/she submits academic work.

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3. In submitting academic work even a student's "mistakes" and "accidents" are to be included as part of his/her
responsibility to be aware of activities that are wrong and violation of the Honour Code.

4. Time pressure in completing assignments or projects will not be accepted as an excuse.


We believe that most Honour Code violations at the ISB are unplanned. Some could be the result of hasty and ill-
considered decisions, while some violations could be even unintended. These may result from not knowing or not
understanding an instructor's guidelines for a particular assignment, examination or paper.

Although ignorance may explain a violation, it does not excuse it. So students who commit unintended violations of
the Honour Code must still face the same scrutiny and procedure as others who commit deliberate violations.


1. Understand all guidelines for academic assignments.

a. This is especially applicable regarding permitted or unpermitted collaboration and aid. Guidelines
frequently vary from course to course, instructor to instructor and assignment to assignment. Ask the
instructor, and do not rely on other students for this information.

2. Do not be tempted to take dishonest shortcuts.

a. Think about the value of personal integrity and also the consequences of being caught. These can
include embarrassment and negative impact on academics, career and family and most likely a term of
suspension. Alternatives such as dropping a course or accepting a lower grade are always better choices
than committing an Honour Code violation

3. Be prepared in all academic work.

a. Use the established resources and support systems on campus. Planning ahead will help you avoid
missing deadlines, and have sufficient time for exam study and paper research, preparation and
writing. Ensure that you seek out advisors/tutors to resolve academic difficulties and take the help of
fellow students as well. But be careful that such consultation does not become unpermitted

4. Sit apart during exams.

a. For in-class examinations try to avoid as a matter of routine sitting too close to anyone to avoid the
temptation of copying from another person's paper.

5. Cite, cite, cite.

a. Cite the resources from which academic assistance is gained - including people. Plagiarism is a violation
of the Honour Code regardless of whether one is deliberately trying to pass off someone else's words
or thoughts as one's own or whether it is simply the result of sloppy scholarship. Lack of intent to
plagiarize does NOT mitigate it as an Honour Code violation.

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6. Be actively engaged with the Honour Code.

a. Remember that there is an obligation under the Honour

a. Code to respond in some manner if cheating or some other Honour Code violation is observed.
b. Some degree of subjective judgment is involved in deciding the appropriate response for a
c. violation. But formal reporting of a problem is required if other responses appear inappropriate
d. or are ineffective in eliminating the violation in question.

7. Do not make crucial decisions when judgment is impaired.

a. This applies to academic and non- academic situations. It is clearly wiser not to decide upon anything
important when feeling desperate, exhausted, depressed or panicky.

8. Be especially aware of the influence of alcohol and drugs.

a. Use of alcohol or other drugs can easily lead to violations of the Honour Code

9. Do not act at all if it is not possible to really think things through clearly - unless it is to seek assistance.


The Honour Code Committee (HCC) setup by the Dean Faculty & Research will deal with Honour Code violations.

1. The entire Committee will make efforts to spread the spirit of Honour Code among students.
2. All honour code violations must be reported to the Faculty Director, who will inform the HCC. As part of
investigating each case, the Honour Code Committee will collect inputs from the concerned course instructor,
including any student specific information that might materially affect the Committee's decision.
3. Violations of a non-academic nature would, in general, not be under the jurisdiction of the Honour Code
4. Penalties for violations of an academic nature

a. Must have a direct ISB enforceable component to them.

b. Can have retroactive effect. There will be no statutory limit on honour code violations and penalties
thereof with regard to grades, diplomas, transcripts, etc.

c. Cannot be based on financial payments such as fines.

d. If a student is held responsible for honour code violation by virtue of membership in a study group,
though the individual student was unaware of the action, the student concerned may be asked to
render social service as punishment.

5. All honour code violation proceedings in the committee must have the following components:

a. At least three HCC members must be present

b. Allow the person(s) bringing the allegation to present his/her/their case.

c. Allow the alleged violator(s) the opportunity to present his/her/their case.

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d. Be recorded i.e. either audio taped or video taped

e. Written communication from the Chair of the Committee/Programme team to the alleged violator(s)
informing the decision within a reasonable time

f. Arguments based on "precedence" is inadmissible unless judged meritorious

g. Proceedings will be behind closed doors

h. The Chair of the Honour Code Committee will communicate the decision (along with the information
to be shared with student body), to the Programme team who will communicate this decision to the
concerned student(s) and instructor(s). The Programme team will work with the HCC to decide what
should be communicated (if any) to the larger student body. The HCC reserves the right to
communicate directly to the student body in case of any disagreement about what should be
communicated. All such communications to the student body will not reveal any personally identifiable
information of the parties concerned

i. The decision will be either to impose penalty, to acquit or to obtain more information for further
deliberations leading to a final decision

6. The duty to maintain confidentiality is ongoing and does not end with the termination of the Honour
a. Code proceedings.
7. A breach of the duty of confidentiality shall be construed as breach of the Honour Code.

Students responding to an Honour Code Complaint must submit a written statement.


Give a specific, detailed, factual account of how you did your work (or your account of what occurred during the
alleged violation) in response to the specific concerns raised by the complainant. Include the circumstances
regarding the event that are relevant to the facts and issues of the case. Indicate whether you are contesting the
allegation because you disagree with the facts (and if the answer is yes, explain why). Indicate whether you are
contesting the allegation on the basis that you do not believe your actions are an Honour Code violation (and if the
answer is yes, explain why). Offer any mitigating factors that should be considered while the Chair of the Honour
Code Committee makes a decision about charging the case formally, or a complainant makes his/her decision about
lodging a formal complaint or the Honour Code Committee makes its decision on a case that goes to a hearing. Offer
an explanation or your thoughts about any aggravating factors raised by the complainant or the Chair of the Honour
Code Committee that should be considered while decisions are being considered.


• Give an explanation about what you did.

• Acknowledge why that behavior is a problem.

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• Report what circumstances surrounded the situation and led you to take the action(s) you did.

• Relate what you have learned from the process.

• Explain how you would do things differently.

Of course the statement you prepare is your own. So you get to decide what you want to say. However, the more
information you provide in it, the easier it will be for everyone to understand the situation, and fewer questions will
be asked of you. It may be necessary for you to submit your statement in advance, if your case goes to a hearing
before the Honour Code Committee.

• The Chair of the Committee will vote in all motions brought to the proceedings

• In the case of a tie in the voting on any violation issue, the decision would rest with the Chair of the Honour
Code Committee

• Votes cast by committee members would be available on record, and, if necessary, will be produced in cases
such as an appeal to the Dean, where the Dean may want to access the record. This access will be provided
without identifying the individual votes.



The technology infrastructure on campus has been developed keeping in mind the expanding IT requirements of
business environments. The state-of-the-art computing facilities at the ISB include a high availability network
connecting server banks, Storage Area Network (SAN) and client machines.

The Local Area Network in the campus is fully wired and composed of Category 5/6 cables supporting gigabit
network. The LAN can be accessed through nearly 5,000 network access ports on the campus.

You can use your laptop to access the wired networks.

• Any port in the network is configurable to either data or voice facility. For your convenience, each port is
assigned an identification code pasted on the face plate, which ends with a "D" in case of a data port or a "V" in
case of voice port. Please be sure to connect your laptop to the data port only. Connecting the laptop to a voice
port, will damage the network card on your laptop.

• You can access the wired network by plugging in one end of your network cable into the Ethernet slot.

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IT will install all necessary teaching aid software’s for the curriculum as recommended by the respective faculty. We
will uninstall the teaching aid software after the term end and before you graduate.

Should a student withdraw from the programme/ seek leave of absence from the programme, all softwares installed
by ISB must be uninstalled immediately. If found using ISB licensed softwares after withdrawal from the programme,
appropriate legal action may be taken.

IT will install all the required software during the start of the term, and it is intended that the students use the same
software copy for the rest of the course/program requirement. In case students switch to a new machine, then the
student needs to connect from the ITCS team and get the softwares uninstalled from the old machine. In case the
student wishes to format the machine, he/she needs to provide evidence (screen shots) that the softwares have
been uninstalled before formatting the system. Only then ITCS would be able to assist in re-installation of the


IT will extend trouble-shooting help to the extent the problem is related to:

• The network, or

• Software applications/facilities provided by ISB within the purview of the IT policy, provided the other software
loaded by the student on the laptop are not conflicting or interfering with them, or

• Connectivity to the Internet on campus

IT will NOT be able to extend trouble-shooting services, to the extent the problem is related to the following:

• Student loaded software on the laptop

• Hardware or other device drivers on the laptop

• Accessories to the laptop

• External conditions on the Internet

Student should have the administrator credentials for their laptops.

Printing, copying and scanning facility is available at LRC. The service would be available from 8.00 am to 12.00 am
on a chargeable basis.


We provide a limited lab facility containing around 15 desktops physically located at the Learning Resource Centre
(LRC) for common use by students. It must be noted that no permanent data must be retained on these lab machines,

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as these disks will be 'cleaned' by IT on a daily basis. In addition to these, you can get external storage media
(compact disks, DVD, and zip drives) at the bookstore on campus.


The IT department allots you one e-mail address i.e.,


This facility is extended to students only during their stay on campus, primarily for academic purposes. The following
important points may be kept in mind, in connection with Internet access.

• It is assumed that students will not browse objectionable sites, or sites giving malicious content, or any other
sites forbidden by the Government of India. In instances of violation, the ISB takes no responsibility for the same
and the individuals involved will be liable for the consequences.
• Internet usage should be restricted to academic purposes only. Heavy downloads/browsing; chatting, etc. tend
to choke the bandwidth, thus slowing down the Net not only for you, but also for others on campus.
• Internet usage is completely governed by the “Internet Policy” defined at ISB.

The IT Help Desk is available for providing 24x7 services to students, on any complaint or service request related to
teaching aid software, VPN connectivity, internet connectivity on campus can be provided remotely i.e., either
through telephonic support or remote support from the help desk. However, students can walk into ITCS for support
during their stay at the campus.

(a) Contacts: Extn: 1881 DID: +91-172-4591881 EMAIL:

(b) Process Flow:

STEP 1 - Requestor to log a request with IT helpdesk using any of the following mediums:

 Please walk-in to IT Helpdesk at Campus.

 Call – 1881 / +91-172-4591881 (8:00 AM – 8:00 PM)
 Email to:

STEP 2 - Notification shall be sent to you with Ticket number and TAT once an engineer take ownership of
your request.

 If you do not get this email within 15 minutes of the support hours of the respective team, please
escalate as per the escalation matrix given below (Refer point (d).

STEP 3 - Notification shall be sent to you once your issue is addressed and the ticket is closed
 In case the issue still persists, you can reopen the ticket within 2 days of ticket closure
 After 2 days, a new ticket has to be opened.

NOTE: As a part of the above process, the ticket can be placed on-hold in case of the following:

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i. There is any third party dependency
ii. Request has been raised during non-availability hours of the support team
iii. Dependency for additional information or confirmation from requester’s end

(c) Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Severity Response Time Resolution Time

Severity 1 15 Minutes 2 Hours
Severity 2 15 Minutes 4 Hours
Severity 3 15 Minutes 4 Hours
Severity 4 30 Minutes 12 Hours or Next Business Day
Severity – 1: Incident impacting whole campus
Severity – 2: Incident impacting a group of users
Severity – 3: Incident impacting a particular user
Severity – 4: All service requests

Incident - Any interruption to existing service

Service Request - Any request to enable a new service or change in an existing service

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Physical Location
LRC is located at Academic Quad at Level 2 at Mohali and Academic Square (cylindrical building) housed at the Bajaj
Auto Library in the middle of the Academic Centre at Hyderabad. The Learning Resource Centre is designed to meet
the information needs of the ISB Community - its students, academicians, and researchers. The LRC is also the source
for news on the latest developments in business and management.

The mission of the Learning Resource Centre is to support the ISB in building an internationally top-ranked, research-
driven management institution by establishing a knowledge hub. The LRC enables access to various information
resources, besides providing innovative, responsive, and effective services to meet the changing needs of the
academic community.

The e-resources and online databases currently available at the LRC are among the best in the academic
circle. The LRC's collection comprises of books - 45000 (Hyderabad) and 13500 (Mohali), more than 2000
journals (print & electronic), to over 55 online databases, and AV resources – above 6000 (Hyderabad)
and 650 (Mohali).

Working Hours
The LRC is open on all days from 08:00 am to 02:00 am except on 3 national holidays (Republic Day - January 26,
Independence Day - August 15 and Gandhi Jayanti - October 2).

Other Rules
 LRC membership rights are not transferable.
 The student may use laptops and personal stereos only if it does not disturb other LRC users.
 Books and journals may not be photocopied in their entirety. The student may photocopy 10% of a book or one
chapter whichever is less as per the fair use of copyright policy.
 All ISB users must abide by the conditions of the Copyright Act while using materials or information retrieved
from E-resources. These materials can be used only for personal academic research, learning, and teaching
purposes. Under no circumstances should the data be circulated/ disseminated to another person or used for
commercial purpose.
 LRC reserves the right to suspend the LRC facility to users who persistently break or ignore library rules.

For further information or assistance, please contact the LRC at +91 40 2318 7999/7963 (Hyderabad);
e-mail:; +91 172 459 1781 (Mohali); e-mail :

The ISB reserves the right to amend any of the policies, processes and guidelines from time-to-time. Any changes
will be communicated to all stakeholders as and when the need arises.

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Issue Limit
Resource Quantity Duration
Books 5 During on-campus residency
Journals (back issues) 2 3 days during on-campus residency
AV Resources
CD-ROM 2 2 days during on-campus residency
DVD 2 2 days during on-campus residency

Audio Book 1 During on-campus residency

Issue Policy
 Resources are issued within the issue limit of the user.
 The Student ID card should be presented at the time of issue.
 The users should get the documents duly issued at the Circulation Counter.
 The documents should be collected in person.
 The latest issues of the journals will not be issued.
 Case studies will only be included in academic course packs as needed for which LRC obtains required copyright
 Reference resources will not be issued. The same can be referred within the LRC.
 Videos will not be issued out of LRC. The same can be viewed within the LRC.
 The identity of the person who has borrowed a particular resource will not be revealed to the other users.
 All resources issued during the previous term should definitely be issued/ reissued physically at the start of the
next term.

 Resources can be reserved only when they are on loan. Reservations for the available resources will not be
 The availability of the reserved item would be informed through e-mail.
 The reserved resource should be collected from LRC within 24 hours after intimation. Otherwise the reservation
stands cancelled. Please note that the reservation facility can be utilised only when the students are undergoing
a term on campus.

 Issued Resources should be returned within their time limit.

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 Reminders would be sent to the Users for the items overdue in their account on daily basis.
 Review notice would be sent to the Users one week before the term start for all the items issued in their account

 Journals can be renewed once for 3 days within the stipulated time of your stay on the campus if there is no
reservation against the particular item.
 AV Resources can be renewed once for 2 days within the stipulated time of your stay on the campus if there is
no reservation against the particular item.

Fine Schedule
 A fine of Rs. 25/- per resource/day would be charged for overdue AV Resources.
 A fine of Rs. 100/- per resource/day would be charged for Books and other overdue items.
 The fine details of each user would be submitted to the Accounts Dept. on a quarterly basis who would take
further action.

Lost/Damaged Resources
 The users should report to LRC if he/she loses or damages a particular resource.
 The users should replace the resource at their own cost within 6 weeks.
 If the user fails to replace the book within the stipulated time, the LRC would initiate the purchase and you
would be charged the actual cost of the resource plus 20% the additional charge.

Information Service
 Special service would be provided to the students for retrieval of information from the Electronic Resources
available with LRC.

The Circulation Policy may be reviewed and changed/updated at the discretion of ISB as and when required.

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