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guide for
induction motor protection



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C37.92-1972 Std 2 8 8 - 1 9 6 9

American National Standard Guide for

Induction Motor Protection


Switchgear Committee of the

I E E E Power Engineering Society

A p p r o v e d M a r c h 14, 1 9 6 8

I E E E Standards Committee


Edison Electric Institute

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association

A p p r o v e d J a n u a r y 28, 1972

American National Standards Institute

© C o p y r i g h t 1969 b y T h e Institute o f Electrical and Electronics Engineers, I n c .

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,

in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on August 20,2016 at 14:57:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
(This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard Guide for Induction Motor Protection, C37.92-1972
(IEEE Std 288-1969)).

F o l l o w i n g t h e p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h i s s t a n d a r d b y I E E E in 1969, t h e d o c u m e n t w a s r e v i e w e d b y the
C37 Subcommittee on Protective Relays and forwarded to American National Standards
C o m m i t t e e C 3 7 , P o w e r S w i t c h g e a r , f o r a p p r o v a l as a n A m e r i c a n N a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d .
T h e A m e r i c a n N a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d s C o m m i t t e e o n P o w e r Switchgear, C37, w h i c h approved this
s t a n d a r d , h a d t h e f o l l o w i n g p e r s o n n e l at t h e t i m e o f a p p r o v a l :

C. L. Wagner, Chairman

C . M . C l e v e n g e r , Executive Vice Chairman, W . E . L a u b a c h , Executive Vice Chairman,

High-Voltage Switchgear Standards Low-Voltage Switchgear Standards

W . R . W i l s o n , Executive Vice Chairman, J. G . W e r n e r , Secretary

IEC Activities
Organization Represented Name of Representative

Association of American Railroads W . O. Muller

Association of Iron and Steel Engineers T . S. Novak
Electric Light and Power Group H. W. Grissler
R. R. Wagstaff
J. E. Beehler
H. G. Frus
K. D. Hendrix (Alt.)
J. P. Markey (Alt.)
F. R. Solis 6 4 Ü J
C. D . Stalnaker (Alt.)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers C. J. Essel
J. B. Owens
H. O. Simmons, Jr.
G. W . Walsh
H. W. White
H. C. Barnes (Alt.)
W . A. Carter (Alt.)
R. E. Friedrich (Alt.)
W. A. Hall (Alt.)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association W . R. Wilson
R. W . Dunham
A. P. Colaiaco
C. E. Grycto
W . J . Smith
Β. K. Sturgis
J. G. Werner (Alt.)
Tennessee Valley Authority O. S. C. Hammer
U. S. Department of the Army H. R. Bruck
W . K . Cave
U. S. Department of the Navy Norman Mawdsley
I. W . Johnson (Alt.)
U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation Ε. M . Tomsic

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I. Introduction 3
A. General Format 3
B. Interrupting Devices 3
1. Fuses 3
2. Molded-Case Circuit Breakers 3
3. Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers 3
4. High-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers 4
5. Contactors 4
C. Effect of Control Equipment 4

II. Motor Protection Requirements 5

A. Thermal Protection 5
1. General 5
2. Inadequate Ventilation 5
3. Unusual Ambient Conditions 5
4. Frequent Starts or Jogging 6
5. National Electrical Code (NEC) Requirements
for Motor Protective Devices 6
6. Internally and/or Frame-Mounted Protective Devices 7
(a) Three Basic Types of Protective Devices 7
(b) Motor-Winding Temperature Limiting 7
(c) Devices Sensing Motor Temperature Only 7
(d) Devices Sensing Motor Temperature and Current 8
(e) Devices Sensing Both Motor Temperature
and Rate of Temperature Change 8
7. Separately Mounted Protective Devices 8
(a) Types of Thermal Overload Relays 8
(b) Thermal Protection Afforded by Thermal Overload Relays 9
(c) Ambient Temperature Effects 9
(d) Special Application Problems 10
B. Fault Protection 10
1. General Considerations 10
2. Effect of System Characteristics 10
3. Effect of Motor and Fault Characteristics 10
4. Overcurrent Phase Fault Protection 10
5. Ground-Fault Protection 11
6. System Ground Protection 11
7. Differential Protection 12
8. Wound-Rotor Protection 13
C. Bearing Protection 14
1. General 14
2. Antifriction (Ball, Roller) Bearings 14
3. Fluid Film (Sleeve) Bearings 14
4. Bearing Failure 14
5. Protection 14
D . Protection Against Abnormal Operating Conditions 15
1. Abnormal Voltage 15
(a) Undervoltage Protection 15
(b) Overvoltage Protection 16
(c) Unbalance Protection and Phase Failure 16
2. Abnormal Frequency 17
3. Locked Rotor or Failure to Accelerate 17
4. Incomplete-Starting-Sequence Protection 18
5. Out-of-Phase Protection 18
6. Surge Protection 19
(a) Surge Protection of High-Voltage Motors 19
(b) Surge Protection of Low-Voltage Motors 20
(c) Ratings of Surge-Protective Equipment 20

III. Motor Protection Specifications 21

A. General Considerations 21
B. Induction Motor Protection Tables 21

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C O N T E N T S (Cont'd)
IV. Setting and Adjustment of Protective Devices 21
A. General Discussion 21
B. Device 27—Undervoltage Relay 21
C. Device 46—Phase-Balance Relay 22
D . Device 47—Undervoltage and Phase Sequence Relay 23
E. Device 48—Incomplete-Sequence Relay 23
F. Device 49—Thermal Relay Connected for Tripping 24
G. Device 49—Thermal Relay Connected for Alarm 26
1. Ambient Compensation 26
H. Device 49—Relay Operated from Embedded Detector 26
I. Device 50/51 ( N E M A OC)—Overcurrent Devices 26
1. Fuses 26
2. Time Overcurrent Relays (51) 27
(a) Induction Overcurrent Relays 27
(b) Plunger-Type Time-Delay Overcurrent Relays 27
3. Instantaneous Overcurrent Relays (50) 27
J. Device 50G—Instantaneous Ground-Current Relay., 27
K . Device 51N—Residually Connected Ground Overcurrent Relay. 27
L. Device 60—Current-Balance Relay (Split Winding) 28
M . Device 64—Ground-Fault (Flashover) Relay 28
N . Device 81—Frequency Relay 28
O. Device 86—Lockout Relay 28
P. Device 87—Differential Relay 28

Bibliography 28
A. General Information 28'
B. Thermal Protection 28
C. Fault Protection 29
D . Protection Against Abnormal Operating Conditions 29
E . Surge Protection 29
F. Settings and Adjustments of Protective Devices 29
G. Standards Publications 29


The Institute wishes to acknowledge its indebtedness to those who have so freely given of their time and knowl­
edge and have conducted experimental work on which many of the I E E E publications are based.

This publication was prepared by the Motor Protection Subcommittee of the Power Systems Relaying Com­
mittee of the I E E E Power Group. The Subcommittee is indebted to its members, both past and present, who, as
members of the Power Systems Relaying Committee and other liaison Committees and Groups, gave so willingly
of their time and knowledge. The membership of the Subcommittee was:

A. Hauspurg, Chairman 1959-61

M . F. Rosol, Chairman 1961-64
S. H. Horowitz, Chairman 1964-

J. M . Bisbee W . D . Jordan
F. P. Brightman E. F. Kratz
E. L. Busby J. F. MacMaster
D . Dalasta W . J. Martiny
W . A. Elmore L. H . Matthias
J. F. Fesler Β. M . Maxwell, Jr.
L. L. Gleason L. B. McClung
Η. H. Gnuse, Jr. C. Raczkowski
W . A. Hammer V. E. Verall
T. L. Hatcher P. Vinett
R. Haynes G. W . Walsh
D . H. Jackson A. P. White

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IEEE Guide for


I. I N T R O D U C T I O N G u i d e a s u m m a r y of their application a n d limitations is

essential. F a u l t protection for m o t o r feeder circuits can
A. General Format. T h e application guide for relay
be provided b y the interrupting ability of the following
protection of squirrel-cage and wound-rotor induction
m o t o r s presents a review of the generally accepted forms
of m o t o r protection a n d summarizes t h e use of relays a n d (a) fuses,
devices, singly and in c o m b i n a t i o n , to enable the reader (b) molded-case circuit breakers,
to properly select the necessary equipment to obtain (c) low-voltage power circuit breakers,
adequate m o t o r protection. T h e G u i d e is prepared pri­ (d) high-voltage power circuit breakers,
marily for the protection of three-phase integral-horse­ (e) contactors.
power m o t o r s and refers to single- or two-phase m o t o r s
1. Fuses. Fuses are the simplest of all protective
only in special instances and only where specifically
devices, combining b o t h the detecting element and the
indicated. I t is especially useful where the m o t o r installa­
interrupting medium. Age or atmospheric conditions
tion is sufficiently important, due t o either its size or the
will usually h a v e little effect on the protective character­
consequences of m o t o r malfunction, to justify specific
istic of a fuse. A n y such effect will cause the fuse to open
design of the protective system. It also provides the
earlier. Fuses require practically no maintenance.
information necessary to judge whether there are safety
or economic reasons for such a specific design. For m o s t applications, fuse ratings of about 150 to 4 0 0
percent of m o t o r full-load current are usually required in
T h i s G u i d e is n o t a S t a n d a r d and does n o t purport to
order to allow the m o t o r to start. T h e N a t i o n a l Electrical
detail the protective requirements of all m o t o r s in every
C o d e ( N E C ) requires t h a t branch circuit protection not
situation. Its recommendation is of a general nature
exceed four times m o t o r full-load current. Fuses selected
designed to cover the usual or typical m o t o r installation.
in this manner provide short-circuit protection for m o s t
Sufficient background of material on objectives, applica­
phase and ground faults at operating speeds dictated b y
tion, a n d setting philosophy is presented, however, to
the fuse time-current curves. Fuses of those ratings can­
enable the reader to evaluate the need for various forms
not provide overload protection. Multiple-element fuses
of protection and to select and properly a p p l y suitable
with special time-delay characteristics rated at 125 per­
protective e q u i p m e n t for m o s t situations.
cent m o t o r full-load current m a y be used for m o t o r over­
Section I I , M o t o r Protection R e q u i r e m e n t s , presents a
load protection. Detailed application guides for types of
brief description of the d a m a g i n g effect on a m o t o r of
fuses are given in Section I V .
abnormal voltage, current, temperature, and incorrect
operating conditions or procedures. A clear understanding 2. M o l d e d - C a s e Circuit Breakers. M o l d e d - c a s e cir­
of the electric and mechanical response of a m o t o r t o these cuit breakers are frequently used in combination with
abnormalities will greatly assist the reader in evaluating m o t o r starters. T h e starter with overload elements serves
the need for and the m e a n s of obtaining adequate m o t o r as the contactor and overload device while the molded-case
protection for a n y specific situation. breaker provides the fault protection and the branch
Section I I I , M o t o r Protection Specifications, presents circuit disconnecting m e a n s . Trie circuit breaker provides
detailed recommendations in a series of tables and dia­ fault protection for the motor, its starter, and the circuit
grams showing good engineering practice. T h e tables and conductors. M o t o r voltage rating m u s t be 5 7 5 volts or
diagrams are classified according to t y p e of switching, less.
nominal source voltage, and m o t o r or circuit rating; they Molded-case circuit breakers with either thermal
show the combination of devices normally applied for the magnetic (time and instantaneous) trips or solely with
associated protective function. magnetic (instantaneous) trips m a y be applied. A d j u s t a b l e
Section IV, Setting and A d j u s t m e n t of Protection magnetic trips usually provide better m o t o r fault protec­
Devices, presents a discussion of the various factors which tion. For best fault protection the magnetic trips are set
m u s t be considered in determining the settings of each to trip on as low a value of current as possible but still
relay or device. W h e n e v e r it is applicable a discussion is not trip on m o t o r starting currents. T h e application of
given on the desirability of using a device to actuate an molded-case circuit breakers for overload as well as fault
alarm or a trip. protection is n o t recommended unless the molded-case
breaker is provided with a special thermal trip suitable
B. Interrupting D e v i c e s . Since the protective device
for this use.
generally provides only for the detection of an abnor­
m a l i t y , it is necessary to consider the interrupting device 3. Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers. Unlike
in selecting the overall protective package. A l t h o u g h a molded-case breakers, low-voltage power circuit breakers
detailed review of such devices is b e y o n d the scope of the are often used as t h e sole device for all disconnecting,

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fault protection, starting, and overload protection func­
tions for a motor. T h e protective devices used with these
breakers differ from those used with molded-case breakers
Z O L 2
in several respects. Their tripping characteristics differ ¿Í0L3
in curve shape; they have field adjustable pickup settings
and can be equipped with various time bands. M o t o r
voltage rating must be 575 volts or less.
Low-voltage p o w e r circuit breakers can be obtained
with integrally mounted current-limiting fuses for in­ Z2 Μ

creased interrupting ability while still retaining three-

phase tripping.
T h e circuit breaker series tripping device can be sup­ 120 V O L T S STOPP.B.

plemented b y adding separate protective relays for addi­

Figure 1. Three-Wire Control Circuit with Undervoltage Protection.
tional protection. W h e n close protection or coordination
is required it is necessary to use protective relays ex­

4. High-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers. High-volt­

age power circuit breakers are often used as the sole
device for all disconnecting, fault protection, starting,
and overload protection functions for a m o t o r . T h e pro­
tective devices are separate relays supplied through in­
strument transformers. Power circuit breakers with
protective relays are often used t o provide b a c k u p fault
protection and disconnecting means for a group of high-
voltage N E M A class E-2 starters.

5. Contactors. Air-break and oil-immersed contactors JWESSURE

are primarily designed for starting and overload protec­
tion. T h e contactor must b e capable of interrupting
locked-rotor current. Certain designs have high fault- P.B.
interrupting capabilities and can be used as the fault
protective device within their ratings. Examples are the Figure 2. Two-Wire Control Circuit with Undervoltage Release.

N E M A class C and class E - l controllers.

C. Effect of Control Equipment. Protection from If the auxiliary control contact ( M ) is omitted and
extreme l o w line voltage or complete loss of the start-stop pushbutton replaced with a knife switch,
line voltage is an inherent feature of alternating-current pressure switch, or other t y p e of maintained contact
motor controllers of the non-latched-in t y p e . These de­ device, the "two-wire c o n t r o l " circuit of Figure 2 results.
vices are n o t designed t o release at any specific level of W i t h this scheme, the line contactor will open on low or
voltage. T h i s protection is available because the line no-line voltage t o shut d o w n the motor, b u t the m o t o r
switches or contactors are maintained closed b y a p o ­ will automatically restart when sufficient voltage is
tential taken directly from the m o t o r line or from a con­ restored t o close the line contactor. T h i s arrangement is
trol transformer. T h e line contactors will close on 85 referred t o as two-wire control with undervoltage relea
percent or less of line voltage and open if the voltage is T h e two-wire control arrangement has the disadvantage
decreased t o a point somewhat less than the pickup v o l t ­ that several motors on the same power system would
age. This dropout point is usually 50 t o 70 percent voltage attempt t o restart simultaneously after a voltage outage.
for alternating-current contactors with alternating-cur­ Normally, such a strain placed on a system m a y drag
rent coils. If a severe voltage dip or a complete loss in the voltage d o w n t o the point where the m o t o r would never
line voltage should occur while the m o t o r is running, the b e able to accelerate t o full speed. Also unexpected auto­
line contactor will d r o p open. matic starting after restoration of voltage m a y be a safety
W h e n "three-wire c o n t r o l " circuits are used, as in hazard.
Figure 1 the contactor circuit is maintained through an W h e n two-wire control is required, overload relays with
auxiliary control contact in parallel with the start push­ automatic reset features should n o t be used. Under such
button. If the contactor should open due t o l o w line a condition, an overload would cause the overload relays
voltage, the coil circuit is broken b y the auxiliary control t o shut d o w n the m o t o r , b u t the m o t o r would be restarted
c o n t a c t and the m o t o r cannot restart until the start button when the relays had reset. This cycle could continue until
is operated. T h i s type of protection is referred t o as the m o t o r is damaged. Standard controllers will provide
three-wire control with undervoltage protection. either low-voltage protection or low-voltage release, de-

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inversely related, it is possible t o derive m o r e o u t p u t a t
the expense of shorter life.
In all cases of a b n o r m a l operation which result in
overtemperature, t i m e is an i m p o r t a n t factor. T h e heat
FIGURE 2 < r storage capacity of an induction m o t o r is relatively large;
thus slight overloading for short periods of t i m e will not
CONTROL / result in d a m a g i n g temperature excursions, because the
extra h e a t is stored in the m a s s of the conductor, core,
and structural members. Under abnormal conditions,
such as locked-rotor, temperatures t h a t are d a m a g i n g t o
the insulation m a y b e reached in seconds becavse of the
high current density. A l s o , at high rates of rise there is

IZO VOLTS insufficient time for the h e a t t o b e transmitted from the

conductor t o the m o r e massive parts of the m o t o r , and the
Figure 3. Three-Wire Control Circuit with Time-Delay Under-
voltage Protection. heat storage capacity will appear t o be small.
In general, the principal heat loss in an induction
pending upon which of the initiating circuits is used. machine is proportional t o the current squared. Over-
A third arrangement, which c o m b i n e s features of t w o - temperature from this cause can be prevented b y sensing
wire and three-wire control, is referred t o as time-delay line-current m a g n i t u d e a n d interrupting power when the
undervoltage protection. A typical arrangement is s h o w n current value is excessive. Since m o t o r s require and can
in Figure 3 and consists of a t i m e - d e l a y relay U V which stand an excessive current for a short t i m e during starting,
maintains a sealing c o n t a c t for a definite period so t h a t s o m e time delay m u s t be incorporated in the current-sens­
the m o t o r will restart if the line v o l t a g e has been restored ing device.
before the expiration of the t i m e delay. If the v o l t a g e is W i t h m o t o r s t h a t are used in essential or critical ser­
n o t restored b y t h a t t i m e , the m o t o r c a n n o t start until vice, such as fire p u m p s or boiler-feed p u m p s , it is often
the start p u s h b u t t o n is operated. T h e purpose of this desirable t h a t the operator b e given time t o correct an
t y p e of protection is t o permit continued m o t o r operation overload condition before a m o t o r is s t o p p e d . Such service
after v o l t a g e dips or failures of short duration. W i t h the may require the m o t o r t o run with an overload condition
circuit shown, while the sealing c o n t a c t of U V is m a i n ­ for hours or d a y s in situations in which the overload does
tained closed for a definite period after a v o l t a g e failure, n o t exceed the b r e a k d o w n torque rating of the m o t o r .
it drops out instantly if the stop b u t t o n is operated. I n such cases, the cost of reduced m o t o r life, due to the
overload conditions, is offset b y the expense and d a m a g e
Π. M O T O R PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS which would result from a service interruption.

A. Thermal Protection 2. Inadequate Ventilation. Should an induction

m o t o r operate w i t h o u t ventilation even with n o load on
1. General. M o t o r life m a y be reduced or terminated
the m o t o r , the temperature rise m a y become excessive
by n u m e r o u s causes; e.g., moisture, excessive dielectric
and the temperature will increase until a destructive
stress, mechanical d a m a g e , and thermal d a m a g e t o the
value is reached. This situation can occur when the
insulation. Of these, thermal d a m a g e is the m o s t c o m m o n .
ventilation passages and/or filters become blocked by
T h e insulation s y s t e m of a m o t o r is subject t o deteriora­
foreign m a t t e r such as lint, dirt, insects, snow, ice, and
tion, with age, of its physical and dielectric properties.
other materials. Loss of ventilation can be detected by
T h i s , like other chemical activity, is hastened b y an eleva­
air flow, air pressure, or temperature sensing devices which
tion of the temperature. T h e effect of temperature on
may sound an alarm or shut d o w n the m o t o r . Thes?
m o t o r life h a s been the subject of repeated studies, and
devices should n o t be necessary if a suitable maintenance
it is generally accepted t h a t the life of an insulation s y s t e m
program is adopted.
is a p p r o x i m a t e l y halved for each 1 0 ° C elevation of winding
Such instances as reversing, accelerating d u t y , jogging
temperature. T h e half-life t e m p e r a t u r e rise m a y lie be­
or positioning, reduced-frequency operation, or low-speed
tween 7 ° and 1 2 ° C for practical systems.
operation of wound-rotor m o t o r or multispeed squirrel-
In practice, dielectric breakdown is usually the result
cage m o t o r result in reduced ventilation. T h e s e conditions
of some electric surge, moisture condition, or mechanical
also result in a higher than n o r m a l temperature rise and
displacement of the conductor at the time of failure.
allowance for t h e m m u s t b e m a d e in the m o t o r applica­
Regardless of the reason for the failure, the effect of exces­
sive temperature is t o reduce the ability of the insulation
materials to withstand mechanical or electric abuse. 3. Unusual A m b i e n t Conditions. When motors are
The temperature level a t which an insulation system installed at high altitude, the effectiveness of the ventila­
should be protected is subject t o engineering j u d g m e n t tion is reduced because of the lower air density. This
and applicable codes. Since temperature and life are results in a higher t h a n normal temperature rise and m u s t

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be considered when specifying or selecting the protective horsepower and speed ratings is given in N E M A Standard
relay setting. MG1-1967.
W h e n t h e ventilating m e d i u m increases in temperature,
5. National Electrical C o d e ( N E C ) Requirements for
the m o t o r winding temperature increases b y a n equal
Motor Protective Devices. The NEC specifies that
a m o u n t . Therefore, when operation is planned under v a r y ­
overcurrent devices and thermal protectors m u s t "protect
ing ambient temperature, care must be exercised to
the m o t o r s , the m o t o r control apparatus, and branch-
m a t c h the protective-device characteristics to the m o t o r .
circuit conductors against excessive heating due to m o t o r
Special consideration should be given to settings when the
overloads." B y definition, "Overload in electric apparatus
m o t o r a n d relay are s u b j e c t t o different a m b i e n t t e m p e r a ­
is an operating overcurrent which, when it persists for a
tures. (See Section I I - 7 c . ) Excessive m o t o r temperature
sufficient length of time, would cause d a m a g e or dangerous
m a y result if the discharge air is misdirected so as to
overheating of the apparatus. I t does not include short
reenter the inlet ports. T h i s can be caused b y installing
circuits or ground faults."
T h i s requires the m o t o r running overcurrent protection
(a) t o o close to a wall, t o supervise the m a x i m u m continuous motor current.
(b) t o o close t o each other so the discharge airstreams T h e N a t i o n a l Electrical C o d e ( N E C ) , 1 9 6 5 specifies trip
buffet each other (with discharge air ducts t o o close ratings for overcurrent devices. Modifications are per­
t o the inlet—assuming the m o t o r s are m o v e a b l e ) . m i t t e d in N E C - 1 9 6 5 for a m a x i m u m of 1 4 0 percent of the
full-load current rating of sealed (hermetic t y p e ) refrigera­
M o t o r s located in direct sunlight during a h o t s u m m e r
tion compressor m o t o r s and motors marked to have a
d a y , in certain areas of furnace or boiler rooms, or in an
temperature rise n o t over 4 0 ° C , and n o t higher than 1 3 0
industrial plant a d j a c e n t t o heating devices, will also b e
percent of full-load current rating for all other motors.
subjected to high a m b i e n t temperatures. M o t o r s designed
Thermal protectors integral with the motor ( N E C
for special applications, such as canned m o t o r s on sub­
specifies these devices shall be approved for use with
mersible p u m p s w h i c h h a v e their rotor in t h e p a t h of the
the m o t o r s which t h e y protect) should also supervise the
fluid being p u m p e d , involve unusual a m b i e n t conditions
m a x i m u m continuous m o t o r current if the branch-circuit
which require special consideration in setting thermal
conductors, the m o t o r control apparatus, and the pro­
devices. T h i s also applies to fuse elements and thermal
tected system are to be properly coordinated in keeping
devices which are located in oil-immersed starting equip­
with the intent of the N E C ; otherwise separate overload
protection devices are needed to protect the branch-
4. Frequent Starts o r Jogging. I t is i m p o r t a n t to circuit conductors and the motor control apparatus.
allow t i m e for t h e m o t o r t o cool between successive starts. I n m o t o r s of one horsepower or less with thermal pro­
T h e h e a t energy developed in the rotor winding during tectors applied on the basis of preventing dangerous over­
startup equals the kinetic energy imparted t o the rotating heating of the m o t o r due t o overload or failure to start,
parts. T h e heat energy developed in the m o t o r ' s stator as interpreted b y Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., the
winding m a y be less t h a n or equal t o or m o r e than t h a t trip current is invariably within the rating of the m o t o r -
in the rotor winding. T h e ratio is proportional t o the ratio branch-circuit conductors and control apparatus selected
of t h e respective resistances, which varies from design in accordance with the N E C . T h e r m a l protectors for
t o design. If t h e running period is short, v e r y little of the these smaller motors generally interrupt the m o t o r current
h e a t is carried a w a y b y t h e cooling air. R e p e a t e d starts, directly.
therefore, h a v e the effect of increasing the temperature I n m o t o r s over one horsepower with thermal protectors
and e n o u g h t i m e m u s t be provided t o allow this heat to be " a p p r o v e d " in t e r m s of the N E C Article 4 3 0 - 3 1 ( 1 9 6 5 ) , it
dissipated. Repeated starts must be matched to the should be expected t h a t the protector will trip at current
machine-cooling characteristic at standstill to prevent levels which will protect the m i n i m u m conductors allowed
restarting before t h e windings are cool enough t o accept b y the C o d e . T h i s is i m p o r t a n t because on s o m e ratings
the starting energy and remain within a reasonable of integral-horsepower motors the continuous current
temperature. corresponding to maximum allowable motor-winding
Standard induction m o t o r s rated 2 0 0 horsepower and temperature m a y exceed the rating of the branch-circuit
larger are capable of t w o starts in succession, coasting to conductors a n d / o r control apparatus selected on the basis
rest between starts, with t h e m o t o r initially a t a m b i e n t of horsepower. In these instances, thermal protection
temperature. T h e y are capable of one start with the m o t o r to meet the limitations of percent of motor full-load
initially a t a temperature n o t exceeding its rated-load amperes would need t o be applied on the basis of a lower
operating temperature. T h e s e capabilities assume that winding temperature. I t is, therefore, necessary t o k n o w
the rotational inertia parameter (identified by NEMA the basis of the thermal protection installed in the m o t o r
b y W K ) of the load, the l o a d torque during acceleration,
and its a p p r o v a l status so t h a t proper selection can be
the applied v o l t a g e , and t h e m e t h o d of starting are all m a d e of the motor-branch-circuit conductors and control
within t h e values for which the m o t o r w a s designed. A apparatus. T h e r m a l protective devices or overload relays
table of n o r m a l W K of connected load for various m o t o r
for larger m o t o r s generally operate to trip the motor

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contactor or circuit breaker which in turn interrupts the capacitor in single-phase motors, and unbalanced line
m o t o r current. voltage or single phasing in three-phase motors. Current
sensing alone will n o t limit insulation temperature to a
6. Internally a n d / o r F r a m e - M o u n t e d Protective D e ­
safe value for all these a b n o r m a l conditions. T e m p e r a t u r e
sensing is also needed t o provide protection for conditions
( a ) Three basic types of protective devices. M o t o r
such as blocked ventilation, high a m b i e n t temperature,
protection devices in this category are usually called
jogging, and reduced speed. ·
thermal protectors. They are also known as inherent
overheating protective devices. There are three basic The temperature-sensing capability of inherent pro­

types of these devices in current use t o provide a wide tection devices is dependent on their location. Their loca­

range of characteristics t o m a t c h the differing needs of the tion is in the m o t o r windings or within or on the m o t o r

various t y p e s of electric m o t o r s from the small fractional- frame in such a m a n n e r t h a t the device temperature is

horsepower shaded-pole u p through integral-horsepower subject to changes in proportion t o winding temperature.

polyphase sizes. T h e three t y p e s are 1) devices sensing (c) Devices sensing motor temperature only. De­
m o t o r temperature only, 2 ) devices sensing b o t h m o t o r vices of this t y p e are generally called thermostats or
temperature a n d current, a n d 3 ) devices sensing both temperature detectors. T h e y consist of a thermal element
m o t o r temperature and its rate of change. A l l of these are and circuit-interrupting means. T h e element is calibrated
designed t o be built into the m o t o r and t o be installed b y for circuit interrupting at a fixed temperature value and is
the m o t o r manufacturer. usually automatically reset u p o n cooling after operation

Although each of these three types incorporates a to shut d o w n the m o t o r or t o initiate a signal. T h e s e

thermal element as its operating means, each responds in a devices are usually pilot circuit types connected elec­

distinct m a n n e r to m o t o r winding temperature a n d offers trically in the pilot or control circuit of the magnetic m o t o r

specialized capabilities of application a n d use. controller which controls the m o t o r line current.

A s a group, they differ from thermal overload relays When the controller is provided with s o m e form of
which also use a t h e r m a l e l e m e n t b u t are designed t o sense three-wire control, the m o t o r will shut down after trip­
m o t o r temperature as a function of m o t o r current and, ping of the thermostat and require restarting manually
depending on t y p e of relay used, compensated or u n ­ b y the pushbutton station. If the controller is provided
compensated as a function of relay a m b i e n t . with s o m e form of two-wire control, resetting of the
(b) Motor-winding temperature limiting. Inherent t h e r m o s t a t will automatically cause power to be reapplied
protection devices are intended t o limit motor-winding t o the m o t o r . M a n u a l restarting of the m o t o r m u s t be
temperature to a predetermined value during a b n o r m a l used where specified b y safety requirements or where
m o t o r operating conditions. F o r properly selected and personnel hazard or d a m a g e m a y result because of an
applied devices, this is accomplished w i t h o u t interfering unexpected restarting of the m o t o r . A s pilot-circuit de­
with m a x i m u m planned m o t o r loading. A t the same t i m e , vices, thermostats and temperature detectors m a y be used
m a x i m u m desired temperature and current values m u s t through large integral-horsepower m o t o r sizes. T h e 1965
n o t be exceeded to avoid premature m o t o r insulation edition of the N a t i o n a l Electrical C o d e recognizes em­
failure and to keep from exceeding the m a x i m u m current bedded temperature detectors for running overcurrent
ratings of the motor-branch-circuit conductors and m o t o r protection for m o t o r s larger than 1 5 0 0 horsepower. Vari­
control apparatus. ous thermal elements are used including bimetal snap-
acting elements, resistance coils, semiconductor materials
M a x i m u m temperature limits are determined b y the
such as thermistors of either negative or positive tempera­
insulation system and expected m o t o r life. Commonly
ture coefficient, and liquid- or gas-filled assemblies.
use 1 values are specified in the Underwriters' Laboratories
requirements for thermal protectors. Operation of the various types depends upon the trans­
T h i s approach to protection is related to the fact t h a t fer of heat from the m o t o r winding to the thermal ele­
m o t o r rating has as its basis m a x i m u m allowable winding m e n t . Since heat flow is involved, the temperature dif­
temperature. I t should be noted t h a t disconnect devices, ference between the thermal element and the winding is
conductors, and controllers are selected on the basis of related to the rate of temperature change and increases
horsepower and current. T h i s e q u i p m e n t , when based on with the winding heating rate for a given element mass
horsepower, m a y be a limiting factor in the circuit when and installation.
inherent protectors permit higher loads than indicated b y For running overload conditions, the rate of tempera­
the motor-rated horsepower or current. A d e q u a t e protec­ ture change of the winding is generally slow and the
tion of this e q u i p m e n t m u s t then be provided b y other temperature difference between t h e winding and thermal
m e a n s or the e q u i p m e n t m u s t be uprated accordingly. element is a m i n i m u m . H e r e thermal element temperature
A b n o r m a l conditions which can result in overheating varies directly with winding temperature. W h e n the wind­
include overload, stalling and failure to start, high a m b i e n t ing temperature raises the element t o its operating t e m ­
temperature, restricted m o t o r ventilation, high or low perature, the m o t o r is shut down. F o r stalled rotor, the
line voltage or frequency, mechanical failure of the driven rate of increase in winding temperature depends on the
load, improper installation, failure of start switch or motor design. Thus, thermostats provide stalled-rotor

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protection only when the rate of rise of winding t e m p e r a ­ Thermal protectors generally are designed so that
ture is sufficiently slow. Thermostats do not provide their electric contacts interrupt t h e m o t o r line current
stalled protection for m o t o r s which are 1) rotor t e m p e r a ­ directly. T h e s e t y p e s are n o w commercially available on
ture limited, or 2 ) stator temperature limited with a rapid motors from subfractional horsepower sizes through five
rate of temperature rise. I n the former, the rotor reaches horsepower, single phase, and a p p r o x i m a t e l y ten horse­
its limiting temperature value before the stator reaches power, three phase. A p p r o v a l b y Underwriters' L a b o r a ­
its allowable limit. I n these m o t o r s , sensors responsive t o tories is limited to their use with specific m o t o r s for which
stator winding temperature will n o t limit t h e higher rotor the thermal protectors are designed, based on tests of the
temperature t o a safe value. I n the latter, t h e m a s s of m o t o r . B o t h manual-reset a n d automatic-reset types are
the thermal element a n d its m a n n e r of installation deter­ available, with the latter designed for m o t o r protection
mines the temperature lag b e t w e e n the element and the even when continuously cycling with m o t o r stalled or
winding. Carefully installed thermal elements of small running.
m a s s reduce this t e m p e r a t u r e lag a n d increase t h e range Current-responsive devices are generally unable to
of rate of heating of the stator winding over which pro­ protect under automatic-reset conditions.
tection m a y be obtained. If there are a n y questions, the (β) Devices sensing both motor temperature and
m o t o r manufacturer should be consulted to establish the rate of temperature change. D e v i c e s of this t y p e are
t y p e of protection provided, t h a t is, whether for running rate-of-rise thermostats usually consisting of a differential
overload alone or including stalled rotor. expansion thermal element actuating a self-contained
W h e r e t h e r m o s t a t s alone are n o t capable of providing snap-acting switch. These devices are generally of a
adequate locked-rotor protection, a supplementary over- pilot-circuit t y p e with the switch connected into the con­
current device such as a thermal overload relay will also trol circuit of the magnetic m o t o r controller. Operation
b e necessary. T h e resulting s y s t e m is then capable of depends u p o n transfer of heat from the m o t o r windings
providing safe winding protection for b o t h m a n u a l a n d t o the external housing of the device which usually forms
automatic restarting on both running overloads and one p a r t of the differential thermal element. T h e s e de­
stalled rotor. F o r a u t o m a t i c restarting, the cutoff will vices are e m b e d d e d in the m o t o r winding t o provide inti­
be b y the overcurrent device on the first few cycles of a m a t e contact a n d o p t i m u m heat transfer. O n slow rates
stalled condition and t h e winding temperature a t cutoff of change in winding temperature, the device is calibrated
will usually increase on successive cycles of t h e t h e r m a l t o open a t a preselected temperature corresponding to the
relay until the thermostat-operating temperature is limiting value of winding temperature.
reached. A t this point, t h e t h e r m o s t a t assumes control O n locked rotor where the rate of temperature change
and keeps the m o t o r deenergized until the windings h a v e is rapid, the differential expansion element heats non-
cooled t o the reset temperature of the t h e r m o s t a t and the uniformly so t h a t its expansion per degree change in
cycling process is repeated. element temperature is larger than when heated uniformly
(d) Devices sensing motor temperature and current. on overloads. Therefore, sufficient m o v e m e n t of the ele­
D e v i c e s of this t y p e are called thermal protectors. T h e y m e n t t o operate the switch is reached at a lower tempera­
are defined in the N a t i o n a l Electrical C o d e , Article 1 0 0 , ture t h a n on overloads. T h i s difference in response is
as follows: " A n inherent overheating protective device called thermal anticipation. I t is this feature which c o m ­
which is responsive t o m o t o r current a n d temperature a n d pensates for the gradient between the temperature at the
which, when properly applied t o a m o t o r , protects t h e location of the t h e r m a l element a n d t h a t of the winding,
m o t o r against dangerous overheating due t o overload or m a k i n g possible locked-rotor protection for this class of
failure t o start." device for higher rates of rise of winding temperature than
T h e r m a l protectors consist of a temperature-sensitive would otherwise b e obtained.
element, a heater(s), a n d electric contacts. T h e thermal
element, for b e s t results, is calibrated to open its contacts
7. Separately M o u n t e d Protective D e v i c e s
a t t h e s a m e t e m p e r a t u r e as t h a t established for t h e m a x i ­ (a) Types of thermal overload relays. A thermal
m u m limiting insulation temperature of the winding. overload relay simulates approximately t h e temperature
M o t o r current flow t h r o u g h t h e heater is used t o raise the condition in the m o t o r winding b y m e a n s of current in a
temperature of t h e t h e r m a l element t o equal the winding heating element which varies with the m o t o r current. I n
temperature. T h i s temperature rise in the t h e r m a l e l e m e n t the event of a m o t o r current of sufficient magnitude
equals t h e temperature gradient between the e l e m e n t a n d a n d duration t o cause excessive heating of the m o t o r
the winding. When the winding reaches its m a x i m u m winding, the heating element causes a control circuit
temperature, the thermal e l e m e n t reaches its operating contact t o open the contactor or circuit breaker in the
temperature, a n d opens its electric circuit t o s h u t d o w n m o t o r circuit.
the m o t o r . Furthermore, locating t h e protector a d j a c e n t I n one c o m m o n t y p e of relay the heating element causes
t o or in t h e winding minimizes t h e heating required b y the heating and deflection of a bimetallic element to
current in t h e protector a n d provides o p t i m u m correlation actuate the contact. T h i s t y p e of relay m a y be either h a n d
of protector a n d winding temperatures. or automatic reset a n d m a y h a v e an adjustable trip cur-

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rent. F o r another t y p e , the heating element causes the are required to protect a m o t o r connected t o a three-phase
melting of a low-temperature solder which releases the source of power through a delta-wye or wye-delta trans­
contact-tripping mechanism. T h i s t y p e of relay cannot be former b a n k which is protected b y fuses. I n such cases one
arranged for a u t o m a t i c reset a n d is n o t ordinarily a d ­ of the fuses can b l o w and the m o t o r will operate with
justable. A third t y p e , t h e t h e r m a l induction relay, u t i ­ unbalanced currents. W h e r e these abnormalities can occur,
lizes the flux produced b y a coil carrying t h e m o t o r current additional relaying is r e c o m m e n d e d as described in Sec­
to induce a current in a short-circuited secondary which, tion I I - D l ( c ) .
when heated b y the flow of current, trips the contact. After tripping, the relay m u s t cool before it can be reset,
For general-purpose m o t o r s with a 1.15 service factor, and this provides t i m e for the m o t o r winding t o cool.
the overload heaters or coils, which are usually of the Because of its smaller mass, the relay-cooling character­
replaceable t y p e , are selected from a table provided b y the istic is n o r m a l l y s o m e w h a t faster than t h a t of the motor.
relay manufacturer a n d will trip u l t i m a t e l y on a b o u t 1 1 5 If the overload persists and the relay is reset either m a n ­
t o 1 2 5 percent of rated m o t o r current. F o r m o t o r s w i t h n o ually or automatically a t frequent intervals, it is possible
service factor, or for short-time-rated motors, heaters for the m o t o r winding t o attain an excessive temperature.
with a lower rating should be selected as r e c o m m e n d e d For this reason, when an overload relay trips, a check
in Section I V - F , D e v i c e 4 9 . should be m a d e t o see whether an a b n o r m a l condition
For adjustable relays with replaceable heaters or coils, exists, such as an overload or phase failure of the power
the increments in rating are usually such t h a t an ampere supply. T h e relay should n o t be reset repeatedly if the
rating sufficiently close m a y be selected w i t h o u t use of the overload condition persists.
adjustment. T h e n when installed, if desirable, minor a d ­ For the s a m e reason, relays which reset automatically
j u s t m e n t c a n b e m a d e t o t a k e care of unusual load or should n o t be used with "two-wire control" or with a
a m b i e n t temperature conditions. circuit such t h a t the m o t o r would be restarted automatic­
T h e r m a l protection for larger motors is often provided ally after an overload trip. A u t o m a t i c reset should be used
using switchgear-type protective relays. T h e s e relays are only with "three-wire control" which provides "under­
of t w o general t y p e s : voltage protection" t o prevent restarting until a "start"
b u t t o n or equivalent device is m a n u a l l y actuated.
(a) thermal overload relays incorporating bimetallic ele­
Thermal overload relays operated b y m o t o r current
m e n t s connected in current-transformer secondaries,
will n o t protect m o t o r s against overheating due t o in­
thus responding to line current;
adequate ventilation.
(b) temperature relays operating from search coils or
(c) Ambient temperature effects. B o t h motors and
resistance temperature detectors built into t h e in­
controls are ordinarily rated for use in a m a x i m u m ambient
duction m o t o r .
of 4 0 ° C . If the normal temperatures at the control and
The operating curves of the relays with bimetallic m o t o r are different, a heater m a y be used t h a t differs b y
elements are designed to approximate the average heating one size for each 1 5 ° C difference in temperature. If the
curve of rotating machines. A s induction-motor heating, relay a m b i e n t is higher, a higher rated heater is used and
curves v a r y substantially, it is usually desirable for large vice versa.
or special m o t o r s t o obtain t h e motor-heating character­ A n a m b i e n t - c o m p e n s a t e d t y p e of thermal overload re­
istics from the manufacturer and plot the relay and m o t o r lay will h a v e essentially the same time-current character­
curves to check the protection obtained. S u p p l e m e n t i n g istic regardless of its a m b i e n t temperature. T h u s , it will
the thermal relays with other relays, such as a long-time let the m o t o r carry its rated load regardless of changes
overcurrent relay, is s o m e t i m e s necessary t o obtain c o m ­ in relay a m b i e n t temperature. For essential drives, this
plete protection. prevents the m o t o r from being shut down when carrying
T e m p e r a t u r e relays are useful in supplementing ther­ its normal load, even though the relay ambient tempera­
mal-overload protection b y sensing h o t s p o t temperatures ture m a y be abnormally high.
in larger machines with t h e relay connected t o t h a t t e m ­ If the m o t o r a m b i e n t is abnormally high, the tempera­
perature detector which indicates the highest temperature. ture of the m o t o r winding m a y also be abnormally high
A description of the temperature-sensing detectors is in­ although t h e m o t o r is carrying only rated load. However,
cluded in Section II-A6, Internally and/or Frame- the life of the m o t o r insulation as far as running current is
M o u n t e d Protective Devices. concerned is a function of its temperature over a period
(b) Thermal protection afforded by thermal overload of years. A fully loaded m o t o r which reaches an abnormally
relays. F o r m o s t m o t o r s , relays connected in t w o of the high temperature for a short t i m e only on h o t s u m m e r
three alternating-current lines m a y provide protection d a y s b u t runs at normal or subnormal temperature the
against d a m a g e t o t h e m o t o r f r o m either a single-phase rest of the year will n o t h a v e its insulation life seriously
or three-phase stalled condition, excessive motor-running shortened.
load, and phase failure. T h e r m a l overload relays, however, T h u s , an a m b i e n t - c o m p e n s a t e d relay will prevent nui­
cannot provide complete protection against unbalanced sance tripping due to high relay a m b i e n t temperature.
voltages or phase failure. T h r e e thermal overload relays W h e t h e r this is achieved without sacrifice of m o t o r in-

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sulation life depends on the motor-winding temperature (b) M o t o r and fault characteristics:
over several years. I n a n a b n o r m a l l y l o w m o t o r a m b i e n t 1) internal m o t o r impedance
temperature the c o m p e n s a t e d relay will let the m o t o r 2) the t y p e of fault, i.e., phase or ground
carry only t h e rated current of t h e relay a n d n o t the 3) the location of the fault in the m o t o r winding.
increased l o a d which the m o t o r m a y be capable of handling
a t the lower a m b i e n t temperature. W h e n b o t h relay a n d 2. Effect of System Characteristics
m o t o r are in t h e s a m e variable a m b i e n t , compensated (a) T h e problem of detecting a n d relaying faults is re­
relays m a y n o t be desirable. duced on s y s t e m s of high fault capacity since there
(d) Special application problems. For certain d u t y is less trouble distinguishing between load currents
cycle applications such as cranes, it m a y be difficult t o and short-circuit currents.
protect the m o t o r and at the s a m e time prevent nuisance (b) T h e impedance in the bus, cable, or line supplying
tripping because m o s t relays h a v e a shorter thermal t i m e the m o t o r reduces the s y s t e m fault capacity at the
constant than m o t o r s . A heater large enough to let the m o t o r terminals.
m o t o r perform within its capability on a short-time basis (c) I n the usual grounded system the ground-fault current
m a y be t o o large t o protect properly on continuous load­ is a p p r o x i m a t e l y equal to the prefault voltage to
ing. A c o m p r o m i s e in protection or the use of alarms m a y ground at the point of fault divided b y the grounding
be necessary in such cases. F o r the t y p e of d u t y cycles or neutral impedance. I n a solidly grounded system
encountered o n m a c h i n e tools, however, thermal overload the m a x i m u m ground-fault current is of the s a m e order
relays h a v e been successfully used. of m a g n i t u d e as the three-phase fault current, as­
For high-inertia loads with a long accelerating time, suming n o fault resistance. For intermediate values
a thermal overload relay selected t o protect a m o t o r on a of ground impedance, the ground-fault current varies
continuous basis m a y trip out during acceleration, or between these t w o approximate limits.
after acceleration, due t o overshooting in the relay. A
3 . Effect of M o t o r and Fault Characteristics. Internal
higher rated relay m a y be used for acceleration with
faults in m o t o r s are usually line to ground, or line to line
s o m e sacrifice of running protection, or t w o sets of relays
with or without involving ground. Three-phase faults
m a y be used with t h e relay for running protection shorted
t h a t d o n o t involve ground are m o s t likely to occur near
or disconnected during acceleration. Saturating reactors
the line terminals only. Faults m a y also occur from turn
shunting t h e heaters can also be used to prevent tripping
to turn in the s a m e phase, or between parallel windings in
during acceleration. A n o t h e r solution is t o use a thermal
the s a m e phase of a multiple winding. Certain types of
overload relay designed for long accelerating t i m e such as
faults are m o r e likely to occur than others due to the
certain t y p e s of t h e r m a l overload relays.
details of t h e m o t o r design a n d the application.
T h e r m a l overload relays are also available with either
A short circuit in a wye-connected m o t o r can be 1) near
a " s t a n d a r d " tripping heater or faster tripping heaters
the line end, 2 ) near the middle, or 3 ) near the neutral
for relays w h i c h are useful for hermetic m o t o r s for air
end of the winding. I n the first case the voltage across
conditioning or other m o t o r s requiring unusually fast
the faulted portion of the winding is the full voltage of
tripping for stalled protection. T h e selection of thermal
the system. W i t h the fault near the neutral e n d , the
overload relay ratings for hermetic m o t o r s requires special
voltage across t h e faulted portion of the winding is quite
considerations a n d is usually done b y t h e manufacturer
small. T h e corresponding short-circuit currents will be
rather t h a n the user.
high a t t h e line e n d a n d extremely small or essentially
B . Fault Protection zero for faults near the winding neutral.

1. G e n e r a l Considerations. A fault in an induction I n a delta-connected machine on a grounded-neutral

m o t o r can range in current m a g n i t u d e from a high value s y s t e m , sensitive ground-fault protection can be obtained
t o a l o w v a l u e , depending on fault location, s y s t e m i m ­ for the entire winding, since all portions of the winding
pedance, a n d the m e t h o d of grounding. are a t a m i n i m u m of 2 5 t o 7 5 percent of line-to-neutral

I n t h e case of h i g h - m a g n i t u d e short-circuit currents, voltage a b o v e ground potential.

i m m e d i a t e isolation of the faulted m o t o r is always neces­ I n providing protection over the entire range of fault
sary. H o w e v e r , w h e n the fault current is o n l y a f e w a m ­ current, tripping should n o t b e permitted t o occur under
peres a n d t h e m o t o r is a critical one, an alarm w i t h o u t n o r m a l operating conditions. P r o b a b l y the m o s t important
i m m e d i a t e tripping is s o m e t i m e s justified. of these is m o t o r starting current. T h i s current is com­

Protection devices m u s t b e able t o distinguish between monly a b o u t six times n o r m a l full load. H o w e v e r , it

n o r m a l load, starting currents, a n d fault currents. m a y be lower or v e r y m u c h higher for a particular m o t o r

T h e m a i n factors w h i c h affect the m a g n i t u d e for t h e design. This initial inrush current contains a direct-

short-circuit currents are as follows. current c o m p o n e n t to which s o m e protective devices are

(a) S y s t e m characteristics:
1) s y s t e m fault c a p a c i t y 4. Overcurrent P h a s e Fault Protection. M o t o r cir­
2) i m p e d a n c e of the m o t o r feeder circuit cuits c o m p l y i n g with the N a t i o n a l Electrical C o d e are
3) the grounding impedance. required t o h a v e one overcurrent unit (trip coil, relay,


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or fuse) in each ungrounded conductor. For short-circuit
protection of a single-phase m o t o r only one fuse or a
single-pole circuit breaker is required if the second leg of
the circuit is grounded. W h e r e t h e single-phase circuit is
ungrounded, a pair of fuses or a two-pole breaker is used.
I n three-phase m o t o r circuits, three overcurrent ele­
ments should always be applied. T h e s e elements m a y con­
sist of series tripping devices, protective relays, or fuses.
W i t h fuses, the consequences of an open circuit from b l o w n
fuses m u s t be considered.
(a) (b)
Protective relays are used t o provide protection for Figure 4. Grounding of Cable Sheath or Armor when Using
large high-voltage m o t o r s and are connected t o current Toroidal Current Transformer, (a) Circuit transformer may
require corona shield, ( b ) Insulate pothead (if used) from ground.
transformers as shown in Figures 21 and 2 2 . Instantaneous
overcurrent relays h a v e t o be set high enough t o prevent
cancelled out, so t h a t only ground-fault current appears
operation during full-voltage starting. If a lower fault
in the relay.
pickup setting is desired, time-overcurrent relays should
Selection of the o p t i m u m toroidal current transformer
be used. Other overcurrent relays are available with
ratio and quality is important. For m i n i m u m primary-
special combination curves t o provide long t i m e delays
current pickup the ciirrent transformer exciting im­
t o ride over accelerating periods with a short-time char­
pedance (as indicated b y the exciting or saturation curve)
acteristic picking u p a b o v e this point t o provide faster
and relay impedance should be m a t c h e d .
protection in the high-magnitude fault-current range.
Therefore, the lowest primary current pickup m a y not
For wound-rotor m o t o r s where starting currents are
occur for the lowest relay tap with a given current trans­
quite low, the use of time-overcurrent relays gives sub­
former ratio, or for the lowest current transformer tap with
stantially i m p r o v e d protection for short circuits in the
a given relay burden. Primary-current pickup in the range
ranges i m m e d i a t e l y a b o v e the starting current.
of 4 t o 12 amperes is practical utilizing a plunger or induc­
tion-disc relay; a b o u t 1 ampere primary-current pickup
5. G r o u n d - F a u l t Protection. O n grounded systems,
can be achieved with m o r e sensitive relays. T h e latter
phase-fault relays, direct-acting trips, and fuses afford a
should be time delayed t o prevent operation due to un­
certain measure of ground-fault protection. F o r large or
balanced capacitance current flow during external ground
i m p o r t a n t m o t o r s , ground relays should be used to obtain
faults. Figure 4 , illustrates this.
greater sensitivity.
When surge protection or power-factor corrective
Figure 2 0 ( b ) shows a residually connected ground re­
capacitors or lightning arresters are connected at the
lay ( D e v i c e 5 1 N ) . Theoretically the 5 1 N relay sees only
m o t o r terminals, the sensitivity of the toroidal current
zero-sequence current due t o ground faults. I n practice,
transformer ground protective scheme is reduced, since
however, current can flow through this residual circuit
the relay m u s t be m a d e insensitive to the inrush current
due t o unequal outputs of the current transformers e v e n
to the capacitors and t o the arrester power follow current.
without a ground fault. T h i s error current is primarily
T h e relay pickup current m u s t be set above these transient
due to current transformer saturation caused by the
currents, or as an alternative a short-time-delay relay
direct-current component of starting or external-fault
m a y be used.
feedback currents. Slight current transformer m a n u f a c t u r ­
ing variations a n d unequal burdens on their secondaries 6. System Ground Protection. Where a group of
also cause error currents. Because these unbalanced cur­ m o t o r s i s supplied from a substation
transformer with
rents are present, it becomes necessary t o use time-delay grounded secondary winding, ground-fault currents m a y
residual relays so t h a t undesired tripping does n o t occur be sensed in the ground-to-neutral connection of the
with sensitive current settings on the relay. If instantan­ transformer.
eous residually connected relays ( 5 0 N ) are used, t h e y are A current transformer with time-delay ( 5 1 G ) over-
likely to trip during m o t o r starting or for feedback for an current relay is inserted in the neutral conductor for direct
external fault unless t h e y are set so high as to be of little and low-resistance grounded systems. T h i s is illustrated
value. b y Figure 5 .
T h e combination of t w o phase relays and one residually A distribution transformer with secondary loading
connected ground relay connected t o three current trans­ resistor and overvoltage relay is e m p l o y e d between trans­
formers is often used t o provide phase a n d ground-fault former neutral and ground to provide sensitive, high-
protection. Figure 2 1 illustrates a m e t h o d of obtaining resistance ground protection. (See Figure 6.) Since the
sensitive ground-fault protection with instantaneous loading resistance reflected into the neutral is multiplied
overcurrent relays, Device 50G. The toroidal current b y the square of the transformer ratio, fault currents
transformer encircles all three phase conductors. This are limited t o a v e r y few amperes. H e n c e the relay m a y
arrangement allows all positive and negative sequence be safely used for alarm or tripping. H o w e v e r , tripping
currents, as well as the direct-current components, t o be is usually r e c o m m e n d e d t o avoid t h e possibility of a


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Figure 5. Bus Ground Protection by Current Transformer and

Overcurrent Relay.
Figure 7. Ground Detection Relaying for Ungrounded Systems.


52 52

59 6

Figure 6. Bus Ground Protection by Distribution Transformer and

Overvoltage Relay.

second ground causing a n interphase fault. W h e n high-

resistance neutral grounding is used, the sensitivity of
the system ground relaying must b e commensurate.
U n g r o u n d e d or delta-connected systems should pref­
erably h a v e line-voltage rated potential transformers,
with primaries w y e connected a n d grounded. (See Figure
7.) T h e secondaries are connected broken delta across
Figure 8. Differential Protection of Delta-Connected Motors.
which a loading resistor is connected in parallel with the
voltage relay 59G. Care should b e exercised in sizing the
check of the effect o n current-transformer performance.
resistor in accordance with established grounding practice
Three current transformers are located within the switch-
and in selecting a voltage relay that is insensitive t o third
gear in order t o include the m o t o r cables within the pro­
tection zone. T h e other three current transformers are
7. Differential Protection. Differential relay protec-r located in the neutral connection of the motor. Six leads
tion is a scheme in which t h e current entering a winding must b e brought o u t of the m o t o r ; this must b e specified
is matched against that corning o u t of t h e winding. when the m o t o r is purchased.
These relays will thus detect low-magnitude fault currents Figure 8 shows a connection c o m m o n l y used for dif­
during normal loads b u t will n o t trip falsely during high- ferential protection of a delta-connected motor and its
magnitude external faults or during starting periods. leads.
Differential relays cannot detect turn-to-turn faults in the Figure 9 illustrates the self-balancing differential
same winding. protective scheme. B o t h ends of each m o t o r winding serve
Connections for differential protection of a wye-con­ as the primary winding o f the current transformers; thus,
nected m o t o r are shown in Figure 22. T h e relay responds t o this scheme can be used for b o t h w y e - and delta-connected
the percent difference between the t w o values. Current motors. T h e relays (87) see the difference or fault current.
transformers should have matched characteristics and Extremely sensitive phase and ground protection can
should n o t b e used for any other purpose without a careful be obtained b y using o n l y an overcurrent relay. This


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3 87/87 Ν γ- τ- τ- CURSE N T TRANSFORM

(: c: c: ft
i. C . (.
CT { _ ! (
["F-x. / " Λ \

^fejj 6



Figure 9. Self-Balanced CurrentDifferential Scheme.

Í ít

Figure 11. Split-Phase Differential Protection.

To current transformer
In system neutral
or to Y- broken Δ
4 potential

87- I



Figure 10. Differential Protection of Split-Phase Wye Motor.

scheme requires t h a t attention b e given t o m o t o r p r i m a r y

terminal connections. T h e cables f r o m the switchgear t o Figure 12. Sensitive Differential Protection with Directional
Ground Relay.
the m o t o r c a n n o t be included in the differential zone un­
less the current transformers are located within the
extrasensitive differential ground-fault protection scheme.
switchgear which in turn requires t h a t neutral leads also
The 8 7 N relay receives its polarizing signal from a cur­
be routed t o the switchgear. O n l y one set of current trans­
rent transformer connected in the s y s t e m neutral. V o l t a g e
formers is required.
polarization is also possible b y using a set of wye-broken-
One m e t h o d of providing differential protection for a
delta potential transformers. T h e 8 7 N relay can be used
split-winding m o t o r and its feeder cable using line current
when the available ground-fault current is limited t o a
transformers of twice the ratio of the neutral current trans­
v e r y low value and is used as an alternate t o the toroidal
formers is shown in Figure 10. A n alternate m e t h o d is
current transformer with 5 0 G relay scheme when the
shown in Figure 1 1 .
toroidal current transformer does not a c c o m m o d a t e the
This arrangement includes a differential relay (87)
cable space requirements.
connected as in Figure 2 2 a n d a second set of t i m e - d e l a y
overcurrent relays ( 6 0 ) connected as shown. T h i s scheme 8. W o u n d - R o t o r Protection. Protection against rotor
requires a t o t a l of t w e l v e current transformers and six slipring flashover t o ground during the starting period is
relays, b u t provides a p p r o x i m a t e l y twice t h e sensitivity provided b y a current relay in t h e broken-delta second­
of that shown in Figure 1 0 . Figure 12 illustrates an ary of wye-connected p r i m a r y potential transformers con-


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rate of temperature rise depends on the severity of the
fault condition and thermal capacity of the bearing.

4. Bearing Failure. Bearing failure m a y be due to

one or more of the following causes.

(a) Lubricant problems:

1) Incorrect grade or viscosity of lubricant;
2) Inadequate cooling of bearing a n d / o r lubricant;
3) Deterioration, saponification, or frothing of oil;
4) Abrasive particles in lubrication system.

(b) Mechanical problems:

1) Failure of oil supply due t o —
stuck oil rings,
Figure 13. Wound-Rotor Motor-Rotor Ground Protection. lubricant-pump failure,
low lubricant reservoir level,
nected to the sliprings shown in Figure 13. This protection fractured oil pipe.
is not effective at or near synchronous speed since the
2) Excessive radial loading due t o —
induced voltage in the rotor is greatly reduced.
misalignment of shaft and bearings of motor,
misalignment of coupling between motor and load,
C. Bearing Protection
improper fit of bearing,
1. General. Bearings are designed t o minimize fric­ bent m o t o r shaft,
tion between stationary and m o v i n g parts and m a y be of unbalanced rotor,
journal or thrust types for radial or axial loads, respec­ tight belt or chain drive.
tively. In general, antifriction bearings are used on smaller
motors and fluid film bearings are used oh larger motors, 3) Excessive axial or thrust loading due t o —
particularly at high speeds. improper leveling,
improper axial alignment with respect t o magnetic
2. Antifriction (Ball, R o l l e r ) Bearings. Ball and
roller bearings transmit the load b y direct contact with
improper axial alignment of driven equipment
rolling action, and have low starting friction. Failure of
reflected through double helical gear drive.
this t y p e of bearing usually takes the form of fatigue
cracks on the surfaces of the races and rolling parts, lead­ 4) R o u g h bearing surfaces due t o —
ing t o spalling or peeling, and destruction of the bearing fatigue cracks,
follows relatively quickly. Vibration detection m a y be abrasive particles.
applicable, although regular audio and visual inspection
will forestall serious conditions. 5) Loose bolts in the bearing cap.

Overheating m a y be caused b y overlubrication or under-

5. Protection. In general, the protection required for
lubrication and overloading, but thermal protection is not
a bearing is to prevent or detect overheating. In order
practicable due to the difficulty of locating heat sensing
to minimize damage caused b y bearing failure, protective
devices in the proper places.
devices should b e used t o sound an alarm or deenergize
3. Fluid Film (Sleeve) Bearings. Sleeve bearings the m o t o r . Bearing protective devices responsive t o one
transmit the load b y a thin film of lubricant which re­ or more of the following m a y be included:
duces the coefficient of friction.
(a) L o w oil level in reservoir: Device 71, level switch;
T h e . shaft diameter is smaller than the inside of the
(b) L o w oil pressure: D e v i c e 63, pressure switch;
bearing b a b b i t t so that the shaft tends t o lie eccentrically.
(c) R e d u c e d oil flow: D e v i c e 80, flow switch;
Lubricant is supplied at the point of greatest clearance and
(d) High temperature: D e v i c e 38, thermocouples, re­
is literally p u m p e d into the wedge-shaped space between
sistance temperature detector, or temperature-sensi­
shaft and bearing b y the rotation of the shaft, thereby
tive bellows;
estabhshing a h y d r o d y n a m i c pressure which supports the
(e) R a t e of temperature rise;
shaft. T h e film is destroyed and friction losses rise rapidly
(f) Vibration.
as metal-to-metal contact occurs when viscosity is re­
duced, speed falls, loading rises, or particles larger than T h e low-oil-level, low-oil-pressure, and reduced-oil-
the m i n i m u m film thickness are present in the lubricant. flow devices should be of such a nature as to indicate the
T h e inception of bearing failure is accelerated, since the extent of oil level, oil pressure, or oil flow with an alarm
increase in temperature further reduces lubricant vis­ sounding for decrease from normal and shutdown of the
cosity which acts cumulatively until failure occurs. T h e m o t o r for greater losses.

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Prelubricating and postlubricating periods m a y be motors five horsepower or less which, due to high magne­
e m p l o y e d in the start sequence of larger motors, with a tizing current, will have more current at 110 percent
monitoring timer t o check that satisfactory lubricating voltage and rated load than at 100 percent voltage. This
conditions have been established before starting the motor. effect decreases with increasing rating and becomes negligi­
High bearing temperature protection is the most dif­ ble at about 50 horsepower.
ficult t o apply effectively. A tip-sensitive temperature- L o w voltage at the terminals of a motor m a y prevent
responsive device, either in the bearing babbitt or in the it from reaching rated speed during starting or m a y allow
lubricating oil flowing from the bearing, is generally uti­ it to decelerate or stop and draw heavy currents during
lized. Large m o t o r bearings are usually monitored b y operation. Severe damage to the m o t o r m a y occur in
either a resistance temperature detector or thermocouple either case. Some means of undervoltage protection should
device used in conjunction with a complete multiunit be used if the overheating caused b y undervoltage is not
monitoring system for automatic high-temperature detec­ adequately protected against b y other relays or devices.
tion and direct reading of all bearing temperatures. T h e function of the undervoltage device depends upon
T h e choice of alarm versus trip function due t o tempera­ the service which the protected motor is providing. Some
ture depends on the availability of personnel attending motors are classified as essential and should not be re­
the m o t o r and the service requirements. T h e rate of m o v e d from service b y relays which d o n o t protect the
temperature rise of bearings indicates the extent and type system from the effect of a fault on the motor or its
of bearing malfunction. A slow rise in temperature in­ associated circuit. Quite often the undervoltage condition
dicates a less serious malfunction than a fast rise. If a high is caused b y some abnormality in the power supply system
temperature rise is slow, sounding an alarm only m a y be which requires the continued operation of the motor in
satisfactory. If high temperature rise is swift the m o t o r order that the system m a y recover even though the motor
should be shut d o w n immediately. One type of device m a y be operating at reduced capability. Power plant
provides an alarm at low temperature followed b y shut­ station service is the major area where this condition may
down of the m o t o r at higher temperature. A n alarm or exist. During a system disturbance that reduces voltage,
shutdown, based on a rate-of-temperature-rise device, the system m a y separate and completely collapse upon
would be the best protection for the high-temperature additional loss of generation capacity, which can happen if
conditions. motors d r o p out on undervoltage.
It should be stressed that the bearing may be destroyed The successful recovery of the system depends upon
before the high-temperature relays can operate to shut maintaining each unit at maximum capability possible.
d o w n the motor. H o w e v e r , operation of the protective In this case the fans, pumps, etc., which serve the unit
device m a y save the journal and prevent the rotor from must remain in operation even though the voltage is
rubbing on the stator laminations. reduced below a safe value. R e c o v e r y can then be ac­
Vibration detectors which react to displacement, ac­ complished b y suitable operator action.
celeration, or "impulse," if used, should b e mounted with E v e n if the m o t o r is not directly concerned with the
the sensitive axis to coincide with the direction of dis­ recovery of normal voltage, it m a y be performing a func­
placement. Such devices are usually deactivated during tion that cannot tolerate a brief stoppage without serious
startup or shutdown. consequences. This condition can occur in some industrial
processes where an unscheduled stoppage would result
D. Protection Against Abnormal Operating Conditions in damage and costs that would far exceed the cost of a
damaged motor. These applications should have the under­
1. Abnormal Voltage. Operating voltages which de­
voltage device sound an alarm only. Action is then up to
viate from rated voltages b y more than the tolerances
the discretion of the operator.
given in U S A and N E M A induction m o t o r standards
Often voltage dips last for only five to twelve cycles
will subject the motors t o hazards for which special forms
(60-hertz base) duration and, in most cases, n o harm will
of protection m a y be required.
be done t o motors if they are allowed t o stay on the line.
In the present context, abnormal voltage encompasses
If motors are automatically removed during these dips,
(a) undervoltage, expensive shutdowns can be experienced. In applying
(b) overvoltage, protection for such installations, the relaying should be no"
(c) unbalanced voltage and phase failure. faster nor more sensitive than needed.
(a) Undervoltage protection. A large rotating in­ If a m o t o r is not classed as essential, the undervoltage
duction m o t o r rotating at essentially rated speed is device m a y be connected t o trip the appropriate contactor
fundamentally a constant k V A device for a given shaft or breaker where tripping is allowed. A time delay should
load and therefore current variations necessarily follow be included to allow faults or system disturbances to
voltage variations inversely. Balanced three-phase under­ clear before tripping the breaker. The time delay will
voltage is accompanied b y balanced three-phase over- depend upon system characteristics but should be ap­
current. T h e protection described under Section I I - A , proximately three t o four seconds. T h e same time delay
Thermal Protection, m a y adequately protect against this should not be used for tripping each motor in a station
source of damage. This protection is not applicable on or plant. T h e diversity in tripping time will prevent the

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need t o reaccelerate all of the m o t o r s at the s a m e t i m e . Is CIRCUIT
T h e t i m e d e l a y should be arranged t o trip the least im­
portant loads first. ib

T h e t y p e of undervoltage device used depends u p o n the

type of m o t o r control. M e d i u m - v o l t a g e power circuit
breakers require an undervoltage relay and potential
transformer for the sensing a n d tripping signal. T h e s e are
applied for circuit voltages of 2 . 4 t o 1 3 . 8 kilovolts.
L o w - v o l t a g e air circuit breakers u p t o 6 0 0 volts al­
ternating current can b e equipped with time-delay under­
• - I a
Ic 2 I» 2

voltage tripping a t t a c h m e n t s if used alone.

In switchgear assemblies, an undervoltage relay and
• J/3"Ia,
shunt trip devices with capacitor trip can b e provided t o c, ib, la*

protect for undervoltage.

M o t o r contactors d o n o t provide a d e q u a t e undervoltage I a - I a o + I a , +I a i = O ( 0 P E N CIRCUIT IN a - P H A S E )
protection because of the low v a l u e of v o l t a g e at which
Ib=Ie + «'Ia,* »la^-JfS La,
dropout occurs. A m o r e c o m p l e t e discussion on the effect 0

of the m o t o r control is included in a separate section in Ic =I a 0 * « I a + a * l a - - U V T la


the Introduction.
Figure 14. Current in Motor Windings with One Phase Open
(b) Overvoltage protection. Operation of induc­ Circuited (Wye-Connected Motor).
tion m o t o r s on m o d e r a t e overvoltage within the tolerance
of m o t o r standards is n o t generally construed t o be in­
jurious t o m o t o r s . O v e r v o l t a g e causes an increased iron If, for example, a m o t o r has a locked-rotor current of
loss and a decreased copper loss (for a given shaft load) six times rated, it has a negative-sequence impedance of
producting a net loss reduction in a m o t o r . I t should be 0.167 on the m o t o r rated input k V A base. If voltages of
recognized, however, t h a t for the larger m o t o r s at a n y 0 . 0 5 per-unit negative-sequence value are applied t o the
given current level, overvoltage produces higher total m o t o r , negative-sequence currents of 0 . 3 0 per unit will
m o t o r losses. Therefore, overcurrent devices will permit flow in the windings. T h u s a five percent voltage unbalance
a higher winding temperature t o occur on overvoltage at a produces a stator negative-sequence current of 3 0 percent
constant current level than at rated voltage. Only a of full-load current. T h i s will n o t produce a corresponding
device sensing winding temperature can adequately increase in line current b u t does h a v e other effects as
protect against such an a b n o r m a l operation condition. described below.
O n starting with overvoltage, the locked-rotor current M o t o r heating is greatly increased b y the presence of
will be higher than rated starting current in s o m e w h a t negative-sequence currents. Negative-sequence phase
greater than direct proportion t o the increase in voltage. currents produce a flux which rotates in a direction o p ­
The locked-rotor relay will protect the. m o t o r against posite t o the rotor rotation. T h i s flux cuts the rotor bars
thermal d a m a g e if the v o l t a g e is n o t m o r e than ten percent at a very high speed and generates a pronounced voltage
a b o v e rated voltage at the t i m e of start. resulting in a large rotor current. In addition, the 1 2 0 -
(c) Unbalance protection and phase failure. Un­ hertz (minus slip frequency) nature of the induced current
balanced voltage and phase failure are identical phe­ produces a m a r k e d skin effect in the rotor bars, greatly
nomena, differing only in degree of unbalance. The increasing rotor resistance. R o t o r heating is substantial
impedance of a rotating m o t o r (as opposed t o a m o t o r at for minor voltage unbalance. T h u s excessive heating m a y
standstill) is constant and balanced, even when unbalanced occur with phase current less than the rated current of
voltages are applied. T h e positive-sequence current t o a the m o t o r .
m o t o r will, after an unbalanced voltage is applied, re­ U n b a l a n c e protection m u s t sense d a m a g i n g conditions
main virtually identical to the balanced load current without responding t o conditions for which the protective
flowing prior t o the unbalance. If for instance the nature e q u i p m e n t is n o t intended t o operate. Several classes of
of the unbalance is an open circuit in a n y phase a nega­ relays are used t o provide unbalance protection.
tive-sequence current will flow which is equal and opposits Phase-balance relays compare the relative magnitudes
to the previous load current in t h a t phase. T h e c o m b i n a ­ of the phase currents. W h e n the magnitudes differ b y a
tion of positive- a n d negative-sequence currents produces given a m o u n t , the relay operates. Sufficient unbalance
phase currents of 1.73 times the previous load in each exists when an open circuit occurs on the load or source
sound phase and zero current in the open phase. T h i s is side of the current transformers supplying the relay t o
illustrated in Figure 14. m a k e it operate, provided the load on the m o t o r prior t o
A small voltage unbalance produces a large negative- the open circuit exceeds a p p r o x i m a t e l y 0 . 6 ampere in the
sequence current flow. The per-unit negative-sequence relay.
impedance of a n induction m o t o r is a p p r o x i m a t e l y equal Phase-balance relays without additional t i m e delay
to the reciprocal of the per-unit locked-rotor current. may cause unnecessary tripping of large m o t o r s during


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disturbances on a power s y s t e m . F o r i m p o r t a n t processes, cal failure of bearings of the m o t o r or load, b y low supply
a separate time-delay relay m a y be warranted. voltage, or open circuit in one phase of the supply voltage.
Negative-sequence current relays respond to t h e nega­ I n addition, single-phase motors will fail to start if their
tive-sequence component of the phase currents. The starting circuits are defective. W h e n the m o t o r stator
instantaneous version of this relay, though providing windings are energized with the rotor stationary, the
excellent sensitivity, requires a time-delay auxiliary to induction m o t o r performs like a transformer with short-
prevent tripping on t h e m o t o r contribution t o external circuited secondary windings. Consequently, the stator
-unbalanced faults. T h e time-delay relay is rather in­ winding currents m a y range from three to six or more
sensitive b y comparison t o the phase-balance relay, and times rated full-load value, depending on m o t o r design
will therefore provide less sensitive unbalanced protection. and s u p p l y s y s t e m impedance. T h e m o t o r controller must
Negative-sequence voltage or reverse-phase relays be capable of interrupting locked-rotor current.
respond t o single phasing o n l y on the source side of their U n d e r single-phase locked-rotor conditions for a three-
potential transformers, to unbalanced voltage, or to phase m o t o r , the actual line current in the windings of a
reversed phase sequence. T h e y are particularly applicable delta-connected m o t o r will be full starting current in one
to a bus with substantial static load along with the m o t o r winding and half-normal starting current in each of the
load. F o r an all-motor load, the negative-sequence voltage other t w o windings. T h e heat loss in the stator winding is
relay m a y operate for single phasing even a t zero load. 9 t o 3 6 or m o r e times normal, without benefit of the
For a v e r y small proportion of m o t o r load, single phasing ventilation n o r m a l l y produced b y rotation of the rotor.
of the t o t a l load will be recognized b y this relay a t zero T h e temperature rise of t h e windings is proportional to
loads irrespective of m o t o r characteristics. In general, the square of the current multiplied b y the time (I t),

only the m o t o r loads should be tripped when source neglecting slight heat transfer from the windings, so that
single phasing or excessive unbalance is recognized. protective devices m u s t be set t o disconnect the m o t o r
W h e n a three-phase m o t o r is energized a n d one supply before the stator insulation suffers permanent thermal
phase is open, the m o t o r will n o t start. U n d e r these condi­ d a m a g e or the rotor conductors melt.
tions t h e stator winding will overheat rapidly a n d m a y be Overtemperature from this cause can be prevented b y
destroyed. The heating under these circumstances is sensing line-current m a g n i t u d e and interrupting power
similar to a three-phase failure to start except t h e line when the current value is excessive. Since motors require
current is slightly lower (about 0 . 8 6 7 times the n o r m a l a n d can stand an excessive current for a short time during
three-phase locked-rotor current). starting, some t i m e delay m u s t be incorporated in the
If a m o t o r is running at full speed a n d then one supply current-sensing device. Otherwise, it m u s t be shunted out
line is lost, it m a y continue running. T h e current in the during the starting period. T h i s time delay should be
active lines will increase t o a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1.7 times the selected to m a t c h the heating characteristics of the m o t o r
three-phase value for the s a m e load. Unless t h e load on t o provide protection for locked rotor y e t still allow normal
the m o t o r is below the m a x i m u m available single-phase starting procedures.
torque, the m o t o r will stall. If the m o t o r continues run­ D e p e n d i n g on the design, a squirrel-cage m o t o r m a y be
ning there will be extra losses as a result of the dissym­ stator limited or rotor limited during locked-rotor condi­
metry. tions. I n a large proportion of the high-horsepower designs,
rotor heating is the limiting factor. T h e m o t o r m a n u ­
2. Abnormal Frequency. Frequency in excess of facturer can provide the locked-rotor rating only after
rated frequency b u t n o t in excess of standard tolerance the m o t o r design is completed. T h e s e d a t a are usually
without a corresponding voltage rise is n o t considered to provided as a definite time for rated locked-rotor current
be a hazardous condition for an induction m o t o r , provided starting from either rated a m b i e n t temperature or rated
the driven e q u i p m e n t does not overload the m o t o r at the operating temperature. I t also can be given as part of the
higher frequency. m o t o r t i m e - c u r r e n t curve.
A t decreased frequency without a corresponding volt­ Starting times v a r y depending on m o t o r design and load
age reduction, the flux requirements of a m o t o r are in­ torque characteristics. T i m e s m a y v a r y from less than
creased, thus increasing the hysteresis a n d eddy-current t w o seconds to m o r e than 2 0 seconds and m u s t be deter­
losses and heating. Sustained operation at reduced fre­ mined for each application. A n y current relay applied to
quency a n d voltage is n o t permissible if the s u m of the protect against locked-rotor condition m u s t be able to
overvoltage and underfrequency exceeds the standard carry full starting current for a l m o s t the entire starting
tolerances. Protection against this t y p e of operation is period without operating. A l t h o u g h the starting current
usually allocated to the thermal protective equipment, does drop off near the end of the starting time, this effect
b u t m o r e refined protection is possible using an under­ is n o r m a l l y neglected, providing a slight margin of safety
frequency relay. from relay operation during starting.
S o m e motors are designed to h a v e a rated locked-rotor
3. L o c k e d Rotor o r Failure to Accelerate. Failure of current time of fewer seconds than the starting time of
a three-phase m o t o r to start or accelerate when the the drive. T h i s is permissible since during a normal start
stator windings are energized m a y be caused b y mechani­ m u c h of the kilowatt input during starting is utilized

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as shaft load, while on locked rotor nearly all of the starting load has very high inertia or high bearing friction
kilowatt input t o the m o t o r is dissipated as heat loss in t h e after being shut d o w n for a weekend, etc. (when used for
rotor. Therefore, a relay with t i m e delay sufficient to such applications, the relay m u s t be supplemented b y s o m e
allow this m o t o r to start would h a v e t o o m u c h delay t o device such as a speed switch to provide the intelligence
protect the s a m e m o t o r for locked rotor. F o r these a p ­ t h a t t h e m o t o r has started successfully). I n t h e normal
plications, one solution is to include a separate current case, either the m o t o r starts or it does not, and in the
relay for locked-rotor protection which is supervised b y a latter case the stalled-rotor protection disconnects it.
m o t o r zero-speed switch. T h u s , the locked-rotor relay is Incomplete-sequence relays should be provided on
blocked as soon as the m o t o r begins to rotate. starters for wound-rotor m o t o r s as follows:
W h e n a m o t o r zero-speed switch cannot be m a d e avail­
(a) if the m o t o r is used only to start other e q u i p m e n t
able, other measures are necessary. If the locked-rotor
and has a limited intermittent starting-duty rating;
condition is m o s t likely t o happen during operation, an
(b) if the m o t o r is intended for continuous operation
additional current relay normally blocked during the
only at its full-rated speed and has limited capabilities
starting period is used t o trip t h e m o t o r . T h e operator can
at subnormal speeds;
manually m o n i t o r the starting operation t o provide addi­
(c) if such a device is needed to properly protect the
tional protection during starting. T h i s relay can be an
starting resistance of either m a n u a l or electrically
instantaneous current relay set between m o t o r overload
operated starters.
currents and locked-rotor currents, perhaps two or three
times full-load current. Incomplete-sequence devices are n o t required on the
T h e lower current created b y phase-failure conditions starters for variable-speed wound-rotor induction motors.
will increase a relay tripping t i m e and m u s t be considered
in comparison with the heating characteristics of the •5. Out-of-Phase Protection. Induction motors de­
motor. signed for across-the-line starting have the ability to
withstand the mechanical forces developed b y normal
4. Incomplete-Starting-Sequence Protection. A n in­ inrush currents during starting at rated voltage. A b ­
complete-sequence relay is a relay which returns the normally high inrush currents can be produced in a m o t o r
e q u i p m e n t to the normal or off position and locks it out when it is reenergized soon after a power interruption.
if the normal starting, operating, or stopping sequence is M o t o r s 2 0 0 horsepower and less can generally withstand
not properly c o m p l e t e d within a predetermined time. these a b n o r m a l inrush currents. F o r all larger motors the
Incomplete-starting-sequénce protection is provided b y possibility of d a m a g e should be assessed. The inrush
an adjustable definite-time relay furnished on electrically currents t h a t flow under this condition depend on the
operated reduced-voltage and some full-voltage motor resultant of the applied voltage and the voltage generated
starters to protect the machine and starting reactor, b y the m o t i o n of the m o t o r rotor with its magnetic flux.
autotransformer, or resistance against prolonged opera­ T h e phase and m a g n i t u d e of the residual voltage will
tion a t subnormal speed. T h e stator overload relays d o v a r y with the length of t i m e of the power interruption.
n o t provide such protection. I t is usually supplied on The resultant voltage impressed on the m o t o r at the
switchgear-motor starters, except for full-voltage-start m o m e n t of reenergization will h a v e a m a g n i t u d e between
squirrel-cage m o t o r s , and m a y b e obtained o n industrial the s u m and difference of the two c o m p o n e n t voltages.
control and low-voltage reduced-voltage starters. Inrush currents under such conditions with n o power-
One of the reasons t h a t this device is considered basic factor-correction capacitors can be as m u c h as t w o to
equipment on reduced-voltage switchgear starters for two-and-one-half times the m a g n i t u d e of the normal inrush
induction motors is t h a t the starting and running circuit currents for which the m o t o r is designed, depending on
breakers h a v e separately fused control power circuits. the degree of saturation of the m o t o r magnetic paths and
W i t h separate fuses, a portion of the control circuit m i g h t the resultant voltage at the instant of reenergization.
be inoperative, thereby preventing completion of the High-speed a u t o m a t i c reclosure of a single feeder to an
starting sequence. T h i s condition cannot occur on in­ industrial plant can theoretically produce abnormally
dustrial-control-type e q u i p m e n t , because there is a c o m ­ high inrush currents and transient shaft torques in the
mon control power source for both the starting and m o t o r s served b y the feeder due to the high resultant
running contactors of reduced-voltage starters, hence voltage impressed on the motors b y out-of-phase re­
trouble in any part of the circuit would drop out all energization. T h e time of power interruption determined
contactors and automatically prevent injury t o the m o t o r . b y this t y p e of reclosure is approximately 15 to 6 0 cycles
In addition, the incomplete-sequence relay protects (60-hertz b a s e ) , determined primarily b y modern breaker
against a malfunctioning timing relay (transfer relay) tripping and closing t i m e .
which fails t o initiate a transfer from the starting connec­ M a n y tests of bus transfer schemes h a v e established
tion to the running connection. T h i s b a c k u p function m a y t h a t m a x i m u m a b n o r m a l l y high m o t o r inrush currents
be especially i m p o r t a n t in s o m e industrial environments. occur w h e n m o t o r s are reenergized after a 0 . 2 5 - t o 0 . 5 -
T h i s device is not'required on full-voltage-start squirrel- second power interruption. T h e s e tests would seem to
cage m o t o r s except for special applications where the indicate, therefore, t h a t m o t o r s served b y a feeder with a

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high-speed a u t o m a t i c recloser ( 0 . 2 5 t o 1.0 second) relay s u p p l y bus. Other m e a n s of protecting against out-of-
would be m o s t in j e o p a r d y of mechanical d a m a g e due t o phase reclosing are timing, frequency, directional relays,
high inrush currents. Industrial experience, however, and combinations of these devices.
does n o t substantiate the abovementioned implication
of m o t o r d a m a g e . Obviously, probability is an i m p o r t a n t 6. Surge Protection. R o t a t i n g machines present spe­
factor in determining such m o t o r d a m a g e , and on the cial problems in surge protection. T h e insulation of the
basis of experience the probability is low t h a t the resultant stator winding of a n y alternating-current rotating m a ­
voltage will produce d a m a g i n g inrush current. chine has a relatively low impulse strength. T h e highest
T h e m a i n factors t h a t should be considered in weighing test voltage it m u s t withstand is s i m p l y the crest of the
the probability of m o t o r d a m a g e due to a b n o r m a l l y high one-minute high-potential test which has a root-mean-
inrush currents are as follows. square value of twice rated (line-to-liné) voltage plus
1 0 0 0 volts. A l s o the steep-front characteristic of lightning-
(a) T h e critical t i m e for producing m a x i m u m inrush cur­
or switching-produced surges m a y d a m a g e the turn in­
rents u p o n reenergization of a m o t o r depends largely
sulation even though the magnitude of the surge is
on the open-circuit t i m e constant of the particular
limited t o a value which can be safely withstood b y the
m o t o r — t h e larger t h e m o t o r , t h e greater the time
m a j o r (conductor-to-ground) insulation.
constant. The open-circuit time constant of the
T h e relatively low impulse strength of motors indicates
individual m o t o r is an indication of the magnetic flux
their need for surge-protective e q u i p m e n t even though
decay in the airgap and of residual voltage decay of the
they may be connected to exposed overhead line(s)
motor. T e s t s m a d e on m o t o r s of 1 0 0 t o 1 5 0 0 horse­
through apparatus (transformers, regulators, reactors, or
power have established that the critical time for
cables) whose line side is adequately protected by a
m a x i m u m inrush currents varied from a b o u t 15 t o
lightning arrester. A voltage surge of a m a g n i t u d e a n d / o r
3 0 cycles (60-hertz b a s e ) . T i m e s greater than this
steepness of front d a m a g i n g t o m o t o r insulation can be
usually can be considered safe for this range of m o t o r
transmitted through these intervening apparatus by
size. F o r larger m o t o r s , times of reenergization greater
electromagnetic and electrostatic coupling. A s a result of
t h a n this m a y be necessary due t o longer t i m e con­
these circumstances, surge-protective equipment for
m o t o r s consists of a special (rotating machine) arrester to
(b) T h e inertia constant of t h e m o t o r and driven equip­
limit m a j o r insulation voltage stress and a surge-protective
m e n t , because it determines the deceleration of the.
capacitor t o slope off the surge wavefront to a steepness
m o t o r , also affects the rate of v o l t a g e decay.
tolerable t o the turn-to-turn insulation.
(c) S y s t e m impedance u p to m o t o r terminals affects t h e
A s a m a t t e r of actual practice, there are, of course,
m o t o r inrush current and probability of m o t o r d a m a g e
m a n y m o t o r applications not utilizing or requiring surge
since inrush current is inversely proportional t o the
protective e q u i p m e n t . W h e r e the particular systems in­
s u m of m o t o r and s y s t e m impedances.
volved are inherently shielded from lightning and/or
(d) A group of m o t o r s of various sizes on a bus will de­
receive adequate incidental lightning protection from
crease t h e value of inrush currents a t reenergization
other surge protective e q u i p m e n t and there is a very
because the voltage d e c a y of a group of m o t o r s will
infrequent switching, then n o specific additional measures
be greater t h a n the d e c a y of a n y large individual
are usually taken t o protect m o t o r s from surges. Power
m o t o r . C o n s e q u e n t l y , the kinetic energy of the rotat­
station auxiliary s y s t e m s are usually of this t y p e . H o w ­
ing m o t o r s during a power interruption will b e equal­
ever, surge-protection considerations d o prevail in m o s t
ized a m o n g a n u m b e r of m o t o r s , tending t o increase
of the large-motor applications. T h e following is intended
the total residual v o l t a g e d e c a y of t h e bus, and de­
as the briefest of guides for m o t o r surge protection.
crease the inrush on the larger vulnerable motors.
Refer to the Bibliography for direction t o m o r e complete
(e) Power-factor-correction capacitors on buses or m o t o r
circuits and synchronous m o t o r s m a y cause m o t o r
(a) Surge protection of high-voltage motors. Figure
overvoltage during out-of-step reenergization of
15 illustrates the c o m p l e m e n t and arrangement of surge-
motors. Self-excitation during power interruption
protective e q u i p m e n t m o s t generally recommended for
will increase the motor residual voltage, so that
typical large-motor ( 5 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 horsepower and up)
inrush currents of t w o t o three times n o r m a l starting
applications for various t y p e s of lightning exposure. I n
currents can occur. Switching out these capacitors
all cases, the arresters and particularly the surge capacitors
and synchronous m o t o r s during such periods of power
located at the m o t o r should be connected in the
interruption m a y b e advisable.
possible shunt relationship with the motor major ins
Motor manufacturers recommend reenergization of T h i s requires t h a t t h e associated surge-protective equip­
large motors (200 horsepower, 1200 revolutions per m e n t connecting leads (both line terminal and from ground
minute or larger) when residual voltage of t h e m o t o r s has terminal t o m o t o r frame) be k e p t as short as possible.
decreased t o 2 5 t o 5 0 percent of the rated voltage. T h e Special arresters m a d e specifically for rotating-machine
attenuation of this residual v o l t a g e of a m o t o r can be protection a n d surge-protective capacitors are used at
determined b y a voltage relay on the m o t o r terminals or the m o t o r terminals. T h e purpose of the overhead ground


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Fig. 15. Arrangement of Surge Protective Equipment for Large Motors as Typically Recommended for Various Types of Lightning
Exposure. Note: The usual practice and recommendation is to locate one set of distribution arresters 1500 to 2000 feet (500 to
600 meters) out on the lines. An alternate practice utilizes one set of arresters 400 to 1200 feet (100 to 350 meters) out, with a
second set of arresters an additional 400 to 1200 feet (100 to 350 meters) out.

wire with distribution-class arresters located out on If the protective e q u i p m e n t is n o t located at the motor
exposed circuits is t o limit the m a g n i t u d e a n d rate of terminals, careful grounding of the arrester and capacitor,
rise of surge current arriving a t the m o t o r ( s ) . T h i s does and an interconnection between this ground and the m o t o r
m u c h to ensure the ability of the motor-located surge- frames is very important. If the circuit between the
protective equipment to perform its function satis­ protective e q u i p m e n t and the m o t o r frame consists of
factorily. W h e r e exposure t o lightning is through current- continuous-metallic-sheath cable or the cable is run in
limiting reactors or regulators, follow the protective metallic conduit, the arrester and capacitor ground
scheme illustrated for the cable circuit in Figure 15. terminals should also be connected to the cable sheath
W h i l e t h e m o t o r surge-protection scheme outlined in (or conduit) and the latter should be joined to the machine
Figure 15 secures generally the best practical motor frame. T h e restriction of Figure 15 should be observed.
protection, it m a y n o t be economically justifiable in m a n y (b) Surge protection of low-voltage motors. As
applications of small or relatively u n i m p o r t a n t m o t o r s . indicated by their 60-hertz high-potential tests, low-
Practice has therefore evolved m a n y variations which voltage m o t o r s of 6 0 0 volts and below h a v e relatively
require fewer and/or less expensive surge-protective higher dielectric strength than higher voltage motors.
components. For example, the overhead ground wire on W h e r e such m o t o r s are connected to exposed overhead
exposed circuits is s o m e t i m e s o m i t t e d . O n e modification lines through a transformer which has adequate lightning
accepts location of arresters at a c o m m o n bus or on each protection on the exposed side, n o additional lightning-
exposed source connected to the bus with no arresters at protective e q u i p m e n t is generally warranted. However,
the motors. where low-voltage motors are supplied directly from
A further modification with still lower cost and quality exposed overhead lines, lightning protection should be
of protection accepts location of the protective capacitors provided. T y p i c a l installations of this t y p e include motors
a t the same c o m m o n points in the system. T h i s latter installed in oil fields and in quarries.
arrangement should n o t be used in protecting large higher (c) Ratings of surge-protective equipment. Table 1
voltage ( 6 6 0 0 volts and a b o v e ) m o t o r s because the removal lists ratings of rotating-machine arresters and protective
of the surge capacitors t o t h e c o m m o n b u s n o t only re­ capacitors r e c o m m e n d e d for protection of three-phase
m o v e s the switching-surge protection from the machine m o t o r s and illustrates h o w these ratings are applied at
terminals, b u t it increases the severity of switching surges the m o s t popular circuit voltage levels. N o t e t h a t t h e
created b y the m a c h i n e breakers. T h e s e higher v o l t a g e applicable arrester rating is dependent on the t y p e of
motors are more sensitive t o switching surges than their s y s t e m grounding as well as operating voltage. T h e vast
lower voltage counterparts. m a j o r i t y of m o t o r s are supplied b y ungrounded or re-


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T A B L E 1

For Installation on Directly

For Installation at Machine Terminals Connected Exposed Overhead Lines

Station Arresters* Distribution Arresters**

Protective Capacitors
Voltage Rating Voltage Rating

Ungrounded Ungrounded
Micro- Single- or R e - Single- or R e - Single-
farads Pole sistance- Effectively Pole sistance- Effectively Pole
Rating Ε er

0-600 0-600 1.0 3t 600 600 3t 600 600 3

2 400 2 400 0.5 3t 3 000 3 000 3 3 000 3 000 3
4 160 4 160 0.5 3t 4 500 4 500 3 6 000t 6 000t 3
4 800 4 800 0.5 3 6 000 4 500 3 6 000 6 000$ 3
6 900 6 900 0.5 3 7 500 6 000 3 9 000 6 000 3
11 500 11 500 0.25 3 or 611 12 000 9 000 3 12 000 9000 3
13 800 13 800 0.25 3 or 6 15 000 12 000 3 15 000 12 000 3

* Special distribution-class and intermediate-class arresters may be used if economy dictates for small motors 2300 volts and above.
** Intermediate-class arresters sometimes used,
t A single three-pole unit is commonly used.
t Special distribution-class or intermediate-class arresters of 4500-volt rating may be used; with corresponding improvement in protection.
II Use six capacitor units (0.5 M F per phase) where both of the following conditions apply: 1) machine is directly connected to the exposed
overhead lines, is connected through an autotransformer, or is connected through a Y - Y transformer with both Y's grounded; 2) machine
is ungrounded, is neutral grounded through a resistance greater than 50 ohms, or is neutral grounded through a reactance greater than 5 ohms
(60-hertz basis). In all other cases three capacitor units (0.25 ^ F per phase) will suffice.

sistance-grounded systems. M a n y m o t o r s are supplied b y In large-motor installations it m a y be necessary to

four-wire solidly grounded systems. The effectively consult the m o t o r manufacturer to clearly establish such
grounded s y s t e m (i.e., where s y s t e m X/
0 X¡ is between requirements as service factor, d u t y cycle, frequency of
0 and 3 , a n d R / 0 Xt is between 0 a n d 1) for all practical starts, WK 2
of rotating parts, acceleration time, cooling,
purposes in machine surge protection includes the so- bearing lubrication supply, rotor and stator heating rates,
called "solidly" grounded systems. and the effects of surge protectors a n d power-factor-
W h e r e sequence impedance ratios are n o t known, an correction capacitors, if used.
approximate check on degree of grounding can be obtained Selection of the specific protection schemes should be
b y determining t h e s y s t e m ground-fault current (I ) 0 as based on the following factors:
compared to three-phase fault current (/ 3 phase). If
1) m o t o r horsepower rating and t y p e ;
Ιβ/h phase is m o r e t h a n 0.6, the s y s t e m is m o s t likely
2) s u p p l y characteristics—voltage, phases, method of
effectively grounded—if less than 0.6, use ungrounded
grounding, and available short-circuit current;
3) t y p e of m o t o r controller e m p l o y e d ;
F o r unusual operating voltages which v a r y significantly
4) operating characteristics a n d settings of protective
from t h e circuit voltages listed in T a b l e 1, use the lowest
devices between the m o t o r starter and source supply;
rated surge-protective capacitor a n d arrester t h a t m e e t s
5) protective devices monitoring the driven machinery
the following criteria:
or load process;
1) m a x i m u m operating voltage n o t more than 110 percent
6) function a n d nature of the process which determines
of surge-capacitor voltage rating;
t h e importance of the drive;
2) arrester rating at least 1 0 0 percent of maximum
7) environment of motor, associated switching device, and
operating voltage for ungrounded and resistance-
protective devices;
grounded s y s t e m s ;
8) cost of protection scheme relative t o that of the as­
3) arrester rating at least 8 0 percent of m a x i m u m operat­
sociated equipment.
ing voltage for effectively grounded systems.
B. Induction M o t o r Protection T a b l e s (Tables 1 through
III. M O T O R P R O T E C T I O N SPECIFICATIONS 7). T h e purpose of this section is to summarize the
A. G e n e r a l Considerations. T h e complete protection devices available for the protection of induction motors
scheme must be chosen to achieve optimum service employed in general applications. The motor-starting
reliability, safety, and protection of equipment at a e q u i p m e n t and associated protection devices illustrated
reasonable cost. I t is essential t h a t the operating char­ herein are n o t to be regarded as a design specification or
acteristics of the chosen motor-protection s y s t e m be co­ standard, b u t rather as a guide for selection of adequate
ordinated with those of the supply and, if necessary, the protection for a n y general induction-motor application.
process or load involved if selective operation of the A l t e r n a t i v e protective devices are tabulated, the use
protective and control devices is to be achieved. of which m a y be justifiable or preferable depending upon


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Comptroller: Low-voltage combination starter comprised of either Controller: High voltage, N E M A class E, consisting of contactor
molded-case air circuit breaker, or fused disconnect without power fuses
and magnetic contractor with thermal overload relay
Class E l Class E2
Ratings With Circuit Breaker With Fuses Ratings (Without Fuses) (With Fuses)

Continous amperes 15 to 2000 3 to 2250 Volts 2400 to 4800 2400 to 4800

Volts 120 to 600 120 to 600 Horsepower Up to 2500 Up to 2500
Horsepower Up to 1000 Up to 1600 Symmetrical M V A
Starter size 0 to 9 0 to 9 interrupting capacity 25 to 50 150 to 250
Types of Protection Quantity Designation Types of Protective Device Quantity Designation

Overload Overload and/or Locked Rotor

Thermal overload relay 2 or 3 OL Thermal overload relay 2 or 3 OL
Short Circuit Time overcurrent 1 OC
Circuit breaker instantaneous relay 3 Instantaneous overcurrent relay plus
Fuses 3 time delay 1 TR/OC
Undervoltage Short Circuit
Inherent with integral control supply Fuses, class E2 3
and three-wire control circuit when Instantaneous overcurrent relay,
voltage falls sufficiently to permit class E l 3 OC
the contactor to open and break the Ground Fault
seal-in circuit Time overcurrent residual relay 1 GP
Overcurrent relay with ring current
transformer 1 GP
Phase Balance
the particular application considered a n d the philosophy Phase-current-balance relay (per motor)
and/or 1 BC
of operation. T a b l e 7 lists selected device designations Negative-phase-sequence voltage relay
and functions. (per bus) 1
Inherent with integral control supply and
IV. S E T T I N G A N D A D J U S T M E N T O F P R O T E C T I V E three-wire control circuit when voltage
falls sufficiently to permit the contactor
to open and break the seal-in
A. General Discussion. I n the application of protective
relays t o m o t o r circuits, the setting of the device is usually Temperature
Temperature relay, operating from resistance
a problem of getting the best possible protection from the sensor or thermocouple in stator winding
e q u i p m e n t available. T h i s is true because frequently the
characteristics of the protective devices are n o t exactly Note: Select at least one device under each category for which
protection is desired.
m a t c h e d t o the functions desired and, due t o economic
considerations, it is seldom possible to have devices
available t o protect for e v e r y t y p e of trouble or, d a m a g e m a t e l y 80 percent of normal voltage. For cases where
that m a y occur. voltage drop during starting is v e r y great, it m a y be
Since m a n y different combinations of relays and pro­ necessary to adjust the relay dropout t o a lower value to
tective devices are available, a n d m a n y of these devices prevent operation during the starting period. T h e time-
protect for m o r e t h a n one a b n o r m a l operating condition, delay setting for plunger-type devices is normally t w o
the m e t h o d of setting has been detailed for device t y p e to three seconds. For cases where clearing time of faults
rather than for a n y particular protective function for on the source circuits is exceptionally long, it m a y be
which it m i g h t be applied. E a c h of the various types necessary t o increase this t i m e setting accordingly. For
listed in T a b l e 7, D e v i c e D e s i g n a t i o n s a n d Functions, is induction-type relays, where the t i m e delay is propor­
covered. tional to the degree of undervoltage, a t i m e of t w o seconds
for a reduction from n o r m a l t o zero voltage is usually
B. D e v i c e 27—Undervoltage R e l a y . T h i s device or re
satisfactory. T h e relay automatically gives a longer time
lay provides a voltage-adjustable m e a n s for opening the
for a change in voltage from normal to some intermediate
m o t o r controller when the voltage drops below a safe value
voltage value.
for the operation of the m o t o r . I t usually also provides an
adjustable t i m e delay so t h a t m o m e n t a r y voltage dips C. D e v i c e 46—Phase-Balance Relay. T h i s device op­
can be prevented from interrupting the supply source. erates t o trip the m o t o r control e q u i p m e n t if the phase
If the relay is a plunger t y p e , the t i m e delay is a fixed currents b e c o m e unbalanced more than the percentage
period before the relay contacts h a v e reached the d r o p o u t the relay design allows. H o w e v e r , s o m e types h a v e a fixed
position. Induction-type relays, on the other h a n d , h a v e m i n i m u m operating current below which the relay will
a time delay which is inversely proportional t o the degree not operate regardless of the percentage difference in
of undervoltage. current between phase currents. Other t y p e s are provided
T h e dropout of the relay is n o r m a l l y set a t approxi- with t a p s which v a r y the m i n i m u m operating current and


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2 OL


Figure 16. Low-Voltage Combination Starter. Figure 18. Class E 2 High-Voltage Combination Starter.

( F I G U R E 19)

Controller: Low-voltage power circuit breaker, manually or

electrically operated with series overcurrent devices


Continous amperes Up to 4000

Volts 120 to 600
Symmetrical amperes interrupting
capacity at 600 volts 14 000 to 85 000

Manual operation not recommended where interrupting duty ex­

ceeds 22 000 amperes symmetrical
I 2-0L
Types of Protective Device Quantity USASI No.
1 5q I 3-OC
(all direct acting)

Magnetic relay with adjustable dashpot 3 51
Instantaneous magnetic relay 3 50
Time-delay undervoltage relay 1 27
Figure 17. Class E l High-Voltage Combination Starter.

the sensitivity can, therefore, b e changed t o s o m e degree. H o w e v e r , it measures the area of the three-phase voltage
W h e r e taps are provided, the m i n i m u m - c u r r e n t t a p is triangle and can, therefore, protect against single-phase
the m o s t sensitive a n d would n o r m a l l y b e selected except starting in addition t o simple undervoltage. T h e device
when its continuous-current rating is n o t sufficient for the is so constructed t h a t t h e tripping contacts close if a n y
normal m o t o r running current. T i m e delay in addition t o t w o v o l t a g e leads are reversed; it therefore also protects
that inherent in the relay m a y be required in some critical the m o t o r for phase reversal. T h e relay is normally set
applications. as indicated for D e v i c e 2 7 , t h a t is, t o close its contacts
S o m e phase-balance relays m a y represent a large u n ­ when the three-phase voltage is reduced t o 8 0 percent of
balanced burden t o t h e current transformers. T h i s burden normal. T h e t i m e variation is also similar and an accept­
should n o t cause saturation d u e t o starting currents t o able setting is t w o seconds for a reduction in voltage from
avoid relay tripping d u e t o a "false" unbalanced current n o r m a l t o zero v o l t a g e .
caused b y current transformer errors.
E. Device 48—Incomplete-Sequence Relay. This de­
D. Device 47—Undervoltage and Phase Sequence Relay. vice is a definite-time relay used where a m o t o r is started
This device is similar in its action t o t h a t of t h e single- on reduced voltage. T h e relay should b e given a time
phase induction-type undervoltage relay (Device 2 7 ) . setting in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions

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Controller: Low-voltage power circuit breaker, with protective

relays and electric tripping in addition to or in place
of series overcurrent devices


Continuous amperes Up to 4000

5 0 / 5 1 and 2 7 Volts 120 to 600
J all direct acting Symmetrical amperes interrupting
capacity at 600 volts 14 000 to 85 000

Types of Protective Device Quantity USASI No.

Direct-acting magnetic relay with
adjustable dashpot 3 51
Thermal overcurrent relay 2 or 3 49
Time overcurrent relay 2 or 3 51
Direct-acting instantaneous magnetic
relay 3 50
Instantaneous overcurrent relay 2 or 3 50
Ground Fault
Time overcurrent relay 1 51N
Figure 19. Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker with Series Trip
Direct-acting time-delay undervoltage
relay 1 27

Note: Select at least one device under each category for which
protection is desired.

— 1
Γ Ι "
J J ) ' 52
P O W E R C I R C U I T B R E A K E R ( F I G U R E S 21 A N D 22)

Controller: Power circuit breaker


Continuous amperes 1200 to 3000

Interrupting capacity, M V A 50 to 1000
Volts 2400 to 13 800

Types of Relay Protection Quantity USASI No.

Thermal overload relay 2 or 3 49
Time overcurrent relay 2 or 3 51
Time overcurrent relay 1 51
Time overcurrent relay with
instantaneous attachment 2 or 3 50/51
Instantaneous overcurrent relay 3 50
Figure 20. Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker with Protective Percentage differential relay 3 87
Relays, (a) Suitable for ungrounded supply, (b) Suitable for Self-balancing differential relay 3 87/87N
grounded supply. Ground-Fault
Time overcurrent residual relay 1 51N
Instantaneous or time overcurrent relay
such that the e q u i p m e n t is returned t o n o r m a l or off if with ring current transformer 1 50G or 51G
the starting sequence has n o t been completed within a Current phase-balance relay 46
predetermined t i m e . Negative-sequence-voltage relay
F. D e v i c e 49—Thermal Relay Connected for Tripping. Instantaneous undervoltage relay 27
Time undervoltage relay 27
I n setting thermal overload relays it is desirable to allow Undervoltage and phase-sequence
the m o t o r t o carry overloads of a m o u n t and duration relay 47
Undervoltage supervised by negative-
which will n o t d a m a g e it. For this reason a n o m i n a l sequence relay /l 27/47
pickup ( m i n i m u m tripping current a t u l t i m a t e tripping Temperature
Temperature relay, operated from
time) of 1 1 5 t o 1 2 5 percent of adjusted rated full-load resistance sensor or thermocouple
current is c o m m o n l y selected. T h e m o t o r full-load current •in stator winding

should be multiplied b y the correction factor listed below,

Note: Select at least one device under each category for which
and then this adjusted m o t o r full-load current used t o protection is desired.

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(Selected functions adapted from USA Standard C37.2
and N E M A Standard IC-1 for Industrial Control)

I POT Ε Ν Τ I A L TRANS-ORMIR C37.2 IC-1 Protective Function

2 TR Time-delay relay
27 —
Apparatus-overheating detection device
Undervoltage, instantaneous, or inverse-time
OVERLOAD PROTECTION 32 Directional power relay
( 2 0 R 3 ) D E V I C E 4 9 0 R 51 38 BG Bearing protecting device for overtemperature
or wear
OVERCURRENT 39 Mechanical-condition monitor, vibration
(2or3) DEVICE 50 46 BC Phase-balance current relay
— Undervoltage and phase-sequence relay
Negative-sequence voltage relay
48 IS Incomplete-sequence relay
TRANSFORMES A N D 49 OL Thermal relay operated by motor current
NSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT (replica), winding temperature, or both
RE L A V OC Overcurrent relay
— Instantaneous overcurrent relay
— Instantaneous ground-current relay
— Time overcurrent relay

Figure 21. Power Circuit Breaker Motor Starter Typical

— Residually connected ground time overcurrent
Protection. 52 CB Circuit breaker

Main line contactor
Overvoltage relay, instantaneous, or time delay
60 BC Current-balance relay (split winding)
64 — Liquid or gas-pressure relay or vacuum relay
Ground-fault detection for current flowing
from machine casing or structure to ground,
also slipring flashover detector for wound-
rotor motors
GP Ground-fault protective relay
— Liquid or gas-level relay
Liquid or gas-flow relay
81 —
FQ Frequency relay, operated by above or below
ι UNDERVOLTAGE normal or rate of change of supply frequency
, 47 ANO P H A S E
ι SEQUENCE O R N E G A ­ 86 LO Lockout relay, manually or electrically reset
TIVE SEQUENCE 87 DIC Differential protective relay, operated by
VOLTAGE phasor difference between compared elec­
trical quantities
2 - T H E RMAL O V E R -
87N — Differential ground-fault protection, extra-
I - LOCKED ROTOR sensitive detection relay
'50 V ^ 5 03 INSTANTANEOUS 94 — Tripping or trip-free relay, operates to trip
OVERCURRENT a circuit breaker, contractor or equipment.

DIFFERENTIAL relay heaters or coils are listed to provide protection for

m o t o r s having rated currents within a specified current
Frequently, these ranges are specified so t h a t the relay
will operate (ultimate trip point) at 125 percent of the
m i n i m u m current and at 1 1 5 percent of the m a x i m u m
current of the indicated range of the relay. If the actual
Figure 22. Power Circuit Breaker Motor Starter Comprehensive m o t o r full-load current is near the m a x i m u m of the listed
Protection For Large Motors.
range and an operating point of at least 125 percent is
desired, then the next higher rated coil or heater would be
choose the heater or coil f r o m t h e relay manufacturer's
required. I n such a case the actual operating point m a y be
somewhat a b o v e the 1 2 5 percent of full-load current
Type of Motor Correction Factor desired.
For relays available for large contactors or purchased
Continuous, 1.15 service factor 1.0
Continuous, 1.0 service factor 0.9 separately for circuit-breaker-controlled motors, the
60 minutes 0.8 coils or heaters will be provided in steps similar t o those
30 minutes 0.75
15 minutes discussed a b o v e . H o w e v e r , t h e y generally h a v e a specified
5 minutes 0 6 nominal value and a lever arrangement which changes the
n o m i n a l value over a range from 8 0 - 9 0 percent t o 1 1 0 - 1 2 0
M o s t thermal overload relays provided in the smaller- percent of the n o m i n a l value. I n this w a y a continuous
si ze m o t o r contactors h a v e n o adjustable element. T h e range of operating values is obtainable.


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Having selected a minimum relay-trip value (fixed in manufacturer should be consulted for his recommendation
the case of nonadjustable relays or set in the case of regarding settings.,They are frequently set for tripping
adjustable relays), it is usually desirable t o check a point at 10°C below the allowable continuous hotspot tempera­
on the relay curve t o determine if the applied setting is ture for the t y p e of insulation used.
reasonably close t o the desired value. T o accomplish this, E m b e d d e d temperature detectors are most frequently
a current in the range of 200 t o 300 percent of the set used where motors must operate under adverse conditions
value is applied to the relay. If the operating time is suf­ such as widely varying load ambient temperature, fre­
ficiently close t o the published relay curve, the setting is quency of starting, plugging, reversing, or lack of ventila­
considered satisfactory. If the resulting time difference is tion. Usually the e m b e d d e d temperature detectors sup­
t o o great, the lever setting is varied as required t o bring plement the protection provided b y a thermal relay.
the test point close to the required time. T h e use of current Positive or negative temperature coefficient thermistors
value of 200 t o 300 percent of the nominal operating cur­ •or thermal switches are also available which can be
rent will normally cause the relay t o operate in the time embedded in the stator winding for temperature measure­
range of 40 to 150 seconds, which is considered a reason­ ment.
able test time duration. Relays utilizing both embedded detectors and motor
current (combination) are available to users desiring
G. D e v i c e 49—Thermal Relay Connected for Alarm. this type of protection. T h e manufacturer should be con­
T h e method of setting relays connected to provide an sulted regarding their application and setting.
alarm is similar, in all respects, t o that used for relays
connected t o trip. However, it is important to note that
when relays are connected to give an alarm, the fact that I. D e v i c e 50/51 ( N E M A OC)—Overcurrent D e v i c e s
an alarm is given can only be effective in preventing 1. F u s e s . T h e protection of motor circuits b y fuses
damage if the alarm is obtained in time to take corrective requires the selection of a t y p e with adequate interrupting
action. T h e setting should not be greater than 110 to 115 ability and a rating which will allow the m o t o r to start
percent of m o t o r full-load current. Some users set alarm and still provide, for all values of overcurrent, as much
relays at the full-load current rating of the motor on the protection as possible for the motor, the branch-circuit
premise that normal load m a y be as low as 75 percent of conductors, the disconnecting means, and the controller.
rated full load and an increase to rated value indicates Fuse rating of 150 t o 400 percent of the motor full-load
some sort of trouble that should be investigated. current are usually required t o allow the m o t o r to start.
I t should be noted that in m o s t cases the operating In combination starters the fuse time characteristics must
characteristics of thermal overload relays are fixed once be properly correlated with the time characteristics of
the minimum operating current has been set. Since this the overload relays so that the overload relays operate
is so, when relatively low settings have been applied or before the fuse in the range of operating overloads of the
the m o t o r has an unusually long starting time, a check motor. Also, the fuse must operate before the overload
should be made to make certain that the relay will not relay trips and the contactor opens for values of fault
operate while the m o t o r is starting. If the relay does current exceeding the interrupting ability of the contactor.
operate during startup, it will be necessary to increase the In the case of thermal overload relays, the fuse clearing
minimum trip current. T h e relay will then allow the m o t o r time characteristic should intersect the overload relay
to carry a greater overload than was first selected as a time characteristic at currents not much greater than ten
desirable value. times the heater rating to protect the heaters and overload
1. Ambient Compensation. In setting thermal over­ relay from permanent damage from fault currents in this
load relays of the replica type, it m a y b e necessary to con­ range.
sider ambient temperature, b o t h at the m o t o r location and If time delay (dual element) fuses are used, select a fuse
at the relay location. This is particularly true where un­ having a nominal current rating of 110 to 125 percent of
compensated relays are used and large variations in motor motor full-load current and such that the fuses will not
a n d / o r relay ambients can occur. open on startup. W h e n used with a controller incorporat­
Some of the difficulties can usually be minimized b y the ing overload relays, care should be taken that the time
use of temperature-compensated relays. These problems characteristic of the overload relay and the fuse are
are discussed in Section I I - A 7 , Separately M o u n t e d properly correlated t o permit the overload relay t o func­
Protective Devices. tion as intended for operating overloads. This type of
fuse when used as the sole overcurrent protective device
H . D e v i c e 49—Relay Operated from E m b e d d e d D e t e c ­ obviously provides a greater degree of overload protection
tor. Temperature relays operating on the basis of than does an ordinary single-element fuse. T h e current-
measurement of actual winding temperature b y means of limiting capability of the fuse should also be considered
embedded detectors are preferred b y some users for large in making a selection for circuits having high available
motors. T h e temperature at which they should be set t o short-circuit current. T h e interrupting ratings of the fuse
operate will depend upon the class of m o t o r insulation and must be equal t o or greater than the available short-circuit
whether the relays are t o trip or give an alarm. T h e motor current at the fuse location.

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Current-limiting fuses are often used to raise the inter­ an additional 10 to 25 percent is usually added as a safety
rupting capacity of a circuit breaker in a fused breaker factor when settings are calculated.
combination. Some users prefer t o set instantaneous relays b y actual
operation test. T h e usual procedure is t o set the relay
2. T i m e Overcurrent Relays ( 5 1 ) so that it will trip on startup and then gradually increase
( a ) Induction overcurrent relays. Induction over- the setting during successive starts until a setting is
current relays, frequently with instantaneous overcurrent reached that prevents tripping for three t o five starts.
attachments, are c o m m o n l y applied for protection of Having established this setting, a 10 percent margin in
motors. T h e induction element protects for the range of pickup current or plunger calibration is usually added as a
currents between pickup value and the value at which the safety factor. However, the frequency of m o t o r starts
instantaneous attachments or separate instantaneous within any period of time should not exceed the motor
relays are set. Since the time setting at m o t o r inrush cur­ manufacturer's recommendations.
rent must be sufficient t o allow the m o t o r to reach rated Where motors are controlled b y low-voltage circuit
speed without tripping, the clearing time for the range of breakers, the instantaneous (or short time delay) trip
currents within which it is intended t o protect is relatively devices are usually set b y selecting the required current
long. value on the calibrated plunger since facilities are normally
The induction element is usually set t o pick up within not readily available for an actual calibration in the field.
the range from 150 t o 175 percent of motor full-load cur­ A tolerance of 10 t o 25 percent over the nominal locked-
rent. T h e time setting is selected t o provide t w o t o five rotor current value with offset multiplier applied should
seconds more than the startup time at rated inrush cur­ be allowed t o take care of the 10 percent calibration
rent. T h e amount of time margin will depend upon the tolerance of the trip device and a small additional margin
actual motor startup time. If the startup time is in the of safety.
five- t o ten-second range, a margin of t w o seconds is suf­ W h e n molded-case circuit breakers are used, the in­
ficient. For a startup time of 40 or 50 seconds, a margin of stantaneous trip m a y be nonadjustable. Hence it is
five seconds would be desirable. necessary t o take this factor into consideration when
Users w h o d o not provide thermal overload protection selecting the rating of the circuit breaker for the particular
for motors prefer t o obtain some measure of motor-over­ motor feeder. If it is adjustable, it is set at the lowest
load protection from the overcurrent relay b y lowering trip point which allows a safe margin over the calculated
the pickup value t o approximately 125 percent of the or tested inrush current.
motor full-load current. In such a case, where the motor
J. D e v i c e SOG—Instantaneous Ground-Current Relay.
has a service factor, the pickup current would be set at
This relay, which is energized by current from a ring or
125 percent of the corresponding m o t o r current. T h e time
doughnut current transformer around the three conduc­
setting must in any case be selected t o give the desired
tors t o a motor, is intended to provide very sensitive
margin of time over the m o t o r startup time at rated in­
ground-current protection for motors. Since the three-
rush current.
phase currents in the primary of the current transformer
M o t o r s which drive large flywheels, in addition t o nor­ are balanced, the relay is responsive only to ground-fault
mal loads, are usually of a special design and have starting current. M i n i m u m primary-current pickup will occur
currents in the order of 10 to 15 times full-load rating. when the current transformer exciting impedance and
Since the starting-current characteristics of such motors relay impedance are matched. T h e current transformer
are not standard, overload protection should follow the exciting curve and relay instructions provide the informa­
recommendations of the m o t o r manufacturer. tion needed to approach this o p t i m u m match. T h e lowest
(&) Plunger-type time-delay overcurrent relays. relay tap m a y not give the lowest primary-current pickup.
These are in some cases used in the same manner as
induction-type overcurrent relays. T h e minimum operat­ K . D e v i c e 51N—Residually Connected Ground O v e r -
ing current and the time of operation at rated inrush cur­ current Relay. T h e 51N relay is energized from current
rent are selected and set in the same manner as given a b o v e in the residual circuit of three current transformers, each
for induction-type relays. in one phase. Since quite frequently only t w o phase-over-
current relays or t w o thermal-overload relays are em­
3. Instantaneous Overcurrent Relays (SO). For the ployed, the unbalanced burden on the current transformers
instantaneous attachment or separate instantaneous re­ combined with saturation of current transformers during
lay, if used, the general requirement is that the setting the inrush period m a y cause incorrect operation of the
be as low as possible y e t never operate during the inrush relay. For this reason, care should be exercised to ensure
period. Since this type relay is susceptible to direct- that the tap rating a n d / o r series impedance are such as t o
current offset, the inrush-current value is multiplied b y a prevent false tripping. T h e lowest possible pickup is
factor of 1.5 t o take care of the asymmetrical-current desirable.
value that m a y be obtained. Furthermore, since the inrush In some cases a large individual m o t o r m a y be supplied
current is usually n o t t o o accurately k n o w n and m a n y from a wye-connected transformer. In such a case, use of a
trip devices have a tolerance of plus or minus 10 percent, transformer neutral current transformer for relay 51Ν

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eliminates possibility of relay operation except for actual Occasionally ordinary induction or plunger-type over
ground current flow. current relays ( D e v i c e 5 1 ) are connected in a differential
T h e t i m e setting for induction overcurrent relays in circuit t o provide differential protection for a motor.
either of the preceding cases should be at t h e m i n i m u m In such a case, the pickup setting of the relay should be
lever setting. selected t o give the desired sensitivity. T h e value should
be in the range of 10 t o 2 0 percent of m o t o r full-load
L. D e v i c e 60—Current-Balance Relay (Split W i n d i n g ) .
current, provided the current-transformer ratio and mini­
D e v i c e 6 0 is an overcurrent relay which is connected t o
m u m relay current tap will provide a setting in this range.
operate o n the differential current from current trans­
formers in t h e split windings of a m o t o r . S e t the relay
a b o v e the m a x i m u m error current due t o winding u n ­
balance. T h i s unbalance can v a r y with different operating A. General Information
conditions, so it is well t o observe the unbalance under [1] C. R . Mason, The Art and Science of Protective Relaying. New
light-load, full-load, a n d starting conditions. Ordinarily Y o r k : Wiley, 1956, ch. 10.
[2] A . R . Van C. Warrington, Protective Relays, Their Theory and
10 percent of full-load pickup will be secure. A delay of Practice. London: Chapman & Hall, 1962, ch. 9.
a b o u t 0 . 3 second for 1 0 0 percent full-load current is [3] Applied Protective Relaying. Newark, N . J.: Westinghouse
Electric Corporation, Relay Instrument Division, 1964.
recommended. [4] G. C. Jain, " T h e effect of voltage waveshape on the performance
of a 3-phase induction motor," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus
M. D e v i c e 64—Ground-Fault (Flashover) Relay. For and Systems, vol. 83, pp. 561-566, June 1964.
[5] D . V. Fawcett, "Electric system design for continuous process
the fast tripping of wound-rotor induction m o t o r s when a
plants (protection)," Power, vol. 107, pt. 7, pp. 64-68, July
flashover from sliprings t o ground has occurred, D e v i c e 6 4 1963.
[6] -, " H o w to select overcurrent relay characteristics," IEEE
is used. T h e device consists of a low-current instantaneous-
Trans. Applications and Industry, vol. 82, pp. 94-104,
overcurrent relay, a set of wye-delta potential trans­ . M a y 1963.
formers, a n d a resistor. T h e potential transformers are [7] I E E E Committee Report, "Bibliography of rotating electric;
machinery for 1948-1961," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus
selected so t h a t their w y e or high-voltage windings will and Systems, vol. 83, pp. 589-606, June 1964.
be rated equal t o or s o m e w h a t greater t h a n the slipring [8] Eschmann, Hasbargen, and Weigand, Rail anil Roller Bearings,
Their Theory, Design, and Application. München: R. Olden-
voltage. T h e neutral will be solidly grounded and the phase bourg, 1958.
leads will be connected t o the slipring brushes. T h e relay [9] A I E E Committee Report, "Survey of induction motor pro­
tection," AIEE Trans., vol. 79, pt. 3, pp. 188-192, June 1960.
and resistor are connected in series across the open corner [10] C. F. DeSieno and B. J. Beaudoin, " A guide to the application
of the delta secondaries. T h e resistor v a l u e is selected so of capacitors without induction motor self-excitation," IEEE
Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-84, pp. 8-15,
that with the relay impedance it will limit the fault cur­ January 1965.
rent for a solid ground on one slipring t o 2 5 - 3 0 amperes. [11] R. A . Gerg, "Answer to third overload relay question (motor
protection)," Allis-Chalmers Elec. Rev., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 11-12,
T h e relay pickup should be set for approximately t w o 1959.
amperes. [12] V. J. Picozzi, "Factors influencing starting duty of large in­
duction motors," AIEE Trans., vol. 78, pt. 3, p p . 401-407,
June 1959.
N. Device 81—Frequency R e l a y . F o r the protection [13] D . V. Fawcett, "Optimize protection for 3-phase a-c motors,"
of m o t o r s from d a m a g e due t o out-of-phase reenergization Elec. World, September 9, 1963.
[14] F. P. Brightman, R. R . McGee, and P. J. Reifschneider,
resulting from a u t o m a t i c recloser operation, D e v i c e 8 1 , "Protecting a-c motors with low-voltage air-circuit-breaker
an underfrequency relay, is r e c o m m e n d e d . T h e application series trips," AIEE Trans., vol. 76, pt. 2, pp. 114-119, July
and setting of this device should always b e coordinated [15] W . F. Neff, S. H. Horowitz, and R. B. Squires, "Relay pro­
with the utility if reclosing is used. tection of motors in steam power stations with 4-kV grounded
neutral systems," AIEE Trans., vol. 75, pt. 3, pp. 573-576,
August 1956.
O. Device 86—Lockout Relay. D e v i c e 8 6 is a h a n d - [16] J. F. MacMaster, "Design features of an electrically driven
reset auxiliary relay for tripping a m o t o r controller or gas compressor station," presented at the PIEA-PEISA Annual
Conference, Galveston, Tex., April 1964.
breaker when t h e tripping is initiated b y a D e v i c e 8 7 [17] W . H . Lawrence, "Large electric motors for the petroleum
(differential relay). The hand-reset feature prevents industry," ΑΕΙ Engrg., March/April 1963.
[18] J. K . Howell, " M o t o r protection, electrical and mechanical,"
reenergization of the m o t o r after such a tripout unless t h e presented at the P I E A - P E S A Conference, Dallas, Tex.,
operator resets t h e D e v i c e 8 6 . T h e device requires n o A p r i l / M a y 1958.
[19] D . B . Sleeman and T . F. Bellinger, "Pump motor protection
setting other than an operation check a t the m i n i m u m methods," C P A 62-5018, presented at the A I E E Petroleum
control voltage. Industry Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, September 1962
(discussion b y D . V. Fawcett).
[20] R . C. Moore, "WK* vs. rotor loss," Allis-Chalmers Elec. Rev.,
P. D e v i c e 87—Differential Relay. T h e ordinary per­ vol. 25, no. 3, 1960.
centage differential relay does n o t require setting in the [21] H . C. Barnes, C. S. Murray, and V. E. Verrall, "Relay pro­
tection practices in steam power stations," AIEE Trans.,
s a m e sense t h a t an overcurrent relay does. H o w e v e r , care vol. 77, pt. 3, p p . 1360-1367, February 1959.
should be exercised t o m a k e certain t h a t polarities of the
current transformers a n d relay windings are correctly B. Thermal Protection
connected, a n d it m a y be desirable t o check the slope of [22] R . C. Moore, "Protecting motor windings with thermal de­
tectors," Allis-Chalmers Engrg. Rev., vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 24 27,
the relay characteristic. F o r self-balancing differential 1964.
schemes, relays should be set in accordance with instruc­ [23] R. H . Yerke, " T w o versus three running overcurrent units
for the protection of three-phase motors," IEEE Trans. Power
tions for setting D e v i c e 5 0 G . Apparatus and Systems, special suppl., p p . 517-542, 1963.


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[24] W. Τ. Martiny, R. Μ . M c C o y , and Η. B. Margolis, "Thermal motors," AIEE Trans., vol. 79, pt. 2, pp. 508-518, January
relationships in an induction motor under normal and abnormal 1961.
operation," AIEE Trans., vol. 80, pt. 3, pp. 66-76, April 1961. [51] L. E. Backer, P. Barth, R. A. Huse, and D . W. Taylor,
[25] T. F. Bellinger and R. A. Gerg, "Getting closer overload pro­ "Transfer tests on station auxiliary busses," AIEE Trans.,
tection for polyphase motors," Allis-Chalmers Elec. Rev., vol.25, vol. 74, pt. 3, pp. 1441-1449, February 1956.
no. 2, pp. 32-34, 1960. [52] D. G. Lewis and W. D . Marsh, "Transfer of steam electric
[26] Β. N . GafTord, W . C . Duesterhoeft, Jr., and C. C. Mosher, III, generating-station busses," AIEE Trans., vol. 74, pt. 3, pp.
"Heating of induction motors on unbalanced voltages," AIEE 322-334, June 1955.
Trans., vol. 78, pt. 3, pp. 282-288, June 1959. [53] A. R. Kelly, "Relay response to motor residual voltage during
[27] Β. N. GafTord, "Thermal-synthesis relay is best replica of automatic transfers," AIEE Trans., vol. 74, pt. 2, pp. 2 4 5 -
motor heating," AIEE Trans., vol. 78, pt. 3, pp. 288-295, 250, September 1955.
June 1959. [54] G. F. Walsh, "The effects of reclosing on industrial plants,"
[28] J. K. Howell and J. J. Courtin, "Temperature protection for 1961 Proc. Am. Power Conf, vol. 23, pp. 768-778.
induction motors—today and tomorrow," Westinghouse En­
gineer, November 1959.
[29] J. F. Heidbreder, "Induction motor temoerature character­ E. Surge Protection
istics," AIEE Trans., vol. 77, pt. 3, pp. 800-804, October 1958. [55] W . W . Lewis, The Protection of Transmission Systems Against
[30] C. G. Veinott and L. C. Schaefer, "Fundamental theory of Lightning. New York: Wiley, 1950.
inherent-overheating protection under running overload con­ [56] Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book.
ditions," AIEE Trans., vol. 68, pt. 1, pp. 266-272, 1949. East Pittsburgh, Pa.: Westinghouse Electric Corp., 1950.
[31] A. P. White, " M o t o r thermal protection, machine design," [57] Industrial Power Systems Data Book. Schenectady, Ν. Y . :
The Electric Motor Book, 1961 edition. General Electric C o .
[32] V. G. Vaughan and A. P. White, " N e w hotter motors demand
thermal protection," Elec. Manufacturing, February 1959.
[33] "Built-in overheat protection for 3-phase motors," Elec. Manu­ F. Settings and Adjustments of Protective Devices
facturing, August 1958.
[34] F. P. Stearns, " T h e case for inherent overheat protection for [58] F. P. Brightman, " M o r e about setting industrial relays," AIEE
motors," Elec. Manufacturing, February 1952. Trans., vol. 73, pt. 3, pp. 397-408, April 1954.
[35] F. Yeaple, " W h i c h heat protection for the motor," Product [59] , "Selecting a-c overcurrent protective device settings
Engrg. September 2, 1960. for industrial plants," AIEE Trans., vol. 71, pt, 2, pp. 203-211,
[36] A. P. White, "Service conditions in motor protection selection," September 1952.
Elec. Manufacturing, December 1959. [60] F. I?. Karr, "Squirrel-cage motor characteristics useful in
setting protective devices," AIEE Trans., vol. 78, pt. 3, pp.
248-252, June 1959.
[61] D . V. Fawcett, " H o w to select overcurrent relay character­
C. Fault Protection
istics," IEEE Trans. Applications and Industry, vol. 82, pp. 9 4 -
[37] R. N. Bell, "Sensitive ground relay protection for 6900-V 104, M a y 1963.
motors on a high-resistance grounded chemical plant distri­
bution system," IEEE Trans. Industry and General Appli­
cations, vol. IGA-1, pp. 435-438, November/December 1965. G. Standards Publications*
[38] R. C. Moore, "Fault contributions of large induction motors," [62] National Electrical Code, 1965, Article 430.
Allis-Chalmers Elec. Rev., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 14-17, 1961. [63] USA Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with
[39] N . F. Shishkin, "Protecting a-c machines from internal faults Electrical Power Apparatus, C37.1-1962.
in the stator winding," Eleclrichestvo, no. 10, pp. 57-59, 1958 [64] USA Standard for Low-Voltage A-C Power Circuit Breakers
(in Russian). (600-Volt Insulation Class), C37.13-1963.
[40] R. A. Schmidt, "Calculation of fault currents for internal [65] Preferred Ratings and Related Requirements for Low-Voltage
faults in a-c motors," AIEE Trans., vol. 75, pt. 3, pp. 818-824, Power Circuit Breakers C37.16-1963, Table 6.
October 1956. [66] USA Standard Safety Requirements for Low-Voltage AC Power
[41] D . L. LaFuze, "Internal fault currents in multicircuit in­ Circuit Breakers and Switchgear Assemblies, C37.19-1963,
duction machines," AIEE Trans., vol. 73, pt. 3, pp. 1428-1433,
Paragraph 19-3.5, Application of Low-Voltage A-C Power
December 1954.
Circuit Breakers to Full-Voltage Motor Starting and Running
Duty of 3-Phase, 60-Cps, 40 C Rise Motors.
[67] USA Standard for Manual and Automatic. Station Control,
D. Protection Against Abnormal Operating Conditions Supervisory and Associated Telemetering Equipment, C37.2-
[42] Μ . M . Berndt and N . L. Schmitz, "Derating of polyphase [68] NEMA Standards for Industrial Control, Publ. IC1-196.5.
induction motors operated with unbalanced line voltages," [69] NEMA Standards for Motors and Generators, MG1-1967.
AIEE Trans., vol. 81, pt. 3, pp. 680-686, February 1963. [70] NEMA Standards Molded Case Circuit Breakers, AB-1-1964,
[43] H. R. Armstrong and J. E. Mulavey, "Overvoltage protection Paragraph AB1-2.37, Protection for Motors, Motor Starters,
and maintenance testing of a-c rotating machines," ΛI EE and M o t o r Branch Circuits.
Trans., vol. 78, pt. 3, pp. 166-170, June 1959. [71] NEMA Standards SG-3-VJ65, Paragraph SG3, 28-9.5, Appli­
[44] "Protection against single-phase running of high-and low- cation of Fused Circuit Breakers to Full-Voltage Motor Starting
voltage motors," AEG Mitt., vol. 48, pp. 101-103, February- and Running Duty of, 60-Cps Motors.
March 1958 (in German). [72] NEMA Standards for High-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers
[45] L. L. Gleason and W . A. Elmore, "Protection of 3-phase SG4-1963, Paragraph SG4-5.06, Breakers for Alternating-
motors against single-phase operation," AIEE Trans., vol. 77, Current Motor Starting.
pt. 3, pp. 1112-1120, December 1958. [73] NEMA Standards for Low-Voltage Cartridge Fuses, FU-1-1963.
[46] J. E . Williams, "Operation of 3-phase induction motors on
unbalanced voltages," AIEE Trans., vol. 73, pt. 3, pp. 125-133,
April 1954. * Copies of appropriate Standards Publications can be obtained
[47] M . R. Chidambara and S. Ganapathy, "Transient torques from:
in 3-phase induction motors during switching operations," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
AIEE Trans., vol. 81, pt. 3, pp. 47-55, April 1962. 345 East 45 Street, New York, Ν. Y. 10017
[48] F. P. de Mello and G. W. Walsh, "Reclosing transients in National Electrical Manufacturers Association
induction motors with terminal capacitors," AIEE Trans. 155 East 44 Street, New York, Ν. Y. 10017
(Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. 79, pp. 1206-1213, USA Standards Institute (formerly ASA)
February 1961. 10 East 40 Street, New York, Ν. Y . 10016
[49] D . Dalasta and S. Durand, "High-speed breaker reclosing
can put abnormal stresses on your motors," Power, p. 90, The National Electrical Code is available from:
February 1958. USASI (above) or
[50] C. C . Young and J. Duuki-Jacobs, " T h e concept of iu-phase National Fire Protection Association
transfer applied to industrial systems serving essential service 60 Batterymarch Street, Boston, Mass. 02110


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