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Hayati Ahmad

08PPM12S2002 (KSS)
Capital Budgeting (Tutorial 3)


Existing Machine New Machine

Purchase Price RM40,000 Purchase Price RM50,000
Installation Expenses RM2,000
Transportation Expenses RM2,000
Insurance RM4,000
Total Purchase Price RM58,000
Salvage Value - Salvage Value RM15,000
Useful life 10 years Useful life 5 years
Depreciation 40,000/ 10 years Depreciation RM58,000 – RM15,000
= RM4,000/year = RM8,600/year
Tax 28%
Book Value (BV) Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
BV = Cost – Accumulated Depreciation ITC = Cost of assets X ITC rate
BV = 40,000 – (40,000/10 x 5yrs) ITC = RM58,000 x 28% x 10%
BV = RM20,000 ITC = RM1,624.00
Tax Savings/Expenses
= Sale of old machine – Book Value
= RM5,000 – RM20,000
Loss on disposal of old machine = (RM15,000)
Tax savings of the loss = RM15,000 x 28%
= RM4,200

i) The Initial Outlay

Cash Outflows: RM
Purchase Price of the new machine 50,000
+ Installation Expenses 2,000
+ Transportation Expenses 2,000
+ Insurance 4,000

Cost of the new machine 58,000

- Cash Inflows:
Cash inflows from the sale of old machine (5,000)
Tax saving on loss from the sale (4,200)
Tax saving on investment (1,624)

Net Initial Outlay 47,176

A ii) Net Cash Flow Over a Project’s Life

Existing Machine New Machine

Maintenance Expenses 4,500 3,500
Waste 4,000 2,000
Salary 20,000 0
Depreciation 4,000 8,600

Profit Cash Flows

(RM) (RM)
Reduced Maintenance Expenses 1,000 1,000
Reduced Waste 2,000 2,000
Reduced Salary 20,000 20,000
Total Savings 23,000 23,000
Less: Increased in depreciation (4,600) -
Net Profit Before Tax 18,400 23,000
Less: Taxation (28%) (5,152) (5,152)
Net Cash Flow After Tax 13,248 17,848

A (iii) Terminal cash flows

Salvage Value of new machine = RM100,000

+ Net Working Capital = RM30,000.
Terminal cash flows = RM130,000
B (i) Payback Period

Initial Outlay = RM1,130,000.00

Year Annual after tax CF Accumulated CF

(RM) (RM)
0 (1,130,000)
1 200,000 200,000
2 200,000 400,000
3 200,000 600,000
4 200,000 800,000
5 140,000 940,000
6 275,000
7 275,000
8 275,000

Payback Period = T + IO - ACFT

= 5 + (RM1,130,000 – RM940,000)
= 5.69 years

B (ii) Net Present Value (NPV)

Year (T) ACF PVIF 15%, 8 PV

(RM) (RM) (RM)
1 200,000 0.8696 173,920
2 200,000 0.7561 151,220
3 200,000 0.6575 131,500
4 200,000 0.5718 114,360
5 140,000 0.4972 69,608
6 275,000 0.4323 118,882.50
7 275,000 0.3759 103,372.50
8 275,000 0.3269 89,897.50
Total 952,760.50
- IO (1,130,000.00)
NPV -RM177,239.50
C (iii) Internal Rate of Return

Year (T) ACF PVIF 10%, 8 PV

(RM) (RM) (RM)
1 200,000 0.9091 181,820
2 200,000 0.8264 165,280
3 200,000 0.7513 150,260
4 200,000 0.6830 136,600
5 140,000 0.6209 86,926
6 275,000 0.5645 155,237.50
7 275,000 0.5132 141,130
8 275,000 0.4665 128,287.5
Total 1,145,541
- IO 1,130,000
NPV RM15,541

Year (T) ACF PVIF 11%, 8 PV

(RM) (RM) (RM)
1 200,000 0.9009 180,180
2 200,000 0.8116 162,320
3 200,000 0.7312 146,240
4 200,000 0.6587 131,740
5 140,000 0.5935 83,090
6 275,000 0.5346 147,015
7 275,000 0.4817 132,467.50
8 275,000 0.4339 119,322.50
Total 1,102,375
- IO 1,130,000
NPV -RM27,625

r= 15,541

r= 10% NPV = 0 R=11%

15,541 0 -27,625

R= 43,166

IRR = 10% + 15,541 (11%-10%

= 10% + 3.60%
= 13.60%

c) Reject the project because its net present value is negative (-RM177,239.50) and internal rate
of return is lower than 15%

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