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This document contains the three items of the mock exam, the

conclusion of the tests, and the properties of the barbeque sticks that we
tested that you will use in your computations.


DUE: DAY OF THE 3rd LE, 3PM at Pigeon Hole infront of ICE 319
1. Determine the support reactions at A
and D. E = 29000 ksi
Answers: Ay = 15 kips, Dx = 2kips,
Dy = 15 kips, Md = 19.5 kips-ft

2. Determine bar force AC. AE is

Ans. 7.91 kN
3. Given,
𝐴𝐵𝑥10−4 𝐸𝑥10−5 𝐴𝑥10−4
𝑬 = [ 𝐸𝑥10−5 𝐵𝐶𝑥10−4 𝐷𝑥10−5 ]
𝐴𝑥10−5 𝐷𝑥10−5 𝐶𝐷𝑥10−4

Where A,B,C,D, and E are the last five digits of your student
number, e.g.. 2011-ABCDE. Say, 2011-12040, then
ABx10-4 = 12x10-4, CDx10-4 = 4 x10-4, E x10-5 = 0, etc.
A. Determine the state of stress using the provided strain tensor.
B. Verify the diagonal elements of the state of stress by using the
following indicial notation:

C. Illustrate the stress block.

D. Determine the principal stresses and their corresponding
location (i.e., normal vectors)
E. Determine the absolute maximum shear stress
Take E =10000ksi and G = 3800ksi
Elastic Modulus
Mean E 14432.2041 MPa
Range 17950.9 10913.51 MPa

Yield Strength
Mean 195.4 MPa
Range 146.2065 244.5935 MPa

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