Consistent Specification Testing For Conditional Moment Restrictions

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Economics Letters 71 (2001) 299–306 / locate / econbase

Consistent specification testing for conditional moment

Yoon-Jae Whang a,b , *
Department of Economics, Ewha University, Seoul 120 -750, South Korea
Cowles Foundation, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, CT 06520, USA

Received 6 March 2000; accepted 11 October 2000


This paper introduces specification tests for conditional moment restrictions. The proposed tests are
generalizations of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Cramer–von Mises tests and they are consistent against all
alternatives to the null hypothesis, powerful against 1 /Œ]n local alternatives and not dependent on any smoothing
parameter. A nonparametric bootstrap procedure based on recentered criterion function is suggested to obtain
critical values for the tests and is justified asymptotically.  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bootstrap; Conditional moment restriction; Consistent specification test; GMM

JEL classification: C12

1. Introduction

This paper considers specification tests for conditional moment restrictions for independent
observations. Let hWi 5 (Y i9 , X 9i )9 [ R L 3 R K : i 5 1, . . . nj denote the observed random sample. We
are interested in testing the null hypothesis

H0 : E [ r (Yi , u0 )uXi ] 5 0 a.s. for some u0 [ Q , R P (1)

where r (.,.) : R 3 Q → R is a known function. The alternative hypothesis is the negation of H0 , that


H1 : E [ r (Yi , u )uXi ] ± 0 with positive probability for all u [ Q. (2)

*Tel.: 182-232-772-793; fax: 182-232-772-790.

E-mail address: (Y.-J. Whang).

0165-1765 / 01 / $ – see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0165-1765( 01 )00360-3
300 Y.-J. Whang / Economics Letters 71 (2001) 299 – 306

(It is possible that some of the elements Yi and Xi may overlap.) An important example of such
restriction is one where r (Yi , u0 ) is the error term of a nonlinear regression model. The restriction of
the type (1) is very common in economics. For example, an Euler equation from an optimizing
behavior of an economic agent under certain parametric assumption (e.g., on the utility function) often
yields such restriction with Xi corresponding to the variables in the information set (see, e.g., Hansen
and Singleton, 1982; Newey, 1990). In such case, our tests discussed below can be used to test
validity of the parametric assumption imposed.
The tests we consider are generalizations of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Cramer–von Mises tests
of goodness of fit. The tests introduced in this paper are (i) consistent against all alternatives to the
null hypothesis H0 ; (ii) powerful against 1 /Œ]n local alternatives to H0 ; (iii) not dependent on any
smoothing parameter; and (iv) simple to compute.
The testing problem considered here is related to the existing literature on consistent testing for
parametric regression functions against nonparametric alternatives. Examples of such test include
Ait-Sahalia et al. (2000); Bierens (1982, 1990); Bierens and Ploberger (1997); De Jong (1996);
Eubank and Spiegelman (1990); Fan and Li (1996); Gozalo (1993); Hardle ¨ and Mammen (1993);
Hong and White (1996); Li and Wang (1998); Whang (2000); Wooldridge (1992); Yatchew (1992);
and Zheng (1996), to mention only a few. To the best of our knowledge, most of the existing results
in the literature look into the special case in which Yi 5 (Y i* , Xi ) and r (Yi , u ) 5 Y *i 2 h(Xi , u ) for some
parametric function h(.,.), where Y *i , is the dependent variable 1 . The existing methods, however,
cannot be directly applicable to the general case in which the dependent variable is related to the
regressors through the implicit function r (. , .). Because of this general nature of r, we use a
nonparametric bootstrap procedure with recentered criterion function to approximate the asymptotic
null distribution of our test statistics.
Our tests are also related to the test of overidentifying restrictions in the GMM framework, which
tests the validity of unconditional moment restriction, e.g., Ef(Wi , u0 ) 5 0, where f(Wi , u ) 5 r (Yi ,
u )A(Xi ) and A(.) : R K → R M is a measurable function. However, since A(.) is a finite-dimensional
function, the latter test is not consistent against all the alternatives of the form (2).

2. The asymptotic null distributions

Let g(Wi , u, x) 5 p(Yi , u )(Xi # x), where (Xi # x) denotes the indicator function of the event Xi # x.2
To motivate our tests, note that, under the null hypothesis, we have E [g(Wi , u0 , x)] 5 0 ;x [ R K , for

We note that Lewbel (1995) develops a consistent test of general conditional moment restrictions in which the moment
function depends on data through a nonparametric function and applies it to test for Slutsky symmetry of demand system
without imposing any parametric assumptions. The focus of our test, however, is slightly different from his since we are
mainly interested in testing the validity of parametric specification of the moment function. On the other hand, Lewbel
(1995) considers a Bierens (1990) type test statistic using an exponential function as a weighting function. However, the
choice of this weighting function requires one to choose an nuisance space T * over which one calculates the test statistic.
But, in practice, testing results could be sensitive to both the choice of T * and the method of grid search over T * to calculate
the test statistic. On the other hand, the indicator function which we use as our weighting function does not have such
In the multivariate case K . 1, where Xi 5 (Xi 1 , . . . ,XiK )9 and x 5 (x 1 , . . . ,x K )9, we define (Xi # x) 5 P Km 51 (Xim # x m ).
Y.-J. Whang / Economics Letters 71 (2001) 299 – 306 301

some u0 [ Q. Under the alternative hypothesis, however, we have E[g(Wi , u, x) ± 0 for some x [ R K ,
for all u [ Q. This suggests that we can consider the following Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Cramer–
von Mises type tests statistics:

x [R K
1 n
n i51
KSn 5 sup unn (x, uˆ )u ; CMn 5 ] n 2n (Xi , uˆ ) (3)

] n g(W , u, x) and uˆ is an estimator of u .

where nn (x, u ) 5 (1 /Œn)o i 51 i 0
Let wp1 denote ‘with probability 1.’ To derive the asymptotic null distributions, we need the
following assumptions:

Assumption A1. h(Yi , Xi ) : i $ 1j are i.i.d. with joint distribution function H( y, x) of (Yi , Xi ),
conditional distribution function H( ? ux) of Yi given Xi 5 x and marginal distribution function G( ? ) of
Xi .

Assumption A2. (i) r (Yi , u ) is differentiable in u on a neighborhood N1 of u0 ;i $ 1. (ii) sup x [R K

supu :iu 2u 0 i#r n i1 /no ni 51 ≠ / ≠u r (Yi , u )(Xi # x) 2 D 0 (x)i → 0 wpl for all sequences of positive constants
hr n : n $ 1j such that r n → u, where D 0 (x) 5 E≠ / ≠ur (Yi , u0 )(Xi # x). (iii) sup x [R k iD 0 (x)i , ` and D 0 ( ? )
is uniformly continuous on R K with respect to the metric l(x 1 , x 2 ) 5 [E( r (Yi ,u0 ) ((Xi # x 1 ) 2 (Xi #
x 2 )))2 ] 1 / 2 . (iv) Eu r (Yi , u0 )u 21d , ` for some d . u.

Assumption A3. Œ]n( uˆ 2 u0 ) 5 D0 1 /Œno ] n c (Y , X , u ) 1 o (1), where D is a non-random P 3 P

i 51 i i 0 p 0
matrix that may depend on u0 , c ( ? , ? , ? ) : R L 3 R K 3 Q → R P is a measurable function that satisfies
Ec (Yi , Xi , u0 ) 5 0 and Eic (Yi , Xi , u0 )i 21 ´ , ` for some ´ . u.

Assumption A3 is very general and can be verified for many estimators that are Œn-consistent ] and
asymptotically normal using the results in the literature. For example, consider the moment condition
Ef(Wi , u0 ) 5 0 which holds under our null hypothesis, where f(Wi , u ) 5 r (Yi , u )A(Xi ) and A( ? ) :
R → R is a measurable function. Let f( ¯ u ) 5 1 /nof(W , u ). If uˆ is the one-step GMM estimator that
minimizes f( ¯ u )9V f(
¯ u ) for some fixed matrix V, then, Assumption A3 holds under general conditions
with D0 (J 09 V J 09 )21 J 90 V and c (Yi , Xi , u0 ) 5 f(Wi , u0 ), where J0 5 E(≠f(Wi , u0 ) / ≠u 9). On the other
hand, if uˆ is the two-step efficient GMM estimator minimizing f( ¯ u )9V ( u˜ )f(
¯ u ) where V (u ) 5 1 /
n n
nof(Wi , u )f(Wi , u )9] 21 ˜
and u is the one-step estimator, then Assumption A3 holds with D0 5
(J 90 V0 J 90 )21 J 09 V0 and c (Yi , Xi , u0 ) 5 f(Wi , u0 ), where V0 [Ef(Wi , u0 )f(Wi , u0 )9] 21 .
Now we show that the asymptotic null distributions of our test statistics are functionals of a mean
zero Gaussian process (n ( ? ), n 90 )9 with covariance function given by C(x 1 , x 2 , u0 , H ), where

C(x 1 , x 2 , u, H ) 5 EESp(c(y,y,ux,)(xu #) x )DSrc((y,y,ux,)(xu )# x )D9 dH( y, x).

1 2

Theorem 1. If Assumptions A1 – A3 hold under the null, then

(a) KSn → sup un (x) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 n0 u;
x [R K
302 Y.-J. Whang / Economics Letters 71 (2001) 299 – 306

(b) CMn → (n (x) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 n0 )2 dG(x).

The asymptotic null distributions of KSn and CMn depend on the ‘true’ parameter u0 and distribution
function G( ? ). The latter implies that the asymptotic critical values for KSn and CMn cannot be
tabulated. However, the bootstrap procedure can be used to approximate the null distributions.

3. Bootstrap approximation

The basic problem for bootstrapping a test statistic is how to impose the null hypothesis in the
resampling scheme. That is, the essential problem is to find a bootstrap distribution that mimics the
null distribution of the test statistic, even though the data fails to satisfy the null hypothesis.
Let hW *i 5 (Y *i 9, X *i 9)9: i # nj denote a bootstrap sample randomly drawn (with replacement) from
the empirical distribution of hWi : i # nj. Let E* denote the expectation relative to the distribution of
the bootstrap sample conditional on the original sample. Define g*(w, u, ? ) 5 r ( y, u )(x # ? ) 2
E*g(Wi , uˆ , ? ). Note that E*[g*(W i* , uˆ , x) 5 0. The latter can be considered as a bootstrap version of
the moment condition E[g(Wi , u0 , x)] 5 0. By recentering, therefore, the bootstrap version satisfies the
null restriction 3 . Now, compute the test statistics using the bootstrap sample:

x[R K
1 n
KS *n 5 sup un *n (x, uˆ *)u; CM *n 5 ] n 2n (X i* , uˆ *),
n i51

where n n* (x, u ) 5 (1 /Œn)] o n g*(W * , u, x), and uˆ * is an estimator of uˆ . If we repeat this step B
i51 i
times, then we can get the bootstrap distributions of our test statistics. Let c a nB ( uˆ ) (or c a nB ( uˆ ) be the

(1 2 a )-th sample quantile of the bootstrap distribution of KS *i (or CM *n ). It is called the bootstrap
critical value of significance level a. Thus, we reject the null hypothesis at the significance level a if
KSn . c a nB ( uˆ ) (or CMn . c a nB ( uˆ )). To justify this procedure, we need the following assumptions:

Assumption B1. (i) Œn( ] uˆ * 2 uˆ ) 5 D 1 /Œn] o n (Y * , X * , uˆ ) 1 o (1) conditional on (Y, X) 5 h(Y ,

0 i51 i i p i
Xi ) : i # 1j wp1 for D0 as defined in Assumption A3 (i) and E*c (Y *i , X i* , uˆ ) 5 0. (ii) E supu [N1 ic (Yi ,
Xi , u )i 21 ´ for some ´ . 0. (iii) E supu [N1 u r (Yi , u )u 21d , ` and E supu [N1 i≠ / ≠ur (Yi , u )i2 1 d / 1 1 d ,
` for some d . u.

Assumption B2. C(x 1 , x 2 , u, H ) is continuous in u at u0 ;x 1 , x 2 [ R K .

Assumption B3. uˆ → u1 a.s. for some u1 [ Q.

We now establish that the bootstrap distribution of KS n* (CM n* ) has the same limit as the asymptotic
null distribution of KSn (CMn ):

Theorem 2. Suppose Assumptions A1, A2, B1, B2 and B3 (with u1 5 u0 ) hold. Then, we have (a)

The idea of recentering a criterion function to mimic a population moment condition is not new in the bootstrap
literature, see, e.g. Hall and Horowitz (1996).
Y.-J. Whang / Economics Letters 71 (2001) 299 – 306 303

d d
KS *n → sup x [R K un (x) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 n0 u conditional on (Y, X) wp1 and (b) CM *n →e(n (x) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 n0 )2
dG(x) conditional on (Y, X) wp1.

Note that the limit distribution is absolutely continuous because it is the supremum (or integral) of a
Gaussian process with nonsingular covariance matrix. Therefore, Theorem 2 implies that the level a
critical value c KS ˆ CM ˆ
* (or CM n* ) converges
a nB ( u )(or c a nB ( u )) obtained from the bootstrap distribution of KS n
(conditional on the original sample) to the critical value c a (u0 )(or c a (u )) from the limit distribution
of KSn (or CMn ) as B → ` and → `. This suggests that the asymptotic significance level of our tests
using the bootstrap critical values is a as desired.4

4. Power properties

In this section we discuss the power properties of our tests against a sequence of local alternatives
and a fixed alternative.
First, consider the local alternatives of the following form:

HA : E [ r (Yi , u0 )uXi ] 5 d(Xi ) /Œn] a.s. for n 5 1,2, . . . , (6)

where d( ? ) is a non-zero function with Eud(Xi )u , `. Under HA , we assume that h(Yi , Xi ) : i # nj are
independently distributed with the conditional distribution of Yi uXi given by Q n ( ? uXi ) and Xi | G( ? ).
We further assume
Assumption C1. Œ]n( uˆ 2 u0 ) 5 D0 ]Œ] o n c (Y , X , u ) 1 o p (1), where Du is a non-random P 3 P
n i 51 L i K i 0
matrix that may depend on u0 , c ( ? , ? , ? ) : R 3 R 3 Q → R P is a measurable function that satisfies
] c ( y, x, u )dQ ( yux)dG(x) → j (u ) as n → ` for some j ( ? ) : Q → R P, (ii) sup eeic ( y, x,
(i) Œnee 0 n 0 n$1
u )i dQ n ( yux)dG(x) , ` for some ´ . 0 and (iii)eec 2 ( y, x, u0 )d(Q n ( yux) 2 H( yux))dG(x) → 0 as
21 ´

n → `.

Assumption C2. sup x *[R K ee r 2 ( y, u0 )(x # x*)d(Q n )( yux) 2 H( yux))dG(x) → 0


M1 5 sup un (x) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 n0 1 d (x)u and (7)

x[R K

E 2
M2 5 n (x) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 n0 1 d (x)) dG(x), where (8)

d (x) 5 d(x˜ )(x˜ # x)dG(x˜ ) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 j (u0 )

The asymptotic distributions of KSn and CMn under the local alternatives are given by:
For a more detailed discussion, see Whang (1998) Corollary 3.
304 Y.-J. Whang / Economics Letters 71 (2001) 299 – 306

Theorem 3. If Assumptions A2, C1, and C2 hold under HA , then we have (a) KSn → M1 and (b)
CMn →M2 .

Theorem 3 implies that our tests have non-trivial power against a sequence of 1 /Œn] local alternatives
and the asymptotic local powers of the tests KSn and CMn are given by P(M1 . c KS a (u0 )) and
P(M2 . c CM
a (u0 )) respectively.
Finally, we show that the tests KSn and CMn are consistent against the fixed alternative H1 :

Theorem 4. Suppose Assumptions A1, A2 and B3 hold and Eu r (Yi , ui )u , ` under the alternative
hypothesis H1. Then, for all sequences of rv’s hc n : n $ 1j with c n 5 Op (1), we have lim n→`
P(KSn . c n ) 5 1 and lim n →` P(CMn . c n ) 5 1.

Since the bootstrap critical value ca nB ( uˆ ) converges to ca (u1 ) , ` wp1 under H1 , it satisfies the
requirement of Theorem 4 on c n .


This research was supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant (KRF-2000) and was done in
part while the author was a visiting professor at Yale University. I thank Don Andrews, Peter Phillips,
Moto Shintani, an anonymous referee and the editor for helpful comments.

Appendix A

The asymptotic results in the main text can be proved using the approach of Andrews (1997) and
Whang (1998). We just sketch the main arguments. The proof of Theorem 1 is similar to that of
Theorem 2 and hence is omitted.

Proof of Theorem 2. Conditional on (Y, X), we have

n n* (x, u *) 5 ]
1 n
Œ] O
n i 51
[ r (Y i* , uˆ *)(X i* # x) 2 E*r (Y i* , uˆ )(X i* # x)]

FO 1 n ≠
5 n *n (x, uˆ ) 1 ] ]] r (Y *i , uˆ n* (x))(X *i # x) Œ]n( uˆ * 2 uˆ )
n i51 ≠u 9

5 n *n (x, uˆ ) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 ] ŒnO

1 n
] c (Y i* , X i* , uˆ ) o p (1)

uniformly in x, where the first equality holds by a mean value expansion with uˆ *n (x) [ ( uˆ *uˆ ) and the
second equality follows from Assumptions A2 and B1. By the functional CLT of Pollard (1990),
(Theorems 10.2 and 10.6) and Lemma A.3 of Whang (1998), we also have

S 1 n
n *n ( ? , uˆ )]
n i 51
c (Y i* , X *i , uˆ )9 9 ⇒ (n ( ? ), n 90 )9, (A.2)
Y.-J. Whang / Economics Letters 71 (2001) 299 – 306 305

conditional on (Y, X) wp1, where ⇒ denotes the weak convergence. Now, Theorem 2 holds by the
continuous mapping theorem (see Pollard (1984, Theorem IV.12, p. 70)). h

Proof of Theorem 3. Under the local alternatives, a mean value expansion argument gives

nn (x, uˆ ) 5 nn (x, u0 ) 1 D 0 (x)9D0 ]

1 n
Œ] O
n i 51
c (Yi , Xi , u0 ) 1 o p (1), uniformly in x. (A.3)


Snn ( ? , u )]
1 n
Œ] O
n i 51 D S E
c (Yi , Xi , u0 )9 9 ⇒ n ( ? ) 1 d(x)(x # ? ) dG(x),n 90 1 j (u0 )9 D (A.4)

by the functional CLT of Pollard. Theorem 3 now follows from the continuous mapping theorem.

Proof of Theorem 4. Let

Or(Y , u )(X # x); J(x, u ) 5 Er( y, u )(x˜ # x) dH( y, x˜ ).

Jn (x, u ) 5 ]
n i i

We have
sup uJn (x, uˆ ) 2 Jn (x, u1 )u 5 o p (1); (A.5)
x[R K

sup uJn (x, u1 ) 2 Jn (x, u1 )u 5 o p (1); (A.6)

x[R K

where (A.5) holds by a mean value expansion argument and (A.6) holds by Lemma A.3 of Whang
(1998). Therefore, we have
Œn] n 5 sup uJ(x, u1 )u 1 o p (1);
x [R K

]CMn 5 (J(x, u1 ))2 dG(x) 1 o p (1).
Now, Theorem 4 follows immediately since, under the alternative hypothesis H1 , there exists some
x 0 [ R K for which J(x 0 , ui ) ± u. h


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