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Project Brief

Module Code: PTRL29H02/ EAX_6_292

Title: Surface Production Facilities

The student will be able apply their understanding of oil
and gas processing operations to design optimal process
for separation design, dehydration, water treatment and
evacuating crude oil and gas on both land and offshore.
The student will be able to assess the impact of these
technologies on petroleum production economics.

Amini design project assessed through a technical report.

This technical report carries 30% of the total mark and
assesses Learning outcomes of the following:-

1- Computational modeling of oil and gas processing,

storage and transportation.
2. Evaluate procedures to ensure successful and
efficient operations.
3. Identify appropriate technologies to optimize
economic products modify plans for future
markets in the gas industry.
General Guidelines

1- Technical report not to exceed 5000 words.

2- Lecture review should include references.
3- Real case study from gas & oil Companies.
4- Use the updated soft ware’s in fields.
5- Identify actual problems and solutions.
6- Data and information’s should be related to actual
data form industry
7- Group of each technical report not exceed four
8- Oral presentation, five minutes for each student.
9- Technical report follows the writing procedures
according BUE policies.

Specific Requirements

1- Choose suitable design and economic for gas

2- Each student has to transfer his knowledge
with group.
3- Team work of each group has to specify
special issue to present it.
4- Data from fields should be not old and
convey actual recent data.
5- Case study from Egyptian oil field not from
outside Egypt.
6- Each group has to submit mini project in week ten

Topics of research are:-

1- Techniques of oil and natural gas processing

2- Field processing and treatment of natural gas
3- Pipeline design and inspection
4- Offshore production platforms, floating production
5- Impact of oil and gas transportation and storage on
6- Types of storage tanks, corrosion in tanks and
preventive actions
7- Downstream gas processing: contaminate removal,
natural gas liquid recovery
8- Process design; description of wellhead fluids,
products specification, process model, process flow
9- Facilities and production support system
10- Safety and environment pollution aspects,
production gathering stations
11- Upstream gas processing: pressure reduction,
gas dehydration, heavy hydrocarbon removal, and
12- Production system control system
13- Equations of oil and gas flow in pipelines and
14- Oil processing: separation, separation design
15- Field desalting of crude oil
16- Produced water treatment system from wells
17- Sour gas treating
18- Gas Dehydration facilities
19- Fractionation of natural gas liquid
20- Gas sweetening processes
21- Condensate stabilization
22- Field Heat exchanger and factors heat transfer
23- Field Process oil and gas metering
24- Control system in gas processing
25- Oil treating& treatment of emulsions
26- Pipeline operation and Design

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