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VN TH THETA Na esse CHEST KNIT TELESIS 2,200 Expressions with Examples WASYL JASZCZUN FOREWORD ‘This collection ineludes the following types of expressions 1. Phraseological fusions. These are word combinations whose rigid overall meaning derives neither from their fossilized comnonents no loner independent in use today (e.g, Ours 6axajwn — to twiddle one’s thumbs, to waste one's time, to loiter, to idle), nor from the accumulative meaning of their viable parts (eg. samopiirs wepaRcxd = to have a snack, to take a bite). The semantic content of this type of idiom is sometimes not ‘even remotely determined by the relationship of the whole to its parts. 2. Phraseological units. In these phrases the meaning of the whole is partially dependent on the semantic independence of its individual words. ‘These idioms permit of partial substitution, that Is, of individual words (eg, 2epxare [au uxt») Kimens 3a nésyxoh = to conceal a great hatred toward somebody). Most of the expressions of this type consist of words ‘with concrete meanings which are used in a figurative sense 8. Phraseological combinations. This type of idiom presents the freest of non-free combinations. The comprehension of the meaning of the in- dividual words is mandatory for an understanding of the whole, and as a rule substitutions are possible, but only within certain lexical limits (ee., tamépurs xord-a, naraiaon [san 996pos, raaaéun] — to examine somebody superciliously from top to toe) 4. Single words used figuratively. Ulustrative of these is: GexopyuKa ‘ine gentleman, fine lady. 5. Colloguiatisms. These are expressions which are peculiar to colloquial Russian (e.g, Gostyis instead of lt. cnaémux; anomda instead of lit. xevarH, yuéero; ranmaarod instead of It. Gecemticaiu): Regional and dialectal expressions as well as proverbs are not included. About 20 per cont of the sentences illustrating the expressions are quotations from Russian literary works, mostly used in undergraduate and graduate courses, the rest have been provided by the authors. ‘This collection is intended primarily for the advanced American student who has a knowledge of the essentials of Russian grammar and is familiar with a basic Russian voeabulary of about 2,000 words. Occasionally he may have to consult a dictionary for the meaning of some Russian words en- countered in the illustrative literary examples. 1 acknowledge with gratitude my debt to Mrs. Stefania Krynski, widow of my late collaborator Szymon Krynski. Her invaluable assistance during her husband's final illness enabled him to see his own share in the dictionary completed. Tam also indebted to Professor J. Alan Pfeffer for his advice and for permission to consult the manuscript of his Introduction to Baste (Spoken) German Idiom List, to Mr. Joseph B. Harsky for his suggestions and proof- reading, and to Mrs. Cecilia Z. Avner for supplying some English synonyms and for typing the manuseript. I should also like to express my gratitude to the University of Pittsburgh Press for the care and efficiency expended on the production of this book, wos. 97 101 CONTENTS Foreword Explanatory Notes Abbreviations A Dictionary of Russian Idioms and Colloquialisms Bibliography Index of Writers Quoted vii EXPLANATORY NOTES 1, The expressions are arranged alphabetically according to the parts of speech in the following order: the first noun that occurs in the expres- sion; the first verb that occurs in the expression, if there is no noun in its the first adjective or participle that occurs in the expression, if there i er noun nor verb init; the first pronoun that occurs in the expression, if there are none of the above parta; the first numeral that occurs in the expression, f there are none of the above parts; the first adverb that occurs in the expression, if there are none of the above parts; the first adverbial participle that occurs in the expression, if there are none of the above Parts, ete. 2. Substantivized parts of speech, such as adjectives, participles, numerals, etc, are catalogued as adjectives, participles, numerals, etc, in the arrangement of the expressions. 8. Adverbs derived from nouns without prepositions (e., sévepom) are catalogued as though they were nouns, but adverbs derived from nouns ‘with prepositions (e.g., andpy), or from numerals (eg, aBéxKaH), oF Pro- nouns (e.g, to-NdeMy), or adjectives (eg., scxengio), are considered as adverbs in the total arrangement. 4, The keyword and the initial letter of the first word (including single letter prepositions) in each expression are printed in capital letters, and the entire expression is rendered in boldface in the illustrative sentence, eg: Tlomire ce6é FONIOBY. Ha sxadncene Miiuia abaro aomaa ce66 réaosy Ha panne gonpécou, Ho naxouéu 2a npasiabnusA oTBér. 5. Expressions starting with the same form of a keyword are listed in the alphabetical order of the first word following the keyword, e PYKM ppepx. PYKH xépori. PYKH npow EXPLANATORY NOTES x 6. Expressions containing the same form of a keyword, which is pre ceded by other words, are arranged in the alphabetical order of the first ‘word of each expression, e.g.: Bots ce6st_ 8 PYKH. Soaonite PYKM, 11. If there are several expressions containing the same form of a key- ‘word, now in first place and now preceded by other words, then the ex- pression with the initial keyword is listed first and the others are arranged according to the aphabetical order of the first word in each expression, PYKAMH wt woréu, Bpart, nase rézsnot PYKAMM, Pasnowite, pasnecti PYKAMH, PYKA 66 pyny. He PYKA. Tipanan PYKA, 8, If the keyword of an expression has a synonymic keyword, then the meaning and the example of the expression are given only once under one of the keywords. The abbreviation cae, meaning cuotpii (see), indicates under which keyword the meaning and the example are given, eg. Packadauuars, pasaoxsir» KOCTEP. ‘om, Packtiaunars, pastors OTOH. ‘The meaning and the example of the expression are given under the word oréut: Packatéatisars, pasaontir» OTOHD (sau Koctép). ‘To make/build a fire. Bolicxdynis pasaoxtian » cei orém 8. An optional word in an expression is put in parenthesis without the preceding conjunction ma, e BATIOUIKH (sof)! 10. After 121 a word in parenthesis is only a synonym of the last word of the expression listed before the parenthesis and not of the whole e pression (except when the whole synonymic expression is given parenthesis) EXPLANATORY NOTES a 11, Whenever the aspectual pair of a verb is given in the expression, the imperfective form is listed first. 12. If a personal pronoun or a possessive pronoun adjective is a part of an expression and different forms of these pronouns can be used in this expression, then only two forms are given and they are followed by the abbreviation 7. a. meaning m tax zee (and s0 on), eg. Mute, Te68 u 1. a. kaxiia TIEYALTD, He Twos, er. a, TENANT, 18. A pronoun and/or a preposition in italies reflect the case required by the expression. ‘peo. ca. i. wea. apes. act. ap. attr, ete. imperat, int. it, ABBREVIATIONS Russian spoanoe cxdv0 oéiioe nupaxéune uupuaerion wax tance nTOMy noxbOHoe “160 apéane nacrofimtee pes nopeatrreasioe aKaoué euorpi English attributively etcetera gerund imperative infinitive literary parenthetie word military expression finitive ‘and soon and the like This particle indicates present tense imperative mood axpuGyriano wax adzee, u npowee eenpudcrue nopemitenstioe naxzoné- rogue aureparyipniat | A DICTIONARY OF RUSSIAN IDIOMS AND COLLOQUIALISMS Kee ro APL nporaot, A Ave ro or oie we uepenénnes! ean exo, 10 pve xo ane, a ne 10 Ta 1 MDT ‘Cannon leap, Kpyeau ro. Aw FGtherwise 2 Tn fact realty, 5, Because, since. 1 Yeien an #70 He aiaepse se 2, Vac ax Ow rowopna... a 10 ews 4. CApadawa:) Ker, aaupon ona, a) adpsoro ABLIA From Bw frst One nipeore Rouyra oxepss no6ézy. He Atock, ‘on the of-ehance, on nerve slone. ui yuandens nowes swaawenoniehen wa abbee 1 atepian All apoweut ‘An unbearabie stanton. ie ud suaparnen 1 apowbamoro 4 sr otepost of miuer? Tat Setenena, Kol npo st, He no AAPECY. “fo the wrong person. sine, x npn sam exons, hue upvideenoe sane 9 Haare xt eno ape. no AIPECY. “about somabedy, consenting sombody Moti ea taéuow mo woes dabe-| , o6karno npepnd Cn ikynpia, Bosoro. Nexon, Nae. accu, ‘Unbearable Cerda 9 hae Axeadh x6x03, (ty) AB (9 ad) ne aero ‘Not to now a thing Asa pecs sera pace, a8 yp AR te ran) we ao, "A. Ocrpowcki, Bet BHR noms, (7 ASA 30 tam fot Or ABB 30 ovkre AShPTHIYATS. “fo rise Hira wor we nu eabprawsars » pe 8 xipr ABLIAY (nan rata), indicates, a quick movement, scion, speed pu cet ia eauiy—n aad Merep Sipe! Carron Llezpnn, Bnaronaepennse pease Nore, cxlaars AKUEHT. To emphasing, Heard tapsinvenra coot pew eataaa iar a, neobsosiwocrs compan openers ¢ockanae Feey- iperoow Or AMID x0 ond (usu oF sa 40 sour wa ‘Pfom the beginning to the end, from A Hadi, nuroronaéses x sxaévens, posto pis apnerey or Aaa 20 ower Bugtaubary AHTPAULA. ‘To cut capers. Fa Samageamo aévepe Hain, wax 62 SiS eases apa ponte AHLTAT ON "The house was 20 out Biagauiveswon eSmpe mea apousd © antairow loctirars, aoeienyre (aoesian) AOTES "To achieve/reach the helght/summit of oes BP inuars cr capande Kyoeam vad oct anor ea Béswn AMET, ‘Voracious appeti Axencnap epics e oxSra nc Wann aeritow eve Sa Kees ANTEKE, 3rot nopraéi wendsmaer saxo ax axny- Dato, am m anrve, ‘Camnins, caare 9. APXMB, “To ahelve, to bury in ailvon. ieee raptepos sand noD8 Te foxes) OP Kox oar APULMH nporaor ‘Assi asa poker. EE in depron rycipexox wynaine, ‘ax Oyav0 apa peracran. Mepis e908 APLLAH, 2 2K BAPHHOM. Moron ot API Saag ree eA sen een] Se : Pepecisialeia welite la eer Wen can mes amature at rp th sete “Graduation certicae, diploma. 1 Bo tng zon Cope sy STs eae reat | ean oe Sore Bat sea” yore ne aPtetonare net TreCnAre Peer Schima vont te ae AY. B obmenfirime cryaduraw Ouin0 we aXTh uaa ee be FEMA Sefton, ee eee ene stat sence aerate a TAY So ar aeons an Fe en ac anoul Bae B Bos BABA. ) Banarater, ‘Bnengetie woman, resolute woman, "Te play the butoon Onetlcu wepeutrenomu wom, 2-| fee Gary Tovopi» vu 3870) Fiyaieacat tanta BABYIKA naaog cena : Ae shall Sec wat we ahal ate: you ean | BAIATYP. shy that again! Soker, jester syne tan achzen w epaku, | 310" GaN pacemena roe 30 ext 18 soup, oe easy, METrINE Borman we] Te reed nob Woo 2 Gand? He " Typrenen, Oru a aern| Me? Bplnod py orate or #2808 a Honeeon pwn, vena ehoronsy acca Teja BASAP. ‘Seashore colony of birds, Hpi none BAH BSrou rosy nol petra au nl wope m|""Ty stake one’ gest wnat asin. flosentApriger sedaps a nocanu BARBAK. Mowén moush na-Gane He x0x8 ree Tasybones Plauoro crane? Cine aero (Olxéuon) npnuate| ‘Howos puso, Lena, fin Gana, cuarosapl txt, 70 terb w nosh n gatzars — cere Kt ‘ponmnfoe, iro Tenoe obsowasuti BAHK, the bank (cards) at « gaming Bers BARI, fable "To twiddle one's thombe; to waste away | Tldexe oGésa evi yor yronipunare x0. ‘one's time, to eter away, to ile ‘an mpomerdte Sams FHosaopdeswaes, ina cua, eo O6xer| ‘sunny, Buerpes wm acpeate Been Gy 00 4 asin, BAHIO, repecrsan Suny yareminot wera nope | HREM EAH, AN cEPMEOND NOTA on texetn.| 381088 puGbry xosinn sbnan ous ‘imo. Koen BAZ. 2st BADHHOM, ‘hs all over, “orlive ike eed Démtie rysi x wy nordn, Konven Gas. | Bor ouopie, 10 @E30p @tzopouny pos ‘a’ Sencventm, Tpyuta.| Goraréa w mawer lpm. edton BAPHLIHS. 3 apiece BECTIOPAIOK. Kocéawan BAPHIUHS. BesonrAsie! ‘read-andhuter min Te agree ands Biucrolce spina metas Glpuuna ye| ro 38 Sevndpkone! On Ont mean w ro nico emenieren opin rspnocrat skein | seSpp rina, ‘Stop, that do, that’s enough To behave euttagtousl/dingracetuy, to Rares atin ane wana | Fags wea Mactons anéncn, n ere | Brome Seaadptaoraa ost dma inwonsyCayrmons.| end nee xorczca nacht, Ho On wee BATIOUIKH (wo)! AA ‘God racist Tpeetiene w naxasanne. ‘icon mpowtnceal oi, Tades na wep: | o6ira x0 BESTMHR, ae "Po lave to diracton. Fonsapon, Ou. | O8 sou" a0 Geajuo xocy xara, BeavNDGA Bau ‘ery strong, extreme in ite manifest ‘Bane! ont tervble, deeadfel sin npmuéa x new nosainsce, a ox| woh onsasts Gexfunnh crpax tsa En an Sere Eat eran sass SE EAMINom y wen renee henge un around he eihen with Hertouas iow 0 ony me non} Head Scere each tt olin cage Ciba apn no xosbeny, wae nen “To hurry, to fy. Yroou ne ononare wa néeaa, on Geni | BENOPYHKA. trom Fine gentleman, Sno lady Ofpauirs, obparire » BETCTEO. Thre rnin aan spyati: step “To put somebody to ight, to make rome-| wopadSuilx ~ we Seaappvaats —~ Fork ody beat a hasty retreat. | rma ew Hieaach of, Hau sceagpén o6pana e- Hi Hexpacon, putters onph w Ores, ‘Cuca supwvccso xomennn ‘Ospuutinecn atpatinece» BEFCTBO, ‘Menon oxoras "fo take ta Aight to take tones heels. | Penény BE:TYTON. Ena mponondsce rasta sae apr 06+ Tu how! with fveay pariace 8 eter, Pesaro pens Geagron or 66m, BEA wax oe BESTS ae ‘Bend wax Gesaéane naxoézo. ‘Ond rmdaverce, azo nocrosioe npuesr Jind BEA nasing (une naz) tte Conn ni Benn T9. "The tre step isthe colt 219, BECKOHEMHOCTH. egianing fa aiicults the feet stroke |" For evar ever, ad infin, Itt the battle, Paacondp Guerra pa sO Bpo- He evianes, Tu aa6tn, e7o awxd Genk s0zadracn 20 Gtexonéanocnt. do, Tepwotos, Kiara Tae onexan stro 98 BEA? Paccuninter, paciinanson wésvaa BECOM. ‘What doce i matter? thore it no great farm nat 6 aan somebody, to kow-tow Fyn wo ba Genk? CxS a GecnonS-| omy i = fovea? Grr pectnderen més 6c née [BESTONOBLIA, ¢exroabnas. : ‘Seaterortined, harebralned. BECTOMaBtio. ‘Ax GearosGnut:soGaita © serSxe séuvt| Hxectlentiy splendidly, incomparably. [BESIITA sage. Topopit, wo ot Geemoxd6uo nrpser Ha “A thousand’ and one cares, a world of | poise toatl Spiecrat BECTOPRIOK ro. wandanena Gus Gannon |” Foci Garde Btapripewsademoro exfasnropa ape 32 BECUEHOK ‘ BOWOCH exasins, wecuhGeemophaon: ac pasGpcano, ne | rch! — cxaax om (Fépmany) andro Sopa. rw rénocow. ‘3, BECLIEHOK. Z pws, Miwovae sana for an aber ow price, fora eon | SQ SOCATHL row pas Anna Hadnomea npoxsai ceo roponcxs) YoU are welcome to all we have. owen tecagacn i Mapiia Mainonva npynercrageaxa coos we EOE cay fcr coniun: "Sock, ve “To tve n'a temporary lodging. Pea Teyaureno, aso ow momdr aan na |BOK 6 Sox, Snn(yinax; 59 nouns y ner6w nprasee| Side by side, shoulder to shoulder, cheek pinbese nsennod erfndu, te cheek Pence fpr cue wa ane Ge 8 Go ae "To an morose ein Yate gaieynoe exSacre0: 669, ok ut arp Gop gown (ng nami) COKA nom "Tora "Somebody a king touna aise stom ase can test patent now Pace, Choefal full to oertowie. | fone mbna Saks OE an tga, ogo pony aoe BOCES go turban ln Gob me a ean seer iar eae Tt of luk! Al the test (thie Gun sem, ponaéma, Cretan Tis “ttronctnm, nponosewuh nome-| [cutest sat mse Cocks oe ina encex Saar ovopuanact nt. gropeage "Mt 06M Hy aa tani BUATA (0 ape. ‘nda BONOM (ae non 66x00) ‘Not forthe wor nelther for love nor| “Hard by, aut meas ones Tlosoative néue Gino xpwrinecsoe — i an wane Sara we xorénampoxon-| par Gun mod cone sir tsoers o6penonin na BORY. Bo stew BilECKE. ‘ara “wall the glory. Mot Sous we yaantes, mo oxy e8 Sus onthe acpine no eh epuer, Kto iiowsr? igen IME sl |cATfnty, »talr, «leaky vest Hom mit pall bare goo spin. Toeavagh woerscéatra, ex) 06 row we ‘ipo a coh pea pia atnse| Tosh woe cosa en) 8 ‘anehich vate onepria neck na ORIN ORE Teor peu Ga on, Se EO con i rae: | aseisy ONEDM Gow eerie Tote Nat so apuaan? ro. | POMEAD, opi vac npino, ne passonA 60660-ro. ‘Beep na vevepione y Tasimemx wx cue ‘Mavcci-Cowoae, Joe cvaETie:| Boson eaeren GOwoOR # HbunaTY, No banat evo ets pa wed 60 SOPOTEON eal fost ie omnto sve apare! — cats] Forest with nel SoxEOM anim — Bp, wax exordna,| Posie any, eo nx cur, pene sex tah went Bar ns bacerracn c oaaioezeniol Ofer Abaeo TWexom, Toca. |. Gopéricn © amit co66R Kau Beaxgrnan BOA Tpnuesés, apuats BOF (naw Focnbas, evas-| “tke a bytmecs wal, oh essai) yu Seana Soa: roxiner 6o- ‘To havea chance, to be given a chance,| ys scet nat Bee Whunorad Me TDF Goa wine! reese ona Sapsncrayae, Cen! Bor mpnaeat ya | BOROCD crash Lean navn), Ga'rxe werpenwmscs! Connot tay for rare. Pigs Bora, Tipe ai w20 oF ANGE 9 Hers ‘Poe Gods sake Menvrimtecs, paw Bér | oe ne avril open exaire Hou BPAT. 5 BUUTbEM nopoea. aw PAT. Sg st gat) ‘Sur End of pope Hs pout Ea at Stetina ue namero ota] sure ofp ners hanasu SNSaomek wmcorad apuauce se sont] ea ea “Fypencs, None BYRBA's hay. : iterate for Ite, vba, HaBPATA sea ro mca neentien fens © fy ¢ eon per ends anraincroro noch a pS CHES Sls penne pos | a, ia e8 no RSE a pet "The letter of the la Hanepat va wanirana,| Spor santa ora me orryner BPATH sce or Of sania "To succeed by dint of everything. | Mépmnan BOKBA, (na nem Gepértotsponiremint sud, | Dead iter, dend iss. ‘Procronervou, 1 Fu | Bie Roxen toch cay 0 mporm Panpemitner or SPENEHIL én an anon Fs i *H be dleeed of 3 Eraocr woripoeoererer MEP Aims lspinia Gsgtonanteno paapee| 000. ‘ace or pene incr Cuan, Oran, spocttTD aoa, dpe nicks, Op BH] BYPUATE, npobypairs snare ta "To mutiers to mumble. ‘To stop calling on, to stop writing, to stop reading ete Fepooe ope ¢sicro xox no pexbaue "ue mpensaria cds no nBexe OPbena xoaing ne | Sethe, én ano BPSCKHF, epécxse | aint? te sda aoe tetonbe Gash, showy aud. exon Ha 208, pian Epbetoh wore ye una. ‘Bfaer nan penvosdpinari, — eypSaure way nn sb ne BBA. Ee morons mtston, — nooner SA. yocon nothing were the mater, a net ease ‘oush nothing had happened peti yur on wa Bec nnecen toon SBCs mpecrin- Hy. neon ca cndpans Myers | Mik 20 XORH COG, aN Hw EM He Oe do; that’s enough ‘Not'a trace as if ft had never been % 4 Baoalnd bine xo ka Ne Gmbao. iro. er tone ‘wo BUSET so Spuer ene BBA Fema omer; eno] Ckbatxo Pan wtdan se Sry wiry — fuer, 10 Of3er. F1me | op ur tx Oto fw Haaodere: AF syaTo? | weTeumiaos se exinoe we Tak novo, Really? te that sot Teevenend, tak Glaro ane sbew ee 8 ‘rita ‘dpavigy na wae. — eBfatoms | Mépout pa ame me ee Tepok uatero mpewen BYITO Gu 08 ‘Alleedty, ostnsibly, supposedly. (Com M. leptons Fanon Gane gu nen ne nove 3aopon nok IK Bulb tne eine ‘Ab strong aa a horse. ‘Come what ma aniant|_ ome fai 0 pti ya Wo Of3e%, a «eu cxaad mony! | saadte: om aa0p6e wan Gum BYABTE ogo. vYngpor kaw Bu ou, BYALTE stom ‘Stabbor ax a mule SHITE sss ton ao6pa) (+ momen. | On tpn at a warbmaer a vag fu, ne enfuan nna 68008 ‘Pesse (+ Imperet) IAs nopocsb [jmre moGdam, noneviratie na wawin-| "Lang Yongetien buried in oblivion. soho mca, | ros ner tox nants 8 © mo noceb- Fononoxpyacreannon BUICTPOTA 6 axes, 2h BETEP afer paca oy wend Gund nbuasuceh« Heng, BBITD cowio oss, So ce sto ine Oude nopecs. "To conduct anecei naturally, according Tnenoupyinensian BUICTPOTA 1 one's vite "Terrfenpaed sianying speed. ecru” expinoit vexonty 6fner bata eae rosovorpynrenunot | eral cawio e068 h orseuct APS" ‘ucrpo toe BRIT. us mpi) andy. Tae BHT. "To st Tet ithe 20; be itso Conor, aye ne mépy. Dxinse, xond-| Ho, TaN MGuTRE npoctiven api, poe ons noayeden w nee wen puate| Oviwoere aera wo Se Fn, eee Oem agape) Bor mmr so at ss Be acne on 0 “eros Xone ote ht a ‘To come in droves, to flock. finger, to have ® strong influence on aserpeey penny mlaow waaia a-| someane px Ga" Genséaanut sesoneK, sce ansior, ‘canto BAM? ‘ro 9 werd mepBaon co Bt How mack do you want? "wo BEPHO, 10 népHo Cuatuo na when: rir, 04? — ela] "There's no.ainmyings there is no Sina, onan Bootes ie Sn incontrovertible fact ‘condnetisan BOBA Afr nto, ro aepnoy on Tee ner ne Grace widow. consi. Apis nora, 0 seo |e HEE aor. canes Se cone ‘Morte eit im ol at am ox ‘Summer, bachelor. Sow wlstne set na age abso, Tn ‘end lista renéps ua xxpbpre, on —| yo Gorinue sian n cocosnan TM POR oe kina eamowenmmah xonea "cae | 12,62 pilot nonepde Mags ea RECT, 1 Far and wide, through length nd] Heymecernn, aro enyinock ¢ nen Ha- brenath ieee a ui on Gxt na ofMe pond Of 1 (cipon) nowessa nepaesen wa i | Be BECH wanda Shy Bun 9 Copan W Tipmose, cw | PACD Ra BorrSpiio nexoahe agoah m Hone "Hitec Hoctyye 2. Me ne wo 9 wi rouopie: © 3H [Musas wen mapas y werd, sto may 5 atom nomen. DETEP » roaon BERTH pomp, sews One it. minded/lightneaded/ ‘To be luc da have fuck, ‘houghles/tetelous person, one Is On mepeeeaa a apy"Sh Tipo, w ram eu | Eiddy-nata/feathor-bratn, fo sche chanto Beaer Crane wenosndato rengply 0 cept BER west hs tenet y wero neras Weve» Foaoae. "Toe dovmed, to epend one’s whale ife-|BETED cower » apna time ‘One has no mone! “Rin siano, — sazoxnfs Habe, — row | Attn Maui, oxorstre we, now pnaties vow ainonicree Bix keno: | fa, andauane’ ASuspen ins, i conantnnn, Hira Crendnonns, y Be sca BEIM, ent pevep emery w wapaas. ‘all grandeur majesty Mage, erat BETEP aver. ‘Tyr Cipena menier eh népen wenéne-|""One has frm convictions; one adapts “Tnako nésano BEMEPOM, 1 Bungee BPEL Dimalf tothe prevailing opaions/views/ | Mopérs. BSOP. tastes ‘ lapérs ELIAS. He SteaGacser aontpus ror, x10 waer,|He'HIMAM Cte) Cm) woah netep afer ‘bent take Into your hea rénite Rosano BEEPOM, ‘naa, ne oat nypra © 2eefo, — ‘twas not wail late in the evening. | Grant oréu Tiscte onepiuar ou wacruouas ced sé | He BSHPAS na, {0,8 act ao os nvepo | Hm te of otithatanding, aera uudian BesthorTs. | HE eapin na sesstixonvoe noroncénne ‘Very long time | Sin ote He xonea ot owde Cronin ne ainex néayo néwoers Hip nero ESOPOM. ‘ues opagoeanen, orks meonaanne | "cw Maney rarost BIT IOM, herpenut er6 na Sie, ‘sipautirn oop ia e8h tee B3OPBL BSAIT w onepen ("Tot attract all eyes, to command atten "To and frm, backwards and forwarde, | thn Movoatie cfupiw nporfaynasiee no 2ie-| Kax vOnaxo apaciowus Eada Serpoans ‘oft aengpne man w anepes oxaninack — pads wa ce ce node Hic BA/L mn mepen Pu ‘Neither dacknarde nor forwards BSRTKH rataun ¢ xoron, ‘Hous aaynpissack wm naa, wt ane=| You ean expect snything frm some: pee (Burt) na BBBONE. | SSstsownn apenmrépoe Mere, sto e ers “To be in the state of intoxiction, tobe _ wok eadniot inane cups | adaees "Bi Grroswn posnct om Gus yné wa anbge, |” To make Uelleve, o pretend, daslmalate. Boosie opderse eran BAPTA ‘Sadao, nnn np ara, nee Toca thouselncelmoentay lnk, |e ann Aun iy 0 Oo. On Gptena Gera soann to ageaciy| Poe 30330 Sree yt Repay goers a] ay BAMA néx0, ee | For form" a nepnn BarsR feet en LTT ign, at thee] Bets nook abs, Gino rin 2 EER gan a teen wt is HE spa saranx on ve nponanés a BYLLETI (nm sare) acaan teal sopoucro ssa okra | Fae, Sough weet nda on ousiges lange) Eh-enizoc sro on wacméan nr 6 ke, for the ake of ap Seaton toumaior acl mesopboee: wo ba ipo ntract wanton Teac, An Kapenmn Bwopordaaaoo wow, selnpe, Saunt | BFLUIMO-nesin0. Thanet Avil mpinohda "tak roves | Blaltades, ‘hage mambers, immense Sanench nna quan. © Repeoo BSLARLTA Hapdad na nace ino manmo-me 8h eabpare sarin etacnw vos | a ei BHO Casket’ tects tacks" 80% | Non he'scomany ty mo meas snp arn BSTIHUION (nm oon] COMER ot won a whom x Hs ri ‘amine somebody superctiousy | er Bouton ts ae ion I pear in tind. Iie sister womtpan ex ane] Luton muy verb eoeontn Bathe, Ne CME MH CHORE, BORE etary (en amyeneTs, BATT, "Foal ta eonsier, not take tno ae- ‘Typrenen Tao] orn /eonsideretin Moxérs B3HOP, (Ow ne ymyenta fa ava soar xe "To tall noncenseot, Bugiee BPS. ent ‘exom, To fuss on | cnoeno rope mae eoannce Baaign, cosiae ¢ GoawbR TOAOBE na) Kio 89 w0 TOPASIL be ¥ Rae need No Fp Fee, Touoo, Tene. saepbev, "ath dove what he ean. ‘Te ly the Mame on somebody else, to| — em suman sw coon? ‘ut, someting on somebody elg, to ay |, Kita bo wo ropa Ener own faut nt someone eee ene.” 16 TOPAMIE ita" onoaabn na acbry s,'no caucus) Not far datant, at hand, inn coleman oaoadna| eh eel ctl We 5 ropa ‘topdnyn,oomenin mena, ers TOPE ot 3 ie pnt, Woe from wi neta, att 3 FOO peor Yo — Sr nme, wotuse ify put uk of ahead Yo iia, to| ctbeonn vonéanm, anfconan Tota i mms ve rosa coh onactnns n| Minas TOPE. ‘tian erat noncpaoenian “olive im misery, to lead a wretched us TOBE aan ie ata escaped me; Thad clean forgot-| (Eas) ndcae euéprn arepn ocriaee {aut escaped me; Thad clean fore] Seton; minane ripe sock swine, y wend wéua npeva ng roane| 6m, rOnoaiza, npn seraon =~ Ws ne chaaSn 3p Taaxo, Snepene, com, ero Bo Sons, Toni, yronis POPE » ann (use sent ee taean sine pe (aan roces) as) rom head to foot, from top to toe. "Sty drown one’s sorrows in drink fo aopire apoaiacoaxsew, soopyméh-| Tjcxe ror, ak on obaunponinc, Hatt pet rir dat te ont dans Foc Tine gmt on OM monies ‘th ea Ye hae for He crecnifrecs, Hinoatt Wawonteowa,| PR CaN ME TGPLO. “aatre ro cot rcocom Nar acexo| 7p ed om the ones At sr vaniny 00 fro a0 ronvavtuka. Ds z “tie ep at ons Tung PEE anpumm,— cena n —| Abe en gt ome nelle vu ten Seka ep: | Mach ap arin a cs Bepecees, Bes noporh| 1 FO roms. ‘ore then enough, enough and to spare My dear fallow, Senda pacers no ropa, eit fore 2 My daring grey repexdanu seduce 1 ita rongowad nosnbaure une se-|H TOPOMIEA wana (nan op h30), ‘ips vero! Nothing taucher somebody. “Camunon- Leaps, SSieowrne Sno ru xo ve 8808 ne 38 Toenoas Tononaenu,| ual? Hésoran Gao? Hys npueaias Gu HrePR mine, 6 JIATEKO we Yond, ne Oven a0 a, wo wend nksy?| 2 rest w répona wi "Typrene, Herymon i FOPR miso, Sit FOPOWIKA wha, Xie TOP yt rom. fy ae Fp wo unr woth opise TOPAUKS ‘lurry-acurey, to do something hurry EEtero nopére ropiany, ea sro ep Mest fo auto oFaea86 1 cam cee TOCHIOIE, Sie fan ese XOSHIAH Ipiwegey Toco, efpnment BOF. Ha ein FOTOROM, "To be provided with room and boar art ad dena foun itp aed ito ea he 2aGbnvset ont Doaylta udeto tena a et FO now, nenedn oxbxas- ern FPAHA. Gren) ot's grain (of tr) Cen ipevoantont x0 eb caoerd Toor, won e€-noxannde hero pana tier. sagsera TPEXA sans. emant be confessed. eceranece cnn Gai 8 wexern, es ‘ero rpexk Fay Ho apyrbr0 wvona CTPEKOM noroad. With imeatty, somehow, indiferenty, TMovtpudane no pinnae ome pexds no oad oGvachdacn to-Spanus ex Spurs TPHMACHL (wan D0) ‘To pull/make face. Beh nt Geno, nip rc, foi, noraine # (POD. "To wend someboay tothe grave tobe the death of somebody ABATD, aan nonin ‘To cue somatody Uo bint at Kiniaerpies noaiasac., ania nour ra pena ou sa Tamanna, More AABHBIM. za. ‘Very long ago, Tong Yong Owttynis stor sow sane, q Kanpiow wozoxda xe vordpwe Hein he mGer vena mane e268 P06 Kay FPOM epeai enor nbd Tite » tail rom the he Kas rpom cpeat Aenoro nia Gush aaa nt oecre oawezannon eadpritnx abvepn- Koy FPOMOM orayuins. "To be surpiced, to be astonished, to be fhunertrack Henpesstzenan wccrs 0 paaaize wot cerpi nak rpéwow orsymtan wet Héxaoro TPOUIA ne exo Tete not worth a bras farthing (or = penny’ Revoorad, ne xymina Gh So, nans6 fd 1 anore pom ne eH. Hc TPOUIA ret, "Dobe broke, nota stiver (shiling), On mpotepiaen xo t3,1 Teneph weed on epou we, Meshes TPR, ‘To wade Unvough mud, to walk In the tod Fioteng su oceans aorowosins x wena ‘poe neu? Osinaérs, o¢aire TPRSBIO (vam sowbann) "Fo ehniw mand at somebody Cock Crean Gen neluar cont San epfano et tec due ‘Cueuttre e TPASHIO, "To beach, to ell somebody's name, Febpri sira co ean, novo sro 3 nenderudsondpytn evens ere Ff, Hagen PBB. ‘To pout Op "nanfa r§6u1— nepofrn er6 obixean Ha ryay, ‘Not a word; mum’ the word: don't let ie any further; to Keep f devk, Bex contd rosopy © evephune mpane- tudes 8 car mW yy. SAKE ‘Even. (hia) Home — ae we Giayen ‘hogan — cadanoe santme, Topo, Mew ALTER we, Tar from being, along way from. Thorosopt ena, ta ventures, 0 on bend ne 230 IAP cx, 6 ‘Butunersen new eso8 16:10, SAP cana (uw ps), | Hesero EATD, Gitt of eloquence eft of speech. “There is nothing to be done; it can't be Tinuepén eraser peodinnoctim nte| helped ow cada. ee ius coraicen, x70 névero aay 1 HiRTATD, ht en. zo mpg erp Yexbunm ‘Exactly the same, Ike to peas in pod. | Or never JEsATE, Shere, Mapin Herpoata ‘wt aatty hi|” Tp. while away’ the time, for lack of ome & so methine betor to do Bere noe a Server tears on scies enn Sever few rma w eAATO, acta nro Mietzench¢ nov an-r on ‘Do mohing bt. an asus BA eerape Oh anton aaer, eo peter “As pain ana pe sas pln a the] Ha ch ae on goer fee ‘hate eh Bunocrii necapanasino, ro seo,| "Bon or hacr, pune mplsc, ror samba aaa (wera. i manera idk mn omens Na clon seaman ave ‘Nether fh nor fowl, msther one nor] mth erases Het Maisons poe Tonsapon Oszouon Se Ron: aewoeptr fan pecs at Ma ese Ou mn ane moar. “Actually, i reat age acre tase nlc 0 on Sem rst Next dor fi ecrone DavadssMepénwor ape amen w-| 1a hwo ETE, ecm ser Tod, realy. moxasitens ABEPD romys (Gadan Astuctenna) anaes ropiao "Fo ahr somebody the do Sond, tew tt won Exe 3p See cocopok 8 wonasen Gut “prone, vane ‘ake enna sep asnaBpgtd me ENO copia » eye. ee, tale fo, PAOTA top px Sr for opts ia anor, 610 soto a0 rb EBT, ate won reece ch ine ; otto enw mat todo with the won| S40" wise ean cana 9 x6 Mera wading ‘bso aouah x0 Tord 0 ema i nba tere cP oi sa owt TEI non pomaeaencem se, | EO sicher, sexo ie porta Sence Cla | Hhltepstmee acest nzaasauen at Bepaae, © Ryucruaa or fine yeina u| AD racknocy Gecoopaavon na sanbxe Sopot, © meanin sa emiGR, oxox | ENO ne whee se tnowore tine | Things ae not going wel; the business ‘Knies asexo or Mocrms.| is not making beadway. Heouonpt a'r, eo ep apusarier ace JIEACTBOBATH sanposés | yeti néao we abweres ‘ot HITT apo | pigamioe an ro 1es107 Hes th ave you ever heard of such a thing? ufo teow templet at ose Ca ou beat alt pn Cessanm sosnesy me y aes Kein foo sates irnon mien oaycts, ‘ Tropes, Ouméxa, | mya... Hy, méaannoe an $10 3620 — Been Sno? To EAM xin. | AL Toserob, eer. Hosea cajun x_npnsnati ne Saeghe 2S antentpn, "ewan e940 icp, Paguarace, ewe He “To interfere in athe peopie’s ‘ra indnagonaanuoacren we woo 26 Sow npuutier spy GecnoxdRerwo. Nexon, as Baa e027 " [Bpocity JEMBEH wa etrep. B saw slesn0? Spaninves,u nocebpursce, — wo ¢ 60m ‘What's the mntter? What's the srouble?| eo msn name cosa Nip son ano? —crpocta le erp epanaesa, Or Jaden sao maevutho at ube nn 3 4 ELIO? Y nerd EME epi ne xaos “What hisines fs fof your, theirs, ete,| He i rolling in money, one of your business! tie weadote, ou odnatia Gvens cxznuae (ino mu famed "Mw, A aro van| aoerimows néprren c spyabn, 00 ¥ neo “rpfumnaaer? Ke aw x20? Ko mu|_Tenupe agner apne wAOwr. wueere== evaennense . upmos, Cocenna| VAI day lng, the lvelong day Fremeatmenin on nica nics exoko Mason 1610. poscracnnnan, ater of a moment Serpouma EH, Cilnes Geant' ssewon — smjnwoe| the Paar beso Besmaséamo, xorag gous sooubssocrs moe" od w x2, ENO cxopoxs. Gecerpino tuonpern nca0h sharpen TE doesnt cnern me, Foye Sen 1 adotpamath sew taoeh erpans Five'xou) wweaarace 8 S208 chop. Mok ibnoss, Koya. eto eropond, eltamoutecr ue cao8 2670, Ha spa EHD, ‘Mind your own busines ‘Fore rainy de iy, eabaonas nt ow aiueny cootry? | Mpesycuorpénesinue xan orexinunaor = Hts Chast ee amtamentrece ne 8| Ever wa tepmu seh ‘nod abn Hy WCIEHD to, te w x 3. EO. 1, 'What a (bad) day! We'none of mry your, te, business, | 2, What s (wonderful) day = Ginna, ove 00682 Tw wnoonen?— | 1. Hywel Ccivoro yep war aca! = Stine ane x60. 2. My we nenet Cénie, ion no oyoatira ENO ton even, Tonsee ryauie edly tpnooe oto a hing en eat a anon Chapa s0 ha op ne osyett| “Tein cenr a day Wis as plain as the fratra na ene npowtre.Hanépwe e2-| nose ont your face ‘ran noaoasa 4620 Hox C6. Bist ufo e19suepiry, nes Sro eno Nipnnsrscn 9 JE. ‘a Baa nee "To rare working, to get down to busl-| He mpi JIEHBE SX. ea “dard, ost of cab, tobe broke Fig, xoséaano cwonpése nporpiuaaa) cera me Rp Reiurtt We wor Hav a ‘renen@oops! Hao npwwhron 38 620!) 9 Ye aw same! | gu eis, Toln MEMO. Te have fans; to bein the money. ‘constantly, insistently ioe Spar Hasna cere pw sevardx, Tipwasour row aéao spé6onsnx » zon. |JLEMDIV ne nepenbastcs. TJetotTodatman janis | One always hes money; one never rane || Shor‘ moneys one hax no end of money. To au 16.0. Hoodpaire cede wénouocre. yy wpacord ‘ow much better, what @ difference. | ecdqocrscluyio GEnenvio, xpA6poCT® ‘To mw atao pcs pons, Hebe con, | ciusin Gecnéans,epowcoe fm ACME, ‘iospy tal: orépnn ne aaa on tra kore mie To aw nbao, pra x6va! oral'y werd ne nepebondnes, yuna, opommse 23060. ‘ivan, Bucrpes 9ro_apyrse 1610. Blene JIEHDIH "That ie another matter, thet ie quite| Fantastic sum, fortune “iferent, thats a horse of iterent| Yor rane Otuemue vara, wro6 34 oie Sor naan weap BNGHER seer eagps nowuto .. fro apyrbe xéso.| nastiak pun ETOM (vo cx) Bpoctre. (vam suadrs, waupirs 9 xn), ‘am sorry to aay, much as Tregret it | pci (naw gly, pur me ET Mor epi Reson, wicee i no-| EBT rep. Kodonue JeMBrH, 6 FHonaniss OBPOM, ‘To squander money. (Mocéxceu) XSaawa na meanése, we ie sun pacrowrens: Gpocker abwsr| a tuxbomey to va atten. ‘AK, ToneroR, Laps Bopwe. Gane EHBTH (aw xpéonua py6ae)- | Moa JUMKTORKY. “Hardsarned money. "At somebody's bidding, by somebody's Sinpbero ne nownao Sroro weronéxa:a6-| Seder far neu wpoamnl pyéae we xove or-| Tht noavonfeut ce6é nox amery Héae- int tea Waocis ute sbtme ortopbit, Hi 9a wane EMT, Neto, Henna nodeas ‘Not for anything, not for any amount. | opéry JU, Sie rpose STON wit nm mane |e. Hopore WENN, dena tbat i noventi, EPIRAT ce fo mend al of os tne somewhere, to Ty behure fe conduct onal i yl Tone it sean Rep ce | Reece mean w oveabe Yu ‘ebnxou eomccioe svt oat ne nanan erom, Mennexs | It lie locking for's noodle in hey ack; thre lon trace of somebody any (Toxo) JEPKACE here Steady! Stand Sem! Faxdro Simoro m suepriworo sexonéxs, 5 shim, ero Ho xostun onde Ger py-| aah om Ne €or he Halu ‘in reds wo au ne yeryadl Repent” | 3onerde JNO. He pé6noro MECATKA.. Goldmine “sdmeboly is no coward Gears) ont a0 » Sours aed Maca, On réaneo c| sutton pyat aw (nme) npeabat siay woe oce Gu 8 sonorbe a, Baacrs » ETCTHO. pecan ie "To be'in one's second childhood tobe in |HexSto evepSuero TS nes dota, to become a dotard (Ore Cun nnan a nererna Vniaes ex, snonjuan: cripoct me Paneer ELIE w cepa, {Cheap but ood, « good bargain Martius eeapeipy yabsnye, ybras | ‘rxopéue panne Beuin xotewo w ep" iro. coe aes. ‘irom day today. Gn orezinanss cood nodsaxy Expy fo ai nen, | coenyean i “in broad daylight, Marvellous, splendaly. epi, epenn Gan ney, wanna nea a 80, (Gwinap) eben» cxom wanspny, el gpg naan Gu sie rainve m me loo Beemeete| pee TRO ‘ord ssnapice row before ones eyes, row Ike Cranorown, Tposmua aaupes.| pre" bef bes Gui Condon pacrés we mo nam, 20 Sho a2 BO! Meter wa « miacet Un|_ Smale nor hae Tabet nese She ala Let oe sno» ett" Gy aor fe RY nasa, nin Cayce ate To wonder, fo marl ‘Messin Tlesepe Ccwarpnsas“avepmadicane nebocxn&6u| “Cpe rome ‘i e nepecrond ay aaadroce o Sisson Pa Sopama tno Hacer tek nctioe mms] att ome? el nam” ‘ier ue oe sopSoe wa He » JIMKOBHH()Y. | dxénvomal 0 wcerad Gay moMnniey ce iC nating wonetarping, | Rp He « OBR. 0 Burs » LXE, He OBDY. stopore, “is bad omen/sign ‘One's fre i assorod/acared. Trop, azo kent eepuae xSaua nepece-| Ox croft xopbwte nopore,« ex npo- ‘aig aponbenysopory, ro ‘ro me ¥| _posat Gnecrhue Cfayunoctt. HpoGunére, nposirs ce6é OPOTY. rotcrct 9 noneeE. |x obs obi sete TB boasts confer. eed Giro Chote npairwon mapfunioeron y| Te,teh toobigh spre | ‘nyo kero epee w Aone 0065 | Goouncrgyy HACE Ter OF O6aéu, LOBEPHEM. | a Sf ttn mich (wih onions). Teche site iy Sage cet |g nocKn go seek (oon Foes Sse gee at | eM 2 seal pn | Ree alte cts sap « epost OHGL ar war wo eas | Sister eae See re Taig cae and| ce te Nee BNE me Soe ents HOXIDTE wx (eat peal paroainah, oman s48T 2) Ingf'e cram the tightest of tom) org meta oa Sotond ion, OMT MERE 8 mao Eerie fo sky se| OXI wher. ecb» rg Oana eet ee Gon Te ar Any: one We Ia with A. Toseeo, Bot sp. — ‘pedparey ren Kcomanéuno, 9 reap ae nog: y went Baeaine, naeay » TOIT. ’ nh "Fo genta debt Crd Pobre 470 RON EXOT Gna ai env wéry Hy — madam | flac no SKE, es ‘Se Tlaedee ox AVIKY. Ha wow, Tao! # 7. a OZ aiaaao (won| rgacétn moa JIVIIKY (am nanctse no pocrszors 2) ie). "It fel to jr your, ebey lot; Tt was) "VT dance to somebodr’s tune Feserved for me, You, = ‘Masai Mnsoo Geenpenoesban nox Ha wom ado ‘wcinago Sirs coustsenes| feren no cen cogh mene, enve TON: U5 Soputinan went Di, mater nox ed A930. réponse 10TH, ANPAK aypaxdu, "Tough Iver, hard/erel Lt Te eae Wado sre spun © rato abse| fy duty ee Te wnoacern, on 8 nltapa ¢ toextno rovopi yp aypaniw Hox thas Hee wa ye xo xopou| BAGH YP oso ay we Py | ta lnerk the nonsense out of somebody. Bure wa y ces) TOMA. He Gccnoxtitrece, sn 8 ex B6u0 ANB fea ame, 3 roxon FP moeks we saa, wax mpawo wee | THC, waafroen ponent apéun y Haaéaane Bockaveotu: |" sat ts be sak, to be fn the sulk bee cn Osan wa CY ce) adn. Zio wan nop aut neve aftecn wa we Y nerd ne ace LOMA, wid Tpyr apie bast ne cadena mara ‘te haw sere looses hele not at there.| Shs, Or wancro erpbima exer sreren sro y ner we nce os, ‘ee exon, dlaan Bane 2Kestonan JOPOFA, asx. alway, railroad "Po be im high spit, to be In good Bra medéanar aopéra, Guat nocrpbena| frame of mind. nda ser roe wank I can 3 eroa: kos Gua wpe Flomoh to maoxsa JOPOTE. hove Afue,n expo sectsocrh 18 eke fu lott no naoxduy (VTA, sch dou, Ccrofre haope (eau péounsso8) ya, Buerpes Bure ne » AXE. » ne Bure ye 2 AVXE, | Cxbssxo AVUIE yrbano, "To be out of sorts, tobe in a bad mood, ‘Ty onss heart's content tbe out of humo “alee y rte Ania mae Gx, fa, Si ne w afae pateriounan chdsina aye yan “iwowon an, wine 3 Oxnive ¥XOM, ‘ot tnd CEPAUAX. ‘At one go, ata stretch, without a pause, | (mi) JVI Fie sbeatany peeen woes cee n| NoH8 (ing) soul, xm aPxone ada Gouda sad Cun tse p90 ws Sas HH Tntonya BOM. | asp aya "To fone hear, to be east down, to be| Boxers EVINGM (wow cfpauen, ejecte. "To pvieve, to be anxious/worried, ‘Tso oie Axis Axdnomu, wr gen) Ons Goner aya 35 psspyualouyoce Sheputtane nixon" seine YOM. TForon, Ulineas,| 79 act against one's conscience, LIVIA (nan e&pate) Bonin. Sie oak tomas ape, — extn ‘One's hears bled api ann Spun Sat et: ax on ances] gan rant JON siren ne cwdprn wa Hgerécve Mésxomne SIU erp te css nao ‘ou CEPILIE waurpso, LISI nine nh (Ones heat sank to one's boots; one heart rose to one's mouth, Yitero aya ofan ya, cor ox yi dex plana a oxore AVI wapecntuney. "An open-hearted person, sera ‘er aya wapacny, 1 ex wiwers,| PENOTSTS Fe NY Am sath, sa sce rani, Mak OF, Dror sezonen enon ncrodnnn panto: ASIA ea re ‘ Min ase Bopanmo TexeoGiy owen ef me TYLA (eam cépaue) oer, wna (woo). | SY. ee eas A | "Po put she's soul into an undertaking, fo put one all efor: He yansrensto, sto Creniny Huosuey Staab nonnaste dro. Orzexenve: on me Ae LIVIA pepenepasaze. roy ats nlnocte kaka, — mposopuorss ‘3. CEPILILE nepesepnzoce nie Hse, nce Son wine cote, SLi paspuaterce ‘ate most, ‘ou CEPALIE paspusbere, ALH, Toscrot, Cees E ENBA-easd, Bou 1a Mociedl Cosi = Gémue ne Gal Ss hardy ere ease in ax abaro coGupiates > xophr, x70 FGoesoe, Tope or yu, fanslennd yen no noes Ene Bee go EMOTO (esos). Really, really and truly "To'a man, all without exception Eowe'eh n Sdsuve we Worf. Belay cane Simonet ma | Ce Fepoas vo apts of “Hardly barely carey zoe ne ESIIOK Jiokasan,exseocnunn noting naerEree ‘One will not gofeome again; one doce| éxe-ae, hot want to go/eome again. exon, Tope Mosins EPYHLS. a ITE be6ésn0. Monin, EPYHY. — Ewe ut On Suens Giner pax ‘Po talk nonsense /rot/rubbish “Toprenen, Hoxasyne Brot mosinie toned wonéa SPY. kax Ect. FUE » eu "Entirely, totally. ‘Againvand again, more and more. Tipsnay crdre x wax eery we nOnener6| Pend Chua w neptune coctont yo x0y% spa plsex, ivan 1 9 cood Ovepent ul eatneren ba sua py, novGw ea should think Lilia texeer an om pw wax? Apcemuen, Lepey Vana 2K 2K4PON, logonits cao MHB6T 20 orésecoo, ‘With best/ardou animation. "To ive one’s lite for ones country. Ona nod cafe npuieich € wdpen |B verépin suepmsincsoro nspiae uaa $e assy "eg trina eo em axis IKAPY ows ba oreseeran, SBD tanke i dot fer tomboy Hanopnirs JRHBOTHKH co euéxa Fopére, KESAHMEM (400) ‘Pabeme total ‘Bo born with deere. ror oh noms w wean, Sui ar (n ropéa mendnnen yoinerscnc men5A | fav ae ocr, B. Komenuson, "To fall vet Tapoudre ‘KUSH Tiexp as eprom xécrnoro orwoutnn x | To grant Ife ee Tputoaopisiony x oxéprnon Kaan wpe rire nape satan 2xSiaTan ACER, marvied life. Moen pany Gren wpdnimee seentraa Kpacioun ECT. Tine gesture, baw geste. | Guise cen e208 sexy pacha Typreves, Hoss. SRUUIELL wa Gézow cab, Raa ot long “for ile ord, on deaths ‘ore. dnd ‘thas alive. MSnws rox nensr Ser cox, 10 np Xopous was ¢ 10668 AMBETCR. ‘We live wall together Sanna, Sonar 2KTIPOM, — chant Clg earia. — Xopoms vam | "Zo grow very fat. 70008 womeree, Hips, sox Kopous, "10| Cuore, nak stor wasn sta le Saie'ne Bepatet exon, awe Hagopeiny OKHBOT. (aay ora) ob ‘ueny (ua 2 ena) ne yucuteroopir ‘To split one's sides with Inaghter, | MUTE, Geneeano. horas nam nasnér esopaapacextsu-|""T tive comfortably ‘any, Tak made ranepedary co ewéxa.| Onde ma Tier pain sa epwonton. Basa | heripocr set cat og OeSOeAHo, 2AMTREur, 2 pars us 3AMETKY, UTE Gu Te sae end, so ape ar “Mode af existence /iving/lite. Jibs opatxas n paccaaia new 0 wamate| APEBH 6pésen Gumae posn npostauine “The die i east throws, AUT tee Nps Gpdatens ont pewhan uporsen Tie ie made impossible, renee epetxare spon ransncian 3ABACTOBKA, very last/dandvantageous plac, iA sitdown sti Tlocubeny, Giro nenpasneno nowecrine own note nto ean | etry hand ratro noe Tr ‘ano, OGusuian wraaubneny sabQTOe-| a Saanépran. i |SARETB ance. Mipeairs 3ABBEHHIO. ("To cat/sting somebody to the quick, to "Ze borg in oblivion | uch somebody on the rae (On rapacanpeatry atmo socnown| Toot siryastane Satéa0 wamcdna 98 sane ser sinmse. SABEIRATD soepex, | 34108 nent, "To leap shend of the normal courte of| Backwards, wrong way arcund, to put crente the cart before the horse Tint Vaasa naan cra mpescexizens »| Toworpi ow nae) Maney abgox wane Ymwepertércxow ropexe, no. Tome ae ew cncroenepen Ww onyuit So nds | Bea SANOPHNKH (xan Gea cyt, 63 Tomo, ts Hs | EA HA ae fo mea es are ee pty mei Rao ow on str “ate ah HT Co Soline of hie eee fee ran sanana xovdeyvow m aerowi, sro 3] OTSHTETME TOE, NTO Tonépwauebyabco $a sed enero | sees cee, rks & os ah ‘ata never fore tT stall not for|_ MENT cn ane Se een ee aera ne 386539. "To bet. Buioes of aaa, ron we nose no: huts go enfnoe. ‘oct To ern eat ne 2ABBAT, eee : into rata : FERMI EO scrum ue| B scitng were, 0 a scene soto lesen) onan can en, teat it mer eps, vassal 1 mpuseperas rest ateroury sco, SAT AAA %.Ancatoe,Conehnon xpomme. He romon sern,» Sten mo,» | Bins 2AMAILKHL stucco. ‘aughey Manners, Ngh-and-ght Artin amen cree mener MDovely sight, fast forthe eyes Bacinun arpeednsuanOuns, oraeaier na guia peeenun ‘nal Tipfero sarat-| wx mpunérnmin neopenian ono eve! se, rlpus pekal = omit ro oni ef pena Seni, Ha SAsIBOPKAX. hanes 3AM hm the background, in the rear, in the| "Ta noe 1s 3ANKE. 2 Llinotoe SHAKOMCTBO. manawa saneray cranny weno wh | (Ha) 3H we sae rio Tels pth dark Hs JANKE, 2 wos, a1 saw aonoaie, 8 {Tox 3AMKON. persian — pero are mah SBoanjumue, SANK “Tyorenc, atti in the a Pairowop wa Gomswot zopore Eso adhe sopadunue sau SANKHYTICH w coe "To abrine ino oneael, to introvert anpteko, Asexces, zoe sawenface © cede oan spyande pansies © ocaaiae nora, x 3ENLUO, Teac somtdy ive a sted way of ‘oon dons saabua — nocanra owéonca wa a0. Awe, Jaxexo or Mocksts, st ae eee Sepia nae SEH tox 3A¥K69 Gn moa) ‘Reta a te ner ce aby. up ate spo Stott aépatn ace co ate | “Rath aap rt een ton ssc a By age a ey ba Bure SAMY KEM. eae ‘Tiyunkun, Kanuranckaa aouxa, Te bomerne i oat tae ane, SHON a. sao Wie neh at hans winter ina. SC te same tne Bota we eet Sm A Mash — on ano san] ete Mpa Lon onsen monte me rere nw mnepre) MERS wep Sa |PrrTcheratvar «snake i en one Pee Sa ome ncn vents | Sra ac pa oa noe or 3aPii ze spa. ON | aM, noord ‘Fromme tonight al the velone| Sth he rn pe, Sena gae Witatgaht| io Se FS nnnadanat im seronotsal Caren eb cers oe $a sen cm nomen Je ‘exapmon eto or eset ora xo mp : Kno ero Tae anAEy onmo erent mon, cnatt Gecnposyano.| Whe sae eaur apsr worderea?> — elo erd i 7 Ser TO SACISTAM aebody's mert/degerts, [SHAM cel (4 raara acs. 0p.) ‘row oluxe sunnwon narpaxaiior no | Revandles of anything, Bion Hermon, aro¢ ana ctinom,.. Fo topo Stas 9 ed Se 6 ob Ni SACTABIT, cet ane epee oman PeGenox Msiwossx mporzorix mfromay |" SHAK corxicns. in consent iesicron, toerop he secant eh) Gore sot adr. toute lle he emai, sven? Ha Be Crmoriinca o SATEUIOM. ‘opreagi! "BS corabenm Ha x69- Fo hep in fle rer noc hcepfncop riusirin mpucaaés ye i eta ‘hw ermoniacs 8 anno. BAYACTIIO. Senonins,sasecrh SHAKOMCTBO.. ‘Often, frequently. "To sctatibe up an ecquaineance, Brow pacadnunao cot nessun aa] On aan awantncrao ¢Ha8tcrHOR KIO: ‘tern npeputdaa pacers Monséint | Sprieteoh para, sere ox 3AILFTY. llinownce SHAKOMCTRO. "To lake somebody something under one's| A nodding acquaintance protection or nae onda, wo on Gpar_aberons Poevatpero aakao Gerseubs nox ctoi| Méstacimons; yet mite TOnaKO take ‘aainy. rognoeavawénerb, 1 He 3a 0 Of SHAT nacendon, By cnomnnsy. SHAT, cdo bear somebody a gradge i BIIETD nacido Gr nad 996 apt cooerS cocaynaus e'SHATD, yah sentra Mogae bombatoerh, 06 Hospe Not to know wht todo with oneset. | ain en Hovese expo nacieiae cwepadrace,” |B 3VBOK says f'eonepataho he naa wad meadesen. |" learn thoroughly ‘anon, Bucrbea.| On, ‘pmroronsizes ke sxsixens, aSyoun Ornian sme SHATH? ‘a ayo einoroopéa Tia How coula T know? arontpmearn, sronopire, 396, oral udwomen sok, aaa? "To fool samebedy with fine word Ona ne snare? Se norinwe, | io. ra Sirmunea, saroeipnnaety. se Kee ae sesh x SOBST? shou, nfaae ronoph sere ‘What ie your, te, meme? agers nozosiey SEB wa nays “kav wae s0nfr2s — lis, "To tighten one’ belt, to starve/famiah. ere SOB nponta noro= egw norepin Puséry, Yo ApNaeTCe noaoe “fa'have = grudge against somebody, to| ne 26h ma n6a u c uronouKi. 2. To bore someone to death by end- Brand ra rior te) Teeaty talking Hat oda naans® e 1, flogondn ei suene eprint, ‘sion ITPA tan asiprno pan). Apyefi oronlay — sania». Torad ‘Guin of chance/hazard, gambling Dea nt non, oor ray 0, Fifses ican aatprio mrpdre 8 xapra —| tome toon, fon necountnno pasopicn ‘eypuanoa, Maren: HEPAT no ndremno, Fe ener tow stakes, | 2 Hy. yx xox nagots, Giron, sam mpo- Eroveipra ndurpana saxo, ro wpa | eXianennul aweron, Ox wawépon io ulti ep: ronopir i rooopin Ges Row Aston HIPATb, i. Toserod, Boexpeceie ft Adprias HEPA Cuorptry, ay airanzero) crofie. (aw cnaers) TELOTOM. ee "To stands ike a stone frags. ‘look bright ‘and happy. Suérnan awh ero wa nputae y Casp-| i ponpdanaocy owe Sexes, #0 w pax nar, noras ace ewedanch m nceahancn, | HE ampamagey bon $e Tide eat don fcroeat ei, Cexo CrenansuKor0, ITH (tw aheraoesrs) nanposds, a a "To stop at nothing, to push os way |Mlo HHEPLIH, fRroagh to go nett thro, torent Under on ee Se ere Ta ce ae ‘ - Mexos, Ckywras netopae. From, Méprewe ayn a, Hck OWEHHEM. ‘With the exception aces Snes nopiausen wie, aa weeae- ‘ee nexoropu aerate Tope eon Axpeek Fossa, wen = xfaon ox neyaisn Pear wand wanponagin. ae HSBECTHO (enox, Bons HCTIEWENEBAR, "As Te generally known, "New edged (Cosi “aan necro, ne woryrpasno-| Hoan mnowe_eneNEah cry [Sumo oliens Gergaero sezonde, panda naw 8 day sro eiron © OSowoe.| Aéseckou MyABpe. lacnomuisy. "ro take by starvation, to starve into| "From bel. ‘besion/earrender bean eeepty eye, wenonnay worn HCHONTHILIKA, eo ‘Teprat KAAS HenosTMILK. Korat oni ormpénuauee 8 sopéry, sex ‘Quiet stentily, im an underhand way,|_ Ya Gh na HERO. fon the quietly B Mexone, ‘pie Hoon wenonmam riayas a Toward the end nero | Blucxbne seretproro vice» axe roc Acta FICTHHA oh nasicrer senate ‘Rouen Ucn Cyan wesopn ‘To, vo bu wow cxasan,dadytan era, CUAIINE daa rin ace ro xpd aden ‘Pena Bugsinicn » neapnituyie HETOPIHO, WH erapinoce me cafuare, Maczo6Gex, no "Po be’ mixed. up/involved ina un- | c20ah clu wasdasio aay une bs: Pleasant’ business Sy: Oy xineren ne neg tna, BSsene anes, so ataakaen w Sry we-) "Y” Hosimonipnton, B Syxre «Orpaaa> iris weep. BuTore. Bure na HXOULE. Aa eel fn the end "To be coming to an end, to be nearing) Mu oGeyailnw Sor bonpbe, nor wh ‘he end; to be drawing t0 a else Siw endpwre nw wnbrenocedpnc. Hina MTS, ee INot aot at a whit vena Rony we owes K ‘uae, (uy waxoatrec, watsicn) RAK. ro. fo KABIDVKOM (nw sa6ay06u) ‘Both and Y worms ae tabantpra, tak w nexéra, pbnyaney ‘To be under somebody's thumb. ites araonite nenpidvestome Boa Sacra wonononc ve maxon ox tadayxou or KAK! ‘ute (row toxoxiroca, Has) tox KABIIV'IKOM y norosn “ot Bur (en taxon, wads) vox a Sf Air, to fam pen scm on (at a 2 cre amo” notamnnon, xorgpwe_xoc| What doce he (he) ook Ike? that dssmince wtsdan!”| io Esti, ma neo ik Fe we Sie 2 Fete, ve fume 8e Sia... ntaemne oem ocrndasnar| its, Mapsco. Sr Meus une atone wet | Xone KAKOM-mtha Shale "ean any ld hn ‘Trends, sens ponsemue | stow raposxt donee cua, O, én Gu aacch sore nao hOyAL 602 AK nui, ‘Afr al Clamp wo (oséan) agversonan yaé yerénoere — ‘ ‘vc, on we ena rope eeu ‘Bepeno, Mpa roa.| POT Rathi, too ay Fipurnaaace Haran crax e& crave AK pos, Oh ce a kao Sst exactly. Sveum, Haven a Kya. Hous népenwopérown, a sopire,|Teprat Ral Soke meee 1 mire Gra stage, slick customer, an old hand exon, Crem) 8 KAANOM ne saci, 26 OWA aa uber Bro sesonte much, cob ua yn, Son ne a6 Be pacer Sralréprh waa otspun suber so sw uder fe ndanoonstber = Hepa apn (aie), | Hogi KAPMAT (tw won) “To Al one’s pockets, to become rich/ sweaty “Foprenes, Menu) Thott par na cxiuwax maa cee wap, KATASOM we sonia, “You ean get one far love or money. ‘Titer cao sow waaasOo me asian | rd tsa ary neni one oor RAE oddasnie necro mapanénen ne sowdsteran goeea neal’ Ro Gk1or0. ha atu KATHI a a, ‘ing for 2 6a ‘ince roxdn ‘ane ret extaare, — cxania $ctetinwoo. 0, wan 2 aa mst AL Toserob, Bocapecente KAMENETD, oxawenérs, ‘To grow beavy/immovable, Keogh Baciany nproaiocs.yoexdre| evans nae was na poor. ¥ me tment anon m pate eeskao or Hwoases, eres lepare (van wees) KAMEHD Sanyo "To conceal & great hate toward some: boas, Heat $soponu, GYanre oeropénie o ‘nwousente x sen coceay on aan ba ens ppt 34 yo Ignabavia KAMEMIER "(vow nonnOanve ew. 'Adifelty which i hard to foresee. sui, ro ane pfsake er enpdoocs| {onc noaaéanatun doen, xo pe cry nent nh expan Siero nocitaven KATLIM apis, "To Aight to the last drop of Died, Onitrepoirccn sath no pba: helegatich,s anes no nocabae wna toon Howie vax ane KAM woas “As Hike an two pets in 2 pod. ee rwondcnn er Gpat Axexcinap hoxowae pst na 309", mu ae Rina KATUBT » woe. ‘Adtop, inthe ocean/in the bucket. Seo‘ Sew akaue ata Gorksoro se sont! Kuna pe, Sepa KAPMAN (wipe) ‘Don't wait; dont count ons don't PP Hoadch noayelrenomuueane no caste. Bi no KAPMAY "To coat one a pretty penny. Bars no apy ~~ Sto ciuoe awe anaadhte ttm Takia aA, sax ok He no KAPHARY TW 'costs more than one can afford [Avroodiog y Mend wer: abromootae ne ne no espn. uo RACAETOH ie toy as reparde ‘ro wacheren wend, £0 woh wean — rans tenons pRAtieCTE. In the capacity of, as Mionsepewrer npmraain orb w kivecre en ue ww), (Quits, ven, pad of Moose op es tadnusrs pyGndh wat on renepe weitere "To get excited, Cea eu on ex600, wordpoe en ne pdangess Wok poy manariNes Katia Hot tempered, hasty To wy om cons, a 9 seer: au” KHUETE. ‘To swarm with, Basie you sos waplxox, WOLKE Sb npesiapocre ‘Well of wisdom He npeyvesmanor a4 ond, rosopd, 0 in — nates apewfapocrs TROETK n romoné Cit "Choponu — apectout ndpe ding, 01 we we wre an KcHOUOHS na, axe (nan dre, Downer) "To bein fall swing/¥igor Hoa uaeanel, Onaadine. Topréaavaa sounsSancn. ko non sa6haa, A Soueno, yon Hogan, ode (aa) ace KHOMIKH tu Hamre na ece EDU ty ts sande KOBPIDAKH, "Not for the world Dry priny we ora 1 98 ae 08 ‘A bag of bones a KOKI sess a Bes Konenkt, Me wars cuorpére na S100 Gonshr, | Bea KOHL, is wba woe Tadley, without an end. Ws KOM (on) neat, tinear4 Cine no enopte Ges Kom, "To do one's tmos, to Teun over back- | KOHTILA » kone, wands "From end to end, from one end tothe Crap sea ead, wou yroain other wns es oon np, | Bh ota cry a oma» von. KO3EM orayusnu Copateneo,¥ kaa4on. Seapennat iu ROHUA, ime xp. Cen) ner (uae On » adme caoitx ponirreaeh Guta KORAOM ovush-xpiino Cup) Het). ‘ i Smut etapa Gp esiamen |e nocoed eo a nerd eso Ee psarondpas a wots, mH KPO He Ef roth ROUT a fonont rea |S KOMI nomad He ix ply headed; he i\aa stubborn as) Pinaly, afer ll bn the long run. arate 5 wom sonube’ ont Cobepu)oosan Crim csvacdpénow mie we sorono-| répony xen porter: ey xor wou ta rox0B6 Tem Tontaoe-ipuGoa, Kameron Io pane, ate» KOEN. “Bot « PSCIO, Kouisu KOHLEPT. Gian 7) KOMTDIBELI “ootine Hee eT anood, from the| _Yscninl xexpinsn wou womépr n20- cradle Sow ure. Ser rawin wpysbn wpae yak wom | KONLD » sony em ee obo wil koow boat none wil be pits (na peasepuarey KOmestIHO, | the wiser "To make a game of makedbeleve, to try| Xinpuil mpecrénmn, conepair $0 npe> nant eye nwo 8 mba ote gion: on wrper xowéamo,| Cros» KOMI c wont ru cad pt "To make ends mee. se KOM. Shin. voce 7 eh Kom € Non ‘rao ‘ebay aa {iy sontre ireaa younbie> — ex Sir Gren Jinspnenn, ose €v tin ‘Teénsan KOMIAHISL vel Ticnbonne conérosan ewf aep- skdnice note of Son Tengo Hon iow Paccundrscr, pocetinarsce 1 KOMIUMMMENTAX Kontuenor "Enough! That's settle, ‘kéutend! Csinrpauiero xn Gpociio ‘ypirss, —sagnia Tan Hodoowe, vepe Pfnumeh or soxrope ‘n KONEESKY crars (ut 6084 rowouine,naeséty, nese) Te wicost a prety pena. ‘Mom vépar “pmoesis npwrasmGiim a fi, Paceunirace,paceinaricn Mee athe caniicnaieaee ee oe if alr» rode ae Korie. Korea, an end Petey, miserly. rg neaopasyienuan ino noaoncne] fi re nd er rensorscepatenok meu: oh npoent 36tbxo apex, a ne| ETS rte nee, wer engand cena as ‘Typrenen,Slwopmtence Hess. ‘Be KOHKYPEHU eee ‘Beyond competition. EMA » soa: Anraitexan teperai mpostustensocrs |" Beactly to the Pen be nome Konkan ag straws, noscolm Konya sonehaae wonthay” coo wench Dae Dog-hale, hove mn Tipniduniace og oréuewanin, ca Bex KONIERKH. pb, mons EawoH oNypey toe | Pennies, Stace, Onnact mpéncts w ocebaen ep wont» Towzoucens, Menancnoe cvaeie.| Naps ‘Tous KON. 28 Bron a KPACKY, “Toanan KOMI. |B KOCTIONE Feu. ‘Brace copy relia, the very image. | In one's birthday sult Cat sean wom ese ) Kas reser serena, abun Toxtina npotsa aace KOPKU pyrine (et dpanine). | aa vepréw © woctbwe Eau wipes r0p0% Fe a act pal Ca eta : t Oven onomoniaee W-nivaa Cinopa| Crponin, norpbure (wan sosnsurins, Dyed im ace npn. onsite) a KOCTAX, OF KOPKUT 20 xépune "To achieve/atain something at the eost/ "rom cover to cov price of many seerifoe. ‘Teiplan eryaénran oy kop to wipua| Flevep6fpr mocepben wa woery wexoséve ‘cafeana ccnouannnnun ite 8 KoPHE anata Radically, fundamentaly, entirely. Nothing to speak of, next to nothing TiosnGeny, aro mopne’ neapanraanoe | OM HIM a CeO noxpurne puexOs08, a peat adver) werd wor maa, gacnér, nokracnére zo KOPHER nosée. |KOTA s meu toxgmin, kyr "To blush to the roots of one’s hain, | 70 bUY a pie in a poke. ‘Mie peatomian nyirysarxdoeo 20m ‘acu rdpone, non epimrmne Honk ‘wend te nowy. ‘yrdn KOUIEIEN. | Tienty-stutted purse, wel hdd Ti noms nop Oats ste pa] ‘chin no tool ats. papune ara ROPHEM pont to ar a yt us, Tiny alee Soe. dou] Qpnsaer poate» Eben ne puree now sypube aca fR momenta seen "fo tle a catand-dog lf ‘yeaa, ayers KOPHUL fot cocean wa "To take rot Stes be Tigo ayes myers wo ne r3y65- wate pon, witer mmandh naxenas, wr op=m3 Me™ ‘hay wt 9B "Ug RPO wna Mette sorts ends Heaps of news Bhasin, ponspaaiowt sro we B rocapecti frpow x naw eniaace Moi| yxbeaune nobxar nonunaty eset 4985 s.cuemae widow wowoerB. yoina pa vere. i KOPOBA warononion. Baaudracnnaitece » KPAPIHOCTI, ‘Tolale much, to opin lng yarn. "To run te extsemen, —HHasépnoe, saw npo went 3a'€ THM Xb-| On "aépporren pendunon nosfnnae, He esa narovopaat taaerce 9 oshwoctn. exo, Tw.) KPACABUIK oposite, Bandy, ia raw pacino cra3! ‘To provoke an extremely disagreeebio "Typreneh, Onna w aera ‘ain, to jane thocke [ets wopé6ur or Sof necrpaseaaiaoer Bixee KOPOBKA Bo ace cnoge KPACE. ‘all one's beauty. FTE wana A te, es Pe Real madness a pc nocran | fesse yee sete oem, | Tia pl Tm one's biethday out, "Tomake somebody hive, Taxsputne nostpooan exsseropy w xo-| On, anpényn er GoxenGe Gero, worn cme Asia ecb eptenr slaw KPACHL » Kamenipenae KPHICA. Slaw PACE, 0m pica?» — a, on pfcexa, wo m0 “Asan ornament. ‘ob on opamai. Fa “nucdeon spe iva noonaustacy | Hit KPOBFESRH st Gute oueduih Gondps, ne aan mpael| Deathly pale Now asa pisos, 2 mGnnxéni st pa| | Y Sroro Gashndro mu xponfian © ama. Sérai POR sree, susie TForoms, Méprawe avi |" lod i we shed Bure (ua woxoutacs) na KPATO rigenr, | COUT@N wows awabcr now ofonsne "Tobe on the verge/brink of ruin, one Teese Re faa sem POE see atu Sole In boomin bath he 7 KPA » woah, eae Gondous onl Guat Gaesnd, ua no fase oth, Tenepe HEE auO — mpowe (Uap) 320 tro? (éx0p2) ere aew-| $22 0 — a Su-wockéacko waive uipeveo wo apa 8 oan KPOBE erines (ane sexenéer x.) (a sea) yan, Boone Foanon.| TE Sie ones blood; one's bled trenes couse KPEHLLEZIEN. {isonet ceeteh opt eu up. pone erent santo nena rt sevtoro_myrencene| Rem Toes soul, aoe ack pacac soca | Haimirch, tare RPO hrasenia wr ke Ty "To become bloodshot. Bet apne Ea anne bu, 16 ron 1 Tightly em, double fs Eon Vary strityoverly 1. Bry pont sizo apen-| Only. roe sepeony ino xBER| Tyedeo yzoubsteraia 4 wutat Me MXOKS. ‘elapere cont ae a 2. Sega ett |S Boesde KPELILEHHE, Ela eee ree DB ocenien xiware untae 24 90 Bipusvdsenkax noaysin on doenbe ape 570 ow apm ne near, rt soe we) duane REST mete usc Teenager Sean Fi Tocrine, enaérin, Gand, raecsioue, Hocaéa KPHK Sau tcedecruo "oon aanaaaéacnnl Py "Phe last word fashion, the last ery | 0 woToporo = ne wort buRDe at fashion | ‘n"Toxcrom, Bots x op Bate renendaa Himonéena cro erb xe 2a na neh noe naplcceoro aed =-| He KPYT < ‘on the average cea ome es Se pti ma ye ‘Ta be Deenth erie, to be wo ged | aise DUTY ran © Gora). Thuearaapeseiosenue aa coveney| eve’ in sometadys ire, to fiw Shnio besos nowt, me musgpane| gue the ice of somebody Setapamiae nye ops socnon ar ene wine Sese suivant pase toate ‘renter ontario RPO Brepaioer reseniondunan nepexive 6x [3 one woh ire Tepentpriny (naw nenoprins) sxéro POBI "Pa cause much trouble Te nevénectno. w nirexsioune we neré| Mo cum esop notsax coer pacmpe ‘onus wonpoeu nepentprnay te nairo| tr xp soda Kantendpenan KPBICA. ria KPOBH, “An ae drudge, a pen-pusher. ay bith On euinder ceed Geen adem w Sow Dire nox ow KPBILIERL 0 Passi JIB. oraexénn, 2 a chuow alae. auakeres KYPAM a ones, exon atenipexan wpsead "Enough to make a eat laogh 2st npoadite mom oaH6N KPULEM, | acuta ord noxonaduiex — npéero "Ta ive under one (or the same) roo. | afpam cen, Spsven Hieoasean mpowaan Sana | Méxpaw KVPHUA, ‘fete tool cont nog 03H wptawed.” | Milkrop, cicken-heart (Or paddunx om (Crea exiana, s10 er {Sr pan spay won ne 8 Xors KVIA, eainon, Fae ayane? ‘Couldn't be beter ‘On (Tenbie) mpexae rpon Gus onlay | "ip KVCOK. tun, Tendpe ate, opine, sore yak. | Te,Bave a Rood thing going for some- [pros Tabooceanwasvasena.| PO, eee ee rons Guus w goardx a8 yam, @ enépy ‘34 KYATICAMI nerd ip ye ‘Behind the scenes momen RNCOK (nnn s3e64en) Tieperonipu epmn mexican yeaa |" Tit, dainty marae. Bosoostte, nosoerit KYM, Beau, eat, toxbait, of aéayanee 38 "To idaize pairs rucreaon abdern Alot, Bialpor nmoraé_ne exénaeten gandsic| nel Ot mor ou Gvenb, Oven AMON ony pend nas, He moawenér ef | wYeOMER foie Forons, Mépraue ay. Frcapes, BestP0%+| nusowuit KYCOUEK. opaains, nonéery, sax KYP 90 ut ‘dom KYCOK, "To be ava ‘ani, exons ee naan KW, monday ta oyp wo mH, 1 4 ne oxSsi- |" To lmyp everything together Sach einen Paopiomh paobenl enaaha es pax Mekon, Murenexae wenoes| t's oxny nfe)- I Bury, urs new MATAR, ones Cuan eras) na sine IATKAX Su ini ur ne 8 TAY, enes woven vSaey "Ry dance stendane wp someindy. oe BAS. Z Mepen eno naasncton OF 300 isenananh, nig, stand sax (ene | soba aman, no noha token Shr) sa tans ‘rroméerner custo "Tobe apreed before the eye azondnn ATTY ng wro 1 om noch nan sep mano wae PPR oa ro asin 5 sano, xsgnare © AOU Te is obrious "To clap anes hands, t applaud. ise npotmouad nepentna, 5 wa Bee‘caguaan amen e€6 pews w aie] Mem ePowtowas nepewtne, ro wm a6y 9 aabnan @ saad, ‘TADS (nnn new zante) | TEBESETD, ney, ee BAIS ( ss) EBERT aes "fo'be at variance with somebody, to be| Oni aeBeshinn pen navimcro x aber 1B ods wth somebody Ss ysies, Hind co eoofo prow séewo we w aang. |Pavbie (naw caoniry) ZL BUIAAY (nan sane) "To break the ice, to make the Ast step, Tm harmony, in concord to) startbeginjcommence, to marke the Korxiro nti apoxaonion, @ renéps t+] beginning bie aaa Broad anepaie » 20m Hines, rer na- base JIATIAX y oro. Eopbutinaacs, no xosth yuex erp ‘To be in somebody clutches. Doe aay th nowbacdcnyers. npr B'tbow w isco exis Picenne wpecodne| treme aepian ceOk enunyaatat, ian nx 9 nomenon ‘Spenser SIEKEBOK, a JNONEA nocuorpérs TIEKEBOK (en sees) (Cnacry¢ UA, Lisabed,laty-bones "ou Chacrh © TEI, 2, ei semen, noph npoexfrees, npr | Menssen oy saweninse) a HUE roca 33 paso, {To buen Kae e TECY! FH ravenna, sro Eaéva, serpeséa Gower “Al ates ‘nent, menieren 8 ade Bndsow axiwor némero yepexaéms | Hae tanbeak, wankes, aancao, sewn ees ‘Retecteobvous on one's face Ccebtbte TET exdasno aunt | tate wna wandeana ro6por8. Ts ages save we met. onopey,exanire tH. ‘Cuda ner exSnauo aime susizvcn>| To aay to somebody Fase Stpimyan Chama or azo 1Osoes,| st ecerat ronopes ex) m6 apna. Spacey sve Ha to no SHO, bie ETO, “An like a to pes edian prames. See euvonss Cots Sesae si 66sero adr ‘piano onmuine oxord or apsréro. 2Kyagn ETOH, ULIOM ws ‘Living chronic Wace to face Foca Hisoatesin — maby aéro-| (Sta) crosna 6noko x Oni, amiou x tens Rescue yin, so expeaaoese| som Wow hove aro One YO RP ool aexyuioh, enpoed rd a Xeatire (au cxnbtuners, 100k) exon, Coeean. mney "To be quick (to understand, to learn, |C JNIIKON, se), to grasp quickly. More than Sich ota npesoexbanye enoeéonocrn) Mu Sroro’ me xfmiM: andauens py6nd a.» exeinanaa npexnéra wh aerg, © ¢ axon. the, epentuae nowy ort | TSH roads. fe rue [to itetoat. Ropaaenxo Gn Hoa romier, 2 on6x concen He 06 crop woera coepexensusa.|_ pauider ha so oni Ha HOHE noma Basreh JIAMOHL, the lap of nats, ‘One who lost hie strength, ebiitee. | OP, tis 87 of Kovels Tosi? "Banaras, coe) Hyg nPovonse ayaa Siw. Borne JOMATIN, exon, Tesenman necnn| B24 TOHAT avis oto SHH omnes | Bho toes ace nba nosh ‘Conpontestna| Abvopa "To take/fllow the line of lest reelet-| 1OHIATDCR, aby ace “Togo banirapt, to cease to ena. Hw we nya aban, xordpwe mage mo | aa ywisepcaauiay sora A630 inv aittvower conpormaatnea. " |Cex6A (ny Gest) ax ZIV. ‘odmmsnes oBoapave xan AIRY oro, | ‘Hoary with age, snow-whle, “Pade somebody. On'yad a adapacre puter ri ser Fp onan at sy Goro ao) eh a anoerphrs AG, gone wa acon SCT. ‘Polak to ones heel. "To tremble like an abpen Tee. Bee eubrpat rae Arb ArSvonn, Or eps on apo an Seton anct,| Je maior nanocrDas. c hinton feecrirecn oovnerintcn » THOBBM. Ie more than compensated, with in-| ‘To make torabndy a declaration of love, terest Kova Ttspemenincn Cone 00a ef Grsepuss pocronumet soar € awxw6A, | ino nso wecaauas® er Me gona SXOM. BHO6O-s8pr. ‘To think kindy Tis rea! pleasure Ne Seens wptizee puséranoes ¢ vbun,| IuoGomdporo” Giso asnkeven wa cankx. mann tro ne uoré npoaosmérs © ant |JHONER nocwonpere an eb noua, ‘nota patina pose nme "To ace nnd be anon. sent com. PSM 'St apa a nevepney! Baouse JOSH 2 mepcn. — a. puta wxéh noeworptre aa ce) onsuixono anne spn, 4 novastrs, opal, Buaue son Baus JO Haveteens: anion IAMKY. Tlowttwinau sex, sosgpauiacs pe-| "To drudge, to til opting, swiveas mpintocha ecoGOn aae-| Cafunon ers Ret rena om ahi cro ‘yyw duaso nerd yerpamazoen. bbe | sonneinunas, ne wien nepeneeT A ‘obpae acex Gamubox monéh, Ont sof: | andro nowidnon anes X Hex, aeouie finn erpoase- | Corvuvon-lleapin, tuve'€ noweéans, plsno.pacrpénanne Tipmaavosere& Kpoworomnnom. (MAIL ws sean Onwiae MAXON, ‘ne smaller han the othe. ‘AL one stroke, at one go, at a stretch. Bex, waa waa wv, tino y abso 2€-| (Oravecds) wards wenpiadiare 6derpo % ‘rms wesonee aereh fxore née oa xo Conanon- Murr, Herero ‘Keoseen, Bes wa Onepe Of MAMA 20 sexu. |B rHoREHUE ous. "Young and old [in the tating t en exe ‘Muponosirs npusésersousan ace — oF] flozowa m reprises m wrmongune Ox, isa 30 nein, MEAG wits" (Fovops) ne AOC Betwoon ourselves, between you and me- ‘Lite, «litte ata tine Mena na (conopsy, frops ne n03%0- Gr ecr'no maaoent, Ho cro, ‘Mul cee ne Parcs sug'ss MAREPAT MEHEE veer “Whau'a bad habit Hues of ll |Win, ott ene onfrs ne na nage...| Portéw npyéaan » Taasade sem fuastsé Ws kpouitn v0 sa mandpai "| eer yabennn ann xoniromer 2 Je 2aGgre (enw kbvao) sak MAH | Sona eseenom 4. Toactof, Bota wp. ‘To thie, She nape uve a onporiuean | vlnuen MEPE hs ft oi mei | AEN aso ne Tae aaa | ene croma a Bacaent hy oe a nee \ dfavte bu vapors — spout |e MEP wexroxtncr ier ssn pense "ates md en toons ence Bab ae) Ox at we otrntoer vente repent eh pcre 8 Nate ace reoreho SE: am om oe ne Feet isa ee et cre tas Scots ogc EP ease TAT EE ue any. eit now pce aba pt a ABE eo a exo, Tpexomene, MTVU God aya (nym, eae cau MPU, ‘Gondneas gracous! ‘Ones very stupid i sultant ohn? On, omsonm wc. | Ofer tubs soméc «fae “The very Image of one's mother che wep. (Ona Geene norondita na Ay Avtaptenny,| MEPCTT Guay cneco) ‘nveto nee pose ronoplah. idan we| Thank You, ceva arr. {Bur onlin ok mwewn6?> — a owasoncuut Mosores.|_ Mepet ‘are MEPY. 38 owrounsn MIMS. Share MEPY, Meaéau MeCsIL "To mow hen to sap, to know one's| Honeymoon mite Morotoati nepnéznce wo Hréan, e3¢ Tidaw Hse, caSuon pacosis croeré nae-| aponeak wend een ‘boa Cin er oxGrwnete npn | MEM» nouns baoas ‘anne, nocuémosace, Onto Fouoph: sna To heathe a sword ey, roasoun Tenpn tine npeum werynser, roa eh Mea rood abavo wew'm hontai te “moderate ‘ateren Chnonctrin wesonde... dau we mépu | Comes, He6o x seu iow nan | Meron Be srsanu | lout (aay ofan) MEM, “Fo draw a sword saa MAME, wnt] Hager tie tg eu pero Ee cm, atest i SSat ete eae banana w oad | TPO» evel: i weld ot do one Seeesteed cee seat st o Reipht aoe Tonge ne FE a aa coip aepa| Bot amu, noadaune Geen: w ete a capudy nicas socatancee | 3000008 metx wi» renepina, od nacre Tpionexon, Tope oF 39a, Fasakeans, Beena #2 0380 ong. Mut: a alae MECTE, Tne taking, in moment. Uf T were yous it T were in your shoes. | Dvaapripy fla mapaser sop w w oxi a ele uve we Cepia ee | MME Ce eqtue wt Hen ‘vopiponan fc fatnesowensnen | es NALNOCEE ‘Tenaoe MECTESKO, “Somersitaly ‘Safeway sb lucraive/snug place ot |B Tipnut er nn Gea muxocEpaun sploynent| | linet epson Fee cape copomh matte | Mobepnfaunes x roc, ows exanksa ¢ Bonne’ MECTO. roymérmon ssdonon— Mao "Tender/saft sot | San renin, iro 6x0 Gone skero, 1 Nexon, een ‘onpde Sir nonindn seer -nowStne "Ie Toacro®, Koon m porns. Ci 1) wa MPUIOCTS (ua exe), nowayiera, ‘uate ood MECTO. Tell me, please! (expressing. surprise, "To know one's place. contusion, indignation Cpt adcr cast mcr, Sr aceu nn: | Camm magn te B46Cb x08? hice B MnaHATIOPE, Hacoseinoe MECTO. In miniature. "A'Tong seeupled place, one's home of | Typiru nasuném Baputioy Mephixex » ‘many years Sanmariope. Ont necrapéaa a acres ae, youlgus| fearon NEHHNM, ‘to notnad noxiny nmctneninoe Meto:| "Living wage, subsistence minimum, sub- Keine MECTD. ficvence wage. "Blood feud, vendetta. iba c nponsrownon whkumynon He KoGoran mere npoxcannace wa KSpon-| Mary? raniaunany aéaet aa Mepm teiio meade opener ew (Oaup) mune, st (Ouas) munis, ‘One mint. Mara tapyt acxovéa co exfaa, — (Onn) Sony, roctons ns tra « we ‘roeroene, Boars Kapavason 2 connay HHSTY. Inno dim, im an instant Mur Sasi watt neal» (OMMf) st ny Con MIHEYTY (non coxa. "Tals very miata, instant, at once (Gib say canien samarack. Cepatnaoni, Cepia. MHP ee. ay one est In peace Mp pixy.itieny, rep, nimarue Bobs sa ena pom. ovate som IMP. un IIPHKASAT abazo or Inepesepus neck MHP” (npn exe) ‘To do something unusuel/imposibe. Om coon epeSzeranat natn aor fu nepenepupre ech nD. He or MIA cers ‘out of thir worl ‘hae Het er ipa cer, ef eps siven pyrovoa or etn cent ‘ogni MAPOM sae, isan ‘Cat from the same cloth ie ceed oan pom sloaua: ace cab Goro xapantepa Maro ow mecoe6), MET. "Think too mosh of oneselt Rreucbiap, nu corabeen co s008, 10 ‘it cpayafao war wt © 268? Hie MHOTO wn ala. "No tees tha Gropiace'n Zonder, om 9 ero was nae ley NOFY" noxsantneee (nan soxaicraren). cant) can boast/brag. bua ndmnayerececoof rexeniagpow yt sevdpe roan, on meoras tie ne Os ‘enGpvet, 2 bof we mors noxsaniroc, Broa soft» MONY, "To come into Teshion, fo become fashion Kplcwns w6noch nomad w wOay sane (ny ond nn ne MOOKET pasopatrace, THe, the, ey can be everywhere at FP itotayouero » verve wack cogpsate npogéccopeno-npenozanireavexoro coe liye scrape each on abe ura ac pita soeéayoubee oraextannan i> Stripe sack 6faer ven repeal ak isan, «os m MOSH ner werd sows. Konto, ow we MONET pte Sopadreen Sure veo MIRE ceoe apeacrani, fit IPESICTABE( 10) ce dersniey ta (noone) MO3O.N. "To tread on someon’s corm, to tread on amebody's pet cor cow ne stews prying Haréue ma oobi roe enpauoah e&, nowens te maan uo a Fp MONOMEL we sawoas. Stalwart/stardy/robast to a Ind. Serb eee cates MaHORe, MMO ‘Not in ane's Geet youth Tipiwstise Gnept yx me népaod wés0- ‘oem Ho ot ace eu Oven Hpac. pin Mostoncr. javenate YMnatsa aropis nésoxoere. Hard ne hep, ero on aoevieetapwecaoro. Roo Y herb emé MOZIOKO 1 ry68x He ode. Hrs tn young? he la just a aby. ‘Moaoa6t Chaopoo, necworpé wa To 0 ¥ ‘ero em osx ta ry6IK ne o6cox10, ran Sapadatioumoe sepia coer om Begeéys ¢ HOMOKOM sarep “Poinkert rep. Tpedonte MOTUAHHE. ‘Deathlike lence otal upogeccop cura xbauun, sce ery sews norpymarvet, b epodonGe wos fxn, oGonr MOMYAHMEM. “To para byvover im sles. Bu Been nopoud exesani, «70 o6oma rb nope Mamet, ‘Ommsaniny toh we NOMETOR "To pay somebody in hs own coln. (Os oraaarda eu oR we moHTOR 0 er paniatie 92 wierye MOHETY. Mo take at its face value, to take in all sed faith Errsdnsoe nesinnoe cxino mpmauier 38 ‘acto mower. [MOPOS no nome (nau no crime) nose. Te maker one's sh ereep? it giver ene ‘ouerfeh the shivers KRorsk nenoniio 9 Tow, 70 sponaousd DEapéae wo updo wot seed wap ‘oampler no woe. MOU wer (gn mv we ero) (One can't stand/endure i ‘Steck Taw Hae #0 MORN MET asin MOM. % [are ne # HACTPOEHH Hasty, MOU, It makes one feel creepy all over: it fe Hai KAPMAH, fiver one the shivers. Iowpdr MPAKOM netoeterwoes Heseadton axe 8 rexiore nowfversoaaa, ‘erouded in mytery Sto neey nodes ype sara ‘Teimcrocinnst wn neomaanah wean Hie | mo eto meni hina apna Rwpar MBMON HOD ‘Typrenes, Hoos. SAVIPEH, wo, Kanda MOXA rd yaya? ae ‘What fa the matter with him? What fs ating him ‘bya cerGuc vau navkzans Sve cep jes He oeiewn 2 aa fa e699 Ona" dee epaclnan atavuna. Me wy pend, ero Inn c népaoro Boreiaa 830 Bane net | IE ence, No end of trouble Om Fepar fay gemevecsgno or voers aa? ond. MPH ne oan is she would not burt 8 fy. fixe eipm sro. Mita er ocxop6ia: OKI Tra ‘Miasa Gxaropéamsn weosty, on aume "The torments of Tantalus, pangs of| , MFAH ne 06h. Tentaor Stren MECH, Kona sec cOomn cna 29 Grsro Sjpan-| ” Ulteror motive, secret purpose. tum fcroonn w nanfanan eroadw, fimo: | Ceaous #50 mpdeto, Geo nchaad abawen “Eitrepenoat san Tamra abo no: | Man. aah er6 ma parvo ney, ef ace orpyat » MBICATD, b'broro nemat iso ces ‘Deep thooghe IMYPAUIGH Saror (aon nécsann x x. n)| Samim catgr Y Ound me weneasudrce Ho enue (aay no TERY He) Ow rayéoxd morpyn 8 mune H HaFonORATECAL He cepaten m vo fro cxaain es (neo- "Ta behalt served Fo) mepeen Bayes no splus noBul o nae, on c-| Méxay HAMM (rose) so 'maroxoabacs. ‘stween ourselves, Between you and me oganirs, Roxie HATER ‘Ménay nina (Covop, oe He pe, HANPABO nas és cu Terp6:| Right and lft nua, moaadr Gorsuste nagena | Cebeyaten is Kae HAO (an av pout), bea e6 pasion “Aa i luck would have pa w wasévo. ‘Mia xd eas, no apa ea was, | Tinian Gervonteno abst Bepecaen, Bouse roms. rae naaKnaeva, | Kax HAPOUHO. Huatenoe, agin. ha oe HAS "The senile. soo HAP (Miswos) npocsianses avyus vax wou) Loud, ashy clothes ee eerste ‘Tee uplnnres nose nalnse Ente Azex- See ee aa | een a tose, bro aM ORF HaKoutelio! ‘wlan nap ‘ast |e ticnona Hitondieo ru mpmutal A a ya afuans| a C HALIETA Cwosuconcanyeapnaeue, "7" “**"™ | wAcrpoei xa, CHAMETA’ awe nacxdxs. Meod, humor. ‘ih a sor. | Miu'terinn Ciena wecéaon merpot- Kasanepiieati nore pySia ¢ wanéra| i A938, ‘nnn achoutetoeu éreracu apr | Bite we » HACTPOENIML Bes (aciuoro) HAMIEPENI. "To be im poor/low sprite, to be in a bad “Without definite purpoe, anintention-| mod, to be out of ort aly. Cerin em naerpoén anh reénp. Hox HAYAION, EI Jo HET Tea HAYAZIOM, oHEBEPORTHOCTH (nan 20nesepokr), ‘Under command. "To an unallevable extent ‘Ta yee nag TaanOwox ays, UUbvarne wonbunue npoxisra noananice hy y werd non mao! 2 Hesepournacr ‘ Oerposcutt 11g HEBOEMOMRHOCTH, TIpeusa~ ropows, ecxaeie nyse. | "To the last degree. (ha waanesa ie go Wevoanduaoern, HAWHHATD, nacir (ronopins) wnsanex. | putt» HEVO/(OBAHIE, "Ta begin feom afar, to work up to tomé-| "To become indignant. thing Txgainad npr» weroxoabne, sors (35mm) naumer rnopins wi — cnep-| xf nivanesnannichonpoee oer ‘cvopoa, naaasend, ‘pda ao ‘ebep, ln xamrran, | Sroro (eu, réauxo) HEIOCTABAZI, CHEBA casnnsce (unr ynser) "That would be eh mit! That would be ‘To fal frm the moon, the lant strewt Ovens pan wiaesh Tet... Hom yane-| Mire, Sonads cao€ sanixamce wpb Sta Tu abut e web enact 2, soxpbrny sv ra een paca ‘enon, Chyna wctopna.| 3. véprl"~ Srore Meoeranki —"Apo> Gopuords on Bure. (usw wfncroonars cel) wa ceaunu “lactotocanf, Bparen Kepewssoou, HERE. ‘ane Kas "To bein seventh heaven Hate HEAR, ‘et npacfreraum,rorad| Tt la qulte Impose ‘ik apy Gh afecreonan coh cenbe| but nd be oer pra 2, Hero, noi, ord onnaxens a> oreimine, no 0H He exer cot oerdmes nd rw nex neve, Bepecses, Boe rons He ua lpexyo BOTY. "To lve in prand syle Oni esony moun x GeantRerans haan rosea nospeguoetn: 1a 1 nk nmr hp wy, eh Hse» HOLS. "To keep step/pace, vo heep abreast On cera ma ny conpentmocto. Ha obey HOT. ‘On bare feet, on one’s bare fet, ‘Gacrpo cépbensa rfban waxérae m ‘ey néry,w cueso somal 2039. ‘Pageen, Motoxas reapars Ha unpsuyio HOTY. ‘ou Ha pony PYKY HOnk erp "To pester sombody, to worry the ie of seme. Grr s6nuh wexonde: ex xbnaoe e360 oom Serpe om Kors on wenanann Bea HONK sepeoe “foil without ine, Gfisoaéine toma manéron went eo ond aaptonan. Bure nn HODKAX s nooinace # OBMAKA, Baars no HOAX. eara yrgp woe wovisunuay orgentiu "To be at daguer points, to be at swords | Kseslne HOCOM. Points, "To nod, tobe drowsy. Fine’ octane aepéonn esa wa wondx,| Ceunzerinn Bann cworpés newrrengonye nope o nlcronue ane core Teennaudunyr nepeainy mwisas acne (8099 HO (a st) aioe com. (de) docn not eure a fg (he) eouldet| He waaay. HOCY. are ene fot He asine FA, Friapat » reérpe cyorpéa na coos voy |noGen0, 2 cata) — noah Stor HOMEP ne mponatr. "Phat tick won't wort here; you ean getaway ith ta ‘Overnight, spending/pacsing the night. Fount Bropéh pa Stor nowep we npot-| Hxoropse oxdnnet seranswisnc. 28 si, town 9c), Bott Guan apts) » HOPMY. oxéaed Gury choxstu08) HOW, ‘To eta to normal ‘Good might Tlewcirp spisntans ro Teer apie] Ko bueno, = xdants vaca abveps mart tes nopuy. Tousa a alrexye: noneniteatran mot c Hopon non Obetinate capricious, Hd HOU rats, ‘Tie npowom, teOe ve yronlut ‘AL Uhle/that tine of night, AU CRiponss, Bscttes Mexewrnena.| 3ro\nis VA copaniete Mk wow eabaa? HOC x noe ‘ropa, Crap "To meet head-on, to meet face to face. |110 HPABY. Gnd werperian wesnéan noe « Ny. | Ty pion nazi GC Hab ere npmanes ono way. “To fool somebody, to make @ fool of | HVE uer ea Simp Titty mbar at woe nafanoro He] SPEER tia, x er no 6920. fou hacen pus net at neon tpt HOC no ey. nas to weno yy eae ee ala, aoe | api ugha, Soa ena ton Ree ce enctnn Oy Sea yt on ig METH ri eran) — sep ryt ng" Ver anny ny ne ce aor ac ae ran] YS eh ay eg ya ho DERE a tee anes — Sie gente SSR Sin ae ie Oe ia ny pra nts | ene. conten 1908, "rae Se at wate on“ ats tg ot met Foe ee eee an tpevtme soe eosin, cacerd x HYIO. ‘Typrene, Hos Ienerance, to mority person any Yer mo costa Bo npn cnenon spenrop aenapr ‘Cepadinoot, Cipexorn. eons OBEUIANME, Bex OBMHSKOS. ‘Se caepats COBO, “plain erm neha s OBI. JTnte noronopin Ges o6unaxsa. “To be able to stand wp for somebody ‘Tondpvnut no undanaod Ckave me nant) Vnocirucs © OBLIAKS, wens ay. ‘Sr Bub OBITAKAX. Bure » OBMAKAX, ” (OE a oni Bars (ua surins) » OBJIAKAX (ia ynocirves 8 obsaxd)- ‘To be up n te clouds to go woolgather a, aosbavgo udm » odzanby, 2024 arc cepncnn Dae Kane OB/IAKO! Take bat from the blue ‘Tpnedaa wa we aud, Fae oH, w expe on arp, ua axa, indnarm nacre oere 8 OBMOPOK, "Po faint oon Enea son, 0 o€ 6par nor Sooinsta norte, yaa nope Sordpuit npoaosmen aecxorneo han part, note xara. © OBOPOT, "au Bparay som. oro, OBPABOTAY. pati, tte koro. © OBPABOTKY. Gua 0950) ‘To get a somebody, to take somebody tous Out mataw o6padémy, Hosns, «x66 OPA ton ‘Wey mode of fe (living) Gn nd pun shepuniicxomy pay ‘Ten OBPASOM. "Then tat wa Teptwauspatuassien ¢ woedaeusow x, ‘anne Sopasom, vadiunsen maxon, or ocroeseuut, Joti. Bonres. Oniy just enough, Bplet y wen nak ecu sowmadee,| ‘open: sépeanéexorsxo wacbn Rizo i bertte oéperno. Canon, Heo w seus orp Cua esa) so. OBCTORTEMCTBAN, 1 depends = Tavtidrs, xdueus npeanpuniss sro] eetdaonane’ Ho, sosonde, Kak bro ero wa ate ne ab, peas exorpt no 06-| ‘rodnemeranm, ‘pare, mata on OBCTPEIL. "To erie severely. ‘Teaspizunl epfrak sosx nox oGerpéa 1 OBTHKKY, Chore fine Kasonepies noi perf» obra. | Kav (now roo, 40) OBVKOM no rae (Gaspar. ‘Po be thunderstrock, rn antern ed haw 66yx0M no rozon| ‘Gaspaan). Bpausnen » OBLUECTRE. ‘, Bpaursce PST, Iiyexirecn nyerisien » OB SICHERIS. "Pogo into an explanation Oguép, aan, ero oH ous, nyeriaes = ovnacntmen, Tyunom, Burnes To OBBiKHOBEHINO, “Ae uraal, habia, customarily. ‘Oh no ofuasionéms wader bo nov. Tipgmim OBHIKHOBER, ‘Contrary to one's habit Tiaud Hain npockSses, mpérum ofsamo- ‘lt, Se piso, tacdow adces “Towtapoo, Odxoxon Bésuae (ean G6aee) OBWKHOREHHOTO. ‘ore than was Maran avepa a redtpe: wep apnere owpsowacy a Gage ofuasostiro. Bucs, neni » OB3ARHOCTD. “olimjom an olgetion of doing some- Nine amenian » o6fsannocre soni of Navepudsnn Rosadpaey 1 mosarim est OBSATHOCTIO, ‘A noaariio cnotio obfaanmoerse cxasite Hpwadaiearscs, npucinyrecs OBEIKOR, "To prewnd to ie 1. Without taraing one's head, to show clean pal of heels. 2, Without eare/eaetion, 1 cTen ayaa on toe Gear ea orate tds sbor eré ander 2. Fea oratann nbs ne exésa0, “A Oexponciath He or apa cero, B OFOHB x w sbxy (rondo, rondua; notas ra. Tolgo through fire and water, to 60 broth thick and thin Oni as estan orbme nn bay roréna. On ctvde sated sovena domepreneate see ‘ot cocrotmte ‘A-Octpovcra, He or mapa ceo, Pacsaézunary, passoati OFOHD ‘ay woerep "Fo maker build fire Boncriysu paaaoncan » recj orn ont is oxi Tn private, privately, face to face, Guba foronopie ona Ox wt ‘Oki 9 ote teste ‘onHHEXOHEK. 0 Cuastre » OTBET, ontHexoHeK. Bonaire opiyoiew — s10 msnasirn nos ‘OH -onmtaenen Busoees wotmoro xonbaters oltttvosmméwenex (wow ouuutxouer), | Souonin SEH. fod oamewenova “indian summer. ‘Quite alone. Teste craoetitce kopéve, wactéaa 2030- Ep yt npeacrazataoct, wae ont octd-| hn been. exce omaeonmguteni w ehaGR cexbe, | Ham, nage OCKOMUHY, ‘Mawa-Cndupee, Host, | ‘To set ane’ tath on edge. ro" ef 8 puna pele panroaépa B onmonny. tin nami xn Sint | na'chcalitt a nofépasnézana sdero stterayox 8| “Op the grounds ean crane ine's Cocromni ortaire vexonény ma ae ‘enondi oe ndanuo npexnonoxt Teo 8 tae | "iexoa, yom | to ocHopAns. re'the ground, entirely, completly exo, fans.| 3ra Monoety orpeent wei xo oGtonde Ha, emdarnon OPE Bfavur na cutpriow onpé, on mops Ona! Ryae ropasaach, azo woemurisa tee spon aoe ‘aa ochde noforo yas Bp OSHAMEHOBAinE. ‘Sea, Mepne pasoers ‘To mark the oscasion, on the occasion, commemoration. He OCOBENHO. ‘Not periutaty B ioiS-ow road npovexoahan npdaanec ‘2 cxmuenosinme noceser nex Finaepow. | teu, ru cerbaia me oc6fenmo xopous Bey OKOIMMHOCTER, ‘ronan, Prsinly/staigt, 1p OcobeHHocrH, (5) ceasia Ge oxontwocreh, ero xéner| Especially, in patiul ‘sede zocr,norous ao onarenponstr. | Bo now eafsoe, cum rug we evand, Jloctoeecnt, Heron Hessona| 9 or6dennoctn 8 ie B OkPYZKeH lintipadsanedetaet Tonster With, accompanied by. QETANIRET ests sro » oepyoadinm poxeracincon Gaia | it Teaves much tobe desired oxen pods noctplir ceoprasuore eraansxe Bo OHO wrot Gunn vow ont xa). feranaber wendy wiGroro, ‘ovthats it agpes wer ne OCTAHABIMBATECS, = Cemnd-to Gorin, 2a ana senootra.|ocranouirect Beerd uyambu-o: ové oR xa Rese | To stop at nothing ‘Toe bo ous 0! lag nae eso We Ow pen 1 Thempacs, Kpecrasucave xer.| yew Me octaniaaneaeren, Xore OTBABI onath-ragn. ‘More then enous, more than one knows ‘But again, bees ‘what to do withe naw one-run A50xeH nostopinh, s10| Cawontienm ¥ Ménowona Gix0 Kore Or ie we to Sensi, Tre Kenaxeons, Soe er ogoacirs OPYAUE. Dregs ot society, sum of society. “To lay down arm, to surrende Bow spuctipe cotuphioes Sonex0 or- Bocca wowace neyaivek Tierdk-| peu Gomes. 1s nosoadan ope. censise s OTE Bonaire OP AHER [Sto anawer "To ratle the saber, the ratiing of the| sin Eocene xno noraaaéx a x6:T079, chen | aicto ano: vawon 1 me cade Hecrt OTBETCTBEHHOCTD, 4 Tyerérs MA. ery wna, scnaecnfu pyxink so-] Ha mpexsoadne wipsa Gonnda 2y6 (ends x velauée. Feepia omen onda. Meson) lowanan dav exon dlowsxmon gases Heer OTBETCTBEHHOCTD, Bugs » 6niowax OTHOUIERHA. "To bear responsiaity "To be om terms of fntimacy, to be i [Rovawaip nectr nisnyo ovatrersemocrs | Umate with somebody. 3 oatbwenayo Ha Her Goesfwo noyro:| B upautow weit posdesu Gian ¢ Terps Fhany none ou aan omombnenx. 1B OTHANTEHIi [omtipAniitec®, oma Tn the distance | coxnonge, B oraastinm wvnéaca sow wotix poxt-| To take 6 nap. Teath | facta yrousénne, on noobéaa 1 or COTATI stu 3, plain va Gowaefio. ft DELIATD sfx 3a orbort Bea OMAN |""Never in one’s life, never in one's born or good, | (iS), oveafano ea anak Nar (aehtin) Fexpeanoro we Bonepee:| we Ronee wana rr, "pres, Ora xe 4 Toxer08, Bota HH | ry da agizarcn nm OTITEKY. | Boretathers. “orb compicelyexhtta, to ron one-| Ont atau We rape wae in sacred oo | Toren, 0.08. Genkany. TM MPINAE MBSE HA as tye, anactn OTHARHHE, sayon, Canoe cepane,| To eive up, to despa, eee ‘Morb pndaa borane, roxy coéze B oraémbnoctH. thot nernaeuiooh Sendo crock aS: Taken separately. | webu wR eiice nates, noabeny, — tra o6e-|OXOTHIK go veronn firs stat eafaah'm ovabaunocty | One who fy very fond of something. muvee otis 1o'a (on) sen ox exon, 0 20600, ‘exon, lowssnien gases, agora OTEUL | Cason plaonue OMKH cworpérs. “mage of one’s father. “To ee through routed spectacles! Chin Vsan ous, Tet, cam wndsuont ws | glasses. Splt dputsea muh oe | Txéta cdrom coos pésoane omit 2 Omnénint OTKAGON. | Gioerb teuind whe sawender et exo: To give negative reply. | Giron, na Anon, Paa/eep ("Smoothly and gracefully, tke @ peacock. 1s"7o apd sane rameniau ne w spe, a) lesa) sau eB cua) sn orepéaes 1 asa an, sro aandao Ovei GGetpoe | jue nigof nonsusd no wanipue, exer wnyate | roxdoamae 6éapamn bean mpwemua Bepecses, Bune tons.) abt Hu ABA a sop "Neither peacock hor crow, nether Aish | Tria TAT (a and tor fom (UDO et fre to grass In steppes ‘Harootpasbaannan, wo oriran Hina Cep-| Koaxoumn net pases Crem 23H ‘denna bersae sbajta sivyx aa aucono-| ace malyeamoe novowan. Coplay Acta ‘Sgpanéainoro micivean, n Tenépu ons tt | Oyp on cOpme Tie ‘nina wn nop. Tins, fpoxopua! Conoxoe, Hex THAAELL 0 nse we yates 2 ‘upéoas AMAT, TAZELL o aise ne yadprn Y vac xopéuee wexiave, Ho 06 mbxsuen ‘Not to str a Bogor ne" aowensire, eTS6u mpuuece end Mare daasnd, ore e wepagace nonui | _Henomenne: 2 cu ndgen @ te me Yad, 706 mo-| TAJIIEM ne roSuyr. tbe cnoeh rep Now's hart a TAKA o aay won “Towopie, 70 e2 6a Cepénae, — «Bor ‘Twovaged double-edged weapon. nl Pine So wdscer ure! Bex eee Fenpreny sivas sya eppirépno x| au er Cxpéxy: om nomen Haar Upecnésyer sofa a ne pn, 2 |e rponer.. ‘ids, to mpecaetonane ~ So nda | losaunars a xoro-s, TAIBLEM any noma (ia suc, an TA ‘fo point an accusing finger at someone Tike suck (ttkingof «tall and skinny | Er6"ouinyeruas a Hopuai, ao en 4a. person). seeren no. acé-ak eae x6ar0 66497 Airin Aansenenn sepussce x3 aaéna.| oniaunane se nerd new, Braet ae aaa, ‘Roneadti, oars TATBUIEM w wé6o, Beranadre, serdar (woe cxbnim “To be wide lf the mark, to have/take nocrinyre: Gpocir, épéeury) TIAA | the wrong saw by the et. Ponte, [ut donde ndauten ® MEO, nora cmp: ‘To put « spoke in somebody's whel, to] cic e or Henbien si wei to pani disue, te hinder | ities Coupe” xGwinoce weyasvet Jyeon| anes ceboae TAMBLIBL Sips no cone cbhawoncnnn, actu | To be quckly spent expended, ‘nomics, Geoasno 6. he spesoran, sce abasru penny THATRY. Gfxio mmf Caos naga "To got far ‘uorpere cmon, TATU {Cafu Misa, Haw xe yaccina sen] To look throweh one's fingers at some: ‘it werd ne aQsaetsOisxo Yatsawses| thing, to dlaregaed something. Saratoyunanm.—~ ale, liver Sto tu] Mave xork n seta, to cut He fence, Yat nepernga nin ‘sorpéaa mao canons nia cHomvenona (non) Batons ia ANSI ‘To be quick on the uptake, to catch the] Te forget something teaning once vin, peOia, »pacehaaia orah Hicta seronopiaa, inex nvas &| fuatoy nocnéaneh von, nonyeaban, caw hae utc manga dt Tigers TA nasties Ges AMSTI "Toe Read over hese in love with some- boas, ‘ne fs not to be tried. ei sopéptige nocubnpnoaaa soxpf ce ‘Tut idan ‘e to" xesonbe npes-| 6dr wGaora Stine saber, ar Heo. pwyve, no nOv, ex mzsua 8 por ne | sui Tlerpdans Senex ye momooary ek aaa —"‘oeyeerian Bipm enserd ue. | Bes rasan deoesre wo HATA, ‘Typrenes, Ore w ser “To. make up, to fabrleate | opcrses » MANET, Tovoptty, wig ow yexan 30 rpaniny | To earch in ones memos. ‘ctlans Comb Wo Srdsunasrces sto bce] —-He mary neneuntr mpebcop, wae So deoeano na nds. Hin fou npowsouid sro cosa fio HATGLAM never nepecsnréne “hii opirect ner. (gy sepevéer) ésuas AMT roan can be counted on the fagers of ene] May one's memory lve forever hand B bdaepin Kamae of cee peniana Giorgia, ax ago cerdane soak] exonttsen smawensah apxep ‘Bas ko! Mo naan wOaoio nepenéer | Dzezep, 85 ner. Blowan eu minaret Snare nan Soot re DATSIE, suspinan (naw nspina) AMT "To Mave something at one's Bagertipe | Gin auphuan fosend). Fer cena pacentounas 08 row | A shart memory ft nc aa we ewok nate nue,” | | Coemiy Asenceenv aiepaa anes 20 [MAMILIEN we auiears, me aed ‘etopu 8 mpuaon Fo, ar eT (gr te weveni, ne ese). Saunb, a celtde ov yak toca mie He ‘Not to make aay’ efor. vy er aps re. owt a AMGITI. 8 EPEXKITE ceo putt wa AMSIT, "fo es org Mia nanscianwfacy Gupanaes sac onyctey e600 fie apna wah 08 ‘ero ne ame o cine Miwa oro uaa n xomichan weexombeo don igo TAH, ido. nporia "Neck or noting, allo nothing at a SDN apyt, Sto x oglenoe pean. Jet we coseryio 1668 npnuirncn bo sea ry so x ao mam, nponda,| ARnPATeTBO, amiliarity, biph-handed treatment of somebody Fianaspavcre0 odvuépa ne oupinnaoce ey Cine ARTAMY. "To confuse somebody. Bu went coela ef ¢ marainy. CCinsen ¢ TAHTASISY, 2a be confused 2 To go astray. 1 Aoi oceralts vonpse aa sonps oo, bss ne eben € haan. 2. Fopopun, eto. Sra cuserman goad iach naman TAPA ayers “Accomplishment of something is a mere ete Sorripoas ne rok aanens, nnw-szeere x Soucrpon. Jae vipat, onurns Byte iHeereemicon sto mipa ayer, 'Karaen a Baro Coveros. Bure » ndauow TAPAIE, "To be in fall dese. Ceprén Creninonie Gus » méanow nap elie erepniien aaa npwraaten Poxcroctonnon nae Tog TIAPAM, "To be ready to start TIsniie sonata ® nat: naponds ict to napia. Ha acen TADAX, "At fal/op speed Users) nvr nee pemss, ce noon | ‘ty noerdnvaa Wound ha Beex maa ‘rapt Tlowcers © aupexrope MTC. Boeasa IAPEHD, “Go-ahead fellow, determined fellow: Mom sasséra'"* GoeoSh niger Taste ih odo aocrutir ceoeh wea Sepa (uy wai na) TAPAL "Po bet, tay m het pay mand nan stan, er wa Vise, ape Hoadee (wa) ce TESA (nan cis Ca ee et nono) ‘To use all means in order to obtain & sol to ull wire, Fiesp Mignone fuer pasonu vat exons ncn Geasenéun."Ow pein wake {a ncémendan,0S6u Sexpesca a po on. eps x estos TEHATAM. "Po return to one's hearth and home, Tlovtl nce coo mane Gpontrantag fenery, a crapvecyo ndopacte Bepwgact ‘conn nena, otopiee (enn Rowiounsrs) C MEHOR ‘To speak/argue passionately. foi non y pra Aoxdaunas, wo we: ‘xpanesno panaytty anv exit moma apyt apira aoe Kaaxente, Bees wa Oxepe Morangre ap MeHCHE, "Tolive tl Tetirenient on a penson, to ase Ie out to retirements ‘Se nocataniy abs Tons ow wero Gosés, we wor paren va paltry, no, caled Bory. team sora ae nec ‘cane (raw evita) nak EHD. "To nit/tand ikea stone ina (On beet ena » Coc, wan em, “ines EHD tonbay (ean) “Anyhow, in slipshod manner. Pecdranfe nak eatayer, ne Tam, Gn. ‘pen ney woxéay tat. ‘Menmmneontesepevrm, Ha ropa. Ospauss, espace » Nena, "fo reduce t athe, Boner nparénatnaay reppuedpmo. Bex Qe ac epee oon bean gnu, noanérs ECA "To "restore something destroyed or tirnety to raise something’ frome the lesen Tibcne tor hax xbuvnanen Gow apar mo: kina sry ot Tepppion, a4axs Ponainise scivem nea cao Re. Dis 08 nowt a Nenad Soot 30 Buaxoutte, stew us.aon IEPA nord ‘To be written hy somebeds. Poach "etinn Ropenna> es ¥9-008 pa la Tonero, EDERAL (coward) cs To keep one's senifennce after death, FHEPEAMBAT wo myctéro 8 nopéanee, 44 Kx NECOK wopextt 2. To lone one's sgnifcance during the| Mocrél ke, renéos axe = sae népay te eeu Sri oxtninaa nonaadre npben te 1. to, cayasexingar uéane nea, | Sone Dia cand neeueso erases Torom, Peso. i oma a a ernie, | pact, ope MEPUATRY. eat ye | Ute icon a the eee. U Heroicon, me] Fi Sony rhs owen a8 we 2. ota yan Toxentco, auconé| vent 0kenn spy pir: Oui ik teeefactn ee?" setie nate | okewn pea ne 209758 eh seme aiacy Maui's | rose noesimak wee asc adenee cede | amie soars TEPUATRS, Soni cneé el Tg op the uae cnt the ftacta hic 1. amery,| shalonee «due ‘2 Gevpae 1800 | Odlaennas ‘Chsexo Spécus ogmutys nepsirey. Obey noua nepatty, 1 EEAUBATD xa ayeréro 8 nopéanee. | Rpyraa seve coctousace YS "Te ll the wind neCeHk ena. 7 ne pease wept na cospiann? |" Somebody's gooee ie cooked = inward lepemmndnn ua nyeroro n no-| "Su noextaine atsere ser Bfatop Has: Pore. ‘oni gerd ne nada. Ave, ak nd PENOtuT: ceo tro erdeanen neniraznpamare? 1 To change one's behevior/character/| "sta rd mécema Yate endrs, habits, te, cipro TECK, 2, To retrain one’ felings. ‘Po build on sand 1 Ho yu team wsvo peti mepesowins| Heauat wevsite 9 ro, aun werd wer pe cet ne word Entnoeo"ocnosinon ro ax ener, 0 ‘ates, Hacronwowh sapere.) expr na nee ringer oand ne MECH, 2. (Gretna) sonéaanepesons ce6h n0| ES tars n tne same sing, E_toiprcnuc ciroh 100.0" 93) fice Ra noms, te a ohne, & aan el eat pls, Teena | a ae ec ‘tdavae padi orechan noua. | neo Thech "Typrenen, cura, Urax ECHR, Bam, wpe gorosn» NEPENUIET. Saami eafeuesss ‘o get at somebody. Secijume we pacetaudtas to Aare BESS oe poate | Sat Sereda mares oder ico oii ie i ay Be MET wee me uate| oe am stn, — 0 Retmeemn getmecas| Soatatin mete 2 He ae I eae) Lukin ye Sadek SEE) semen foes eae tn aw onsen [EES day (ig 1 oro) TIEPECHIMATD, nepessnan "Somebody ie ery ad/decrept "To interaperse. 3 Onin en ne tie. ht be mepecunre cot pacenani o-| 7% mec nae. xian porontp wo ie yanentocss en yicé woctaae ‘Basen MEPOM cinut'rox! "Tobe a mater of the writen word. | Kak TIECON wopcxG (asm xax meen Finavon pata nepow Ta, x Tif | wopcar). ‘ont tae TEPCT "As many as the sand grains on the sea- {ute alone Shore ¥ nerd nero com un Gases, wu apy-| Kinny oy, wows exon w canf rata Suds. Hier ona nepere a no, 3bouinuxoafan onal 92309 ‘sans iiePLY, a cranes na noi weer Boxee "To make i hot. tn olno ha we ta meen Ocysingen » TETHE. 6 pocrbe IMCLMO. vyrics (nay oxasirice) » TIETIIE, | Cuaéns 9 MEUBHKAX.y ora, ‘er Bari (nay tonscts) w TETILO, | "Ro" dlaguet somebody vexy much, to Baeave (ua wonders) 9 TETSIO, savor. (ay owrnivace oxairaen bnér38). Etipocioys entéan y nerd (Mer) 9 ne= "Zo nd onceet ina hopeless cteation, | dts Een Antu oni ene xeon (Orpaa sexbres nonkg bmw: xpyrow| cafuasacb 0 Mery nepesuaa a KExAOM Nerd Gian opbecure sofend ‘ee ask ETO nn fms Himomaena, area “Totang a milstone aboot e's neck. | entry na NEMA Saatayouuid pdomok wants née va) "Sh Yas one's tine away, to loa site Heparin, ovo e8 205] He Serena aro Hobie “hat remains to oe Sur to put one's | Maye Satan masra, oS, Toon ead into the noose. Fvswstwene n nponaniacn.. Crénan Svnie ne nosy wos Het moro, mo fate nous. Novem nero a0. | Ls waa Tonophae m0 what IETS ssreseren,oirvesaes ivan ronopir, Jandave tend Of (on ennderer carder) wgsoa "A desperate situation aces, arose; the|yfBx'ne calpnis wemea foose tightens tightened. tis diet ta arrange hi Titer artipmtsocn, w noaoxdine ¢ of-| 1,5, inte to arrange things with somebody. cya wh alsarocs Gensoanoe. Sores ¢ wn xxcn6say crosopiny- Nasio-Gxteon ximacer ximenworym natn ome. atone wmaann,) oe Ho me a te onan eee Sim, cou onsopenat Boxy, er aa ¢ “To rine with the Tavk to vise with the, ™D4Ne cai ‘eke ty Stéron's os sera neryxn, | Te sua the 7 Gia: npwraaeia nan Tiana, 3b, ‘or erdnenaufamn, wo om cxanda, 0 ‘tu cxf monplnnases 7 fin xoveus nososondme mab, garsonis THLOIIO. "To loregard an insu oye coats ¢ METYKAMH, "To goto bed cary Ha adayanes aataderea secs neu, x0 216 teposaoaren ener € ery On MIETYXOB 30 nerve, "rhe eee around este sua, ot meryxsa x0 neryx6s, on eee aa an wo oy | Seeman Bn etn TEMAMB. Popoxan TIMJIROUIA. ‘What's it to met {mneo noxtyare, Mopia Tlinzomn, ‘axe eras Sr eryxeen Bo, nanpwe| Fens ingen, npr ins, épxow wimero coctaa: actu atvep | Satakts — fle: Tat our, ha ety bins ye me ne rau proms — pe: ‘tlowenh we mérmancn, apy — ro ener, et posers, npodeins MCHMO. Bait na TIENATH (eae nomsinsen | "706erir,pposeacey MC MO, * SET ted to appear i print. | Osta naan en fer, ¢orbpora Ciépo ro ents acaer na never, | Of, SPPaES nevErs. poGerbn mach, ‘Beko TSIRFKANIT wenener nor een “Pohate somebody very tre fo hate {he very aght of somebody. ipoerée MCB. ‘Piha on 2 ssa renee memento | "Nnropaere eter, Enc neti | smoenia'sn rpanty mpoctbe mics ‘biter pl to ewallow. Hnmosin Tlinzopwe, spouses ¢ Mimed, yao, Buerpes. lenis TRIACTON, 6 ‘io OTA, ‘16 poniso. Hino Gio nocadre sax Dents MIACTOM. “fo be on one's back. Beaunda) Senter maserbw we mevess- Haxéqenmoe LMATEKOM. ‘Cath on delivery. nina waraain acaen soen ad ‘xenon naen. TUEBATS, nay a, ‘Not to care e straw /pin/it, ‘Kax, on eager ronopitt, co & sexta Yapicih ner Spe. Ne naeedre faved cet eubwecrn. 1 Tosero, Asa Kapewna,| TMEBATE, nada, ne na aosti. ‘Not to be intaretad i whet others are duine Sta Kow we apyete Tpowoo: Tieniry wie ta apyrie, Mae ‘an ope eka, noe 08 F. fnaues, Mapyesus NE aos6At Good riddancet Shere ero Mol dpa xnaprupe 9 wordpow a nom ronopie, chéxat B¥ep taupe NG atew sonst (C Tanks espe nam cxpmenira, ‘To get rd of something, burdensome/| painfal/anplesent. Beeps Catuona no cya onpassi. On| Aowéren, tio chatésoe pancnpareancro| Yat notenaoey, eo Bet Fro ON Fak Ope Pears € THEM, “To be hesty in solving a problem. ‘Brot wonpse buen exch w er wena emt e asec cc yn TUES. Hand-medowns, Iveta nerd crépennsan ne no 6+ fy, alate, ebro nach. Pops, "Kirn Mersen Komewstn,| ogous, noni IUIEMAMH, orGpon ou Snavinexanan ci aéter, Ha ompee| fora wo tendo aesare on HuNerd He trig, yon nonda nae, ‘Batvoci,aduecr a enoky TUIEMAX, "To beat to endur roou towrine nouns sexixora noSra Dewi sare GomuGa xonueyr Cope: onto rononusiny erb exepra. Cexperapé ‘prannatiom npwaérer panera e908 gestae passry, entsamyie © noaro- Poavoh we xonutpry ets (an Our) TWIESAN, “To be In charge of, 10 carry the burden a Bee sasinw o cewté senda wa nae Faspina. Korae, Suewrpuvectan aus Ha MVIEYAX nporiona (use expen). ‘On top of the enemy ‘um vat opossorancy anepéa, 96 pes nowvatd wt Ou ma heeds pon Bsnaeran ea Tes ‘To Ioad somebody with work, Bey aéerensocrs, 5 2366 Raman ‘aby yirean péxercnoo. EO nae (any nsenon x aes). ‘Very closely, side by sie FRopora fakin, ean, nr wae mes Imeem, nora sunnves 30 open, ‘onde spy spire souanies (nan nosoacns) opuunt, Hero, IEOM x nae. ‘he TUIEMO x nae. eto TUES ‘Beyond one's atrength/power, ia pasa we ne no mee. Senpeenut 110) ‘Porbden trl ‘Min, nas wécvono Bowen, xyntio- tse a rayéuon pene, npocs wary pe. Peary eg séae rx owynuries, Hoo he yds nadear Mars. cuasiag Mae ‘ena, Mua no ane Tek tamper fog. Chavira nays aadours Bajuilis MOM verons "To cxperlence something as a result of ‘no's actions, deeds, behavior. Give exfuat conete anh, Bwesro ystind, of Fake, sonia somo esnp, Eloi amowo6tineg. ae koneane, pmun6cs ex} wey nos acer 31 Toro we sdtepman aadueon. Keven no watson TWIGCKOCTH, "To degenerate fart a goto soe Oxi pan on yepds wlckomueo a6azapon, 1B apyrda pas mand nome ma ey 4 dria yet efuay Renan Tene osttiernow Be TOT ‘ocarnate Korai on ben e& nipex cob ne » af itt wo Rod, 9 He sons oer ‘paaiatnun wrrepee ene, Topo Mane Kea Cans, OT «xpos, a werd we MOMLENAELU, OTD w xpons. Ha TIOBEPKY, Piesh and bloc, ct ‘Banbasuout 1 seas ou ca koxndxcsoro | Miner, noywnéaa or erp, a réant0 sckecopa, aropéaiof xpenn---On maoTs | a noNépry, nowo, ro ons xapte aceX expone os "ugkom Tiponctecrene ‘eson, Besson.) cyossafne no HOBEPXHOCTH, [NOT or andre (xoer» or Bern), “To study superflaly ‘One bone and one Hen CCyati ne natepaan swalwens noros, Crvatons Sadia ttc nexarron, apes| ‘2, suioiney om me ea TayGoxd © Spichul suigeae'n nocmeren® eesa8 pests, ova evoayaha Boi» ILIOTD 1 pom. 0 noaépxnoen re MIO Pom to somebody, | JMeansn ROBEPRHOCTD. eee ege ate to somata | Magee HOREEAOCT (On Kixaui® xens ynpamwdace » crperéé| Boas no rpéumstan ro Soe ar teysd sts] est ama a Tee i Ame AST coe we). Coa ray ar am were oy ast eee eee berwa mua Guiaé ncudpmana u sacene Sisste Ba Syne of ing] Mosman Sa ne a io nop Bu ss) at oR an am wa ponkcey a) FR a ano nn non wel Man ne et BREST oonaxCramepane | 4 f0ah tra nr at worn Pas IUOHYT Minectaeanes “at "rMs muvhmwse Su dein wry only and que | Hea Jy, without any effort. ‘O wommynweru¥eckow nocruranae, Gia Gece “erocSbiam ryséirea. Bi Sore pict ypou =~ Sro ef pao nub: | Biers na NOBOIY. inne ‘To be le by. BCKA coeréro Bares (wm Birrons | Thaeua Tt nu 8 wna Slow noxiny, @ maicxa) | ne fay ¥ re ‘St. "Vitur’s dance, chores. Fiat, Axena owns Fete yt ise conn BCI, nggony ‘Bara a HOBELVIURAN [0x tho occasion, apropos. ste HOBETFUA anda tren] 119 HOPE, no npeens, ‘i drow w ups. ‘Unul a ‘ertan time, for so long and no] Lo HHOTOIA, Tonge fr the time being ‘AL immemorial times, antdituian, pre Borsa uossd anute 30 mops 20 aptwe-| histori. tue acer) Guster none, Gfaer we | Ha oaiuene mpobéccop cxaabn crsz6is, sig'ee HOPE ‘ro on ne Fonopha 0 neath a0 mov6na, “To this dey ‘ros grecudn tomo wa nonpéet Toepos’ epix oGeuiaw nocentes wae) Paccundrsen, paeramtcn # TIOXBATAX fate npéunow roxy H ao eel pA ne | (nay kownsiedse. overdan ‘Ty shower prlses/eompliments, Ccrofrs THOPAAIKE ann Hine crpockt coers agra, nowpdana "To>beon the agenda. can ey e& rane. pyr paecinanee Cletus vanpset evoke mnoplave mit moxeanbe, cromnaumero coop HETIONOHE wa cor eb. ‘torr nocworpere 2 HOPSIKOM, | "Ope iy nt imal "To hee order. Chrexoropee np om ne moxbac na canors Tone toms On cwonpére 98 90>) cep sms ne ander, wo esyekaaes hawow n cnt airepe OXOKE ua v0), 0 nd.choey. te toks as if 1. At one's dlcretion Judgment Toxbxe (na ro}, ro Gixer 6fpn. 2 In one's own way. oeuare, woesies noose TOUEITH, 1 Teel ebveren sorts nownbeny, apy. Mopar, tasakc Fit abxeren io "e680 3030 30 T-| Regt ey atc angie 10° omen? Tiyers mer, ar tenn io ou sardna, wots mean 198 Fosanccouns, Mewanenoe curse.) Nett 2. Meni on, wheres, no-endeny | NOUEMY-o. ‘nnn, psopuane spweRexi| "or some reeson, Mot roses! 2 ARPE/CTABD cee Wmoveng-to cerdann c sini scnowuil-| ou, Ormpauntrce, ommpiouraca aa tor foren Sere K6zomn 9 nocn cla cher. eFpende seme ponacnne| PAX © sc wou Mog nlowTeHHE! AY iviny Soe tpey mg sab 6 wo My compliment! ia ner ne rameaue er ane ata Wyyioe™nonreme! Kyxk rac coeusre,| EMM omaen iain Ceptennn? Eoscron¥chuoro Hosoro wops. ssnenfes 2 TOR | aaece aoatunce MAX: Here les the body. ‘Reece nowbnron npax npeouagura KEo- hres lOdpiuérs, ofparine » PAX. ar, pace Se eam a HABA i lompannste MAX or css or. "Exercising the right ee etooahi fens: Opn no-npéaoteny npuxonia w xom ma) To break finally the relationship/ panty cd Sra ecbpumes, yak, nce, FOX, wr a pinnsx MPABAX, pin, rons npousot wexése ow orp "yolhave equal rights fsa noe or wo we Bzopbuewouécrvemon nopiane sce| fA SRT Peet ‘ara jm pin npend. “To overcome one (02 TRBEAN nena accor uSnonnaadaro.ropeniaa_@ By hook or by cro houk abet no nakONE,pewonwora ern col UES (2 en ee Sn nepiaane eon. IQMPABAE rovoph ran no nose cet, | uReSKiUIE aces. ‘hdnay rononer, nay eens) -Atove ll "fo tl the tat Bop sa, naehnw cei aiwoenn ‘Mino mpdoae cain, can we dn Seater ame. aGanbvotescobwecrise w oodmew noso-| MPemsame wm 00 hs seh Orupaundevcn, ormsewrics x MIPEIKAM. Trapann, Ancaapeaoe sexo!" Grnpasadtacy, onepsanebea i Tor Ccuorpére (nan raegéen 28.) TPABIIE 8 GHiES. Fam on i. ua tree. "To be realistic, to face the truth or the purpose. Hesyat eyneiiomars sui wdserpete| Nero necicnoro aponcmécre rope Yysatun eon n aware, so mye 20:| hvv'n na npeaer oxpann notoen 68 ‘ii hlae eworpere| oun lage» rae | AH. Tosero fy xyauryps PABA rovopin. BIT, canon cee, canbe cee op TIPABILE ronop | RPEROCTABIET canons co \" Lt» give one the, posiiity to use 1s oun dinertion judgment 2, To Jenve somebody without care Posdtenn “sokmes'mpesocrdnwre 0: enmarenerro ca eon ceOb SSymepeimése 8 apyeéu urére Hr SABI kay eer en roves "Fo tie frankly. bsoropie weneofar erb 29 10, sto om ‘tie pkaay stray peoz. DB IPADE exeanre. ‘To have the right to do. optan er6. noctynire m yimnepcrer anocrynirs w woanésem: ow a mpine eXEMTH | oF mast raion aopmex KonOWETCH Pe en Gl pa dae Animace wo6upSrexnnoe TPAEO. fr Oak mpeaocriane “Safrage, the Yo Mx poate sor Banco eee epee w mbypseseauax- ‘Teronon, Pacenais o Tamera, {un snr ner are vB PETCTABE( te) cel wan meu) ‘ofmpenstncs oapinunsce x MPAOTUAM, |"“Imaginn, you stn imane. (Oban NPESPEHEM, 8 Méxay MOSH, pencrinsre ce6é wot anevsratine or) Her euieas ronopins cbxayiteny 0 no btepinmero.cejeas” anéero novtansina| 32. Sra eu (OoMdwer) aK, MEpTBOMY a nopire. yeieta cnoerd Mins aeD-| mpundpea. *Kiwayueny Mio xite HOxe, Ifeuteroor € not MPACTATD 1 nom yn sain HPESPEHMEM, ‘To worry someone. fc. Ofsioe IDESPEMMEM Kyat Nonu anouoGiay, Chua, Kym (OSs (a 06) IPESPENMEM. ondaytera, Cit, -~ mpueraaa ata “Po Tock at somo with contempt. | my. (On orvashace mente na Mame B orér |Heneok TIPUCTYTINTCA. Mint o6aast er npeapemen. fou PRCT her No IPEAIMVULECTE NPHCTYNY wer (wan ne mowers, or the mos! par, chief. ezod npnerymieen) 1 row arte ioasscn mo mpemy-|"" Somebody inacesile/unapproach tmeeray famoprne Tons able caeerd e HPECTOMA Xoréa Anapth Biaxoe norosopis «33 "To dethrone, xy uve ToposexOA saexrpocténwe BBI6IOe cuca mpecréae wapé Bachana | Hatter nome Heo, HOH He nce. i aperyny ner Dug PETENSHI wa oro-s NPBA eps ‘To bear somebody a grudge, to have a) Pat steps in literature, sruige apuinetromebady Hecnonino apie pacadbon, wanicae SiiaSpetinan case patcrs wlue.| ma sna xyaengn Ho sonénn 3e fo tons ahen Harun Sooews me Sus npia ep, it Om rey ee TIPOBKA, etnies wus soinenn, | HCE het ambatls be ee snobnce snarphtan ne mpwoengr wi] Wetton aéter afuare 0 row, 106 n0 seu) xopbueny sr me) Chains ynepenrer Ow ce ym PHBECTIC woro-n » ce6k dona, 1 To bring somebody out of the state |MIPOFOPATD, nporopéry (aora8), of taint "Togo bankrupt be rined eae See oe ie lee ce tee Sareea ee er oat Seer cen ee ene Meter reuse (pce rca ae ES soa Et gas sonar eee fo convey farewell erecting erin nae a ‘onsbi oe Ti? Len eume mo. “tnetsse m vn CR ew pone |p TPOMAX as mt uric spy. mayen, — mpoxon ep, — BP: | in end Bs ts apne at ISKASATES nero ma. (ane noxinyrs 7 ae eae, Baers ‘eabae nb, oro 8 mala Sp). Togoasiny cagers NPOTIBHMKA na wéere Héxy|| "Toil one's adverse. avi “Tones. Mipmeaasadaro| May onda bec w Anancom co- ‘moors sormeens soar nen SD roinateyiat Ht Noce nonon Viekon, Too.) nporaamnea wa wécte Kx aépreomy {IPHITAPKA (nonner) | Mesa PORE, "The remedy fa inefectnl By the way, Xors PY mpyai, o (Cuoaioe e NBERECTAMA, Hi enpociay nerd, nay npéewm, we sui-| Tolend astray. rian om werbugys 9 eannite Coaparisa oni’ an0bpomn9© wimy ce ‘pun Hanexan Hioaenna.| cpa e tet nore set ha tad Mocroeeck, Beste amt “There is plenty. |cxofes na xopéue (non mezonon) Liber 9 tere =~ xom apya mpyah, | TTI ou te HV KIAR "To be on the right tall, to travel the ‘Very quickly, energetically. ‘ad of righteousness. Sra wdnceerpa anirocen haw wa pyae| Tor, oto samunder npno wssoro wen0- ia. | EEts "No cosdanoe paneitue rb. man owta(ia) ace PYAMBL | ithe enocodncre,cnoae na mp ‘te Hancdrata) see MEAT, base ny bo sep IPL (cgetainaro FVII (ean evacrafut ‘As festa ona cam nym Grajaario sas capa noxownsa wi | "Happy joorsey, on. eovage Sienna Aénoce 0 ap ac pum caois | “Hy. notaece, Hae, Hse, Ho eB ‘Soyenme, nomex" owecticnaanepenes| 33min, Cel 0 conainen Bepni — elo ‘eenom cotin enadi! Ceaersinora yt xp. api, Bapsoe a Aymuxa.| Senexos'n pagore a nosow repo. iawes TT. Hegsre « neaTi ite ‘Not wo act dlreiy, to hide something. | Ee jonenmuih ayrs — $0 tepnénne 0 He asesfuoncr z08¢pun for ro-abur| Ee mifawe pins 9 née 2kige haw TTEMULA necro "To live an untroubled life sway in life, to reach seat Eber tts nsnaeins "| sucets T nes walk of ie : “Wace Rogen, Apa Seco mpi 4 mr x 2: Mpotuedre, aposire cece MYT (ton 20083) Hiyaibe ropduero nanomsénrs pawn tivTD. ‘Strong pulse ‘Direct ay. Y'esee oceidneusut nyabe y wae myave| Same W py — mpandA myte x yenéyy oni sand settee Te To fore TH "olla ot ones ba FRR an Here de ot opuse on ea suet Tita eosin Soo Mice fude| Hut setahehl poeta nay (4 apex) Bien Se ite, eau aera Paine i eae, to travel ateree| Met RE ale : SSE on ave a expo ont va Fe bipeion 20 ceosiayaocrn, rous| Sia MOR BP alexi enki ne in eae tones pets | tmsr Tae ied m0 dee RS aw ee, shaadi Shad cbt ae ae Se tard the pod to ruin. hat ote, oath aren tite van | ite woe at, ae, SreHan S"rapuchganoi | an Hue pet hi Urea de whizoetn eee | Ome The tad Ste shah moh 1a SUMO sian ay eens Sut | Seine, went efi eT Cis. i tipsedite En stn “eieadasten ee de yal se San ta or ein sdnsmon, sata, Ga yc we Tosdpmun cGAan erd ¢ myn (here cae: = s. |. Mon prs nun ace oii comprise FTI Beatie ern cosh tte ECTAMA Mepradue BSH. s Bor re6é PAS, ‘To deprive somebody of importance, to] Mineubnil Binraxa ac€ opus xr 22 dscrown somebody. repo mo tet sa3n8¢ eh rope (Crs cea moenecria expo adexe| So boupoco cre ewepee atts TTI nowy éprotier tbs. ‘on dbaite PKI omy, Dead drunk. onsite ATRL Heceicru ctapic Gua weprotun mean |" take Bight to Aes. apo Isl adn ie: &'p nowsks non ‘Rented damian st sisters tao TKI separ ‘oe i pa eo aha. HOTS Ie ptf he take to Bas cei UIEAY 026) Fora er Gir aks yap ru to ob ae cen Hath wo x63, — pew |_ WH eBePRba Bike Seapdes ne code Cove THI va weséae, Aunaateona TbiTA, ‘One changes one's mind frequently. eel of Achilles. Grroseus ne bro eaéaate, no nae Bo Goucrae neseak rosopin o wi) Sten nemo: y nero cemy mbtna Wa He seve poetom sion: fro er asaat| E36. conn md Postuce N9THO, xouity no TIRTAM, ‘aeehmark, mole. "Fo follow on somiehods’s heals, to tread] Y ne nove aipnce poainoe warn Ho fn somebody's heel. te PABOTA (une a€30) repr» prix Ponies coobutiau, wo wx ca mp0 "The work melta in one's Bands "Jamaet Spex ont peti wow er Hobe Puinonse “ropa pana.) 9 passry, Pata vat ropér 3 neré'a pyubx. | Bet BABS. Axspuae PABOTA. Tete al the same; it makes no ait. ‘Open work, delicate work. Teenen, igen open ce = stom] ere 7 Dutra voncentaro Xyadmana 1 Nie me¥ pans, wosforr ow noma sonora PABOTA (aw peor Cais, | me Se Sais os |. On et pans roaforrnonuénve ‘tyrone J eax taatsonee aay ban panbucnen), Bal"cootbanoe epénn, xodnoe y ney) Pleased a0 Punch, fcrauisoce so\ne miche powdve. To SaksboxEMn Gti paxpantxonen nro: and paSova Gusdga, norouy ovo npuaos| pith co cHotM aenOR, Siaoch no néonr pas tepextannaro nox. PAVTDaRz ere Sho vaabs seine name maine dma) 0% PAIUPIAEaOwe. Bae Ueda dae “oanedniw Wt |Xore PAUL Rone me pax (raw paa we pas) ‘Mawr Cxoupme, Mepis ootsun | Willy Teneo Yuupate Xone pag, xory me pan. bare ane ceh of PLAOCTH Cuprpéss 99 PABOTAMH, "Ta be overloyed “fo uparintend work cua Gund me ce or plaoens yoni, Fro dsenoctn-—eworpern at parame | ‘ro wos oxdnsena, Tenéph tm 2 fa secontntow 3 [aon wean worah nepneten ee PABOTATD naa co6 ia Tene? "To perfect nest Ag as paso Her conepocroro wezowéxa ww o woxtat| Time after time, regulary rpasin ae pyth Hofromy ke | fweenve chaplate pas a pow hase sialon paar na eats Ga] 0 puke ropa ' oper Baro, maith 8 PABOTY sorot Bor 7e6e PAS. "Foinake somebody behave Himself. | That's done it! Oh, reall! Kx PAS, 6 epadas ces» PAMKAX 1 1 smash destroy. 4. To eater /aiperse, 3 To gee fat r = Gout Wi? Cone exer an “ute, exactly. To ewolen, Tench oeravoofioce wae pas népea wie) 1 lite paecad spesunéany 6o- ti ado ‘Eon euro ib Kar PAS vo. 10 une, re66 1. a, nfo, 2. ai — ep ne eer npc Gust what T, you, eta, want: the very cavnuie, wordpue nave. me HONDO hin Ts you te, want, | paineeg eBoy wo esos Sarda ks Meng. oatnt | 2H Toterom Asma tee cit nzbre,wowondt ou xan osama” kaw pas Tos avo we ne CO"amUR bre panne sax can a 4. Béutn puoopndnacn "coro ata He Pas, poecai tro ra ‘Many times, 5, Bros wandasiey ne nabxo seus tne sate ata weve ee) Loree Pec Tuto, Eaesin Once | © Yes lave tiny peecab oF yan (yan mires w 7m) x abnoesous| Nore PASOPIICD! PRSnaPY "The mposblity to acorplish too many "To come after the feast, to arrive when) dates simultaneous. fe shew ts over. re padoru nore paropefcn Virentp e cent puna wa sevens | 300408 PAM. Xt ran ax res us| Earthly Daan, Kantnomony, PEED, Tom xy mH SA] Ovouteuusinoeh, TO FH6-T0 MoO MT ro ocrint ete eu posse oy PASBOPOT, Seman pa C van rca on oerke ‘Growth, development Si poaran ow, mower neki denne iweyiresen paasopér anepueinceoro| Pa _ i nour a PAK cafe i coanon ae starid Tweet nce notdae Hon vano| O4 68365 penton Axtpoen worah ows ian mace pron? ae mre er Caines amon Paaronoron, | ROSMA GNIAR, ‘Without further arguments, and vo rgusacuéte nak’ PAK (usw xplchit wok a ax). SSlotTueat pon newtarono! 6e2|°© seme red ap beter proronipot, "spain specs | (E80 utcse Pinas mown Mpescetess cantata haope 8 paaront castte eae PAK wo west, Pbaot fate means tet City ao ane ran i weetn woes) Engh abe tn reat in, rewire nowt seen noon) SFR, Tet Sin, prine w"tjact spss | SU Aamir eee rent ame. |Moxasirs xowy-a., rae PAKH annie, vey Pasa, “Re make ek er eo eels tot person of (wideranging)| Srur*tetoestng org me 06 Syn a xoxta casa ray ae, | 2, IRHEE PEN om node oon: ortpia Kouseun wer peas. Bane, y.srpgoaath PAKON, Ti Mug Meron, upon pamax,| Ta 40mm on oe’ hands and knee PASHOCIT, poner. ron Pte wread apna aon scr) ch » PANKAX Te "Communiete/it_ many pope nha iow To bash ones PAHO sin nano. st PACCIABIT, ~ Faus,sepa ce sceraé on exsé 8) scuirpeenach» Sno output, + haronnnds” ora] fice Surge e€ men ae pace Eons 2. Tere rors se Mae una avy, PAHO fiw aan. yypataaa erpotoers gyro, pactos: ‘Some time crater, sooner or Inte, easly| daa porto rosopl pacnanes or ime PACTIOWTSATBCH pucnonztic. iparioe fecragsan, ero. eyas6i erg] 1. ex PACIUTIIBATHCH pacnaiscs, Soul nepewenirven iro came er8| 2. cx PACIUTEIBATOCH, pasnarace in nv woah or 30 cote: | orate ot Seen rp Bnei nome. Goren: Sm rat vues, Apon Merpa Beswsor.| conc paenexaaice iteestetts psec PACHONGACENIE. (usw cocrodne) aSxa “fo Toe eherftnen to become time/| PEON. sy renkpn: on ehh Boag tsar acting “™P/| ergo my cent ee ae a ett PM) AL sols depen command PACK ATC reece Sanat Raph ge oa Wienke ad tts go trong, | Sh, toad rE oe Bean Se a ce Ee ees conte peat 2, Cripua Chaopenne sexmbnno. pacat| Kopbrkoe PACTIPABA. tes we ect, Be aMeT Hage WH c| A short shit pee oh SRT ceEn oopansere ou «Mp scRSIA YA pecans. iS gueming cpt Ceo ‘To bent up, to defent. Spdmon na exdrnyeo, waéex:nacril 2. To wound Somshay by a stron Me ‘ainanostespm Bape paceonrd coor torn Fioweronceas apa Wiha yadpox om pawozoin ex |PACTIFTABAT, pcre 2 aeons” uw 5) Pappu ot fo mae Cer act, 3to ‘cn cada song er S00 "fo get tthe core/heare meena E Tofu sometndy oor to get vme| BUD (a crofty w 12), we PACIEYTE. fons mesure, “orbit She ata dob eration 1. Bee onan cpm apse spout, w| Ont cobaa mu pacnfver coat lope [piano peng» can. ste pends wonttcce Sopa sonm 2. Mautreit ne pcg ho aést-| 9 apxtOt = mesinve baton haa snake enone ett “rere, Hons, orgie a gio sane Mave pacnyuing 0% yuphuerao. PACTUNBAT, puntos ‘San | Patan pene. Hering ce edn xo] BA Pm scan grove yar aman ue cn | pacexAauinam ousmeyan xsrows ic 1, setting of sore. [Pa that to the" horse) mazine. ntahment ating of Causa, Cptea Avapieni? Histo co Macrymia pesto wae pacnaing, Haw) 03, Ce ‘ i tee se {Exrndpann ropoacwin rozosonls HRwoncertt conasinn,ropoaa wnat |, PAeekonah wowY-WHGYD RBYTONY?, PACCKASMIBATE, (usw rovopis wt.) PACIUIANHBATHCR, pacnsarnocne news, |a nirora a xechive (nan € Minoro 2 "fo get oven with somebody altoo) TFepahSyoro pon peua pacnauvinsce| To tell a story In snatches SSewerdteaea Bpbas Paceiaatne, nowayhers, 06 Sou co PACIUIAIBATHC, penn ‘a noapeeeo | (i pacnoaahrec, pecaoaaice) secitoe, II Fe lone ditineeontine PACCAABIATS, pacestunrs 2, To rom to fatto grow obese 1 Toery from the houses, 1 us" crosst aeepn wen adaro| 2 To peuie to the aki. or He ore Fonopis © PACCTAHOBKOM, ss ‘cuntrs 98 PELIETKOR, 1. Ow et sax paceatnn 23 o& nexéerers,| toe paar werda, «70 rps npexperiaace ‘to oad we Nomad nowsiniea MOS | ace Yu, ‘onvat | oGvesninuan PEAMBHOCTD. 2 hut woiox6ro noSra 6itxo paccainae-| "Objective reality otis Maneatona ib stan) Ofna pinay — to ro, a gop, norosopise ¢ PACCTAHOBKOR. | or ners. "To speak without haste, to apeal In /BuGmuorpupivecean PEJIKOCTS speasared tones, "A rare book publication. (Ckipo cjner veséas, wax Guep cun, a on| jt word aponste ba ST suey, no ont fet nyrls ne rosopi nue xewsssHfa| end Guana aporo: ak aude, S70 Wo moronopie « paccrandner GxGavorpagiaecnan pisioers, "fenoe, Tock. | Myatanan PEIROCTD, Museum piece epaira toro, waateriow pee ee eden passe reronon) PACCTORIVAH, | atobcre nf Fepuaan PEABRIE ye relationship. "To make rick ‘and tired, to bore to vorgpano ea xars a) 70 Sako otmomtanas. Haase scerah) Sey poeshune oGaannénin, neesante- nAeansts me anternon pacrotmon. | ue plano’ rennin, exon (Gen sandsrnow) PACCTOREI, pwesaee ‘To'heep at a expectable distance, to|® RESV/TAT keep soot. B peaymrtreaxronosssinonnaracrp6out Goya adanen scerat aepadmicn wt] Gun nenontna Clint yf u ox panes ‘omrtremiou paccrohi 1 cxofe oro-| angen PERM Wh nivenunae Gepers then «apopeecopon ‘A free and untrammmelled if, supa Bacco nea Sesporsn reruns aoneh wanes oie vpnet be pat oat. cute monbua pecx'» seta C weft nesosméano ronopirrs: Kande-nn-| Ger 7 —_ Spuncaieochneropanict Ont me | Ee oy B open Te inser POR neon PACCY KE. “ee abandon. “Fo “bein fall. peaesion of one's] hedeas secs cocrohn wa anv fan ‘este fer dik ho unknene be Ope Ets ortresencer sa sot aoe) ESE eo ton cin Tym, Boe Ee Pexoxeugonarce nae rere. Bnepnoe nocapectne no ef nputae (8) “ea Toupee VM. ‘rnpanzcn nbete. o66xn b cen pexor PACCHMTHIBATHC, paccumtmca ¢wewcs,|_ MEMLODETH x cnreneraae ® take vengeance of fomebody ee eee epoch co RS 690-|Crry (aon nepetrynepnterh 1) a ‘itomvou sa er6 keanve onnepbadt. | SERCH erste : pacopaniainian To ate Se and/rond. ‘Orerdreesed, dandited, drensed up to ‘aly drered’up to the ines. Mapenon nt wicre pctpentr ‘adnan Gaaroyxnnuk Tlanoss, Bpewena rox Bars» PACUETE ¢ noes 7 one "Go fe'altuoven wviomsbngy, | Ache nla x x8 Pemenb oan 5H oxews aondaen, wo-n ¢ arm paca. fexoo, aaa Bass ‘cnoxScat naerpoeiot, Pere teeet Centre (une oxaatries wm.) 20 ‘To ben a rage PeLurkon, Brrective wept o6fxean ofmttpa won| To be/stay, fm prison ‘oceans a8 PELIETY, wo Botsa » POE, Eonopt, 1 om neo thr 28 ee How POE ‘Something of thle sort, something to "gant sa PELIETKY. that effect “Tout inta prison. He nto, cxbanxo eu orgs 6x0 ae: Fin eyne Okan er aa mocathaw| oevegcedy sie. = arenecit eres. a pean. bse Gua, avanec ce HY, O50 oct PELIETOM xy 1 rox pane “odo somthing asl, to waste the ep BONY w ttc (san 6s py, Ged tine lesa) 5 seu on conopi, Hein Hasuoow? | “Without kith oF in. = He smi Ou"yactnoawach noc pe-| Hrepecen uur paces Chun o Tow, wax ‘meri néay weit mnverésomsperoro| ou noasaxinance ta. xopaGat © eon fe cxa, ‘ow ea pay w nagwetn, uniben note POBHO ert rites seen ers Mp ‘Abulutely nating Koy a PONY nanan rola andere 6 pesoaousiunow ant-|*“Someene wae precrdalaed, ‘Remur eTibmute 9 ikaw née? Ein aoa nanan Gury vexione = Pimno ters! sownostropos. CCogabre tran expyrinn » Gapsin®) POT-| rn BONY ny sake, "robe sine. ‘ers play mt nates, Sra winens- an opripa wire er sul 5, on Pomy. “zrom birth Moen atayuine cliaseere obcems er “TP be unfaltatul vo (a) husband, 2: Ta ben lover of somebody wife, | MORNE, 1. by ce wntorat ne eatzoch, 90) Peper. 6 en nacre eM) ord. 2. Succ Hstos pork Ozer ne rans ve opbad, bansunean woxera Papa no at, 0 oo ET Heceeapreune mca te tei tele eg Rg Se ee os ttt it Oat ose BORK at nan on raved, xox Ovens Fa “Very ile wan Tae egondacout tan ones8) POI [és enn noel act. Ocrdanes pbxaot “ancind, tomanided, human race. aa nbs Kista absent ryan rx er6| lear (aan aeptr) ws POXOH. thyn'tns'n nomay aeonevecnoro péan | To ask for trouble aoerd POA Saat ain acm, sooner ree itis degree, from it own point| 180M push ceGe Tord, 70 eA Me 1p g certain degre, from fs own Poet) ovorires,atoet ta OMON inch (Cage), np vce cfnocre, up| Bure (vam metynine, aparece xn) 9 ‘cloctree wey voogn u|POMI for 28"Gooero’poan npeacery,npéscers‘np-| To play the part of some sesame itepeiwaenn wawcro:| Mie Kiweres, fo 08 macryaia Tora ni ayweanok pan npeacenirens coopinns renee, Hoe Mactntos [370 ne wrder POL a Tels of fo tportance t doen’, matter. B nixoropow POLE. ‘Kora sre naa nannesta ppoulae, c= Fotos egret socn af ah fat ns "see ker tn mixoropow piae pasowaposiacs | plan, wéwere nametry cerbuym Han ‘eodh waste ma NOwou EYER pam aioe noctedarpas 8B crotu POLE. Bor» POM. Ts, oe, way. "Po ft onerelf into the stanton. Tibcop Aspe Egiance Pirme — sewe:| Ka hawewtser Torusal ‘nezunt Nexon ea One. at teepzo » pom e200 somakt ‘exon anara a6.| Kove yreewirentoro etna Hrpirs Pont. o Kpdomaa PYBND. Tiprévas expo npuanat! Saséxyromut pakinman orakaox wapdsx- Tiyan, Earenua Onerws.| oro vpesonds ona, pocweptom e= Di juonienw Opaésa anpesmopos seek Hp arate Po maa ‘ERS teen impress |p RES gaa Epi Recta ipo See at» por ne Ge. I. Eri der ats ynnepem, on wd Sen ota tim» ar me es fina som ore 2. RS STRA sn ots veda) PCRS pen inn ae lomo 3 Ecce Cit aan oom 2-9 EPPO Ke itt, a powst Fee pa bw a, em on ‘Cheap "novel, penny-dreadfl, shiing-| 2s spunea Bio, cer [seat st RE Stn, at rll aptemn ents Sn ca {0 Gyanadpmuh poxdn?> — cxpocta on | "Te sap smebes mouth Sacanrna rE nn cask setox sect ROCHE anew poco] Sete ono eo rota ts nes BOP "ns fae hw moro fot. |!SRM SE ore wt enue Peters nt a ceil sgaerayersy nee meen ewe mlvOROR DO-| Hetoropue cryséimas nbGer Soro np ‘tr bo ry ne Guo. econ, moron 70 Om C8 MaMa 1 BOCT teaontes a z ee As fall au a man, Kontine (xan opérs) 20 aece POT. fod na enotw nue w rGonizcs sono-|MPAYSTE (enw omére) 00 Bech POT of ‘8 nuleite, 70 Gum ocr senoneua, | To,shout/yell ee ee ane’ vole, Bo sec POCT. tnovun nenyrbxace cob op epixa 1 Drawing oneset wp, pan no nets Pot 2 Attulldength(portralt, photography |pyseadras seaheats POT: se). "To have the mouth wie open i a state 8. In all magnitude, demanding an ur-| of expectation, astonahment, er eager Bent decison. steno 1, Figen nécuasinos wand concpmimno-| Sian neomaannoro rca, ok asia ro Nesta baineKpstenea set38| 3s born ganas, ao wece pocrn rpouxo sarovonhs. |ateceere PTA patayre (usw over, 2, Bere xousare mics xpaciout 109%-|pecxpunn), ok P pér no ween poet apesnzenra Baumnr-|""G9 be niaid to expres one's opinion. on. Ero rat senyrian a eutte nenurinesb- 8. THositics no ween poet orpéuoR ais-| ro cyan aro om we cwen pra oer npc 0 nonmrseenou paete- | etdanay e wasn PYBAHIE tn Geasc "Tobring to rin race ane Mare! Heresies od ocrhaaa orb © Tome (ur apbuyrict) » POCT. | oan pyedune. "Tostrt owing when speaking ot|ostiaes omnol PYBAUIKE. plants. “Torin oes. Frome sox ‘Toco slr war» nme fou fn) nomad 8 oc. ‘ie nponepinn be chad aectso lure, cues ew noxynirs, xynira | Gerucn 8 omnia py en) ns POCT, Ponttscn» PYBALIKE. ‘To sew (buy, ete.) to allow for growth.|"To'be born with aver spocn Sn one's Ponies neead mowynair cooioAGt24| moth, ‘oneaay mm oct. ree sméab wrpims 9 wlpra¢ Sra te POCTY. Siaoxdrow, notou sto on acetal ou ‘satabe nie, uae Eus ayniine raas16 soporse w no péery.| "a, ov ponsaca w pySéue ‘Onwiw POCHEPKOM rept Keath PBI ‘With'n stroke ofthe pe fe Koon LEHI BPYKbE, 6 2 no PYKAM, B PyKE, Cons c PUK. ‘To arma! "To get away with something owanaip san mpd: B pyasdt Hasaincs, so Sem mors CoRagr se pause pad on PHORDE. con "To cat up for mltary eerviee, to cll|C PWR turn (nan exycr, fo the colors. ‘To get off one hands, to eet rid. Bogut na sha gp6ure nputfavaa mpw-| Th oafuan Cat vase, Kaw MeALY € Budta. non pyund nex Goecnocborux | OYE eth min orom, Copowmeran soap. ‘Banieen PY. PKA “Not to manage, tobe clumay. dri 2% Not to have the earth do any-| Thm Wo, mombeay, mmchs or Sipe That 1 Ta lina, we worst 6u rs ora | SAP TER ag Ero crane: |e eege eo 0 One will not bentate to do somethings 2. Fane Bao une mpmootr eb ma O08 loo nate to do somethings Tse slgneectns es | te hae ora nt Pusey SRE yt ean ssn srr Sng one BF rena ‘id ether from od athrty/| piscina, temic ae Cn ng So ado wnat “The Aecaa,canine sowtnya| Speen rng oe meee avebat'n Ste ine mana] Se oman end oc Sete ha bine) Mea eg, ssp ob 36 Bo aie Fert nou 2S te neon pri 2 Togetber ima friendly manner Mor ropan PYK I gnes oe herp Gunter ‘secondhand bs pn. SSE by mtr mia oese| 2 Pan nmi we ny Loe an ee Sige eee Fe may ww oP Te enc Srna mas ooo] ii iy mk et ae ‘youd o new He MepMREK Py oer wei smo Ian PA wr 7 ie rat cn | EG a ent Son aloe | eee coat x corey Povemans — oven octnh Kae es PYK. ‘etostsr Ow pdaas pyxd aenéxyowero "To fel helpless Segbaoy. He yanresto, «ro no sanbne Bes frof vir om vox, wax Ges py | bce nady vow rasan Onsinves oF PK, cers: PABA. "To ete out of hand, not to be obedient | "Negligent, i elipshod manner. ny Tonge Chow pay cryatima sont eny= iin’ uaiauni cin or6iaen or pyx,nepe-| Soh pyaa rin sonny 9 uwbay m Mlneten,cOGn|s.Spmdne beaux PYKABMUAX, ere enfobes “To rule somebody with «rod of iron, to Hepezanins, nepeaire (wow nepexoxin,| ride Toughahed ever somebody, repent) us PYK » pfawCoaw'e py | Venrent consronuon Amano Anapées pre. ‘ty, 06 ow nepaa C9 exon "To change hands saa, ‘re ada nepexoafaa wa pyx 8 phat. | are no PYKAM xomyaa, Beep Sveti Hun Xpouéw npocyssn pot 5a To ore aaa ex 0 pa No PYKAM! a PYKH svepst ince vecs toa emai xonine ber no PYKAM "a bargain! "Ts a bargsint Done! Hyd, np eset, no Tig PYKAM ours. (usw rsaéte 1.0). "ro apread by gang from one to another. ‘Buy nncroorn no pda Xoaham, Wao ian 1 esha Nipwepara (raw soxodpine, mpurpecrh 1h) & PYKAM, "To appropriate to lay one's hands on BBee"Srw atu ow mpwdpax x pykio 80 pdt sof Conan 20 PYKAM words (uae consi ph | "To bind somebody hand and fout, to de- rive somebody of the portility to act Freely. Home saxiusscomatan no pyot Ho hn szaaézonen npowsuseame pes | pwr Ccnfrunat, enfiae no PYKAM word "Po tie somebody’ hand and. foot, to deprive somebody of a free hand. Neon, me word nex towun: we ‘enjrann no py m word, PYKAMH words (agy e prin ordre pia Horan. 1 Witty /elely, with pleasure, 5 What aia Xoren 6. nw noxyuine, xbeioens Treanovonigesa "shite "ype ws yua w Worbe. 2. Ri suaaey ero py nord. TuStae, Mbeactan ne bystin m horden, Bart, wants roms PYKAM, "To seine withoat making special effort. Tibene aporo nopentien nenpttten oan'» nat m naton sex paw er opon’ w seas ran pysote Pasnoates, panectt PYKAMM, exow xy ne € myers pain, 2 6 ke cat pate Eeiw ssa, eovopae am sya BY ‘el ea sarpecr, are (nan waxonirnce rn) © oxie PyRAX "Po belong to one person, o be under one Seenennnne aenbun Sroro_yepesatiet ‘ons Gury © omnbx py are PYRE To be dependent on 2. To teat somebody's. disposal/com- mands a. By be dominated by. 1G) reo ner aunep 7a Gea wot nbo- fin's ymepenneve ylrvee ne cule Sat, "ee 2. Tow nec mepents wlpea Boary Oust syne py ‘exam, Crap 93, Bevepow war yniny, 20 1Spon Tip on uit ye weaen ia 1 o be somebody's charge. 2 To be availa 1 fideae Stdpen wizepx “ipwovron Ghar im py 9 cvoth Gi6yuie 2, Sr ear went a py agp 4 PYAR "Fo hold/have somebody well in hand, to Inve somebody under one's thumb. Fonopi, sto on pao cH08r6 wfc spe Ha BURA yueptes. "To die in the pretence of one who took ‘rotund care of the dying person. Mane Tinas exonsianes opus ue, Ywepad nae py. ocine na PVKAN “To make much of somebody, to make a fue over somebody Chesnut, worbpux cer wm py ce fak‘sniro eaonbr ounéae" Ont He ‘Gr owimontenen yorreaye napus, ‘to aon eatne =" ino 3a "To ite one’s hands (in aismay),,to| 1a PYKE, tprend one's hands, to take helpless | Tf Fe» nivrt naucerah ocrinerca ne- ‘igh eaprna: ond crf wwe {olan spew pase (C nycrin PYKAMHL. ‘Empty-handed. Tepes no pret, PSK aneps! Hands up! Bhestiio-oveptiaaes anept, annéxape Suizen nye Goo ¢ pensanatpant yada w endusa rpm toaoe O30 oir Kaas xan wa nowt x art fanaa: Phin mp? PYKH xéporae a Tonders » PSKHL PYKH kSporas, ‘One doeen’t have enough authority todo sesething FR comattio, nowtve sam we worg, 706 Sac npinaan na cafOy! y wend’ pf iporon. YK onvexdiones,onyerdaues {ran ommasien) "Fo lone heart Phnnare ona uo wfeconsunx opr reaiwin, xoaka na coopimin aésan 0° veda tucla craic aan rans 1 xD ou. eb Sow rou nee sdso8 Son Ippon Yes omyerane, rd ea ronne slant n 0M ne Cas PYRE npose, “Handset Hite 1oe8, «706 su exdunmasues « wos aa. Pfu npowe or wot ea! YK stayres y norenn “One would Ie to Sght/beat some body 2. One's fingers itch to do something. Xgl banyapye 0 Y 2e64 pin yt ‘guna boro haxiaa w noanead. 2. Setonuait Ment pasdrans, sons Gorare pw seuyrest TH Hespacon, ya Bpars, aush ce » PYKIL "To pull oneself together, to take bold of| nett, to control ones rau, Ma, me anaes! Daw endp a red, Boob eo wp Basins. (noi) PYM nora ‘Te ye more disciplined, ta make somebody be sbedent, to keep | toroughiy strict hand over somebody. IInpaxtep uta nocostronas rotons ty" Konovdsooy, sto8 oa moan» pS Shoerd ca esi Sten, 06 “em Sentumo ub ude Baasizy, are 1h PKI "To end something over #o somebody, to datger something to somebody. Tioeney maaan roecontny Miprocy wl (ere narpérs. PYKH, To line one's coat, to make a fortune in| illegal way. Bo aptan neppoR wpos6A sot ont ovr xpyehe Bexuau, 4 sper me ime ‘law Bagpere © PUM norone, ‘o po somebady iat a mbortnate po Tord, wo xbmten nonwmnimice, no ne] beer, xo angplrs'» Pe enone PVE, "To be master of one's craft, to have a lever pals of hands. ¥Sroce peatsaennna sonore fit 2insee PORM (nan sit, woes) ows "Po debase oneal before semebody, tobe Bente towards pometody, to degrade Pick, Wien Ges saspénen Beem ansdr Kax icon) ner ot powénen Buss yx otal HL Hexpaces, Poctosums. ose PYKM (ea nssu) ti commit ould ‘irddu ne mondere # mem om wanown sa ces pitt, Helsara, had PYKM ers “To feel uneasy. ea iene sods» mets ‘Gu cuspo slice ag wean 3 pace ‘rptunioar: Creni we, oma KYAL Df er pucfrerm ra Hee PK “conveniently, not tothe point. ‘Tlonatore autcten.—~ tly. wer, Germ, coo we © py. ‘HC derposctin Kaw soeasesas cs serps PYKH updo (une 2 epost) "To be Invaved in murder/ascselntion, Hsin’ Fpdomuh oGarpta por PONG ‘hoetd cxipuero cont Hales, Obtousre PUKH 9 oro-t “Po beat somebody nmereifally. ouasm zowociaen ned Fosse: ee & fro o6zoubo © Te6h, Tu fash por rons loneadrs,onyenins POEM. "To'be disheartened. Ec aibat, oropie, norepaéa xox ‘dyab pevadey, onpexior poh wero ‘ord, ty66u aanawe’padorare haste a yendx lOrnity l PYKH ony. "Po give to smabody care Bindopacte s0¥t ¢ notenloh 2er co: 1 no rau wl py tate. Hoxvaine. xi" PYM "To recive something personaly. Yainene moayeha capiaey py, onicro (naw wonicrsc) » BUKIT To fall oto smcboty's hands 2 Ta find oncelt in somebody's power. parosrs PYEH, i PYKY., 1 akin Goposow Sra xia nontaa ax 2 pha 2. ffatinocinoe uyvtane | weniewwaer or, evo ona mp Soro Hows pusoacire PB (usw phy) vou "To take a hand in something Mis ryan weaoporSh oa, no wo onde phir x cr pexuy, o6 i Tanren apncino w 708, wéaiio 630 | a yada sae econ PUKM (wa pasdsa cia), ‘Manpower, laborpower Bo eplae atopsh aopows wot oxy iuiaen neaoctarox paso Dye aspire POL “To eet fre, to relent Miata xonbrsna, to e€ rx craw née. ‘ns # passant ef phat Tene on iver ye nouits ta pusry 4 Oa conte BYR “ou Cuaaine 20 PYKAM x nord, conden Ghond PA be ile, to sit in ilenes. Siena, la pasar, a ne-emére eno fun, vituotrs, pte PURI oy sero ‘e's hands of something, ode line the responsulty for something. Bee andar ero Cepreh meres mts won ef necuicre, Soro n mor no ncta Tes PYKOR monde Tels but step from here, « ene’ throw from here ‘Chance, tomayleny ax asnexd ove 48 sioepenternas Gannora?> © Pah tnt Bor ror bh om Muaere (non Guns, naxoximica =m) 10x Pion "Tp bo at hand, to be within easy reach of on Choi wmne no pfccxok rps a6 Koy PYKOM (ohio w'2-1) ‘As if by mai. ‘Sronipnaan a§6u — népaah copt, Bu tino. oroepntren x onda, nomenwer Monotr 1 wax pyKéAt Cha uy Tan inert. exon, lowaainae dana Maxufes PYKOM wa, ‘To give up as lnt/hoplos, to give uP fs a bea Jeb. Bosticean rapier yrovopire_ some pactoprins pea, oGuachdan eB wade uo weGanronpudrnse nocaéscrans pac: ‘open oping, wo aia €& Yapewcr, aj act PONS leap PYKSIO, TLavishly, generously, unstintingly, with fan open hand Ero Grew mésp0 pynbo,zanis sé pare ante (aay soar wat Wm.) ba PRY, "fo take somebody's arm, to walk with Semebody an one's arm. Bips wonad ea nox py” nowsi ¢ twa eonabs serpetdse: crea Ponape, "cxasire (aw cxezate W720) na PRY "To distr one when one ie bury. 70 Geren Kate? apo” capine Rect. "Kx sate, sora non Py ronopir, ~ oreetat sot cepsire. Fores, Obtxsosenat nero lagien,sarnPYKY orcs fm cuan elles, nove tee ipa? [lad pfuy it oFeevenme, srt epee PUK. ‘i Tepade CTOPOHY, pies nh PYES! Caan pi) wow "Po play into somebody's hand, tel somebody. Sophia nord weper aan pon: er aoptaiae nportn.bepsoul Hire elasipe PRY. "To'be iniental to ha figesn ne npn » soémiye sxaxéno. Erg ory oopariaca e-mplcusol X chow Mi tpniren,wafpy derenunabay, Siig to on her axa ehasnyo Phy, Bpesyimare, Meana apfaaan 9 Etaxiaine! Hace PURY. "To become a practiced hand, On a sro she naan CeOe pny, ¥ werd ‘pacers cr Ha nag PVE. ‘na hurry, hastily, horiedly AGpréia bina chotpuan, Yak xax ow rapucosts e2 na aegre Bis Hanon PYKY (van 2889) ao "To take peasesson of something, Yo sub- ‘ordinate something to one's infence, Grains ere anova PY bcp npowlutenvocr, seaeatane ‘Savrfpepe tans noceaéene Hi Pye ‘Convenient, an inflence/ HA PYKY neni 6 ‘CAM no ce, Topéznom, fay 9 How-Mopue, sama) oH e6E wiorah ne nomentay, — oxnadx x oad an, ak an 10 iso ea | Hath mend, nonnd py ME HETEYRY nener (nan nevi |nonferse um onder, nossepufnscn) ‘one pubs PY, Bieyat" en sonastan, wo o# wk pywy "ty tnd acldentaly reser, endo marae ae Xone putes | ouonvorewe momdaaes ste m6 PyKy rb a par. | Suen epee ei, HS eadpyo PSR, Ipasoscrn PSKY oa wen, ‘onhane "To sgn one's name, Bus soma nocaine, mnceud nenéasenno,| Grit tpowrrian apacis # mpatoxia 108 ao fact nbsano,Tanpocite cenpetiP-| oun phage noma expo ay nae lyn nde BURY. nomen ‘Anything one ean lay hands on/apon ¥en per npeuent Konno waraina arson Kora, rom DOM Nona Daten b pao uarsaine Ha tipbxye PYKY (nsw wy). ‘On grand scale Mus ie wowen ys a mpésyno pny otou to nau ora supaseranser Gren azo. Boi PECAIO (usm ose. niga! ky. "To mtle dow, "To hold ot one's hand, to offer one's] CHOW pmtéssuaw ws Expo G0 feend ‘cend aime AwEpuEe, Ho Noctentao 0 cepeain xdsnars, ond no-| H€ DOMAD w nfez0. tions fap naa fay Mac ak AISA Ninian of ao epee escuela depen Troaite (aam aporanits) PYKY wiwowy, | Modan e Gonman comé® » Bpaxtano a 1 rents saw Guten haw pOGt 06 28, nee xf, Héouy| "706 e& coxepydrh Tas adr xh py néwont | Kau PHBA.» wont Nog, noanine, PYRY na nor ‘Wel rely ith ease "Po lift/aive one's hand'azeinst some-| — ‘SCaud cobs, am 6397 wnepeene > ev ne ea can" Naty fr sie CACC tap, | 2 Not Wer “ete, ney alg & Pir, wl mates 1 to Mion aac, ft ocean sana cork 9 nanorate We neooh coe. Joh Soil sawmderceose SP" CBECTA Wa wc cATOT er “To annbiatobiterate Mt! rutblas Witing mater, nothing. | Terdpete nacre ean wa wer soa Kania emp n wepraty aja? | 76Dee notin Keno Yes he stn nero stout wpb [CBET we eponooai, ror Auapan ta} aenpxh,Geonpad| Sach a person hast been torn yet tort now. Soa ayad = awe ox ax Toros, Méprae asui|eaer He powoooat romans canon ee erate: "To wear out ones bots Tie caer mie Ove 8 wo ses, — 7 Reh tonne roman canord...| Seisa inn eves west Seen bic ay CHET Ga ya oe io reoenabin "To be publish , Mapas, Coceass.| Bane acero on meaber, «06 er ra Burs (aon waxoxizven) nox CAnOFOM. |, Mad 8 cer fe uanezinnc) no CANOTOM. | pungenien, sunvetrs 8 CBET. Stor mapba unbeo ser Gut non eanrda| To Publik eagle ‘Tone powinos, sax Seo, we exbayer at ‘Tivo CATION, next w eer, ‘On the ay a ain CHET cro Mus sixoh cinod nosowad x wenputrene-| With all one’s might, very stronely. ‘novos Wl sdauue ne Rows rosophe ci 08 B Cpore Soon oar "moron a nw x84 icon cow yp daniaos, mpuat | Titer na Me eber roi, Censcouls acre at a Spe weripaon | CBET mu sap ere Nesouée rpenivencror demon | Before dawn Tiiogoxon floanaren wena | Mu coGaplaiee = aopéry... Bax am Sosorda CBAILEBA caer tn 08 ‘ifeeth wedding anniversary, golden Hon CHET. welding. America COrapanatre wa ror CBET. or Jo exéporo CBHIIAMMS. Hesuuoctwe yexdgus sown wa poume) Blues enéra mpecrasséave, Bisex rpla npaafavan cr6 noexars © Mogul Cuer.| woo w ax. ‘Orgpaunit, ovapdnins a on CBET. | A, Mexpacoe, Base "To send to xingdom-come Ie waercn, ro Toi ceo noneat-|He posers CBETA, (i tes eli emp cuese oda Tv | Eventing gos rk bere somebody: Ofmabaénes, ommpinngscn va tor CBET| Or ctodh ropa! ond we wppaens cra, (Cray apsora, pee) He niger CBETA (Biseer0) Zo ae “so be very busy to have no peace. Axencinap Cewuon nen nen 1, no| 2 To suer very mach nun spaveh expo ommpaparen wa vor| 1c ely" to, Viger ThwoaSeswe, orss cnet, Alere?s elle oudrecy igo mio Iiparaioai, nponasecrh na CBET. | —Tleyp_Avexcenn, »-enera (Bouncer) "Zo bring into the wary to give birth, | We ain paGbrio Xbwsuh” Rens 10 Tijere 6fayT npocntaaen wdzepn, uo-| Haw 12 taco, ope npovooenl na coer was, Gopuse| 2 On Ye ana wécaua w ebemvraze, He aeons | nite enera (Bower), Tipaanndrs, poses (naw Opocins, | cuaméra” Gre (ram corre) xoro.a. co pbc) CBET chetay. "To shed) ow light on. "To be the death of smsbody, to worry Avepinivcnon nteaprcrea noxduensa| somebody to death, Chuayenncenen! Hinennoe nef sow | Sie eur pecienpeuesno exabior toa mponwader coer na npusiny co: |,eHolx poalnesea eo cotta. oer 8 posonow CBETE winery ron eet (any teneransdte wan) "The nexe/other world “eI pososow LBETE. Hie" cn ne sepmsck sofa, Méxer |B CHETE vera: Chan om at ua Tom cadre (nthe eh af something, fom the view ohne CHET. | point of something To be torn Tiare Seeynaire aor wonpse entre 2. To be published | gets anata © OSzyae, 1 Mais WOpeente ‘Tepuowron ywiaes | Gba0w CBETE fer 20 actaspa isit © 1 the wide world 2, Ee rnas eno yminer coer, | Tonle sécraue 2ER, xaK OF, Henéro Mat CHET (ron aye cmen). | gt Oezam entre. “Ar daybreak an CE Mace noexan w rpox yt ener. ‘One has let /departed this ie ar CBET | SBeutforo masta, apeaaioro Gops6e_ 20 ‘Earthly ie terivu cstat ‘eon, en ma coer, Ginyu, ero wa Brow core nenb- wa ceod pete Jaminpi Crensno. eSiaarn harps, vo we Brow epee net | inv aden, nr enpaseaafaoene Tipestransi, (une winers tm) 9 JL" Toserom Botan sp roxtow CBETE. "To show or to cee somthing to the best Sininsce (now nomsinacs) wa CBET. | advantage, to piace romathing in 8 cod 1 be bor 2. To aris, to appear pes fons nownhacn na ener lien KGkcae nosericecean nipmin mpeaeras: ‘ser cod nporpaaney w miroxnom coete extant |rétto'l CBETS ound (usw » oxdune) 2,\tr8 enh x mommy ma ener, This is one’ ony joy and conslaton, BETA ttoro He blaer Mog exincreentutt ca-s> Tom ‘Not to eco anything, everything turns] cary 8 oun dee to catalan (02, wea yaenas roaonata Gon! Caé-|” Good-bye! ta Gbaoro ne aly Sine nSaswo. Hl abcen wart som, 0 (CHETA npecranatine rails — allo enasinss| ‘The end of the wold, doomeday, sto exsporo, CBIILAHI. Fsopiy, cxf atte tet mepeunaecn | See you soon! Open Bina ar motu na cofpinne?> —

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